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Experience in implementing extended producer

responsibility (EPR) to promote circular
economy development in Korea
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a necessary,
important factor in promoting and sustaining the circular
economy. This concept is expected to be an important solu-
tion to effectively solve the current plastic waste problem.
EPR is applied in many countries around the world to
control waste discharged into the environment. In other
words, EPR shows that the responsibility of the manufac-
turer does not stop at the product, but extends to post-con-
sumer waste management. Manufacturers are responsible
for recalling, sorting,
Recycle bottles, boxes, jars, bags, and packaging after
the product inside has been used up. Post-consumer waste
management belongs to the place where the waste is gen-
erated, rather than the Government’s job as before. To
understand the above regulations in Korea, Environment
▲ Mr. Lee Jae Kwon Magazine interviewed Mr. Lee Jae Kwon - Chief Represen-
Chief Representative of KEITI in Vietnam tative of KEITI in Vietnam.

• Could you please tell me, how is EPR regulated in Resource Cycle Basis” and Law on Sub-
the Korean legal system over the years? sidies such as “Law on Management of
Mr. Lee Jae Kwon: In Clause 1, Article 16 of Korea’s Subsidies”, “Regulations on general man-
Law on Resource Saving and Promotion of Recycling, it agement of Government subsidies”, spec-
is stated that “through the improvement of raw materials, ifying the ratio of support between the
structure and collection system at the production stage, Government budget and the local budget
the circulation stage can be promoting the recovery and for each waste treatment facility such as
recycling; or among products and packaging with a large waste incinerators, biogas synthesis facil-
amount of waste generated after use, waste production, im- ities from organic waste, ordinary pub-
port, recovery, recycling...". This is a regulation in the list of lic sorting facilities, landfilling facilities,
products in the Presidential Ordinance. Also in Clause 3 of building environmentally friendly energy
this Law, manufacturers who are obliged to recycle must zones, general waste treatment facilities
pay the recycling division to the Mutual Association. in agricultural and fishery areas...
The combination of the above clauses shows that the This Regulation applies not only to
Korean EPR stipulates that the manufacturer of the prod- projects implemented from the budget
uct or the manufacturer that uses the packaging is obliged of local governments, but also to proj-
to recycle a certain amount of waste generated by the prod- ects directly invested and operated by
uct or packaging and carry out recycling and processing; the private sector. In 2023, the Regula-
in case of not being directly recycled, the manufacturer tion is revised, expanding the recipients
must make financial contributions and expenses to carry of government subsidies to be pre-treat-
out the recycling. ment facilities to reduce the landfill rate
The EPR Regulation in Korea was revised and supple- to zero and facilities for sorting recyclable
mented from the deposit regulation that was implemented domestic waste at construction sites. con-
in 1992 and took effect on January 1st, 2003, with a focus struction with less than 5 tons of waste
on the recycling system. generated to promote recycling of house-
hold waste, the regulation demonstrates
• Could you please tell me some specific regulations
the Korean government’s constant efforts
on principles, conditions, documents and procedures for to promote resource recycling.
financial support for recycling and waste treatment ac- With the EPR mechanism, there will
tivities in Korea? be a recycling share payable to the waste
Mr. Lee Jae Kwon: Every year, the Korean Ministry recycling community. This is about 200
of Environment amends the regulations on job handling, billion won per year through the Korea
Government subsidies and financial support. The regula- Resource Circulation Assistance Agency
tion is based on the main Laws in the field of waste man- and support for recycling units based on
agement such as “Law on Waste Management”, “Law on the volume of recycling.

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• What are the advantages and disadvantages of im- The EPR regime is conducted in the follow-
plementing this content in Korea? ing order: (1) Announce the rate of reuse ob-
Mr. Lee Jae Kwon: Korea differs from European ligation of each product (Korea’s Ministry of
countries and Japan in enforcing the previous regulation Environment announced in December of the
of collecting waste fees by volume, through the consum- previous year); (2) Submit and approve the plan
er recycling responsibility regime. Accordingly, the con- of collection and recycling obligations (Janu-
sumer’s recycling responsibility regime, building a system ary - February of the same year, manufacturer ↔
to easily classify recyclable wastes. To further improves Korea Environment Agency); (3) Enforcement
this regime, EPR has been applied to improve recycling of recycling obligations (From January to De-
capacity from sorting to recycling. When implementing cember of the same year, the manufacturer); (4)
EPR in combination with the recycling responsibility of Submit report on quantity and results of prod-
consumers previously implemented not only helps man- ucts subject to recycling obligation (Done in
ufacturers avoid having to pay double costs for waste April of the following year); (5) Notice of recy-
collection and treatment, creating a balance in terms of cling fee (implemented in July next year, Mutu-
waste collection and disposal. In addition, the EPR Reg- al Association); (6) Pay the recycling fee (To be
ulation also creates employment and economic efficien- done in August next year). The manufacturer
cy (savings in landfill costs, incineration costs). has a recycling obligation, the Mutual Associa-
However, that Regulation has not only positive sides. tion and the Korea Environment Agency coor-
If EPR regulations are not implemented thoroughly, it dinate and monitor each other according to the
will make the growth of the recycling market less sta- above process.
ble, becoming a cause affecting investment decisions • In order to promote a circular economy,
and narrowing the technology development of entities what experience would you share from Korea so
in the recycling industry. In addition, the list of EPR that Vietnam can refer to it in the near future?
implementations such as paper packaging, synthetic Mr. Lee Jae Kwon: Circular economy is the
plastics, household appliances, fluorescent products... concept to change “linear economy” which is
also has a large difference in the results of recycling, using a lot of resources and creating waste. To
so it is also a limitation that increases the efficiency of create a circular economy that does not waste
recycling. instability in the recycling market. It can be resources and continues to reuse is not just
concluded that, in order to promote recycling growth about recycling once or twice. Therefore, it is
in each category, the most important thing is still the necessary to continuously reuse recycled ma-
Government’s support for technology development and terials over and over again. In order to do so,
appropriate policy formulation. the recycled material must be of good quality
• How is the mechanism of organization, operation, and must maintain stable quality. Therefore,
and monitoring of EPR implementation to promote effi- consumers, manufacturers, recovery and recy-
ciency, the right audience and the set purpose, sir? cling businesses, and the Government must all
Mr. Lee Jae Kwon: To operate the EPR regulation, it is work together to promote the circular economy.
necessary to divide the roles of consumers, local author- I would like to emphasize that the circular econ-
ities, manufacturers, Mutual Associations, Ministries/ omy should not only operate as an “economic
sectors, and Government agencies. First, consumers principle”.
have to do the sorting of recycled products before throw- The industrial model is gradually changing
ing them away, local authorities have a form of punish- in response to climate change occurring around
ment for violators, and monitor people to comply with the world. The use of recycled materials has also
the regulations. Producers who are obligated to recycle become the norm in the industry. The Europe-
are obliged to recover and reuse recycled products under an Union (EU) has developed a plan by 2030,
Article 16 of the Law on Resource Saving and Promotion the mandatory use rate of renewable materials
of Recycling. In addition, the reciprocal associations for is 30%. It also means that if Korean businesses
each material recycling project also need to strictly man- want to export products to EU countries, they
age the distribution of money for recycling in order to must also use 30% of recycled materials. In
realize the common recycling community according to the future, the use of recycled materials is not
the obligation based on the above Law. an option but becomes a reality. Like it or not,
At the same time, there should be Government agen- a steady supply of good quality renewable raw
cies (Korea Environment Agency) in charge of adminis- materials will become the competitiveness of
tration related to regulatory compliance such as receiv- the industry and become the determining fac-
ing reports on recycling collection obligations, recycling tor of the circular economy. Vietnam is not an
results. For each manufacturer, the Korean Ministry of exception to this trend, so to promote the circu-
Environment is in charge of the entire EPR process such lar economy, it is necessary to change the policy
as the development and amendment of the Law, the an- and industrial environment.
nouncement of the recycling list, the establishment of the • Thank you very much!
Mutual Association... PHẠM ĐÌNH

38 ENVIRONMENT English edition II/2023

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