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Questions and Answers Prepared in close Coordination Jitendra Kumar Sir [ BSF (Commandant) Ret’d]

We thank him for Giving his valuable time for it

 Course of Action in a Naxal prone Area

As an Assistant Commandant so What will be your course of action initially in a Naxal Prone Area

⁍ Sir my Foremost strategy would be to develop a good informed network this will include: Maintaining
Liasoning / coordination with local police , sister Agencies [Central paramilitary forces , Intelligence as
well] and gathering actionable intelligence at the ground level.

⁍ Sir in the Naxal prone area we would be conducting ANO (Anti – Naxal Operations) my course of
action shall be Selectively targeting the Maoist leadership

⁍ Maintain touch with surrendered cadres and families of Underground cadres and render help

 During a Terrorist Attack Situation

Suppose an attack like URI/ Pathankot Happens what will you do to secure base.

⁍ Firstly, sir the camp is all around guarded and the entire area are under observation in scanner . All alert
mechanism sike Siren is available present in quarter guard. any sentry should immediately coordinate
with the Guard commander. The immediate response will be given by on ground sentry .

⁍ Generally All camps have QRT ( Quick Reaction Teams ) are nearby Quarter guard and spl rooms are
their for , They have all the basic requirements like ammunition and vehicle

⁍ All battalions have a security officers assigned [ Generally Adjutant] which he should immediately
convey with the commandant

 Protocol for Peaceful Protest

There is a non-violent movement going on and you are posted as a commandant. How will you proceed?

⁍ Making sure that Civil Permission is Available for the Protest Coordinate with local police making sure
all protocols are followed and Public is not Disturbed. If there is no Permission

⁍ Sir I will informed the that in govt order no one can disobey them: If not Permitted Using a
Loudspeaker aimed to provide correct information [ Law and Order Problem etc] to the people at the
right time and telling them about all repercussion – jail , career etc

⁍ Using minimum force if required: making sure all my jawans have Self protection Gear available will
try to disburse the crowd
 Protocol for Riot control?

If you are surrounded by stone pelters in JnK and you have no other weapon except gun to shoot what
will you do? How crpf handles stone pelting ? can u say about the sop

Internal Security duty has a particular laid down procedure

1) First Loudspeaker where if section 144 is imposed and DM is taken into power and telling them about
all repercussion – jail , career etc

2) Even after the crowd does not get removed – Water gun 25 -40 m – Coloured water whereby later
booking is possible. Aso gas ( No health issues ) and making sure all my jawans have Self protection
Gear available

3) If the situation will be very hostile then Limited fire in Air : whereby asking a particular jawan to shoot
to make sure unnecessary hostility does happen

4) Lathi charge

5) Pump Action Gun / Pellet Gun to be used thereafter. When the mob goes on ravaging. and below the
waist only

6) Below Waist Fire :. If Mob Turns Violent and Start Attacking troops with their life at risk then Limited
Fire maybe Ordered below waist

 Conducting Operation in Hostile Environment Protocol during Suspicious Situations

Spl in J&K :

If you are posted as an Ac in very remote area where the villagers are hostile towards you and your
forces. How will you conduct operation there

⁍ I will demand for additional manpower as per requirement of Operation Keeping the situation in mind
and area

⁍ First I will cordon the marked Area : Taking the area in Control To make sure that escape is not
possible by plugging any gaps

⁍ Gathering at a particular Location: Liasoning with Masjiq Imam / Maulvi to announce through
Loudspeaker to gather at a particular marked place

⁍ Followed by Search Operation Thereafter Search operation carried out [ Maulvi / Iman and other
respected person [Bada Buddha] Pradhan , teachers , Educationists and law abiding citizens and talking
them into power we can search the premises and obtain a certificate that there is no any wrongdoings
 Ambush Attack Strategy

You are CRPF officer moving with 3 vehicles in naxal area and you are fired upon. What will you do??

⁍ Taking defensive Position Retaliate to pin down the Naxalite from the vehicle itself by selective troops
marked for the purpose , Not Stopping the Vehicle at all; Saving more men will be my foremost Strategy.
And escaping out from the Ambush area

⁍ Immediate First AID and medical team is there Doctors , Nursing assistant

⁍ Local Commanders will be informed : to the Earliest

 Protocol During VVIP movement/Convoy Moment

What will be your Course of Action for safe movement of Your Convoy / VVIP

⁍First the Area should be cleared , ROP should be placed and after confirmation of all security protocols
in place in right order [ Making sure all information are available like Number of Vehicles. Bullet proof
vehicles , Clearing of Vehicles , Area info , route info available , alternate route availability]

⁍Movement during such a situation is given after getting clearance from the Area Commanders

⁍After that convoy / VVIP movement should be allowed

 Protocol During Tackling IEDS

First my Prime Target is to Determine the IED Location :

Tech: Currently The battery-powered robot 'Daksha' is primarily designed for the safe handling and
destruction or detection of IEDs using multiple cameras, X-ray devices. It has a shotgun, which can break
the closed doors. The scanner installed in it can scan cars to check explosives.

Metal detectors are of Many types Deep search metal detector [ DSMD] ,another is hand held metal

Secondly my aim will be IED Destruction

Firstly the Area should be cleared and take all necessary safety precautions Then Destroy Using TNT and
PEK [ Plastic explosive Kirki ]
 Sharing of Critical Information

Suppose you are AC in CRPF . You receive a Telephone call for information on ops and administration
matters on urgent basis . He pretends to be staff in Min of Home Affairs what will be COA

Generally Company commander sir will not get such an information as it will come from commander
There is a channel / system of Information in Forces
CC – Adjutant Battalion Commander [ Generally receiving and handling Ops Operations] – SHQ and
Even SHQ have Frontiers . If any order other than this channel convey Commandant

 Civilian Crossing Border

If a Girl has Crossed the Border What u Will do to Bring her Back

For any cross border issue whenever any changes in cross border things happen

Immediate Flag meetings are conducted with information / prior permission of Commandant whereby
White flag is raised on selected Border Pillar . [ With Proper Security Precautions] and give details to the
counterpart about the Girl [ Age , Height , Place of crossing , Time etc]

And then handing over to the respective family in presence of Gram Pradhan and respective members of
village and by obtaining a receipt

Rehabilitation /Peaceful Surrender Strategy

Suppose You are in the Naxal Prone area and the Naxals are living in their place and not disturbing the
society . So how ill you convince the Naxals to come into the mainstream

⁍ Explaining about the Surrender cum Rehabilitation Policy How to apply? How Long the Surrender
Policy is Active. Sir although a lot of things will depend on the dynamics of the Situation but as far as I
have seen the interviews of Naxal leaders on television and media I think there is still a huge
communication gap

⁍ When Naxals put up Demands But since many a time the naxals put up various conditions then I would
be informing my seniors and look after the required Procedures that need to be taken their after . But I
don’t think we should be talking to Naxals. I think we should be talking to the victims of Naxalism.
Abuse of Power situation

What will you do if some Naxalite have been captured and taken to forest by crpf men and shot down If
your battalion has been a victim of IED blast and the soldiers go on ravaging the villages blaming them
for blasts ? What would you do ?

⁍ Withdrawal from Duty First Talk with the troops and stop such nuisance action and return back to base
and ask to deposit their arms and Ammunition and enquire the matter in detail

⁍ Informing the battalion commander thereafter and taking the battalion commander in confidence I will
take the necessary action

⁍ Generally COI [ court of Enquiry] / ROE [ Record of evidence ] will be will be ordered by
commandant and officer will be detailed for the same

 Harassment Happening in front of You :

Miscreants harassing women villagers in Naxal affected areas, villagers report complaint to you, what
shall be done?

⁍ Immediately Arresting the Miscreants , informing the Police

⁍ Preliminary interrogation [which are permitted to us] will be done with the help our own intelligence

⁍ Miscreants and the witnesses to be handed over to Police

Stopping Grouping in Company

 Suppose you are briefing your Jawans about operation , in -between one Jawan oppose your Plan and
refuse to go on operation while questioning your leadership , 2 more Jawans Supported him . You are
running short of Time what will you do / if u give some order to your junior and he refuses, then what
would you do?

Orders in CAPFs are always passed in systematic way from higher authorities to the company
commander and then to ground level troops

In forces there is a briefing – Jawans have to listen . Where by disobeying the command will lead to
disciplinary action [quarter guard / dismissal] . Also during training the rules and regulations are
explained and generally these type of questions do not occur
 Food Revolt

Suppose Your Jawan Makes a Video of dining and lodging facilities provided for jawans is inadequate
and unhygienic. Your jawans are angry and have complained to you. What would be your course of

Company commander should immediately rush to place of incident and rectify the grievances by
arrangement for Alternative meal for the jawans from company headquarters

Meanwhile At company commander level matter should be inquired in details , preparing a report with a
sufficient witness and ground realities of the incident and forward to Battalion Headquarters

 Protocol during conducting a raid / Militant hideout in a suspected Location .

If posted in Srinagar and info about attack then you start patrolling and found 2 suspect highly suspicious
militant hiding in home if you try to arrest them your life and your personnel life may have threat

Raid operation whereby firstly escape routes will be plugged with effective weapons

Announcing the militants to surrender since no escape is possible . and if they don’t agree; then raid
operation will be carried out with storming action

 Give 5 steps to ensure security of UPSC campus

1) All round wall with limited entrance and Exit Points with Proper armed Guards and entrance be
allowed only on certain grounds

2) Security Towers with sufficient Height and 24 hours Observation guard

3) Barricades should be placed at each Entry and Exit Points

4) Electrical / Manual Nail Planks be placed at all entry and exit Points

5) Quick action Teams should be available at all times

 Protocol during Communal Violence

SRT If there sis Communal Violence Spread in your Area how will be your strategy to handle it

⁍Curfew to be put in place : Making sure all administrative orders have been put in place and taking all
the briefing from local police / Civil Administration

⁍Flag March carried out in the Area : Show of strength [giving the assurity that situation is now in
armed forces Control ]

⁍Liasoning with all religious Heads : All the religions heads Imams , Pujaris , Granthis , Fathers etc and
other respected persons should be asked to announce though loudspeakers to maintain peace

⁍Door to Door Search Operation : Post all these activities when the crowd has been cleared troops will
carry out Door to door search operations

 Suppose if you want to do a camping in jungle , what parameters will you consider to establish a
temporary camp

⁍ Selecting the area at a dominating raised ground with deployability of troops

⁍ Area should be away from civilian population

⁍ Clearing Enough area for all round observation to avoid any kind of Stealth attack

⁍ Administrative backup is easily available [ Fresh Ration, Dry Ration , Water etc ]

 How will you manage members of your team as they will have different moods n conflicting

⁍ Firstly There is no place of caste , creed , politics in Forces and prevent any kind of regional or
communal issues and Commander should be impartial for all troops

⁍ I will see the preference of the members, their nature n suitable areas of their work, then to
understand each other's mood I'll organise games between them so that they will GEL with each other
and work in co-ordinate manner towards specific goal of the team.

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