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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: (Installing Officer)

With one accord, we have come to install our newly elected officers and to renew our pledge of
loyalty to God. Great is the task before us - that of helping one another in our search for a deeper
understanding of Christian love and faith and what it means in our daily living. Let this moment be a
time to meditate on the beauty, harmony, and joy of working together. Think of the United Methodist
Women's Society of Christian Service as a rainbow of colors to make an arch of harmonious hues.

THE CHARGE: (Officer stands as she is called facing the congregation)

(The Secretary will call the names of new sets of Officers)
1. The President.
To you is given the RED ribbon. RED is the strongest color and the central color of the rainbow. From
the red center, the other colors spread out in softer shades. May this color remind you of the great
demand upon you as president of this organization.
2. The Vice President.
YELLOW is a helping color, but one which gives warmth and brightness to the rainbow. As Vice
President, you will be called upon to help plan the programs and in other ways assist the president.
May the yellow colors remind you of the importance of being helpful in every way planning programs
and activities that will give new life to the Society
3. The Secretary.
To you is given the BLUE color a symbol of dependability and of bringing a cool serenity into all
situations. May this remind you of your responsibility as secretary to always be on hand to keep
accurate records and carry on correspondence of the society in all effective ways.

4. The Treasurer,
LAVENDER symbolizes integrity. Again, the dependability of the lavender color. May this lavender
color remind you of the need for faithful stewardship of our material resources and the importance of
integrity and dependability.

5. Coordinator for Spiritual Life and Worship,

6. Coordinator for Service and Project,
7. Coordinator for Study and Program.
To all of you, we give you these WHITE sashes. White stands for purity and sincerity. May you
sincerely and Sithfully work together for the benefit of this society. Support one another as you hold
high the torch of the Women's Society of Christian Service. May each color be a reminder that such is
beautiful in itself, but this beauty is seen only and your objectives be realized when you are united to
work together in harmony and in truth, following Christ as your example.

8. Advisers of this Society.

To you, we give this PINK sashes. This color symbolizes love and devotion. As advisers, you are
expected to help these newly elected officers to work in harmony and love. You should be always
ready to lend a helping hand whenever they come to you for help and Assistance. You are expected
to guide them, inspire them, empower them, and mold them for better service.
7. The Consultants
To you, we give this GREEN color as consultants of this organization. Green symbolizes HOPE. May
you faithfully do your tasks to comfort these officers when discouraged, nourish them socially,
morally, and above all spiritually Praying always for the success of this society Remember that
everybody is very important in order to have a very meaningful and successful organization.
As officers of the United Methodist Women's Society of Christian Service, do you promise to do your
part faithfully as God enables you to do it?
OFFICERS: We do, with God's help
INSTALLING OFFICER: (Ask the congregation to stand)
All of us here are united in God's plan. For He has touched each of us, with a special tint or color, and
He has given each of us a special talent. As we work together and with these officers, the new
harmony or color of our rainbow of service will become evident. Are you ready and willing to do your
share as members of this church?
THE CONGREGATION: We do, with God's help.

THE RITUAL The Installing Officer

Let us pray.
Almighty God, pour out your blessings upon these your servants
who have been given particular ministries in your church.
Grant them grace to give themselves wholeheartedly in your service.
Keep before them the example of our Lord,
who did not think first of himself, but gave himself for us all.
Let them share his ministry and consecration,
that they may enter into his joy.
Guide them in their work.
Reward their faithfulness with the knowledge
that through them your purposes are accomplished;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The pastor addresses the congregation:

Dear friends, rejoice that God provides laborers for the vineyards. Will you do all you can to assist
and encourage them in the responsibilities to which they have been called, giving them your
cooperation, your counsel, and your prayers?
The congregation responds: We will.

The pastor may greet the leaders individually.


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