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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

Fourth Quarter Authentic Assessment: Interactive Exhibit

Self-Evaluation Form

This must be submitted to the Assistant Leader.

Exemplary Satisfactory
Research & I collected lots of I collected some
Collecting information from various information from
Information Sources such as books, few sources.
internet, etc.
I always shared my I sometimes shared my
information or ideas with all information or ideas with
Sharing my team members. I always my team members and
collaborate with my team & my teacher.
my teachers
I met all deadlines & I was I met most deadlines &
Completing not late for meetings or to was only late for some
Tasks complete work meetings or to complete
I always helped every team I helped some member
Contribution member with all tasks such to gather information
as gathering information, and edit work.
editing work
I always listened to the ideas I sometimes listened to
Listening to Other and suggestions from my the ideas & suggestions
group members team. my team.

I never argued with my team I sometimes argued with my

Cooperating with mates. team mates.
my team members

Kenneth Atienza

Gerriz P. Galvan
Arts from the Regions
sessment: Interactive Exhibit
ation Form

Developing RATING
I only collected a little
Information from few
I shared little information
or ideas with my team
members and my teacher.

I missed many deadlines
& was often late for
meetings or to complete
work. 5
I didn't help my team mates
to gather information
and edit work.
I didn’t listen to my team
mates. I often did it
my own way.
I often argued with my
team mates.

TOTAL/30 30

Grade and Section

Group Number

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