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Nowadays people are anxious, depressed or angry about anything.

Society spins very fast and never stops. Families are always stressed because they have
many activities: work, gym, economy, news, children and their activities, school...

All these activities have a schedule, people run from one to another and spend time.
We want to do all the activities and we forget to stop and relax.

Many drivers when they arrive in a traffic jam with their car feel nervous and then angry.
Some drivers pass you on the right or cut in front of you in line.
These people are more likely to have an accident or commit one.

When a person driving slowly is ahead, someone blows the car whistle to make the other
driver nervous.

But in other countries where traffic has no rules and is very crowded, the drivers are very
calm and even laugh.

Time is the same for everyone, although it is better to spend it without stress or anxiety, your
life will be longer.

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