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6/12/24, 10:09 PM NTS SST HM AJK 2024 Test 14

NTS SST HM AJK 2024 Test 14

It is compulsory to attempt this test for all participants

Do this test for just only once.

After the final result, this test may be attempted for practice

This test consists of 40 marks while the time limit is also 40 minutes

The passing criteria is 70 percent i.e. 28 marks.

Good luck

1. Micro teaching is used for: (1 point)

⚪ Extended Lectures
⚫ Teaching Practice
⚪ Administration Practice
⚪ Management Practice

2. A normal student's erratic behaviour in class should: (1 point)

⚪ Be ignored
⚪ Not be expected
⚫ Be dealt wisely
⚪ None of the above

3. Small group discussion gives more opportunities to the learners to interact with: (1 point)
⚫ Peers
⚪ Principal
⚪ Facilitator
⚪ None of the above

4. Which of the following is not a teaching aid? (1 point)

⚪ Tape recorder
⚪ Film Projector
⚪ Model of an elephant
⚫ Cash book

5. All of the following are the methods of teaching, which one tends to be more student centric? (1 point)
⚫ Self Study Method 1/8
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⚪ Team Teaching Method

⚪ Direct Instruction
⚪ Demonstration Method

6. Which of the following is a visual aid? (1 point)

⚪ Microphone
⚪ Tape Recorder
⚫ Projector
⚪ Speaker

7. Of the following, the more interactive method which a modern day teacher would adopt is: (1 point)
⚪ Direct Instruciton
⚪ Textbook Method
⚪ Coercive Method
⚫ Think pair share

8. Grammar Translation Method comes under the category of: (1 point)

⚪ Inductive Methods
⚫ Deductive Methods
⚪ Natural Methods
⚪ Communicative Methods

9. In order to find out the specific facts or information, we use: (1 point)

⚪ Skimming
⚫ Scanning
⚪ Extensive Reading
⚪ Chunking

10. The receptive skills help building understanding, the following are the receptive skills: (1 point)
⚪ Listening and speaking
⚪ Reading and writing
⚪ Speaking and writing
⚫ Listening and reading

11. Lingual mean: (1 point)

⚪ Listening
⚫ Spkeaking 2/8
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⚪ Reading
⚪ Writing

12. Figurative Language is the use of words or phrases to create a special meaning. It's non-literal, (1 point)
which means the use of language shouldn't be taken as fact but creatively interpreted.
Figurative language often has a different meaning or intention that goes beyond the ways the
word or phrase is typically used. It is mostly used in:
⚪ Home
⚪ Office
⚪ Classroom Management
⚫ Poetry

13. A ________________question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed (1 point)

by a mini-question. We use such questions to ask for confirmation. They mean something like:
"Is that right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English.
⚫ Tag
⚪ Open ended
⚪ Close ended
⚪ None of the above

14. Grammar Translation Method is useful for: (1 point)

⚪ Small classes
⚫ Large classes
⚪ Modern Day Classes
⚪ Inductive Teaching

15. Babies_______ on another language to learn their first language. (1 point)

⚪ Rely
⚫ Never rely
⚪ Learn
⚪ Speak

16. Which of the following is among basic rules of language learning in Audio-Lingual Approach? (1 point)
⚫ Dialogue memorization
⚪ Reading extensively
⚪ Reading and writing
⚪ Style

17. According to Behaviorists,___________ is extremely important in learning anything. (1 point) 3/8
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⚪ Notion of yelling
⚪ Notion of cramming
⚪ Notion of teaching
⚫ Notion of repetition

18. A positive reinforcement is ___________of a desired response by a pleasant stimulus. (1 point)

⚫ The encouragement
⚪ The discouragement
⚪ The remarks
⚪ The coercing

19. Mentaisit/Innate Theory was a reaction against (1 point)

⚪ Pedagogical Theory
⚪ Grammar Translation Method
⚫ Behaviourist Theory of language learning
⚪ None of these

20. A foreign language should be taught—— (1 point)

⚫ In situation
⚪ In classroom
⚪ At home
⚪ on the open field

21. Music and relaxed environment Plays an important role in: (1 point)
⚫ Suggestopedia
⚪ Wikipedia
⚪ Encyclopedia

22. Speak Speak and Speak is one of the characteristic of: (1 point)
⚪ Suggestopedia
⚪ Wikipedia
⚪ Encyclopedia

23. Jumping, Standing, Sitting, Opening books and closing eyes is an example of the use of (1 point)
_________ in classroom. 4/8
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24. _________________leads the students to discover facts. It is based on the principal of learning (1 point)
by doing, learning by observation and proceeding from concrete to abstract. It is only the
extension of inductive method.
⚫ Laboratory Method
⚪ Field Trip
⚪ Discussion
⚪ Nudging

25. Cassettes, microphone, podcast, Charts, real objects, photographs, Slides, tapes, films, (1 point)
filmstrips, television, video, multimedia, Computers, graphing calculators, tablets are the
examples of:
⚪ Instructional Material
⚪ Teaching Learning Material (TLM)
⚪ Audio Visual Aids
⚫ All of the above

26. Armstrong was the exponent of (1 point)

⚪ Demonstration Method
⚪ Project method
⚪ Discussion method
⚫ Heuristic method

27. ________________ is based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking (1 point)
and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.
⚫ The Socratic Method
⚪ Discussion method
⚪ Inquiry method
⚪ Heuristic method

28. In which of the following, teacher is ready to follow the innovation? (1 point)
⚪ Teacher oriented method
⚫ Learner oriented method
⚪ Subject oriented method 5/8
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⚪ Textbook method

29. A ________________is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social (1 point)

environment, involving natural selection and real life activities oriented towards achieving
⚫ project
⚪ multimedia
⚪ visual instruction
⚪ buzz group

30. Making real-world connections through exploration and high-level questioning, engaging in (1 point)
problem-solving and experiential learning are the features of:
⚪ Simulation
⚪ Tutorial
⚫ Inquiry based learning
⚪ Small Group Method

31. Democratic values, interaction, mutual learning and participation are the features of: (1 point)
⚫ Activity Based Learning
⚪ Demonstration
⚪ Inquiry based learning
⚪ None of the above

32. Method of induction is based on: (1 point)

⚫ Particular to general
⚪ General to particular
⚪ Unknown to known
⚪ Complex to easy

33. Method based on Dewy’s philosophy is: (1 point)

⚪ Lecture Method
⚪ Demonstration Method
⚪ Inquiry Method
⚫ Project Method

34. Cognitive domain has _____ levels of objectives for learners. (1 point)
⚪3 6/8
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35. To put ideas together to form a new whole is: (1 point)

⚪ Evaluation
⚫ Synthesis
⚪ Analysis
⚪ Application

36. Attitudes, values and interests are reflected by: (1 point)

⚪ Cognitive domain
⚫ Affective domain
⚪ Psychomotor domain
⚪ None of the above

37. The last level of psychomotor domain is: (1 point)

⚪ Organization
⚪ Characterization
⚫ Origination
⚪ Evaluation

38. Organization and Characterization are the levels of objectives in the: (1 point)
⚪ Cognitive Domain
⚫ Affective Domain
⚪ Psychomotor Domain
⚪ All of the above

39. If students construct a model to show how something works, they are: (1 point)
⚪ Evaluating
⚫ Applying
⚪ Synthesizing
⚪ All of the above

40. In SOLO Taxonomy, the learner knows just a single relevant aspect of a task or a subject. At (1 point)
this stage, the student only knows about the basic concept of the task or the subject. He is at
the __________ level.
⚪ Pre-structural level
⚫ Unistructural level 7/8
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⚪ Multistructural level
⚪ Relational level 8/8

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