Logic Symbolic

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Lesson 5: Theories of Knowledge and Criteria of Truth  Skepticism calls into question the possibility
of attaining knowledge with certainty.
Theories of Knowledge
Skeptics argue that knowledge claims are
Theories of knowledge, also known as epistemological inherently uncertain and subject to doubt.
theories, seek to understand the nature, scope, and limits of
 Philosophical skepticism challenges the
knowledge. Here are some prominent theories of knowledge:
reliability of our senses, the validity of logical
1. Empiricism: reasoning, and the possibility of objective
 Empiricism asserts that knowledge originates
from sensory experience and observation.  Key proponents: Pyrrho of Elis, Sextus
According to this theory, all knowledge is Empiricus, David Hume (in his empirical
derived from sensory perceptions and skepticism).
empirical evidence.
5. Coherentism:
 Empiricists argue that our senses provide the
 Coherentism proposes that knowledge consists
foundation for acquiring knowledge about the
of a coherent system of beliefs that mutually
world, and that experience is the primary
support and reinforce each other. According to
source of justification for beliefs.
this theory, beliefs are justified by their
 Key proponents: John Locke, George coherence within a larger network of beliefs.
Berkeley, David Hume.
 Coherentists reject the idea of foundational
2. Rationalism: beliefs and argue that justification is derived
from the internal consistency and coherence of
 Rationalism holds that reason and rationality one's beliefs.
are the primary sources of knowledge.
According to this theory, certain truths can be  Key proponents: Wilfrid Sellars, Laurence
known independently of sensory experience BonJour.
through innate ideas or logical reasoning.
6. Foundationalism:
 Rationalists believe that knowledge is based
 Foundationalism posits that knowledge is built
on innate concepts or principles that are
upon a foundation of basic, self-evident
grasped through the intellect, rather than
beliefs or truths. These foundational beliefs
through sensory perception alone.
serve as the starting point for acquiring and
 Key proponents: René Descartes, Baruch justifying other beliefs.
Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
 Foundationalists argue that certain beliefs are
3. Empirical Rationalism (Critical Rationalism): properly basic and do not require further
justification, providing a secure epistemic
 Empirical rationalism synthesizes elements of foundation for knowledge.
empiricism and rationalism. It acknowledges
the importance of empirical evidence in  Key proponents: Aristotle, Descartes, Alvin
acquiring knowledge, while also recognizing Plantinga.
the role of reason and critical thinking in
These theories offer different perspectives on how
evaluating and refining beliefs.
knowledge is acquired, justified, and evaluated, reflecting
 This theory emphasizes the iterative process diverse approaches to understanding the nature of human
of conjecture and refutation, where hypotheses cognition and the pursuit of truth.
are proposed and subjected to empirical
Criteria of Truth
testing and criticism.
The criteria of truth are philosophical frameworks or
 Key proponent: Karl Popper. theories that seek to define what makes a statement or belief
4. Skepticism: true. Here are three prominent theories of truth:
a. Correspondence Theory: Lesson 7: Symbolic Logic
 According to the correspondence theory of truth, a 1. Conjunction ( ∧ ):
statement is considered true if it corresponds to or
accurately represents facts or reality. In other words,  The symbol for conjunction, often referred
truth is a matter of correspondence between statements to as "and," represents the logical
and the world. operation of combining two statements
 This theory suggests that truth is objective and where both must be true for the
independent of human beliefs or perceptions. A conjunction to be true.
statement is true if it accurately reflects the way things
are in the world.  Example: If P represents the statement "It
is raining," and Q represents the
 Example: If I say "The sky is blue," this statement is statement "The ground is wet," then the
true if, in fact, the sky is indeed blue.
conjunction P∧Q represents "It is raining
b. Pragmatic Theory: and the ground is wet."

 The pragmatic theory of truth emphasizes the practical 2. Negation ( ¬ ):

consequences or utility of beliefs. According to this
theory, a statement is considered true if it is useful or  The symbol for negation, also known as
effective in achieving practical goals or solving "not," is used to represent the logical
problems. operation of negating or denying a
 Truth is determined by its practical implications or statement.
consequences rather than its correspondence with
 Example: If P represents the statement "It
objective reality. Thus, truth is seen as relative to
is raining," then the negation ¬P
human interests and purposes.
represents "It is not raining" or "It is false
 Example: A belief in the efficacy of a medical that it is raining."
treatment may be considered true if it leads to
improved health outcomes, regardless of whether the 3. Disjunction ( ∨ ):
treatment corresponds to an objective reality.
 The symbol for disjunction, often referred
c. Coherence Theory: to as "or," represents the logical operation
 The coherence theory of truth posits that truth is a of combining two statements where at
matter of internal consistency and coherence within a least one must be true for the disjunction
system of beliefs or propositions. A statement is to be true.
considered true if it coheres or fits logically with other
statements within a coherent system.  Example: If P represents the statement "It
is raining," and Q represents the
 Truth is determined by the logical relationships and
statement "It is snowing," then the
consistency among beliefs rather than their
correspondence with reality. In this view, truth is a disjunction P∨Q represents "It is raining or
holistic property of belief systems. it is snowing."

 Example: In a legal case, multiple eyewitness Conditional statements and material implication
testimonies that corroborate each other and are
consistent with other evidence may collectively support 1. Conditional Statements:
a coherent and therefore true narrative of events.
 A conditional statement is a logical
Each of these theories offers a distinct perspective on truth, statement that asserts a relationship
highlighting different aspects of the nature of truth and how it between two propositions, typically in the
can be understood or evaluated. Depending on the context and form "if P, then Q."
the nature of the statement or belief in question, one or more of
these theories may be employed to assess its truthfulness.
 In a conditional statement P→Q, P is syllogism, disjunctive syllogism, and
called the antecedent or hypothesis, and others.
Q is called the consequent or conclusion.
 Understanding argument forms allows for
 The conditional statement →P→Q asserts the recognition of valid deductive
that if P is true, then Q must also be true; reasoning patterns, which is essential for
however, if P is false, no claim is made evaluating the validity of arguments.
about the truth value of Q.
2. Refutation by Logical Analogy:
 Example: If P represents "It is raining," and
 Refutation by logical analogy is a method
Q represents "The ground is wet," then
used to demonstrate the invalidity of an
the conditional statement P→Q can be
argument by comparing its form to a
interpreted as "If it is raining, then the
known invalid argument form.
ground is wet."
 In this method, if an argument has the
2. Material Implication:
same form as a known invalid argument, it
 Material implication is a logical operation can be refuted by analogy, even if its
that defines the truth-functional premises are true.
relationship between the antecedent and
 For example, if an argument follows the
consequent of a conditional statement.
form of affirming the consequent (a
 According to material implication, a known invalid argument form), it can be
conditional statement P→Q is false only refuted by demonstrating the invalidity of
when the antecedent P is true and the the affirming the consequent pattern,
consequent Q is false; otherwise, it is true. regardless of the truth or falsity of its
 Material implication captures the truth-
functional aspect of conditionals and is  Refutation by logical analogy is a powerful
used extensively in symbolic logic to tool for identifying flawed reasoning and
express logical relationships. invalid argument structures.

Argument Forms and Refutation by Logical Analogy Precise Meaning of "Valid" and "Invalid"

Argument forms and refutation by logical analogy are In logic, particularly in deductive reasoning, the terms
important concepts in the study of logic, particularly in "valid" and "invalid" are used to evaluate the logical
analyzing deductive arguments. Here's an overview of structure of arguments. Here's a precise meaning of each:
1. Valid:
1. Argument Forms:
 An argument is considered valid if its
 Argument forms refer to the general conclusion logically follows from its
structure or pattern of deductive premises. In other words, the conclusion
arguments. They outline the logical must be true whenever the premises are
relationships between premises and true.
conclusions, regardless of the specific
 Validity is concerned with the logical
content of the propositions involved.
relationship between the premises and
 Common argument forms include modus the conclusion, rather than the actual
ponens, modus tollens, hypothetical truth of the premises or conclusion.
 Even if the premises of a valid argument  Assign truth values (T or F) to each
are false, the conclusion must still be true proposition in the argument, considering
if the argument is valid. all possible combinations of truth values.

 Validity can be thought of as a measure of  Include columns for each premise and the
the argument's form or structure. If the conclusion of the argument.
argument follows a valid logical pattern, it
3. Evaluating the Argument:
is considered valid.
 Calculate the truth value of each premise
2. Invalid:
and the conclusion based on the assigned
 An argument is considered invalid if its truth values for the propositions.
conclusion does not logically follow from
 Check whether the conclusion is true
its premises. In other words, there is at
whenever all premises are true in each row
least one way for the premises to be true
of the truth table.
while the conclusion is false.
4. Determining Validity:
 Invalidity indicates a flaw in the logical
structure of the argument, such that even  If the conclusion is true in every row
if the premises are true, the conclusion where all premises are true, the argument
may still be false. is considered valid.

 An invalid argument does not necessarily  If there is at least one row where all
mean that the conclusion is false; it simply premises are true but the conclusion is
means that the conclusion does not false, the argument is invalid.
necessarily follow from the premises.
5. Example:
 Invalidity can arise from logical fallacies,
errors in reasoning, or incorrect argument  Suppose we have the argument:
forms.  Premise 1: P∧Q
Testing Argument Validity on Truth Tables  Premise 2: Q→R
Testing argument validity on truth tables is a method used  Conclusion: P→R
in symbolic logic to determine whether an argument is
logically valid. Here's how it works:  Construct a truth table with columns for P,
Q, R, Premise 1, Premise 2, and
1. Constructing Truth Tables: Conclusion.
 A truth table is a systematic way to  Assign truth values to P, Q, and R (T and F)
enumerate all possible truth values for the and calculate the truth values for Premise
propositions (or variables) involved in an 1, Premise 2, and Conclusion based on the
argument. given propositions.
 Each row of the truth table represents a  Check if the Conclusion is true whenever
different combination of truth values for both premises are true in each row of the
the propositions, starting from all truth table.
propositions being true (T) to all
propositions being false (F).  If the Conclusion is true in every row
where both premises are true, the
2. Assigning Truth Values: argument is valid; otherwise, it is invalid.
Some Common Argument Form  If (P→Q)∧(R→S) are true and either P or R
is true, then either Q or S must be true.
Common argument forms in logic represent patterns of
reasoning that frequently appear in deductive arguments.  Example: If it is raining, then the ground is
Here are some of the most common ones: wet (P implies Q: If it is raining, then the
ground is wet) and if it is sunny, then the
1. Modus Ponens (Affirming the Antecedent):
flowers bloom (R implies S: If it is sunny,
 If P→Q is true and P is true, then Q must then the flowers bloom). If it is raining (P:
be true. It is raining) or it is sunny (R: It is sunny),
then either the ground is wet or the
 Example: If it is raining (P implies Q: If it is flowers bloom (Q or S: The ground is wet
raining, then the ground is wet) and it is or the flowers bloom).
indeed raining (P: It is raining), then the
ground is wet (Q: The ground is wet). Statement Forms and Material Equivalence

2. Modus Tollens (Denying the Consequent): In logic, statement forms and material equivalence
are essential concepts for understanding logical
 If P→Q is true and Q is false, then P must relationships between propositions. Let's explore each of
be false. them:
 Example: If it is raining (P implies Q: If it is 1. Statement Forms:
raining, then the ground is wet) and the
ground is not wet (¬Q: The ground is not  A statement form is a template or pattern
wet), then it is not raining (¬P: It is not that represents a class of statements or
raining). propositions with variables instead of
specific propositions.
3. Hypothetical Syllogism:
 Statement forms abstract away from the
 If P→Q and Q→R are true, then P→R must content of propositions, focusing solely
also be true. on their logical structure or form.
 Example: If it is raining (P implies Q: If it is  Example: The statement form "P ∧ Q"
raining, then the ground is wet) and if the represents the conjunction of two
ground is wet (Q implies R: If the ground propositions, where "P" and "Q" can be
is wet, then the grass will grow), then it is replaced by any specific propositions. For
raining, the grass will grow (P implies R: If instance, "It is raining ∧ It is windy" is an
it is raining, then the grass will grow). instantiation of the statement form "P ∧
4. Disjunctive Syllogism: Q."

 If P∨Q is true and one of the disjuncts is 2. Material Equivalence:

false, then the other must be true.  Material equivalence is a logical
 Example: Either it is raining or it is relationship between two propositions,
snowing (P or Q: It is raining or it is indicating that they have the same truth
snowing). If it is not raining (¬P: It is not value in all possible scenarios.
raining), then it must be snowing (Q: It is  Two propositions P and Q are materially
snowing). equivalent if they have the same truth
5. Constructive Dilemma: values in all rows of their truth tables.
 Material equivalence is denoted by the  Example: "The sky is blue" is identical with
symbol "⇔" (double arrow) and is read as itself, so the statement "The sky is blue" is
"if and only if" or "is equivalent to." true.

 Example: Propositions P and Q are 2. Law of Non-Contradiction:

materially equivalent if the truth table for
 This law states that contradictory
P is identical to the truth table for Q. For
statements cannot both be true at the
instance, "It is raining" and "The ground is
same time and in the same sense.
wet" are materially equivalent if they are
Symbolically, it can be expressed as
always true or always false together,
meaning that whenever one is true, the
other is true, and whenever one is false,  Example: "The sky is blue" and "The sky is
the other is false. not blue" cannot both be true at the same
time and in the same sense.
3. Example:
3. Law of Excluded Middle:
 Consider the statement forms "P → Q" (if
P, then Q) and "¬Q → ¬P" (if not Q, then  This law states that for any proposition,
not P). either it is true or its negation is true.
Symbolically, it can be expressed as A∨¬A.
 These statement forms are materially
equivalent, meaning they have the same  Example: For the statement "It is raining,"
truth values in all possible scenarios. either "It is raining" is true, or "It is not
raining" is true.
 This equivalence is known as the
contrapositive property, which states that
a conditional statement and its
contrapositive have the same truth value.

 Example: If "If it is raining, then the

ground is wet" is true, then "If the ground
is not wet, then it is not raining" is also
true, and vice versa.

Understanding statement forms and material

equivalence is crucial for analyzing logical relationships
between propositions and constructing valid arguments in
logic. These concepts provide tools for abstracting away
from specific content and focusing on the logical structure
of propositions.

Three Laws of Thought

1. Law of Identity:

 This law states that each thing is identical

with itself. In other words, if a statement is
true, then it is true. Symbolically, it can be
expressed as A=A.

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