647 - 5 - Empower 2nd B2 Workbook

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UPPER INTERMEDIATE STU) CONTENTS ‘Unit 1 Outstanding people Page TA Sheisan inspiring woman Grammar Review of tenses Pronunciation Sour and speling: @ 4 Vocabulary Character adjectives 1B Ae you fnsing taiicul? Grammar Questions 5 Vocabulary Trying and succeeding 1 Don't touch the foo! Everyday English Explaining and checking Pronunciation Rasid speech 6 ungerstanding| 10 really mssed my phone Reading An ate about technalcgy ana Writing kills Organising an atcte 1 allday communication \Wting An article abeut means of transport ‘Reading and listening extension Reating An aici about an outstanding person Ustening The nluckiest man inthe works 8 Reviow and extension WOROPOWER mak 8 ‘Unit 2 Survivat 2A liwas geting ate and wes. Grammar Narrative tenses Pronunciation a! been 10 lost Vocabulary Exressions with aor 28 Witruns towards you, don't Grammar Future tne clauses and conitionals " run away Vocabulary Animals and the envrorment 20 What egret shot Everyday English Giving compliments and Pronunciation Intonation in question tas 2 responding ‘20 Make sure you know were Reading A leat on orenteeing Wing skills Organising guidelines in 2 letet 13 youre going Reading and listening extension Review and extension Reading Ar atc about toring animals WORDPOWER face Wting late! about calecting musheooms LUstening A nows story about 2 missing person ‘Unit 3 Talent ‘3A Timnot very ened in the Grammar Mult word verbs 16 morning Vocabulary Ability 2nd achievement 38 There are alt of good Grammar Present perect and present perfect Pranunclaton Wore 7 runners in Kenya continuous Vocabulary Words connected wth sport ‘30 Who should we invite? Everyday English Making careful suggestions; Pronunelation Consonant sounds 18 Keeping to the topic ofthe conversation ‘30 Hidoesnt mati what sport Reading An article about a bar chart Witing skills Describing data 13 people choose Wting An article about a bar chart ‘Reading and listening extension Reading Arn aticie about Michael Jonrson ——_Ustening A conversation tout schco days 20 Review and extension WoRDPOWER up 2 ‘Unit Lite fessons 7 4A Timmore cautious than | Grammar used foand would 2 Used to be Vocabulary Cause and resuit 48 We worent allowed to talkin Grammar Obligation and permission Pranunctation Sound and speling 2 cass Vocabulay Talking stout aifficully 40 Thankyou, youve saved Everyday Enlish Expressing careful Pronunciation Contasive stress cy ry te disagreement 40 mgood at communicating Reafing job advert and application email Welling Sls Giving a posite impression 23 vith people Wing An application emai Reading and listening extension Rating A blog post about unwiien rules Listening ntorvews with university ex 6 Review and extension WoRDPOWER as 2 ‘Unit Chance ‘5A You could lve to bea Grammar Future probably Pranunclatin Sound ana spelins th 8 huncred Vocabulay Adjectives desing attitude 58 besetting nto my Grammar Future gerect and future continuous 29 sccommedation Vocabulary The natural works ‘SC Were not making enouah Everyday English Discussing advantages and Pronuneation Intonation arours 30 money dleadantages ‘50 Wereod to change the way Reallng An essay on population growth ting skills Arguing for and agpinst an i 3a ve lve Witing for and-againet essay Reading and listening extension Reading An article abou! optimistic people Listening A conversation about an unusual supermarket 92 Review and extension WORDPOWER side 3 Contents ‘Unit 6 Around the globe Page ‘Unit 7 City living Se * HEeePs a “Answer key 8 1A WOMAN G3 GRAMMAR Review of tenses SHE IS AN INSPIRING @I VOCABULARY Character adjectives @ Underline the correct words to complete the text, The other day, | was walking down the street when | have seen / was seeing / saw Sam Carter, you know, the famous flm director. | was really excited because he *has been /is / was one of my favourite directors for ages and | watch his films all the time, ‘What “is he doing / does he do /has he done here?" I thought to myself. There was only one way to find out. Sam ‘went / ‘was going / has gone into a café, but | stopped him before he got inside and said, ‘Hi, Sam!’ He smiled at me and we started to talk outside, Me and Sam Carter! He always *is looking / looks / has looked so serious in photos, but he’s 2 really friendly guy. In the end, Sar Sinvites / has invited / invited me for a coffee. Then he. told me why he was in town. His film company ?made / has made / were making @ new film and they have lots of new faces in it, just ordinary people, but they need "How about you?” Sam asked. “Did you watch / Have you watched / Are you watching any of my films? Do you ‘want to be in one?’ Iwas so shocked, | Shave dropped / was dropping / dropped my cup on the floor! The hot coffee went all over Sam; he screamed and ran outside. ost my big chance! b ©DEM Listen and check. © Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box: present simple, present continuous, Present perfect, past simple, past continuous or past perfect. come do netfinish get not have meet produce remember werk write 1 John is working in a small marketing agency at the moment 2 ___youever ‘anybody famous? 3. & What_____ you __? B I'ma student, 4 Shakespeare plays and poetry and ousands of words in English come from them. 5 Our fiiends for dinner, but they had to cancel because they were il © Not many people her wall now, 7. He was rich and famous, but he —___ many friends. 8 The game vel, there are five minutes to go 9 Things slowly. worse in the office now that Mrs Andrews has retired. 10. Eva was vety happy with the design samples that Tom @ Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Don't be so mativated / stubborn / ambitious! You know what | am saying makes sense. 2 Ethan is very sensitive inspiring / passionate, He gets upset when the teacher corrects him in clas, 3. Margarita is a realy inspiring / sensitive / arrogant woman ‘and an example to everyone. 4 Susan is motivated I optimistic pa basketball and trains every day. 5 Hes rude and sensitive / determined f arrogant — he thinks he’s better than everyone else 6 Ifyou are motivated | self-confident / pessimistic, you do things because you really want to do sonate about 1b Complete the crossword puzzle. Pe [oly L > Across, 1 showing frm friendship or support 6 not listening to people's opinions or changing your mind 8 thinking about the future in a positive way Down 2 wanting to be successful 3 making a decision and not letting anyone stop you 4. easy to hurt or upset 5. people have a good opinion of you 7 having no experience and expecting things to be allright @ How is the underlined letter e pronounced in each word in the box? Complete the table with the words. eonegred desert desire dessert helpful identity prefer prizes revise sensitive service sleot Sound 1 // Sound 2 fe/ Sound 3 /2:/ (eg, determined) (eg, respected) | (eg, serve) concerned b ©DEA Listen and check. 1 B DIFFICULT? GB GRAMMAR Questions ARE YOU FINDING IT ®I VOCABULARY Trying and succeeding @ Underline the correct words to complete the ‘conversation, FABIO. Hi, there, 'You have / Mave you got five minutes? GABRIELLA Sure. “What/ What did you want to talk to me about? FABIO. Wel, 'm doing a triathlon next month, 3Didh't/ Weren't you read my post? GABRIELLA No, | haven't seen it A triathlon, wow! “What for For what? it sounds really tought! FABIO. Its not easy, yeah, swimming, cycling, then running GABRIELLA °V/fat/ Which of those is the most difficult? FABIO. Allof them! Er,weren't/ didnt you a good ‘swimmer once? GABRIELLA Yeah, once. What are you looking at me lke ’that for! for that? FABIO. Do you think Scoul you! you could coach me? GABRIELLA | don't know °whether f what "ve got enous tie. 2°¢an f Shall | think about it and phone you later? FABIO. No problem. That's great! I swim a lt faster with your help. GABRIELLA Who "knows / dees know? You might win! b QUEDA Listen and check. © Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1a / want /do / marathon / 0 / you tun ? Doyouwant to run a marathon? 2 t0//this/ going /is/ do / why / she? 3 the/ register / who / competition / need to /for / doesn't? 4 giving / why Four /aren't/ tickets /they [us ? 5 of / which /to do// would you / the challenges / like 7 6 have/the most /ever done / you / dificult / what is thing? 7 for dia hard training / what / this / we do /al? 8 the/ happened / of / what /at /end/the game? 9 have /think we / of /@ chance / you / do / winning 10. your/ who / website / designed ? @ Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. There is one extra phrase you do not need. ‘drop out give up Keep to keep it up manage to try out make-aneffort 2 José wants to 1 Sandra decided ta make an effort to go to the gym every day recipe for lemon cake. 3 We really need to 4 Charlie told his kids to fastfood, —____. eS 5 The Smiths didn't 6 Itwon't be easy to assemble this diet. their kitchen table b Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Bive up fevewgo keep to keep it up make an effort manage to drop out try out work out 1 Td like to _haweaga — at snowboarding, but I'm afraid of falling and breaking something 2 Mtyou ofthe course, you won't be able to work in your dream job. 3 ityou this training programme, you'l get back in shape, 4 Laura applied for a new ob, but it didn't ‘She didn’t have the right qualifications, 5 My caris in the garage and I don’t know if they! repair it by Monday. 6 Ben went saling with me twice and he's terible att, but he doesn't want to 7 Your writing has improved a lot this term, so 8 Would you lke to software? 9 | know Jade isnt interested in the project, but she could at least_____to get involved, the new version of the 1C EVERYDAY ENGLISH Don’t touch the food! GD CONVERSATION SKILLS Breaking off a conversation @ Tick (V) the best way to break off the conversation. 1 Sor ut ____ now. iy must go © L] thaveto finish © Cy there's nothing ese to say 2 _____Speak ta you soon & C1] Wve at nothing else to say. © E] Are we finished? © Cl Gottom 3 0K 2] Hook forward to speaking to you » see you tomorrow © Ci thats enough 4 —___ tena, 2 [Taito you later » Ey Tat me again © CJ Well speak about this 5 —____ Can you phone later? 2 LJ Thsis not convenient © L] Who's speaking? © Cy Cant tak just now 6 Wel, must 2 Cleave » Onn c lend 7 Bye, nice 2 LJ conversation b C takking to you c Oday 8 Must be now, but thanks for ealng 2 Caney b> Ey there c Dot © USEFUL LANGUAGE Explaining and checking understanding a Put the excerpts in the correct arder to explain how to take a good photo, 11 Aiways remember to keep sil the camera moves about, you get bad photo. Is that clear? Do you want me to exolan ary of tis again? 1 But whatever camara you buy, read the instructions carefully. Make sure you know what your camera can do, Have you gt that? You don't need to get a very expensive camera, These have. lt of functions you just dont need, Da you understand what | mean? 1 Another thing to remember is to take your time, Only rea professionais can take good phos ina hurry C1 Wren you take @ photo, the most important thing isthe light. Bascal, the more light, the better, so choose the right ime ofthe day and place. Do you get the idea? b QUA Listen and check. © PRONUNCIATION Rapid speech @ ODA Listen. Tick (v) the sentences where you hear the final /t/ of the underlined words. 1 Ly | must go ana see her soon, Dy The nurse said | must eat less bread, We've gat to have more help. Sorry, you can! take one wth you [5 Haven't any of the people arrived? 1 Sarah said she didn't do the homework. Cy ctauaia has been there, hasn' she? Ly The shop might open again. We cant use our phones here. (5) chitéren musint pay tll games. 1D GD READING @ Read the article. Are the sentences true or false? 1. The woman has the same opinion as most ther people She has noticed an imbalance in communication. It was a positive experience for them, Technology has made us forget our priorities, ‘We don't need technology. 'b Read the article again and tick (7) the best ending for the sentences. 1 The purpose ofthe first paragraph is to explain the writer's motivation © [1] to compare diferent ypes of communication cc Fy to introduce a theory about communication 2 The main rule of the experiment was that they 2 [had to communicate as ite as possible & [could say anything to each other © E] needed to explain things very simply 3. The point about breakfasts that 2 L] making meals involves technology » D] itwas an amusing situation © El) everything was so simple 4 The rest ofthe day showed thatthe experiment 2 C1 needed to continue for onger © D onty worked until a friend got involved © 7] was net as easy as they thought 5 She texted her husband to discuss 2 1 plans for porty » the effectiveness ofthe experiment ¢ E] her rena’ communication problems 6 The conclusion is that 2 C1 the experiment was mostyafalure » technology has changed relationshins between people c speaking s stil en effective kind of communication © WRITING SKILLS Organising an article @ Read the tips (1-8) for writing an article. Is the advice good or bad? Tick (¥) the correct box. When you're writing an article . plan the structure of your article before you start writing it ‘wtte the article in your own language fist, then translate i 1 2 3. write short paragraphs with one or two sentences. 4. include questions to engage the reader. use a dictionary to find interesting words and phrases, use linking words and expressions to jain ideas. evaluate ideas — write what you think about them, check your writing when you have finished. SKILLS FOR WRITING Ireally missed my phone all day The experiment involved the couple not communicating fora day. Face-to-face texting A lot of people think that technology brings people closer together, but I'm not so sure, People spend so ‘much time texting and looking at screens that they hardly ever speak to one another. This made me think, and I decided to do a little experimers. (One day my husband and I decided not to speak to each other at all. We could email, text, eto, ut we couldn't actually communicate in spoken words. So, at breakfast, he sent mea text to ask if [wanted any mote toast and [replied that I didn',, but T ‘wouldn't mind another cup of tea, We both thought it was funny at frst, but things got more complicated as the day went on. For example, a friend phoned me about a special party she was organising. [had to text my husband for about 20 minutes to discuss everything, The whole thing made me appreciate that nothing can replace face-to-face communication - talking t0 each other. Communication may be easier because of technology, but people aren't machines. We sometimes forget that simple things are often the most important in life, ee © WRITING Imagine that for one week you had to walk or cycle to ‘get around rather than use a car or public transport. Write an article about your experience. Use the notes ‘and your own ideas to help you. Introduction: how you usually get around, your feelings about waking / cycling vs. cars / public transport ‘Your experlence: gacd things (exercise, cee Interesting ‘things. cheaper) Your experience: difficulties (takeslonger bad weather, dangeroust) Evaluation: walking /eyeling better in some situations, should use cars / public transport less RCE aM Sem GO READING Db Read the article again and tick (V) the correct answers. ————_1 nicks parents knew he would be born without arms and legs. Read the article and tick (V) the statement that a LJtwe b fake cL) doesnt say matches Nick's attitude about his own body 2. Nick was sometimes unhappy when Ne waa shoo 1 t's more ficult ving without rms and legs now than aC}iue BD) fae cL] doesnt say when he was younger 21 Nek could swim when he was ust 18 months ol 2 CDs sea carton mers nesses vores a Clive b Ll} © T) docsnt say about trying new tings 4 ‘Nick uses a mause to operate a computer. 3 C1 He gets on with his fe, even though he has no arms ame Ll ake Ll doesnt say or legs 5 Nick uses the toe on his fot to play a sport. aCe — b L)tese —c L] doesnt say Have you ever thought about what I might be Tisschno wher pea we like to live just a single day without being able sy to use your hands or legs? This is everyday life © Write a paragraph about an outstanding person you know for Nick Vujicic, who was born without any limbs. ‘or have heard about who has helped others. Remember However, Nick doesn't let his condition stop to include: him - he regularly takes part in sports, he has ‘© what the person does and why you are impressed by travelled all over the world and he’s also happily + any dificult the person has had in their life married with a young child. And unlike many + how the person has helped other people. able-bodied people, he can even swim and surf. Before Nick Vujicic was born, his parents had no idea that he ‘would go on to have any medical problems - none of the medical checks had shown a problem. However, when he was born, itwas clear that his life would be different from that of other babies. Growing up would not be easy. His parents decided to send him to a neighbourhood school, where he would use a wheelchair and where there were people available to assist him. The experience was difficult, but Nick feels it was the best decision his parents could have made because it gave him a sense of independence. Unsurprisingly, when he was at school, he sometimes felt depressed and lonely and was sometimes bullied, But he always had the support of his loyal friends and family, and these people made him determined to overcome many problems, He even went on to study at university, where he earned a degree in financial planning and real estate. ‘What surprises many people is just how optimistic Nick can be and how many different things he has managed to do. Much of this is down to his parents. His father put him in the water for the first time when he was 18 months old so that Nick would be self-confident enough to swim when he was older. He has one small foot which he can use to help him move around in the water. He is able to operate a computer by using the toe on this, foot to type, something he learned to do when he was just six years old. And when he plays golf - yes, he even plays golf - he is able to hold the golf club under his chin. Abig part of Nick's life now is giving motivational talks. He travels around the world and has shared his inspiring story with millions of people, speaking to audiences in packed stadiums. Nick's message is that you should never give up and that people should love themselves even when they fal BI LISTENING @ HEA Listen to Michael and Sarah talking about Frane Selak, who some people have called the Unluckiest man in the world. Put the events in the order they happened. a plane erash (a buscrash 1 winning the lotery (Ja train erash Ceca accident being nit bya bus car tating of a mountain bb Listen again and tick (¥) the correct answers. 1 What happened to Selak when he was in the train crash? 2 C1] He was very seriously inured He had an injury © C] He wasn't injured 2 Whatis true about the plane crash that Selak survived? 2 [Several other people also sured the crash bE] He escaped through a door ater it crashed. © [1] He was helped by a problem with the plane 3 What was the cause ofthe bus crash? 2 [the weather Er the speed of the bus © FJ a technical problem with the bus, 4 What's true about te ist ncident wth a car that Salak had? 2 L] He was not diving the car when it developed a problem. bE] The car exploded just after he got out. © EJ Flames came into the car rom the engine while he was driving 5 Why did his car go ofthe side ofthe mountain inthe later accident? 2D] He was hitby a lor. » [J He hia tree and! lost contra, © EJ He had to change rection to avoid alo. 6 Which ofthe following sentences is true about when Selak won the lottery? 2 C1 He often played the lottery at that ine. t He occasionally played the lotery at tha ime c EJ He had never played the lottery before. 7 Whakis Sarah’ opinion of Seak’ stoy? 2 [] Sheis sures tue. > [J She is not sure if it’s true © C1) sheis sure its untue 8 What does Michae! say about Selak? 2 [J He thinks that Selak is probably telling the truth, © EZ] He thinks that Selakis wrong to invent stories cE] He thinks its siange thet Seek gave amay his lottery winnings © Write about a time when you were very lucky or unlucky. Use these questions to help you: ‘= What was the situation? What were you doing? Why were you lucky or unlucky? How did you feel? \Was anybody else with you? How did he or she feel? Do you think this happens to a lat af people? ae Review and extension (GRAMMAR Tick (¥) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 [ Lowrite this letter to complain about the senvice. Lamuriting this letter to complain about the service. 2 1] Take any train, They all go there. 3 [7] She tved in that town since she was a chi. 4 5] Have you ever heard from her again afterwards? 5 5] Iwas having a shower when the water turned cold 6 Fy] | don't know Tom. How is he? 7 [J Wy you didnt tet me? 8 ©] Whatis the curency in Thane? VOCABULARY Tick (v7) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 [7 There are determined subjects everyone should study. There are certain eubjects everyone should stu 2 [1 Dont mention it to Laura. She's quite sensible about i 3 Ty The mayors very respective in this town, 4 F7 The president gave a passionated speech about crime 5 Ed love tohave a goat civng 6 C1 Ive get a plan, and ™m going to keep tot + Match sentences 1-7 with responses a-g. 1 [a] Shall we go by car or walk? #2 [E] whys ittaking him such a long time to decise? $3 [1] I'mceally afraid of your dog. £4 DJ can'tyou just fon the instructions? £5] How can | stay ina place tke this? £6 [Can you read that sign? £7 E Whatare the flowers for? fa. It makes no difference to me. E> He can never make up his mir. Ets only trying to make fiends. $d. Just make the bes of Pe They don't make any sense. 1 want to make up for being late No, Ican't make aut what it say. ~¥ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review Your Progress on p. 18 of the Student's Book. How well can you do these things now? 3=veywell 2=well 1 =not sowell discuss people | admire discuss a challenge explain what to do and check understa write an article. 10 2A AND | WAS LOST GB GRAMMAR Narrative tenses IT WAS GETTING LATE @I VOCABULARY Expressions with get @ Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. | had was having! had had a shower and ran for the bus. 2 Sorry, when you called, | sooke/ was speaking hhad spoken to a customer. 3. By the time Jane arrived for dinner, everyone left/ had let has left 4 He set/ had set/ was setting the watch to 00:00 and began to run the marathon. 5 The phone fad been / was / has been ringing for about a ‘minute when | answered it 6 What have you done had you done / were you doing in the garage all that time? 7 We were buying! bought | had been buying some frut and went to the next shop, 8 Someone fad broken / was breaking I nad been breaking the window, but we didn't see who it was, 9 Hi, ad you waited / were you waiting / you waited for me? 10 The manager stood up and had made was making / made a speech. 1b Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets. One afternoon some years ago, | “wae thinking. (think) about what to do when my friend Janice phoned. She was in a good mood because she 2 (finish) all her exams. She ® (Come) round and we decided to 0 for a walk in the mountains. We + (go) very far ~ only 4,000 steps on my phone app ~ when the weather suddenly changed. Until that moment, it 5 (be) warm and sunny, but the sky very quickly tumed dark and it © (begin) to rain heavily. We 7 (take) our coats oF umbrellas with us, and we (get) very wet. We & (Cun) to a nearby tree to take shelter, hoping the rain would soon stop, but ten minutes later the temperature dropped and it a (start) snowing. We walked back the way we 2 (come) earlier, but the small bridge we had crossed before was now under water, a the river had burst its banks. | tried to phone for help, but my battery * (die) and Janice *. (forget) to bring her phone. By then it x“ (get) dark and we #8 (be) very scared. Imagine our relief when suddenly we saw the lignts of a farmers truck. He was out looking for a lost sheep - and he rescued us! ¢ OPA Listen and check. @ Complete the sentences with the words in the box. attention away down old involved point rid swept 1 Allthis grey weather is really getting me _down fend | feel quite depressed. 2 There isn't enough space. We need to get ofall this rubbish, 3 ified to get and itfleated away. 4. The waves are really big, so be careful not to get away. Lets get straight to the To get the waiter’ need toring the bell 7 ts been a very long term. I lke to get this summer — not sure where. 8 Don'tget in al Karen's problems. People will start Blaming you ofthe balloon, but I coulda ‘and nat waste time. in this restaurant, you bb Complete the sentences under the pictures with the expressions in the box get through getto get into trouble get anywhere get the feeling get on my nerves PeEen & S : 1 Thad fun with my 2. Vmnot sure til 3 brother. | hope allthis this wil be over otto play today. quickly, with him again = EAS 4 The company 5 He might 6 Allthis crying won't —_—__ is starting to with this new going to school product lke that ©) PRONUNCIATION fad been a QUAI Listen to the sentences and tick (/) the ones that include had. Sentence1 7] sentence6 [] Sentence 2] sentence?) Sentence3 Sentences] Sentences] Sentence9 [[] sentence] Sentence 10 F] 2B GRAMMAR Future time clauses and conditionals IF IT RUNS TOWARDS YOU, DON'T RUN AWAY ® VOCABULARY Animals and the environment @ Underline the correct words to complete the ‘conversation, MARIO Hi, Silvia. Are you coming camping with us? SILVIA "/f/ When you sill want me to, sure. MARIO Great. It should be good fun °f/ unless the weather gets bad 3As long as /itwe get a couple of days of decent weather | don't mind. What do | need to take? MARIO. The usual str “Wien /iF| get home, Il text you the lst Ive made justin case, You don't need to worry ‘about food, though. I've packed enough °in case / provided you like pasta, That’ the easiest thing to make, Fine. §#/ In case we run out of pasta, Il take some tins and nce MARIO Good idea. "17 Provided you want, bring some cards. We could play at night. do that Swnen | provided | dont forget. Text me tomorrow ®as fong as 2s soon as you get up. MARIO OK. Remember to buy pepper spray because we might see bears. "9)f/ Unless | see a bear, I un all the way home! ‘SILVIA SIVA ‘SILVIA ‘SILVIA b LMA Listen and check. © Match 1-8 with a-h to make sentences. [B] Phone your mum its perecty safe Bi hike to go tor a swim ts ideal or 2 holiday Take some sun cream 2 riigoon the trip [Don't go I You can go any time provided you like somewhere quiet when you get thore unless you do something stupid. a long 2s you do q provided you tell me fist. in case you need it it you dort want, ifs realy warm. in india and parts of Attica. People stil ‘ @ Find eight words about animals that match these clues. 1 asetof similar animals or plants 2 allving thing that is not 2 plant the natural surroundings where we live 4. the place where an animal or plant naturally lives or grows 5 kept safe by laws that prevent people from harming them 6 animals or plants that could disappear without our help 7 uncommon and difficult to find 8 catch and kill animals for food or sport N]Y['[R[O[N [Me E ol-lslal—lelelele —=[>|-[2|=/@|o/= -|>[2le[-|al=[elol=xle =|=|-|@]@|>/e[ele [ele sle[=|5[ol=|=[mfel= zlelolol-lo|>|s]2|e|=le|—= @/<]"/-[<|=|2[°]°|e]e|#|*|=|> zs le)>|>l=|=|2|=|o]2|>lel2/> =|sl<|-l-|=l=[=[=[-lele|=le slzls|l2[zlolol- o]=/e/e/2/2|-|=|=|=|=[- o> =|a|=)> IGE ale 'b Complete the text with the words in the box. risk ereatures environment extinct natural hunt survive kill Look at this photo ofa group of fons, This might be avery rare sight in the future. Lions are beautiful '_creatuires, butthey ae very much at? in the modern world, The European fon has been or 2,000 years and now fons only * lions and ‘them, and our damage to tha is making it diffcut for lions to fin places tole and feed. We can help by protecting lone! habitat, which is the African savannah and the forests of Gujarat in nc. 2C EVERYDAY ENGLISH What a great shot! GD CONVERSATION SKILLS © USEFUL LANGUAGE Agreeing using question tags Giving compliments and responding @ Complete the question tags in the conversations with @_ Tick (7) the best response for the sentences. ‘the words in the box. 1 You're so good at singing. Da you think so? » Ey What do you tink? © Em dad you ike it aren't could did don't haven't isn't shall wasn’t MIKE Its a beautiful day! WY Its lovely, |__Lam't itp Why don't we goto the 2 Your hair is amazing! beach? @ [1 Youre welcome. MIKE Yes, lefS dothat,2_ we? © 1 Fim glad you like it LUCY We could drive but let's walk. We need the exercise, © LI think so. MIKE We do, °_____we? I'll get my things. 3 You really managed to get it just right. WEY Last ime you forgot your towe! 2 C1) Guessit's not bad MIKE Ididn'thaveit with me, “1, so » LE Yes, | managed it borrowed yours. Anyway, let's go. e DDidnt tater 4 The colour is just perfect. LUCY That was great,®____it? fee! really hungry a CO ¥es, iis, now. » Ey Wtsnot bo, isi? MIKE Me too. This place looks good, cc EJ That’ right, isn’t it? LUCY Yeah, we've been here before, “__we? It te 5 It's so tasty! does realy good pizza a Elwes MIKE That's right. Oh, I haven't got my wallet. You couldnt SARE lend me some money, ’_____ you? © Ey That's grea. WOY First atone, then your walle. You never remember i 6 Thatwas a lovely present! aneue 2 (1) The same to you. MIKE Well, we'te friends, © we? Lets go pe hee > L1¥es, twas cc [1] I'm glad you ie it. b OLA Listen and check. © PRONUNCIATION Intonation in question tags b QLAAB Listen and check. @ OMA Listen to the intonation in the questions. Is the speaker asking a real question or just checking information? Tick (¥) the correct box. ‘a | Checking ‘question information Iwas a great idea, wasnt it? v You don't know where Oxford Street is, do you? That's obvious, isnt t? They just didn't understand, ci they? He hasn't finished university yet, has he? 'm nat on the team, art 12 They will be able to doit, won't they? You've been there before, haven't you? ‘She's forgoten all about it, hasn't she? ‘She's not going to agree, is she? 2D GD) READING @ Read the leaflet and underline the best heading for each section. b Read the leaflet again. Are the sentences true or false? It's easy to find an orienteering club Everyone should do the same training You should buy some good shoes. You won't need to buy a map. ‘fos start is important You shoul respec the environment you run through You enly need a compass i you get lst. The main thing's to have fun © WRITING SKILLS Organising guidelines in a leaflet @ Tick (V) the best introduction to a leaflet with guidelines about collecting mushrooms. a C1 For centuries, people have collected mushrooms all cover the world. The purpose of this leafet fs to discuss the reasons why mushraom picking is popular and to provide some experiances of people who decided to folw this vadton Collecting mushrooms might seem ike strange pastime, butts very popular in many counts, especialy in Eastern Europe. You need to be caeful about which mushrooms you pick, but this sa fun way of spending time. Why pick mushrooms? Many peool think itis beter to buy them from a supermarket, but there are advantages to gettng them yourse, provided that you dont pick the wrong ones! [one day | was at home when my friend phoned and suagested going outto the forest and picking some ‘mushrooms. At ist, I thought it was a crazy idea, but |went anyway and actualy enjoyed it. Here my advice for people who want oo te same ©) WRITING Read the plan for the rest of the leaflet Then complete the leaflet using these headings and notes. »O °«O Preparation 3 Nee 4 Check weather Inthe forest 5 Becarefulln forest ankmals,accldems 6 Only pick mushrooms yeu know (go wit se net) "7 Don't get lost B Frotect Athome 9 Eator freeze mushrooms 10 Many recipes for mushrooms ~seup ples, ee. SKILLS FOR WRITING Make sure you know where you're going 1 When? (autumn, mornings) 2.Where? (Forests, near 11083) warm clothes, ood sh nt iter) CC ee aoe ey Ree ei Ree kon ecg eRe eee en ere EBB Preparation / Getting into the Sport / Advantages cof Orienteering * Orienteering is usually onganised in forests. Just search online to find a club near you. IB Training / Dangers of Forests / Running Fast * You need to be ft to run around forests. If you're lucky, you might ive near @ forest, but most: people will need to do some running in parks or on roads. * Unless you are very fit already, start with fast walking ‘and then build up to running. FEB Wits: You Need / Expenses / Shopping for Orienteering * You dont need to spend a lot of money on equipment, but @ good pair of shoes is essential. * Youll get @ map at the course and you can borrow @ compass as wel. EEB Win! / Be Carefut / On the Dey * Start slowly and save your energy. * Dont damage any plants or trees. You are only there for the day, but the forest is there forever + You wont get lost provided you Use your compass and go in 8 straight line. * Enjoy yourself! i RCE am Seal sion GB READING @ Read the article about four animals and tick (/) the things mentioned in the article. 1 [J an animal that ves in a diferent piace from its ancestors 2 [an animal that is becoming more and more widespread 3 LJ an animal made famous in fis 4B ananimal that is now extinct 5 [1 ananimal that is important in many counties, 6 [1 an animal tat lives clase oa lot of humans Read the article again. Match the animals 1-4 with the descriptions a-d. 1 [1 funnel-web spider great white shark Komodo aragon Di tiger This animal has a spacial ability thet allows it to follow other animals more easily This animal may attack humans if they stat living in the same environment. 2 3 4 © Read the article again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Great white sharks normally don't attack humans for food. Attacks on humans by great white sharks are always fatal Tigers normally stay avay from humans, The total number of tigers is large and growing. The Komodo dragon is larger than many of the animals in| he group it belongs to When hunting, the Komodo dragon generally kills the animal it attacks immediately. Some aspects of the behaviour of the funnel-web spider are diferent from that of other spiders. ‘A bite from any type of funnel-web spider Is equally 3 4 5 Write @ paragraph about a special or unusual animal you know something about, or research one on the Internet. Remember to include: here itis found ~ its natural environment and habitat whether itis rare, at risk, protected, endangered or extinct how it get its foo any strategies it uses to find food, to survive or ta get an Terr This animal has attacked humans by accident, This animal is often invelved in attacks on younger people. ate advantage. The animal kingdom is full of frightening creatures ~ animals you definitely wouldn’t want to see close up, apart from pertiaps in a 00, Here are four very different ~ but equally terrifying — animals. Whe Ticer The tiers anther anima that’ proba famiar 0 ios eon, ven tog very fer f us ats eet seen one inthe wid. Taeshae fascinated us since ance times and are very moran number of cultures in Asia they are the national nial of Bangladesh nda, tar, Malaysia and South Korea. Ties are he argos of ale at specks theyre fast runners otto mention excelent simmers The good nawsis het they grea ai contact with peopl, although they do eta, Patiala when humans start to move nto their ature hebtts. should als be aces tha gers ‘xe now ndangored, and hanans play very erga ANIMAL Tue Gaear Ware Suane ‘Most people have heart o this animal — rade famous in the feu ofthe 1970s and 1980. Te reat white sherk has 2 reptlon fr being a Kil. Parse reputation is nfl ‘because thase annals don't normaly hurt humans ~ elephants Kl mre peopl than sharks do But he problan for wate spas overs hat etson sing on op of a surar can look vy slat. eal ~a shart’ oot of preferenc. a rat ite shark Gos tak a human, to ress are no avs ead — is beleved tat stars dn' ie the aso humans rei Throop ne : terete ieee TRekanato cag eave erp ae aa oes. hh eit mop acon hari tng hrc ter fe ete ode tlc Soe ee ttn srs cea amen tes Ths prs ae tne eeoees aes aende talon yore tn be beeen re ane canimeres ong, and dk tue broun or lack Unico many oer sides this species can be quite aguresve ven comes to contact wth humans ar relate o ancient ards rom Australia, but ‘hey no ou ey on som lands In edonesla. They are probably most famous fr hr unysial metho fling, When tuning, they tack it don't lhe oer animal ght nay. This because they have a isons it, s0 aftr tacking the ania, thoy flow it ur ces rom he poison, a job made cease thanks to their enoclent senso of sel, Whieattacks on humans are ra, they can and do happen 14 ‘When tata, this on ght and can tite several times. bt fom a Syne fnne-meb spider is ‘troy pail ara can il quik, ato tas from he fates are los svete Chitren are pau atrik — 42% of atacs Invoke hen ater tan LISTENING ae Review and extension GRAMMAR @ OTA Listen to a news story and tick (v) the correct answer. 1 [ Awoman wil probably recover after spending a woek in her car. 2 (J Awoman is current in hospital after spending more than two weeks in her car 3 C1 Awoman is veyill ater spending over a month in her car 'b Listen again and tick (¥) the correct answers. 1 When Alicia Lone dnt come back shorty after 9 pm, her family 2 L fet sure that something bad had happened ere not immediately worried © C1] immediately called the poice 2 Thepolce knew 2] what time Lone had lft work © the route she had taken home © Ti] where she had been planning to go after work 2. The palce think she turned of the main road 2 [because she had had a problem with her car » Er because ofthe weather © Ci to havea break 4 Thepalce say Lone 2] knew she would have o spend. lng time inthe car > Ei hed turned the car rund and driven back towards the main road © [wasnt atte to move the ear because the weather conditions had got worse 5 The police 2 [have gotall he details from Lone of what happened > Ei] have onty been able to speak to Lone fora shart period of ime © [haven't been able to vst the hospital yet 6 The reason nobody had found the car earlier was that 2 C1 few cers drive in tat area at that time of year > 7 there was maintenance work, a no cars could reach the area © C1 the car was totaly covered in snow 7 The reason Lone survived might be that @ LD she had a lot of food with her in the car > El she doesn't normaly eat or drink much, so it was, easier to adapt © C1 her body mede change to deal wit the sivation she was in © Write a conversation between two people discussing ‘experiences of very bad weather conditions. Use these questions to help you: © What kind of weather was if? ‘Was the bad weather expected or was it a surprise? * What kinds of problems di it cause? ‘© How did they deal with the problems? Tick (7) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 [tts been a great week. On Tuesday, Ihave met an old friend Itsbeon a great week, On Tuesday, met an old fend. 2 [In those days, people spent more time outside. 3 EI met Sorch three years ago, when | had been o student. 4 7] She hasbeen wating for chance and finaly she got one 5 Lucy had been seeing Michae! for some time 6 CJ Mwatch it in case ts on TV, © VOCABULARY Tick (¥) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1] The fish was too slippery for me to hold and it get away The fish was too slippery for me tahold and it got away. 2 [cant get over how big that tiger is (Bm sory, | got carried avay and lost my temper. © People could do more to protect the enviroment. (1 Every year, nundreds of animal races just disappear. C1 The Siterian tiger could soon become extinguished. 3 4 5 6 £ Complete the sentences with the expressions in he box. can't face face a difficult choice facefel! face the fact face the music say it to my face 1. Carmel really wanted the dress, but her face fall _ wien she saw how expensive it was. Thave to that im not as young as | used to be John is so Fypocritial. I he's unhappy with what I did, he should |___poing to work today, I need a day off [sit better to get a job or goto university? Young people nowadays, (My wife will be really angry, but I'm going to have to tell her the truth and ~ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review Your Progress on p. 30 of the Student's BB00k, How well can you do these things now? 3=verywell 2=well 1 =not sowell discuss dangerous situations ive advice on avoiding danger ive and respond to compliments write guidelines in aYeaflet. ojo 16 3A IN THE MORNING GB GRAMMAR Multi-word verbs @ Underline the correct words to complete the text, When I was at school, I didn’t think I was good at anything. The other kids picked things ‘out / in / up really quickly but I didn’t, and I thought some kids looked “down on / on down / down me as some kind of loser. The only thing that interested me was cars and I spent ages in the garage with my mum's old car, looking into / out of / over how it worked. My mum. wasn't “at / by / into cars at all, though, and she was tired of me going *in with / on about / with them all the time. Anyway, one day there was a school trip. 1 woke “by / up / on early to catch the coach. We were going down the road when the coach suddenly stopped. Tthought we had run out “in / at / of petrol, but the driver told us there was an engine problem and he would have to call the garage. I went to see for myself and quickly figured ®out / by / through what to do: I just needed to put back a cable. After ten minutes, the coach was on the road again. After that, everyone looked "to me up / up to me / me up to, and I realised there was something I could do well. When I left school, I set "out / up / by my own car repair business and now I'm doing really well. b QL Listen and check. © Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions. 1 all/but// threw sorry, /it/ away Sorry. but threw teal away 2 let ty / hardest and / your / us / down / don't 3 fallen / not friends / out / ve / and we're / Tony / with I'M NOT VERY GOOD ® VOCABULARY Ability and achievement @ Underline the correct words to complete the ‘conversation, MARIANA Have you heard of this writer Daniel Kalder? LIAM Yes, Iread Strange Telescopes some time ago. Its Malented/ brillant book. MARIANA. | agree. Kalder has got this “ability potentialto rake a serious statement but make you laugh at the same time. LAM Itreallyis 2abie/ outstanding. I just wish | had some “ability talent for writin. MARIANA. Kalder is °successful/ talented because he's spent 0 many years improving his style. That kind of hhard work is successful exceptional UAM True. | don’t think many people have heard of Kalder yet, but he has the “potential/ achievement ta bea really well-known writer. MARIANA He is very °skiled potential at what he does, 50 {good luck to him, b QUA Listen and check. © Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 You need to have a talent tot. xe ‘to have a talent for it 2 Olympic athletes are all exceptional fr their fel, 4. away /you /ike that /can't/ get / mistakes / with 5 yourself /for/it/and figure / go / out 6 just why /don't/it/ you ? out try? 7. made / Michelle / up / him /it/ impress /to & in /you you're doing / what /to / believe / need 3. She's realy successful by what she does, 4 I became very skiled for the game. 5 The ability of running long distances is important 6 Lesley is briliant on most ball spot 9 up anyone /a better / come / can / with idea ? 10 picked / dificult, 1 soon /it/ but /is French /up 7 He has the potential of being world champion one day. 8 Carl Lewis was outstanding forthe long jump. 3B GRAMMAR Present perfect and present perfect continuous Underline the correct words to complete the sentences and questions, 1 ve alnays loved | | always loved rugby. I's my favourite spot ‘ve won / They won the championship two years ago. What have you thought/ dial you think of the match? 4. The players haven't arrived | didn't arrive yet, so the match cant begin, 5 ve been running) | was eunnirazin the park when it happened, 6 Marina has been doing was doing yoga since she was 2 teenager 7 Ihave completed / been completing ive marathons, 8 A Why's your shirt wet? B {ve run! I've been running. 9 Josiua hasnt played / been playing tennis since he was at sschadl 10. Our judo trainer has learned been learning Japanese for fen years. 2 b Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Shantelle Gaston-Hill as Just broken (ust / break! a word recor Yesterday in Manchester, England, she (run) a hatf-marathon — that's just over 2 kilometres — in 2 hours, 16 minutes and 3 seconds, And she did it backwards! Shantelle is 32 years old and this is the second time she® (beat ail the best runners in the world, From March 2017 to January 2019, Shanielle“ (hold) the world record and ‘now, ust fen months later, she °. (seta new world record! Shantelle started retro-running ~ running backwards ~ for fun, but soon after, she began to take her hobby more seriously. But that's not all! She © {also / complete] five marathons and eight ult;a-marathons. its sate to say that Shontelle 7 lrun) forwards ‘and backwards for quite a while! Every time she ® (racel, she °__(represent a charity. This time Shantelle represented YoungMtinds, a mental health charity for children ‘and young people. She wants to show people that consistent training and determination can get extraordinary results, ¢ QL Listen and check. THERE ARE A LOT OF GOOD RUNNERS IN KENYA ® VOCABULARY Words connected with sport @ Read the definitions and write the words, 1 the act of winning a competition 2 person who isin charge of a sports game shout approval or encouragement people wha watch a sports event be in a competition for your country ‘an area for playing sport, especialy foot victory —_ 'b Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Everyone thinks that ‘professional (profession), sportspeople get paid a lot of money fo * (Competin but his snot always true. the top (cthietics) in smater spors like handbal, mountain running and women's cicket donteam. much money. Such sports ore very * (competion) and the athietes * (roining) hard, but even i they & (tepreseniation) their country they offen can't make a living from their sport Unfortunatly.” (victon in “__(champion) and new world ° (fecording) very often don't mean money, especially ifthe sport isn't popular on TV. But maybe this doesn't matter ifthe athletes enjoy what they do and spectators ‘re happy to watch them perform and! (Cheertul) for hem, Money isn't everything. afterall ¢ LHI Listen and check. © PRONUNCIATION Word stress @ QUI Listen to the conversation and underline the stressed syllables in the highlighted words. ELENA know you like 43hlgtis, but do you ever take part in “eompetitions? Sometimes ~ in fact, I'm going to °e0mMp8I6 in the national “efampionships next weekend ELENA So you're almost a “professional “athlete then? DIMA Not reat. Its hardly 2 “profession but! do a lot of ° tain, and I'm hoping for a good *performanes. There'l be a kt of strong !ESmpRHiGrS and I'l have to “perform really well on the day. ELENA. So yictory might be yours then, and we'll welcome the “ietorious champion home? Don't lau, | might win! DIMA DIMA EVERYDAY ENGLISH Who should we invite? 3C GD USEFUL LANGUAGE Making careful suggestions; Keeping to the topic of the conversation Put the words in the correct order to make statements and questions. 1. could / go / swimming / we / day always / another We could always go swimming another day, thing price J remember another fos the stay / maybe /1/ should home / think / we idea J ask / think /to/ a / don't you its / good ? how / sound / we watch /does / on Sunday /a ffl /if/ it? to/ that/ ut /easier/ itd /eat out / agree / be / don't you? 'b Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 Don't you think it's a good idea take some food? Don't you think it's a.goad idea ta take some food? Anyway, as | was speaking, Tessa needs to decide. Another idea might be for going the day before. Just going to what I was saying before. | thought maybe we cauld to invite Simon, Of course, we could always checking online. But don't you agree that its be better to ask fist? So, to get back at Martin and his problems. © PRONUNCIATION Consonant sounds Decide if the underlined letters have a voiced sound (oF unvoiced sound. Write V (voiced) or U (unvoiced). 1 game ame 6sve Toe O 2 beach CJ peach 7 pe =O ow Of 3tey Elvey O spe CF vick Of 4 simple [] symbol] 9 pack [] back [] Sat Cheuvi [10 havea C} havetoL] ‘QWAUA Listen and check. 3D GB READING Look at the bar chart and read the article. Match paragraphs 1-5 with their functions a-e. 2] Itadds extra information not shown inthe data, b Ey Itinterprets the data in more det € Cit states some addtional things to consider about the data and the future. toutlnes the issue tha the dala tres to answer. € T Itexpains what the bar charts about 'b Look at the bar chart and read the article again. Tick (¥) the correct answers. 1 The chart includes 13-year-olds from Ireland, eC) tue b Ciiase —c doesnt say 2 Information about schools is included. a Cite —b Clitase—c C1] doesnt say 2 Older teenagers are walling more a Cwe bp Cifase —c L] doesnt say 4. There is no great change between the figures for cycling a Clive — b Cliase §—c L] doesntt say 5 There are no mejor pater in the data a Litwe —b LJfase —c [doesnt say 6 Thearlicle ends with a reference tothe future 2 Cite —b [Jtase ~—c L] doesr WRITING SKILLS Describing data @ Look at the bar chart below that compares sports fans by generation across different sports in the USA. Then complete the sentences with the numbers and words in the box. There are two extra ones you do not need. 16 5 3 20 decrease increase least most 1 Only about__5__% of millennials are big fans of soccer. 2 However, the percentage of loyal basketball fans has remained the same at __ %, 3 The —______ popular sport in the USA is American football 4. There has been a slight of loyal sports fans in most sports. 5 There has been about a fans from the previous generation 6 About % of Generation X closely watch baseball in the USA, inthe percentage % drop in hockey Fane by Generation and Proferionsl Sports Professional Sports SKILLS FOR WRITING It doesn’t matter what sport people choose "Uk TeanagersAchity Groupe Be ie C & 1. Staying active is important for teenagers so that they can bbe healthy and also have fun with their friends, So how do thelr free time activities help them stay healthy, and are they doing the same activities? 2. The ber chart looks at sx different categories of activities thet teenagers do afterschool Its quantified in percentages, that isthe percentage of teenagers who take part in each ype of activity, Some categories are comparable over the past few years, but others have changed alittle 3 Itisimportant to note that the categories refer to activities that students do in their ree time. It does not include activities at school, such as physical education lessons, 4 The most noticeable changes have occurred in the categories of team sports and going for a walk Teenagers appear to be spending the same amount of time doing dance-elated activites, but they are playing more team sports and going for more walks for pleasure. 5 [tis important to remember that these are not the only ways teenagers spend their time being active. For ‘example, the chart doesrit mention informal activity ike walking to school ox playing with younger siblings at home. Da you think teenagers are more active now than they were in the past? The world is constantly changing, so twill be interesting to see what the future brings, WRITING @ Look at the bar chart in 2a again. Then write an article about how millennials follow sport today. Use the notes to help you: '* more options — sports fansnow follaw more sports but: watch fewer complete games ‘© different priorities ~ people have shorter attention spans ‘© TV—not.as popular today tee may be Inconvenient: © Internet apps and social media provide instant access and news all the time * ‘itestyle ~ single milennials without kids spend less time athome 20 RCE aM SACS GB READING Read the article about one of the greatest runners ofall time. Tick () the statements that are true 1 [Johnson's running syle was considered strange 2 [Johnson had the potential o win more then he did 3. E7 Johnson loved the attention he got rom his success 4 [1] Johnson had a afferent sve from Usain Bok 'b Read the article again and tick (¥) the correct answers, 1 The fact that Michael Johnson's friends laughed at his running sve made him want to run even faster. a Ltme —¢ UY doesn't say » Di take It was considered surprising that Johnson was able to win both the 200 and 400 metres. a Due © D) doesn't say » Fy tase 3. Johnson was the frst person to win the 400 metres at one Olympic Games and then win it again in the following Olympic Games. a Littue —¢ L] doesnt say > Li tase 4 Johnson wes ijured during the 1968 Olympic Games. a Fite c L] doesnt say > El tase 5 Jotnson didn racein the 200 metres final at the Barcelona Olympics. a Ftme —¢ LD doesnt say > Di tase 6 Johnson often refused to speak to joumalsts when he was very famous 2 Citue —c L) doesnt say > [) false 7 Johnson now says tat he might have been more successflit he'd been as relaxed as Usain Bot a Lime —¢ [1] doesnt say » D1 fabse 8 Usain Balt tied to boat Johnson's 400 metres world record a DO) tue ¢ [1] doesn't say » (fase © Write a paragraph about someone who has achieved a lot, Remember to include: ‘© some basic information about the person ‘© wnat they achieved and how they achieved it ‘what other people think of them MICHAEL rene JOHNSON SHo8s" SHOES ‘Michael Johnson is one of the most successful professional athletes fall ime. He won four Olympic gold medals and eight Wold ‘Championship golds. People used fo think thal it wos impossible for the some petson to win the 200 metres os well os the 400 metres, but Johnson won both at the 1996 Allonta Olympics, setting o new would record for both ~ 19.92 seconds and 43.49 seconds. He then wert on to win the 400 mettes again in Sydney in 2000 ~ te fis ime anyone hal ever won the 1ace in two ‘Olympic Games in a row. ‘Anyone who saw Johnson perform in a roce ~ even on TY ~ will remember him. He was an outstanding athlete, cf course, but he dlso had « very unusual runing ive — shor steps and a very siroight back. When he was a child, is fiends used to laugh at him because of how he ran. They said it was funny. Johnson later soid he'd found it funny, too, but for another reason —the silo was helping him win all his races, ‘Mory peopl ik hal, with beer luck, Johnson might have won even more medals ~he wes expected fo be part of he team that wen! to the 1988 Olympics, but he hod an injury ond was elected. Then in 1992, he got ill oer eatrg in c reskaucan! two weeks before the stot ofthe Barcelona Omics. As a resut, he did't get os foros the 200 mates in, which he hod been expected fo win. In 199, be ‘voided bad luck ond the success story began. Johnson's success made him rich and fomous, and he wos one of the fits athletics ‘supersirs’ - well known to the general public ‘round the wold, no! justo athletics fans. But he did't akways seem 10 enjoy the fome — he sometimes sounded badHempered in interviews and, with the golden shoes thal he staid io wear when racing, some called him arrogant. Als retiing, he ex plained that he'd found the press oltention annoying, Johnson, of course, hod « naa talent for running, bul many people say that itwas his obiliy to focus ond hi dedication to raining tho! made him so exceptional The big cunning star of modem times ~ Usain Bolt = fomously relaxed, almost the opposite of Johnson. ‘Whether Johnson could have run faster i he'd token Bolfs mote relaxed approach is up for debate — johnson hos said he certainly doesn think so, Johnson lost his 200 metres werld record to Bolt and encouraged him to ry the 400 meties as well, even though his could have lost Johnson his world recoxd. One thing is for sue ~ it would be fascinating o know who would win a race behveen Bolt «ond Johnson ot ther bes I LISTENING ae Review and extension © GRAMMAR Tick (7) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 [1 The police are wying to check who stole the money The polce are trying to find out who stole the money. 2 [1] He's too young, He's stil growing up. 3] its warm. Put your jumper of. 4. 1] We're finding a new secretary athe moment. 5 [1] What ideas have you come up with? 6 [5] Monica wasn't told about it yet. 7 [J Don't worry. | already sent the letter. 8 1 I'm waiting for you for ages! 9 [1] 'msure you've heard ofthe Loch Ness Monster. 10 [J | don't knove.| didn't decide yet. ® VOCABULARY @ QFE Listen to a conversation between two friends ‘about their school days. Match names 1-5 with a- to make sentences, 1 Duis 2 argued with Matk 2 CE] Martina b belived in Mark 3 E] MrEdwards was good at maths 4 Cy saran 4. was good at spor. 5 FE] Mrs Taylor @ was good a teaching grammar. b Listen again. Look at the opinions. Who has these ‘opinions — Tina, Mark or both? Tick (¥) the correct box. Tina | Mark | Both Mark and Tina 1 Martina is likely to have a v successful career now. julia was not friendly 3. Mr Edwards was a very goad teacher. 4. Sarah didn't have @ good relationship with anybody at the school 5. Learning French at schoo wasn't very enjoyable, © The school trips were not always educational © Write a conversation between two people discussing their school days. Person A tells Person B about a subject they were good at. Person B tells Person A about a subject they were bad at. Use these ‘questions to help you! ‘Why was Person A good at their schoo! subject? + Was Person & naturally good atthe school subject, o did they have to study hard? ‘Why was Person B bad at their schoo! subject? + Is Person B gond at ths school subject now? Tick (V) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 [What are the secrets of success people? What are the secrets of successful people? 2 [F] t's not able to get there by public transport 3 F] Noone doutis her capacity to get to the very top. 4D] twas another fantastic performence by the Kenyan 5 Ey] There is training course for all new staff tomorow. 6 [1 Professional spot is very competitive. 7 Ey What did the spectators think ofthe fim? 8 [1] The football players are just coming out on tothe cour. # Read the sentences, Write up in the correct places. 1 We came early, but Greg tured late We came early, but Greg tured up late Ityou don't know it, look itontine She thought about it and decided net to bring the matter. |used ital yesterday, sol went and bought some more. We ioked atthe bill and added it again, | went running wth Percem, but | couldnt Keep wih her. I started to leam Spanish ana picked it prety quickly. He works so hard and Ive always looked to him. _» REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review Your Progress on p. 42 of the Student's Book. How well can you do these things now? 3=veywell 2=well 1 =notsowell discuss ability and achievement discuss sports activities and issues make careful suggestions write a description of data. (a 4A I'M MORE CAUTIOUS THAN | USED TO BE GB GRAMMAR used to and would ® VOCABULARY Cause and result @ Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1. Yesterday my boss usad to come came to work late, 1. Smoking can lead ina lot of neath problems. 2 People used fo/ would believe the Sun went round the Earth ‘Smoking oan inadtoa lot of healt probleme, 3. One hundred years ago, it coulant/ woutdn'tsnow at alin > Ns ane kno what the affect was, winter 4. We lived / would ive in a small town before we moved to Istanbul 3. That's the main cause forthe problem. 5 | would/ used tohave a car, but | soldi 6 That really wasnt/ didn’t use to be the best decision, 4 7. Julia is used to working used to workin a shop before she started her own business, 8 Sam would / got used to stay up late every night studying, when he was a university student, 9 | wasn't used o/ got used to getting up so early, so the @ first morning was a shock. 10 It took me a long time to be/ get used to wearing a It could effect millions of people, Asa result from this, there is less money to spend. The new law resulted of protests and demonstrations uniform at work 7 General, its had e postive effect in peooe b OEM Underline the correct words to complete the text. Then listen and check. b Complete the text with the words in the box. Richard Morgan lves on a boat ona canal in London, but his affect asa result cease effect life ‘would / used to / was used to be very different, Richard “left ! ‘iscaused by lead result i tres aes ere 2 eel Peet 2 law Fir. was interesting and well paid, buta very hard jb. Richard “was used to / got used to / used to work I2 to I4 hours a ‘What makes people unhappy? Some people think that the day and sometimes he ‘woul seep / was used to sleeping /got used biggest |_cause is stress, whether from work or toseeping at the office because ic was so late. Rchard “used 0 shee mere payee a ctapeharentias real / wold real reafzed that tis kindof life was kllinghim. intone on heppinese. For exemple, «poor dist con “Twas used to / used to! would spending all my time at work. It 2 See ecaaee vas normal fr me, that was the frightening thing: Richard says. issase, Some people also think that unhappiness ‘On Sundays, Richard “used to going / got used to go / would go 4 ieee ieee torres cation fora walk down the canal and he always enjoyed thi. So one eerie al ty, hen he had had enough, he decided / used to decide ! wos _pyovide support enertainment and company, I's more ted to deciding to change his fe complecely, He gave up his ini oat miigniesn hae eerie job, bought a Boat and said goodbye ro his stresfl eas a aa eene a see Inwyer. ‘le was abig contrast. | stil have't “used to / got used to / been used to the ducks waking me up, but i's a great life he says. "My family and friends were shocked at first, but now thoy "get used to visting / ore used wo visitng /used to visting me con my boat and they know I'm happy” and stress, This is clearly a difficult question to answer. 4B TO TALK IN CLASS G3 GRAMMAR Obligation and permission WE WEREN'T ALLOWED VOCABULARY Talking about difficulty @ Complete the conversation with the responses in the box Thad to catch the 5:30 train. V'm tired during the day. No, I can work from home on Fridays. No, I don’t have to unless we have a deadline. No, I had te get up at 5.00 this morning Yes, | can tind a seat on the train. Yes, the boss lets us have one day at home. You should speak to my boss! JANE Ave you feeling allright? ALEK 2 5: is JANE Why was thal? ALEK © JANE Do you do this every morning? ALEK = JANE Is that the same for everyone? ALEK JANE. ive there any advantages of getting to work early? ALEX © JANE. And the disadvantages? ALEK © JANE Do you need to work late as well? ALEK JANE. You need to ask fora pay rise, ALEX & 1b Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 It's for girs only, so he can / can't/ has to take part in the competition. 2 You really can / ought to/ don't have to read this book about Jackie Chan. I's brillant 3 Lola mustn’t/ doesn't have to/ shouldn't train hard because she is very talented. 4 You shouldn't) don't have to/ are not allowed to get nervous before the race. 5 The competition was supposed! had! ought to start at 7:00, but everyone was late 6 Don't worry, you mustn’t/ shouldn't don't need to train today. 7. My trainer made me run fo un f running en kilometres, 8 During training, we're not allowed eat/ to eat/ eating certain fod. 9 Don't let them beat/ fo beat / beating you inthe race! 10. They were let allowed to/ forced to train in the cold and rain, even though they didnt want to. @ Underline the correct adjectives for the pictures. 1 ain) arduous/ 2 tricky/ rigorous 3. testing I strict strict journey testing discipline 4 afr) tricky? 5 tough 6 a tricky! exhausting punishing grueling vaining standards situation schedule b Underline the correct words to complete the conversation, KATE So what's it ike to be a firefighter, Willarn? WILLIAM ts really 'staighttoard/ strict! tough, much hharder than | thought. The traning is very “rigorous / awkward | delicate and the insructers really *strugete stretch demand us. KATE Butyouive finished al the waining? WILLIAM Not yet. I's not so “strict/ dernanding! straighttoward tabbocome a firefighter. First, there's this Sarduous / ‘stalghforward delicate raining schedule and then a grueling! tricky! backbreaking writen test to do at the ond, KATE Wiel, ou do like a ’struggle/ punishment? challenge! It sounds ikea very rigorous / demanding! tricky jb. ¢ QEXA Listen and check. © PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: wv a IZA Listen to the words in the box. How is the underlined letter u pronounced in each word? Complete the table with the words. umbrella pullover useless suger supper attitude result influential enthusiasm ‘Sound 3 /uy/ or ud (eg, food or cube) ‘Sound 1 /al (eg. cup) Sound 2 /o/ (eg, cook) umbrella 24 4C EVERYDAY ENGLISH Thank you, you've saved my life GD CONVERSATION SKILLS Expressing careful disagreement @ Complete the table with the phrases in the box. Hdon't-agree-with-yeur Really, do you think so? That's just not true. Oh, I don’t know. Maybe you're right, but You can't really believe that. | know what you mean, but on the other hand .. No way! mi not sure about that. I'm afraid you're wrong there Careful disagreement Direct disagreement I don't agree with yo. bb Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. know what you mean, but on the other hand, technology is so central. Really, do you think so? ’m not sure about that. They work very hard ht don't-know-Some-things ere improving: Maybe you're right, but teachers are not the real problem. MARK Education is getting worse and worse in this country. uly 10h 1don's know, Some things are improving, MARK Like what? Teachers don't know what they're doing, uy @ MARK Yes, but they need more training. uy MARK True — kids just don't want to study. uy MARK | do. They spend far too much time playing on their phones, uy ° MARK Hang on, someone's texting me ¢ QWEM Listen and check. © PRONUNCIATION Contrastive stress @ QUA Listen to the exchanges. Underline the word in each response with the strongest stress. 1A Itwas an absolutely terrible hotell | never want to go there again, Oh, I don't know. It wasn't that bad. | really did't ike that film, It was so boring! Oh, I don't know. It wasn't that boring, |oved that restaurant. The menu was really origina Oh, I don't know. It wasn't that orginal Have you seen that new shop? It looks great! Oh, I don't knaw. It doesn't fook that great. | thought the meeting today was far too ong. Oh, I don't know. It wasmt that long, 4D Do you want to learn new skills and live and work in a beautiful ‘environment? Volunteer to work as a forest ranger in a variety of locations with Forest Conservation Alliance. RESPONSIBILITIES You will carry out work around the forest, protect tho environment and provide help to visitors and the general public. What we offer you + free accommodation ‘+ training and education ‘+ the opportunity to learn new skills QUALIFICATIONS You care about the environment and are a good team worker. You have a basic knowledge of a subject related to the environment. You have good oral and written communication skills in English GD READING Read the job advert and Carla's email. Then complete the summary with the words in the box. fluently forests outside people ranger reliable strong student arta wants to apply fora job asa "tanger _. She isa "__and speaks Engish Carla loves spending time #_in§ ‘and other interesting places. She likes to work with ©__and describes herself as 7 Caria sounds lke a § candidate Read the advert and the email again, Are the sentences true or false? There are several places to work. ‘You don't need to find somiewhere to lve. Carla has only been to the UK once. She has finished her studies, Carla thinks that the world will not survive without forests, She fas some practical experience. Cara is worried about the responsibility. Inthe future, she wants to be a ranger. WRITING SKILLS Giving a positive impression @ Add the correct missing word to each sentence. 1 I would like to apply to be a volunteer at the Winter Olympics. 2 I have always been interested sports, 3 would be more than happy to upmy free time. 4 am in an excellent to help athietes and visitors 5 |_____boeleve that sport brings people together 6 look to hearing fram you SKILLS FOR WRITING I'm good at communicating with people Re: Volunteers Dear Forest Conservation Alliance, | saw the advert for volunteers to Work as forest rangers, and | would koto apply lam a student of environmental science in Turn, and | have travelled to ‘the UK many times, so my language skis are vey strong. Lam also @ friendly and sociable person who enjoys working with people ‘As a student, | am in an excollnt postion to explain the beauty of ‘he forest to visitors and to protect the forest rom damage. | strongly believe that forests are essential for the word to survive, andi fs the ‘work of rangers to make paople aware of his, In our studies we have field trips to forests to study thor natural beauty. also spend a lt of my free time outdoors exploring. lam sure this knowledge and enthusiasm would help me inthis postion, lam cortident that can bean important part of your team. tam raibie ‘and hardworking, so this challenge is ideal for me. Whon fnsh university, "UL keto work inthis field, 50 this @ wonderul apporturiy. ook forward to hearing from you, Bost regards, Carla Rossin © WRITING Read the advert and the plan, Then write an application email and skis, such as preparing food for athletes, helping mesical centre and interreting.—_////// alm What we offer you 4 * free accommodation * tickets to events * the opportunity to lear new Qualifications You are physically ft. ‘You have good oral and written ‘communication skills in English. (5 Aviv tor tis iob EF Sovetotovourtee Plan Paragraph 12: neason for writing Paragraph 2: your background (work / education), your communication skills Faragraph &: your expertence, personality and other ski, how these make you a good candidate Paragraph 4: why you want:to be a volunteer, your interest In sport / the Olympics Paragraph 5: closing sentence RCE aM Sem eS COG 26 Train journeys and unwritten rules. [posted by Paul, yesterday st 7:14 pm) Well, I've just arrived home furious! Why? Something ‘uite silly, really, but very annoying. As most of you reading probably know, | commute to work every day by train, Today, | was standing with a few other people by the train doors as the train arrived at the station. Now, what's supposed to happen is thet people get off the train frst, and then the people who are on the platform ‘get on. It works better that way. I's the logical way to do It. But today, as soon as the doors opened, everyone ‘on the platform started to get on, and we had to kind of fight our way off. There was no advantage for the people ‘on the platform to gat on the train frst - they still had to wait for everyone else to get off, and it just created confusion, although | suppose they were worried about finding a seat on the train, While it was all happening, | got angry an¢ ended up having an argument with ‘someone getting on. ‘Anyway, it got me thinking. There's no rule anywhere that says that the people on the platform are supposed to wait and let the people on the train get off first. That's just what people do. It's an unwritten rule. So, what other ‘unwritten rules can you think of? Do you ever see people: breaking them? And if so, what de you do? GD READING Read the blog post and comments. Tick (¥) the things that are not mentioned by the writer or in the ‘comments, 1] Behaviour on public transport (Queuing 1 Doing something tobe polite (2 Regretting daing something rude [Ey Paying extra for something 'b Read the biog and comments again. Write the names of the people. 1. Which person mentions something hey do that is pointless? 2 Which person compares a situation intwo different counties? 3 Which person cannot understand a particular behaviour of other people? 4. Which person describes a polite form of behaviour that may have a negative result? ‘5 Which person sugeests they may understand why rude bettaviour took place? COMMENTS: Sam: yesterday at 7:43 pm actly the same probiom on the bus recently. Everyone tres to geton without letting anyone off ett loes make the bry? ‘ene: yesterday at 11:11 pm nother unwritten rule? Queuing! There are some places, ke othe shops, where there are actualy bariers that malo someone jumps the queue? Generally Tay nothing Tend to give them a dirty Ioo%, but that a waste of time because sy in font of me in the line and can't see my face! Sara: today at 9:11 am Tsuppose politely holding a door open is another unwritten rule W's funny because I tink sometimes it would be easier for everyone nat to = tha other parson in dirscly hein them, and also they have to hurry so yout noe waiting too gl Bue I alivays dot. I scmeone doesn held the door con form, then | think they're re. «you, you have to wet for ‘Juan: today at 14:15 am bout find thatthe ele changes ante I grevr up in a country where you thought the walter was really nen [visited tha USA, 1 Ws even ifthe service you hala grag timo. St Inerns that tee averyona aves 15% jen that good {prefer the unwritten rule in my eountey! © Read the blog and comments again. Are the sentences true or false? 1. The orginal writer, Paul, was involved in a violent situation. 2 Paul believes there needs to be a written rule to tll people ta walt before getting on the tain 3. Irene doesn’t normally argue with people who jump the queue. 4 Sara doesn't expect people to hold the door open for her 5 Juan doesn't ike tipping practices in the USA 1d Write 2 paragraph about an ‘unwritten rule in your ‘country or 2 country you know well. You should say: «what the rule + whether you thnk the rules necessary + what you or other people tend to do when the rules oroken: OULISTENING @ ERA Listen to some interviews with university ‘graduates. How many are unhappy with their final ‘grades at university? Tick (¥) the correct answer. 1 CJ one student 3D three students 2 CF) two students 4 Dall four students b Listen again and tick (7) the correct answers. 1 What do we learn about Car's year? 2] He studied a fot during this period bE] He had to buy a lat a books. © EF] Hewas very busy at work 2 Why di Carl find his experience at university dificult? 2 He had to pay alt for his stucies bE] He has young family to look attr. © E] He had to work and study at the same time 3 Why did Samantha mention that she had three exams in twa days? 2 (1) toshow that this was really the ony otfcuty she had > F7] because she is unhappy withthe university administration ¢ Cte expain now ite contol you have ever your timetable asa student 4 Why didnt Luke get the final grade he wanted? 2 L] He had a bad cold during the last two exams © CJ His pertormance on his final two exams wasn't strong enough. c [1] He was seriously ill on the day of one exam. 5 Which ofthe folowing opinions does Luke express? aL] He doesnt think that you should have to take an exam if you are really il. © [He's sure he would have got the marks he wanted if he hadnt been il cc OJ He thinks the university shouldn't consider illness only on the day of an xan 6 Which of the folowing siatements best matches something Jane says? 2 Ly] You need to gat a lot of sleep to succeed at university > Eis harder to gota degree if you don't have fiends or family who have studied at university cc [JI better to go to university before you're 40. 7. What do we learn about Jane's work situation? aT] She hopes she wil gota chance to progress more at work now that she's graduated » [1 She's found a new job since she graduated. © ET] She thinks its going to be hard to find a job even though she now has a university degree. © Write about an event that has had a big influence on your life. Use these questions to help you: What was the event? ‘© Why was it important for you? ‘© What was your lif ke before the event? ‘© How did your life change after the event? ae Review and extension © GRAMMAR Tick (7) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 Ci My grandded use to work in factory near Manchester. My granddad used to work in a factory near Manchester. 2 [1 twouid preter to see my own doctor 3 C1] She used to living by herself now. 4 Ey This canbe the lst time we come here 8] I hope we could do tis again some tie 6 [it you want to apply, you shoul fl out this form. @ VOCABULARY Tick (7) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 [1 Sundays better cause fm tre then, ‘Sunday is better because Im free then. 2 [1 I'm worted that it might effect my heat, 3 CJ It can lead to all kinds of problems 4 CI] My first teacher was very stickt 5 She eft because she felt she needed a new challenge 6 J Prisons are basicaly for punish eximinas, £ Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. E1 Therules of the game are as fos / 2 wile ~ fst, there must be at least fe players. Itlooks as a mater of fact! i we were all wrong, Theres alot to do there as far as / for entertamment i concerned. The competition was good for the country as a whole/ {ollows ~ everyone benefited. She's stil on holiday as far as I'm concerned! | know. The tickets are too expensive end as far as ™m concermed / 1 know, they're a waste of money 7 More people live in the UK than in Spain. As @ whole/ 4 matter of fac, the population is almost 67 milion, Alice is very nice, but 2s for! if her husband ~ well he's rather strange. _» REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review Your Progress on p. 54 of the Student's Book. How well can you do these things now? 3 = very well well 1 = not so well ies vrs at canged ny ie tious and dese les desctine pots write an email t app far work (a YOU COULD LIVE 5A TO BE A HUNDRED G0) GRAMMAR Future probability @ Underline the correct words to complete the ‘conversation, KATY Have you read this article, Josh? it says there's a good ‘chance doubt the next generation wil ve to be 150 years old! JOSH Who knows, what it says “may! wilfbe true. Bul what evidence is there? KATY Advances in medicine might? will certainly be a factor, and people “won't/ couldo’tdie from all sorts of diseases common today. Also, technology will probably | probably will make everyday Ife easier. JOSH Fine, but | don't suppose doubt if many people will want to live that long. It's ’unikely/ sure that it tbe ‘much fun to be 150, KATY The article says that we ®may// will probably be able to work untl that age. There's a good chance Yof/ that machines yill/ won't do all the hard work, like washing and cleaning, so that we can do different tasks, lke critical thinking, JOSH Interesting 'm probable sure there'll even be a special Olympics for people over 100! KATY Yes, i's bound '2%0 happen / happen, so stat training! b QWBU Listen and check. © Tick (¥) the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Pallution be even worse in the future if we don't start taking responsibilty for it 2 WZ] will probably [probably wit ¢ [)tkely wi 2 msure trait happen in our ifetime. @ Chmaynot& C] might not © L) wont 3 Vitual reality ‘becorne more popular, but I dou it 2 Ci mitt » Owil © Clean 4 The question Is we find areal solution to our energy problems? 2 Lima > Omit = ¢ Dwi 5 Cinemas 0 out of business inthe future, 2 C1] protabiy wit cL) won't probably » FJ will probably 6 eS unlkely computes will replace teachers a tm oOit © Ly tat 7 There's no that they wil stop printing books. 2 Ll tkely » C1 probatiity © [] chance 8 lean that one day we wil beable to go on holiday to the Moon 2 Llimagine —» LF) suppose ¢ [1] guess 9 Airport security is sure change wih new technology 2 Ut > Di thet ¢ Oe 10 Productivity at werk is that we can work from home. 2 Lipossiie > [] bound to get better saan naw © C1 probable 28 ® VOCABULARY Adjectives describing attitude a Complete the words. 1 How realist icisit that wel ive to 150 years old? | mean will it actually happen? ‘Sam is always late handing in work. He's completely urbe. 3 Itwasanu__y_____e__c.comment, and he immediately felt sory he'd said it 4 Victoria is realy a_v_ s. She's just gone on a trekking holiday in the Ecuadorian rainforest. 5 Wendy is really t______f__, soshe will always check ‘on you when yout ill or upset about something, 6 Youcan tell he's w__lo _d by looking at how tidy his desk is. b Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are four extra words you do not need. ‘adventurous ambitious cautious erties? disorganised ivesponsible reliable thoughtful ‘uncompetitive unrealistic unsympathetic 1 He's very —critical_of the way the work was done. 2 Ivenever known anyone so. you can never count on him. 3 Its dangerous out there; | guess it's better to be and play itsafe. 4 Even if the place isa bit ve sil know where everything is. 5 may be. compared to everyone else, but | til want to win 6 That was a really trip — you won't believe al the incredible things that happened, 7. The new waiter is obviously very Wve never seen anyone wark as hard as him, EJ PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: th @ How are the underlined letters th pronounced in each word in the box? Complete the table with the words. athletic breath breathing mother Earth either leather length month the tyink though Sound 1 AY Sound 2/07 (eg, thanks (2, then) ‘think b OLHA Listen and check. i) @) GRAMMAR Future perfect and future continuous @ Underline the correct words to complete the ‘sentences, 1 Passengers, we will soon be arriving / have arrived atthe station, 2 You can iil help because they won't ave finished / be finishing yet 3. Will polar bears sill be fing / have lived 50 years fram now? 4 Well be feeding! have fed the penguins at 2:30, 0 make sure you see that, 5 The team will have completed / be completing their project by 2031, © What will we be achieving / have achieved after we've spent allthis maney on research? 7 (don't think we'll have driven / be driving cars in 20 years’ time. 8 Fleur wil be laarning/ have laarned alot by the time she leaves Antarctic. 9. This ime tommorrow, Il be getting / have got ready ‘ogo. Fleur wil be glad to get back because she won't bbe seeing have seem her friends for ages. b Complete the text with the future continuous or future perfect forms of the verbs in the box. change complain not cook create destroy not eat notfall go nottve replace study transport tum walk Lets travel tothe year 2059! We han be living on Earth because pollution and wars 2 the ‘ld planet. Instead, planet Zeus will be our home, Giant spaceships * everyone and everything from Earth before it exploded in 2055. Zeus won't bea bad place to live, and some things will go on as ‘oral, Adults“ to work every morning Children ‘at school and old peor 4 ‘about almost everything, Many things will be different, though. Because of the different atmosphere, our hai green ~at least it ‘out and we ® about in space sults. Special tablets" food and drink, so we ‘tall, and we ‘out at restaurants. Yes, life quite a lot. Welcome to 2059 and the future we“ ¢ OFA Listen and check. I'LL BE SETTLING INTO MY ACCOMMODATION @I VOCABULARY The natural world @ Match 1-7 with eg to make sentences. [E] Big companies don't seem to worry enough about the ecological There was a period of rough (There are people who think that climate (We rake en efoto be environmentally ust look atthe river to see the effect of global (5 We don't realise tat we lve in a fale CO I read that solar change is some kind of myth, energy is one ofthe fastest growing forms of energy. environment and everything is interconnected. friendly, but its not alvays easy. Impact of what they do. warming on water levels, weather and we couldn't go out much. b Complete the words. 2 Cities ae tying Obviousy, ta be more _—__— environmentally energy i a cleaner alternative then oll and gas. 1 Global warming — 's changing animals natural habitats, 4 Tourism can damage the desert’s fragile e____ We can reduce our 6 carbon t by taking fewer Itwould be crazy to go out to sea in this weather 7. Recent winters have been colder asa result of ___chanee. Just stop and think ‘about the ecological

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