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Name: ______________________________________ Date: 21 / 09 / 2023

Nota obținută:

Test Paper
6th grade

I. I.Write about you. (Scrie despre tine!): ___/ 10p (5x2=10 points)

1. My name is …………………………………
2. I am in the ……………………………….. class
3. I like ……………………………………………
4. I don’t like……………………………………
5. My favourite food is …………………….

II. Fill in the right article if necessary (a, an, the, no article): ___/ 20p (5x4=20

1. ……… toys in my ……. room are all arranged on …… self.

2. Is there …. wardrobe behind your ….. door?
3. Tina’s nice house is in my ……… old neighbourhood.
4. There are many ……….flowers in your garden, but …….. roses are my favourite.
5. …… Paris, …….. capital of …… France, is ……. famous holiday destination.

III. Write the plural of the following nouns: ___/ 20p (10x2=20 points)

1. tomato – 6. man –
2. book – 7. mouse –
3. brush – 8. country –
4. toy – 9. child –
5. wolf – 10. knife –

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verb in brackets (Present Simple or
Present Continuous): ___/ 20p (10x2=20 points)

I ___________________ (not know) what to think of my brother Tom. He ___________ (live) in

London where he ________ (have) a small flat not far from the city center. He _______ (to be) a

journalist and usually ________ (work) from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. during weekdays. At weekends he

often _________ (spend) time with his friends. However, at the moment Tom ________________ (not
work). He _______________ (enjoy) a few days off work with his

new girlfriend Jane. They __________________ (visit) our cousin George in New York. I ___________
(love) my brother.

V. Complete with the right letter. ___/ 20p (5x4=20 points)

a) i___ecr___am b) pe___r c) ap___le d) p___zza e) ban___n___s

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