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Path of the Predator

t has been days, hunting, stalking, waiting for the Apex Predator
right moment to strike against the roaming band of
poachers devastating your woodland home. Like a At 14th level you gain the following atributes:
true apex hunter you bide your time, gauging your You can no longer be surprised.
prey, their patterns, their weaknesses, until the time You have advantage against Creatures that have been hit
is right. with a Critical strike.
Unlike other Barbarians, you are a creauture of speed and In addition at level 18 you can choose to use Dexterity
agiliy, not brute force. instead of Strength for Your Indominable Might Ability.
Like a shark in the ocean, or wolf in the in the tundra you are Likewise you can choose to increase your Dexterity score by
a hunter, one with your element, striking fast and without 4 instead of Strength With your Primal Champion ability.

Aspect of Swiftness
At 3rd level when you choose this path you gain the Aspect
of Swiftness, gaining the following abilities;
• You gain proficiency in Dexterity saves instead of
Strength saves
• You gain proficiency in the two weapon fighting style while
not wearing any armor.
• When you attack with weapons, you use your Dexterity
modifier, instead of Strength saves, for the attack and
damage rolls, while not wearing any armor.

Agile Rage
When you enter a rage you use Dexterity instead of
Strength. You have advantage on Dexterity checks and
Dexterity saving throws instead of Streangth checks and
Strength saving throws.
When you make a melee weapon attack using Dexterity,
you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you My thoughts with this build.
gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage I wanted to make a melee warrior, who was one with
column of the Barbarian table. nature. Heavily inspired by Native American braves,
with an apex predator theme to it. Becomin part
Prey hunter, part warrior. Swift and silent, as they stalk
through the woodlands.
As part of your rage you can designate a foe as your Prey. I was set on not making a Ranger. The Barbarian
Honing in on their weaknesses you know where to strike; class was an obvious choice. But non of the existing
While raging you can roll a d6 of extra damage with your Paths fit my idea. Nor could I find a homebrew that
main hand attack on each turn. fit. Where barbarians are traditionally strength based,
If or when the target of Prey dies you can use a bonus action and heavily Conan inspired. Often slow, brutish, with
to move Prey . the rage a loss of inhibition.
The Prey mark disappears when you fall to 0 hit Points or My idea would still be The Barbarian; A person of the
the Rage ends wilderness, a part of it, finding their niche and
surviving. The idea became; What if the barbarian
Predatory senses has a apex predator niche? It would be like other
barbarians, but instead of the classical Ragers,
At 6th level you can track a creature even on difficult terrain, smashing their way through everything with brute
or if the tracks are old. force- My barbarian was the viper, the panther, the
You gain the Uncanny dodge ability. shark. Dexterous, silent but still deadly . The Rage
While Raged you can move without provoking an opportunity mechanic would be more of a focus on the kill,
attack. rather than a loss of sense. With everything else
giving the build a chance to hone in on the hunt of
it's prey.
Tireless Hunter
At 10th level you no longer gain a level of exhaustion after a
rage ends. Your Prey damage die goes from a d6 to a d8.

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