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Extended Abstract:

This comprehensive study delves into the multifaceted impact of youth immigration
on Albanian banks, elucidating both the immediate ramifications and the long-term
repercussions within the context of Albania’s journey towards European Union (EU)
integration. Employing a robust methodology encompassing qualitative interviews,
quantitative analysis of financial data, and policy examination, this research
endeavors to provide a nuanced understanding of how youth emigration shapes the
operational landscape, customer dynamics, and regulatory environment of Albanian
banks. By delving into the intricate interplay between demographic shifts,
remittance flows, and banking sector dynamics, this study offers actionable
insights to guide strategic decision-making and policy formulation.

Youth emigration has emerged as a salient phenomenon in Albania, exerting profound
implications on societal demographics and economic dynamics. As Albania navigates
the path towards EU integration, understanding the ramifications of youth
immigration on the banking sector assumes paramount importance. This study aims to
unpack the complex interrelationships between youth emigration, banking operations,
and regulatory frameworks, shedding light on both the challenges and opportunities
that lie ahead.

Literature Review:
The literature review surveys a diverse array of scholarly works exploring the
nexus between migration and banking, drawing insights from both domestic and
international contexts. Key themes encompass the role of remittances as a financial
lifeline for migrant families, the impact of demographic changes on banking sector
dynamics, and the regulatory considerations shaping cross-border financial
transactions. By synthesizing seminal contributions from academia and policy
circles, this section lays the conceptual groundwork for the ensuing empirical

This study adopts a multifaceted approach, comprising qualitative interviews and
quantitative analysis, to unravel the intricacies of youth immigration’s impact on
Albanian banks. Qualitative interviews with banking professionals offer nuanced
insights into the operational challenges, customer preferences, and strategic
imperatives arising from youth emigration. Concurrently, quantitative analysis of
financial data provides a quantitative lens through which to scrutinize trends in
remittance inflows, deposit growth, loan portfolios, and profitability metrics. By
triangulating qualitative narratives with quantitative evidence, this research
endeavors to present a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Preliminary findings underscore the multifaceted nature of youth immigration’s
impact on Albanian banks. Remittance inflows serve as a critical revenue stream,
bolstering deposit growth and liquidity within the banking sector. However,
demographic shifts and regulatory uncertainties pose challenges, necessitating
adaptive strategies to ensure long-term resilience and sustainability. Insights
gleaned from qualitative interviews shed light on the operational realities and
strategic imperatives confronting Albanian banks amidst the backdrop of youth
emigration and EU integration.

The discussion section critically interrogates the findings within the broader
context of Albania’s evolving economic landscape and regulatory framework. It
deliberates on potential strategies for banks to capitalize on the opportunities
presented by youth immigration while mitigating the risks associated with
demographic changes and regulatory exigencies. By delineating actionable
recommendations grounded in empirical evidence, this section seeks to inform
stakeholders across academia, policymaking, and the banking industry.

In conclusion, this study elucidates the intricate interplay between youth
immigration, banking sector dynamics, and EU integration in Albania. While youth
emigration presents both challenges and opportunities for Albanian banks, strategic
foresight and adaptive resilience can pave the way for sustainable growth and
resilience. By harnessing the insights gleaned from qualitative interviews and
quantitative analysis, stakeholders can chart a course towards a more inclusive,
robust, and responsive banking sector that effectively navigates the complexities
of youth immigration and EU integration.

Keywords: Youth Immigration, Albanian Banks, Remittances, EU Integration, Financial

Regulation, Mixed-Methods Research.

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