My Pet Dog

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I want to tell you about my pet dog. His name is Buddy , he is my best friend.
Buddy is a flu y ball with big brown eyes and floppy ears. He loves to play
fetch in the park and chase cat. When he's not playing, he likes to curl up at
my feet and take a nap.
Every morning, Buddy greets me with a wag of his tail and a big sloppy kiss.
He follows me everywhere I go, like a shadow. We go on walks together, and
he always makes me laugh with his silly antics.
Buddy is also very smart. He knows lots of tricks, like sit, stay, and roll over.
Sometimes, I teach him new tricks, and he learns them quickly because
he's such a clever dog.
But the best thing about Buddy is his unconditional love. No matter what
kind of day I've had, he's always there to greet me with a wag of his tail and
a lick on the cheek. He's my loyal companion, and I love him more than
anything in the world.

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