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Here are simpli昀椀ed notes on Object-Oriented Programming

(OOP) concepts using C++:


**De昀椀ne Object Oriented Programming**

- **De昀椀nition:** OOP is a way of writing programs that emphasizes the use

of objects, which are like building blocks containing both data and

- **Example:** In C++, a “Car” object might have data like color and
model, and functions like start() and stop().

**Evolution of Object Oriented Programming**

- **Explanation:** OOP grew from earlier programming styles, becoming

popular in languages like C++ and Smalltalk.

- **Example:** C++ introduced the concept of classes and objects, laying

the foundation for OOP.

**Programming paradigms**

- **Explanation:** Di昀昀erent ways of organizing code, such as procedural,

functional, and object-oriented.

- **Example:** Procedural programming focuses on steps to solve a

problem, while OOP focuses on objects and their interactions.

**Merits and demerits of OOP**

- **Merits:** Encapsulation (keeping data safe), reusability of code, and

modularity (breaking code into smaller parts).

- **Demerits:** Can be complex to understand, and might have

performance overhead.

- **Example:** OOP allows for creating reusable code modules, but

complex inheritance can make maintenance di昀케cult.

**Examples of object oriented languages**

- **Languages:** C++, Java, Python, C#.

- **Explanation:** These languages have features designed to support

OOP principles.

- **Example:** In C++, classes and objects are fundamental concepts

used to implement OOP principles.

**Object Oriented Databases (OODBs)**

- **Explanation:** Databases that use OOP concepts for storing and

manipulating data.

- **Example:** MongoDB stores data in a format similar to objects in OOP



**Concepts associated with OOP**

- **Explanation:** Fundamental ideas in OOP like objects, classes,

inheritance, and polymorphism.

- **Example:** Inheritance allows a new class to inherit properties and

behaviors from an existing class, promoting code reuse.

**Objects and Classes**

- **Objects:** Instances of classes that contain both data and functions.

- **Classes:** Templates for creating objects with shared attributes and


- **Example:** A class “Car” might have data members like color and
functions like start() and stop().

**Abstraction and Encapsulation**

- **Abstraction:** Hiding complex implementation details and showing

only essential features.

- **Encapsulation:** Bundling data and functions that operate on the data

into a single unit.
- **Example:** A bank account class might hide the implementation of
how interest is calculated and restrict access to the account balance.

**Inheritance and Polymorphism**

- **Inheritance:** Allows a new class to inherit properties and behaviors

from an existing class.

- **Polymorphism:** Ability of objects to take on di昀昀erent forms based on

their class hierarchy.

- **Example:** A “Vehicle” class may have subclasses like “Car” and

“Truck”, each with its own implementation of a “drive()” method.

**Comparison between structured and OOP**

- **Structured Programming:** Focuses on functions and procedures.

- **OOP:** Focuses on objects and their interactions.

- **Example:** In structured programming, a program may consist of a

series of functions, while in OOP, it may consist of interacting objects with
their own data and functions.

**Keywords and Identi昀椀ers**

- **Keywords:** Reserved words with prede昀椀ned meanings in C++.

- **Identi昀椀ers:** Names given to variables, functions, classes, etc.

- **Example:** In C++, “if”, “for”, and “class” are keywords, while variable
names like “num_students” are identi昀椀ers.

**Comments and Punctuators**

- **Comments:** Annotations in code for documentation or clari昀椀cation.

- **Punctuators:** Symbols used for structuring code.

- **Example:** In C++, “//” denotes a single-line comment, while “{}” are

used for code blocks.

**Reasons for Embracing OOP**

- **Explanation:** Bene昀椀ts such as code reusability, easier maintenance,
and scalability.

- **Example:** OOP allows for creating modular and extensible codebases,

making it easier to add new features or 昀椀x bugs over time.

These notes provide a simpli昀椀ed overview of key OOP concepts using C++
examples. Let me know if you need further explanation or assistance!

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