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Government of Rajasthan

Indira Gandhi Nahar Project

Detail Project Report


Compliance of Honourable Chief Minister Budget announcement

2019-20 regarding construction of new canals (Dheerwas Sub
Minor, Dungarpura Minor, Devgarh Minor, Billon Minor, Mehrasar
Minor andtaranagar Minor.) in
Ch Kumbha Ram Arya Lift of IGNP Stage-II

Chief Engineer,
Indira Gandhi Nahar Project,
Bikaner - 334001
Phone – 0151-2226401
Email -


S.No. Contents Page


1 Introduction: Indira Gandhi Nahar Project 3

2 Objectives of Project 3

3 Status of Project 3

4 Benefits 4

5 Initial Planning of Lifts of IGNP Stage-II 4

6 About Kumbharam Arya Lift Scheme 5

7 Changes in CCA of KRA Lift 6

8 Hon’ble C.M Budget aanouncement 2019-20 6

9 Estimation exercise by IGNP 8

10 Technical Detail of canals 8

10.1 Dheerwas sub minor 8

10.2 Devgarh minor 9

10.3 Dungarpura minor 11

10.4 Mehrasar minor 12

10.5 Bilyun minor 13

10.6 Taranagar Minor 15

11 Cost Estimates 17

12 Cost benefit ratio 44

13 Index plan


1.1. Indira Gandhi Nahar Project is an excellent example of courageous fight of man
against oddness of nature. Aim of this ambitious project is to irrigate the thirsty
desert land of Western Rajasthan with Himalaya's water and provide drinking water
to crores of inhabitants of this area.

1.2. Indira Gandhi Canal originates from Harike barrage situated in Punjab, from
Harike, 204 Km. long Indira Gandhi Feeder off-takes, which has 170 Km. length in
Punjab & Haryana and balance 34 Km. in Rajasthan. This canal enters Rajasthan in
Hanumangarh District. From tail of Indira Gandhi Feeder 445 Km. long Indira
Gandhi Main Canal starts which passes through Sri Ganganagar and Bikaner
districts and ends at Mohangarh in Jaisalmer.

1.3. The Project has been envisaged for utilization of 7.59 MAF water out of Rajasthan’s
share in surplus water of Ravi- Beas rivers.

2. Objectives of Project:

· To provide irrigation facilities in desert area to meet the increasing

demand of agricultural products.
· To provide water for drinking and industrial uses.
· Drought proofing of the area and improving living conditions.
· To meet the needs of drinking water, fodder etc. for the animal wealth in
the region.
· To provide opportunities for employment and overall development of the
3. Status of Project:

3.1. For administrative convenience, Project has been divided in two stages. The 393 Km.
long canal portion (Feeder 204, Main canal 189) from Harike barrage to Pugal in
Bikaner dist. i.e., up to 620 RD of Main Canal, with its distribution system
(excluding Sahwa lift) is called Stage-I. This stage has been completed and major
portion of this stage (except Kanwar Sain lift) has been transferred to Water
Resources Dept. for operation and maintenance.

3.2. The area downstream to RD 620 of Main canal with its distribution system
(including Sahwa lift) is in stage-II. Length of main canal in this stage is 256 Km.,
which extends from Pugal to Mohangarh. Work of Main canal was completed in
1986. At present, work of only on farm development works in Lift area of stage-II of
Indira Gandhi Nahar Project is under progress.

3.3. As per project estimate of year 1993 and decisions taken by State Govt. in year1995
& 1997 total Culturable Command Area (CCA) of project was 19.63 lac hectare (5.53
lac hectare in Stage-I & 14.10 lac hectare in stage-II). In view of reduced availability
of water for irrigation from Punjab, State Govt. in year 2005 took decision to restrict

and complete canal construction works in 16.17 lac hectare culturable command
area.Area irrigated by flow irrigation is 12.07 lacks hectare and by lift irrigation is
4.10 lacks hectare. This area has been opened for irrigation after completion of canal
construction works.

4. Benefits :

4.1. Irrigation is being done every year in this area, where, earlier it was very difficult to
arrange even drinking water.

4.2. Drinking water from this canal is being supplied to various villages, towns & cities of
Bikaner, Jodhpur, Sri Ganganagar, Hanumangarh,Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Churu,
Jhunjhnu, Nagaur and Barmer.

4.3. Water for Power generation is being supplied to various power projects of Suratgarh,
Barsingsar, Guda, Ramgarh, Giral, Rajwest etc. and various Industries.

4.4. Elimination of drought conditions and remarkable improvement in socio-economic

conditions of the people and increase in all economic activities.

4.5. Rise in ground water table.


5.1. The National Agriculture Commission in 1974 suggested that as compared to non-
cultivable and less populated area of right bank of IGMN, enough cultivable and
more inhabited draught affected areas are available on left bank of the canal.

5.2. Construction Works of Lifts started around 1988 and completed in 2008. The whole
network of canals and all the pumping stations were completed along with
installation of dedicated electric line and installation of pumping machinery. The
command was also opened and irrigation started. These Lifts were constructed to
serve the purpose of both irrigation and drinking water.Following six Lifts were
taken up on the left side of IGMN.

Sahwa Lift - RD 108.160

Gajner Lift - RD 746.128
Bangarsar Lift - RD 858.225
Kolayat Lift - RD 957.727
Phalodi Lift - RD 1121.000
Pokaran Lift - RD 1201.500

CCA AND Water Allowance

Restricted limit of Water allowance
S.N. Name of lift canal 16.17 lac ha of the per Th Acre
project (Year 2005) CCA


1 Kumbharam Arya Lift (Sahawa lift) 102622 2.00

2 Pannalal Barupal Lift (Gajner lift) 71202 2.00

3 Veer Tejaji Lift (Bangarsar lift) 10350 2.00

4 Dr Karni Singh Lift (Kolyat lift) 101461 2.00

5 Guru Jambhshwar Lift (Phalodi lift) 35604 2.00

6 Jai Narayan Vyas Lift (Pokran lift) 26327 2.00


STAGE-I (Under Administrative Control of CE IGNP Bikaner)

7 Kanwarsain Lift Canal 46740 3.90

Kanwarsain Lift Canal 15165 3.00

Total 61905


6.1. The construction work on Lift system was started in 1984. Kumbharam Arya Lift
Canal offtakes from RD 108.16 Left of IGNP, having length of 107.800 Kms, which
passes through villages – Dhannasar, Ramka, Hamirdesar, Khuiya, Ranisar,
Pandusar (District Hanumangarh), Sahjasar, Somsisar, Raiyatunda, Kilipuriya,
Bhurawas, Lunas (District Churu). This lift canal was constructed for 843 cusecs
carrying capacity and at Kms. 107.500 it carrying capacity reduces to 217.82 cusecs.

6.2. This system has 5 pumping stations - 1st at Km 37.900 (15m lift), 2nd at Km 53.200
(15.15m lift), 3rdat Km 33.200 (10.60 m lift), 4th at Km 78.30 (4.25m lift) and 5th at
Kms 107.50 (10m lift) having total 55m lift.

6.3. Ch. Kumbharam Arya Lift Canal was originally proposed and constructed to irrigate
240000 hectares command area of 226 villages which includes 62 villages of
Hanumangarh Districts, 154 of Churu district and 10 of Bikaner district.

6.4. Ch. Kumbharam Arya Lift Canal has been constructed upto Kms 107.800 and its
distribution system having 376 Kms length. This constructed system irrigates
102622 hectares command area which includes 74160 hectares of Hanumangarh
(52 villages), 28462 hectares of Churu (45 villages). Out of 5 pumping stations, 1-4

pumping stations are operating by mechanical wing of IGNP, while 5 th pumping
station has been transferred to PHED.

7. Changes in CCA of KRA Lift:

7.1. The Command area of Sahwa Lift has undergone changes vide various high level
decisions taken from time to time which are as follows: -

7.1.1. Vide Cabinet Decision 185/87, CCA of Sahwa Lift was decided as 97049 ha
with water allowance of 3 cusecs per 1000 acres

7.1.2. Vide Cabinet Decision 169/95, CCA of Sahwa Lift was increased to 145670 ha
with water allowance of 2 cusecs per 1000 acres

7.1.3. Vide Cabinet Decision 100/97, CCA of Sahwa Lift was further increased to
240000 ha with water allowance 1.25 cusecs per 1000 acres

7.1.4. Vide Cabinet Decision 86/2000, the water allowance was increased to 2 cusecs
per 1000 acres keeping the CCA same as 240000 ha.

7.1.5. In the year 2005, on dated 28 October the CCA of IGNP was restricted to 16.17
lac hectare in which the CCA of Sahwa Lift was restricted to 1.026 lac hectare.
(Not a Cabinet Decision but decided in a meeting held under the Chairmanship
of Hon’ble Chief Minister.)

7.1.6. In the year 2008 the CCA of Sahwa Lift was again enhanced by 10455 ha
covering 28 villages vide letter of Secretary Board dated 14.10.2008 bearing
approval of Hon’ble CM vide I.D No 7522/CS/1/08 dated 14.10.2008. The new
restricted CCA of Sahwa Lift was then 1.12 lac hectare.

7.2. In continuation to the enhancement order of 14.10.2008 Tenders were floated for
canals to be constructed in the enhanced area which were to be received on
30.12.2008 but in compliance to the telephonic order of Principal Secretary WRD the
tenders were not received.

8. Hon’ble C.M Budget announcement 2019-20:

8.1. In year 2019-20, Hon’ble CM announced in his budget speech (announcement no

61) that the CCA of Sahwa Lift is 1.12 lac hectare, but presently only 0.92 lac
hectare is available for irrigation therefore looking at the demand of farmers, a
scheme shall be brought for development of balance 20 thousand hectare.

8.2. For compliance of this CM announcement, a meeting was held under the
chairmanship of PS WRD on dated 07.01.2021. In this meeting following points were
brought out:-

a) Although the total CCA of Sahwa Lift was 102622 ha, after micro survey the CCA of
Sahwa Lift was actually found as 92931 ha, thus a saving of 9691ha was available.

b) It was brought out that the water availability for IGNP has been only 5.64 MAF
against required 5.77 MAF for irrigation. The requirement of Non agriculture is extra
which is 1.266 MAF so total requirement is 5.77+1.266 = 7.036 MAF
c) Considering the various demands of irrigation schemes from IGNP 0.987 MAF is
more required.
d) As per Sh. S.K.Gupta( expert, Ravi Basin Authority) committee report it was clearly
stated that in the available water only 16.17 lac ha of IGNP can be irrigated. All other
possibilities can only be explored after release of 0.56 MAF water from Punjab.
e) On dated 14.10.2008 sanction was conveyed after permission from hon’ble CM, to
construct canals in an area of 10455 ha outside the 16.17 lac ha boundary,
although tenders were floated but were later not received.
f) It was brought out by CE IGNP that out of the opened restricted command of 1.02
lac hectare only 92931 hectare CCA is available hence there is a saving of 9691
hectareso this saving area can be taken up in compliance of CM announcement, in
this way even after development of this command area the total command shall be
within limit of the restriction of CCA of 16.17 lac .
g) It was decided in the meeting to take up construction of canals in an area of
9691 Hectare.

8.3. In compliance to the decision taken in the meeting, construction of three canals in
Taranagar tehsil was taken up in Gajuwas Minor, Sahwa Disty and Sardarshahar
Disty which are presently under progress.

8.4. For full compliance of the budget announcement no 61 of year 2019-20 ,

Deputy Secretary, IGND vide his letter no P9(7) IGNM/M/2019-II dated
12.01.2023 instructed Chief Engineer IGNP to ensure compliance in the
balance area of Ch KRA Lift.

8.5. Detail exercise was immediately started to cover the balance area of 10455 Ha which
was already delineated in the decision taken by Indira Gandhi Nahar Department
vide letter no F9(16) IGNB/M/2007-1 dated 14.10.2008 wherein the reference was
given of letter no 362 dated 20.07.2008 and Camp Jaipur/401 dated 20.08.2008, in
these referred letters the details of canals which constituted the total CCA of 10455
were given as follows: -

S.No Name of Canal CCA (in Ha)

1. Dheerwas Sub Minor 1252

2. Devgarh Minor 836

3. Dungarpura Minor 2205

4 Bilyun Minor
Mehrasar Minor 4600
5 Taranagar Minor 1394
TOTAL 10455

9. Estimation exercise by IGNP:

9.1. To ensure effective and timely compliance of the budget announcement as per the
instructions of IGND, the field staff was ordered to immediately carryout the work of
technical requisite stages one by one in a time bound manner.

9.2. To reach at the estimation stage following work were required to be accomplished: -
a) Fixing of alignment on the GT sheets with various options to achieve the most
economical and viable canal section.
b) Field survey of all the options as per the alignment marked on GT sheets
c) Finalization of the best alignment.
d) Marking of chaks on the GT sheets and calculating the CCA and GCA.
e) Preparation of L-Section of the canals.
f) Preparation of estimates.
9.3. In order to timely complete the task of survey and preparation of L-Sections the
services of WAPCOS limited were availed.

10. Technical Detail of canals:

10.1. Dheerwas Sub minor:

10.1.1. An estimate amounting to Rs. 18495673/- has been framed to cover the
probable cost for “Construction of Dheerwas sub minor from km. 0.00 to km.
2.730 including structures.

10.1.2. Introduction - Dheerwas sub minoroff takes From Dheerwas minor at km. 8.360
(L).The Total Length of the sub minor is 2.730 Km. In this estimate the
Construction of Dheerwas sub minortaken up to 2.730 km. of the total length.
The L-Section of the sub minor along with CCA and GCA of the canalhas been
prepared by WAPCOS. The water allowance of the canal has been kept as 2.00
cusec per thousand acres as approved by the cabinet for Sahwa Lift canal. The
soil of the Command of Dheerwas sub minor, in churu district is coarse grained
sandy soil. The permeability of such type of soil is very high (1 mtr. Per hour).
The natural surface is very undulating.

10.1.3. Technical features:

a) Offtake point: -8.360 (L) of Dheerwas minor.
b) Name of District Benefitted: -Churu
c) Name of Tehsil Benefitted: -Taranagar
d) Name of Village Benefitted: -Dheerwas Bada

10.1.4. Hydraulic data:

Sr no. Particular Km 0.00 to 2.730

1 Discharge .095 cumecs

2 FSD .393 m
3 Free Board 0.3 m
4 Side Slope 1.5:1
5 L-Slope 1:4000
6 Bank Width 4.00/4.00 M

7 Type of section Mehboob-Section

10.1.5. Chak details:

S.No. Chak no. Offtake GCA (Ha.) CCA(Ha.)

1 1DSM 2.730 (T) 398.32 366.20

2 2DSM 2.730 (T) 802.96 288.56

654.76 ha

10.2. Devgarh Minor:

10.2.1. An estimate amounting to Rs. 29522837 /- has been framed to cover the

10.2.2. Introduction: -Devgarh Minor off takes from Dungarpura Minor canal at km.
11.750 (R). TheTotal Length of the Minor is 3.900Km. In this estimate the
provision of length of Devgarh Minor from km 0.00 to 3.900 is taken. The L-
Section of the minor along with the CCA and GCA of the canalhas been prepared
by WAPCOS. The water allowance of the canal has been kept as 2.00 cusec per
thousand acres as approved by the cabinet for Sahawa Lift canal. The soil of the
Command of Devgarh minor, in churu district is coarse grained sandy soil. The

permeability of such type of soil is very high (1 mtr. Per hour). The natural
surface is very undulating.

10.2.3. Technical features: -

a) Offtake point: -11.750 (R) of Dungapura Minor.

b) Name of District Benefitted: -Churu
c) Name of Tehsil Benefitted: -Taranagar
d) Name of Village Benefitted: -Devgarh, Jharsar bada.

10.2.4. Hydraulic data.

Sr no. Particular Km .000 to 3.900

1 Discharge .202 cumecs
2 FSD 0.52 m
3 Free Board 0.30 m
4 Side Slope 1.5: 1
5 Bed-Slope 1: 4000
6 Bank Width 4.00/4.00 M
7 Type of section Mehbob-Section
8 Type of Lining Single PCC Block Lining

10.2.5. Chak details:

S.No. Chak no. Offtake GCA (Ha.) CCA(Ha.)

1 1DOM 3.000 (R) 752 311

2 2DOM 3.000 (L) 379 319

3 3DOM 3.900 (R) 658 403

4 4DOM 4.340 (T) 309 309

TOTAL 2098 1342

10.3 Dungarpura minor:

10.2.6. An estimate amounting to Rs. 118446541/- has been framed to cover the
probable cost for “Construction of Dungarpura minor from km. 0.00 to km.
13.155 including structures.

10.2.7. Introduction:Dungarpura minoroff takes From Sahawa Distry. at km. 27.750 (L).
TheTotal Length of the minor is 13.155 Km. In this estimate the Construction of
Dungarpura minor. taken up to 13.155 km. of the total length. The L-Section of
the minor along with CCA and GCA of the canal is prepared by WAPCOS. The
water allowance of the canal has been kept as 2.00 cusec per thousand acre as
approved by the cabinet for Sahawa Lift canal.The soil of the Command of
Dungarpura minor, in churu district is coarse grained sandy soil. The
permeability of such type of soil is very high (1 mtr. Per hour). The natural
surface is very undulating.

10.2.8. Technical features:

10.2.9. Hydraulic data:

S.No Particulars Details

Km 0.00 to 9.700 Km 9.70 to 12.100 Km 12.100 to 13.155

1 Discharge 0.601 cumecs 0.435 cumecs 0.132 cumecs

2 FSD 0.80m 0.71 m 0.45 m

3 Free Board 0.3 m 0.3 m 0.3 m
4 Side Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1
5 L-Slope 1:4500 1:4500 1:4500

6 Bank Width 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M

Type of
7 Mehboob-Section Mehboob-Section Mehboob-Section
10.2.10. Chak detail

S. no. Chak no. Offtake GCA (Ha.) CCA(Ha.)

1 1DUM 2.70 L 797 351

2 2DUM 4.100 R 788 268

3 3DUM 9.70 R 1096 376

4 4DUM 12.100 R 459 410

5 5DUM 13.155 T 558 478

6 6 DUM 13.155 T 492 410

TOTAL 4190 2293

10.3. Mehrasar minor:

10.4. An estimate amounting to Rs. 110543021/- has been framed to cover the probable
cost for “Construction of Mehrasar minorfrom km. 0.00 to km. 6.900 including

10.4.1. Introduction - Mehrasar minoroff takes fromsardarsahar disty. at km. 7.740
(R).The Total Length of the minor is 6.900 Km. In this estimate the Construction
of mehrasar minortaken up to 6.940 km. of the total length. The L-Section of the
minor along with CCA and GCA of the canalhas been prepared by WAPCOS. The
water allowance of the canal has been kept as 2.00 cusec per thousand acres as
approved by the cabinet for Sahwa Lift canal. The soil of the Command of
mehrasar minor, in churu district is coarse grained sandy soil. The permeability
of such type of soil is very high (1 mtr. Per hour). The natural surface is very

10.4.2. Technical features:

e) Offtake point: - 7.740 km(L) of Sardarsahar disty.

f) Name of District Benefitted: -Churu
g) Name of Tehsil Benefitted: -Taranagar
h) Name of Village Benefitted: -mehrasar, devasar

10.4.3. Hydraulic data:

S.No. Particulars Details

Km 0.000 to 4.770 Km 4.770 to 6.900
1 Discharge .200 cumecs .091 cumecs
2 FSD .53 m .39 m
3 Free Board 0.3 m 0.3 m
4 Side Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1
5 L-Slope 1:4500 1:4500
6 Bank Width 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M
Type of Mehboob-Section Mehboob-Section /PCC
section/lining /PCC block lining block lining

10.4.4. Chak details

S.No. Chak no. Offtake GCA (Ha.) CCA(Ha.)

1 1 MRM 4.25 (L) 541.21 288.05

2 2 MRM 4.81 (R) 735.18 397.31

3 3 MRM 6.94 (T) 586.22 253.66

4 4 MRM 6.94 (T) 1237.7 358.11

Total 3100.30 1297.13

10.5. Bilyun minor:

10.5.1. An estimate amounting to Rs. 297973424/- has been framed to cover the
probable cost for “Construction of Bilyun minor from km. 0.00 to km.
19.130including structures.

10.5.2. Introduction - Bilyun minoroff takes FromSardarsahar disty at km. 13.635 (R).
In the initial planning bilyun minor was proposed only upto 5.89km but during
present planning it was seen that the extension of bilyun minor upto 19.13km
could irrigate a large command area which could otherwise never be benefitted
and may result in sandwiched patch of uncommand land. In the survey done by
WAPCOS levels of this area were found to be lower than canal FSL and total
area of bilyun minor and mehrasar minor also increased to 4771.24 Ha. The
total CCA of all the canals however is limited to 10455 Ha only.

The L-Section of the minor along with CCA and GCA of the canalhas been
prepared by WAPCOS. The water allowance of the canal has been kept as 2.00
cusec per thousand acres as approved by the cabinet for Sahwa Lift canal. The
soil of the Command of Bilyun minor, in churu district is coarse grained sandy
soil. The permeability of such type of soil is very high(1 mtr. Per hour).The
natural surface is very undulating.

10.5.3. Technical features:

Offtake point: - 13.635 (R) of sardarsahar disty.

i) Name of District Benefitted: -Churu

j) Name of Tehsil Benefitted: -Taranagar
k) Name of Village Benefitted: Bilyun mahiyan,ratusar, nimrasar,raipura ,
Bhaoowala .

10.5.4. Hydraulic data:

S.No. Particulars Details

Km 0.000 to Km 1.600 to Km 5.500 to Km 10.100 Km 13.200
1.600 5.500 10.100 to 13.200 to 19.130
.539 .462 .343 .254 .148
1 Discharge
cumecs cumecs cumecs cumecs cumecs

2 FSD .77 m .73 m .65 m .58 m .47 m
3 Free Board 0.3 m 0.3 m 0.3 m .3 m .3 m
4 Side Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1
5 L-Slope 1:4500 1:4500 1:4500 1:4500 1:4500
6 Bank Width 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M 4.00/4.00 M

Mehboob- Mehboob- Mehboob- Mehboob- Mehboob-

Type of
Section/PC Section/PC Section/PC Section/PC Section/PC
7 section/linin
C block C block C block C block C block
lining lining lining lining lining

10.5.5 Chak details:

S.No. Chak no. Offtake GCA (Ha.) CCA(Ha.)

1 1 BNM 1.60 (L) 1005.28 280

2 2 BNM 1.60 (R) 927.38 228.37

3 3 BNM 5.50 (R) 1072.8 316.38

4 4 BNM 5.500 (L) 1238.5 446.37

5 5 BNM 9.73 (R) 714 280

6 6 BNM 10.100 (R) 823 270

7 7 BNM 11.900 (L) 787 279

8 8 BNM 13.200 (L) 577 205

9 9 BNM 13.200 (R) 820 209

10 10 BNM 15.260 (L) 702 202

11 11 BNM 17.440 (R) 472 219

12 12 BNM 19.130 (T) 758 269

13 13 BNM 19.130 (T) 890 270

total 10786.91 3474.12


As per the survey conducted by Wapcos it was seen that because of the extension of
taranagar town, the agricultural land has been converted into residential plots and in the

time to come the adjoining agricultural land which is presently being used by farmers is
also most likely to be converted into residential plots. So it isn’t possible to construct
Taranagar Minor on its previous alignment .Therefore,alignment of this minor has
been changed. And some CCA of Taranagar Distributory is also included in this minor.

10.6.1. An estimate amounting to Rs. 189717813.00/- has been framed to cover the
probable cost for “Construction of TARANAGAR MINOR from km. 0.00 to km.
14.200 including structures.

10.6.2. Introduction -

TARANAGAR MINORoff takes FromCHKRALC at km. 107.800. In this estimate

the Construction of taranagar Minortaken up to14.200 km. The L-Section of the
Minor along with CCA and GCA of the canalhas been prepared by WAPCOS. The
water allowance of the canal has been kept as 2.00 cusec per thousand acres as
approved by the cabinet for Sahwa Lift canal. The soil of the Command of
taranagar Minor, in churu district is coarse grained sandy soil. The permeability
of such type of soil is very high (1 mtr. Per hour). The natural surface is very

10.6.3. Technical features:

l) Offtake point: - 107.800 of CHKRA LIFT CANAL.

m) Name of District Benefitted: -Churu
n) Name of Tehsil Benefitted: -Taranagar
o) Name of Village Benefitted: -Taranagar, Jigsana tibba, Jigsana Tal, Jojika ka
bass, Seuwa, Ojariya, Mahlana

10.6.4. Hydraulic data

S.No. Particulars Details

Km 0.00 to 11.120 Km 11.120 to 14.200
1 Discharge 7.55 cusecs 4.32 cusecs
2 FSD .54 m .44 m
3 Free Board .30 m .30 m
4 Side Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1
5 L-Slope 1 :4500 1 :4500
6 Bank Width 4.00/4.00 m 4.00/4.00 m
7 Type of section Mehboob-Section Mehboob-Section

10.6.5. Chak details

S.No. Chak no. Offtake GCA (Ha.) CCA(Ha.)

1 1 TND 7.100 (L) 510 372

2 2 TND 10.170 (L) 213 181

3 3 TND 11.120 (L) 383 379

4 4 TND 11.720 (L) 361 338

5 5 TND 14.200 (L) 219 124

Total: - 1394 Ha

10.6.6. Important components of the work: Single PCC block lining 74 mm thick with base plaster 12 mm thick in Cement
mortar (1:6) and 16 mm thick sandwich plaster in Cement mortar 1:3 taken in
this estimate. The provision of Polyethylene sheets (HDPE) 300 micron has been taken in canal
lining below PCC Block lining. It is necessary to use the Polyethylene sheets
(HDPE) of sufficient thickness, strength, toughness and durability for achieving
better ultimate imperviousness of lining. The provision of Concrete dowel size 23cmx23cm in cement concrete 1:3:6 has
been taken. The provision of Village Road Bridges has been taken in this estimate where canal
cross the village connecting roads. The provision of PCC (1:3:6) under Canal Dowel, VRB& DRB abutment
Foundation. The provision of PCC (1:4:8) under VRB & DRB below abutment Foundation. The provision of Brick masonry in cement mortar 1:4 taken in abutments and
parapet of VRB & DRB. The provision of RCC (1:1.5:3) for Bed block, wheel guard and Main slab of VRB’s
and DRB. The provision of GSB on one sides of canal bank in width 3.00 meter and 15 cm
in thick from outer edge of bank has been taken. Provision of kilometer stone and boundary stone has also been taken in this

10.6.7. Basis of estimation and planning of execution:

D.C., WAPCOS LIMITED The rates provided in the estimate are taken from the IGNP BSR 2021& PWD BSR
2021-2022 of road and Building work and provision of 1% work charge &
contingencies has been taken in the estimate. Although the estimates of each canal have been individually prepared but for the
ease of execution the tenders of the works shall be invited by combining all the
canals of a particular sub division.

11. Cost Estimates (ABSTRACT):

S.No Name of canal Amount (Rs Clubbed as
in crores) per sub div
1. Construction of Dheerwas sub minor from km. 1.85
0.00 to km. 2.730 including structures. (Sub Div –II
2. Construction of Devgarh Minor from km 0.00 to 2.95 10th
3.900 including structures. Division)
3. Construction of Dungarpura minor from km. 0.00 11.84
to km. 13.155 including structures.
4. Construction of Mehrasar minor from km. 0.00 to 11.05
km. 6.900 including structures. (Sub Div-IV
5. Construction of Bilyun minor from km. 0.00 to 29.80 10th
km.19.130including structures. Division)
6. Construction of Taranagar Minor from km. 0.00 18.97
to km. 14.200 including structures. (Sub Div-II
28th Div.
Total 76.46

NAME OF WORK : Construction of mehrasar minor from km 0.000 to 6.900 including structures .

No. Item no. Particulars Qty. Unit. Rate Amount
IGNP BSR, Earth work excavation in Ordinary soil,
undressed inclusive of all lift but with
1 ch.-Vii, 563234.00 cum 84.00 47311656.00
combined lead up to 200 mtrs
IGNP BSR, Dressing of earthwork for all types of earth
2 ch.-Vii, work new or repair work for all types of soil cum
467868.19 1.30 608228.65
IGNP BSR, Extra for laying earth in 15 to 20 cm layers,
3 ch.-Vii, watering, dressing but excluding cost of cum
95365.81 6.00 572194.86

IGNP BSR, Extra for rolling of earth 90% of maximum
ch.- dry density of soil by mechanically driven
4 machines, rollers or Vibro compactor as per 95361.81 cum 25.00 2384045.25
requirment of the soil. Ordinary Soil
IGNP BSR carriage of earth work for 1 km
5 CH IV, ITEM 75000.00 cum 41.00 3075000.00
NO 3
carriage of eartwork for 3 km
6 CH IV, ITEM 25000.00 cum 62.00 1550000.00
NO 3
Earthwork excavation of lipcutting for height
from the designed bed of canal or outer
slopes of canal as the case may be in the
filling reaches or in case of cutting reaches
7 with all lead and lift including dressing etc. 3448.70 cum 63.00 217268.10
complete as per specification. FSD Above
ch.- 1.00 Mtr.
Providing and laying mulching on side
slopes of the canal/bank/berm of the road
with fog/kheep/saniya/ shrub etc. as
8 available on site including embedding the 147061.92 6.41 942666.91
IGNP BSR, same in trenches of 25×25 cm with carriage meter
ch.-Vii, of material up to 1/2 km lead.
IGNP BSR, Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. for II nd
1/2 km.
9 ch.-Vii, 147061.92 0.23 33824.24
IGNP BSR, Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. Extrafor
2nd km.
10 ch.-Vii, 147061.92 0.20 29412.38
Single PCC block lining 74 mm thick with
PCC block size 30 x 15 x 4 cm in side slope
laid in 6 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 bajari ) over base plaster of 12
mm thick in cement mortar1:6 (1 cement : 6
bajari ) & 16 mm thick sandwich plaster in
11 cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 bajari ) 22638.60 sqm 574.00 12994556.40
including mechanical mixing of mortar,
dressing of bed,scaffolding, laying & jointing
of LDPE/GDPE film & curing for 28 days
IGNP BSR, complete as per specification excluding cost
ch.-Viii, of LDPE/HDPE film including cost of
jointing material.
IGNP BSR, HDPE FILM 300 micron as per IS
12 ch.-II,item- specification 8455.98 kg 180.00 1522076.40
IGNP E/W excavation in ordinary soil. Kassi work
13 BSR,ch.- undressed. 670.40 10cum 66.00 44246.40

Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc. complete
using stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size
in foundation and plinth, excluding cost of
shuttering using.cement concreting (CAST
14 2523.72 cum 4904.00 12376322.88
IN SITU) M-10 grade mix 1:3:6 (1
IGNP cement:3course Sand:6graded stone
BSR,ch.- aggregate)
Add extra for laying concrete in
IGNP superstructure above 4.5 M height for each
15 subsequent height of 4.5 M or part there of 952.20 cum 97.00 92363.40
IX,item-3.9 (FOR DOWEL)
Earthwork excavation in foundation,
trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m
inwidth ) including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m including
16 2462.00 cum 104.00 256048.00
getting out the excavated soil and disposal
IGNP of surplus excavated soil as directed with in
BSR,ch.- a lead of 50 m all kind of soil
IGNP Add extra over item no. 18 (above) for every
BSR,ch.- additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof
17 1500.00 cum 21.30 31950.00
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc. complete
using stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size
in foundation and plinth, excluding cost of
18 shuttering using.cement concreting (CAST 91.00 cum 4376.00 398216.00
IGNP IN SITU) 1:4:8 (1 cement:4course
BSR,ch.- sand:8graded stone aggregate)
IGNP Brick masonary in foundation and plinth with
19 BSR,ch.- brick designation 75 in cement motar 1: 4 2665.00 cum 4477.00 11931205.00
IGNP Add extra Over item no. 22 for using brick
20 BSR,ch.- class designation 100 instead of class 2665.00 cum 432.00 1151280.00
designation 75
IGNP Add extra Over item no. 22 for circular
21 BSR,ch.- masonry curved in plan not exceeding 6 m 325.00 cum 412.00 133900.00
in radious
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc. complete
using stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size
in foundation and plinth, excluding cost of
22 shuttering using. cement concreting (CAST 23.40 Cum 5403.00 126430.20
IN SITU) M-15 grade mix 1:2:4 (1
IGNP cement:2course sand:4graded stone
BSR,ch.- aggregate)

Providing and fabricating steel
reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting bending, placing in
position and bindings complete including
23 cost of binding wire in foundation and super 28.00 MT 81783.00 2289924.00
structure 4.5 mtr. height above plinth level.
IGNP Hot rolled deformed (IS 1139) cold twisted
BSR,ch.- (IS :1786) bars.
P/L cement concrete in R.C.C. work for
suspended floors, roofs, girders,
cantilevers, stair cases, landing,
balconies,shelves,chajja's, lintels bands,
coping, bed plates, anchor blocks, sills &
beams etc. in super structure up to floor
three level including curing compaction
24 finishing with rendering in cement sand 650.00 Cum 6274.00 4078100.00
mortar 1:3(1 cement :3 coarse sand ) &
making good the joints excluding cost of
shuttering and centering & reinforcement.M-
IGNP 20 grade mix 1:1½:3 ( 1 Cement :1.5 Coarse
BSR,ch.- sand : 3graded stone aggregate 20 mm
IX,item-5.2 nominal sand size)
Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel
sheet including strutting, propping, bracing
both ways with wooden members and
removal of form work for superstructure up
to 4.5 mtr. height above plinth level
including material for Suspended floors,
25 roofs, landings, staircases, landing, 9580.00 sqm 185.00 1772300.00
balconies, girders, cantilevers, bands,
coping , bed plates, anchor blocks, sills,
chajjas etc.
IGNP Flush or ruled pointing on brick masonry
BSR,ch.- including racking of joints and curing etc.
26 complete. Cement sand mortar 1:3 780.00 sqm 123.00 95940.00
PWD Providing and fixing in position bitumen
building impregnated fiberboard confirming to IS:
BSR ch B- 1838 in expansion joints including the cost
27 130.00 sqm 792.00 102960.00
of primer sealing compound. 18 mm thick
15 item
no. 15.16.2
Construction of granular sub-base by
providing well graded material,spreading in
uniform layers with Tractor Mount Grader
on prepared
surface , mixing by mix in place method with
rotavator at OMC, and
28 4665.00 Cum 707.00 3298155.00
(PWD BSR compacting with smooth wheel roller to
ROAD achieve the desired density,
WORK complete as per MoRTH Specification
Clause 401.For grading III rd material.
ltem no-

Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km
(PWD Stone / Local Stone of standard design as
ROAD per IRC at fixing in position including &
29 printing etc as per drawing & Morth. 7.00 nos 1470.00 10290.00
specification clause 801. a) ordinary Km
ltem no-
Stone (pre Cast)
10.10 ,ii
Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km
(PWD BSR Stone / Local Stone of standard design as
per IRC at fixing in position including &
30 printing etc as per drawing & Morth. 56.00 nos 321.00 17976.00
specification clause 801b) 200 mtr stone
ltem no-
(pre Cast)
10.10 , iii
Total 109448536.07
Add 1% for Contigencies 1094485.36
G Total 110543021.43
Say 110543021.00

NAME OF WORK :Construction of bilyun minor from km 0.000 to 19.130 including structures .

No. Item no. Particulars Qty. Unit. Rate Amount
IGNP Earth work excavation in Ordinary soil,
undressed inclusive of all lift but with
1 BSR,ch.- 1457335.00 cum 84.00 122416140.00
combined lead up to 200 mtrs

IGNP Dressing of earthwork for all types of
BSR,ch.- earth work new or repair work for all
2 types of soil 1071486.00 cum 1.30 1392931.80
IGNP Extra for laying earth in 15 to 20 cm
BSR,ch.- layers, watering, dressing but excluding
3 cost of Rolling. 385849.00 cum 6.00 2315094.00
IGNP Extra for rolling of earth 90% of
BSR,ch.- maximum dry density of soil by
4 mechanically driven machines, rollers or 385849.00 cum 25.00 9646225.00
Vii,item- Vibro compactor as per requirment of the
10.1 soil. Ordinary Soil
IGNP BSR carriage of eartwork 1 km
5 200000.00 cum 41.00 8200000.00
IGNP BSR carriage of eartwork for 3 km
6 80000.00 cum 62.00 4960000.00
Earthwork excavation of lip cutting for
IGNP height from the designed bed of canal or
outer slopes of canal as the case may be
BSR,ch.- in the filling reaches or in case of cutting
7 11028.40 cum 63.00 694789.20
Vii,item- reaches with all lead and lift including
36 dressing etc. complete as per
specification. FSD Above 1.00 Mtr.
Providing and laying mulching on side
IGNP slopes of the canal/bank/berm of the
BSR,ch.- road with fog/kheep/saniya/ shrub etc. per
8 as available on site including embedding 317646.56 6.41 2036114.45
Vii,item- meter
the same in trenches of 25×25 cm with
carriage of material up to 1/2 km lead .
IGNP Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. for II
BSR,ch.- nd 1/2 km. per
9 317646.56 0.23 73058.71
Vii,item- meter
IGNP Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc.
BSR,ch.- Extrafor 2nd km. per
10 317646.56 0.20 63529.31
Vii,item- meter
Single PCC block lining 74 mm thick with
PCC block size 30 x 15 x 4 cm in side
slope laid in 6 mm thick cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 bajari ) over base
plaster of 12 mm thick in cement
IGNP mortar1:6 (1 cement : 6 bajari ) & 16 mm
BSR,ch.- thick sandwich plaster in cement mortar
11 1:3 (1 cement : 3 bajari ) including 72339.30 sqm 574.00 41522758.20
mechanical mixing of mortar, dressing of
bed,scaffolding, laying & jointing of
LDPE/GDPE film & curing for 28 days
complete as per specification excluding
cost of LDPE/HDPE film including cost
of jointing material.
IGNP HDPE of 300 micron as per IS
12 specification 26508.66 kg 180.00 4771559.66


IGNP E/W excavation in ordinary soil. Kassi

13 BSR,ch.- work undressed. 1858.67 10cum 66.00 122671.96
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc.
IGNP complete using stone aggregate 20 mm
BSR,ch.- nominal size in foundation and plinth,
14 excluding cost of shuttering 6808.27 cum 4904.00 33387765.89
using.cement concreting (CAST IN SITU)
M-10 grade mix 1:3:6 (1 cement:3course
Sand:6graded stone aggregate)
IGNP Add extra for laying concrete in
BSR,ch.- superstructure up to 4.5 mtr. height
15 above plinth level, 2639.94 cum 97.00 256074.18
Earthwork excavation in foundation,
trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m
IGNP in width ) including dressing of sides and
BSR,ch.- ramming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m
16 6027.00 cum 104.00 626808.00
Vii,item- including getting out the excavated soil
18 and disposal of surplus excavated soil as
directed with in a lead of 50 m all kind of
IGNP Add extra over item no. 18 (above) for
BSR,ch.- every additional lift of 1.5 m or part
17 thereof 3215.00 cum 21.30 68479.50
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc.
IGNP complete using stone aggregate 40 mm
BSR,ch.- nominal size in foundation and plinth,
18 excluding cost of shuttering 217.00 cum 4376.00 949592.00
using.cement concreting (CAST IN SITU)
1:4:8 (1 cement:4course sand:8graded
stone aggregate)
IGNP Brick masonary in foundation and plinth
19 BSR,ch.- with brick designation 75 in cement cum
6355.00 4477.00 28451335.00
motar 1: 4
IGNP Add extra Over item no. 22 for using
20 BSR,ch.- brick class designation 100 instead of 6355.00 cum 432.00 2745360.00
class designation 75
IGNP Add extra Over item no. 22 for circular
21 BSR,ch.- masonry curved in plan not exceeding 6 775.00 cum 412.00 319300.00
m in radious
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc.
IGNP complete using stone aggregate 20 mm
BSR,ch.- nominal size in foundation and plinth,
22 excluding cost of shuttering using. 55.80 Cum 5403.00 301487.40
cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) M-
15 grade mix 1:2:4 (1 cement:2course
sand:4graded stone aggregate)

Providing and fabricating steel
reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
IGNP straightening, cutting bending, placing in
position and bindings complete including
23 BSR,ch.- cost of binding wire in foundation and 72.00 MT 81783.00 5888376.00
IX,item-14 super structure 4.5 mtr. height above
plinth level. Hot rolled deformed (IS
1139) cold twisted (IS :1786) bars.
P/L cement concrete in R.C.C. work for
suspended floors, roofs, girders,
cantilevers, stair cases, landing,
balconies,shelves,chajja's, lintels bands,
coping, bed plates, anchor blocks, sills &
IGNP beams etc. in super structure up to floor
three level including curing compaction
BSR,ch.- finishing with rendering in cement sand
24 1550.00 Cum 6274.00 9724700.00
IX,item- mortar 1:3(1 cement :3 coarse sand ) &
5.2 making good the joints excluding cost
of shuttering and centering &
reinforcement.M-20 grade mix 1:1½:3 ( 1
Cement :1.5 Coarse sand : 3graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal sand
Centering & shuttering with plywood or
steel sheet including strutting, propping,
bracing both ways with wooden
IGNP members and removal of form work for
BSR,ch.- superstructure up to 4.5 mtr. height
25 above plinth level including material for 26056.00 sqm 185.00 4820360.00
Suspended floors, roofs, landings,
staircases, landing, balconies, girders,
cantilevers, bands, coping , bed plates,
anchor blocks, sills, chajjas etc.
IGNP Flush or ruled pointing on brick masonry
BSR,ch.- including racking of joints and curing etc.
26 complete. Cement sand mortar 1:3 1860.00 sqm 123.00 228780.00
PWD Providing and fixing in position bitumen
building impregnated fiberboard confirming to IS:
1838 in expansion joints including the
BSR ch B-
27 cost of primer sealing compound. 18 mm 310.00 sqm 792.00 245520.00
15 item
Construction of granular sub-base by
providing well graded material,spreading
(PWD BSR in uniform layers with Tractor Mount
ROAD Grader on prepared
surface , mixing by mix in place method
28 WORK 12328.50 Cum 707.00 8716249.50
with rotavator at OMC, and
ltem no- compacting with smooth wheel roller to
4.1(iii) achieve the desired density,
complete as per MoRTH Specification
Clause 401.For grading III rd material.
(PWD Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km
ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design
as per IRC at fixing in position including
29 WORK 20.00 nos 1470.00 29400.00
& printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
ltem no- specification clause 801. a) ordinary Km
10.10 ,ii Stone (pre Cast)

(PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km
ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design
as per IRC at fixing in position including
30 WORK 152.00 nos 321.00 48792.00
& printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
ltem no- specification clause 801b) 200 mtr stone
10.10 , iii (pre Cast)
Total 295023251.76
Add 1% for Contigencies 2950232.52
G Total 297973484.28
Say 297973484.00

Name of work :-Construction of Dheerwas Sub Minor from km 0.0 to 2.730 km including Structure.


No Item no. Particulars Qty. Unit. Rate Amount


1 IGNP BSR, ch.- E/W excavation in ordinary soil undressed 70006.76 Cum 84.00 5880567.84
Vii,item-2&4 with combined lead up to 200 mtr.

2 IGNP BSR,ch.- Earthwork excavation in foundation, 541.76 Cum 104.00 56343.04
Vii,item-18 trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in
width ) including dressing of sides and
ramming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m
including getting out the excavated soil
and disposal of surplus excavated soil as
directed with in a lead of 200 m all kind of

3 IGNP BSR,ch.- E/W excavation in ordinary soil. Kassi work 225.31 /Cum 66 14870.46
Vii,item-1 undressed.

4 IGNP BSR,ch.- Dressing of earthwork for all types of earth 35897.02 Cum 1.30 46666.13
Vii,item-17 work new or repair work for all types of

5 IGNP BSR, ch.- Extra for laying earth in 15 to 20 cm layers, 10536.98 Cum 6.00 63221.88
Vii,item-9.1 watering, dressing but excluding cost of

6 IGNP BSR, ch.- Extra for rolling of earth 90% of maximum 10536.98 Cum 25.00 263424.50
Vii,item-10.1 dry density of soil by mechanically driven
machines, rollers or Vibro compactor as
per requirment of the soil. Ordinary Soil

7 IGNP BSR,ch.- Earthwork excavation of lip cutting for 786.60 Cum 63.00 49555.80
Vii,item-36 height from the designed bed of canal or
outer slopes of canal as the case may be in
the filling reaches or in case of cutting
reaches with all lead and lift including
dressing etc. complete as per
specificationbb). (B)FSD upto 1.00 Mtr.

8 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and laying mulching on side 99910.00 Rmt 6.41 640423.10
Vii,item-34 slopes of the canal/bank/berm of the road
with fog/kheep/saniya/ shrub etc. as
available on site including embedding the
same in trenches of 25×25 cm with
carriage of material up to 1/2 km lead .

9 IGNP BSR,ch.- Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. for II nd 99910.00 Rmt 0.23 22979.30
Vii,item-35.2 1/2 km.

10 IGNP BSR,ch.- Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. Extra for 99910.00 Rmt 0.20 19982.00
Vii,item-35.3 2nd km.

11 IGNP BSR,ch.- Single pcc block (M-15) lining 74 mm 6378.68 Sqm 574.00 3661362.32
Viii,item-16.b thick with pcc block size 30x15x4 cm in
side slope laid in 6 mm thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Bajari) over base
plaster of 12 mm thick in cement mortar
1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Bajari) & 16 mm thick in
sandwitch plaster in cement mortar 1:3 (1
Cement : 3 Bajari) including mechanical
mixing ,dressing of bed,scaffolding,laying
& jointing of LDPE /HDPE film & curing for
28 days complete as per specification
excluding the cost of LDPE/HDPE film
including cost of jointing material.
(IGNP BSR CH VIII Item no.- 16(c)

12 IGNP BSR,ch.- Supply & carriage of HDPE film of 300 2537.73 Kg 180.00 456791.40
II,item-15 micron . (IGNP BSR CH-II Item no.-

13 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and laying cement concreting 658.64 Cum 4256.00 2803180.52
IX,item-3.4 including curing , compection etc.
complete using stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size in foundation and plinth ,
excluding cost of suttering : using 1:3:6 ( 1
cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded
aggregate ) ( IGNP BSR 2021 CH No.- IX
Item No.-3.6

14 IGNP BSR,ch.- cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) 1:4:8 21.29 /Cum 4376 93173.79
ix,item-3.7 (1 cement:4course sand:8graded stone
aggregate)40 mm size

15 IGNP BSR,ch.- Brick masonary in foundation and plinth 198.50 Cum 4477.00 888666.63
X,item-6© with brick designation 75 in cement motar
1: 4

16 IGNP BSR,ch.- Add extra Over item no. 23 for using brick 198.50 Cum 432.00 85750.28
X,item- 7a class designation 100 instead of class
designation 75

17 IGNP BSR,ch.- Add extra Over item no. 23 for circular 157.60 Cum 585.00 92196.37
X,item-7f masonry curved in plan not exceeding 6 m
in radious

18 IGNP BSR,ch.- cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) M-15 4.75 Cum 5403.00 25658.91
IX,item-3.3 grade mix 1:2:4 (1 cement:2course
sand:4graded stone aggregate)20 mm size

19 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and fabricating steel 6.36 MT 81783.00 520139.88
IX,item-14 reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting bending, placing in
position and bindings complete including
cost of binding wire in foundation and
super structure 4.5 mtr. height above
plinth level. Hot rolled deformed (IS 1139)
cold twisted (IS :1786) bars.

20 IGNP BSR,ch.- P/L cement concrete in R.C.C. work for 159.06 Cum 6274.00 997972.70
IX,item-5.2 suspended floors, roofs, girders,
cantilevers, stair cases, landing,
balconies,shelves,chajja's, lintels bands,
coping, bed plates, anchor blocks, sills &
beams etc. in super structure up to floor
three level including curing compaction
finishing with rendering in cement sand
mortar 1:3(1 cement :3 coarse sand ) &
making good the joints excluding cost of
shuttering and centering &
reinforcement.M-20 grade mix 1:1½:3 ( 1
Cement :1.5 Coarse sand : 3 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal sand size)

21 IGNP BSR,ch.- Cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) M-20 16.01 Cum 5852.00 93661.26
IX,item-3.2 grade mix 1:1.5:3 (1 cement:1.5course
sand:3graded stone aggregate)20 mm size

22 IGNP BSR,ch.- Centering & shuttering with plywood or 2796.36 Sqm 185.00 517326.85
IX,item-9.2 steel sheet including strutting, propping,
bracing both ways with wooden members
and removal of form work for
superstructure up to 4.5 mtr. height above
plinth level including material for
Suspended floors, roofs, landings,
staircases, landing, balconies, girders,
cantilevers, bands, coping , bed plates,
anchor blocks, sills, chajjas etc.

23 IGNP BSR,ch.- Flush or ruled pointing on brick masonry 167.18 Sqm 123 20563.63
XI,item-12b including racking of joints and curing etc.
complete. Cement sand mortar 1:3

24 PWD Building Providing and fixing in position bitumen 18.97 Sqm 721.00 13677.08
BSR-Churu ch impregnated fiberboard confirming to IS:
B-15 item no. 1838 in expansion joints including the cost
15.19.2 of primer sealing compound. 18 mm thick

25 (PWD BSR- Construction of granular sub-base by 1373.40 Cum 707 970993.80
Bikaner ROAD providing well graded material,spreading
WORK ltem in uniform layers with Tractor Mount
no-4.1(iii) Grader on prepared
surface , mixing by mix in place method
with rotavator at OMC, and
compacting with smooth wheel roller to
achieve the desired density,
complete as per MoRTH Specification
Clause 401.For grading III rd material.

26 (PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km 3.00 Nos. 1470 4410.00
Bikaner ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design as
WORK ltem per IRC at fixing in position including &
no-10.10(a) printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
specification clause 801. (a) ordinary Km
Stone (pre Cast)

27 (PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km 28.00 Nos. 321 8988.00
Bikaner ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design as
WORK ltem per IRC at fixing in position including &
no-10.10(b) printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
specification clause 801. (b) 200 mtr stone
(pre Cast) For Both Side

Total 18312547.47

Add 1% for Contigencies 183125.47

G Total 18495672.94

Say 18495673.00



No Item no. Particulars Qty. Unit. Rate Amount


1 IGNP BSR2021 , E/W excavation in ordinary soil 114917.64 Cum 84.00 9653081.76
ch.-Vii,item- undressed with combined lead up to
2&4 200 mtr.

22 IGNP BSR,ch.- Earthwork excavation in foundation, 812.64 Cum 104.00 84514.56

Vii,item-18 trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5
m in width ) including dressing of sides
and ramming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m
including getting out the excavated soil
and disposal of surplus excavated soil
as directed with in a lead of 50 m all
kind of soil

38 IGNP BSR,ch.- E/W excavation in ordinary soil. Kassi 321.87 /Cum 66 21243.42
Vii,item-1 work undressed.

9 IGNP BSR,ch.- Dressing of earthwork for all types of 59658.75 Cum 1.30 77556.38
Vii,item-17 earth work new or repair work for all
types of soil

10 IGNP BSR, ch.- Extra for laying earth in 15 to 20 cm 16597.25 Cum 6.00 99583.50
Vii,item-9.1 layers, watering, dressing but
excluding cost of Rolling.

11 IGNP BSR, ch.- Extra for rolling of earth 90% of 16597.25 Cum 25.00 414931.25
Vii,item-10.1 maximum dry density of soil by
mechanically driven machines, rollers
or Vibro compactor as per requirment
of the soil. Ordinary Soil

13 IGNP BSR,ch.- Earthwork excavation of lip cutting 2315.10 Cum 63 145851.30

Vii,item-36 for height from the designed bed of
canal or outer slopes of canal as the
case may be in the filling reaches or in
case of cutting reaches with all lead
and lift including dressing etc.
complete as per specificationbb).
(B)FSD upto 1.00 Mtr.

14 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and laying mulching on side 102192.00 Rmt 6.41 655050.72
Vii,item-34 slopes of the canal/bank/berm of the
road with fog/kheep/saniya/ shrub etc.
as available on site including
embedding the same in trenches of
25×25 cm with carriage of material up
to 1/2 km lead .

15 IGNP BSR,ch.- Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. for II 102192.00 Rmt 0.23 23504.16
Vii,item-35.2 nd 1/2 km.

16 IGNP BSR,ch.- Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. Extra 102192.00 Rmt 0.20 20438.40
Vii,item-35.3 for 2nd km.

17 IGNP BSR,ch.- Single pcc block (M-15) lining 74 mm 10040.72 Sqm 574.00 5763373.28
Viii,item-16.b thick with pcc block size 30x15x4 cm in
side slope laid in 6 mm thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Bajari) over
base plaster of 12 mm thick in cement
mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Bajari) & 16
mm thick in sandwitch plaster in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3
Bajari) including mechanical mixing
,dressing of bed,scaffolding,laying &
jointing of LDPE /HDPE film & curing
for 28 days complete as per
specification excluding the cost of
LDPE/HDPE film including cost of
jointing material.
(IGNP BSR CH VIII Item no.- 16(c)

18 IGNP BSR,ch.- Supply & carriage of HDPE film of 300 3916.16 Kg 180.00 704908.80
II,item-15 micron . (IGNP BSR CH-II Item
no.- 26

19 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and laying cement 943.45 Cum 4256.00 4015331.97
IX,item-3.4 concreting including curing ,
compection etc. complete using stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size in
foundation and plinth , excluding cost
of suttering : using 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded aggregate ) (
IGNP BSR 2021 CH No.- IX Item No.-

37 (PWD ROAD cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) 29.15 /Cum 4376 127564.78
BSR 2019 1:4:8 (1 cement:4course sand:8graded
Ch.No.- Item stone aggregate)40 mm size
No.-2.14.2.A )

23 IGNP BSR,ch.- Brick masonary in foundation and 533.22 Cum 4477.00 2387243.43
IX,item-3.7 plinth with brick designation 75 in
cement motar 1: 4

24 IGNP BSR,ch.- Add extra Over item no. 23 for using 533.22 Cum 432.00 230352.73
X,item-6c &7a brick class designation 100 instead of
class designation 75

25 IGNP BSR,ch.- Add extra Over item no. 23 for 236.40 Cum 585.00 138294.56
X,item- circular masonry curved in plan not
6c&7a&7f exceeding 6 m in radious

26 IGNP BSR,ch.- cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) M- 7.12 Cum 5403.00 38488.36
IX,item-3.3 15 grade mix 1:2:4 (1 cement:2course
sand:4graded stone aggregate)20 mm

27 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and fabricating steel 9.54 MT 81783.00 780209.82

IX,item-14 reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting bending, placing
in position and bindings complete
including cost of binding wire in
foundation and super structure 4.5
mtr. height above plinth level. Hot
rolled deformed (IS 1139) cold twisted
(IS :1786) bars.

28 IGNP BSR,ch.- P/L cement concrete in R.C.C. work for 238.60 Cum 6274.00 1496959.06
IX,item-5.2 suspended floors, roofs, girders,
cantilevers, stair cases, landing,
balconies,shelves,chajja's, lintels
bands, coping, bed plates, anchor
blocks, sills & beams etc. in super
structure up to floor three level
including curing compaction finishing
with rendering in cement sand mortar
1:3(1 cement :3 coarse sand ) & making
good the joints excluding cost of
shuttering and centering &
reinforcement.M-20 grade mix 1:1½:3 (
1 Cement :1.5 Coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal sand

29 IGNP BSR,ch.- Cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) 24.01 Cum 5852.00 140491.89
IX,item-3.2 M-20 grade mix 1:1.5:3 (1
cement:1.5course sand:3graded stone
aggregate)20 mm size

30 IGNP BSR,ch.- Centering & shuttering with plywood 4015.14 Sqm 185.00 742801.28
IX,item-9.2 or steel sheet including strutting,
propping, bracing both ways with
wooden members and removal of form
work for superstructure up to 4.5 mtr.
height above plinth level including
material for Suspended floors, roofs,
landings, staircases, landing, balconies,
girders, cantilevers, bands, coping ,
bed plates, anchor blocks, sills, chajjas

31 IGNP BSR,ch.- Flush or ruled pointing on brick 250.78 Sqm 123 30845.45
XI,item-12b masonry including racking of joints and
curing etc. complete. Cement sand
mortar 1:3

32 PWD Building Providing and fixing in position 28.45 Sqm 721.00 20515.62
BSR-Churu ch bitumen impregnated fiberboard
B-15 item no. confirming to IS: 1838 in expansion
15.19.2 joints including the cost of primer
sealing compound. 18 mm thick

33 (PWD BSR- Construction of granular sub-base by 1972.35 Cum 707 1394451.45

Bikaner ROAD providing well graded
WORK ltem material,spreading in uniform layers
no-4.1(iii) with Tractor Mount Grader on
surface , mixing by mix in place
method with rotavator at OMC, and
compacting with smooth wheel roller
to achieve the desired density,
complete as per MoRTH Specification
Clause 401.For grading III rd material.

34 (PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km 6.00 Nos. 1470 8820.00
Bikaner ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design
WORK ltem as per IRC at fixing in position including
no-10.10(a) & printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
specification clause 801. (a) ordinary
Km Stone (pre Cast)

35 (PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km 44.00 Nos. 321 14124.00
Bikaner ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design
WORK ltem as per IRC at fixing in position including
no-10.10(b) & printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
specification clause 801. (b) 200 mtr
stone (pre Cast) For Both Side

Total 29230531.93

Add 1% for Contigencies 292305.32

G Total 29522837.25

Say 29522837.00



No Item no. Particulars Qty. Unit. Rate Amount


1 IGNP BSR 2021, E/W excavation in ordinary soil 618616.72 Cum 84.00 51963804.48
ch.-Vii,item- undressed with combined lead up to
2&4 200 mtr.

2 IGNP BSR,ch.- Earthwork excavation in foundation, 3428.49 Cum 104.00 356562.96

Vii,item-18 trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5
m in width ) including dressing of sides
and ramming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m
including getting out the excavated soil
and disposal of surplus excavated soil
as directed with in a lead of 50 m all
kind of soil

3 IGNP BSR,ch.- E/W excavation in ordinary soil. Kassi 1085.68 /Cum 66 71654.88
Vii,item-1 work undressed.

4 IGNP BSR,ch.- Dressing of earthwork for all types of 392804.88 Cum 1.30 510646.34
Vii,item-17 earth work new or repair work for all
types of soil

5 IGNP BSR, ch.- Extra for laying earth in 15 to 20 cm 18452.12 Cum 6.00 110712.72
Vii,item-9.1 layers, watering, dressing but
excluding cost of Rolling.

6 IGNP BSR, ch.- Extra for rolling of earth 90% of 18452.12 Cum 25.00 461303.00
Vii,item-10.1 maximum dry density of soil by
mechanically driven machines, rollers
or Vibro compactor as per requirment
of the soil. Ordinary Soil

7 IGNP BSR,ch.- Earthwork excavation of lip cutting 6449.17 Cum 63 406297.92

Vii,item-36 for height from the designed bed of
canal or outer slopes of canal as the
case may be in the filling reaches or in
case of cutting reaches with all lead
and lift including dressing etc.
complete as per specificationbb).
(B)FSD upto 1.00 Mtr.

8 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and laying mulching on side 212744.00 Rmt 6.41 1363689.04
Vii,item-34 slopes of the canal/bank/berm of the
road with fog/kheep/saniya/ shrub etc.
as available on site including
embedding the same in trenches of
25×25 cm with carriage of material up
to 1/2 km lead .

9 IGNP BSR,ch.- Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. for II 212744.00 Rmt 0.23 48931.12
Vii,item-35.2 nd 1/2 km.

10 IGNP BSR,ch.- Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. Extra 212744.00 Rmt 0.20 42548.80
Vii,item-35.3 for 2nd km.

11 IGNP BSR,ch.- Single pcc block (M-15) lining 74 mm 50651.47 Sqm 574.00 29073943.78
Viii,item-16.b thick with pcc block size 30x15x4 cm in
side slope laid in 6 mm thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Bajari) over
base plaster of 12 mm thick in cement
mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Bajari) & 16
mm thick in sandwitch plaster in
cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3
Bajari) including mechanical mixing
,dressing of bed,scaffolding,laying &
jointing of LDPE /HDPE film & curing
for 28 days complete as per
specification excluding the cost of
LDPE/HDPE film including cost of
jointing material.
(IGNP BSR CH VIII Item no.- 16(c)

12 IGNP BSR,ch.- Supply & carriage of HDPE film of 300 18059.89 Kg 180.00 3250780.20
II,item-15 micron . (IGNP BSR CH-II Item
no.- 26

13 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and laying cement 3149.06 Cum 4256.00 13402387.08
IX,item-3.4 concreting including curing ,
compection etc. complete using stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size in
foundation and plinth , excluding cost
of suttering : using 1:3:6 ( 1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded aggregate ) (
IGNP BSR 2021 CH No.- IX Item No.-

14 (PWD ROAD cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) 91.64 /Cum 4376 401036.73
BSR 2019 1:4:8 (1 cement:4course sand:8graded
Ch.No.- Item stone aggregate)40 mm size
No.-2.14.2.A )

15 IGNP BSR,ch.- Brick masonary in foundation and 1106.53 Cum 4477.00 4953917.02
IX,item-3.7 plinth with brick designation 75 in
cement motar 1: 4

16 IGNP BSR,ch.- Add extra Over item no. 23 for using 1106.53 Cum 432.00 478019.24
X,item-6c &7a brick class designation 100 instead of
class designation 75

17 IGNP BSR,ch.- Add extra Over item no. 23 for 399.39 Cum 585.00 233641.77
X,item- circular masonry curved in plan not
6c&7a&7f exceeding 6 m in radious

18 IGNP BSR,ch.- cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) 17.12 Cum 5403.00 92494.47
IX,item-3.3 M-15 grade mix 1:2:4 (1
cement:2course sand:4graded stone
aggregate)20 mm size

19 IGNP BSR,ch.- Providing and fabricating steel 23.40 MT 81783.00 1913722.20

IX,item-14 reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting bending, placing
in position and bindings complete
including cost of binding wire in
foundation and super structure 4.5
mtr. height above plinth level. Hot
rolled deformed (IS 1139) cold twisted
(IS :1786) bars.

20 IGNP BSR,ch.- P/L cement concrete in R.C.C. work for 39.66 Cum 6274.00 248821.50
IX,item-5.2 suspended floors, roofs, girders,
cantilevers, stair cases, landing,
balconies,shelves,chajja's, lintels
bands, coping, bed plates, anchor
blocks, sills & beams etc. in super
structure up to floor three level
including curing compaction finishing
with rendering in cement sand mortar
1:3(1 cement :3 coarse sand ) &
making good the joints excluding cost
of shuttering and centering &
reinforcement.M-20 grade mix 1:1½:3 (
1 Cement :1.5 Coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal sand

21 IGNP BSR,ch.- Cement concreting (CAST IN SITU) 73.91 Cum 5852.00 432508.04
IX,item-3.2 M-20 grade mix 1:1.5:3 (1
cement:1.5course sand:3graded stone
aggregate)20 mm size

22 IGNP BSR,ch.- Centering & shuttering with plywood 13188.45 Sqm 185.00 2439863.92
IX,item-9.2 or steel sheet including strutting,
propping, bracing both ways with
wooden members and removal of form
work for superstructure up to 4.5 mtr.
height above plinth level including
material for Suspended floors, roofs,
landings, staircases, landing, balconies,
girders, cantilevers, bands, coping ,
bed plates, anchor blocks, sills, chajjas


23 IGNP BSR,ch.- Flush or ruled pointing on brick 837.56 Sqm 123 103020.37
XI,item-12b masonry including racking of joints and
curing etc. complete. Cement sand
mortar 1:3

24 PWD Building Providing and fixing in position 66.52 Sqm 721.00 47959.77
BSR-Churu ch bitumen impregnated fiberboard
B-15 item no. confirming to IS: 1838 in expansion
15.19.2 joints including the cost of primer
sealing compound. 18 mm thick

25 (PWD BSR- Construction of granular sub-base by 6780.68 Cum 707 4793937.23

Bikaner ROAD providing well graded
WORK ltem material,spreading in uniform layers
no-4.1(iii) with Tractor Mount Grader on
surface , mixing by mix in place
method with rotavator at OMC, and
compacting with smooth wheel roller
to achieve the desired density,
complete as per MoRTH Specification
Clause 401.For grading III rd material.

26 (PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km 14.00 Nos. 1470 20580.00
Bikaner ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design
WORK ltem as per IRC at fixing in position including
no-10.10(a) & printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
specification clause 801. (a) ordinary
Km Stone (pre Cast)

27 (PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km 133.00 Nos. 321 42693.00
Bikaner ROAD Stone / Local Stone of standard design
WORK ltem as per IRC at fixing in position including
no-10.10(b) & printing etc as per drawing & Morth.
specification clause 801. (b) 200 mtr
stone (pre Cast) For Both Side

28 (PWD BSR Dismantling of flexible pavements and 56.25 /Cum 148 8325.00
Bikaner ROAD disposal of dismantaled materials upto
WORK ltem a lead of 100 m ,stacking of serviceable
no-2.14.2(A) and unserviceable materials seperatly
as per MoRTH specification clause 202
by mechanical means.

Total 117273802.58

Add 1% for Contigencies 1172738.03

G Total 118446540.61

Say 118446541.00

NAME OF WORK : Construction of Taranagar Minor from km 0.000 to 14.200 including structures .

No. Item no. Particulars Qty. Unit. Rate Amount
IGNP Earth work excavation in Ordinary soil,
undressed inclusive of all lift but with
1 BSR,ch.- 742917.69 cum 84.00 62405085.59
combined lead up to 200 mtrs

IGNP Dressing of earthwork for all types of earth
2 BSR,ch.- work new or repair work for all types of soil 678043.13 cum 1.30 881456.07
IGNP Extra for laying earth in 15 to 20 cm layers,
3 BSR,ch.- watering, dressing but excluding cost of 113997.77 cum 6.00 683986.60
IGNP Extra for rolling of earth 90% of maximum
BSR,ch.- dry density of soil by mechanically driven
4 machines, rollers or Vibro compactor as per 113997.77 cum 25.00 2849944.16
Vii,item- requirment of the soil. Ordinary Soil
IGNP BSR carriage of eartwork 1 km
5 CH IV , 500000.00 cum 41.00 20500000.00
IGNP BSR carriage of eartwork for 3 km
6 CH IV , 90000.00 cum 62.00 5580000.00
Earthwork excavation of lip cutting for
height from the designed bed of canal or
IGNP outer slopes of canal as the case may be in
7 BSR,ch.- the filling reaches or in case of cutting 9230.00 cum 63.00 581490.00
Vii,item-36 reaches with all lead and lift including
dressing etc. complete as per specification.
FSD Above 1.00 Mtr.
Providing and laying mulching on side
slopes of the canal/bank/berm of the road
IGNP with fog/kheep/saniya/ shrub etc. as per
8 BSR,ch.- available on site including embedding the 245789.28 6.41 1575509.28
Vii,item-34 same in trenches of 25×25 cm with carriage
of material up to 1/2 km lead .

IGNP Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. for II nd

BSR,ch.- 1/2 km. per
9 245789.28 0.23 56531.53
Vii,item- meter
IGNP Carriage of fog/Kheep/saniya etc. Extrafor
BSR,ch.- 2nd km. per
10 245789.28 0.20 49157.86
Vii,item- meter
Single PCC block lining 74 mm thick with
PCC block size 30 x 15 x 4 cm in side slope
laid in 6 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 bajari ) over base plaster of 12
IGNP mm thick in cement mortar1:6 (1 cement : 6
bajari ) & 16 mm thick sandwich plaster in
BSR,ch.- cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 bajari )
11 48564.00 sqm 574.00 27875736.00
Viii,item- including mechanical mixing of mortar,
16.c dressing of bed,scaffolding, laying & jointing
of LDPE/GDPE film & curing for 28 days
complete as per specification excluding cost
of LDPE/HDPE film including cost of jointing
IGNP HDPE of 300 micron as per IS specification
12 BSR,ch.- 18157.82 kg 180.00 3268408.32
IGNP E/W excavation in ordinary soil. Kassi work
13 BSR,ch.- undressed. 1379.67 10cum 66.00 91058.22

Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc. complete
using stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size
IGNP in foundation and plinth, excluding cost of
14 BSR,ch.- shuttering using.cement concreting (CAST 3966.85 cum 4904.00 19453440.28
IX,item-3.4 IN SITU) M-10 grade mix 1:3:6 (1
cement:3course Sand:6graded stone

IGNP Add extra for laying concrete in

15 BSR,ch.- superstructure up to 4.5 mtr. height above 1959.60 cum 97.00 190081.20
plinth level,
Earthwork excavation in foundation,
trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in
IGNP width ) including dressing of sides and
16 BSR,ch.- ramming of bottom lift up to 1.5 m including 8548.96 cum 104.00 889091.42
Vii,item-18 getting out the excavated soil and disposal
of surplus excavated soil as directed with in
a lead of 50 m all kind of soil
IGNP Add extra over item no. 18 (above) for every
BSR,ch.- additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof
17 0.00 cum 21.30 0.00
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc. complete
IGNP using stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size
18 BSR,ch.- in foundation and plinth, excluding cost of 124.22 cum 4376.00 543570.85
shuttering using.cement concreting (CAST
IX,item-3.7 IN SITU) 1:4:8 (1 cement:4course
sand:8graded stone aggregate)

IGNP Brick masonary in foundation and plinth with

19 BSR,ch.- brick designation 75 in cement motar 1: 4 2430.67 cum 4477.00 10882122.99
IGNP Add extra Over item no. 22 for using brick
20 BSR,ch.- class designation 100 instead of class 2430.67 cum 432.00 1050050.73
designation 75
IGNP Add extra Over item no. 22 for circular
21 BSR,ch.- masonry curved in plan not exceeding 6 m in 509.08 cum 412.00 209742.17
Providing and laying cement concreting
including curing, compaction etc. complete
using stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size
IGNP in foundation and plinth, excluding cost of
22 BSR,ch.- shuttering using. cement concreting (CAST 17.13 Cum 5403.00 92560.49
IX,item-3.3 IN SITU) M-15 grade mix 1:2:4 (1
cement:2course sand:4graded stone

Providing and fabricating steel reinforcement

for R.C.C. work including straightening,
IGNP cutting bending, placing in position and
bindings complete including cost of binding
23 BSR,ch.- wire in foundation and super structure 4.5
68.41 MT 81783.00 5594775.03
IX,item-14 mtr. height above plinth level. Hot rolled
deformed (IS 1139) cold twisted (IS : 1786)

P/L cement concrete in R.C.C. work for
suspended floors, roofs, girders, cantilevers,
stair cases, landing,
balconies,shelves,chajja's, lintels bands,
coping, bed plates, anchor blocks, sills &
beams etc. in super structure up to floor
IGNP three level including curing compaction
24 BSR,ch.- finishing with rendering in cement sand 2091.61 Cum 6274.00 13122746.61
mortar 1:3(1 cement :3 coarse sand ) &
making good the joints excluding cost of
shuttering and centering & reinforcement.M-
20 grade mix 1:1½:3 ( 1 Cement :1.5 Coarse
sand : 3graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal sand size)

Centering & shuttering with plywood or steel

sheet including strutting, propping, bracing
both ways with wooden members and
IGNP removal of form work for superstructure up
to 4.5 mtr. height above plinth level including
25 BSR,ch.- material for Suspended floors, roofs, 18751.92 sqm 185.00 3469104.66
IX,item-9.2 landings, staircases, landing, balconies,
girders, cantilevers, bands, coping , bed
plates, anchor blocks, sills, chajjas etc.

IGNP Flush or ruled pointing on brick masonry

including racking of joints and curing etc.
26 BSR,ch.- 867.53 sqm 123.00 106706.39
complete. Cement sand mortar 1:3
PWD Providing and fixing in position bitumen
building impregnated fiberboard confirming to IS:
1838 in expansion joints including the cost of
27 BSR ch B-15 91.26 sqm 792.00 72277.92
primer sealing compound. 18 mm thick
item no.
Construction of granular sub-base by
providing well graded material,spreading in
(PWD BSR uniform layers with Tractor Mount Grader on
ROAD prepared
surface , mixing by mix in place method with
28 WORK rotavator at OMC, and
8085.33 Cum 707.00 5716328.31
ltem no- compacting with smooth wheel roller to
4.1(iii) achieve the desired density,
complete as per MoRTH Specification
Clause 401.For grading III rd material.
(PWD Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km Stone
ROAD / Local Stone of standard design as per IRC
at fixing in position including & printing etc as
29 WORK 12.00 nos 1470.00 17640.00
per drawing & Morth. specification clause
ltem no- 801. a) ordinary Km Stone (pre Cast)
10.10 ,ii
(PWD BSR Reinforcement cement conc M-15 Km Stone
/ Local Stone of standard design as per IRC
ROAD at fixing in position including & printing etc as
30 WORK per drawing & Morth. specification clause 96.00 nos 321.00 30816.00
ltem no- 801b) 200 mtr stone (pre Cast)
10.10 , iii
Total 187839418.68
Add 1% for Contigencies 1878394.19
G Total 189717812.87
Say 189717813.00

12.0 Cost benefit ratio:This estimate is prepared based on the assumption thatCCA for kharif crops
onlybefore project and after implimentation of project,intensity of irrigation is considered as 60% (rabi crops
+kharif crops).

13. Index plan:


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