Macro Day 3

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so cameras

a tamers
B zo no toff i camera

C 20 15 7
774 12came

D O 20752dg t camera
TO producemore rice Japan must
giveupincreasing amounts of cameras

The PPF line will bedifferentdepending on the resourcesused

China 100 man

Absoluteadvantage a producer can produce more output

from the same input thanotherproducer
or can produce some output w less
China has absolute advantage in producing bothgoods
comparitiveadvantage a producer can produce a good
at a lower opportunity cost than
other producer

hier kinda
so so

do to do so too vice do to do to 180


slope of PPF oppcost of

g labor hours to produce 1 ton of

angora It Itis
Ys copper
Congo 60 15 Hin
EEE a copper

Angola has absolute advantage w bothgoods

Japan produces camerasmust receive at least a rice

for each camera Clanproduce own rice at a lower opp cost
them a nice cameras
China buys cameras won't more than 4 for each cam
what are the axis labels in a supply and demand graph?

What does the Demand curve look like? Why?

whenprice falls quantity

wig quantitydemanded
What causes the Demand curve to shift?

when influences on buying plans change there is a change in

demandand a new demand sceedwefiausing the
curvy so shift

What is the di erence between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded?

some other
influence changed
price remained constant
What does the Supply curve look like? Why?

whenpriceincreases quantity supplied

increases vice versa

What causes the Supply curve to shift?

when influences on selling plans change there is a change

in supp
What is the di erence between a change in supply and a change in quantity supplied?

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