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2015 Salary Guide

Contents From the Managing Director

1 From the Managing Director Improvements in the global economy and the
2 Using the 2015 Robert Half Salary Guide ongoing stability of the domestic economies in
4 Executive Summary both Australia and New Zealand are providing
a valuable boost to business confidence across
6 Top Trends – Money, Movement & Mobility
the region. Throughout our offices, Robert Half
7 Managing staff turnover
recruitment professionals consistently encounter
8 Poor recruitment practices or just poor team members?
highly motivated business leaders with plans for new
8 Workplace evolution - flexibility gaining importance
projects and initiatives, and of course, quality people
9 More autonomy: more benefits for the firm Boost your salary in 2015
are a key asset in the success of these efforts.
10 Boost your salary in 2015
11 Not sure when to mention money? In this environment, securing and retaining top
talent continues to play a crucial role in the success
12 Finance and Accounting
of all companies, large and small, in any sector.
13 Renumeration trends
14 Hiring intentions Our Robert Half 2015 Salary Guide has been designed to help you find and retain
15 Drivers of recruitment quality professionals. In today’s workplace, remuneration may not always be the sole
16 The challenge in recruiting skilled professionals determinant that defines a candidate’s job search but it certainly plays a significant role.
18 Salary Tables
This Guide offers a comprehensive overview of average salary ranges for finance,
36 Technology accounting, IT and administrative positions plus key data on salary movements over the
36 Economic outlook past 12 months. We also provide valuable insights on the latest recruitment and job
37 Recruitment climate trends across Australia and New Zealand.
38 Know what the market is offering
40 Drivers for recruitment The Robert Half 2015 Salary Guide is an essential tool designed to help you build an
42 Women in IT – seeking a gender balance efficient recruitment and retention strategy for the year ahead.
43 Salary Tables
As always, the Robert Half team of recruitment specialists welcome any questions you may
47 Administration & Office Support have about the Salary Guide, our survey findings and the broader Australian and New
47 Hiring intentions Zealand recruitment markets in general. Your people are, after all, your greatest strength.
48 Greater workforce flexibility
48 Skills in demand
49 For candidates – communication is key
49 For managers – moving at speed
50 Salary Tables David Jones
Senior Managing Director - Asia Pacific, Robert Half Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 1

Using the Robert Half
2015 Salary Guide
The Robert Half 2015 Salary Guide offers an extensive overview The Salary Guide includes projected average salary ranges for
of current salary ranges, non-financial benefits and specific finance and accounting, technology and administrative positions
job trends for: in Australia and New Zealand. The salary ranges represent
average remuneration only as factors such as seniority, skills and
• Finance and accounting professionals
industry can impact pay levels. Bonuses, incentives and other
• IT professionals forms of remuneration, such as benefits and pension schemes
• Administrative professionals often vary across organisations so are not taken into account.
We recognise that salary ranges may vary by industry and are
This valuable resource allows you to determine salary levels for new
influenced by other factors such as hard-to-find skill sets. Please speak
employees, plan payroll and recruitment budgets and stay up to
with one of our expert consultants if you would like a confidential
date with the latest trends emerging in today’s recruitment market.
discussion about specific factors affecting your organisation.

Our study is based on: Company Size Definitions

• Market observations from Robert Half recruiting professionals who Number of staff in the respondant’s business within the country
specialise in the finance & accounting, technology and administrative fields
and make hundreds of temporary and permanent placements each year.

• Insights from our senior managers. SMALL MEDIUM LARGE

• Independent research we conduct regularly among senior

Human Resources (HR) leaders, Chief Financial Officers
(CFOs) and Chief Information Officers (CIOs).

• Our comprehensive analysis of current and future hiring trends. 50-149 staff 150-499 staff 500+ staff

Note: These definitions are used across the Salary Guide Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 3

Executive Summary
What will 2015 look like? These projects often call for specialist Happily, there is growing realisation Flexibility is essential – on
2015 is shaping up to be a positive skills, and our discussions with business that this type of flexibility enhances, both sides of the hiring desk
year for business communities in leaders confirm a growing need for rather than detracts from, employee
In today’s competitive market,
both Australia and New Zealand. In project-based consultants and temporary productivity while also having
awareness of current salary and hiring
Australia, a reduction in corporate staff to supplement permanent teams. the potential to be highly cost-
trends coupled with a healthy dose of
tax rate from 1 July 2015 will help lift effective for the business. It can be
From a bottom-line perspective flexibility could be the key that ensures a
business confidence, and the decline of a leap of confidence for employers
this blended approach to staffing win-win for both candidates and firms.
the Australian dollar is giving exporters to offer this sort of flexibility
makes a lot of sense. It does bring but the rewards are there.
an edge in the global marketplace. Growing demand for specialist skills
with it the challenge of recruiting
While in New Zealand, confidence means candidates need to look
the highest quality candidates at a
is boosted by solid economic growth Achieving the right beyond the ‘now’ when selecting
time when the majority of firms say
coupled with controlled inflation it is difficult to source top talent. remuneration mix roles, and consider how their career
and falling unemployment. Of course employee pay packets still can benefit long term from taking
pack considerable clout when it comes on a role rather focusing on the
This positive sentiment is reflected Work/life balance salary being offered today.
to recruiting and retaining the best
in our conversations with business becomes a priority
people. Quite simply, firms that do For hiring managers – and firms
leaders. Across Australia and New A key feature of 2015 – and beyond not offer competitive salaries may put more broadly – a willingness to
Zealand, we see strong expectations - is likely to be the preference themselves out of contention when it adopt new ideas and flexible work
of economic growth for 2015 among among employees to achieve comes to attracting skilled professionals. practices can help to increase
Chief Financial Officers (Australia greater work/life balance.
94%; New Zealand 83%) and Human This highlights the need to stay abreast retention rates. Top people are highly
Resources directors (Australia 79%; This is a trend observed by Robert with current salary levels – more so sought-after, and firms that delay
New Zealand 82%). This confidence is Half recruitment experts across because we are seeing a growing hiring decisions can miss out.
flowing through to equally strong views the globe, and it is placing new pattern of professional staff being
demands on human resources teams Importantly, know what you offer your
of business growth throughout the year. prepared to negotiate their salary. Here
to juggle business productivity with people and communicate this to your
too, it pays for HR executives to adopt team. Businesses need to be prepared
New projects – new the preferences of employees. creative strategies. When a firm cannot to offer the new opportunities that
employment paradigm We are seeing increasing use of flexible afford higher salaries, it is critical to quality professionals are looking for.
A robust commercial environment workplace strategies that tick all the offer ‘something extra’ and this can take
always bodes well for the employment boxes. As a guide, over one in four the form of non-cash benefits like study
outlook, and the implementation of new firms in Australia and New Zealand programs or access to courses that
projects is a key driver for many firms now offer increased options for benefit individual team members while
expanding their workforce in 2015. telecommuting and workplace flexibility. also nourishing the firm’s talent pool. Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 5

Top Trends – Money,
Movement & Mobility
organisations should consider In both Australia and New Zealand,
smaller businesses with 44% of these 82% of HR directors are concerned
companies indicating an intention to about losing top performers to
add new roles, particularly in NSW other companies in the coming
and WA. In New Zealand, private year. Organisations are introducing
sector businesses are showing a higher fresh measures to retain their most
intention to expand their workforce. sought-after employees and to
maintain continuity within their
Managing staff turnover teams. This is a critical step to
Companies are not only confronted prevent additional recruitment costs,
with challenges in the area of avoid possible training requirements
recruitment. The successful retention of for new staff and limit the loss of
top talent is also a key business focus. valuable company knowledge.

Across Australia and New Zealand, Hiring intentions are more robust in
fewer than one in two HR directors the first half of 2015 . Over half of
anticipate pay rises for their workforce Australian (55%) and New Zealand Why do people leave a job?
in 2015. New South Wales is bucking HR directors (65%) indicate that they
this trend with 72% of the HR executives only intend to fill only vacated roles Better work-life balance
in the state expecting to deliver pay 30%
rather than adding new positions 31%
rises in 2015 compared to just 28% during this period. Professionals
of businesses in Queensland. Higher remuneration (including salary, bonus and benefits)
seeking positions in expanding 25%
Further career advancement
WA salaries impacted by mining downturn 23%
Finance and accounting salaries in Western Australia’s mining Better location
industry have undergone a noticeable downward trend while 10%
salaries for non-mining equivalent roles remain unchanged or Better corporate culture AUSTRALIA
have increased slightly in Western Australia. 5%
Robert Half Recruitment Specialist - Western Australia Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 7

Poor recruitment choices or More autonomy = more
just poor team members? Key issues resulting from benefits for the firm Make a list of your
65% of HR executives in Australia and poor recruitment choices Flexible work opportunities ‘non-negotiables’
72% in New Zealand have hired an AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND
give employees a great deal for a new role, and be
employee whose performance didn’t of independence but call for flexible with any factors
meet expectations. In fact, 10% of implementation of clearer guidelines that are of secondary
employee turnover is attributed to 55% 49% as employees need to maintain a importance. Have a long
Lost productivity
a poor hiring decision, highlighting certain level of self-discipline. HR range focus – assess roles
the need to ‘get it right’ the first leaders have revealed potential based on the long term
time. Poor recruitment practices 23% 30% benefits for organisations that are progression within the role,
can have surprisingly wide-ranging Lower staff morale prepared to offer staff greater and not solely on salary.
negative impacts on a firm. autonomy through flexible work
hours, working remotely, or even Robert Half Recruitment
19% 20% just less direct supervision. Specialist - Melbourne
Monetary cost


Workplace evolution -
flexibility gaining importance Have options to work Benefits of greater autonomy and flexibility
Technology has changed the world of remotely/telecommute
business and made flexible working increased or decreased
possible, which can offer advantages in the past 3 years?
to employer and employee alike.
Australia New Zealand
While more small businesses are Increased 64% 59%
increasing flexibility across Australia Increase in productivity Increase in productivity


(38%) and New Zealand (39%), NEW ZEALAND

49% 42%
there appears to be some decrease Remain unchanged Better creativity Better creativity
in flexible working arrangements AUSTRALIA 23%
offered by large companies (Australia NEW ZEALAND 30% 43% 48%
39%, New Zealand 35%). Improved communication Improved communication
34% 43%
More collaboration More collaboration
% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 9

Boost your salary in 2015 Chasing a pay rise?
For job seekers, technical competency a factor contributing to pay rises, For professionals seeking to boost
- or at least a willingness to learn remaining with the same employer their pay in 2015, it’s worth noting When should salary
new skills - heads the list of criteria over the long term may no longer that many HR directors in Australia be discussed?
that could make you eligible for a guarantee an increase in your pay (52%) and New Zealand (58%)
pay rise in 2015, cited by over one packet. Tenure is rated higher in New indicate that salaries will be frozen.
in three HR leaders in Australia Zealand (17%) but it is important Additionally, 47% of Australian HR
(34%) and New Zealand (35%). in today’s fast-paced workforce directors expect to freeze bonus During the application
environment, to show progression levels for existing staff, in line with process or first interview
With less than one in ten (9%) in your career through exposure the 46% in New Zealand who expect AUSTRALIA 18%
Australian firms citing tenure as to new ideas and approaches. the same. It is also worth noting that NEW ZEALAND 49%

while nearly half anticipate increased

salaries, 36% in Australia are
expecting raises of only 1-3% in line
with inflation, while in New Zealand Second or subsequent
38% are predicting increases of 4-5%. interviews
Factors leading to a pay rise NEW
Not sure when to NEW ZEALAND 30%

Technical competency / measurable results 34% 35% mention money?

Willingness to learn / advance 33% 22% The majority of HR directors agree the
time to raise the subject of salary is
Professional conduct / collaboration / teamwork 27% 25%
at second or subsequent interviews.
Final interview or
Assuming additional tasks outside responsibility 25% 24%
offer stage
Time period since last pay rise 19% 26% AUSTRALIA 14%
Motivated 18% 14%

Innovative 10% 18%

Tenure / company loyalty 9% 17% Never, it should

always be initiated
Risk of losing employee to a competitor / counteroffer 6% 10%
by the company
No specific requirements 10% 9% AUSTRALIA 14%
NEW ZEALAND 4% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 11

Finance and Accounting
Remuneration trends Increasing Finance
Two thirds (67%) of Australian & Accounting salaries
organisations will increase finance and
Small business
accounting salaries in 2015, with large 60%
companies indicating a greater intention 59%

to raise salaries (74%). Increases look Medium business

more likely in NSW and Victoria, while 48%
40% of finance and accounting staff Large Business
in Queensland face salary freezes. 74%

New Zealand CFOs are taking a AUS NZL

slightly more conservative position with

55% intending to increase salaries, static or increased bonuses and only 8%
with both small (59%) and large (58%) paying no bonus. This contrasts with New
businesses having similar plans. Zealand where bonuses are not expected
for 24% of teams, though 87% of those
The vast majority of Australian and National economic confidence Bonus payments are more prevalent in who do pay bonuses will maintain the
New Zealand Chief Financial Officers Australia with 88% of CFOs indicating same levels or increase them.
Very confident
(CFOs) are confident about economic 39%
growth prospects for their national 21%
economy in 2015. More than half Somewhat confident Bonus payment intentions
(56%) of CFOs in NSW remain 62%
very confident about prospects, Not at all confident
while respondents in other states 5%
and in New Zealand are somewhat
confident about future growth.
Business expansion confidence NSW Victoria Queensland WA New Zealand
Similar proportions of business
Very confident
leaders are confident their business 40% INCREASING
will expand in 2015, with growth 31%
confidence highest in NSW and WA. Somewhat confident 56% 26% 38% 56% 32%
CFOs of large companies are more 52%
confident of their company’s prospects Not at all confident 32% 58% 44% 26% 34%
than those at smaller organisations. 7%
9% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 13

Hiring intentions Drivers of recruitment
More than half of Australian CFOs Company hiring activities New projects remain the key
expect to recruit new finance for 2015 – finance and driver underpinning demand
and accounting professionals in accounting professionals for finance and accounting
2015, with expectations noticeably AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND
professionals in 2015. In both
higher in NSW and Victoria. New Australia and New Zealand,
Zealand CFOs expect to replace 51% 32% small and medium businesses
staff into existing vacated roles, Adding staff are particularly focussed on new
rather than create new positions. projects and business expansion.
45% 56%
Maintaining numbers

4% Freezing recruitment
10% Top 5 reasons for recruiting

1% 2%
Reducing teams Australia New Zealand
68% 66%
New projects New Projects

55% 53%
Business growth Product or service expansion
The big risk: Losing top performers
48% 34%
New market penetration New market penetration
89% of CFOs in Australia and 79% in New
40% 31%
Zealand are concerned about losing their top Product or service expansion Domestic business growth or expansion
accounting and finance professionals in 2015. 34% 31%
International business growth or expansion Financial systems upgrades Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 15

The challenge in recruiting Finding skilled finance professionals In addition, 89% of finance leaders
skilled professionals remains a key concern with 94% of in Australia and 79% in New
Australians CFOs and 75% in New Zealand are somewhat or very
CFOs are finding it difficult to source Zealand indicating that they can’t concerned about losing their top
skilled candidates with two out find the people they are looking for. talent. Perhaps as a result, 66% of
of five CFOs stating that general Close to one-third (28% Australia; Australian and 68% of New Zealand
demand outweighs supply. This is of 31% New Zealand), and an even HR directors are more willing to
particular concern in WA where 52% higher 42% in Victoria, report a negotiate salary with top candidates
of CFOs are finding it very challenging lack of niche, technical experts. than they were in previous years.
to find the right candidates.

Finding skilled finance professionals

Skills in demand NEW

Very challenging Business / Financial Analysis 22% 10%

AUSTRALIA Accounting 21% 19%
Assistant Accounting 14% 11%
Audit 10% 6%
Somewhat challenging Credit & Collections 9% 1%
NEW ZEALAND 37% Financial Management / Control 8% 12%
Accounts Payable / Receivable 8% 6%

Not challenging Compliance 5% 7%

AUSTRALIA Financial Planning & Analysis 4% 4%
Tax & Treasury 1% 3%

Risk 1% 5% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 17


BRISBANE – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Accountant S/M $72500 - $85000 2% Business Advisory Services Manager / Audit Manager $97500 - $110000 3%
Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $75000 - $90000 0% Business Advisory Services Senior Accountant / Senior Auditor $60000 - $75000 2%
Accountant L $80000 - $90000 0% Business Analyst S/M $75000 - $90000 3%
Accountant - Mining Sector L $85000 - $100000 0% Business Analyst - Mining Sector S/M $80000 - $95000 3%
Accounts Payable Clerk S/M $52000 - $60000 2% Business Analyst L $80000 - $110000 3%
Accounts Payable Clerk - Mining Sector S/M $55000 - $63000 2% Business Analyst - Mining Sector L $87500 - $120000 1%
Accounts Payable Clerk L $55000 - $65,000 2% CFO / Finance Director S/M $140000 - $180000 0%
Accounts Payable Clerk - Mining Sector L $57500 - $70000 2% CFO / Finance Director - Mining Sector S/M $140000 - $200000 0%
Accounts Payable Manager S/M $57500 - $75000 1% CFO / Finance Director L $180000 - $280000 2%
Accounts Payable Manager - Mining Sector S/M $60000 - $75000 0% CFO / Finance Director - Mining Sector L $200000 - $300000 2%
Accounts Payable Manager L $75000 - $95000 1% Commercial Manager S/M $95000 - $155000 0%
Accounts Payable Manager - Mining Sector L $75000 - $95000 0% Commercial Manager - Mining Sector S/M $120000 - $170000 0%
Accounts Receivable Clerk S/M $50000 - $60000 3% Commercial Manager L $140000 - $180000 0%
Accounts Receivable Clerk - Mining Sector S/M $52500 - $65000 2% Commercial Manager - Mining Sector L $150000 - $180000 0%
Accounts Receivable Clerk L $55000 - $65000 0% Credit Controller S/M $47500 - $60000 2%
Accounts Receivable Clerk - Mining Sector L $57500 - $70000 3% Credit Controller - Mining Sector S/M $52500 - $67500 2%
Accounts Receivable Manager S/M $57500 - $72500 0% Credit Controller L $55000 - $65000 2%
Accounts Receivable Manager - Mining Sector S/M $62500 - $75000 2% Credit Controller - Mining Sector L $57000 - $70000 0%
Accounts Receivable Manager L $75000 - $90000 0% Credit Manager S/M $65000 - $80000 0%
Accounts Receivable Manager - Mining Sector L $75000 - $90000 0% Credit Manager - Mining Sector S/M $72500 - $92500 0%
Assistant Accountant S/M $52500 - $65000 3% Credit Manager L $80000 - $120000 2%
Assistant Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $55000 - $67500 3% Credit Manager - Mining Sector L $85000 - $125000 2%
Assistant Accountant L $62500 - $70000 4% Finance Manager S/M $90000 - $115000 0%
Assistant Accountant - Mining Sector L $65000 - $75000 4% Finance Manager - Mining Sector S/M $95000 - $125000 0%
Bookkeeper S/M $50000 - $65000 3% Finance Manager L $105000 - $125000 0%
Bookkeeper - Mining Sector S/M $55000 - $67500 4% Finance Manager - Mining Sector L $115000 - $135000 0%
Business Advisory Services Accountant / Auditor $47500 - $57500 3% Financial Accountant S/M $67500 - $85000 1%
Business Advisory Services Assistant Manager / Assistant Mgr. $75000 - $90000 3% Financial Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $75000 - $85000 0%
Business Advisory Services Graduate / Audit Graduate $37500 - $45000 3%
Salary range indicates the low and high values for a specific position.
Salary rangechange shows
indicates the the
low increase
and highor decrease
values for ainspecific
salaries in comparison to 2014.
Percentage change shows the increase or decrease in salaries in comparison to 2014 Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 19


BRISBANE – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Financial Accountant L $80000 - $105000 1% Internal Auditor L $70000 - $90000 0%

Financial Accountant - Mining Sector L $85000 - $115000 0% Internal Auditor - Mining Sector L $70000 - $90000 0%
Financial Analyst S/M $70000 - $80000 3% Management Accountant S/M $70000 - $82500 3%
Financial Analyst - Mining Sector S/M $72500 - $85000 3% Management Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $75000 - $90000 2%
Financial Analyst L $75000 - $92500 1% Management Accountant L $87500 - $110000 3%
Financial Analyst - Mining Sector L $75000 - $95000 0% Management Accountant - Mining Sector L $90000 - $120000 2%
Financial Analyst Graduate S/M $45000 - $60000 0% Payroll Clerk S/M $50000 - $57500 2%
Financial Analyst Graduate - Mining Sector S/M $50000 - $60000 0% Payroll Clerk - Mining Sector S/M $52500 - $60000 2%
Financial Analyst Graduate L $55000 - $65000 0% Payroll Clerk L $52000 - $70000 4%
Financial Analyst Graduate - Mining Sector L $55000 - $65000 0% Payroll Clerk - Mining Sector L $52000 - $70000 -1%
Financial Controller S/M $110000 - $130000 2% Payroll Manager S/M $65000 - $87500 0%
Financial Controller - Mining Sector S/M $115000 - $140000 2% Payroll Manager - Mining Sector S/M $70000 - $92500 0%
Financial Controller L $125000 - $165000 0% Payroll Manager L $80000 - $100000 0%
Financial Controller - Mining Sector L $135000 - $180000 0% Payroll Manager - Mining Sector L $80000 - $115000 0%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager S/M $110000 - $140000 0% Senior Accountant / Chief Accountant S/M $85000 - $100000 0%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager - Mining Sector M $110000 - $125000 0% Senior Accountant / Chief Accountant L $100000 - $120000 0%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager L $120000 - $150000 0% Senior Accountant / Chief Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $90000 - $110000 0%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager - Mining Sector L $125000 - $170000 0% Senior Accountant / Chief Accountant - Mining Sector L $105000 - $130000 0%
Internal Audit Graduate S/M $45000 - $52500 3% Senior Financial Analyst S/M $85000 - $97500 0%
Internal Audit Graduate - Mining Sector S/M $45000 - $57500 3% Senior Financial Analyst - Mining Sector S/M $85000 - $105000 0%
Internal Audit Graduate L $45000 - $55000 0% Senior Financial Analyst L $95000 - $120000 0%
Internal Audit Graduate - Mining Sector L $45000 - $60000 0% Senior Financial Analyst - Mining Sector L $95000 - $125000 0%
Internal Audit Manager S/M $97500 - $115000 0% Senior Internal Auditor S/M $80000 - $110000 0%
Internal Audit Manager - Mining Sector S/M $110000 - $125000 4% Senior Internal Auditor - Mining Sector S/M $80000 - $110000 0%
Internal Audit Manager L $110000 - $130000 4% Senior Internal Auditor L $90000 - $120000 0%
Internal Audit Manager - Mining Sector L $115000 - $135000 2% Senior Internal Auditor - Mining Sector L $90000 - $120000 0%
Internal Auditor S/M $60000 - $80000 0% Senior Tax Accountant S/M $80000 - $95000 0%
Internal Auditor - Mining Sector S/M $60000 - $80000 0% Senior Tax Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $90000 - $105000 0% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 21


BRISBANE – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables MELBOURNE – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Senior Tax Accountant L $95000 - $112500 0% Accountant S/M $75000 - $95000 2%

Senior Tax Accountant - Mining Sector L $100000 - $125000 0% L $80000 - $110000 2%
Tax Accountant S/M $60000 - $80000 0% Accounts Payable Clerk S/M $50000 - $66500 4%
Tax Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $60000 - $85000 0% L $52000 - $67000 4%
Tax Accountant L $80000 - $92500 0% Accounts Payable Manager S/M $70000 - $90000 0%
Tax Accountant - Mining Sector L $85000 - $95000 0% L $75000 - $115000 0%
Tax Manager S/M $100000 - $120000 0% Accounts Receivable Clerk S/M $50000 - $66500 0%
Tax Manager - Mining Sector S/M $105000 - $125000 0% L $50000 - $70000 0%
Tax Manager L $120000 - $160000 0% Accounts Receivable Manager S/M $70000 - $90000 0%
Tax Manager - Mining Sector L $130000 - $180000 0% L $80000 - $115000 3%
Treasury Accountant S/M $75000 - $90000 0% Assistant Accountant S/M $60000 - $70000 3%
Treasury Accountant - Mining Sector S/M $80000 - $100000 0% L $65000 - $75000 0%
Treasury Accountant L $90000 - $120000 0% Bookkeeper S/M $65000 - $85000 0%
Treasury Accountant - Mining Sector L $100000 - $130000 0% Business Analyst S/M $80000 - $115000 3%
L $85000 - $120000 4%
CFO / Finance Director S/M $180000 - $230000 2%
L $220000 - $280000 0%
Commercial Manager S/M $140000 - $160000 4%
L $150000 - $192000 2%
Compliance Officer S/M $75000 - $90000 0%
L $85000 - $110000 0%
Credit Controller S/M $50000 - $65000 1%
L $50000 - $70000 3%
Credit Manager S/M $75000 - $110000 2%
L $90000 - $130000 4%
Finance Manager S/M $100000 - $130000 2%
L $110000 - $140000 2%
Financial Accountant S/M $80000 - $100000 0%
L $80000 - $110000 0% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 23


MELBOURNE – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables PERTH – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Financial Analyst S/M $80000 - $120000 0% Accounts Officer S/M $50000 - $60000 1%
L $85000 - $120000 0% Accounts Officer - Mining sector S/M $50000 - $65000 -3%
Financial Controller S/M $130000 - $160000 3% Accounts Officer L $50000 - $70000 2%
L $150000 - $180000 4% Accounts Officer - Mining sector L $55000 - $75000 -2%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager S/M $135000 - $180000 3% Accounts Payable Officer S/M $45000 - $60000 2%
L $170000 - $200000 4% Accounts Payable Officer - Mining sector S/M $55000 - $70000 -3%
Internal Audit Manager S/M $110000 - $135000 0% Accounts Payable Officer L $50000 - $65000 2%
L $120000 - $155000 0% Accounts Payable Officer - Mining sector L $55000 - $75000 -2%
Internal Auditor S/M $80000 - $100000 5% Accounts Payable Supervisor / Manager S/M $60000 - $85000 1%
L $90000 - $115000 4% Accounts Payable Supervisor / Manager - Mining sector S/M $65000 - $85000 2%
Management Accountant S/M $80000 - $100000 0% Accounts Payable Supervisor / Manager L $65000 - $95000 -2%
L $85000 - $110000 0% Accounts Payable Supervisor / Manager - Mining sector L $70000 - $95000 -5%
Payroll Clerk S/M $55000 - $70000 5% Accounts Receivable Officer S/M $45000 - $60000 1%
L $60000 - $70000 4% Accounts Receivable Officer - Mining sector S/M $50000 - $65000 -3%
Payroll Manager S/M $85000 - $120000 6% Accounts Receivable Officer L $50000 - $65000 2%
L $120000 - $150000 6% Accounts Receivable Officer - Mining sector L $55000 - $70000 -4%
Senior Accountant / Chief Accountant S/M $110000 - $140000 2% Accounts Receivable Supervisor / Manager S/M $60000 - $85000 3%
L $120000 - $150000 2% Accounts Receivable Supervisor / Manager - Mining sector S/M $65000 - $85000 -2%
Senior Tax Accountant S/M $90000 - $120000 0% Accounts Receivable Supervisor / Manager L $65000 - $95000 3%
L $100000 - $130000 0% Accounts Receivable Supervisor / Manager - Mining sector L $70000 - $115000 -4%
Tax Accountant S/M $75000 - $90000 0% Assistant Accountant S/M $60000 - $70000 2%
L $80000 - $100000 0% Assistant Accountant - Mining sector S/M $60000 - $70000 -2%
Tax Manager S/M $130000 - $150000 4% Assistant Accountant L $60000 - $75000 3%
L $140000 - $160000 3% Assistant Accountant - Mining sector L $65000 - $80000 -3%
Treasurer S/M $90000 - $140000 0% Bookkeeper S/M $55000 - $75000 3%
L $140000 - $170000 0% Bookkeeper - Mining sector S/M $60000 - $80000 0%
Business Advisory Services Accountant / Auditor $60000 - $75000 1%
Business Advisory Services Assistant Manager / Assistant Mgr. $85000 - $95000 2%
Business Advisory Services Graduate / Audit Graduate $45000 - $60000 3% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 25


PERTH – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Business Advisory Services Manager / Audit Manager $95000 - $140000 2% Credit Supervisor / Manager L $70000 - $100000 3%
Business Advisory Services Partner / Business Advisory Services $200000 - $250000 2% Credit Supervisor / Manager S/M $65000 - $85000 5%
Director / Audit Partner / Audit Director
Credit Supervisor / Manager - Mining sector S/M $75000 - $95000 4%
Business Advisory Services Principal / Audit Principal $140000 - $170000 1%
Credit Supervisor / Manager - Mining sector L $85000 - $120000 3%
Business Advisory Services Senior Accountant / Senior Auditor $75000 - $85000 3%
Finance Manager S/M $100000 - $125000 1%
Business Analyst S/M $90000 - $115000 0%
Finance Manager - Mining sector S/M $110000 - $160000 0%
Business Analyst - Mining sector S/M $90000 - $120000 -1%
Finance Manager L $120000 - $160000 1%
Business Analyst L $90000 - $130000 -2%
Finance Manager - Mining sector L $120000 - $170000 -2%
Business Analyst - Mining sector L $100000 - $140000 -3%
Financial Accountant S/M $80000 - $110000 3%
CFO / Finance Director S/M $135000 - $180000 -5%
Financial Accountant - Mining sector S/M $90000 - $130000 -5%
CFO / Finance Director - Mining sector S/M $180000 - $230000 -4%
Financial Accountant L $90000 - $130000 6%
CFO / Finance Director L $180000 - $260000 -5%
Financial Accountant - Mining sector L $100000 - $140000 -4%
CFO / Finance Director - Mining sector L $225000 - $295000 -3%
Financial Analyst S/M $85000 - $110000 -2%
Commercial Manager S/M $120000 - $170000 0%
Financial Analyst - Mining sector S/M $90000 - $120000 -3%
Commercial Manager - Mining sector S/M $125000 - $170000 1%
Financial Analyst L $90000 - $135000 -1%
Commercial Manager L $140000 - $230000 2%
Financial Analyst -Mining sector L $100000 - $150000 -2%
Commercial Manager - Mining sector L $140000 - $250000 1%
Financial Controller S/M $120000 - $160000 0%
Corporate Accountant S/M $90000 - $120000 0%
Financial Controller - Mining sector S/M $130000 - $200000 0%
Corporate Accountant - Mining sector S/M $95000 - $140000 1%
Financial Controller L $140000 - $180000 -2%
Corporate Accountant L $100000 - $130000 3%
Financial Controller - Mining sector L $160000 - $230000 -3%
Corporate Accountant - Mining sector L $115000 - $160000 2%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager S/M $120000 - $140000 -2%
Cost Controller S/M $85000 - $125000 4%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager - Mining sector S/M $130000 - $150000 2%
Cost Controller - Mining sector S/M $100000 - $120000 3%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager L $150000 - $170000 -2%
Cost Controller L $95000 - $150000 5%
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager - Mining sector L $150000 - $200000 3%
Cost Controller - Mining sector L $120000 - $200000 3%
Group Accountant S/M $110000 - $130000 -2%
Credit Controller S/M $50000 - $55000 4%
Group Accountant - Mining sector S/M $110000 - $140000 4%
Credit Controller - Mining sector S/M $55000 - $70000 3%
Group Accountant L $110000 - $140000 -3%
Credit Controller L $50000 - $70000 2%
Group Accountant - Mining sector L $130000 - $160000 2%
Credit Controller - Mining sector L $55000 - $80000 4%
Internal Audit Graduate S/M $50000 - $60000 2%
Internal Audit Graduate - Mining sector S/M $50000 - $65000 -2% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 27


PERTH – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Internal Audit Graduate L $50000 - $65000 3% Senior Internal Auditor S/M $90000 - $120000 1%
Internal Audit Graduate - Mining sector L $55000 - $70000 -2% Senior Internal Auditor - Mining sector S/M $105000 - $135000 -2%
Internal Audit Manager S/M $120000 - $145000 2% Senior Internal Auditor L $95000 - $125000 3%
Internal Audit Manager - Mining sector S/M $120000 - $160000 -4% Senior Internal Auditor - Mining sector L $110000 - $140000 -4%
Internal Audit Manager L $130000 - $180000 3% Senior Tax Accountant S/M $90000 - $115000 5%
Internal Audit Manager - Mining sector L $130000 - $180000 -2% Senior Tax Accountant - Mining sector S/M $100000 - $130000 0%
Internal Auditor S/M $75000 - $90000 1% Senior Tax Accountant L $105000 - $130000 4%
Internal Auditor - Mining sector S/M $80000 - $95000 -2% Senior Tax Accountant - Mining sector L $110000 - $140000 0%
Internal Auditor L $80000 - $95000 3% Tax Accountant S/M $80000 - $115000 2%
Internal Auditor - Mining sector L $100000 - $120000 -4% Tax Accountant - Mining sector S/M $90000 - $120000 -2%
Management Accountant S/M $80000 - $120000 2% Tax Accountant L $90000 - $125000 2%
Management Accountant - Mining sector S/M $90000 - $120000 -3% Tax Accountant - Mining sector L $100000 - $130000 0%
Management Accountant L $90000 - $130000 2% Tax Manager S/M $125000 - $165000 -1%
Management Accountant - Mining sector L $100000 - $150000 -1% Tax Manager - Mining sector S/M $140000 - $180000 0%
Payroll Manager S/M $65000 - $95000 0% Tax Manager L $140000 - $200000 1%
Payroll Manager - Mining sector S/M $80000 - $100000 -4% Tax Manager - Mining sector L $150000 - $210000 -1%
Payroll Manager L $80000 - $110000 3% Treasury - Mining sector S/M $80000 - $100000 -3%
Payroll Manager - Mining sector L $90000 - $120000 -5% Treasury - Mining sector L $90000 - $120000 -2%
Payroll Officer S/M $50000 - $75000 3% Treasury S/M $75000 - $95000 3%
Payroll Officer - Mining sector S/M $65000 - $80000 -2% Treasury L $85000 - $110000 4%
Payroll Officer L $60000 - $85000 4%
Payroll Officer - Mining sector L $70000 - $90000 -3%
Project Accountant S/M $85000 - $120000 4%
Project Accountant - Mining sector S/M $95000 - $130000 -3%
Project Accountant L $90000 - $150000 0%
Project Accountant - Mining sector L $105000 - $160000 -3%
Senior Financial Analyst S/M $90000 - $115000 3%
Senior Financial Analyst - Mining sector S/M $110000 - $130000 -2%
Senior Financial Analyst L $90000 - $140000 1%
Senior Financial Analyst - Mining sector L $120000 - $170000 -2% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 29


SYDNEY – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Accountant S/M $70000 - $110000 1% Credit Manager S/M $65000 - $110000 1%

L $80000 - $120000 1% L $80000 - $140000 1%
Accounts Payable Clerk S/M $50000 - $60000 1% Finance Manager S/M $90000 - $140000 1%
L $52000 - $60000 1% L $120000 - $160000 2%
Accounts Payable Manager S/M $65000 - $75000 1% Financial Accountant S/M $70000 - $110000 0%
L $70000 - $120000 1% L $75000 - $110000 0%
Accounts Receivable Clerk S/M $50000 - $65000 1% Financial Analyst S/M $75000 - $100000 3%
L $50000 - $65000 1% L $75000 - $120000 3%
Accounts Receivable Manager S/M $65000 - $75000 1% Financial Controller S/M $105000 - $150000 3%
L $75000 - $120000 1% L $130000 - $230000 3%
Assistant Accountant S/M $50000 - $65000 2% Financial Planning and Analysis Manager S/M $115000 - $160000 3%
L $55000 - $65000 2% L $120000 - $200000 3%
Bookkeeper S/M $60000 - $80000 0% Internal Audit Manager S/M $90000 - $120000 0%
Business Advisory Services Accountant / Auditor $52000 - $60000 4% L $110000 - $180000 0%
Business Advisory Services Assistant Manager / Assistant Mgr. $75000 - $95000 4% Internal Auditor S/M $75000 - $95000 0%
Business Advisory Services Graduate / Audit Graduate $40000 - $55000 2% L $75000 - $120000 0%
Business Advisory Services Manager / Audit Manager $95000 - $140000 4% Management Accountant S/M $70000 - $110000 2%
Business Advisory Services Partner / Business Advisory L $75000 - $110000 2%
$145000 - $155000 2%
Services Director / Audit Partner / Audit Director
Payroll Clerk S/M $48000 - $75000 3%
Business Advisory Services Principal / Audit Principal $140000 - $200000 2%
L $50000 - $80000 3%
Business Advisory Services Senior Accountant / Senior Auditor $60000 - $75000 3%
Payroll Manager S/M $70000 - $110000 4%
Business Analyst S/M $75000 - $100000 3%
L $100000 - $160000 5%
L $80000 - $120000 3%
Senior Accountant / Chief Accountant S/M $90000 - $127500 -1%
CFO / Finance Director S/M $130000 - $285000 -1%
L $110000 - $152500 -1%
L $200000 - $450000 -2%
Senior Financial Analyst S/M $90000 - $115000 2%
Commercial Manager S/M $120000 - $150000 2%
L $95000 - $120000 2%
L $125000 - $180000 3%
Tax Manager S/M $95000 - $140000 5%
Credit Controller S/M $47000 - $60000 1%
L $100000 - $160000 5%
L $47000 - $60000 1%
Treasury S/M $80000 - $150000 0%
L $110000 - $200000 0% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 31


SYDNEY – Financial Services Salary Tables

Job title Experience Salary range 2015 % change Job title Experience Salary range 2015 % change

Compliance / Anti-Money Laundering Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $142500 - $182000 2% Operational Risk Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $138750 - $170250 3%
Manager $106500 - $148000 2% Manager $94500 - $139500 3%
4 - 7 years $84250 - $110000 2% 4 - 7 years $83500 - $97000 3%
< 3 years $69500 - $84500 2% < 3 years $61500 - $83000 3%
Credit Risk Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $132000 - $162500 2% Product Control Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $140000 - $175000 2%
Manager $96500 - $137000 2% Manager $104500 - $144750 2%
4 - 7 years $83750 - $101500 2% 4 - 7 years $86250 - $114750 2%
< 3 years $61000 - $86250 2% < 3 years $68500 - $91500 2%
Financial Control Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $126000 - $157750 0% Project Management Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $137000 - $167500 2%
Manager $91750 - $126500 0% Manager $96500 - $137000 2%
4 - 7 years $69500 - $98750 0% 4 - 7 years $76000 - $101500 2%
< 3 years $52000 - $71750 0% < 3 years $61000 - $81250 2%
Fund Accounting / Administration Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $115000 - $140000 0% Risk Management Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $138000 - $168500 3%
Manager $90000 - $115000 0% Manager $97500 - $135000 3%
4 - 7 years $70000 - $92500 0% 4 - 7 years $84250 - $101000 3%
< 3 years $50000 - $70000 0% < 3 years $63000 - $84750 3%
Internal Audit Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $129000 - $162500 2% Settlements / FX Settlements Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $100000 - $135000 0%
Manager $92500 - $130000 2% Manager $82000 - $100000 0%
4 - 7 years $74750 - $94500 2% 4 - 7 years $63000 - $85000 0%
< 3 years $56500 - $74000 2% < 3 years $50000 - $70000 0%
Management Reporting Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $131250 - $157500 1% Tax Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $133000 - $166750 1%
Manager $96000 - $127750 1% Manager $97000 - $136500 1%
4 - 7 years $73250 - $100000 1% 4 - 7 years $76250 - $101500 1%
< 3 years $55500 - $73500 1% < 3 years $53250 - $76000 1%
Market Risk Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $144000 - $175000 2% Treasury Accounting Senior Mgr. / Executive Mgr. $130500 - $161000 1%
Manager $114000 - $147250 2% Manager $90500 - $130750 1%
4 - 7 years $86250 - $119250 2% 4 - 7 years $70500 - $95500 1%
< 3 years $67500 - $88750 2% < 3 years $52750 - $75500 1% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 33


AUCKLAND – Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change
Job title Company size Salary range 2015 % change

Accountant / Company Accountant S/M $75,000 - $100,000 0% Credit Manager S/M $70,000 - $90,000 0%
L $75,000 - $120,000 11% L $75,000 - $120,000 0%
Accounts Payable Clerk S/M $45,000 - $60,000 11% Finance Manager S/M $110,000 - $140,000 4%
L $50,000 - $65,000 6% L $120,000 - $150,000 4%
Accounts Payable Manager S/M $65,000 - $80,000 4% Financial Accountant S/M $75,000 - $110,000 6%
L $75000 - $95,000 10% L $75,000 - $120,000 5%
Accounts Receivable Clerk S/M $45,000 - $60,000 11% Financial Controller S/M $130,000 - $200,000 6%
L $50,000 - $65,000 12% L $150,000 - $250,000 0%
Accounts Receivable Manager S/M $65,000 - $80,000 12% Financial Planning & Analysis Manager S/M $120,000 - $170,000 4%
L $75,000 - $95,000 6% L $120,000 - $170,000 4%
Assistant Accountant S/M $55,000 - $65,000 2% Internal Auditor L $75,000 - $150,000 15%
L $55,000 - $70,000 4% Management Accountant S/M $85,000 - $130,000 5%
Bookkeeper S/M $65,000 - $90,000 3% L $85,000 - $140,000 5%
Business / Financial Analyst S/M $75,000 - $130,000 5% Payroll Clerk S/M $50,000 - $75,000 4%
L $85,000 - $140,000 5% L $60,000 - $85,000 4%
CFO/ Financial Director S/M $190,000 - $250,000 0% Payroll Manager S/M $65,000 - $90,000 7%
L $200,000 - $500,000 0% L $70,000 - $130,000 11%
Commercial Manager S/M $130,000 - $200,000 3% Tax Accountant/ Manager L $100,000 - $160,000 4%
L $140,000 - $230,000 3%
Credit Controller S/M $55,000 - $80,000 4%
L $60,000 - $90,000 3% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 35

Recruitment climate The war for talent - 92% of
Demand for IT professionals remains CIOs say it is challenging
positive with many organisations across to find skilled IT staff
education, healthcare and retail looking In today’s candidate driven market,
to hire in 2015. Business confidence organisations cannot afford to assume
has remained stable and the labour there is a large pool of available IT
market is becoming more buoyant. talent. The search for top technology
As firms increasingly aim to improve professionals is competitive, and a
their online presence, demand for digital significant share of CIOs say they
staff at all levels is strengthening. Roles encounter difficulties recruiting skilled
enjoying strong demand include front staff. Hiring the best people matters –
end developers, .net developers, business 92% of CIOs agree that IT plays a critical
analysts and service delivery managers. role in their firm’s business growth.

Over 50% of firms will

Economic outlook grow their IT teams Difficulties recruiting
Over eight out of ten Chief skilled IT staff
CIO economic growth More than half of CIOs plan to
Information Officers (CIOs) are Very challenging
confidence grow their IT teams in the first half
confident about the economic 40%
of 2015. The driver of recruitment
growth prospects for Australia Somewhat challenging
looks set to be small businesses
in 2015 and 93% are confident 28% 52%
Very confident with 62% planning to expand their
their business will achieve growth Not challenging
IT team over the next six months. 8%
over the next 12 months.
Somewhat confident
CIO business growth confidence
Very confident 15% Overall hiring trends:
33% Not at all confident
Somewhat confident
60% 2% 53% 40% 6% 1%
Don’t know
Not at all confident Expanding IT teams Maintaining current Freezing hiring Reducing teams
7% staff levels Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 37

Know what the
market is offering Increasing IT salaries Which IT skills are in greatest demand within your IT department?
Over half (54%) of CIOs are planning
to increase salaries for their IT 74%
teams in 2015. Small companies Small Business
are most positive, indicating a 31% 21% 20%
greater intention to raise salaries 42% Database management Business intelligence/ Network administration/
than larger organisations. For Medium Business (e. g. Oracle, reporting services engineering (LAN, WAN)
Microsoft SQL Server) (e. g. Data warehousing, Crystal
those in Victoria, it looks likely that Reports, Cognos, SQL Reporting)
IT salaries will be static with 68% 45%
of staff facing salary freezes, with Large Business
increases of 1-3% looking most likely
in NSW, Queensland and WA. 17% 16% 16%
Digital projects Virtualisation Wireless network management
90% of IT leaders intend to pay
bonuses, with small companies the No change to bonuses
most likely to adjust levels upwards
(44%). Around one fifth of medium Be ready to negotiate
businesses will reduce bonuses
in 2015 and a similar number of Over the past year, three out of Likelihood to negotiate
large companies will pay no bonus four IT professionals have become salary over the past year
at all, particularly in the public more likely to negotiate their salary,
sector. Most employees across particularly in small and medium
Australia should be expecting bonus 56% 48% businesses. Therefore, in the quest Much more likely
levels to remain static in 2015. NSW Victoria to attract and retain high calibre
IT staff, it is critical to stay abreast
of current remuneration patterns. More likely
But don’t overlook non-salary
86% of CIOs are enticements like the opportunity to
concerned about losing 21%
give employees greater work/life
No change
top IT talent in 2015 balance or access to unique learning
and development programs.
44% 56% 2%
Less likely
Queensland WA Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 39

Drivers for recruitment However, additional factors are Business drivers
New projects and initiatives are the underpinning demand for IT The trends relating to cloud Over one in three (34%) organisations
top drivers for technology recruitment professionals. Security and privacy technology and IT security remain the have plans for information risk and
this year, cited by 63% of CIOs; protection initiatives are rapidly being key focus areas impacting the way security initiatives over the next 12
particularly in small and medium embraced. Large businesses are also that companies conduct business. months and 28% of businesses will
businesses (72%); while 71% of planning the adoption of cloud services These trends are projected to affect increase their IT security headcount.
large companies are focussed on (34%), while 15% are now looking at businesses of all sizes and in locations
expansion of products or services. data analysis and big data initiatives. across the country in 2015.

Top 5 reasons for growing IT teams in 2015 Greatest impacts on Plans for information risk
how companies will & security initiatives
conduct business
63% 47% 35%
New projects / Product or service Systems 37%
initiatives expansion upgrades Cloud technology

Small business
IT security
32% 30%
Moving to cloud based
New market
penetration 17% 27%
Social media

5% Medium business

Move as fast as possible, think about your unique employer value 4%

proposition - what does your company offer outside of the role Big data
the employee will be working in? Younger generations are highly
conscious of what a brand stands for and how it is perceived.
Robert Half Recruitment Specialist – Sydney Other Large business Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 41


BRISBANE – Technology Salary Tables

Women in IT – seeking Job title Salary range 2015 % change
a gender balance Increases in female IT
Over the past five years, the professionals in the last
prevalence of female technology .NET Developer $75000 - $120000 0%
five years
professionals and leaders has Business Analyst – Junior $70000 - $85000 0%
increased in 65% of firms. Large Business Analyst – Mid-level $85000 - $100000 0%
organisations have lagged behind, Small Business Business Analyst – Senior $100000 - $130000 0%
with only 58% reporting an increase Business Intelligence Developer $90000 - $125000 0%
in female IT professionals and 30%
76% Business Intelligence Manager $115000 - $150000 0%
saying the number has remained Medium Business Chief Information Officer / IT Director $150000 - $250000 0%
static. Our survey results show Data Warehouse Consultant $90000 - $120000 0%
that it’s vital for organisations to 58% Database Administrator $80000 - $120000 -2%
embrace initiatives such as mentoring Large Business Desktop Support $50000 - $65000 1%
programmes to develop female
Development Manager $100000 - $150000 0%
technology leaders for the future.
E-Commerce Manager $90000 - $120000 0%
Enterprise Architect $130000 - $150000 3%
ERP Functional Consultant $100000 - $130000 1%

Which initiatives do you think are effective in developing ERP Technical Consultant $85000 - $120000 0%

female technology leaders? Infrastructure Architect $110000 - $130000 -1%

Infrastructure Manager $100000 - $140000 0%
IT Manager $100000 - $150000 0%
Java Developer $70000 - $115000 -1%
Network Engineer $90000 - $125000 2%

33% 26% 23% Program Manager $130000 - $160000 -1%

Mentoring programmes Greater enrolment in Government initiatives Project Manager $90000 - $130000 0%
technology education Solutions Architect $115000 - $140000 1%
Systems Administrator $70000 - $90000 -1%
Systems Engineer $80000 - $110000 4%
Tester $80000 - $115000 0%
Tester - Lead / Manager $100000 - $130000 -1%
9% 8%
Participation in women-only Showcase successful
industry groups female IT leaders
Salary range indicates the low and high values for a specific position.
Percentage change shows the increase or decrease in salaries in comparison to 2014. Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 43


MELBOURNE – Technology Salary Tables PERTH – Technology Salary Tables

Job title Salary range 2015 % change Job title Salary range 2015 % change

.NET Developer $80000 - $110000 2% .NET Developer $80000 - $125000 0%

Business Analyst – Junior $70000 - $90000 0% Business Analyst $80000 - $130000 -3%
Business Analyst – Mid-level $90000 - $115000 0% Business Intelligence Developer $90000 - $130000 0%
Business Analyst – Senior $115000 - $135000 0% Business Intelligence Manager $100000 - $165000 0%
Business Intelligence Developer $90000 - $120000 -2% Chief Information Officer / IT Director $195000 - $300000 0%
Business Intelligence Manager $145000 - $185000 -3% Data Warehouse Consultant $90000 - $150000 10%
Chief Information Officer / IT Director $200000 - $320000 4% Database Administrator $87000 - $125000 0%
Data Warehouse Consultant $90000 - $140000 7% Desktop Support $65000 - $85000 0%
Database Administrator $70000 - $115000 6% Development Manager $120000 - $155000 0%
Desktop Support $50000 - $65000 5% E-Commerce Manager $105000 - $135000 0%
Development Manager $130000 - $170000 0% Enterprise Architect $150000 - $185000 2%
E-Commerce Manager $100000 - $150000 4% ERP Functional Consultant $105000 - $150000 0%
Enterprise Architect $130000 - $150000 0% ERP Technical Consultant $90000 - $130000 0%
ERP Functional Consultant $85000 - $110000 3% Infrastructure Architect $120000 - $150000 6%
ERP Technical Consultant $85000 - $120000 3% Infrastructure Manager $90000 - $160000 4%
Infrastructure Architect $110000 - $150000 0% IT Manager $95000 - $140000 0%
Infrastructure Manager $110000 - $160000 0% Java Developer $70000 - $120000 6%
IT Manager $120000 - $155000 0% Network Engineer $75000 - $115000 0%
Java Developer $75000 - $110000 0% Program Manager $140000 - $200000 0%
Network Engineer $75000 - $115000 3% Project Manager $100000 - $150000 0%
Program Manager $135000 - $165000 -6% Solutions Architect $110000 - $150000 0%
Project Manager $90000 - $140000 -4% Systems Administrator $75000 - $110000 0%
Solutions Architect $100000 - $140000 0% Systems Engineer $80000 - $120000 2%
Systems Administrator $65000 - $90000 0% Tester $75000 - $110000 0%
Systems Engineer $70000 - $110000 0% Tester - Lead / Manager $95000 - $135000 0%
Tester $55000 - $95000 0%
Tester - Lead / Manager $90000 - $120000 0% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 45


SYDNEY – Technology Salary Tables

Administration & Office Support
Job title Salary range 2015 % change

.NET Developer $90000 - $120000 0%

Business Analyst – Junior $70000 - $90000 0%
Business Analyst – Mid-level $90000 - $120000 0%
Business Analyst – Senior $120000 - $150000 0%
Business Intelligence Developer $90000 - $130000 0%
Business Intelligence Manager $150000 - $185000 0%
Chief Information Officer / IT Director $200000 - $350000 2%
Data Warehouse Consultant $90000 - $120000 0%
Database Administrator $75000 - $110000 0%
Desktop Support $55000 - $75000 0%
Development Manager $130000 - $180000 4%
E-Commerce Manager $110000 - $170000 4%
Enterprise Architect $130000 - $170000 3%
ERP Functional Consultant $100000 - $130000 3% Hiring intentions
ERP Technical Consultant $85000 - $115000 0%
Confidence is strong in the Australian Permanent hiring
Infrastructure Architect $110000 - $150000 0% business community. 90% of HR trends - Administration
Infrastructure Manager $120000 - $150000 0% directors plan to maintain or expand
IT Manager $120000 - $150000 0% permanent administrative and office
Java Developer $90000 - $120000 0% support headcount throughout 2015.
Network Engineer $75000 - $117000 0%
Program Manager $140000 - $180000 0% 28% 62%
Project Manager $100000 - $140000 0% Expand Maintaining current
Solutions Architect $110000 - $140000 0% teams staff levels
Systems Administrator $75000 - $105000 0%
Systems Engineer $75000 - $120000 5%
Tester $70000 - $90000 0%
Tester - Lead / Manager $86000 - $130000 0%
7% 3%
Freezing hiring Reducing teams Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 47

Greater workforce flexibility For candidates – For managers –
Australian businesses are also seeing Why use of temporary communication is key moving at speed
changes in the reasons that staff are and interim professionals In the current highly competitive Even in a candidate rich market,
employed. Over the next five years, market, communication is key to hiring managers need to be ready
will increase
87% of HR managers anticipate that securing administration and office to move quickly to hire quality
the workplace will continue to evolve 45% support roles. Candidates need candidates. Executives should
and a greater role will be played by Cost-effectiveness of variable expense to ensure that they pay attention also be ready to embrace the
temporary and interim staff to cover and tailor both their CV and cover new – both technology and ideas
overflow from existing teams and to Need for more resourcing flexibility letter to the specific role that they that new staff bring to the table.
support projects across Australia. are applying for. Flexibility in salary
11% expectations is also needed in Retention is critical and is based
Provide skills not available in-house on effective management of
line with the current economy and
11% what the role should be paying. expectations. Today there is a
More project-based work expectation that the next promotion
is right around the corner, so give
specific, time bound, and measurable
targets to help your staff deliver
results, earn that promotion and
Skills in demand remain with your business.
Strongest opportunities exist for skills are in demand, with Robert
mid-level candidates who bring Half consultants reporting that
flexibility and strong communication candidates with Excel, SAP, Pronto
skills to their organisations. and Oracle experience have an
Competition is fierce for entry advantage over the competition. Speed to market is critical. If you find a candidate
level candidates and flexibility you like, move to hire them quickly.
with expectations is critical. – Robert Half Recruitment Specialist – Sydney
Hiring managers are looking for Technology skills in
reception and sales or project demand
administration candidates, and • Excel
those with business qualifications
such as certificate 3 or 4 in business
administration are favoured. In • Pronto
addition, numerical and technology • Oracle
• Microsoft Office Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 49


BRISBANE – Administration and Office Support Salary Tables MELBOURNE – Administration and Office Support Salary Tables

Job title Salary range 2015 % change Job title Salary range 2015 % change

Administrative Assistant $45000 - $53000 2% Administrative Assistant $48000 - $55000 3%

Administrative Coordinator $50000 - $62000 4% Administrative Coordinator $52000 - $65000 4%
Audio Typist $47500 - $58000 2% Audio Typist $50000 - $55000 0%
Claims Administrator $45000 - $56000 1% Claims Administrator $42000 - $57000 0%
Contracts Administrator $55000 - $86000 0% Contracts Administrator $57000 - $65000 3%
Customer Service Manager $70000 - $100000 4% Customer Service Manager $75000 - $120000 7%
Customer Service Representative $42000 - $55000 1% Customer Service Representative $40000 - $55000 0%
Customer Service Team Leader $48000 - $65000 3% Customer Service Team Leader $48000 - $62000 0%
Data Entry Clerk $40000 - $48000 -2% Data Entry Clerk $40000 - $52000 0%
Document Controller $53000 - $77000 2% Document Controller $55000 - $77000 0%
Executive Assistant $60000 - $90000 3% Executive Assistant $70000 - $90000 3%
Facilities Office Coordinator $52000 - $60000 0% Facilities Office Coordinator $55000 - $70000 5%
File Clerk $35000 - $43000 -1% File Clerk $38000 - $45000 0%
Human Resources Administrator $45000 - $60000 2% Human Resources Administrator $50000 - $65000 5%
Human Resources Coordinator $62000 - $75000 1% Human Resources Coordinator $55000 - $65000 0%
Mail Room Clerk $35000 - $42000 -2% Mail Room Clerk $40000 - $50000 0%
Marketing Assistant $45000 - $60000 3% Marketing Assistant $45000 - $65000 3%
Office Manager $60000 - $86000 1% Office Manager $65000 - $90000 2%
Outbound Telesales Consultant $42000 - $56000 2% Outbound Telesales Consultant $40000 - $60000 0%
Personal Assistant $55000 - $75000 0% Personal Assistant $60000 - $80000 0%
Project Administrator $50000 - $70000 0% Project Administrator $55000 - $70000 0%
Project Coordinator $60000 - $80000 2% Project Coordinator $65000 - $80000 0%
Receptionist $43000 - $55000 -3% Receptionist $43000 - $60000 0%
Recruitment Assistant $60000 - $80000 4% Secretary/Team Secretary $50000 - $65000 2%
Secretary/Team Secretary $50000 - $64000 0% Superannuation Administrator $55000 - $61000 0%
Superannuation Administrator $45000 - $60000 0% Word Processing Clerk $45000 - $60000 0%
Word Processing Clerk $42000 - $52000 0%

Salary range
range indicates
indicates the
the low
low and
and high
high values
values for
for a
a specific
specific position.
Percentage change
change shows
shows the
the increase
increase or
or decrease
decrease inin salaries
salaries in
in comparison
comparison to
to 2014.
2014. Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 51


PERTH – Administration and Office Support Salary Tables SYDNEY – Administration and Office Support Salary Tables

Job title Salary range 2015 % change Job title Salary range 2015 % change

Administrative Assistant $48000 - $55000 0% Administrative Assistant $45000 - $55000 2%

Administrative Coordinator $50000 - $65000 3% Administrative Coordinator $52000 - $65000 2%
Audio Typist $45000 - $53000 2% Audio Typist $47500 - $55000 0%
Claims Administrator $42000 - $55000 0% Claims Administrator $45000 - $53000 2%
Contracts Administrator $70000 - $100000 10% Contracts Administrator $55000 - $68000 0%
Customer Service Manager $67000 - $100000 0% Customer Service Manager $70000 - $95000 3%
Customer Service Representative $45000 - $55000 5% Customer Service Representative $42000 - $53000 1%
Customer Service Team Leader $55000 - $62000 4% Customer Service Team Leader $48000 - $62000 3%
Data Entry Clerk $43000 - $50000 6% Data Entry Clerk $38000 - $48000 0%
Document Controller $55000 - $75000 8% Document Controller $50000 - $58000 0%
Executive Assistant $60000 - $90000 0% Executive Assistant $65000 - $85000 3%
Facilities Office Coordinator $48000 - $62000 0% Facilities Office Coordinator $46000 - $60000 3%
File Clerk $40000 - $45000 5% File Clerk $36000 - $43000 3%
Human Resources Administrator $50000 - $65000 0% Human Resources Administrator $46000 - $55000 3%
Human Resources Coordinator $60000 - $78000 0% Human Resources Coordinator $55000 - $70000 2%
Mail Room Clerk $40000 - $45000 5% Mail Room Clerk $37000 - $46000 2%
Marketing Assistant $45000 - $63000 0% Marketing Assistant $45000 - $60000 0%
Office Manager $55000 - $80000 0% Office Manager $65000 - $80000 3%
Outbound Telesales Consultant $41000 - $50000 0% Outbound Telesales Consultant $40000 - $56000 2%
Personal Assistant $55000 - $75000 0% Personal Assistant $55000 - $65000 3%
Project Administrator $55000 - $70000 0% Project Administrator $52000 - $67000 4%
Project Coordinator $60000 - $80000 0% Project Coordinator $60000 - $75000 2%
Receptionist $43000 - $53000 0% Receptionist $43000 - $58000 0%
Recruitment Assistant $50000 - $65000 0% Secretary/Team Secretary $50000 - $65000 3%
Secretary/Team Secretary $55000 - $67000 4% Word Processing Clerk $42000 - $52000 0%
Superannuation Administrator $45000 - $60000 2%
Word Processing Clerk $43000 - $50000 0% Robert Half • 2015 Salary Guide 53

Contact Us

If you would like more information about our survey results

or about the services provided by Robert Half please contact
the office closest to you at

Auckland Perth
+64 9 915 6700 +61 8 6430 6801

Brisbane Parramatta
+61 7 3039 4202 +61 2 8833 4500

Melbourne Sydney
+61 3 9691 3631 +61 2 9241 6255

Mount Waverley
+61 3 9239 8100

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