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Innovating on 6G May 2024

with Artificial
Table of Contents

4 Introduction
Patrick Hindle
Microwave Journal, Media Director

5 Solving Electromagnetic Densification at the Point

of Design
Daren McClearnon
Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Don Dingee
STRATISET, San Antonio, Texas

11 Enhancing Sub-Terahertz RF EDA Workflows for

6G Challenges
Daren McClearnon
Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Don Dingee
STRATISET, Canyon Lake, Texas

16 Advancing AI Learning for Wireless Communications Testing

Keysight Technologies Inc., Santa Rosa, Calif

18 Next Generation Performance in 6G Networks

with Digital Twins
Keysight Technologies Inc., Santa Rosa, Calif.

25 A Sub-Terahertz MIMO Testbed for 6G Research

Greg Jue
Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, Calif.

29 Next-Generation Terabit Wireless Communication:

Advancements Beyond 6G
V. Manimala
Builders Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. N. Gunavathi
National Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India

Design 6G Systems Today
with AI-Driven EDA
Simulate 6G system architecture today. Integrate AI from
the start so you can easily adapt as standards evolve.

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Innovating on 6G with Artificial Intelligence

Today, the 6G standard is in the early phases. Candidate technologies are being researched, prototyped, and
simulated to drive the direction of the 3GPP standards development activity. Applying digital twin workflows to
simulations and pairing them with a prototype as it moves through the design phase opens up innovative ways
to design and identify optimizations early. Modeling software tools that leverage as much real-world data as
possible have the potential to solve significant challenges early by incorporating known insights from existing
5G deployments. Research testbeds will be critical to success if 6G aims to spur collaboration alongside inno-
vation. The ability to prototype new AI, digital twin, and software-defined tools across the wireless ecosystem
will provide significant results for applying those technologies wisely.

This eBook looks at the design densification and test challenges from migrating 5G communications into the
6G sub-Terahertz frequency ranges. Keysight Technologies, the sponsor of this eBook, presents end-to-end
capabilities for simulating, testing, and evaluating devices, subsystems, and systems for the evolution of the
5G systems as they evolve towards 6G.

A new Keysight paper discusses leveraging AI-assisted digital twin design software for 6G physical layer
research. Simulations show strong possibilities for improved performance and reduced computing burden
compared with conventional techniques. Success with channel estimation and CSI feedback indicates similar
AI-enabled approaches can apply to other signal chain pieces. While 6G waveforms and channel models con-
tinue to develop, the Keysight System Design software suite, 5G libraries, and companion tools are now here
for research and exploration. Design engineering using digital twin software that leverages Keysight measure-
ment science confidently produces the same results as hardware. By leveraging software-centric workflows to
iterate and advance designs rapidly, it is already possible to integrate AI technology in 6G system architecture
before future 3GPP specification releases.

We hope that this eBook will aid engineers in understanding the challenges ahead as 5G design challenges
evolve towards 6G Research while highlighting the tools available to help overcome these challenges. We
want to thank Keysight for sponsoring this eBook and offering it free to our audience. Keysight has all the
tools needed to simulate and test your designs, many of which are covered in this educational eBook. Key-
sight is a leader in 6G technology, delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engi-
neers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product lifecycle to accelerate innovation
that connects the world.

Patrick Hindle, Microwave Journal, Media Director

Solving Electromagnetic
Densification at the Point
of Design
Daren McClearnon
Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Don Dingee
STRATISET, San Antonio, Texas

Density, both informational and physical, determines complex RF system success or failure.
Systems like 5G and Wi-Fi 7 pack more information into precious spectrum on smaller base
stations, access points and devices. Finding density-related problems at prototyping, or later in
deployment, adds cost and risk. Traditional RF electronic design automation (RF EDA) workflows
are falling behind density challenges, analyzing one problem at a time and missing too much. A
new approach: solving electromagnetic (EM) densification at the point of design.

hift left—earlier visibility on designs in virtual TAKING ON INFORMATION DENSITY
space is the fundamental purpose of EDA Wireless systems broke free of some limits, but
tools. When modeling and simulation reflect moving information still has boundaries. When Claude
real-world performance, design problems be- Elwood Shannon explored communication channels,
come easier to fix. Still, complex densification problems he saw their data capacity maximized by bandwidth,
have many domains with combined interacting effects. using signals with many noise-like characteristics. Ana-
Pulling EDA and test and measurement tools together log systems with inefficient modulation left data-hun-
in a workflow knocks out EM problems earlier, before gry services unsatisfied. Digital systems packed more
committing to hardware. This article reviews three ex- bits into each transmitted symbol, saving bandwidth,
amples regarding how these workflows are solving EM but true to Shannon, complexity rose and specifica-
densification: tions tightened.
1. Analyzing wideband designs using modulated sig- Today, complex modulations are part and parcel
nals and authentic waveforms1 of RF system specifications including 5G and Wi-Fi 7.
2. Visualizing stability with EM-circuit excitation early Digital quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) ar-
in design and physical layout2 ranges data points in a two-dimensional constellation.
3. Increasing confidence in EM design integrity Higher-order constellations put points closer together,
through iterative co-simulation.3 requiring a higher signal-to-noise ratio to keep error
EM workflows appear across the ecosystem, soon rates down. 5G new radio (NR) features 256-QAM
connecting vendors, customers and customers-of- modulation delivering eight bits per symbol. Wi-Fi 7 is
customers through “simulatable datasheets,” which is moving to 4096-QAM modulation for 12 bits per sym-
briefly explained. bol. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing bun-
dles dense carrier sets into a narrow
bandwidth leading to sudden intense
peaks, as much as 10x the average
power level, creating dramatic noise-
like stresses on radio architectures.
Both 5G and Wi-Fi 7 add MIMO an-
tenna technology and spatial mul-
tiplexing for increased throughput
Nonlinearity (Distortion) White Noise I/Q Imbalance Phase Noise
within a given bandwidth.
In this light, error vector magni- s Fig. 1 EVM impairments and symbol errors in a 16-QAM constellation.
tude (EVM) emerges as a critical met-
ric for signal quality and for transceiv-
er and equipment performance. It is
an RF designer’s proxy for bringing
the customer experience forward to Quickly Varying Slowly Varying
the point of design. EVM measures (<1 µs, Waveform Related) (Operating Point)
how accurately transmitted symbols
match their intended spot in the QAM Power Dependence Temperature Dependence + Self
constellation (see Figure 1). Higher- (Nonlinearity, PAPR) (Ambient) Heating

order QAM constellations put points

close together to start. Imperfections RIPPLE Frequency Dependence Load Dependence +
in a radio shift constellation points off (Wide Bandwidth) (PA, Phased Array) Modulation
their mark. These effects include non-
linearity, noise, loading and channel
interference. When points are close Time Dependence
(Memory Effects, Trapping)
Bias Dependence
(Battery Life)
+ Envelope
together, accurate discrimination
between adjacent points becomes
All this leads to an observation.
It is not possible to design a 5G NR
s Fig. 2 Factors affecting PA performance and EVM.
or Wi-Fi 7 compliant radio without PA performance. The same PA in a hardware prototype
incorporating a higher-order modulation scheme per running against complex modulation may fall apart in
specification. To prove such a transmitter works, au- unexpected ways. Why? Combining physical densifica-
thentic higher-order modulated signals of sufficiently tion, power, modulated signals and a host of parasitic
wide bandwidths are required to measure EVM perfor- effects pushes assumptions, exposing various design
mance at system validation. In fact, every modern digi- weaknesses.
tal RF system relies on complex modulation for achiev- Effects factoring into EVM spread across domains in
ing its desired information density. For these systems, two categories as shown in Figure 2. Quickly varying
there is no such thing as a choose your own compli- effects are waveform-related and are how information
ance adventure. density shows up. Besides power effects, demanding
Yet, that is exactly how many designers pursue signals bring implications in both frequency and time
physical design densification. At the point of design, domains. Slowly varying effects impact a device’s oper-
EDA tools perform schematic capture, physical layout ating point and are often byproducts of physical den-
and localized simulations of design choices. Are those sity. Thermal, load and bias dependence reveal issues
choices understood in a system context? Does opti- with stability, coupling, resonances, frequency shifts,
mizing one factor have consequences on others? Is it matching and package interactions.
possible to tell what those interrelationships might be? These effects are not entirely separable. A complex
Simulating approximate or incomplete models with waveform can set off time-dependent memory effects
simplified signals looking for one problem is an excel- such as charge trapping and self-heating. Sweeping
lent way to miss others. frequency across a wide bandwidth finds linear imped-
Those mysteries lead teams to fall back on physi- ance mismatches and ripple varying across the band.
cal prototypes for observing and troubleshooting RF However, a wide bandwidth waveform excites all fac-
issues. Hardware re-spins, however, are expensive tors simultaneously, creating “rogue waves” with infre-
schedule killers. Anything from functional design er- quent and sudden signal peaks 8 to 13 dB above the
rors to hard-to-reproduce interactions under dynamic average power level. Under extreme peak-to-average
conditions can trigger a re-spin. Waiting until prototyp- power ratio conditions in regulated frequency bands,
ing to find any lurking issue leaves RF designers at the PA energy efficiency, signal quality and output power
mercy of higher risks and project costs. become harder to optimize. Modulated waveforms
Let us return to the EVM example and look at why with accurate carrier dynamics uncover more issues
modulated signals are important for accurately charac- than one-tone and two-tone analyses using harmonic
terizing power amplifiers (PAs). S-parameters and pure balance.
sinusoidal stimuli provide a modeling baseline of raw
This highlights the risk of waiting until hardware pro-
totyping before fully exercising RF designs. Staging
physical effects in combination may also be exceed-
ingly difficult, which leads to latent problems cropping
up in system deployment. In virtual space, simulators
can sweep combinations of parameters in the presence
of authentic wideband signals; but higher bandwidth
signals also force more data collection, slowing the
characterization process.
For increased test coverage of parametric scans,
intelligent test and measurement trade-offs on signal s Fig. 3 5G mmWave PA design using PathWave Advanced
complexity reduce measurement time with techniques Design System.
like signal compaction and modulation distortion (or
distortion EVM). These same techniques can apply to TABLE 1
simulations, along with intelligent trade-offs for accel-
erating RF characterization without sacrificing fidelity. SIMULATION TIME VS. SIGNAL TYPE
An example is fast circuit envelope technology in EM Simulation EVM Pin Pout Power
co-simulations, capturing linear frequency responses, Time (s) (%) (dBm) (dBm) Gain (dB)
loading, power dynamics and bias effects and even Envelope
1371 4.87 –15.4 19.8 35.2
memory effects in a run-time, on-the-fly modeling step. (3255 µs)
Figure 3 shows a mmWave PA design and Table 1 Compact
shows the PA simulation results from 50,000 points of a Signal 386 4.67 –15.4 19.8 35.3
5G modulated source. Applying both compact test sig- (1000 µs)
nals and fast envelope techniques improves simulation Fast
time by 44x with little change in EVM accuracy. This in- Envelope 93 4.87 –16.2 19.0 35.2
crease in speed is critical to gaining design insights. It (Level 1)
is the difference between simulating an EVM test case Compact
once at verification versus simulating EVM contours Signal
against a parametric scan and making incremental de- (1000 µs) 31 4.68 –15.4 19.8 35.3
with Fast
sign improvements. Envelope
This two-way workflow between RF EDA and test and
measurement algorithms enables designers to probe
deeper much earlier, handle changes at the point of
design and achieve consistency with measured results.
Dense systems can be created, simulated, adjusted
and re-simulated with authentic signals and combina-
tions of effects modeled. Margins against system-level
metrics are no longer a guess.
Modulated signals also enable the system experience
to travel up and down the ecosystem. Understanding per- s Fig. 4 WS-Probes inserted in a simple feedback amplifier
formance in a customer’s environment is key to achieving circuit.
information density goals. Next is a look at a deeper ex-
A broader technique is the Normalized Determinant
ample where physical density sets up complex EM interac-
Function (NDF), which also requires a known-stable
network. For normalization, NDF needs access to ev-
ONE-PASS STABILITY ANALYSIS ery source in the network. It creates a passive network
by setting all active sources to constant “off” values—
Amplifier instability occurs when gain and feedback
removing them from the response. Estimating the off
mix. With frequencies, bandwidths, complexity and
values can be error prone, and black-box models can
physical density rising, resonances are now common.
prevent source access entirely. Large transistor net-
Bypass capacitors may be a fix. Compact packaging
works make for huge matrices and lengthy simulations.
makes placing capacitors hard, and where and how
Required frequency sweeps beyond operating ranges
much capacitance to use is unclear.
add more time and complexity.
Simulations have hundreds of stability analysis tech-
Non-invasive impedance probes hold more prom-
niques to choose from, most focused on one issue and
ise. The S-Probe uses ideal sources for “in-situ” bidi-
some difficult to apply. A classic method is the Rollett
rectional S-parameter computation but struggles with
stability factor, or K-factor, which produces valid results
feedback around the probe, losing accuracy. Since
for a known-stable network when ideally terminated.
feedback factors into stability, the S-Probe by itself is
Its two-port linear network assumptions degrade at
ineffective for stability analysis. The WS-Probe (also
higher frequencies with complex modulation. Tone-
known as the Winslow Probe, for its inventor Dr. Thom-
based (harmonic balance) frequency domain simula-
as Winslow) builds on the S-Probe, providing accurate
tions might falsely converge for some frequencies,
results in the presence of feedback.
leaving instability undetected.
s Fig. 5 Osctest, Middlebrook, Hurst and Tian Bilateral loop gain, comparing test benches with WS-Probe simulations.

s Fig. 6 Return Difference, NDF, Driving Point Admittance and Ohtomo loop gain, comparing test benches with WS-Probe
exact matches between manual test
benches and WS-Probe results.
There are two other benefits from
simulating with WS-Probes. They can
aid in a virtual load-pull, examining
load-dependent stability by extend-
ing results from Driving Point Admit-
tance with Kurokawa stability criteria.
They also apply equally well in both
small signal and large signal analysis,
avoiding staging difficulties inherent
with large signals.
The upshot for densification is
more powerful EM-circuit excitation
techniques via simulation at the point
s Fig. 7 EM simulation of an amplifier in PathWave RFPro, showing instability of design and layout. Using nodal
locations at several frequencies. voltages and currents to stimulate an
EM structure, circuit plus physical lay-
WS-Probes enable comprehensive stability analysis out attributes, produces a visualization of current den-
techniques. Output processing can generate an admit- sity and radiation patterns. Instabilities move around
tance matrix for high impedance termination condi- the structure as frequencies vary. Figure 7 shows a sim-
tions, like NDF. K-factor can also be derived. Figure ple amplifier structure at three different frequencies,
4 shows WS-Probes in a simple amplifier-feedback highlighting a bias feedback problem and a ground
configuration and Figure 5 simulates its loop gain in plane feedback problem.
manual test benches versus WS-Probes—producing These coupling problems would be near impossible
exact matches. to spot in the lab but are laid open at simulation with
One simulation in Figure 5 with the WS-Probe cov- non-invasive probes and “in-situ” analysis. Straight-for-
ers the same metrics as 16 different manual test bench ward layout changes (pushing bias lines apart and add-
simulations. Coverage grows larger with circuit com- ing vias to the ground plane) improve stability across
plexity. Figure 6 shows more metrics including Bode’s the frequency range. Extend this example to more
Return Difference (internal), NDF (external), Driving complex circuits and larger dense structures, and the
Point Admittance and Ohtomo loop gain, again with power of an RF EDA workflow merging design, layout

s Fig. 8 In-situ analysis using PathWave RFPro streamlines EM simulation workflow.

and simulation is evident. Next is a look at this work- user interviews. It is the process to get a circuit design
flow in more detail. into a format ready for EM simulation in a third party
tool. Some steps are manual, some scripted. Excess
ITERATIVE EM-CIRCUIT CO-SIMULATION components and structures are stripped, EM simula-
In complex RF systems, frequencies and integration tions extract S-parameters and those are then meticu-
density are rising, and 3D multi-technology assembly lously reconnected back to the original circuit nodes. In
is everywhere. Parasitic effects from packaging, physi- every step, especially the first and last ones, there is a
cal routing and interconnects and interactions between chance for an oversight or error.
components degrade system performance. Some The left side of Figure 8 shows “in-situ” 3DEM anal-
symptoms are frequency shifts, resonances, instabil- ysis streamlined with PathWave RFPro. It starts with the
ity, mismatches, power losses and poor isolation from original circuit file, extracts and reconnects S-param-
interference. Design integrity faces major risks; an un- eters, inserts non-invasive probing automatically and
caught mistake costs a hardware re-spin, a design win jumps to EM-circuit co-simulation within minutes. Be-
is undone or a market window is missed. cause RFPro reads data through an OpenAccess API, it
Circuit simulation is familiar territory for most EDA integrates with Keysight EDA platforms or in a mixed-
users, it is unthinkable not to take advantage of it. Toss vendor EDA workflow.
in EM structures and effects, and accurate simulation One RFPro customer was able to run only three or
gets more challenging. As previously shown, there are four EM simulation runs per week using a third party
now innovative and effective EM simulation techniques tool—that customer is now able to do 30. It is more
for densification problems. The question becomes how than a productivity improvement, however. Bringing
to fit these techniques into RF design workflows. EM-circuit co-simulation into an EDA workflow moves
One reason teams may be treading carefully is that simulation from a limited-use verification sign-off tool to
there are different, disjointed EDA tools for different an iterative problem-solving tool at the point of design.
jobs in the workflow. Becoming proficient with each Analyzing EM effects becomes routine, like analyzing
tool requires a learning curve, and once a tool is in a circuit functionality, and fixes can happen on the spot.
workflow it is tough to part with it even if it lacks some Teams can efficiently develop predictable designs with
features. On the plus side, circuit design capture, cir- critical EM effects fully assessed before hardware pro-
cuit simulation and physical layout tools have already totyping or deployment. Confidence in design integrity
merged. Most package assembly and EM simulation goes up, surprises go down.
tools, however, still add extra steps, especially if bad These changes point to bigger possibilities in the
results send teams back to the drawing board. future for the RF design ecosystem. Vendors design
Those extra steps can chew up weeks at a time. The parts, those parts integrate into equipment manufac-
right side of Figure 8 shows data from 10 years of EDA turer modules and boards, and those fit into larger end-

customer systems. Vendor design wins rely on design- mains. Interference, crosstalk and parasitic effects
ers at the next level correctly stringing together pieces can no longer be estimates. Packaging details must
from different vendors. Aligning data from printed data be known early. Resonance, thermal and stability
sheets may produce a fit or it may not. concerns need full attention. Finding an issue in
System-level EM simulation with transportable data hardware is too late and adding EM simulation to
and models in simulatable datasheets is the next fron- workflows is urgent.
tier. Simulatable datasheets for parts will drop into sys- 3. Shift left will be a competitive advantage. Design in
tem-level models for virtual performance evaluation. context, in a workflow providing time savings and
Knowledge about how a part works in an application virtual accuracy using modulated signals and in-situ
will flow easily from vendor to customers to custom- EM analysis, leads to design wins. If others find is-
ers-of-customers, and back. Teams will not spend time sues first, business may be lost. Models and results
sorting out specifications, but instead will focus on an- need to be transportable, ready to connect with
ticipating deployment scenarios at the point of design other design processes, vendors, customers and en-
to achieve design wins. vironments.
Digital transformation is solving EM densification at
the point of design. More versatile analysis engines,
Densification drives stress for teams, designs and behavioral models, tools and IP help designers and
processes and it drives opportunity. EM analysis at the their customers create and apply innovative designs in
point of the design means that when teams find some- more applications with greater success.n
thing, they can do something about it. Three areas
were discussed: References
1. Information density shows up in far more complex 1. “Accelerate 5G Circuit Designs Using Digitally Modu-
waveforms. Systems demand modulated signals, lated Signals,” Keysight, Web,
and so should RF design teams. Seeing, understand- 2. “Designing for Stability in High Frequency Circuits,” Keysight,
ing and preserving signal details must be part of the Web,
RF design workflow, not an afterthought in verifica- application-notes/Designing-for-Stability-in-High-Frequency-
tion. RF EDA and measurement science are strongly Circuits.pdf.
connected. 3. “RFPro in ADS for EM-Circuit Co-Simulation,” Keysight, Web,
2. Physical density, including 3D multi-technology as-
sembly, is spawning more interactions between do-

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Enhancing Sub-Terahertz RF EDA
Workflows for 6G Challenges
Daren McClearnon
Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Don Dingee
STRATISET, Canyon Lake, Texas

5G systems have been a proving ground for advanced RF electronic design automation (EDA)
tools. These tools showcased multi-domain simulation with accurate, robust behavioral models
and authentic waveforms. Teams embracing design-for-context in a trusted, high-fidelity virtual
workspace were able to address challenges more efficiently with fewer hardware re-spins.

G brings a significant multi-dimensional leap everything will be measured, but not before the next
in performance requirements for components, generation multi-domain simulation delivers crucial in-
modules and systems. Everything we think is sights needed for predictable hardware designs meet-
known today about real-world mmWave effects ing stringent requirements.
such as complex modulation, channel propagation, Several years ahead of formal 6G specification re-
signal-to-noise, energy efficiency and power delivery, leases and perhaps as much as a decade before initial
starts to look different. Figure 1 illustrates potential sub- 6G network rollouts, predicting all the demands on RF
Terahertz (THz) frequency ranges with higher contiguous EDA workflows remains a topic for debate. However,
bandwidths targeted by 6G researchers, although speci- progress in mmWave EDA helps identify areas where
fications are still in flux. sub-THz innovation, preceding earnest 6G system de-
One immediate concern jumps out; precious little com- sign initiatives, will prove extremely valuable. Prime
mercial hardware is available in these higher frequency examples include channel modeling, mixed-signal con-
ranges today. Hardware is scarce in D-Band (110 to 170 texts and scalable, enterprise-class solutions to 6G chal-
GHz), but almost none ventures into H-Band (220 to 330 lenges.
GHz). Furthermore, much of the prerequisite advanced
science, including semiconductor pro-
cesses, test and measurement equip- Frequency 100 MHz 1 GHz 10 GHz 100 GHz 1 THz
ment, modeling and simulation technol-
ogy and various facets of artificial intel-
ligence (AI), is not entirely in place yet to
cope with lofty 6G expectations. Wavelength 100 cm 10 cm 1 cm 1 mm
The implications for RF EDA are im- Spectrum Allocation by Generation
mense. Research projects and proof-
1G 2G/3G
of-concept designs that once relied
on some simulation before serious 5G 6G
physical prototyping efforts will, out
of necessity, shift significant resources 4G Total Aggregate Bandwidth in Each Generation
into the virtual space until a broader
selection of components and test and s Fig. 1 6G sub-THz frequencies have substantially wider bandwidth than previous
measurement gear arrives. Eventually, wireless generations.
Channel Sounding Measurement
Signal Generation
Wireless communication systems once enjoyed the Channel
luxury of selecting the optimum carrier frequency for N7608C Signal Studio
Custom Modulation
propagation through the air. This was before spec-
trum scarcity and complex digital modulation schemes
PathWave Signal
emerged. Managing channel behavior meant creating Generation

a link budget with enough margin to overcome routine Signal Analysis

disruptions. PathWave Vector Signal Acquisition
Analysis (89600 VSA) HW
6G transforms the channel equation. Data rate expec-
tations for a single connection rise to hundreds of giga-
bytes per second, connection density grows to millions PathWave VSA

of devices per square kilometer and lower frequencies

are occupied, forcing systems into the sub-THz spectrum. s Fig. 2 Custom modulation driving channel sounding to
determine impulse response and other metrics.
The environment is not ideal. Propagation losses climb as
frequencies move higher in sub-THz ranges. Reflections
from objects like buildings, vegetation and terrain add to
atmospheric effects like rain and dense fog. When designs
operate in lower signal-to-noise environments with tighter
link budgets due to transmit power constraints, any inter-
ference creates the potential for error vector magnitude
(EVM) degradation and a corresponding jump in bit error
Dynamic channel evaluation and modeling become
crucial tasks for 6G research and are not as simple as
they might seem. Carrier frequencies, transmit power,
the number of transmit channels in simultaneous use
and the modulation scheme and waveforms influence
the outcome. At this stage, 6G waveforms remain un-
s Fig. 3 Channel sounding results portrayed by the 89600
VSA software in both frequency and time domains.
known, but with insight from 802.11ay, it becomes pos-
sible to synthesize a broadband sub-THz waveform with created in PathWave System Design can represent 6G RF
the appropriate complementary cumulative distribution signal chains end-to-end, including detailed channel mod-
function (CCDF) and other properties needed to ex- eling as shown in Figure 4.
plore options. Early 6G research reveals accurate performance sim-
Deriving useful 6G virtual channel models starts with ulation demands, comprehensive modeling and digital-
physical measurements. Channel sounding measures ly-driven control of the antenna structures in lockstep
impulse response by sending a complex signal into the with the RF signal chain. Decisions unfold on a millisec-
channel, capturing it after channel effects and compar- ond scale, adapting the configuration and processing
ing the results. Antenna configurations and reflective as channel behavior shifts and devices move. One chal-
paths staged in the environment contribute to an un- lenging modeling problem is capturing more interac-
derstanding of the impairments. Figure 2 depicts a ba- tion between power amplifiers and antenna elements
sic measurement setup with an anechoic chamber that as the antenna scans in different directions with one or
provides a best-case environment without atmospheric more beams. PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS)
effects. models, combined with measurements from a PNA-X
Pre-configured routines in the PathWave Vector Sig- network analyzer, will offer a detailed view of how im-
nal Analysis (89600 VSA) software automate channel pedance and power amplifier efficiency change. Incor-
sounding. Figure 3 highlights the channel impulse re- porating that model into the RF system-level simulation
sponse (bottom trace) with a time-domain view which in PathWave System Design increases fidelity.
helps assess delays, reflections and phasing.
Ensuring alignment between simula-
tion and test instrumentation is vital for 6G Research Simulation Test Bunches
reliable results. A notable advantage of Validate System Architectures in Support of (Sub)-Terahertz Chip Research 6G
the Keysight RF EDA environment is its Custom Baseband Modeling Data Streaming and Automatic Baseband Reception
use of the same analysis engines, the Waveform
and Signal Generation
Configuration for Virtual Simulation with Synchronization

core measurement science, from cor- RF

Channel Propagation
Phased Array
System Modeling
responding test and measurement plat- Baseband

forms. PathWave System Design reuses PathWave • Vector Analysis

PathWave VSA
• CP-OFDM, DFT-S-OFDM with Flexible Numerology
waveforms from PathWave Signal Gen- System Design
• Time and Frequency Domain Co-Simulation • Dynamic Display & Custom
• Model-Based Design: Easy Custom Model Building for R&D • Industry Reference Measurement Science
eration and integrates measurement
feedback from the PathWave 89600 s Fig. 4 6G research begins on a virtual platform, allowing the exploration of
VSA and other analyzers. Virtual models modulation options against channel models.

IN MIXED-SIGNAL CONTEXTS Digital Step Control Attenuation Range & RF Settling Time
Attenuators Interface Resolution (to < 0.1 dB of Final)
WITH NONLINEAR BEHAVIOR ADRF5730 SPI or Parallel 31.5 dB in 0.5 dB Steps 250 ns
Historically, RF design has been pri- ADRF5740 Parallel 22 dB in 2 dB Steps 175 ns
marily an analog discipline. However, Control Amplitude Settling Time Phase Settling Time
Tunable Filters
modern communication systems fea- Interface (to < 1 dB of Final) (to < 2° of Final)
ture more mixed-signal characteristics. ADMV8818 SPI 1 μs 2 μs
Digital modulation, already a mainstay, RF Switches
Control Switching Time
Interface (to < 0.1 dB of Final)
takes on increased complexity in 6G
ADRF5020 Parallel 15 ns
with larger constellations and tighter
spacing. Demands increase on 6G RF
front-ends, power amplifiers, mixers,
filters, switches and other components
to perform predictably across a much
wider bandwidth. This makes accurate
simulation crucial.
RF performance can change at
the flick of a digital switch in these
mixed-signal chains. Techniques such
as adaptive gain control, switching s Fig. 5 Controlling digitally-driven states accurately for RF front-end simulation
between alternate signal paths under (Courtesy of Analog Devices).
certain conditions, phased arrays and
More nonlinear behavior is likely in store for 6G an-
beamforming, along with digital impairment compensa-
tennas. Achieving higher spectral density, which corre-
tion are necessary to pull signals from noise more ef-
lates to the number of bits that can be put in the air for
fectively. RF EDA must simultaneously address these
a given channel, requires a combination of techniques.
Advanced higher-order modulation packs bits of data
• Simulators must adhere to complex sequences of
more tightly into symbols, but these symbols are only
events and keep pace with rapid changes in behavior
valid if they arrive within acceptable error limits at the
as inputs and signal chain states vary.
RF front-end.
• Point sampling at selected frequencies misses anom-
6G researchers are looking at three technologies to
alies as bandwidth increases.
break through channel interference and deliver more bits
• Single-domain simulation is insufficient, with anoma-
to more user equipment (UE), the devices in a 6G net-
lies appearing as domains interact.
work, reliably. These three technologies are:
• Model complexity must expand to accurately portray
• Holographic beamforming that optimizes the shape
behavior, effect detail and interactions.
of a beam using passive electronically steered arrays
The days of using a few cherry-picked frequencies for
(PESAs) to increase the energy directed at a recipi-
detailed simulation and validation with measurements
ent with higher resolution compared to traditional
are gone. That approach only works in narrow band-
phased arrays.
widths when interpolation between points tracks linearly
• Ultra-massive MIMO that utilizes thousands of an-
without surprises. Under wideband excitation, nonlinear
tenna elements in coordination with beamforming to
behavior and cross-domain interactions between pow-
help improve the odds of signals overcoming signifi-
er, frequency, time, temperature, load and DC bias can
cant sub-THz propagation loss and interference over
combine unexpectedly to disrupt mixed-signal chains at
greater distances.
any point across their bandwidth. (See the article “Solv-
• Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) that incorpo-
ing EM Densification at the Point of Design” pp. 52 to
rate reflective antenna elements in a programmable
64 in the July 2022 edition of Microwave Journal for
structure, possibly in 3D IC form. RIS aims to simplify
more on RF cross-domain effects and simulation with
designs by reducing the per-element RF signal chain
authentic signals.)
processing requirements.
Nonlinear behavior modeling is essential in state-
A mixed-signal context change is brewing overhead
of-the-art RF front-ends, where digital timing and con-
in non-terrestrial networks (NTNs). Bouncing signals off
trol knobs adjust performance while preparing signals
low earth orbit (LEO) satellites and other high altitude
for analog-to-digital conversion. The Analog Devices
platforms injects a bulk delay due to extended distanc-
ADMV8818 tunable filter, for example, stores up to 128
es and a Doppler shift resulting from satellite motion.
states for its state machine overseeing preset filter con-
Maintaining connections requires continuous pre-com-
figurations. Analog Devices had a concept for modeling
pensation for these effects at several points in the signal
their front-end reference design and sought Keysight’s
chain, including each UE.
help to construct a lookup table to coordinate states in
Addressing these challenges means system-level
PathWave System Design simulations. Figure 5 shows
RF EDA tools must generate accurate 5G and, eventu-
some of the variables in each state, including RF settling
ally, 6G messaging sequences and channel models for
time. With these details added to the simulation, Analog
NTNs. End-to-end digital twins, enhanced with imple-
Devices tuned digital settings and achieved a flatter fre-
mentation measurement feedback, can help unlock suit-
quency response across the 2 to 24 GHz operating range,
able pre-compensation algorithms. Figure 6 illustrates
matching physical measurements.
PathWave System Design/STK be set up, how ground references are
NTN or Terrestrial Network 5G
Channel Model
made and how structures are designed
to suppress unwanted interactions. In
PathWave System
Design a 3D-stacked environment, power and
PathWave Signal
ground distribution are linked to sig-
nal integrity and stability issues. Guid-
5G Attach Message
Sequence Vector WaveJudge
ed-wave port and excitation types
Decode of Attach
require new calibrations, as do mea-
Created in Path- Sequence Messages surement and probing techniques and
Wave Signal
Generation Showing Attach enclosures. Antenna elements can
Input to PathWave
Sequence Timing
Frequency Error
be directly designed into packaging
System Design and Block Error Rate like the monolithic mmWave IC con-
5G Attach Message cepts in Figure 7. While this reduces
Sequence with and
without NTN Pre-Compensation the number of components and size,
weight and power (SWaP), care must
s Fig. 6 A conceptual model of a digital twin platform for NTN Doppler pre- also be taken to prevent crosstalk,
signal contamination, EMI/EMC and
initial research into this challenge, combining PathWave even security risks.
Signal Generation for creating authentic waveforms, EX- Another shift is the trend toward greater package and
ata for core network timing simulation, PathWave Sys- integration density. Silicon devices will be complement-
tem Design and Ansys STK for channel and kinematics ed with RF front-end modules in other technologies and
modeling and WaveJudge for message decoding and integrated into heterogeneous packages. This modular
timing analysis. approach improves yields, lowers fabrication costs and
mitigates technology risks but it increases process and
SUB-THZ CHALLENGES AND SCALABLE EDA tool complexity, along with interconnect, density and
WORKFLOWS system challenges.
So far, this discussion has focused on RF system-level Process design kits (PDKs) will play critical roles in
simulation needs. 6G design will also need full-band- overcoming these obstacles. Design tasks become
width, multi-domain, nonlinear simulation capabilities more complex when components from different pro-
at the component and module levels. Consequently, cesses and vendors integrate into one module, requir-
RF EDA will transition from single-purpose, specialized ing co-validation for EM, thermal, stability and wide-
tools sharing data sequentially to a more integrated, band modulated performance. Designs and PDKs must
scalable suite of enterprise-class tools delivering a com- interoperate to address multiple effective stack-ups and
prehensive design experience. Several factors will drive dimensions within a single package.
this shift and include: Lastly, mmWave and sub-THz performance can vary sig-
• New semiconductor and material technologies will nificantly due to the tight tolerances associated with small-
call for new RF design architectures. er wavelengths and material properties. ICs and packages
• Shorter wavelengths and wider bandwidths will ex- become more sensitive to mechanical and material re-
pose effects hidden at lower frequencies. peatability and thermal/environmental cycling. Measure-
• Substantially increased packaging and integration ment cabling, fixturing, probes and calibration standards
density will concentrate problem spaces. also are vulnerable to these mechanical errors, leading to
• Manufacturability will become a significant challenge uncertainties. These complex environments have long, ex-
at higher frequencies and integration levels. pensive fabrication timeframes and the modeling, valida-
Advanced III-V semiconductor materials are seeing tion and troubleshooting processes require more sophis-
adoption in RF and power electronics. While these ma- ticated skill levels and precise handling. All these factors
terials and processes offer new possibilities, system-level increase design costs and hinder the pace of innovation.
challenges such as higher noise floors and lower output Monte Carlo simulation and design-for-manufacturing
power levels will intensify. High peak-to-average power techniques can help, but some challenges are too difficult
ratio (PAPR) signals squeeze into narrower operating win- to address without computational assistance.
dows at mmWave frequencies with further dynamic range Scalable computation will be an essential element of
degradation at sub-THz frequencies. next-generation EDA workflows. Cloud-based and high
Another challenge involves effects stemming from the performance computing (HPC) platforms will become
relative size of the signal wavelengths compared to the commonplace in many RF EDA workflows delivering
devices, packaging and their interconnects. mmWave simulation results with minimal wait times, keeping de-
frequencies push designs into a 3D guided-wave regime, sign team productivity high and shortening time-to-mar-
introducing additional modeling complexity due to cur- ket. Digital twins with measurement-based simulation
rents and components interacting in ways that can be enhancements will represent complex RF components
ignored at lower frequencies. An example of this is new and subsystems before fabrication, enabling in-context
challenges presented by 3D current flow and ground RF system-level testing and troubleshooting impractical
references. Loss formulations, coupling, resonances and to execute in the real world.
transmission modes all change, altering how ports must

AMPLE ROOM FOR AI TO HELP COMPLETE THE only be possible using AI. Humans may be unable to
6G DESIGN PICTURE describe the complex optimization for energy usage, ca-
The complexity of the mmWave RF workflow is be- pacity, latency and other network metrics in quantitative
coming unwieldy, necessitating a comprehensive digital algorithm form.n
transformation across the RF EDA workflow to prepare
for the sub-THz era. EDA vendors and foundries are
already striving for improved interoperability. A recent
RF EDA will play a pivotal role in firming up 6G specifica-
example of this trend is the innovation of an RFPro 3D
tions, creating sub-THz components and delivering advanced
EM-Circuit cockpit that interoperates between Cadence
test and measurement equipment that enables complete 6G
Virtuoso, Synopsys Custom Compiler, Keysight ADS and
system design. For more insight on 6G requirements and in-
the just-approved 79 GHz TSMC 16 nm reference flow.
novation progress see:
Managing models, scenarios, simulation data and
result-driven optimization becomes a priority. AI tech- RF Enabling 6G: Opportunities and Challenges from Technol-
niques will take center stage and be applied in many ogy to Spectrum
ways. At the component level, AI will play a significant
role in rapid model creation from datasheets or test reprints/RF-Enabling-6G-Opportunities-and-Challenges-from-
data. This capability may manifest itself by scanning in a Technology-to-Spectrum.pdf
frequency response curve and automatically extracting
S-parameters. Channel estimation and waveform design 6G Technology: Envision the Future of Wireless Communica-
for 6G are also areas where AI is being explored. Sift- tions
ing through simulation data and identifying mismatches
against measurement data is also a task well-suited for emerging-technologies/6g-technology.html
AI. Ultimately, real-time, end-to-end 6G network opti-
mization in response to the number of connected us-
ers and their traffic patterns at any given moment may

Predict 6G
Characterize 6G components at sub-THz
frequencies without introducing errors for
a clearer, complete picture of performance.

Show me how

Advancing AI Learning for
Wireless Communications
Keysight Technologies Inc., Santa Rosa, Calif.

hen development work began on 6G, artifi- ADVANCING AI
cial intelligence (AI) was identified as one of LEARNING
the critical technologies needed to enable With an eye
the next generation of wireless communications. This towards enabling
was because AI had the potential to address some of 5G+ and 6G, Key-
the more complex technical challenges facing the in- sight and North-
dustry. But like many new technologies, making AI work eastern worked
for mobile communications requires close collaboration together to iden-
across government, industry, business and academia. tify a technical
To assist firms interested in deploying AI to enhance challenge that AI
their businesses, the Commonwealth of Massachu- could help solve:
setts has launched an innovative pilot program called how do wireless
AI Jumpstart. This novel program funds new computing communications
infrastructure at Boston's Northeastern University (NU) systems need to adjust to co-exist with radar signals?
to connect industry partners with world-class facilities "Keysight worked with Northeastern researchers and
and university researchers across several AI disciplines. students to define the scope, scenarios, and data sets
As an industry partner, Keysight has been involved in that will help to optimize test techniques for wireless
the project since funding was announced. network deployments," said Josep M. Jornet, associ-
As a partnership between the state economic devel- ate director of NU Institute for the Wireless Internet of
opment agency Massachusetts Technology Collabora- Things (WIoT). "The project invoked AI learning from a
tive and Northeastern, the AI Jumpstart is based on a 5G data set generated in Northeastern University's RF
15-year relationship that has invested in university- Colosseum and a representative radar defined through
based research and development projects that have Keysight's PathWave Software."
successfully engaged business and industry. Through Once the scenarios were designed, the high prior-
this program, Keysight has created a valuable public- ity radar signal created by Keysight was introduced into
private partnership to collaborate on AI research with the RF Colosseum's real-time LTE commercial spectrum
Northeastern. scenario of Rome, Italy.
"The AI Jumpstart program is a powerful model of The output of this was an I/Q data set that was then
collaboration between industry, academia and the Mass used for AI learning. The AI algorithm processed these
Tech/John Adams Innovation Institute," said Michael I/Q samples analyzing for throughput, power and re-
B. Silevitch, NU's Principal Investigator of AI Jumpstart. source allocations within the 5G network. A sampling of
"Our collaboration with Keysight provided a platform the data samples is shown below:
that demonstrated the immense viability of the ap-
Tommaso Melodia, director of NU Institute for the student and industry engineers for this new technology.
WIoT explains why this research is important, "Keysight "We launched this program on behalf of Massachu-
and NU share common radio frequency/microwave setts to boost the adoption and integration of AI by
teaching and testing goals for wireless research and in- companies in our state, by bringing them together with
dustrial applications. Spectrum sharing is going to be the leading researchers at Northeastern," said Pat Lar-
a key technology for 5G and beyond, and AI learning kin, Director, Innovation Institute at MassTech. "We're
was performed on I/Q data samples to enable spectrum excited by the progress on Keysight's project, as it
sharing through optimal resource allocation to maximize shows the direct impact this research on the company's
throughput and minimize power consumption." products, but equally important, the strong relation-
ship that was built with a talent-development center like
BRINGING AI LEARNING TO INDUSTRY Northeastern, where students get real-world expertise
Through the AI Jumpstart analysis, Keysight has working on projects like this."
gained a better understanding of the testing needs "It is incredibly valuable to have industry partners
of wireless and defense developers as spectrum op- such as Keysight involved in mmWave and 6G wireless
erations advance toward wider bandwidths, higher fre- technology testing, teaching and research are advanc-
quencies and more complex environments. This under- ing to optimize and define wireless network standards
standing will drive investment in updates to Keysight's and performance," said Carey Rappaport, Northeastern
test solution hardware and software designs as well as University AI Jumpstart Director. "Keysight's core RF &
incorporating AI/ML into future test applications. microwave measurement science knowledge, combined
"The AI learned patterns will assist Keysight in de- with NU's THz experts and testbeds, inspire students
veloping improved wideband, real-time capture analysis toward relevant classes and careers and supports MA
and closed-loop test applications," said Roger Nichols, industry engineers with teaching and test techniques."
Keysight Technologies' 6G Program Manager. "Key-
sight will be able to incorporate these into new spectral For Nichols, this is simply how Keysight likes to part-
management testing solutions to help designers more ner in order to create new technologies.
quickly and accurately identify, classify and prioritize sig- "We are excited to help the radio frequency / mi-
nals and waveform characteristics of interest." crowave workforce grow through deeper understand-
In addition, Nichols said that early adoption of these ing of the impacts of software, firmware, and algorithm
AI test advances will allow commercial and defense de- designs on communication link performance," he said.
velopers to validate new hardware, software/firmware, "Through this ongoing, collaborative research project,
and signal processing algorithms early so their perfor- we are discovering how to use and deploy these tech-
mance can be demonstrated and proven in complex nologies while giving the next generation of engineers
and evolving spectral sharing and coexistent environ- the technical skills needed to make the next leap."n


While the primary focus of the AI Jumpstart project is
on assisting businesses in deploying AI, the project has
also been valuable in defining the training needed to

Next Generation Performance in
6G Networks with Digital Twins
Keysight Technologies Inc., Santa Rosa, Calif.

he rise of 6G introduces new performance
expectations and plans for outrunning 5G
technology in crucial metrics. A massive increase
in peak and experienced data rates accompanies
spectrum and network efficiency improvements,
along with better connection density and area traffic
capacity, latency, positioning accuracy, mobility,
energy efficiency, and reliability. Reaching these
performance breakthroughs (see Figure 1) will come
through addressing unprecedented system complexity
challenges across the entire 6G system architecture.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in
broader coordination between 6G layers and devices,
reacting to real-time dynamic channel and network be-
havior changes. Modeling will be challenging; accurate
system-level simulation will determine your needed AI
inference models. Though the final 6G specifications are
some years away, Keysight teams are researching 6G AI
solutions using today's tools and architectural knowl-
edge. In addition, 6G ecosystem participants can start
using these solutions, described in the next section, to
help them with exploration, decision-making, and archi-
tectural design efforts.
s Fig. 1 Comparing 5G performance to conservative and
COMPLEX PROCESSES TARGETED FOR AI ambitious 6G performance objectives.
AI research in 5G systems primarily targeted accel- could help seamlessly reconfigure multiple processes
erating core network functions using server-class AI across the 6G architecture to restore the user experi-
inference hardware and software. AI-powered features ence.
can optimize specific processes where many variables The 6G networks are complex systems extending
influence the outcome, and coding equations defining across many domains, with ample opportunities for inte-
behavior in every possible condition would be, at best, grating AI to boost device and network performance, as
complicated and time-consuming. shown in Figure 2. For example, terrestrial networks add
Advances in edge AI inference technology pave the edge intelligence and serve new UE types, including
way for adding AI capability in 6G user equipment (UE) many vehicles and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, be-
and gNodeB designs where size, weight, and power coming ultra-dense in many locales. Non-terrestrial net-
(SWaP) are crucial, potentially enabling devices and net- works (NTNs) take on a more prominent role, increasing
work elements to coordinate operations. When impair- coverage for far-flung rural and oceanic areas, augment-
ments arise that would otherwise reduce the expected ing coverage in the weak spots of terrestrial networks,
performance, AI-coordinated system management and providing transient coverage for disaster zones and

s Fig. 2 AI integration across 6G networks creates the potential for AI-coordinated system management.

3GPP Timeline and Evolution of Wireless Machine Learning

2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

REL 19 REL 20 REL 21 REL 22
5G Advanced, AI/ML 5GA, 6G Study Items 5GA, 6G Normative Work 6G

First set of 6G spec

Rel 17,18 Rel 19, 20 Rel 21, 22

• AI-Powered optimization
• AI-Coordinated between device and • AI-Native Air Interface
• AI-based mmWave beam management
network • Device and network exchange
• AI-enhanced location tracking accuracy
• Device and cloud APIs work together control/input across all layers
• CSI Feedback Enhancement

s Fig. 3 Beyond Release 18, 3GPP specifications move from AI-coordinated to AI-native elements.
Figure 3. Beyond Release 18, 3GPP specifications move from AI-coordinated to AI-native elements
battlefields. Core networks learn and enhance real-time likely that AI will permeate all layers of the 6G network
configurations with improved routing, more efficient re- and introduce an AI-native air interface.
source deployment, and optimized dynamic spectrum AI is not magic, and challenges lie ahead in its inte-
control. gration into 6G. Each process within a 6G architecture
Air interface technologies like ultra-massive multiple- is complex enough when considered alone. Functional
input and multiple-output (MIMO) and intelligent re- RF domains and wireless network elements interacting1

flecting surfaces help punch signals through channels in in crossover behaviors increase the difficulty of model-
any condition. ing and real-time process adaptation. Robust AI training
Integrated (joint) sensing and communication (ISAC) and AI inference with computational speed and preci-
concepts leverage 6G's higher data transfer rates and sion are essential for AI to deliver timely, actionable re-
position accuracy, blending information from many de- sults, especially where coordination is essential.
vices into a single data set. Fortunately, all the required AI exploration for 6G can
The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), stew- occur in virtual space using the powerful system-level
ards of the specifications defining 5G and 6G, envi- modeling and simulation capability of Keysight System
sion AI and machine learning techniques as crucial for Design and companion tools for waveform generation
6G success. AI-powered elements began appearing in and channel modeling. Getting accurate results means
3GPP Release 17 and expanded in the latest version, simulations must simultaneously deal with all the cross-
Release 18, specifying 5G Advanced. Efforts to refine over RF behaviors in all domains, using authentic modu-
5G Advanced and define 6G in Release 19 and Release lation and high-fidelity models with impairments faith-
20 are underway, increasing the use of an AI-coordinat- fully represented.
ed approach. Further ahead in Release 21 and 22, it is
For complex 6G systems,
simulation with Keysight System
Design has a significant advan-
tage over physical measurements
alone. Real-time interactions are
likely so complex that comprehen-
sive physical system tests become
impractical, bordering on impos-
sible. Setting up persistent system
conditions for physical tests, for
instance, where NTN elements in
orbital motion participate in con-
nections, can be daunting. Accu-
rate simulation of waveforms and
signal processing elements pro-
vides control and observability of
systems in virtual space. Physical
measurements remain valuable
for verifying and refining models
in a "digital twin" approach.
s Fig. 4 Basic measurement-based approach for channel sounding.

Two 6G processes take prior-

ity for AI integration: channel es-
timation and channel state feed-
back. Both introduce complexity
unseen in 5G systems and layer
complex interactions in behavior.
If the channel behavior is poorly
understood and its anomalistic
behaviors go uncompensated in
real-time, 6G performance will
likely fall consistently short of ex-
pectations. Examining the chal-
lenges in these two processes and
AI approaches for each reveals
initial implementation directions.

CHANNEL ESTIMATION s Fig. 5 Process of channel estimation with supervised learning.

Measurement-based channel sounding (see Figure
The stakes for accurate channel estimation in 6G go 4) produces a basic model as a starting point. Keysight
significantly higher. Channel distortion and interference 89600 Vector Signal Analysis (89600 VSA) software
directly impact error vector magnitude (EVM), a mea- transmits, acquires, and analyzes the pilot waveform.
sure of how far points deviate from their theoretical posi- The pilot need not be an ideal waveform but can rep-
tions in a digital modulation scheme. 5G uses 256-point resent expected impairments such as modeled channel
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) with a 16x16 noise or interference. The model is a matrix of channel
constellation, specifying no more than 3.5% EVM. 6G coefficients applied to a signal, summed with noise, and
will likely apply higher-order complex modulation as the fitted using least squares or minimum mean squared er-
4,096-point QAM found in Wi-Fi 7. These higher-order ror (MMSE) methods.
modulation schemes help reach data throughput goals, As one might guess, the model is as good as its pa-
with a corresponding reduction in EVM tolerance. rameters. Physically modeling and measuring multiple
Two challenges dominate dynamic channel behavior sets of channel impairments can be time-consuming
concerning 6G: and still not cover all the impairments that appear in a
• Higher carrier frequencies in the sub-THz range with real-world 6G system at all times and places, but mainly
much shorter wavelengths than millimeter wave randomly inserted nearby emitters.
(mmWave), 5G carriers are even more prone to prob- Machine learning offers a path to continuous model
lems with interference. Typical interferers include adaptation, which effectively trains on channels as im-
weather or nearby emitters and propagation through pairments appear and estimates model corrections. Fig-
metallic, reinforced concrete, or stone building ma- ure 5 illustrates the process. A fundamental set of chan-
terials. nel coefficients H from channel sounding measurements
• UE mobility, notably on vehicles, trains, or aircraft, transforms from new observations using one of several
plus the motion of NTN elements such as low-earth AI channel estimators into a prediction H. Then, MMSE
orbit (LEO) satellites, shows up as variable signal fad- is applied to minimize the loss function, and the process
ing and delays. repeats over time with more gathered observations.
Real-world scenarios present
some challenges to deep learning.
Symbols are non-uniform in time
and frequency domains, leading
to neural network input features
varying in significance. Fading
and position inaccuracy worsen
the variation. Offline training can
overfit, making preprocessing be-
fore machine learning essential.
A more robust attention-based
estimator in Figure 6 improves
deep learning with fading in high-
mobility scenarios. A similar tech-
nique can pick out nearby emit-
ters and fine-tune predictions.
s Fig. 6 An attention-based estimator helps models generalize in scenarios with high
Massive MIMO is a significant
breakthrough in 5G systems, us-
ing multiple antenna elements to
group signal paths into a single
connection to a device. Typically,
a gNodeB has 64 beamforming
antenna elements, and a mas-
sive MIMO-enabled UE has eight.
UEs evaluate their channel per-
formance and provide channel
state feedback to a gNodeB. Un-
der good signal conditions, a UE
can effectively open eight beam-
shaped RF paths to the gNodeB,
maximizing data throughput.
Most UEs find the Channel State
Information (CSI) matrix for eight s Fig. 7 Increasing element counts in ultra-massive MIMO schemes increase the size of the
paths a manageable computing CSI feedback matrix.
Ultra-massive MIMO theoreti-
cally increases element counts in
the gNodeB and UE. More ele-
ments dramatically expand the
CSI matrix in the spatial-frequency s Fig. 8 Compressed sensing scheme for encoding and decoding of CSI feedback.
domain (see Figure 7). With lim-
ited resources, a fixed time win- similar coordination as AI integration in 6G system archi-
dow, and significant work remaining after processing tecture continues.
the CSI feedback, 6G architects watch perfect channel
estimation break down if it forces CSI feedback over- ARCHITECTING AI SOLUTIONS FOR 6G
The CSI matrix is usually dense at lower carrier fre- Figure 10 shows a system-level signal chain overview
quencies — mostly or entirely populated with non-zero with AI-coordinated channel estimation and CSI feed-
elements. However, as frequencies move higher, such back; impairments other than additive white Gaussian
as into the sub-THz range for 6G, they become increas- noise (AWGN) could also apply.
ingly sparse, containing many zero elements. This con- Channel estimation and CSI feedback are more than
dition allows compression in the UE and decompression concepts. Keysight teams and academic researchers
in the gNodeB, as shown in Figure 8. around the globe are working on architecting AI solu-
With compressed sensing, unsupervised learning tions for 6G using tools available today, including new
using a two-sided model, where the UE and gNodeB AI-enabled system simulations for channel estimation
coordinate, creates AI pre- and post-processing for the and CSI feedback. Here is a quick overview of Keysight
CSI feedback (see Figure 9). A 3GPP study item defines RF Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools for anyone
this two-sided approach for CSI feedback in more de- ready to work on integrating AI technology in 6G system
tail, and we can expect more processes to benefit from architecture:
• Keysight System Design is familiar to many system nents. It can import AI models developed in industry-
architects as the premier modeling and simulation standard formats, including ONNX, TensorFlow, and
tool for complex RF systems, modules, and compo- PyTorch via its ONNX file generation, into system
models for multi-domain analysis.
Add-on components extend sys-
tem design capabilities:
o The W4812B System De-
sign, 5G and Cellular bundle
is a complete 5G and cellular
communications system devel-
opment suite. It includes RF,
Comms / DSP, phased array
simulation blocks, the 5G and
Cellular Library, and the DPD
Design Kit.
o The W4522E 5G and Cel-
lular Library includes 5G NR
physical layer models, over-
the-air simulation for FR2
mmWave, a 3D MIMO chan-
nel, multi-antenna subsystems
incorporating user antenna
patterns, and reference mod-
s Fig. 9 Unsupervised learning in a two-sided model processes CSI feedback efficiently. eling blocks for the signal
chain's source, channel, and
receiver, adding 6G compo-
nents including channel esti-
mation and CSI feedback.
• PathWave Signal Generation
enables customization of certified
5G NR waveforms to create proxy
6G waveforms for research, sup-
porting calibrated signals with or
without impairments.
• F9860000A Channel Studio
enables the creation of dynamic
s Fig. 10 Signal chain from gNodeB (source) to UE (receiver) with AI coordination refining geometric channel models with
the channel model. capabilities including dynamic

s Fig. 11 Simulation results in Keysight System Design integrating an ONNX model in channel estimation.

s Fig. 12 Simulation results in Keysight System Design integrating an ONNX model for TransNet in CSI feedback.

s Fig. 13 Generative AI model applied to channel response in ultra-massive MIMO scenario.

mobile speed, multipath profile, range delay, and lations of the gNodeB transmitter, the channel model,
gNodeB antenna correlation, mapping receiver and and the reference receiver. An autoencoder model inte-
transmitter locations with their kinematics in a virtual grates into the feedback loop, taking the precoding ma-
environment. trix as input and producing a compressed version as out-
Figure 11 shows the performance improvement in put back to the gNodeB. Singular value decomposition
Keysight System Design simulations for AI channel es- generates the precoding matrix at the receiver, and then
timation, plotting block error rate versus signal-to-noise the matrix serves as feedback and multiplies the data
ratio. Convolutional neural network-based channel esti- symbols before transmission. Using the TransNet-based
mation has many advantages. For example, it can learn machine learning architecture, cases with compression
complex, non-linear relationships between received sig- ratios of 1/4 and 1/8 perform similarly compared to the
nals and channel responses, potentially outperforming scenario with perfect CSI feedback.
traditional linear estimation techniques. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are also im-
Similarly, Figure 12 shows Keysight System Design plementable using machine learning techniques. These
results with AI-enabled CSI feedback. There are simu- depart from traditional analytical models, generating

Four Pillars of Technology Shaping 6G
Keysight shapes the future of 6G and pushes the boundaries of technological development in four crucial ways:

New Spectrum Technologies AI & ML Networks Digital Twins New Network Architectures
• 6G requires higher frequencies to reach its full potential • With the growing virtualization of networks, • Creating a virtual replica of anything — from • Forthcoming 6G networks will rely on open, scalable,
and will use the sub-terahertz (100–300 GHz) and terahertz artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) networks to cities — will revolutionize how the and virtual networks working together.
(up to 1 THz) bands. will underlie every step of telecommunication. world tests and measures.
• Non-terrestrial networks promise to maximize
• Higher frequencies might demand a shift to new waveforms, • Unlike 5G, 6G networks will have AI and ML • Assisted by AI and ML, digital twins allow for the 6G range and deliver signals to underserved
like orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) or scrambled integrated from the start. zero-risk environments for testing. communities.
code multiple access (SCMA).
• AI and ML will play a central role in spectrum • Digital twins reduce expenses by identifying • Private networks will provide industry and internet of
• Solutions like massive multiple input and multiple output management, security, radio access network (RAN) optimal performance and providing a low-cost test things (IoT) connectivity.
(MIMO) and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) will planning, network automation, and much more. environment — no need for prototyping.
• Time sensitive networks will ensure reliability as 6G
evolve and make the most out of the terahertz band,
• AI and ML will help increase the network • Digital twins can also be applied to gaming, operators accurately determine the network’s latency.
maximizing 6G capabilities.
performance by making it more intelligent and entertainment, and education, creating “phygital”
• Full duplex transmission, which can double network capacity, efficient. experiences.
was not ready for 5G but will help 6G process heavy data traffic.

1 2 3

Discover more about 6G innovation with Keysight start here and learn how Keysight is helping reinforce the pillars of 6G.
Keysight enables innovators to push the boundaries of engineering by quickly solving design, emulation, and test challenges to deliver tomorrow’s technologies.

s Fig. 14 AI and machine learning play a more prominent role in 6G.

synthetic channel data based on the training dataset, duces the same results as hardware. The effect is a shift
enabling customization for specific scenarios or envi- left, in which it is already possible to integrate AI tech-
ronments. GANs train on actual channel data, allowing nology in 6G system architecture before future 3GPP
them to learn and reproduce complex channel charac- specification releases. The 6G architecture can adapt to
teristics and variations. Figure 13 shows simulation re- changes as specifications evolve. n
sults using a 3GPP model. GAN-based channel models
are a recent development, and their adoption is increas- For more information on these Keysight RF EDA
ing in research and development for wireless communi- solutions, please visit:
cation and beyond. What's New in RF System Design and Simulation |
AI technology appears in Figure 14 as one of four
major technologies shaping 6G. Simulations in Keysight
System Design show strong possibilities for improved Keysight RF System Design Product Overview
performance and reduced computing burden compared W4812B RF System Design, 5G and Cellular Bundle
with conventional techniques. Success with channel es-
timation and CSI feedback indicates similar AI-enabled W4522E 5G and Cellular Library
approaches can apply to other signal chain pieces. PathWave Signal Generation
While 6G waveforms and channel models continue to
develop, Keysight System Design, its 5G libraries, and F9860000A Channel Studio
companion tools are here now for research and explora- PathWave Vector Signal Analysis (89600 VSA)
tion. Engineering using digital twins carries the confi-
dence that unified Keysight measurement science pro- Test the Future of Wireless Technology | Keysight

A Sub-Terahertz MIMO Testbed
for 6G Research
Greg Jue
Keysight Technologies, Santa Rosa, Calif.

G aims to be the first generation of wireless tech- to 20 Gbps but would use a much wider swath of spec-
nology to improve the quality of human life by trum, approximately 12.2 GHz. However, increasing the
bridging the physical, digital and human worlds. modulation order as the symbol rates and modulation
Accomplishing this will mean adding artificial in- bandwidths increase becomes more challenging due to
telligence to networks to make them more efficient and reduced signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio, greater amplitude
building high-fidelity digital twins. It will also require and phase impairments and other technical challenges.
building upon network architectures like non-terrestrial A third approach transmits multiple and indepen-
networks and highly virtualized disaggregated networks dent streams of data using multiple antenna techniques
that began in 5G and expanding spectrum use. such as MIMO. MIMO exploits radio channel complex-
For 6G to meet these goals, the spectrum allotted for ity and simultaneously transmits and receives multiple
wireless communications must be used more efficiently and independent data streams for higher data through-
and new spectrum must be studied. Without expanding put. The data throughput can be increased using 2 × 2
into new spectrum bands, it will be impossible to meet MIMO for the 1 GHz QPSK symbol rate by transmitting
the high data throughput and volume needs of applica- two streams of data simultaneously. The actual increase,
tions like immersive telepresence, virtual reality and ex- however, would depend on the channel conditions and
tended reality. There are three fundamental approaches system overhead so this will increase the data through-
to achieving high data throughput. put but not necessarily double it.
One approach involves using higher-order modula- The second approach of using a large swath of spec-
tion schemes such as 64-QAM to increase the number trum bandwidth was previously explored and published
of bits transmitted for each symbol. Given a fixed and in a Microwave Journal article1 demonstrating a quasi-
finite spectrum bandwidth, increasing the modulation optic over-the-air (OTA) transmission at 285 GHz with
order from QPSK, which transmits two bits for each sym- 30 GHz bandwidth. 30 GHz occupied bandwidth cor-
bol to 64-QAM, which transmits six bits for each symbol responds to a bandwidth where data throughput can
would increase the data throughput by a factor of three exceed 100 Gbps for a single stream of data.2 The data
if channel conditions and radio performance allow. A 1 throughput for the quasioptic OTA transmission was cal-
GHz QPSK symbol rate would result in a 2 Gbps theo- culated to be 97 Gbps without FEC coding rate redun-
retical raw calculated data throughput without forward dancy using an 802.15.3d frame structure.
error correction (FEC) coding rate redundancy. However, This article will explore and discuss the third approach
increasing the modulation order to 64-QAM would re- of using sub-terahertz (THz) MIMO to exceed 100 Gbps.
sult in a 6 Gbps data throughput, while using the same A sub-THz MIMO testbed for 6G research demonstrates
spectrum-occupied bandwidth. simultaneous 2 × 2 MIMO at D-Band (142 GHz) and H/J-
The second approach uses more spectrum bandwidth Band (285 GHz). These two sub-THz frequency bands
and increases data throughput by using a higher symbol were selected to show feasibility in two key frequency
rate. For example, with the 1 GHz symbol rate, the oc- bands of interest for 6G high data throughput. The to-
cupied channel bandwidth is approximately 1.22 GHz, tal theoretical data throughput across all four channels
assuming a 0.22 root-raised cosine filter alpha or excess is calculated to be approximately 126 Gbps for custom
bandwidth. Increasing the symbol rate by a factor of 10 orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
to 10 GHz would increase the QPSK data throughput waveforms with a 16-QAM modulation order, transmit-
ting OTA and using a 12.5 GHz occupied bandwidth for
each signal.


Figure 1 shows a sub-THz MIMO testbed that can
be used for 6G research. An M8199A 128 GSa/s four-
channel AWG generates wide bandwidth modulated IF
signals. The M8199A AWG has an analog 3 dB band-
width of 65 GHz. Channels 1 and 2 of the AWG gener-
ate wide bandwidth modulated IF signals centered at
11 GHz that are input into the Virginia Diodes Inc. (VDI)
compact WR6.5 dual up-converter inputs on the top left s Fig. 1 Simultaneous 2 x 2 sub-THz MIMO OTA transmission
of the four VDI converters shown in Figure 1. Channels 3 at D-Band and H/J-Band.
and 4 of the AWG generate wide bandwidth modulated
IF signals centered at 16 GHz. These signals are input the LO feedthrough and undesired lower sideband sig-
into the VDI compact WR3.4 dual up-converter inputs nal (269 GHz LO – 16 GHz IF = 253 GHz) with the high-
on the bottom left of the four VDI converters. pass filter. The 285 GHz signals are amplified with a VDI
An M9384B VXG dual-channel microwave signal gen- WR3.4 waveguide amplifier and transmitted OTA with
erator generates two different local oscillator (LO) sig- two WR3.4 diagonal horn antennas. On the receive side,
nals for the VDI compact dual up-converters and dual the 285 GHz signals from the two receive WR3.4 diago-
down-converters. Channel 1 of the VXG generates a nal horn antennas are down-converted to two 16 GHz
25.5 GHz CW LO signal, which is power split with an ex- IF signals with the WR3.4 dual down-converter shown in
ternal power splitter to provide LO signals for the WR6.5 the bottom right.
dual up-converter on the top left and the dual down- The waveguide slot orientations for the WR6.5 and
converter on the top right of the four VDI converters. WR3.4 dual up-converters and dual down-converters
Channel 2 of the VXG generates a 22.4166 GHz CW are aligned to provide the correct horizontal or vertical
LO signal which is power split with an external power polarization when the dual up-converter and down-con-
splitter to provide the LO signals for the WR3.4 dual up- verter waveguide ports are facing each other, as they are
converter on the bottom left and dual down-converter in Figure 1. This can be seen in the width, height and
on the bottom right of the four VDI converters shown in orientation of the four WR6.5 rectangular horn anten-
Figure 1. The LO signals are internally multiplied with- nas facing each other since the width and height dimen-
in the VDI WR.6.5 dual converters by a factor of six to sions are different. This is more difficult to observe with
yield a high-side LO signal of 153 GHz and a factor of the WR3.4 diagonal horn antennas since the width and
12 within the WR3.4 dual converters to yield a low-side height dimensions are the same.
LO signal of 269 GHz. The two 11 GHz wide bandwidth modulated IF sig-
The two 11 GHz wide bandwidth modulated IF sig- nals from the WR6.5 dual down-converter and the two
nals are up-converted to 142 GHz by the WR6.5 dual 16 GHz wide bandwidth modulated IF signals from the
up-converter on the top left. The two D-Band output WR3.4 dual down-converter are input into channels 1
waveguide ports have orthogonal polarization, with and 3 and channels 2 and 4 of the 33 GHz UXR four-
one output horizontally polarized and the other output channel real-time oscilloscope to digitize and analyze
vertically polarized. VDI waveguide bandpass filters are the MIMO wide bandwidth IF signals. The 33 GHz UXR
used to filter out the undesired upper sideband signals has a 128 GSa/s sample rate on all four channels.
and LO feedthrough signals and pass the desired lower MIMO TESTBED SIGNAL GENERATION
sideband signals of 142 GHz (153 GHz LO - 11 GHz IF = SOFTWARE
142 GHz). The 142 GHz signals are amplified with a VDI
WR6.5 waveguide amplifier and transmitted OTA with Keysight’s N7068C Signal Studio Pro for Custom
two WR6.5 rectangular horn antennas. On the receive Modulation and N7618APPC PathWave Signal Genera-
side, the 142 GHz signals from the two receive WR6.5 tion Advanced Waveform Utility (PWSG AWU) are used
rectangular horn antennas are down-converted to two to generate and download the custom OFDM wave-
11 GHz IF signals by the WR6.5 dual down-converter forms to the M8199A AWG. The symbol index, subcar-
shown on the top right. rier index, resource modulation order (QPSK, 16-QAM)
The two 16 GHz wide bandwidth modulated IF sig- and payload PN sequences can be specified for data
nals are up-converted to 285 GHz with the WR3.4 dual and DMRS resource blocks using N7068C Signal Studio
up-converter shown on the bottom left of Figure 1. The Pro for Custom Modulation shown in Figure 2. The sys-
two H/J-Band outputs have orthogonal polarization, with tem sample frequency is set to 16 GHz and over-sam-
one output horizontally polarized and the other output pled by two to 32 GHz before exporting the .csv files.
vertically polarized. VDI waveguide highpass filters are PWSG AWU in Figure 3 imports the .csv files and
used to filter out the undesired lower sideband signals up-samples the waveforms to download them to the
and LO feedthrough signals and pass the desired upper M8199A AWG using IF frequencies of 11 GHz for chan-
sideband signals (269 GHz LO + 16 GHz IF = 285 GHz). nels 1 and 2 and 16 GHz for channels 3 and 4.
A higher IF frequency of 16 GHz is used, instead of the The waveforms downloaded to the M8199A for the
11 GHz used for 142 GHz, to provide more rejection of MIMO measurements are ideal. However, wideband

channel flatness performance may not meet the test which can be useful for very wide bandwidth signals at
requirements when waveforms are played from real sub-THz frequencies. This pre-correction occurs by digi-
hardware. PWSG AWU provides a pre-correction wiz- tizing the waveforms with the UXR and then applying
ard to automate correction filter file generation using the reverse of the channel response from the VSA to the
PathWave 89600 vector signal analysis (VSA) software, waveform. Users can download the waveform applied
with the correction filter file to M8199A or export it to a
new waveform file.
Precoding could also have been applied in the PWSG
AWU software to help maximize data throughput for non-
LOS scenarios. Consider the precoding matrix shown in
Figure 4 for example. The two pre-coded waveforms can
be generated with the phase setup shown after the two
MIMO waveforms are imported as two carriers, assuming
that different payload bits are used for the two waveform
setups. However, the custom OFDM waveforms for this
demonstration were directly mapped to the antennas and
not pre-coded. Waveguide horizontal and vertical polar-
ization were used to separate the MIMO streams of data,
which was sufficient for this LOS application.


PathWave 89600 VSA software is used to analyze and
demodulate the four digitized IF signals from the UXR os-
cilloscope. A custom channel configuration is set up in
the VSA to map the UXR input channels to logical chan-
s Fig. 2 N7608C custom OFDM MIMO signals. nels and VSA measurement channels shown in Figure 5.
UXR physical channels 1 and 3 correspond to the WR6.5
dual down-converter IF outputs. These are mapped to
VSA Meas01 channels 1 and 2. UXR physical channels 2
and 4 correspond to the WR3.4 dual down-converter IF
outputs. These are mapped to VSA Meas02 channels 1
and 2. Meas01 is the D-Band MIMO demodulation mea-
surement and Meas02 is the H/J-Band MIMO demodu-
lation measurement. The VSA measurement acquisition
mode is set to acquire Meas01 and Meas02 simultane-
ously and not sequenced. VSA multi-measurement is set
up to process and display multiple MIMO measurements
(Meas01 and Meas02) concurrently.
For the VSA demodulation setup, the 89600 VSA setup
files are exported from N7068C Signal Studio Pro for Cus-
s Fig. 3N7618APPC PathWave Signal Generation Advanced
tom Modulation with the OFDM setup parameters speci-
Waveform Utility display.
fied previously for signal generation. These parameters
include, for example, symbol index, subcarrier index, re-
source modulation order and payload PN sequences for
DMRS resource blocks. Equalizer and tracking parameters
are set in the VSA software for the physical testbed mea-
surement, for example, least squares equalizer averaging
VSA demodulation of the simultaneous 2 × 2 cus-
tom OFDM MIMO signals at 142 GHz and 285 GHz is
shown in Figure 6. Two PSG signal generators with op-
tion UNY were used for the two LO signals, instead of
the VXG dual-channel signal generator shown in Figure
1. In addition, a four-channel 110 GHz UXR was used
instead of the 33
GHz UXR. Pre-
corrections were
applied with
the waveguide-
s Fig. 4 Applying precoding in N7618APPC PathWave Signal connected signal
Generation Advanced Waveform Utility. path including s Fig. 5 VSA channel configuration.
the AWG, VDI dual up-converters, VDI filters, VDI dual
down-converters and UXR. The VDI amplifiers and horn
antennas were not included in the pre-corrections.
The 142 GHz MIMO demodulation results are shown
on the left of Figure 6 and the 285 GHz MIMO demodu-
lation results are shown on the right of Figure 6. The
16-QAM constellation and OFDM error summary tables
are shown on the top row of the display in Figure 6 for
142 GHz (left) and 285 GHz (right). The four spectrum
measurements are shown in the middle row for 142
GHz channels 1 and 2 (left two spectrums) and 285 GHz
channels 1 and 2 (right two spectrums). The measured
occupied bandwidths of each of the four spectrum mea-
surements are shown at the bottom of the VSA display
in Figure 6. The occupied bandwidths are measured to s Fig. 6Display of VSA demodulation of custom OFDM
be approximately 12.5 GHz for each of the four sub-THz MIMO signals.
signals. down-converters with horizontal and vertical polariza-
For simultaneous 2 × 2 custom OFDM MIMO sig- tion. The total theoretical data throughput across all
nals at 142 GHz and 285 GHz, the total theoretical data four channels is calculated to be approximately 126
throughput across all four channels is calculated to be Gbps for a 16-QAM modulation order. These data
approximately 126 Gbps for a 16-QAM modulation or- rates were obtained while transmitting OTA and us-
der. Although a specific MIMO configuration is shown in ing a 12.5 GHz occupied bandwidth for each signal.
this example for demonstration purposes, the testbed is Custom OFDM MIMO waveforms were generated
flexible for emerging sub-THz MIMO research. The flex- and analyzed using flexible signal generation and analy-
ibility of software combined with flexible multichannel sis software for candidate 6G waveform research. Pre-
instruments in this testbed can be used to research and coding could have also been applied using signal gen-
explore candidate 6G MIMO waveforms and to evalu- eration software. Combining flexible signal generation
ate their performance for various MIMO configurations and analysis software with flexible multichannel high
at different frequencies and bandwidths. performance AWGs, multichannel microwave sourc-
es, multichannel high performance oscilloscopes and
SUMMARY VDI compact dual up-converters and down-converters
Using sub-THz MIMO to transmit multiple independent provides a high performance and flexible testbed for
streams of data using multiple antenna techniques is one emerging sub-THz 6G MIMO research.n
approach for achieving 100 Gbps data throughput for 6G.
Alternatively, or additionally, using extreme SISO transmis- References
sion bandwidths, such as 30 GHz bandwidth at 285 GHz, 1. “A Quasioptic OTA Transmission at 285 GHz with 30 GHz Band-
is another approach for achieving 100 Gbps. The sub-THz width,” Keysight, 2022, Web: https://www.microwavejournal.
MIMO testbed for 6G research discussed in this article dem- with-30-ghz-bandwidth.
onstrates an example of using sub-THz MIMO to exceed 2. “6G: Going Beyond 100 Gbps 1o 1 Tbps,” Keysight, 2021,
100 Gbps. Web:
Simultaneous 2 × 2 MIMO at D-Band (142 GHz) and papers/6G-Going-Beyond-100-Gbps-to-1-Tbps.pdf.
H/J-Band (285 GHz) is demonstrated using VDI com-
pact WR6.5 and WR3.4 dual up-converters and dual

Next-Generation Terabit Wireless
Communication: Advancements
Beyond 6G
V. Manimala
Builders Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. N. Gunavathi
National Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India

s the demand for faster wireless communica- being done in this area, this article provides valuable in-
tion continues to escalate, the advancement sights into the future of terabit wireless communication
of next-generation terabit wireless communi- beyond 6G and offers a foundation for further research
cation technologies has become a prominent in this field.
area of research. This article explores the advancements Terabit wireless communication represents a
and challenges that lie beyond 6G, aiming to achieve paradigm shift in wireless connectivity, enabling
terabit data rates in wireless networks. It presents key transformative applications and services that de-
technological innovations, including advanced modula- mand extraordinary data rates. While the realiza-
tion schemes, ultra-dense networks, mmWave and tera- tion of terabit wireless communication is still in the
hertz communication, massive MIMO (mMIMO) and in- research and development stage, advancements
telligent beamforming techniques. To do this, emerging in technologies such as mmWave communications,
technologies such as optical wireless communication, mMIMO, beamforming and intelligent network man-
visible light communication and novel spectrum utiliza- agement are paving the way for this exciting future of
tion techniques were studied. The article also addresses wireless communication.1 Figure 1 shows the concepts
the fundamental challenges associated with terabit wire- of spectrum administration, antenna systems and their
less communication, including channel capacity, energy beamforming techniques, along with the fusion of ad-
efficiency, security and interference management. By ditional technologies that will facilitate 6G for THz com-
presenting an overview of the advancements and po- munication.
tential solutions, along with some of the reference work

MC-Enabled THzCom
Absorption Coefficient Values (m–1)

THz Transmission THz Absorption Coefficient
Windows (THz TWs) Peak Regions (THz ACPRs)
Graphene Antennas Simultaneous
8 Connections

.. ..

4 RF

.. Chain . Blocked Link


. RF

Chain RIS Blocking Human

0.40 0.65 0.90 1.05
Frequency (THz) Beamformers RIS-Assisted THzCom
THz Spectrum Management THz Antenna Arrays 6G-Enabling Technologies for THzCom

s Fig. 1 Three pivotal areas for the development of end-to-end THz communications systems.1
Data Stream 1
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of optical wireless
communications or visible light communications sys- User 2
Data Stream 2
tems is increased by utilizing silicon photomultipliers Data Stream 1 1
User K
(SiPMs) in the receiver.2 SiPMs are highly sensitive light 2 Data Stream K
Data Stream 2 ..
detectors that can detect single photons with high effi- .
ciency. They are based on silicon avalanche photodiode Data Stream K
(APD) technology and can achieve low noise levels and
high gain. By using SiPMs in the receiver, the system Precoding
can capture and amplify weak optical signals more ef- Base Station
fectively, leading to an improved SNR. The higher SNR
obtained with SiPMs can help reduce the bit error rate of
the system. “Terabit Indoor Laser-Based Wireless Com- s Fig. 2 Massive MIMO system model.4
munications: LiFi 2.0 for 6G”3 gives a detailed exami-
nation of the necessary technologies to create indoor
wireless networks powered by lasers that can achieve
data rates in the terabit per second range. This data rate
is considered to be a key performance indicator for 6G Data rate advancements: Terabit wireless commu-
wireless communication. nication represents a significant leap in data rates com-
Another cited reference, “Precoding and Beam- pared to current wireless technologies. It enables faster
forming Techniques in mmWave-Massive MIMO: Per- transmission of large volumes of data to facilitate things
formance Assessment”4, focuses on the integration of like real-time streaming of high-resolution videos, im-
mMIMO with mmWave frequency bands to achieve the mersive virtual reality experiences and rapid data trans-
design goals of 5G wireless communication systems that fer for applications like autonomous vehicles and smart
will serve as stepping stones to 6G and beyond. The cities.
integration of mmWave communications with mMIMO Spectrum utilization: To achieve terabit data rates,
offers several advantages, including improved spectral efficient utilization of the RF spectrum is essential. Ad-
and energy efficiency, enhanced mobile network capac- vanced modulation schemes are employed to maximize
ity and significant increases in multiplexing gains. These spectral efficiency and enable higher data rates within
benefits are crucial for meeting the requirements of 5G the available frequency bands.
networks. The utilization of a single-cell downlink mMI- mMIMO and beamforming: mMIMO systems,
MO system model facilitates the assessment and evalu- equipped with multiple antennas, play a crucial role
ation of the efficacy of mMIMO systems. A diagram of a in achieving terabit wireless communication. mMIMO,
mMIMO system is shown in Figure 2. combined with advanced beamforming techniques, al-
“Demo: AI-Engine Enabled Intelligent Manage- lows for spatial multiplexing, improved link reliability
ment in B5G/6G Networks”5 showcases an artificial and interference mitigation. These techniques will all
intelligence (AI) engine that incorporates multiple AI contribute to higher data rates and overall system ca-
algorithms and demonstrates its potential in manag- pacity.
ing the life cycle of network slices. The AI engine solu- Intelligent network management: Terabit wireless
tion is designed to be distributed, meaning that it can communication necessitates intelligent network man-
be deployed across multiple locations or devices. This agement techniques. AI and ML algorithms are em-
distributed deployment allows the AI engine to offer ployed for dynamic resource allocation, interference
customized machine learning (ML) models that are spe- management and efficient utilization of network re-
cifically designed for different use cases. The availability sources. Intelligent algorithms adapt to varying channel
of a variety of ML models enables the AI engine to fa- conditions and user demands, ensuring optimal perfor-
cilitate data analysis of network functions and intelligent mance and data rate delivery.
applications at the edge cloud. The edge cloud refers Fiber-like experience: Terabit wireless communica-
to computing resources and services deployed closer to tion aims to deliver a fiber-like experience over wire-
the network edge, enabling faster processing and re- less networks. These high data rates enable users to
duced latency. experience seamless connectivity, fast downloads and
One of the key features of this solution is its ability low latency connections, similar to or exceeding the
to dynamically allocate computing resources to each performance of wired fiber-optic networks.
distributed component of the AI engine. This resource Backhaul and infrastructure: Achieving terabit wire-
allocation capability facilitates intelligent network man- less communication requires robust backhaul infrastruc-
agement by allowing the system to adapt the allocation ture. Fiber-optic links and high capacity microwave links
based on the requirements of each component. This serve as the backbone for carrying the massive data traf-
flexibility enables efficient utilization of computing re- fic generated by terabit wireless networks. Upgrading
sources and ensures optimal performance for intelligent and expanding the network infrastructure is crucial to
network management tasks. support the high speed and high capacity demands.

New generations of wireless communications get COMMUNICATION
developed and deployed with a surprisingly repeti- Terabit and petabit data rates: Beyond 6G aims to
tive cadence. If the industry is working on 6G, the next achieve even higher data rates compared to 6G. Tera-
generation is not far behind. “Beyond 6G” in the title bit per second (Tbps) and petabit per second (Pbps)
of this article refers to the future evolution of wireless data rates are envisioned to support the growing de-
communication technologies beyond the evolving 6G mand for high speed communication, enabling applica-
standard. While 6G is still in the early stages of develop- tions like real-time 8K/16K video streaming, holographic
ment, researchers and industry experts are already en- communication and immersive virtual and augmented
visioning the possibilities and potential features of com- reality experiences. The article “Petabit-per-second
munication systems that would go beyond 6G. “6G and Data Transmission using a Chip-scale Microcomb Ring
Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Sys- Resonator Source”8 showcases 1.84 Pbps transmission
tems”6 explores the applications of enabling techniques rates over a 37-core, 7.9 km fiber using 223 wavelength
and recent advancements in 6G. It highlights various channels derived from a single microcomb ring resona-
use cases, identifies open problems and proposes po- tor. This resonator generates a stabilized dark-pulse Kerr
tential solutions. Additionally, it provides a development frequency comb. Additionally, the theoretical analysis
timeline that outlines global efforts in the realization of suggests that a solitary, chip-scale light source has the
6G wireless technology. The paper extensively discusses
the potential impact of emerging technologies such as Cell-Free
Massive MIMO
the Internet of NanoThings, the Internet of BioNanoTh- Communications
Terahertz Band
ings and quantum communications on the field of wire- (Section X) (Section III)
less communications. These innovative technologies Internet of Space
Things with Intelligent
are considered promising in their early stages and have CubeSats and UAVs Communication
the potential to bring about substantial advancements (Section IX) Environments
(Section IV)
in wireless communication systems. Figure 3 shows Ambient
Pervasive Artificial
several crucial technology enablers that need to be ad- Backscatter
Communications Intelligence
dressed to accomplish the objectives of the networks (Section V)
that will evolve from 6G.
(Section VIII)
Reconfigurable B6G Network
6G will enable a multitude of critical use cases, en- Front-Ends/Dynamic Automation
Spectrum Access
compassing a wide range of essential applications and (Section VII)
(Section VI)
services with some shown in Figure 4. “5G, 6G, and Quantum Internet of
Beyond: Recent Advances and Future Challenges”7 de- Communications BioNano Things
(Section XI.C) (Section XI.A)
scribes some of the latest advances and developments Internet of
BioNano Things
in 5G, 6G and beyond 6G systems. The article provides (Section XI.B)
an in-depth investigation into the key technological en-
ablers and use cases associated with these advanced s Fig. 3 Key enabling technologies envisioned for 6G and
wireless networks. beyond wireless communications systems.6

s Fig. 4 Use cases best served by 6G systems.6

potential to support data transmission
systems with massively parallel space-
and wavelength-multiplexing at a rate
of 100 Pbps. BCI and AI Smart
Intelligent and cognitive net-
works: Beyond 6G will further lever- 5H
age AI and ML techniques to create Sen man
intelligent and cognitive networks.
These networks will be capable of Reality SDN
self-optimization, self-healing and Network
self-adaptation to dynamically chang- Smart Home
ing network conditions, user require- FSO Network Smart Roads Smart Cities
ments and traffic patterns. “Sixth Gen-
eration (6G) Cognitive Radio Network Autonomous
Underwater Cars/Vehicles
(CRN) Application, Requirements, Communication
Security Issues, and Key Challenges”9
provides an overview of the forthcom- s Fig. 5 A possible scenario for 6G CR network communication.9
ing generation of cognitive radio (CR)
network communication. It discusses
the mandatory cases for its evolu- Tbps for Immersive User Experience
tion, highlights the present technol-
ogy improvement efforts and presents
a detailed perspective on the future
advancements in this field. Figure 5
shows a potential scenario for using Intelligence-Aware
Orbital Angular Momentum
6G CR in data transmission networks. THz Communications Cell-Free Massive MIMO

Enhanced spectrum utilization: Zero Coverage-Hole Network Intelligent Pervasive Computing

Beyond 6G will explore innovative
spectrum utilization techniques to ad-
dress the growing spectrum scarcity.
This may involve leveraging higher fre-
quency bands, such as the THz range, Over-the-Air Distributed Computing
as well as developing advanced spec- Boundless Non-Terrestrial Networks
trum-sharing mechanisms to efficiently
allocate and utilize the available spec-
trum resources. “Beyond 5G: Big Data
Processing for Better Spectrum Utiliza- Intelligent Reflecting Surface Scalable Deep Learning
tion”10 highlights the immense poten-
tial of big data processing in enabling s Fig. 6 Vision of 6G hyperconnectivity.11
advanced user- and situation-oriented and analysis of the hyperconnected architecture of 6G
resource utilization in future wireless networks. Specifi- networks, highlighting its key components, addressing
cally, it explores the utilization of detailed and content- the current challenges and exploring potential areas
rich maps and records known as Radio Service Maps to for future research and development. The fundamental
unlock spectrum opportunities in 6G networks. principles of hyperconnectivity in 6G are visually depict-
Seamless integration of physical and virtual worlds: ed in Figure 6.
Beyond 6G aims to close the divide between the physi- Quantum communication: Beyond 6G may incorpo-
cal and virtual realms, enabling seamless integration of rate quantum communication technologies, harnessing
digital information and physical environments. This may the principles of quantum mechanics to provide secure
involve advancements in the IoT, cyber-physical sys- and fast communications. Quantum key distribution
tems, edge computing and the tactile Internet to cre- (QKD) and quantum teleportation are potential appli-
ate a highly interactive and immersive communication cations that could enhance security and enable new
experience. communication paradigms. As cellular systems progress
Ubiquitous and hyperconnected networks: Beyond from 5G to 6G, there has been significant advancement
6G envisions hyperconnected networks that seamlessly in quantum information technology (QIT), particularly
integrate various communication technologies, includ- in quantum communications and quantum computing.
ing terrestrial networks, satellite networks, aerial plat- QKD, for instance, can strengthen 6G security by en-
forms and even space-based communication systems. abling secure quantum communications. “Quantum-
These networks will provide ubiquitous connectivity, en- Enabled 6G Wireless Networks: Opportunities and
abling seamless communication anytime and anywhere. Challenges”12 offers a technology-driven and forward-
“Towards 6G Hyper-Connectivity: Vision, Challenges, thinking depiction and investigation of how QIT can be
and Key Enabling Technologies”11 provides an overview harnessed for the advancement of future 6G wireless

Quantum Space Information Network (qSIN) Physical Channel with Quantum
Quantum Capability Computer
Satellites Quantum-Enabled Core Network (qCN)

Quantum-Assisted Wireless AI (qWAI)

Quantum-Enabled Edge Networks (qEdge)


Quantum-Assisted Data Centers Quantum-Assisted Blockchain
(qDC) (qChain)
Blockchain Blockchain
Node 1 Node 3

Quantum-Assisted Radio Access Network (qRAN) Blockchain

Node 2
Radio Distribution Central
Unit Unit Unit Quantum Capabilities as a Service (QaaS)


s Fig. 7 A possible quantum-enabled 6G system.12

networks. Figure 7 illustrates a quantum-enabled 6G tremendous promise for revolutionizing the ways to con-
system, where QIT is exploited to realize new 6G func- nect, communicate and experience the digital world.
tionalities and services. The realization of terabit wireless communication will
Green and sustainable networks: Energy efficiency bring all closer to a fully connected world where data
and sustainability will continue to be important consid- flows seamlessly, enabling new possibilities and trans-
erations in beyond 6G networks. Energy-efficient hard- formative applications across various sectors.n
ware designs, renewable energy integration and intel-
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pirations for future wireless communication systems 7. F. Salahdine, T. Han and N. Zhang, “5G, 6G, and Beyond:
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and smart cities. In conclusion, next-generation terabit 9. M. M. Aslam, L. Du, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Ahmed and
wireless communication advancements beyond 6G hold B. Qureshi, “Sixth Generation (6G) Cognitive Radio Net-

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org/10.1155/2021/1331428. Method based on Matrix Completion,” China Communications, Vol.
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Conference on Electrical, Computer & Telecommunication Engineer-
11. H. Lee, B. Lee, H. Yang and J. Kim, “Towards 6G Hyper-
ing (ICECTE), 2019.
connectivity: Vision, Challenges, and Key enabling Tech-
nologies,” Journal of Communications and Networks (Ear- M. Barbuto, Z. Hamzavi-Zarghani, M. Longhi and A. Mont, “Metasur-
ly Access). faces 3.0: A New Paradigm For Enabling Smart Electromagnetic Envi-
12. C. Wang and A. Rahman, “Quantum-Enabled 6G Wireless ronments,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 70,
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13. Z. Niu, S. Zhou and N. Crespi, ”Shaping Future 6G Net- V. Ziegler; H. Viswanathan; H. Flinck, “6G Architecture to Connect the
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