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Are We Really Living In Kali Yuga /

Speaker: Anand Mehrotra
In a world filled with rapid technological advancements and significant societal changes, the question
arises: Are we really living in Kali Yuga, the Dark Ages, as traditionally believed in Indian culture?
Renowned spiritual teacher Anand Mehrotra offers a thought-provoking perspective on this topic,
suggesting that we are actually in Dwapara Yuga, the Age of Technology. This blog explores Anand
Mehrotra’s insights on the cyclical nature of time and the current era.

Cyclic Nature of Time

According to yogic tradition, time is cyclic, and the universe repeats its cycles. This cyclical nature
profoundly influences human history and development. The concept of Yugas—Krita, Treta, Dwapara,
and Kali—represents different eras, each with distinct characteristics. Understanding these cycles
helps us make sense of the changes and advancements occurring in our world.

Misinterpretation of Kali Yuga

In Indian tradition, there is a widespread belief that we are in Kali Yuga, a period marked by darkness
and ignorance, lasting for thousands of years. However, Anand Mehrotra argues that this belief stems
from a miscalculation. The pessimistic view of Kali Yuga paints a bleak picture of our present times,
but it does not align with the observable progress and advancements around us.

Current Era - Dwapara Yuga

Anand Mehrotra posits that we are actually in Dwapara Yuga, not Kali Yuga. Dwapara Yuga is
characterized by significant technological advancements and increased communication, which
resonate with the current state of the world. The rapid progress we witness today in various fields is a
hallmark of this era. According to Sri Yukteswar, a master of Yogananda, Kali Yuga ended around the
beginning of the 1800s, marking the transition to Dwapara Yuga.

Technological Advancements
The rapid technological progress and discoveries of recent centuries are seen as symptoms of
Dwapara Yuga. Anand Mehrotra highlights the development of electricity, advances in science, and
the exponential growth in technological knowledge as indicators of this era. For instance, the
discovery of electricity and Einstein’s theory of relativity in the early 20th century revolutionized our
understanding of the world and accelerated technological growth.

Historical Context
The transition from Kali Yuga to Dwapara Yuga is marked by significant changes in human
civilization. Anand Mehrotra draws a stark contrast between the technological capabilities of today
and those of a few centuries ago. The world of the 16th and 17th centuries looked remarkably similar
over long periods, with little technological advancement. In contrast, the last century has seen
unparalleled growth, with innovations like high-rises, highways, airports, and the internet
fundamentally transforming our way of life.

Role of Yogic Teachings

Anand Mehrotra references Sri Yukteswar, who provided a clear understanding of the yogic system
and the miscalculation of the Kali Yuga period. According to Sri Yukteswar, the timeline of Yugas
aligns with historical events and advancements. This perspective offers a more accurate understanding
of our current era and its potential for growth and enlightenment.

Exponential Growth of Knowledge

One of the defining features of Dwapara Yuga is the exponential growth of knowledge. The speed of
technological advancements and scientific discoveries in the last decade alone surpasses that of the
previous centuries. This rapid growth is not because human beings have become more intelligent but
because knowledge has become more accessible. The internet and global connectivity have
democratized information, making it available to a broader audience than ever before.

Human Intelligence
Anand Mehrotra emphasizes that the surge in knowledge is not due to an increase in human
intelligence. The human brain has not grown in size, indicating that the availability of knowledge in
the current era, rather than human evolution, is driving this progress. The proliferation of information
and the ability to share and build upon it has accelerated our technological advancements.

Cultural Shifts
The differences in societal structures, roles, and technologies between Kali Yuga and Dwapara Yuga
are evident. The presence of women in educational and professional settings, the existence of modern
conveniences, and the global connectivity we experience today are all seen as indicators of Dwapara
Yuga. These cultural shifts signify a departure from the limitations and constraints of Kali Yuga,
moving towards a more enlightened and technologically advanced society.

Verification and Observation

Anand Mehrotra encourages a clear examination of the current era to understand the transition from
Kali Yuga to Dwapara Yuga. He suggests that the observable advancements and societal changes
provide evidence for this shift in time cycles. By observing the rapid technological progress, cultural
shifts, and increased access to knowledge, we can see that we are living in a time of significant

Anand Mehrotra’s discourse challenges the traditional belief that we are in Kali Yuga, offering a
perspective that aligns more closely with the rapid technological and societal advancements
characteristic of Dwapara Yuga. This understanding invites a reevaluation of our current era and its
potential for continued growth and enlightenment.
The idea that we are living in Dwapara Yuga, the Age of Technology, rather than Kali Yuga, the Dark
Ages, offers a more optimistic view of our time. It recognizes the tremendous progress we have made
and the potential for further advancements. Embracing this perspective can inspire us to continue
striving for knowledge, growth, and enlightenment in this dynamic and transformative era.

Call to Action
What are your thoughts on whether we are living in Kali Yuga or Dwapara Yuga? Share your
experiences and perspectives in the comments below. Explore more of Anand Mehrotra’s teachings to
deepen your understanding of this transformative period. For further reading, check out our
recommended resources on the cyclical nature of time and yogic teachings.

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