Ruby November 2011 Prayer Letter

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During this November, I paid the last bill that dealt with Evangelines hospitalization, and I was reminded

of many things to be thankful for in my life: The good health of my family The opportunity to serve the Lord in Costa Rica now and El Salvador later The provision and faithfulness of the Lord ...which reminds me of an awesome story of Gods provision while Eve was in the hospital. Eve had just arrived by helicopter to the Childrens Hospital in Peoria, IL. Jocelyn, also a little sick, wasnt able visit Eve in her room, so she and I went to find lunch. Parts of Peoria are very run down - similar to Detroit - and the closest fast food restaurant was in one of those parts. On our way to the restaurant, I started thinking about how we were going to pay for the hospital bills, hotels, food, etc. in this city, far away from our home. When we arrived, Jocelyn and I stepped out of the car, and I triple thought about the wisdom of actually eating in that neighborhood. However, I didnt know where anything else was, so we went inside, ordered our food, and waited. While my mind was somewhere else, a man asked Jocelyn how old she was and why she was not in school. I quickly explained why Jocelyn wasnt in school, and that we were missionaries headed to El Salvador. As I turned back to the counter, the man reached into his wallet, pulled out a one hundred dollar bill, and handed it to me. I refused it politely, but he insisted upon me taking it. At that moment, I realized how utterly foolish I was to worry about the Lord taking care of us through that situation. As we sat down with our food, next to a couple of gang members from the community, Jocelyn and I thanked God for all of His blessings. That same week, and for weeks to come, we were blessed by so many doing countless special acts for our family. We had a church send us $500 worth of gift cards to cover our food expenses - plus they paid for a week of our hotel; another pastor and his wife drove 5 hours one way because they were in the neighborhood, prayed with us, and gave us a check, then drove all the way back home; our home church took up a love offering; the church my wife grew up in took a love offering; the church (that we were supposed to be attending their missions conference) gave and gave and gave some more; many others offered to help if we needed anything; Eves room was FILLED with balloons and treats; our families and friends drove between 8-16 hours just to be with us and show that they cared...we were - again - overwhelmingly blessed! I want to thank you all for being such a blessing to us and for allowing God to work through you on our behalf. That whole situation was an incredible time of God proving Himself to be faithful. Looking back, it was the perfect time for Him to do so, as we were preparing to leave for language school in 26 days.


I was able to be the silent partner as my friend led a young man to the Lord. Adelaide is a now officially a U.S. citizen AND a Tica! Our home church has a new Pastor

Learning the language Health as many children in Costa Rica are sick Direction of future ministry in El Salvador


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