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1. What have you learned from the article?

For what I have learned in the whole title and its contents in this article revolves around

the Uncanny valley wherein I have learned that the term used to describe the relationship

between the human-like appearance of a robotic object and the emotional response it evokes. In

this phenomenon, people feel a sense of unease or even revulsion in response to humanoid robots

that are highly realistic. The uncanny valley is a common unsettling feeling people experience

when androids (humanoid robots) and audio/visual simulations closely resemble humans in

many respects but are not quite convincingly realistic.

2. Based on the article, outline how human resources approach the recruitment and

selection process of applicants.

As for I understand based on the article, in which it revolves around how human

resources approach the recruitment and selection process wherein for what i have observed it is

all about creating internal and external job postings, screening incoming applicants' resumes and

other application materials, and conducting initial interviews. HR may also be responsible for

professional reference checks and background checks to verify that candidates are eligible to

work for the company. Since In business, our companies are as good as the people we hire and

work with day in and day out. An effective recruitment selection process clearly identifies your

company's needs and matches them with the right candidate, who will fit into your organization

both on paper and in practice.

3. Based on the article, do you think there is a retention and development of employees?


They not only make employees stay in your company, but also boost productivity and

promote higher levels of engagement, which ultimately increases revenue. The main goal of any

retention strategy is to keep turnover as low as possible. In order to do this, it has to improve the

employee experience.

4. Why is it important for human resources to be mindful of the approaches in the

recruitment, selection, retention and development?

As for the main importance of Human Resources or (HR) it is said that is based on the

article that A human resource department is also in charge of keeping employees safe, healthy,

and satisfied. With proper HR management, workplace policies keep up with necessary

protective measures and implementation and provide solutions to issues between team members,

avoiding risk for the company and its employees. In which Mindfulness in the workplace is an

awareness of thoughts, emotions, and actions that enables an objective, collected approach to

accomplishing tasks.

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