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Our Ref: BC0703/20

29 October 2020

Shane Ford
57 Draper Street

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: 17 Kooyong Road ARMADALE VIC 3143

Building Regulation 133(2)
Location for Stormwater Discharge Point

I refer to the building permit application/building design provided to Council for its report with relation to the


The property is NOT in an area liable to flooding as per Regulation 153 of the Building Regulations 2018.


It is noted that no building plans or specific details of the proposed development have been submitted with the
application for the legal point of discharge.

The legal point of discharge for the property is the kerb and channel of Wattletree Street as shown on the
attached plan.

R It is noted that no building plans or specific details of the proposed development have been submitted with the
application for the legal point of discharge.

The legal point of discharge for the property is the kerb and channel of Wattletree Street as shown on the
attached plan.

The Relevant Building Surveyor must ensure compliance with these recommendations. Council consent for the
point of discharge is subject to compliance with the following conditions:

1. The suitability, location and level of the specified legal point of discharge must be checked and confirmed
prior to the design of the stormwater layout and prior to the commencement of any drainage works.
2. Any existing connection to the specified point of discharge may be utilised only if that drain is checked
and proven to be in good order and of adequate capacity.
3. Any new outlet into the street kerb and channel must be at least 500mm clear of any new or existing
crossing. The outlet must also be at least 2.0 metres clear of any street tree.

4. The drainage of the site shall be by means of a gravity system. A pumped system shall not be used
for any roofed, paved or surface areas. A pump may only be used for agricultural drains and sections of
basement ramps that cannot be drained to the legal point of discharge by gravity. The design and
construction of the pumped system must be in accordance with AS/NZ 3500.3:2018.

5. Cast iron or galvanised iron pipes shall be used within the road reserve. U.P.V.C. (sewer quality) pipes
may be used in the road reserve if the full length of the pipe within the Road Reserve is under a hard
paved footpath or surface, or if at least 150mm of earth cover is available (within the nature strip).

6. A Road Management Act Consent must be obtained for drainage works within the road reserve and a
Road Opening Permit must be obtained for a connection to an underground Council drain or pit.

7. If applicable, individual lots or town houses should be connected to the legal point of discharge
independently of other lots.

8. All internal and external pipes shall be 100mm diameter (minimum) U.P.V.C. or concrete. F.R.C pipes
may be used if greater than 300mm of cover is to be provided.

9. Inspection openings or pits shall be provided at all pipe junctions and bends.

10. Pits or inspection openings must be provided to allow access to all drains (including A.G. drains) for
cleaning and maintenance purposes.

11. Pit sizes shall be a minimum of 450 x 450mm (internal size). Pits greater than 600mm in depth shall be
600 x 600mm.

12. Pipes under buildings shall be rubber ring jointed or solvent welded and be laid without bends or

13. All site drainage including all surface runoff must be contained within the site and connected to the lawful
point of discharge.

14. All other drainage requirements shall comply with AS/NZ 3500.3:2018.


Council has no record of any public stormwater drains or private drains (that may serve neighbouring
properties) being located on the property. If any such drains exist, no structure shall be built over or interfere
with the drain or easement without written consent from Stonnington Council.

Any further enquiries in relation to the information provided should be directed to Chimuka Mweemba, Urban
and Infrastructure Projects, on 8290 1149 or cmweemba@stonnington.vic.gov.au.

Yours Faithfully,

George Petridis
Municipal Building Surveyor
Council Stormwater Network

Legal Point of Discharge

Is the Kerb and Channel
of Wattletree Road

17 Kooyong Road, Armadale

While reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained in this plan response, neither the City of Stonnington shall have any liability
whatsoever in relation to any loss, damage, cost or expense arising from the use of this plan
response or the information contained in it or the completeness or accuracy of such
information. Use of such information is subject to and constitutes acceptance of these terms.

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