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Basic Reading
Chapter 2 Leisure
Lesson 7 Past simple and
future: will & be
going to

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited

I. Warm up (3 minutes) II. Past simple (8 minutes)

III. Future: will & be going to IV. Practice (3 minutes)

(10 minutes)

V. Review (1 minute) 2

In this lesson, you will learn:

• grammar rules of using past simple and future tense;
• patterns of questions and negatives in past simple and future tense ;
• comparing the meaning of present continuous and be going to.

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: No class time allocated here.

I. Warm up 3 minutes

Read the blog below; think about why the author puts the underlined
verbs in past simple tense(一般过去时)?

After I left school, I spent nine months travelling around South-

East Asia. I went to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
I met lots of different people, had some great experiences, and
discovered some fascinating places. I enjoyed it all so much
that I decided to work in the travel business.

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Ask the student to read and answer the question briefly.
II. Past simple 3 minutes

We use the past simple(一般过去时):

• to talk about something that happened once in the past 描述过去发生的事
• to talk about something that happened again and again in the past 描述过去重复发生的事
• to talk about something that was true for some time in the past 描述过去某段时间的真实情况
• often with past time references(e.g. yesterday, ago) 4

Read the sentences and then decide if it, happened once in the past,
? was true in the past, or happened again and again in the past.
➢ She played a lot of tennis when she was younger. How do you
➢ I met my wife a long time ago. form the past
➢ When I was a boy I walked a mile to school every day. simple?

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Explain the rules; answers are at the bottom of next page.
II. Past simple 3 minutes

Read the rules and look at the table. Complete the past simple form of
the irregular verbs below.

➢ For regular verbs(规律动词), add -d or -ed.

➢ For irregular verbs(不规律动词), learn the different forms.
➢ For the verb be, learn the different forms for I, you, he/she, we and they.

Infinitive原形 Past simple + Past simple - ___ 2.give___ Regular verbs dance danced didn’t dance
3.make ___ 4.meet___
Irregular verbs sing sang didn’t sing
5.wear___ 6.see____
The verb be be was/were wasn’t/weren’t

? Now that you have learned to use past simple in affirmatives(肯定

句), what about questions and negatives(否定句)?

TI: Explain the rules; answers are at the bottom of next page.
© 2018 Acadsoc Limited Answer key: 1.true for some time in the past; 2.happened once in the past; 3.happened again and again in the past;
II. Past simple 2 minutes

Questions Negatives (否定句)

did + subject + infinitive without to subject + did + not + infinitive without to

(主语) (动词原形)
(主语) (动词原形)

➢ Where did you go for your holidays? ➢ They didn’t go to Spain this year. 6

➢ Did she play tennis when she was younger? ➢ We didn’t get home until very late last night.

? Circle the correct option. Tip:

✓ was → I, he, she and it
a) I didn’t ______ (slept/sleep) very well last night. ✓ were → you, we and they
b) Did you ______ (leave/left) your coat in the café? There wasn't any food.
c) She didn’t ______ (told/tell) us what to do for homework. I was so hungry!
Were they at home last night?

TI: Explain the rules; answers are at the bottom of next page.
© 2018 Acadsoc Limited Answer key: 1.ate; 2.gave; 3. made; 4. met; 5.wore; 6.saw
III. Future: will & be going to 3 minutes

We use will to talk about the future:

• When we make predictions 进行预测
• To mean want to or be willing to 想要或愿意做某事
• To make offers and promises 提议或做出承诺
• To talk about offers and promises 讨论做好的承诺或提议 7

➢ I think Brazil will win the World Cup. make predictions Tip:
➢ I hope you will come to my party. We often use
want/be willing to
verbs like would
like, plan, want,
➢ I’ll see you tomorrow./We’ll send you an email. make offers and promises mean, hope,
expect to talk
➢ Mary will help with the cooking. talk about offers and promises about the future.

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Explain the rules and examples. Answer key: sleep; leave; tell
III. Future: will & be going to 3 minutes

We use (be) going to to talk about the future:

• to talk about plans and intentions 谈论计划或意图
• when we can see that something is likely to happen 某事可能会发生

Examples: ➢ They are going to move to Manchester.

➢ Look at those black clouds. I think it’s going to rain. 8
Sometimes it’s
present continuous vs. be going to:
important to
✓ present continuous(现在进行时) → future arrangements with other people choose the right
✓ be going to→ intentions, predictions structure, but
often we could
➢ Amy’s coming round. (=arrangement between Amy and Daisy) use either
➢ Amy’s going to come round. (=Amy’s intention) because many
events are both
➢ I’m going to clean my room tonight. (=intention) arrangements
➢ I’m cleaning my room tonight. (not an arrangement) and intentions.

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Explain the rules and examples.

III. Future: will & be going to 4 minutes

Questions Negatives (否定句)

am I I am

is he/she/it not going

going to travel? he/she/it is travel.
are you/we/they you/we/they are 9

? Read and answer: Why is the woman going to stay at home on Saturday?
What am I going to do next weekend? Well, I’m not sure, but I think I’ll probably stay at home all
day on Saturday and clean my apartment. I know that sounds pretty boring, but my apartment is a
bit messy. It’s about time I cleaned it up! On Sunday, however, I have some more interesting plans.
I’m going to meet two or three friends at a restaurant at eight o’clock and have breakfast. We
usually do that once or twice a month. After that, we’re going to go window shopping at a
shopping mall. At noon, we are going to have lunch. And then we’ll probably visit a museum. I
don’t really like to go to museums. But I think I’ll still have a good time.

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Explain the rules; answer key is at the bottom of next page.
IV. Practice 2 minutes

Practice 1: Correct the grammar mistakes below. The first one is done for you.

was My flight to Canada

Last month is very special. I fly by myself for the first time! I am a little nervous but it
is exciting. First, I take a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I check-in at
the check-in counter and walk to the departure lounge at Gate B64. I am early, so I
don’t have to wait a long time to go through immigration and security. Then, I wait in 10
the departure lounge for about 25 minutes before I get on the plane.

Practice 2: Correct the mistakes with future forms.

Vocabulary note:
1. That looks heavy. I help you. terminal 候机楼
2. I’ll meet Charlie and Anna later. departure lounge 候机室
check-in 办理登记手续
3. Ask her! I’m sure she isn’t minding. counter 柜台
immigration 移民
security 安全

TI: Ask the student to do the practice. Answers are on next page.
© 2018 Acadsoc Limited Answer key for last page: She will stay at home to clean her apartment.
Answer key:
IV. Practice 1 minute

My flight to Canada
was flew was
Last month is very special. I fly by myself for the first time! I am a little nervous but
was took checked-in
it is exciting. First, I take a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I check-in
walked was 11
at the check-in counter and walk to the departure lounge at Gate B64. I am early,
so I don’t have to wait a long time to go through immigration and security. Then, I
waited got
wait in the departure lounge for about 25 minutes before I get on the plane.

1. That looks heavy. I will help you.

2. I am meeting/am going to meet Charlie and Anna later.
3. Ask her! I’m sure she will not mind.

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Check the answers.

V. Review 1 minute

Past simple Future: will & be going to

Rules: Rules:
• to talk about something that happened once in the • will & be going to 12
• present continuous vs. be going to
• to talk about something that happened again and
• Patterns of Questions and Negatives
again in the past
• to talk about something that was true for some
time in the past
• Patterns of Questions and Negatives
• regular verbs vs. irregular verbs

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited TI: Review this lesson briefly.

See you
next class!

© 2018 Acadsoc Limited

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