Chap 3 - Lecture Plan On Culture

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Lecture Plan on Culture

Part 1: Introduction to Culture (20 minutes)

 Overview of Culture
 Define culture and discuss its significance in sociology.
 Highlight the concept of cultural universals and provide examples.
 Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism
 Explain ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
 Class Discussion: Ask students to share personal experiences where they
encountered ethnocentrism or practiced cultural relativism.

Part 2: The Elements of Culture (30 minutes)

 Language and Communication

 Discuss the role of language in culture and the concept of nonverbal
 Activity: Nonverbal Communication Exercise. Split the class into small
groups and have them communicate a simple story to the rest of the class
using only nonverbal cues.
 Norms and Values
 Explain the difference between norms and values, and the role they play in
 Discussion: Present a controversial norm from another culture and
facilitate a discussion on personal values and how they affect perception.

Part 3: Cultural Variation and Global Culture (30 minutes)

 Subcultures and Countercultures

 Define and provide examples of subcultures and countercultures.
 Activity: Identify Subcultures. Ask students to list subcultures they are a
part of or aware of and discuss their characteristics.
 Globalization and Culture
 Discuss the impact of globalization on cultural diffusion and the
emergence of a global culture.
 Video Presentation: Show a short clip that highlights the effects of
globalization on local cultures and discuss.

Part 4: The Development of Culture (20 minutes)

 Innovation, Globalization, and Technology
 Discuss how innovation and technology contribute to cultural change and
 Class Discussion: Debate on the impact of social media on cultural identity.

Part 5: Sociological Perspectives on Culture (20 minutes)

 Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism

 Briefly explain how these perspectives view culture.
 Group Activity: Divide the class into three groups, each representing one
of the theoretical perspectives. Each group will analyze a cultural
phenomenon from their assigned perspective.

Part 6: Wrap-Up and Q&A (10 minutes)

 Summary of Key Points

 Quickly summarize the key points discussed during the lecture.
 Q&A Session
 Open the floor for any questions or clarifications students might need.

Class Activities to Enhance Understanding:

 Cultural Relativism Role-Play: Students role-play scenarios that challenge their

cultural norms, promoting an understanding of cultural relativism.
 Nonverbal Communication Exercise: Helps students appreciate the
complexities and significance of nonverbal cues in communication.
 Identify Subcultures Activity: Encourages students to recognize the diversity
within their own society and the role of subcultures.
 Globalization Debate: Fosters critical thinking about the consequences of
cultural exchange and the homogenization of global culture.

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