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polować na, zabiegać o, gonić za (np.

chase awansem, za pracą)

multimillion-pound liczony w milionach funtów

slate dachówka, płytka łupkowa

quarry kamieniołom
mine kopać, wydobywać, eksploatować
whisk somebody off zabrać kogoś szybko
smart restaurant elegancka restauracja
interpreter tłumacz, tłumaczka (ustny)
turn up pojawiać się, zjawiać się
pass przemijać, mijać (o czasie)
turn out to be something okazać się być czymś
tłumić (np. ziewnięcie,
suppress uśmiech), poskramiać (uczucia)
pobyt (np. w hotelu, ośrodku
stay wypoczynkowym)
elk łoś
assertive stanowczy, asertywny, pewny siebie
ink atrament, inkaust

splash out być rozrzutnym

to take a turn for the better zmienić się na lepsze

mieć elokwentny, umiejętny sposób

to have a nice turn of phrase wyrażania się

nie wiedzieć, co ma się robić (w

not to know which way to turn przypadku jakiejś kłopotliwej sytuacji)

to turn as red as a beetroot poczerwienieć jak burak

the turn of the century przełom wieków/ na przełomie

not to turn a hair nawet nie mrugnąć

to toss and turn kręcić się i wiercić/ z boku na bok

to take it in turns robić coś na zmianę

wydarzenie, niespodzianka, coś niespodzie
wanego, coś niebywałego , zapisywać się
a turn-up for the books złotymi zgłoskami
scarlet czerwony, purpurowy (np. twarz)

go scarlet zrobić się purpurowym

nastawienie, stosunek, stanowisko (do cze
attitude goś, wobec czegoś)

put out zmartwiony, zasmucony

have a go spróbować
stand up for your rights bronić swoich praw
piquant pikantny, interesujący, ekscytujący
I'm chasing a new job.

a dark grey rock that can

be easily divided into thin pieces, or
a small, thin piece of this used to cover a roof

a large artificial hole in the ground where stone, sand,

a granite/limestone/marble/slate quarry etc. is dug for use as building material

He was whisked off to the hospital.

She didn't turn up to her own wedding.

Several hours passed.

to spend a lot
of money on buying things, especially things that
They splashed out £3,000 on a holiday. are pleasant to have but that you do not need
After weeks of illness, her health finally took a a situation has improved or started to improve after a
turn for the better. period of difficulty or bad circumstances

having the ability to express ideas in a clever,

eloquent, or appealing way. It often refers to the
His speeches are always memorable because he skillful use of language to communicate effectively
has a nice turn of phrase. and beautifully.

to feel confused, uncertain, or unable to decide what

When the company suddenly shut down, the to do next, especially in a difficult or troubling
employees didn’t know which way to turn. situation
She turned as red as a beetroot when her crush to blush deeply, usually out of embarrassment,
complimented her. shame, or intense emotion
The turn of the century brought new political the transition period between one century and the
ideologies to the forefront. next

to remain completely calm and composed, showing

He didn't turn a hair when he received the no signs of fear, surprise, or agitation, even in a
shocking news. difficult or unexpected situation

to be unable to sleep soundly, often moving restlessly

She tosses and turns whenever she drinks coffee in bed because of discomfort, anxiety, or other
before bed. disturbances
to alternate or rotate between people in doing
In class, the students took it in turns to present something, so each person has a chance to participate
their projects to the rest of the group. or perform an action

It was a turn-up for the books when the usually an unexpected and surprising event or outcome,
reserved professor cracked a joke during the especially one that is advantageous or positive in
lecture. nature

Mentioning his failed attempt in front of others to blush or flush deeply with embarrassment, anger,
made him go scarlet with shame. or another intense emotion

He was put out because his mother was in a

Now, everyone must wait to have a go with the
new computer game.

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