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Week 3 Speaking Questions

Do you enjoy being a student? Why/Why not?

Would you like to learn anything new in the future?

Is there a job you would really like to do in the future?

Would you prefer to keep studying in Vietnam or to study abroad?

Do you prefer to live on campus or live at home? Why?

Can you remember a good teacher you’ve had? What made him/her memorable?

Would you rather learn from a younger or an older teacher? Why?

If you were going to be a teacher, what would you teach?

Are teachers in Vietnam paid well? Why/Why not?

What do you enjoy most about studying at EIU? Why?

Is studying at university different to what you expected? How?

What subject are you studying? Why did you decide to study this subject?

What did you like best about your high school?

Did you dislike studying anything at high school? Why?

Did you enjoy learning maths at school? Why/Why not?

How old were you when you started to learn maths? Why?

Did you enjoy history lessons at school? Why/Why not?

Did you enjoy art lessons at school? Why/Why not?

Was science a popular subject at your high school? Why/Why not?

Did you study science at primary school? Why/Why not?

Why do so many people want to learn a foreign language?

Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?

Why do some people seem to be better at studying languages than others?

What kinds of jobs pay the highest salaries in Vietnam?

Should some jobs pay a higher salary than others?

Do most people choose their job because of the salary?

What are the most popular professions for young people in Vietnam?
What influences young people most when they choose a profession?

Why is it difficult for some young people to choose a profession?

What are the main types of school in Vietnam?

Does Vietnam have a good education system?

Would you say that teachers today are less strict than in the past?

Do you think students have to study too hard at school nowadays?

What are some jobs that people think are difficult to do?

Do you think difficult jobs are more interesting to do than easy jobs?

Should people be paid more for doing difficult jobs?

How unusual is it for young people to move to another city to find a job?

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