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Câu 1. I'd like to speak to the person in_______ please.
A. responsibility B. obligation C. duty D. charge
Câu 2. Once you have been accepted as a pupil or student at the school or college, it's_______ the law for
them to discriminate against you because of your religion or belief.
A. out of B. against C. for D. in
Câu 3. I’m in two_______ about whether to go to_______ the wedding or not.
A. minds B. thoughts C. brains D. heads
Câu 4. The poor child was in floods of_______ because his bicycle had been stolen.
A. upset B. tears C. sadness D. sorrow
Câu 5. Ten million text messages are sent on every minute.
A. account B. average C. general D. common
Câu 6. I get quite depressed when I think about the damage we are_______ to the environment.
A. having B. taking C. making D. causing
Câu 7.
A. in reality B. at risk C. under control D. under pressure
Câu 8. The hall was very crowded with over a hundred people_______ into it.
A. stuffed B. pushed C. stuck D. packed
Câu 9. The tiger is_______ of extinction. It is difficult to find them in the wild.
A. on the wing B. on the rocks C. on the verge D. on the ground
Câu 10. When the factory closed, over a hundred people were made redundant.
A. sacked B. appointed C. fired D. laid off
Câu 11. My sister really enjoys acting as a hobby, but she doesn’t want to do it for a(n)_______.
A. living B. occupation C. existence D. survival
Câu 12. The situation got out of hand when the festival organisers couldn't foresee that the mob would
get angry because they were stopped from taking the offerings.
A. hard to complete B. difficult to control
C. unlikely to happen D. impossible to find
Câu 13. I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn’t take any_______.
A. notice B. regard C. recognition D. attention
Câu 14. I’m not surprised that Tom is ill. He’s been_______ for a long time. It was bound to affect his
health sooner or later.
A. having his cake and eating it B. playing with fire
C. burning the candles at both hands D. going to town
Câu 15. It doesn’t matter to me one way or another, but I wish you would at least_______ an effort at
seeing his side of it.
A. make B. making C. doing D. do
Câu 16. I just took it_______ that he’d always be available.
A. for granted B. easy
C. into account D. into consideration
Câu 17. He has been given work as a window cleaner even though he has no_______.
A. ability B. head C. skill D. balance

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Câu 18. The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye
chart without a hitch.
A. without glasses B. easily
C. with little hesitation D. unaided
Câu 19. That disable boy's victory in the race set the_______ example to all students in the school.
A. rarest B. first-class C. finest D. most convenient
Câu 20. The students were worried that they wouldn’t be able to_______ the deadline for the assignment.
A. beat B. match C. answer D. meet
Câu 21. Thanks to the help of the teacher, she is_______ encouraging progress in math.
A. checking B. making C. stopping D. doing
Câu 22. There has been a hot debate among the scientists relating to the pros and cons of using robotic
probes to study distant objects in space.
A. advantages and disadvantages B. causes and effects
C. solutions and limitations D. problems and solutions
Câu 23. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different
A. here and there B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper D. cats and dogs
Câu 24. Before you sign the contract,____ in mind that you won’t be able to change anything later.
A. hold B. reserve C. retain D. bear
Câu 25. The Red List - a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species - has been introduced
to_______ people’s awareness of conservation.
A. draw B. rise C. arise D. raise
Câu 26. Why don’t you_______ a go? It’s not difficult!
A. set B. have C. do D. make
Câu 27. I accidentally_______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. paid attention to B. kept an eye on C. lost touch with D. caught sight of
Câu 28. After running up the stairs, I was breath.
A. out of B. away from C. no D. without
Câu 29. A_______ of dancers from Beijing is one of the leading attractions in the festival.
A. packet B. herd C. troop D. troupe
Câu 30. I would be grateful for an opportunity to visit your company and discuss my application with
A. individually B. privately C. in person D. in privacy
Câu 31. Most scientists believe that the day when robots become part of our lives will come_______.
A. later than never B. from time to time C. sooner or later D. more or less
Câu 32. We couldn’t fly_______ because all the tickets had been sold out.
A. economics B. economic C. economy D. economical
Câu 33. I_______ sight of the robber just before he disappeared around the corner.
A. took B. got C. caught D. had
Câu 34. Nicholas had never chaired a meeting before, but he rose to the_______ yesterday when he
presided over a forum.
A. occasion B. difficulty C. incident D. issue
Câu 35. Many materials have been used for_______ teeth, including wood.
A. artificial B. hand-made C. false D. natural
Câu 36. In my_______, freedom of the press must be maintained.
A. mind B. sight C. thought D. view
Câu 37. She's doing well so she was promoted last year. Now she's in charge of a small team of four
A. takes over B. rules C. supervises D. controls
Câu 38. The move to a different environment brought about a significant _______in my cousin’s state of
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A. change B. impact C. influence D. effect
Câu 39. Like many young people today, I'm thinking about taking a year _______first, or as people often
say, spending a year at "the university of life".
A. away B. off C. out D. at
Câu 40. I stayed there with her for a while before I left.
A. for relaxation B. in the difficult time
C. whenever she needed me D. for a short period of time
Câu 41. Make sure you book a ticket in_______.
A. ahead B. forward C. before D. advance
Câu 42. The issue_______ question is more complex than you think.
A. from B. on C. at D. in
Câu 43. Despite sharing viewpoints on many issues, Nina and her husband are_______ when it comes to
child rearing.
A. at hands B. at most C. at odds D. at least
Câu 44. The atmosphere at work was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.
A. notify the boss B. be given a better job
C. apply for another job D. give up his job
Câu 45. The government has_______ every effort to stop the rapid spread of COVID-19.
A. made B. brought C. created D. done
Câu 46. The players' protests_______ no difference to the referee’s decision at all.
A. caused B. made C. did D. created
Câu 47. Integration and assimilation can help reduce feelings of loss and grief as the migrant starts to
incorporate aspects of the majority culture.
A. discrimination B. disapproval C. disadvantage D. sadness
Câu 48. If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the_______ for it.
A. mouth B. teeth C. ear D. nose
Câu 49. I’m sorry! I didn’t break that vase on_______.
A. time B. my mind C. purpose D. intention
Câu 50. _______her inexperience, her failure to secure the contract was not surprising.
A. With regard to B. In view of C. In recognition of D. By virtue of
Câu 51. I am glad that we see eye to eye on the matter of the conference location.
A. dislike B. agree C. approve D. disagree
Câu 52. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye_______ with the interviewers.
A. touch B. link C. contact D. connection
Câu 53. She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
A. idealistic B. ambitious C. creative D. practical
Câu 54. Cynthia was on edge all day about the important presentation she had to give to the local
citizens group.
A. working hard B. nervous and excited
C. satisfied D. doing well
Câu 55. It is likely that artificial intelligence might decide to_______ an end to humanity simply because
it surpasses human intelligence.
A. make B. take C. come D. put
Câu 56. I refuse to believe a word of it; it’s a cock-and-_______story.
A. goose B. bull C. hen D. duck
Câu 57. When applying for a certain job, you'll be at an advantage if you have hands-on experience.
A. prior B. considerable C. relevant D. practical
Câu 58. Poaching_______ the greatest threat to many species.
A. poses B. presents C. creates D. produces

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Câu 59. Jane used to be very excellent as a child and now she's the CEO of a big multinational company.
However, her brother is a blue-colar worker in a small local factory.
A. low-paid B. manual C. regular D. mental
Câu 60. Does that name_______ to you?
A. break the ice B. ring a bell C. fall into place D. foot the bill
Câu 61. Researchers have_______ to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A. arrived B. come C. reached D. got
Câu 62. It was so quiet; you could have heard a_______ drop.
A. leaf B. sigh C. pin D. feather
Câu 63. Mrs. Granny is completely deaf. You’ll have to_______ allowance for her.
A. find B. make C. bring D. take
Câu 64. It is not always easy to_______ the difference between fact and opinion.
A. say B. make C. tell D. do
Câu 65. Unluckily, David's dangerous and incredible journey in search of the Blue Fairy is
A. end B. advance C. vain D. danger
Câu 66. He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone.
A. personal B. annoying C. offensive D. respectful
Câu 67. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the_______ it was pretty
A. general B. whole C. spot D. hand
Câu 68. The purpose of running a business is to make a_______.
A. money B. service C. profit D. contribution
Câu 69. The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, _______attempt to understand their past.
A. in B. on C. for D. with
Câu 70. Despite our careful planning, the whole surprise party was a_______ of accidents.
A. volume B. chapter C. page D. verse
Câu 71. I feel terrible; I didn’t sleep_______ last night.
A. a jot B. an eye C. a wink D. an inch
Câu 72. It seems that the thief took_______ of the open windows and got inside that way.
A. opportunity B. advantage C. chance D. occasion
Câu 73. There was no_______ in waiting longer than half an hour so we left.
A. worth B. use C. good D. point
Câu 74. Although the new library service has been very successful, its future is_______ certain.
A. at any rate B. by all means C. by any chance D. by no means
Câu 75. I was glad when he said that his car was_______.
A. at my use B. for me use C. at my disposal D. for my use
Câu 76. Recent discoveries about corruption have_______ serious damage to the company’s reputation.
A. made B. taken C. found D. done
Câu 77. I know his name, but I can’t recall it at the moment. It’s on the tip of_______.
A. brain B. mind C. tongue D. memory
Câu 78. The athlete’s bitter defeat in the match_______ a blow to his hopes of defending his title at the
A. dealt B. had C. brought D. paid
Câu 79. A flat in the centre of the city might_______ you an arm and a leg.
A. spend B. cost C. require D. lose
Câu 80. I don't think people should be allowed to_______ experiments on animals.
A. perform B. make C. create D. produce
Câu 81. I wonder if you could_______ me a small favour, Tom.
A. make B. bring C. give D. do
Câu 82. During the Medieval period, people were made public_______ of being witches.
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A. criminal B. complaint C. accusation D. trouble
Câu 83. Unfortunately, we’ve made_______.
A. a few progresses B. little progress C. little progresses D. few progress
Câu 84. The doctor who is_______ tonight in the general hospital is Mr. Brown.
A. on call B. on tour C. in turn D. at work
Câu 85. It never_______ his mind that his dishonesty would be discovered.
A. came B. passed C. crossed D. spunk
Câu 86. Stop_______ about the bush, John! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
Câu 87. Every step_______ to improve the living conditions in these slums only attracts more migrants.
A. held B. took C. taken D. hold
Câu 88. I can’t understand this song. It doesn’t make any_______.
A. effort B. meaning C. realization D. sense
Câu 89. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my_______.
A. piece of cake B. cup of tea C. sweets and candy D. biscuit
Câu 90. I've been working here for over ten years now and I'm on first- name terms with everyone, even
the CEO.
A. getting on
B. satisfied
C. happy
D. having an informal/friendly relationship
Câu 91. I am writing in_______ to your advertisement on for the post of a personal
A. association B. relation C. connection D. response
Câu 92. In spite of their disabilities, the children at Spring School manage to_______ an active social
A. take B. save C. gather D. lead
Câu 93. In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep oneself_______.
A. occupation B. occupied C. occupational D. occupant
Câu 94. Most scientists believe that the day robots will become a part of our lives will come
A. from time to time B. more and less C. sooner and later D. later than never
Câu 95. All work and no play_______.
A. make Jack a dull boy B. makes a dull boy Jack
C. make a dull boy Jack D. makes Jack a dull boy
Câu 96. Mr. Dawson was given the award in_______ of his services to the hospital.
A. recognition B. spite C. sight D. charge
Câu 97. It was a joke! I was pulling your_______.
A. leg B. thumb C. toe D. hair
Câu 98. Under the_______ of the press, bloggers, and Vietnam’s technology community, Dong decided
to take the game “Flappy Bird” down.
A. force B. pressure C. order D. command
Câu 99. Researchers have_______ to the conclusion that your personality is affected by your genes.
A. got B. reached C. come D. arrived
Câu 100. I am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I am up to my_______ in work.
A. head B. eyes C. nose D. neck

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