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CorrosionPlus Training Schedule

Why Train Staff?

A review by the UK's Institute of Personnel & Development showed staff training to be the key to retaining skilled employees.
A survey by the American Management Association showed that investing in employees’ skills through training is a more effective tool for
retaining staff than purely financial incentives.
The Gallup Organization showed that employer-sponsored training and education is a
major attraction for people looking for jobs. Also, workers say they are more likely to
remain with companies that invest in such programs.

Training Adds Value - 'Intellectual Capital'

Many companies have values in excess of their earnings or values shown on their balance sheet. In some cases the company value is less than
10% the stock market value. Where does the other 90% come from?
We now have a switch from 'physical capital' to 'intellectual capital' (brand names, employee know-how and knowledge carried in their heads,
etc.). This is because knowledge is now a major source of competitive advantage in all industries. World-class companies must operate in a
continuous improvement environment - in such an environment, knowledge and brainpower are the company's greatest assets.

Exxon's intellectual capital has been valued at 72% of its market value; DuPont was
valued at 84% and Coca Cola was valued at 96%.

Training in the Engineering Industry

Good, forward-thinking companies invest in their people, and part of that investment is training. This makes business sense, as it ensures the
workforce has the latest methods and tools to use in their jobs, and it allows companies to maintain a leading edge.

The 'developed' western world populations are ageing as birth rates fall. Massive skills shortages are looming which are already very evident in
the marine industries. The issue is not new, but becoming more important by the year.

Estimates suggest that the oil and gas industry would have lost over 50% of its most
experienced workers in 2007.

For example, in the UK across all industries 25,000 engineers retire annually and only 12,000 graduates replace them. In one major contractor,
for the past decade the average age of senior engineers and project managers has been moving upwards - it is now 49 years and increasing by
about one year in every two.

In many industries there will be a legal requirement to train certain staff (e.g. staff involved in hazardous plant), and certainly engineering
companies have a 'duty of care' to all parties who are affected by their services or products. For example companies such as oil and gas majors
should ensure that their staffs are aware of changes in technology and regulations relating to their operations.

A study by an Institute in Zurich analyzed 800 cases of structural failure in which

504 people were killed. When engineers were at fault, the major causes were:
 insufficient knowledge (36%)
 underestimation of influence (16%)
 ignorance (carelessness, negligence) (14%)
 training could have reduced these figures.

Why choose CorrosionPlus Training?

 Commitment to technical and management excellence
 High calibre personnel
 Experienced trainers, lecturers and managers
 Courses presented in all parts of the world
 Independence from financial, manufacturing or construction organizations
 World class engineering company supporting all courses

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