Finalasgmt Rizal

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Identify someone in the Philippines who can be regarded as the modern-day Rizal. To help you
choose, consider the checklist of Rizal’s values below which will determine if your chosen individual
has any of those values. Explain your choice.
The former President Roa Rodrigo Duterte
• Faith- Duterte has expressed a complex relationship with faith and religion, often critical of
religious institutions while asserting his belief in God. His faith appears personal and controversial,
lacking the universal appeal seen in Rizal's approach.

• Love- Duterte has shown love for his country through his commitment to public service and his
tough stance on crime. However, his methods have often been divisive, questioning whether this
love is universally felt by all Filipinos.

• Hope- Duterte's administration aimed to instill hope through promises of change and progress.
His approach to hope has been marred by controversies and criticisms, particularly regarding
human rights.

• Peace- Duterte's war on drugs and strongman tactics have been contentious and polarizing. His
tenure has been marked by violence and conflict rather than peace.

• Patience- Duterte's leadership style is known for being impatient and often impulsive. His
approach to governance has often been at odds with the virtue of patience.

• Temperance- Duterte has been known for his fiery rhetoric and strong opinions. This contrasts
with the moderation and self-control exemplified by temperance.

• Prudence- Duterte's decisions have sometimes been seen as pragmatic, but also as reckless or
hasty. Prudence is not a predominant trait in his leadership style.

• Resilience- Duterte has shown resilience in the face of criticism and political challenges. His
resilience is notable, although often coupled with a confrontational approach

• Compassion- While Duterte has shown compassion for victims of crime and hardship, his policies
have often been harsh. Compassion is a mixed attribute in his case, as his methods have sometimes
led to suffering

• Mercy- Duterte's war on drugs has been characterized by a lack of mercy, with thousands of
extrajudicial killings. This starkly contrasts with the value of mercy as envisioned by Rizal.

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