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33+ Reiki Symbols

As Reiki practitioners, we have come to appreciate the deep and transformative power of this
amazing healing technique. At the heart of Reiki lies the use of symbols, each one holding its
own unique energy and purpose. A deeper understanding of these symbols will allow you to
unlock new levels of healing and connection with yourself and your clients. So, are you ready
to discover over 30 of the most known Reiki symbols that can have a profound impact on
your healing practice?

Whether you’ve just started your healing journey, or you’ve been practicing for years now,
we hope this guide will inspire you to explore the boundless possibilities of Reiki and provide
you with valuable insights into the power and significance of these symbols.

Discover 33+ Reiki Symbols that will empower your healing practice!

1. Cho Ku Rei

Also known as the Power Symbol or The Light Switch, Cho Ku Rei is a traditional Usui
Reiki symbol used to enhance the flow of Reiki energy and increase its intensity. It represents
the power of the universe and can be translated as “placing all the powers of the Universe
here.” Its main characteristics include cleansing, opening and boosting the energy flow,
supercharging the effectiveness of other Reiki symbols and healing tools, and providing

Cho Ku Rei

2. Reversed Cho Ku Rei

When you draw this specific symbol in a clockwise motion, it creates a unique energetic
quality that sets it apart from the traditional Usui Cho Ku Rei symbol, which is drawn in the
opposite direction. Experienced practitioners use this symbol to remove surplus energy from
people, objects, or environments. Moreover, they incorporate it into healing practices related
to manifestation, abundance, and grounding, claiming that it assists in anchoring the
manifestation in the physical realm.
Reversed Cho Ku Rei

3. Sei He Ki

Commonly used for emotional and mental healing, the Sei He Ki traditional symbol enhances
our connection between left and right brain, our subconscious to our conscious mind,
bringing balance and harmony into our lives. Its main characteristics include recovering from
addictions, releasing strong and blocking emotions or patterns, alleviating anxiety and
depression, and uncovering the root of any mental or emotional imbalances we might

Sei He Ki

4. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Distance is no barrier to Reiki, so this third symbol in the Usui Reiki system means ‘having
no present, past or future’ and is essentially used for absentee healing and to send Reiki
energy across time and space. You can use it to heal your past and karmic patterns, manifest
your full potential into the present moment and create a future in alignment with your true
self. It’s also a perfect tool for all those people who find it uncomfortable to receive hands-on
Reiki treatment.
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

5. Shika Sei Ki

This symbol opens your heart and heals your soul, releasing blockages and negative emotions
that may be preventing the flow of unconditional love into your life. Translating into “love
that travels from heart to heart,” Shika Sei Ki helps balance the energies of the heart chakra,
which is the seat of love, compassion, and emotional healing, bringing in a sense of deep
connection and harmony within yourself and with others. It is best used for heart-related
diseases, anger and anxiety issues, relationship problems, emotional stress and recovering lost
fragments of your soul.
Shika Sei Ki

6. Shika So

Shika Sei Ki symbol is perfectly complemented by Shika So symbol during Reiki sessions.
While the first one focuses on healing the heart and soul, the second facilitates
communication and expression of our emotions. Shika So works best for balancing our
Throat chakra and communicating our feelings appropriately to let go of certain emotions and
thoughts that no longer serve our greater good. It can heal physical imbalances, such as
thyroid problems, laryngitis and any other health issues located at your fifth chakra level.

Shika So

7. Dai Ko Myo
Dai Ko Myo traditional symbol, also called the Master symbol, helps you focus on the
spiritual aspects of Reiki healing. Translating into “the embodiment of light,” this symbol
helps you tap into new levels of awareness and a higher state of consciousness. Its main
characteristics include integrating the spiritual principles into the physical realm, releasing
the past and working through any blocks on mental, spiritual, emotional, physical, and
energetic levels, and pursuing the soul’s path towards enlightenment.

Dai Ko Myo

8. Dumo

Dumo is the non-traditional Tibetan version of the original Dai Ko Myo symbol. Translating
into “taking us back to God,” Dumo represents the sacred flame or what is known as the
Kundalini. It’s usually used in the attunement process, together with the Violet Breath
technique and its main characteristics include cleansing and stimulating the rise of the
Kundalini energy, unleashing our creativity, bringing about spiritual growth, and unifying
mind and body by increasing the vibration.

9. The Fire Serpent (Mae Loong)

Also known as the Tibetan Fire Serpent, this non-traditional symbol represents energy
awakening. Generally, an attunement process at the master/teacher level starts with this
symbol, drawing it all over the spinal cord and Crown chakra. Its main characteristics include
ensuring balance and alignment in the chakras, grounding into calm and serenity, and healing
spinal and back problems.

Tibetan Fire Serpent

10. Raku

Also known as the Lightning Bolt, Raku symbol is used for grounding at the end of a Reiki
session and to close the connection between teacher and student after attunements. Its main
characteristics include cleansing the main energy channel and transporting chi to the major
chakras on the spinal cord, redirecting negative energy outside the body, karmic healing,
detoxification, and rejuvenation, allowing to regain internal energy, and removing physical
imbalances such as kidney stones or blood clots.

11. Zonar

Zonar is the first symbol you’ll learn within the Karuna Reiki® system. It has a letter Z
shape, with an infinity symbol inscribed thrice across the middle of the Z, often related to
deal with issues pertaining to past lives, karmic concerns, and inter-dimensional dilemmas
that may not have a straightforward explanation. Zonar is usually used to start the energy
treatment and prepare the client for deep cellular healing, being the Karuna Reiki® symbol
that has the most direct physical impact on the human body. Its main characteristics also
include enhancing remote healing and addressing emotional concerns, such as dissolving
toxic relationships, addictions and repetitive patterns, as well as combating negative emotions
like shame and inadequacy.


12. Halu

This second Karuna Reiki® symbol is an amplification or super-charging of Zonar. It guides

the healing process even deeper and restores the balance on all levels. The pyramid-shaped
structure of this symbol offers comprehensive safeguarding against psychological and
emotional manipulation. It responds to even the slightest traces of negative energy by
generating a protective barrier around the healer or receiver. Its main characteristics also
include dissolving negative patterns in the subconscious mind, setting us free from our
shadow self, removing illusions and self-deception, and healing any physical or sexual abuse

13. Harth

If you want to open up new paths for change and love in your life, this is the symbol you
should use! Harth is the third Karuna Reiki® symbol that stands for pure light, unconditional
love, empathy, truth, beauty and harmony. Often described as “the heart of Reiki”, it’s
strongly connected with the feminine aspect of the divine, being directly associated with
higher spiritual entities like Mary or Kwan Yin. Its main characteristics include relationship
healing and authentic connection with those you love, cultivating healthy habits, clearing and
opening the channels to higher consciousness, and healing emotional and physical issues of
the heart, such as fear and grief.


14. Rama

Rama is the last symbol of the first level in Karuna Reiki® system, embodying balance and
equilibrium. According to Hindu mythology, the symbol mirrors Lord Rama, who is regarded
as an incarnation of Vishnu. Vishnu is believed to be reincarnated on Earth repeatedly to
restore balance between good and evil. Rama usually ends the healing treatment, helping the
client to ground and keep balance when returning into the body. Its main characteristics
include clearing negative energy from our centers and placing them in balance, protecting
from negative influences, rejuvenating the mind and a person’s chi, clearing lower chakra
issues, and manifesting materialistic goals.

15. Gnosa

This symbol holds great significance in Karuna Reiki® as it enhances the practitioner’s self-
realization and deeply supports the healing process. It stands for knowledge, wisdom,
awareness, intuition, and connection to our spiritual self. Gnosa symbol clears the mind of
unwanted thoughts and facilitates intellectual and spiritual enlightenment. Its main
characteristics also include deepening the human-divine relationship, heightening the sense of
clarity, respect and responsibility, stimulating performance and focus, activating and
strengthening all the upper chakras.


16. Kriya

This level two Karuna Reiki® symbol is all about action and physical manifestation, helping
us to transform our dreams into reality. Kriya brings in and/or releases energy to create
balance and heal humanity. By adding this symbol to your healing practice, you will
experience a powerful grounding effect, get into alignment with the Universe, and be able to
manifest your heart desires into the physical realm.

17. Iava

Iava is a Karuna Reiki® symbol that helps us go beyond the veil of illusion that is created by
our learned thoughts and beliefs, allowing us to perceive reality as it is, rather than through
the lens of our preconceived notions. Its main characteristics include enhancing our
awareness of reality, dissolving misconceptions and manipulations, supporting us in pursuing
our own plans, responsibility for our own life, and planetary healing.


18. Shanti

Shanti is a beautiful Karuna Reiki® symbol meaning peace. People often cling to past
traumas and aspirations, which hinder their ability to recover. By using this symbol, one can
attain a state of harmony and peace in the present moment while letting go of any emotional
baggage from the past and worries about the future. Its main benefits include creating deep
feelings of relaxation before and after healing sessions, breaking free from karmic cycles,
calming the aura and inducing a sense of tranquility.

19. Om (Aum)

Considered the source of all creation, Om is a very powerful tool used in the Karuna Reiki®
system as the master symbol and in many other Eastern spiritual practices. Its main
characteristics include cleansing and protecting the aura, opening the Soul Star, Crown, and
Third Eye chakras, raising the vibration, and creating a pathway to the higher consciousness.
As the sacred sound of the Universe, when chanted it aligns our frequency with that of the
original universal energy, which guides us into an elevated state of consciousness called


20. Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma

This second-level Shamballa Reiki symbol is known to boost DNA activation and address
imbalances in the DNA spirals, while also purifying and stabilizing the Kundalini energy. It
focuses on transforming the internal structures of the self and enabling access to deeper layers
of one’s being. By doing so, the negative energies can be cleared and transformed, allowing
for healthier genetic transmission to future generations. Additionally, the Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish
Ma symbol can be used to target any affected organ of the body, regenerate damaged DNA
sequences, and promote faster recovery.
Mer Ka Fa Ka Lish Ma

21. Motor Zanon

Also known as an Anti-Viral or Anti-Aids symbol, Motor Zanon is used in multiple Reiki
systems to heal the body’s vulnerability to a virus, parasite, or infection. Motor means “to go
in” and Zanon means “to come out” so the symbol separates the virus from the body and
brings it out. It’s more efficient when used in conjunction with other Reiki symbols, such as
Cho Ku Rei or Reversed Cho Ku Rei. Motor Zanon is considered a Master symbol by
Buddhist monks who use it for the exorcism of earthly entities and soul transitions after
death. Its main characteristics include removing spiritual, emotional and physical problems,
dissolving any etheric cords, supporting our DNA healing, and increasing our body

Motor Zanon

22. Palm Master

This level three Shamballa MDH Reiki symbol is found on multiple statues of the East and
represents the chakra system and the spiritual powers that come from the center of our palms.
It creates a passage of energy through the chakras and Sushumna energy channel and
comprises three spirals, which are recognized in the following order from top to bottom: third
eye, heart, and pelvis. Its main characteristics include opening and activating the crown
chakra to embody the divine consciousness, connecting the pineal and pituitary glands,
grounding into Mother Earth, and strengthening psychic abilities.
Palm Master

23. Amsui

Amsui is a third-level attunement symbol in the Shamballa Reiki system that empowers
practitioners to attain higher levels of vibration, power, and awareness. It represents balance,
completion, and fulfillment, and is considered a sacred tool capable of healing our planet by
overcoming low-vibrational patterns that affect all beings. Comprised of seven unique
symbols that align with each chakra, Amsui is believed to be the symbol of Archangel
Michael’s sword that has the power to cut cords and bring deep energetic cleansing. Its
primary benefits also include fostering a stronger connection with one’s higher self and
adjusting to changes in vibration and environment.

24. Ho Ka O Ili Ili

For developing inner confidence, reach out to Ho Ka O Ili Ili! This third-level Shamballa
Reiki symbol works amazing for those people passionate about personal development,
constantly seeking to cultivate respect, honor, and self-esteem in their lives. Its main
characteristics include gaining trust into people and being treated with respect by them,
dealing with body image issues, and boosting your confidence in specific situations, such as
an exam, an interview, or during a meeting, and even expressing your own needs within

Ho Ka O Ili Ili

25. Abundance
Increase your abundance vibration and remove all blockages from your path by using this
third-level Shamballa Reiki symbol! It helps clear away the residual energies that prevent you
from achieving your spiritual and financial potential. Its main characteristics include
manifesting your spiritual and material goals, removing the patterns of poverty and
developing the mindset for success in all life areas, ensuring the optimum flow of resources
so you could fulfill your mission on planet Earth.


26. Antahkarana

This multi-dimensional symbol is widely used by Reiki healers all over the world to work
directly with the aura, clear painful memories to establish a new peaceful connection with the
soul and enhance the chi energy. As a sacred emblem of great spiritual significance, its name
is derived from Sanskrit where “Antah” means “inner” or “within,” and “Karana” means
“cause” or “essence.” So, Antahkarana acts as a bridge to connect the practitioner with their
higher self and divine consciousness. Its main characteristics include preventing excessive
build-up of energy in any of the chakras, grounding and cleansing effects on the body, and
neutralizing negative energies of objects, water, or food.


27. Vasudha

The Vasudha Reiki symbol draws inspiration from the Swastika symbol of Hinduism, which
represents symmetry, continuity, balance, peace, and good luck. It is drawn in red with
yellow lines in a clockwise flow of energy and is associated with several positive
characteristics, including attracting wealth, abundance, and success, protecting and healing
from psychic attacks, improving financial stability, gaining confidence in all aspects of life,
and empowering individuals to take action towards their dreams.

28. Johrei

Symbolizing the divine white light that dwells within all things, the Johrei non-traditional
Reiki symbol channels this sacred energy to promote physical and emotional healing. It
represents the purification of the spirit and fosters connectedness with our spirit guides and
positive transformation. Johrei’s main characteristics also include clearing the mind, releasing
negative energy blockages and opening the chakras, activating the light within, and restoring
the divine potential.


29. Hosanna

Considered to be part of the Karuna Reiki® system, Hosanna symbol means “God, help!”
and is used for clearing anything and anyone. There are two ways to draw this symbol: the
first version of Hosanna helps to emit energy for clearing, releasing and dissolving negative
energy in general, while the second version of it focuses on specific healing issues, bringing
clarity and removing any obstacle that prevents a clear life path. You can also use it to call
upon the healing energy of Archangel Michael or Ascended Master Saint Germain.



30. Midas Star

Have you heard of Midas’ touch?! Midas Star is a Reiki symbol for abundance and prosperity
taught in Seichim Reiki system, inspired by the mythical king Midas of Phrygia in Asia
Minor who was famous for his extraordinary ability to change anything he touched into gold!
The symbol represents not just money, but also harmony, happiness, success in personal
relationships, and the power to achieve whatever desire we have in life. Its main
characteristics also include promoting inner strength, courage and self-confidence, and
releasing negative emotions or blockages related to abundance and joy of life.
Midas Star

31. Len So My

This symbol represents the power of pure and infinite love. Whenever a person feels lost,
confused, neglected or unwanted, drawing Len So My over the Heart chakra will support the
healing of any emotional issues and challenges. It brings warmth and harmony within
relationships, increases self-esteem and self-love, and brings comfort to the soul. Len So My
symbol can be integrated into the Reiki self-treatment by activating it on the palms prior to
the session.

Len So My

32. Sati

Also known as the Aquarian Cross, Sati is a Tera Mai™ Reiki symbol that embodies the
dynamic interplay between the Shiva and Shakti energies. It represents all seven directions,
including North, South, East, West, above, below, and within, and is typically used for
balancing and harmonizing the Heart chakra and promoting healing in relationships. It can be
used in a Sati grid to strengthen healthy relationships by removing any obstacles that may be
hindering the connection between two people. Additionally, the Sati symbol can be used to
bring closure to toxic relationships that are not benefiting anyone involved.

33. Koriki

Also known as the Symbol of Happiness, Koriki is a non-traditional symbol that comes from
the line of Japanese Reiki called Reido Reiki and consists of the Kanji characters for strength
and happiness. Invoking Koriki is a way of asking the universe for the happiness that is
rightfully ours and opening ourselves up to receive it. It is known for its effectiveness in
reducing stress, depression, sickness, and low motivation levels, and is especially powerful in
supporting cancer treatment. Drawing the symbol onto a door blesses everything that enters
through it and only allows love, happiness, and abundance into the space.


Other Non-Traditional Reiki Symbols

Reiki has undergone significant transformations since Mikao Usui originally channeled it,
resulting in the development of various systems and lineages, each with its own unique set of
symbols. These non-traditional symbols offer practitioners a diverse set of tools to work with
and can help to personalize their Reiki practice, allowing for the incorporation of other
cultural and spiritual traditions into Reiki practice and making it more accessible to a broader
range of individuals.

Alongside the more well-known symbols, there are also lesser-known non-traditional Reiki
symbols that have been developed over time. These symbols can offer additional benefits to
practitioners and enhance their healing work in unique ways.
Find below a few examples of less-known non-traditional Reiki symbols:

 Akasha – channeled by Marla Abraham and originally called Planetary Healing and
Enlightenment; used within the Tera Mai™ Seichem system.
 Double Sei He Ki – discovered in Takata’s original Reiki manual; used in Golden
Tera Mai™ Reiki & Tera Mai™ Seichem initiations.
 Kadoish & Samaran – channeled by Kathleen Milner to heal and open the full
potential of the feminine (Kadoish) and masculine (Samaran) energies.
 Trikaya & Abba Nartoomid – channeled by Kathleen Milner from Buddha; Trikaya
is a symbol for the astral body and Abba Nartoomid is an energizer, such as Cho Ku
 Deisiom – raises the healing potential of Tera Mai™ initiations and brings in
galactic/cosmic healing energies.
 Shree Vishnu – represented by the God Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, it awakens
feminine energy, enhances creativity and intuition, and protects against negative
 Ved Ganga – associated with the Goddess Ganga from Hindu mythology, it is used
for forgiveness and purification of people, objects, and places.
 Ganesa – closely aligned with the Hindu god Ganesha, it represents good fortune and
is associated with attracting both material and spiritual success.
 Shivaom – associated with Lord Shiva, it accelerates change by removing
unnecessary elements and promotes soul evolution.
 Vel – a symbol of valor that represents the triumph of good over evil.
 Apta – removes blockages in any relationship, promotes unity, and improves health.
 Shamin – heals burns and cuts of the skin, allergies caused by bites and stings, and
infections in the body.
 Tusker – removes obstacles and cleanses the karma; used in Gajanan Vinayak
 Patha – helps move forward when feeling stuck in life; used in Gajanan Vinayak
 Kanna – strengthens and expands the aura, focusing on the well-being of a person;
used in Gajanan Vinayak Reiki®.
 Kanthan – a Third Eye protector and claircognizance power enhancer in Gajanan
Vinayak Reiki®.
 Shwastha – a symbol of divine consciousness used in Gajanan Vinayak Reiki®.
 Jai Jin – a symbol of self-expression that unleashes creativity even for introverts;
used in Wagle Reiki system introduced by Rajeev Wagle.
 Hang Seng Dor – removes obstacles and financial difficulties; used in Wagle Reiki
system introduced by Rajeev Wagle.
 Furu Pyo Sho – excellent for people who have a very short concentration span,
improves meditation; used in Wagle Reiki system introduced by Rajeev Wagle.

In conclusion, Reiki symbols play an essential role in Reiki practice, and their use can
significantly enhance the healing process. Whether you are practicing traditional Usui Reiki
or one of the many non-traditional Reiki systems, there is a wide variety of symbols available
to you. By learning about and incorporating these symbols into your practice, you can deepen
your connection to the Reiki energy and unlock new ways to promote healing and well-being.
With so many symbols to choose from, the possibilities for incorporating them into your
practice are endless!
If you’re using any of the symbols shared within this article or even some others learned or
created by yourself in unique healing ways, we’d love you to share with our community and
together expand our practice and Reiki symbol toolbox!

Disclaimer: This article provides valuable insights into Reiki symbols; however, it is
essential to understand that these symbols are sacred and should only be used by individuals
who have received proper initiation and training. Misuse or unauthorized usage of Reiki
symbols can diminish their effectiveness, compromise their integrity, and disrespect their
cultural significance. This article is for educational purposes only and should not be
considered a substitute for personalized guidance from a qualified Reiki master. Please
approach Reiki symbols with reverence, cultural sensitivity, and seek appropriate initiation to
ensure responsible and authentic usage in your healing practice.

Reiki blessings!

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