PIP STE03350 (2008) - Vertical Vessel Foundation

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TECHNICAL CORRECTION December 2008 P Process Industry Practices Structural PIP STE03350 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide PURPOSE AND USE OF PROC! INDUSTRY PRACTICES In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilites, this Practice has ‘been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not, ‘be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements, To the extent these Practices ot guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice, This Practice is subject to revision at any time. © Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP. PRINTING HISTORY Siptomber 2006 Iesed September 2007 Technical Correction December 2008 Technical Correction Not printed wth State funds P Process Industry Practices Structural TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Table of Contents 1. Introduction, 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope. nue 2. References .. 2.1 Process Industry Practices 2.2. Industry Guides and Standards. RNR 3. Definitions 4, Design Procedure 4.1. Design Considerations 4.2 Vertical Loads. 43. Horizontal Loads 4.4 Load Combinations 45. Pedestal 48. Anchor Bolts 4.7 Footing Design wonrnoow APPENDIX: Figures, Tables, and Example... eeeneeee 12. Figure A - Potential Concrete Failure Areas (As) for Various Configurations ......13, Figure 8 - Foundation Pressures for ‘Octagon Bases 16 Table 1 - Octagon Properties 16 Process Industry Practices Table 2 - Foundation Pressures for Octagon Bases. 24 Example - Vertical Vessel Foundation Design 22 Page 1 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 1. Introduction 11 Purpose ‘This Practice provides guidelines and recommended procedures for engineers analyzing and designing vertical vessel foundations. 12 Scope This Practice addresses isolated foundations supported directly on soil. Pile- supported footings are not included in this Practice. 2.___References Applicable requirements of the latest edition of the following guides, standards, and regulations in effect on the date of contract award should be considered an integral part of this Practice, except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate. 21 Process Industry Practices (PIP) PIP STCOLO1S - Structural Design Criteria — PIP STE0S121 - Anchor Bolt Design Guide PIP STE03360 - Heat Exchanger and Horizontal Vessel Foundation Design Guide — PIP STFOS12I - Fabrication and Installation of Anchor Bolts 2.2 Industry Guides and Standards + American Concrete Institute (ACI) — ACI 318/318R-05 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary + American Society of Civil Engineers (AS — ASCE/SEI 7-05 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures + ASTM Intemational (ASTM) — ASTM F1554 - Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength 3.___Definitions For the purposes of this Practice, the following definitions apply: engineer: The engineer who performs the structural design stability ratio: The ratio of the resisting moment to overturning moment about the edge of rotation Page 2 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide owner: The party who has authority through ownership, lease, or other legal agreement over the site, facility, structure or project wherein the foundation will be constructed 4. Design Procedure 4.1 Design Con: 4.1.1 The engineer should review and verify project design as based on applicable codes, corrosion allowances for anchor bolts, anchor bolt types, and any special requirements dictated by the owner. 4.1.2 For very tall or heavy vessels, sufficient capacity cranes may not be available for erection. The engincer should determine whether additional loading may be imposed on the foundation during erection. 42 Vertical Loads 4.2.1 Dead Loads The following nominal loads should be considered as dead loads when applying load factors used in strength design, a. Structure dead load (D,) - Weight of the foundation and weight of the soil above the foundation that are resisting uplift. Pedestal dead load (D,,) is a part of D, representing the weight of the pedestal used in the calculation of tension in pedestal dowels, bb, Erection dead load (D3) - Fabricated weight of the vessel generally taken from the certified vessel drawing c. Empty dead load (D,) - Empty weight of the vessel, including all attachments, trays, internals, insulation, fireproofing, agitators, piping, ladders, platforms, etc. d. Operating dead load (D,) - Empty dead load of the vessel plus the maximum weight of contents (including packing/catalyst) uring normal operation e. Test dead load (D,) - Empty dead load of the vessel plus the ‘weight of test medium contained in the system. The test ‘medium should be as specified in the contract documents or as specified by the owner. Unless otherwise specified, a minimum, specific gravity of 1.0 should be used for the test medium, Cleaning load should be used for test dead load if cleaning fluid is heavier than test medium. Whether to test or clean in the field should be determined. Designing for test dead load is generally desirable because unforeseen circumstances may occur. Eccentric vessel loads caused by large pipes or reboilers should be considered for the applicable load cases. Process Industry Practices Page 3 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 4.2.2 Live Loads (L) Live loads should be calculated in accordance with PIP STC0101S. 4.2.22 Load combinations that include live load as listed in Tables 3 and 4 of PIP STCO1015 will typically not control any part of the foundation design. 4.3 Horizontal Loads 4.3.1 Wind Loads (W) 43.1.1 Wind loads should be calculated in accordance with PIP STCO1015. The engineer is responsible for determining wind loads used for the foundation design, Comment; Loads from vendor or other engineering disciplines without verification should not be accepted. 43.1.3. When calculating or checking wind loads, due consideration should be given to factors that may significantly affect total wind loads, such as the application of dynamic gust factors or the presence of spoilers, platforms, ladders, piping, ete., on the vessel 4.3.2 Earthquake Loads (E) Earthquake loads should be calculated in accordance with, PIP STCO1O15, The engineer is responsible for determining earthquake loads used for the foundation design. Comment: Loads from vendor or other engineering disciplines should not be accepted without verification, 4.3.23. For skirt-supported vertical vessels classified as Occupancy Category IV in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05, Section 1.5.1 and Table 1-1, the ctitical earthquake provisions and implied load combination of ASCEISEI 7-05, Section, should be followed. 4.3.3. Other Loading Thrust forces caused by thermal expansion of piping should be included in the calculations for operating load combinations, if deemed advisable. The pipe stress engineer should be consulted for any thermal loads that are to be considered Consideration should be given to process upset conditions that could ‘occur and could increase loading on the foundation, 4.4 Load Combinations ‘The vertical vessel foundation should be designed using load combinations in accordance with PIP STCO1015. Page 4 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide 45 Pedestal 4.5.1 Concrete pedestal dimensions should be sized on the basis of standard available forms for the project. When form information is not available, octagon pedestal dimensions should be sized with pedestal faces in 2-inch increments to allow use of standard manufactured forms. The following criteria should be used to determine the size and shape for the pedestal Face-to-face pedestal size should be no less than the largest of the following: BC +9 inches (Bquation 1a) BC + 8 (BD) (for Grade 36 anchor bolts) (Equation 1b) BC +12 (BD) (for high-strength anchor bolts) (Equation 1c) BC + SD +9 inches - (BD) (Equation 1d) BC + SD +7 (BD) (for Grade 36 anchor bolts) (Equation le) BC + SD +11 (BD) (for high-strength anchor bolts) (Equation 11) where: BC = bolt cirele, inches BD = bolt diameter, inches SD = sleeve diameter, inches Pedestals 6 ft and larger should be octagonal. Dimensions for ‘octagon pedestals are provided in Table 1. Octagons highlighted in ‘gray in Table 1 have faces in 2-inch increments. Pedestals smaller than 6 fi should be square, or round if forms are available. 4.5.2. Anchorage - It is normally desirable to make the pedestal deep enough to contain the anchor bolts and to keep them out of the footing. Consideration should be given to anchor bolt development and foundation depth requirements. Pedestal size may need to be increased to provide adequate Ax for anchor bolts when additional reinforcement for anchor bolts is not used. 4.5.3. Pedestal reinforcement - The pedestal should be tied to the footing with sufficient dowels around the pedestal perimeter to prevent separation of the pedestal and footing, Development of reinforcing steel should be checked. 4.54 Dowels - Dowels should be sized by computing the maximum tension existing at the pedestal perimeter attributable to overturning moments. Conservatively, the following formulas may be used. More exact tension loads may be obtained by using ACI 3/8 strength design methodology. Tension, F, = 4(MUps)/[(N«)(DC)] - 0.9[(D, or D,)+DgJNe Process Industry Practices Page 5 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 46 Page 6 of 31 (Equation 2) (D.orD,) = nominal empty or operating vessel weight. Use empty weight for wind loads, Use empty or operating for earthquake loads depending on which condition is used to calculate Mus, Ag required = tension/design stress = F ($f) (Equation 3) where: F, = maximum ultimate tension in reinforcing bar Mupes = maximum factored overturning moment at base of pedestal, calculated by using load factors in load combinations for uplift ceases in Table 4 ("Loading Combinations and Load Factors - Strength Design”) of PIP STCOIO15 Ny number of dowels (assumed); should be a multiple of 8 DC = dowel circle diameter (assume pedestal size minus 6 inches) D.+D, = nominal empty weight of vessel and pedestal weight D,+D, = nominal operating weight of vessel and pedestal weight 6 strength reduction factor = 0.90 f yield strength of reinforcing steel Minimum pedestal reinforcement should be as follows: Octagons 6 ft - 0 inch to 8 ft - 6 inches: 16, #4 verticals with #8 ties at 15-inch maximum Octagons larger than 8 ft- 6 inches to 12 ft- 0 inch: 24, #5 verticals with #4 ties at 15-inch maximum Octagons larger than 12 ft - 0 inch: #5 verticals at 18-inch maximum spacing with #4 ties at 15-inch maximum 4.5.6 Top reinforcement - A mat of reinforcing steel atthe top of the pedestal should be provided, Minimum steel should be #4 bars at 12-inch maximum spacing across the flats in two directions only. 45.7 Ties ‘See minimum pedestal reinforcement, Section 4.5.5, this Practice, Anchor Bolts See PIP STE05121 for anchor bolt design procedures. The nomenclature in the following sections is from P/P STE0S 121. 4.6.1 Conservatively, the maximum tension on an anchor bolt may be determined using the following formula, More exact tension loads may be obtained by using ACI 3/8 strength design methodology. Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Ny = 4My[(NiMBC)] - 0.9(D, or D,/Ny (Equation 4) where: N,= factored maximum tensile load on an anchor bolt M,= factored moment at the base of the vessel, calculated using load factors in load combinations for uplift cases in Table 4 (“Loading ‘Combinations and Load Factors - Strength Design”) of PIP STCOLOIS Np = number of anchor bolts BC = bolt circle diameter (D.orD,) = nominal empty or operating vessel weight. Use empty weight for wind loads. Use empty or operating for earthquake loads, depending on which condition is used to calculate Ma. 4.6.2. For most cases, there is no shear on the anchor bolts because the load is resisted by friction caused primarily by the overturning moment. If friction cannot resist the load, the bolts should be designed to resist the entire shear load, or other methods may be used to resist the shear load. The friction resistance can be calculated using the following formulas P.=MJLA +0.9(D, or D,y2 (Equation 5) Ver Pa (Equation 6) where: P= factored compression force at top of pedestal LA = lever arm between centroid of tension loads on bolts and the centroid of the compression load on the pedestal. This is a complicated distance to determine exactly. A conservative approximation is to use 2/3 of the bolt circle diameter as the lever arm. coefficient of friction, For the normal case of grout at the surface of the pedestal, = 0.55. \Ve= frictional resisting force (factored) To have no shear load on the bolts: V. < 6V (Equation 7) where: Vu = factored shear load at base of vessel, calculated using load factors in load combinations for uplift cases in Table 4 (“Loading ‘Combinations and Load Factors - Strength Design) of PIP STCO1015 45 strength reduction factor = 0.75 4.6.3 Exact formulas for Aw (the projected concrete failure area for an anchor or group of anchors for calculation of concrete strength in tension) in an octagon foundation are fairly complex. To determine this arca, it may be easier to perform graphical calculations or to use CAD programs. Use of an equivalent circle, which is a circle with the same area as the octagon, may Process Industry Practices Page 7 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 464 help to approximate Ay. The diameter of an equivalent circle is 1.027 D, where D is the distance across the flats of the octagon. Figure A shows potential Ays for various configurations. Note that alternate configurations exist for the same general pattern, The engineer may also take advantage of ‘group action and use the average load on a group of bolts over a larger Ay. ‘The engineer may use the configuration that provides the largest Ax. The Ny and the Ay determined according to this seetion should be used along with PIP STE05121 to design the anchor bolts. For design work, PIP ‘Member Companies may use the PIP Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet, available in the Implementation Resource Center on the Member Area of the PIP web site, under the tab “TOOLS.” 4.7 Footing Design 4zA Page 8 of 31 Sizing Footings for vertical vessels may be octagonal or square and sized based on standard available form sizes. When form information is not available, footing dimensions should be sized with footing faces in 2-inch increments to allow use of standard manufactured forms. (Octagons highlighted in gray in Table 1 are those having faces in 2-inch increments.) If extended to the recommended depth specified in the geotechnical report, the pedestal may be adequate without a footing. Footings smaller than 7 ft- 0 inch in diameter should be square. Where a footing is required, the footing thickness should be a minimum of 12 inches. The footing thickness should be adequate to develop pedestal reinforcement and to satisfy the shear requirements of ACI 3/8. ‘The footing thickness should also be checked for top tension without top reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318. Ifthe thickness is not adequate, either a thicker footing or top reinforcing steel is required (see Section 4.7.5). Note that increasing the footing thickness is typically more cost effective for construction than adding a top mat of reinforcing steel except where seismic effects create tensile stresses requiring top reinforcement. For the first trial, the diameter of an octagonal footing may be approximated by the following formula: Diameter = (2.6)(Mpy/SB)'" (Equation 8) where: Mn, = nominal overturning moment at base of footing, kip SB =allowable gross soil bearing, ksf Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide 4.7.2. Soil Bearing - Octagon, Soil-bearing pressure should be checked for maximum allowable pressure on the diagonal Soil-bearing pressure used for footing design should be computed on the flat Where the total octagonal footing area is in compression (e/D 0.122 on the diagonal and e/D > 0.132 on the flat, the soil- bearing pressure should be computed using Figure B and the following formula: f=LP/A (Equation 11) where the value of L is obtained from Figure B. The e/D ratios for octagon footings may go above the limits of the chart in Figure B because of the load factors in strength design. L and K values for these conditions are tabulated in Table 2 for lateral loads perpendicular to a face. These values shall be used for calculating moments and shears in the footing, They should not be used to check soil-bearing pressures. 4.7.3. Soil Bearing - Square Where the total footing is in compression (e/b < or = 0.167), the soil- bearing pressure should be computed using the following formula: PIA (1 + 60/b) (Equation 12) where: b= dimension of footing in the direction of the overturning moment, ft ‘A= bearing area of square footing, ft Process Industry Practices Page 9 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Where the total footing is not in compression (¢/b > 0.167), the soil- bearing pressure should be computed using the following formula: f= PIA [4bi(3b-6e)] (Equation 13) f= 0 at 3(b/2-c) from edge of footing (Equation 14) Maximum soil-bearing pressure (on diagonal) should be calculated using the design aid for soil pressure for biaxial loaded footings as shown in PIP STE03360. 4.7.4. Stability/Sliding The minimum overturning “stability ratio” and the minimum factor of safety against sliding for service loads other than earthquake should be 1.5 in accordance with PIP STCO1O1S. The minimum overturning “stability ratio” and the minimum factor of safety against sliding for earthquake service loads shall be 1.0 in accordance with PIP STCOI015. In addition, the minimum, overtuming “stability ratio” for the anchorage and foundations of skirt-supported vertical vessels classified as Occupancy Category IV in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05, Section 1.5.1 and Table 1-1, shall be 1.2 for the critical earthquake loads specified in ASCE/SEI 7-05, Section The stability ratio should be computed using the following formule S.R.= bide (Equation 15) where: b= dimension of footing in the direction of the overturning moment, ft € = overturning moment at the base of the footing divided by the total vertical load, ft. The moment and loads should be factored in accordance with load combinations for uplift cases in PIP STCO1O1S, Table 3 - Loading Combinations - Allowable Stress Design (Service Loads). 47.5 Reinforcement 4.7.5. Standard Factored Strength Design Reinforced concrete design using factored strength design loads should be in accordance with ACI 3/8. The ctitical section for ‘moment and shear should be taken with respect to the face of a square with an area equivalent to that of the pedestal Moment should be checked at the face of the equivalent square. Shear, as a measure of diagonal tension, should be checked at the critical section specified in AC/ 318-05, Section (ata distance d from the face of the equivalent square). The moment and shear should be calculated for a 1-ft-wide strip as a simple cantilever from the edge of the equivalent square. Punching shear may need to be checked in some situations in accordance with ACI 3/8. The Page 10 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide resulting reinforcing steel should be placed continuously across the entire footing in a grid patter, the minimum bottom reinforcement being #5 bars at 12 inches on-center, each way. 4.75.2 Top Re Except where seismic effects create tensile stresses, top reinforcement in the footing is not necessary if the factored tensile stress at the upper face of the footing does not exceed the flexural strength of structural plain conerete, as follows F.=59(F)'? (Equation 16) where: forcement f= flexural strength of structural plain concrete, psi r ¢ = strength reduction factor for structural plain concrete = 0.55 compressive strength of concrete, psi ‘The effective thickness of the footing for tensile stress calculations should be 2 inches less than the actual thickness lor footings east against soil (AC/ 318-05, Section R22.7.4). For footings cast against | ‘a seal slab, the actual thickness of the footing may be used for the cffective thickness. Ifthe factored tensile stress exceeds the flexural strength of structural plain concrete, top reinforcement should be used iffan increase in the footing thickness is not feasible. See the following formulas for footing thicknesses that do not require top reinforcing steel: For footings cast against soil: tog = Gyr + 2 inches (Equation 17a) For footings cast against a scal slab: bagi ber (Equation 176) with tercalculated as follows: ter = (6MyIP)!? (Equation 18) where: teed = Fequired footing thickness with no top reinforcing steel, inches ew effective footing thickness, inches M, = factored moment caused by the weight of soil and concrete acting on a 1-inch strip in the footing at the face of the equivalent square pedestal, inch-pounds per inch, calculated using a load factor of 14 £, = flexural strength of structural plain concrete, psi (from Equation 18) Process Industry Practices Page 11 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 APPENDIX: ures, Tables, and Example Page 12 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Figure A - Potential Concrete Failure Areas (Ay) for Various Configurations Projected Concrete Failure Areas (Ay) - Overlap: Alternative: (Figure A continues on next page.) Process Industry Practices Page 13 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Figure A (Continued) - Potential Concrete Failure Areas (Ay) for Various Configurations Projected Concrete Failure Areas (Ay) - Do Not Overlap: Equivalent Grcl A Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Page 14 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Figure B - Foundation Pressures for Octagon Bases sam 30 0.828 D? Pe AR T (Table 1 continues on following pages.) Page 16 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide (Table 4, continued) D D c B A zZ, E ft— inch ft ft—inch_| ft inch ft ft ft 60-12 6.036 26 49-114 30.18 22.24 653 62-718 6.237 27 7-9-1516 32.23 24.54 6.75 CEs 6.438 28 34.34 28.99 697 6- 7-518 6.639 2-9) 36.51 29.60 7.19) 610-118 6.840 210 38.76 32.37 7.40 70-412 7.042 24 41.08 35.32 7.62. 7278 7.243 x0) 43.46 38.43 7.84 7-5-318 7.44 34 45.91 41.72 8.06 77-36 TAS a2. 48.42 45.19 27 710-118, 7.846 33 51.00 48.85, 349 2058 3087 a4 2aSM6 33.64 52.70 ari 63 3.249 35 2-5 56.37 56.77 3.93 = 538 3450 a6 DSA 59.15 1.02 a5 87-718 3.651 37. 2.6.76 62.00 25.48 2.36 10-14 aas2 ae 2-18 4.91 70.15 258 80-518 9.053 3-9) 2.713116 67.90 75.04 ‘2.80 a3 3250 310 2812 70.88 30.05 7007 85:12 9.456 311 29-116 74.07 5.52 10.24 oo 7-718 3657 £0 2ose 7.26 31.09) 7045 9-10-38, 9.858 41 2-10-1116 8051 96.89 10.67 70-034 70.059) 2 Zia 33.82 70294 70.89 10-3-118 10.260 43 3-0-1116 87.21 109.24 11.10 105-112 10.462 a4 30-318 90.67 115.82 1132 10-8 10,663 45 3112 94.19 122.62 11.54 10- 10-378) 10.864 46 32.316 7.78 129.69 11.76 110-316 11.065; 47 32-718 101.43 137.02 11.97 13-14 11.266 48 33-518 105.15 144,62 12.19 11 5-518, 11.468: 49 3-4-15/16 108.95: 152.54 1241 11-8 11.666: 410 =5 112,80 160.71 12.62 1 10-378 11.870 414 3-5-1116 116.72 169.15 12.85 120-718 12.071 50) 56 720.71 177.89 13.06 12-3116 12.272 5-1 3-718 124.76 186.93 43.28 12-5518 12.474 EQ 3-716 128.50 196.31 13.49 12- 8-118 12.675 53 38-916 133.09 205.96 13:72 12-10-72, 12.876 =a 39-114 137.35: 215.91 13.93 13- 0-718, 13.077 55. 3-9-15/16 141.67 226.18 14.16 13-3918 13.278 56 S10-416 148.06 236.77 1437 13- 5-3/4 13.479 57. 311-318 150.51 247.69 14.58 136-118 13.681 ay £06 755.06 258.99 14.80 13- 10-578 13.882 5-9) 4-0-1316 159.65 270.58 15.03 Tet 74.083 =10 ESE 764.30 282.50 15.24 14. 3-318 14.284 511 4. 2.3/16 169.03 294.77 15.46 T8718 74485 =0 a 2A5H6 773.62 307.38 75.58 14 8-118 14.686 61 43-578 178.67 320.36 15.90 14-10-5168 14.888 62 44516 783.62 wa77, T6417 Process Industry Practices Page 17 of 31 Pip sTE03350 TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 D D a A Z, E f= inch ft finch ra rr ft 151-18 75.088 +546 788.59, 34740 76.95 15-3172 15.290 £50 193.67 36154 18.5 15-5718 15.404 +676 195.80, 315.99 16.77 15: 8-114 15.692 £718 205.99, 300.81 716.98 15-10-06 | 15.893, 47-118 209.25, 406,02 17.20 161-118 76.095; 8.918 214.60 421,70 7.42 16-3518 16.296 #95116 220.00 497,70 17.64 16-6 16.497 #10 225.46 456.10 77.85 76-6978 16.698, #104916 | 290.98 470.90 18.07 76-10-04 | 16.899 211308 236.58 488.11 a2 a4 7.104 50-178 242.27 505.82 18.51 173-518 T7302 0-16 | 248.00 525.87 7a72 17-6 17.503 51-12 253.79 542.34 78.95 7-81 7.704 5214 259.66 551.28 79.16 1710-718 _| 17.905 ©2156 | 265.58 580.57 19.38, 1814 78.107 53.578 26 600.4 79.60 18-3314 18.308 5498 2781 620.66, 19.82 186-178 78.509 5-546 zeae 641.39 20.08 18-8112 18.710 55-04 720.00, 662.45, 20.25 76-10-716_| 18.911 5-676 296.27 | 688.08 207 191-918 19.113 57-6 302.55, 706.19 20.69 1903-314 79.313) 7-718 309,00 | 728.59 20.90 19- 6.1/8 19.515 5-8.9/16 315.49 751.69 21.12 719° 8-5/8 19.716 5-9-5716 322.08 775.16 21.34 19-11 19.917 5-10 328.63 799.17 21.56 20-1318 20.118) S104 | 995.30 523.58 21.78 20-3718, 20.320 511716 | 342.06 848.50 21.99 20-6418 20.524 E08 348.86 874.08 2221 20-6314 20.722 60-718 355.72 399.97 22.43 20-11-118| 20.928 6-1-9716 362.66; 326.44 22.85 EET 21.426 62-14 369.66 953.37 22.86 ET 21.325 621516 | __376.73 980.84 23.05 21-6418 21.507 6 3-5/8 383.90 1008.98 23.30 2 63i6 21.726) 45/8 391.10 1037.50 23.52 Br _| 21.929 65-1116 398.37 4067.57 23.74 221508 22.130 6519716 | 405.70 1096.22 23.95 2-4 22.334 66-112 413.47 1126.31 24.17 22-6376 22.535 Tate | 420.82 187.15 24.39 22-6118 22.794 7-116 | 428.16 168,39 24.61 22-11-14 | 22.935 5858 435.76 1220.19 24.83 21-518 73.196 ee5t6 | a4sae 1252.56 25.04 Zea 23.397 10 451.17 7285.49 25.26 De 642 23.539 10-4 | 459.02 1319.16 25.48 28718 | 23739 1676 | 466.05 7353.07 25:72 Za 11-918 | 23.941 To-w16 | 474,89 1367.90 25.1 2a fad | PATA 0-78 482.04 1423.15 26.14 24 118 24.343, 71-96 | 490.81 1459.00 26.35 Page 18 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide D D c B A Zz E ft inch ft ft—inch_| ft— inch ft ft ft 24- 6-112 28.545 10-2 Tale 499.09 1495.62, 28.56 24-9) 24.746 10-3 r3 507.30 1532.67 26.78 11-38 24.947 10-4 TSA S157 1570.32 27.00) 25- 1-316 25.148 10-5 74-318 523.92 1608.58 27.22 25.349 706 758 532.52 1647 46 274d 25.550 10-7 7-6-13/16 540.80 7686.90 27.66 25.752 10-8 TOA 549.38 1727.29) 27.87 25.953 10-8 T-T-Ale ‘557.99 1768.05 28.09 26.154 70-10 7756 366.67 7809.45) 28.31 26. 4-3/8 26.355 10-17 7811/16 575.41 1851.49 28.53, 26.6518 26.556 10 T9Sn6 384.22 704.18) 28.74 26. 9-118, 26.757 et 7-10-3/16 593.10 1937.51 28.96 26-11-112 26.958 12 T1034 02.08 798175 29.18 27- 1-718 27.160 11-3 7-14-7116 611.10 2026.38 29.40 27 a3i8 27.367 14 S03n6 220.18 2071.71 29.62 27-6316 27.562 11-5 8-0-718 629.33 2117.70 29.83, 278118 27.763 16 e106 338.54 216437 30.05 27-11-5168 27.985 11-7 82-516 647.86 2217.96 30.27 28-2. 28.165 he e3 057.21 2260.00 30.49) 28. 4-112, 28.376 11-8 83-318 667.05 2310.93 30.71 2e63i8 28.568 Tito e438 675.86 2356.91 30.92 28- 9-114 28.769 ett 8-3-118 685.65 2408.29 31.14 28-1516) 28.970 1220 8-5-1916 695.31 2859.36 31.36 29- 2-118 29.171 121 8-6-9116 704.95 2510.65, 31.57 29-4112 29.378 122 87-116 T1474 2563.18 31.79 29- 6-718, 29.574 12-3 8 7-15/16 72456 2816.15, 32.01 29° 9-114 29.775 124 58-58 734.44 266985 32.23 29- 11-314 29.977 12-6 8-9-318 744.44 2724.56, 32.45 302-118 30.178 12-6 8-10-1116 754.46 2779.73 32.66 30- 4-112, 30.379 12-7 8: 10-314 754 54 2835.65, 32.88 30-7, 30.580 12-6 S12 774.69 2892.30 33.10 30- 9-3/8 30.781 12-9 784.91 2949.72 33.32 30-11-34 30.982 12-10 50-718 795.19 3007.88 33.53 31 2-116 31.164 12-11 91-518 805,60 3067.10 33.75 314518 31.385 13-0 S256 816.01 3126.79 33.99 ‘HT 31.586 181 3 226.45 3186.95, 34.19 3 Oe 31.787 13-2 33:38 837.05 3248.45 3441 3111-718 31.988 13-3 84-7116 ‘847.67 3310.50 34.62 3224 32.168 134 S518 858.35 3373.30 34.84 32-4316 32,397 13-5 96-718 869.17 3497.21 35.06 3207-118 32.592 186 36.86 379.98 3507.59 35.28) 32- 9-112, 32,793 13-7 97-114 290.87 3566.75 35.49 30) 32.994 188 a8 (901.82 3632.78 3571 33. 2.3/8 33.195 13-8 9-6-1116 912.85 3699.56 35.93, 3204/4 33.397 7310 2938 923.98 S767.51 36.15 33. 7-118 33.597 1311 9-10-1116 935.09 3835.61 36.37 358518 33.798 10 10-1316) 046.57 390521 36.58 Process Industry Practices Page 19 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Verical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 D D a A, Z, E f= inch ft = inch ie ‘ ft 0 34.008 st1-2 | 968.17 sare 3.6 34-2472 [84201 10-0-14 [969.02 4046.21 37.02 34 4716 | 34.400 44-3 | 0-0-15/16 | 980.50 4118.33, 37.28 34-74 | 34.605 14 10-4-518 [991.97 4190.81 37.45 34-9. | 34.605 16-5) 40-2-018 | 1003.55 | 4264.38, 37.67 35-0418 | 36.006 166) 70-5716 [1016.18 | 4330.74 37.89 35-2. | 95.207 16-7 40-3-014 | 1026.86 | 4419.88, 28.11 355 35.409, 168 40-412 | 103865] 4490.14 38.39 35.73 | 35.610 16-9 70-5116 | 1050.51 | 4567.18 38.54 35-83 [358m 74-10 10-5718 | 1080.38 | 4644.86, 3876 36-0-4 | 36.012 1611 40-6-518 | 1074.38 | 4723.61 38.98 36-25 | 36210 15-0 0-7-5116] 1086.40] 480.23 38.20 35-5 36.414 15-41 70-6 098.48 | 488.57 38.41 3. Tae] 38.616 152 70-604 | 1110.68] 4906.15, 33.53 36.9-78, 36.817 15-3 0-0-76 | 1122.93 | 5047.51 38.05 37-04 | 37.018 164 10-10-18] 119521 | st90.58 4007 37-2014 | 37219 15-5 70-10-78 | 1147.58 | 5214.67 40.28 arse | 37.420 15-6] 0-44-9n6| 116003 | s290.74 40.50 a7-T-1f2 | 37.621 15-7 410-4 | 1972.51 5995.47 2072 are | 37.822 15-6 | tr 0-166] 1108.12] sara.5e 40.98 36-0-318 | 96,028 15-9 | 1-1-1116 | 1197.76 | 9660.40 41.16 38-294 | 38225 75-10 1-208 [121045 | 5649.03, 41.37 36-5-118 | 38426 1-11 | 113.16 | 122822 | 9738.69 41.59 38-758 | 38627 16:0 | 4-3-4916 [173608 | s820.34 a8 38-10 38.829 16-1 114-12 | 1249.01 5921.08 4203 39-088 | 39.030 162 Tisai | 26197 | 601946 42.25 39-2718 | 39.291 16-3 | 11-5-45/16 | 127501 6106.90 42.46 aaa | 99.492 164 77-6-518 | 1288.11] 6201.28 42.68 39-7-518 | 99633, 16-5 | i1-7-15/16 | 1901.27 | 6296.56 42.90 39-10-118| 99.835 16-6 Tree | 131454 [6399.09 43.12 Page 20 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Table 2 - Foundation Pressures for Octagon Bases (Large Eccentricities - Load Perpendicular to Face) ed. K L iD K L iD. K L 0.300 | 0.4935 | 4.503 | 0.370 | 06676 | 7.844 | 0.440 | 0.369 | 19.432 0.305 | 0.5065 | 4.656 | 0375 | 06794 | 8.233 | 0.445 | 0.8496 | 21.421 0.310 | 0.5195 | 4.819 | 0.380 | 0.6912 | 8.654 | 0.450 | 0.8625 | 23.812 0.315 | 0.5323 | 4.991 | 0.385 | 07030 | 9.113 | 0.455 | 0.8754 | 26.742 0.320_| 0.5450 | 5.174 | 0.390 | 0.7149 | 9.615 | 0.460 | 0.8885 | 30.411 0.325 | 0.5577 | 5.369 | 0.395 | 07267 | 10.167 | 0.465 | 0.9017 | 35.138 0.330 | 0.5703 | 5.576 | 0.400 | 0.7387 | 10.775 | 0.470 | 0.9151 | 41.452 0.335 | 0.5828 | 5.797 | 0.405 | 07507 | 11.450 | 0.475 | 0.9287 | 50.304 0.340 | 0.5951 | 6.032 | 0410 | 0.7628 | 12.203 | 0.480 | 0.9424 | 63.601 0.345 | 0.6074 | 6.284 | 0.415 | 0.7749 | 13.046 | 0.485 | 0.9564 | 85.785 0.350 | 0.6196 | 6.553 | 0.420 | 0.7872 | 13.998 | 0.490 | 0.9707 | 130.192 0.355 | 0.6317 | 6.842 | 0.425 | 0.7995 | 15.080 | 0.495 | 0.9852 | 263.487 0.360 | 0.6438 | 7.152 | 0.430 | 0.8119 | 16.320 | 0.500 |See Note| See Note 0.365 | 0.6557 | 7.485 | 0.435 | 0.8244 | 17.754 | > 0.500 |See Note|See Note Note: For e/D values greater or equal to 0.500, assume soll bearing as a line load with a length equal to the face dimension of the octagon footing applied at a distance of e from the centerline of the footing Process Industry Practices Page 21 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Example - Vertical Vessel Foundation Design 24- +92 inch ¢ BL. ft- 2 inches L=4ft-5inches = — ona # ft- 0-12 inch dia. bolt circle 21ft-8 3/4 inches: oer 1 T ft-8 12 inches 7 ft-4 inches #4 @ Dinches & each way ‘inch grout [4 inch + #4 ties # & { a's —— spacing 2 Birch i 1ft-6 inches 4 ft -6 inches Page 22 of 31 #6 @9 inches each way ‘SECTION 3 inch] #4 te sets 2 ties per set Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide orn it Gade lvaion - | ad pe «t Ci fe 7h-8 tates | tomivees DESIGN DATA Wind Load From Wind Load Analysis In accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05 (Nominal loads) (V = 115 mph) V=44,75 kip Vessel Data M = 1,902 kip-ft (at top of grout) Empty wt. (D.) = 170.3 kip Anchor Bolts Oper. wt. (Do) = 345.2 kip 24, 1-1/2-inch @ type Test wt. (D) = 624.1 kip ASTM F1554, Grade 36, with a Structural Data 4-inch @ x 15-inch-long sleeve Allowable net soil bearing pressure at and I-ft - 2-inch projection on a a depth of 5 feet for transient load 14-ft - 10-1/2-inch @ bolt circle combinations (i.e. load combinations _(nonpretensioned) that include wind loads) = 3.25 ksf 7 = M10 pef £.= 4,000 psi f, = 60,000 psi Process Industry Practices Page 23 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 WIND/EARTHQUAKE LOAD VERIFICATION Note: Wind/earthquake load calculations are not shown because they are beyond the scope of this Practice. PEDESTAL DESIGN Pedestal Dimensions and Weight BC +9 inches = 178.5 inches +9 inches = 187.5 inches (Equation La, this Practice) BC + 8(BD) = 178.5 inches + 8(1.5 inches) = 190.5 inches (Equation 1b, this Practice) BC + SD +9 inches - BD = 178.5 inches + 4 inches + 9 inches - 1.5 inches = 190.0 inches (Equation 14, this Practice) BC + SD + 7(BD) = 178.5 +4 + 7(L.5 inches) = 193 inches € Controls = 16.083 ft (Equation Le, this Practice) * Use 16-ft - 1-1/8-inch octagon, Note: Pedestal “diameter” had to be increased to 17-ft - 8-1/2-inches to provide a sufficiently large projected concrete failure area to resist the tensile load in the anchor bolts. (See “Projected Concrete Failure Area” under “Anchor Bolt Check,” as, follows.) Alternatively, additional reinforcing steel may be used to transfer anchor bolt forces to concrete, Pedestal Reinforcement Pedestal area = 259.7 ft (Table 1, this Practice) Pedestal weight (Dj) = (259.7 f)(4.5 f1)(0.15 kef) = 175.3 kip Mpes_ = O.T.M. at pedestal base = (1,902 kip-ft) + (4.5 £1)(44.75 kip) = 2,104 kip-ft Mupeg = 1.6Mpea = 1.6(2,104 kip-ft) = 3,366 kip-ft (Load Factors should be in accordance with PIP STC01015, Table 4, Load Comb. 4) Ng= number of dowels = assume 40 DC =(17.71-ft pedestal) - (say 0.5 ft) = 17.21 ft D, + D, = empty weight of vessel + pedestal weight = 170.3 kip + 175.3 kip 345.6 kip Fy = 4(Mupes)/[(Nu(DO)] - 0.9(De + D,)/Ne= 4(3,366 kip-M)/[(40)(17.21 0] - 0.9(345.6 kipy'40 = 11.78 kip (Equation 2, this Practice) Ascg 7 Ful6fy = (11.78 kip)(0.9)(60 ksi) = 0.22 inch’ (Equation 3, this Practice) © Use 40 #5 bars (A, = 0.31 inch’) with #4 ties at 15 inches e/e (minimum reinforcement controls) Page 24 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Anchor Bolt Check Maximum Tension on Anchor Bolt: Nu = 4My/[(Np)(BC)] - 0.9(D.\/No, (Equation 4, this Practice) Nu = 4[(1.6)(1,902 kip-f1)]/[(24)(14.88 f)] - 0.9(170.3 kips)/24 = 27.7 kips (Load factors should be in accordance with PIP STCOI015, Table 4, Load Comb. 4) Maximum Shear on Anchor Bolt: ‘Veat base top of grout = 1.6(44.75 kip) = 71.6 kips Check whether shear load can be taken by friction between base of vessel and top of grout. Py=MyLA + 0.9(D,/2 (Equation 5, this Practice) Conservatively, take LA as 2/3 of BC diameter = (2/3)(14.875 ft) = 9.92 ft P, = 1.6(1902 kip-ft)/(9.92 ft) + 0.9(170.3 kips)/2 = 307 kips + 77 kips = 384 kips Ve= uP, = (0.55)(384 kips) = 211 kips (Equation 6, this Practice) 6V¢= (0.75)(211 kips) = 158 kips > 71.6 kips Equation 7, this Practice) + Therefore, the anchor bolts are not required to resist shear. Projected Concrete Failure Area: Note: Several iterations were required to determine that D = 16 ft - 1-1/8 inches would not provide enough projected concrete failure area to resist the maximum tensile load Nu = 27.7 kips, regardless of what embedment depth, hr, was used. To save space, these trial calculations are not shown here. Reinforcing steel either should be added to transfer the tensile load from the anchor bolts to the pedestal or the pedestal “diameter” should be increased. This second alternative is shown here. ‘Try increasing D to 17 ft - 8-1/2 inches (17.704 fi), hep= 18 inches = 1.50 ft (Table 1, PIP STE05121) 15 hep 2.25 ft Equivalent circle diameter, Dg = (1.027)(17.704 ft) = 18.18 ft Process Industry Practices Page 25 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Determine Ay graphically: EQUIVALENT CIRCLE re ‘v= 1042 square inches CENTER POINT OF EQUIVALENT CIRCLE Using the PIP Anchor Bolt Design Spreadsheet (available to PIP Member Companies only) or ACI 318-05 Appendix D, the following was determine ON, = 33.2 kips > Ny = 27.7 kips OK Bolt length required (L) = projection + h>+ projection at bottom (P1) from Table 1 in PIP STE0S12I. L(min) = (1 ft-2 inches) + (1 ft- 6 inches) + (2 inches) = 2 ft- 10 inches Use standard length bolts in accordance with P/P STF05121. Determine whether ASL or BSL bolts are required. (See PIP STF05121 for definition of ASL and BSL.) For 1-1/2-inch-diameter bolts, ASL = 2 ft - 8 inches, BSL =4 ft- 5 inches Required bolt length is too long for ASL bolts, use BSL bolts. BSL bolt embedment including the following: PI =(4 ft-5 inches) - (1 ft- 2 inches) =3 ft-3 inches < pedestal depth (4 ft-6 inches) Therefore, anchor bolts will not extend into the bottom mat. OK. © Use 24 - 1-1/2-inch-diameter BSL anchor bolts. © Revise “diameter” of pedestal octagon to 17 ft - 8-1/2 inches (face to face). Page 26 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide FOOTING DESIGN Size footing: Because of constructability considerations, a square foundation may be _ | more economical; however an octagon-shaped foundation is shown here to illustrate the procedure for this type of foundation. Select a Trial Octagon Size: | Mag = 0.T-M. at footing base = (1,902 kip-fi) + (6.0 £144.75 kip) = 2,171 kip-ft SB = allowable gross soil bearing = (3.25 ksf) + (5 f1)(0.11 kef) = 3.80 ksf Trial diameter = (2.6)(Mag/SB)'” = (2.6)[(2,171 kip-ft)/(3.80 ksf)]!"" = 21.57 ft (Equation 8, this Practice) ‘Try a 21-ft- 8-3/4-inch octagon. Area = 391.1 ft” (Table 1, this Practice) Check Required Thickness for Pedestal Reinforcing Embedment: For #5 hooked bar, Lan = [(0.02%. AG) VET \(dy) (ACT 318-05, Section 12.5.2) = [(0.02)(1.0)(1.0)(60,000 psiy/ J£000 ps ](0.625 inches) ~ 11.9 inches Agreq'd / Agprov = (0.22 inch”)/(0.31 inch”) = 0.71 ‘Treq'd = (3 inch clear) + (2 layers)(0.75 inch bar) + (0.71)(0.7(11.9 inches) = 10.4 inches ‘Tmin = 12 inches (Section 4.7.1, this Practice) Try footing thickness = 18 inches Footing Weights Net weight of pedestal = (259.7 Ras £1)(0.15 kef) - (3.5 £)(0.11 kef)} = 75.3 kip Weight of footing + soil = (391.1 A )[(1.5 (0.15 kef) + (3.5 1)(0.11 kef)] = 238.6 kip Total (D,) = 75.3 kip + 238.6 kip = 313.9 kip P= D, + D,= 170.3 kip + 313.9 kip = 484.2 kip Py = Dy + D, = 345.2 kip + 313.9 kip = 659.1 kip P= D, + D, = 624.1 kip + 313.9 kip = 938.0 kip Check Soil Bearing and Stability Empty + wind (PIP STCOI015, Table 3, Load Comb. 3): P=P,= 484.2 kip Mog = 2,17 1kip-ft Mag = (2,171 kip-ft)/(484.2 kip) = 4.48 ft Process Industry Practices Page 27 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Stability ratio = b/2e = (21.73 f/[2(4.48 f)] = 2.43 > 1.5 (Equation 15, this Practice) efD = (4.48 RY21.73 R) = 0.206 > 0.122. Laing = 2.85 (Figure B, this Practice) OK. £= LP/A = (2.85)(484.2 kipV(Q9L.1 £1) = 3.53 ksf<3.80ksf OK. Operating + wind (P/P STCO1015, Table 3, Load Comb. 2): P=P,=659.1 kip Mpg= 2,171 kip-ft €= Mag/P = (2,171 kip-fi)/(659.1 kip) = 3.29 ft efD = (3.29 f)(21.73 ft) = 0.152>0.122 +. Ling = 2.25 (Figure B, this Practice) £=LPYA= (2.25)(659.1 kip)(391.1 1) = 3.79 ksf'<3.80 ksf’ ~. O.K. (controlling case) (Equation 11, this Practice) Test + partial wind (PIP STCOIO15, Table 3, Load Comb. 6): P,= 938.0 kip Partial wind velocity = 68 mph. Mag = (68 mph/I15 mph)"(2,171 ft-kip) = 759.1 ft-kip © = Mog/P = (759.1 fi-kip)/(938.0 kip) = 0.81 ft e/D = (0.81 f)/(21.73 ft) = 0.037 < 0.122 £=PIA[1 + (8.19)(e/D)] (Equation 10a, this Practice) = [(938.0 kipy(391.1 IE + (8.19)(0.037)] © Use 21-ft - 8-3/4-inch octagon. Bottom Reinforcement Check operating + wind (in this instance, PIP STCO1015, Table 4, Load Comb. 3, [1.2@, + D,) + 1.6W] controls): | ~ 3.13 ksf< 3.80 ksf OK. Page 28 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION December 2008 Py = 1.2(659.1 kip) = 790.9 kip My= 1.6(2,171 kip-ft) = 3,474 kip-ft = Mg /Pu = (3,474 kip-f1)/(790.9 kip) = 4.39 ft efD = (4.39 f)/(21.73 ft) = 0.202 > 0.152 (flat) K = 0.225 (flat) KD = (0.225)(21.73 f) = 4.89 8 L=2.70 (flat) PIP STE03350 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide (Figure B, this Practice) SB = LP/A = (2.70)(790.9 kip/(391.1 f°) = 5.46 ksf Find equivalent square for pedestal: side” = 259.7 fF side = 16.12-8 ‘SB at face of equivalent square: = 5.46 ksf(16.84 ft - 2.81 f)/(16.84 ft) = 4.55 ksf projection ~ (21.73 ft- 16.12 ft)/2= 2.81 ft Soil + concrete = 1.2(238.6 kip)/(391.1 f°) = 0.73 ksf My = (4.55 ksf- 0.73 ksf)(2.81 ft)'/2 + (5.46 ksf - 4.55 ksf)(2.81 ft)°/3 = 17.48 kip-ft Check empty + wind (in this instance, PIP S7C01015, Table 4, Load Comb. 4, [0.9D. + D.) + 1.6W] controls) S P, = 0.9(484.2 kip) = 435.8 kip M, = 1.6(2,171 kip-ft) = 3,474 kip-ft = My/P, = (3,474 kip-ft)/(435.8 kip) = 7.97 ft e/D = (7.97 f/(21.73 ft) = 0.367 > 0.132 (flat) K = 0,660 (flat) KD = (0.660)(21.73 ft) = 14.34 ft L= 7.63 (flat) (Table 2, this Practice) SB = LPy/A = (7.63)(435.8 kip)/(391.1 fF) = 8.50 ksf Process Industry Practices Page 29 of 31 Pip STE03350 ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide December 2008 Find equivalent square for pedestal: side? = 259.7 7 side = 16.12-f projection = (21.73 ft- 16.12 Ry/2=2.81 SB at face of equivalent square: = (8.50 ksf)(7.39 ft - 2.81 fi)/(7.39 fi) = 5.27 ksf Soil + concrete = 0.9(238.6 kip)/(391.1 2) = 0.55 ksf My = (5.27 ksf - 0.55 ksf)(2.81 £)7/2 + (8.50 ksf- 5.27 ksf)(2.81 f)/3 = 27.14 kip-ft € Controls = 18 inches - 3 inches - 1.125 inches = 13.875 inches = 1.16 ft F = bd’/12,000 = (12 inches)(13.875 inches )*/12,000 = 0.193 Ky= My = (27.14 kip-f)((0.193)= 140.6 a= 4.390 A,= My/(aud) = (27.14 kip-ft)/[(4.390)(13.875 inches)] = 0.45 inch?/ft ‘A, min = (0,0033)(12 inches)(13.875 inches) = 0.55 inch’/ft € Controls 4/3 Ag = (4/3)(0.45 inch?/ft) = 0.60 inch?/ft ‘© Use #6 at 9 inches E.W. (bottom); As = 0.59 inch’/ft. Shear Check Beam Shear — Empty + Wind Case: SB (at distance d from face): = (8.50 ksf)(7.39 ft - 2.81 ft + 1.16 f/(7.39 ft) = 6.60 ksf ‘Vy (at distance d from face): = (6.60 ksf - 0.55 ksf)(2.81ft- 1.16 fi) + (8.50 ksf- 6.60 ksf)(2.81 ft- 1.16 ftV/2 = 9.98 kip/ft + 1.57 kip/ft = 11.55 kip/ft ‘y= (11.55 kip/ft)(1,000 Ibykip)/[(12 inches/f)(13.875 inches)] = 69.4 psi< 2 JF. — 94.9 psi OK. Punching Shear - Test Load Case: PVA = 1,4(938.0 kip)(391.1 f°) =3.36 ks? (PIP STCOIOLS, Table 4, Load Comb. 7) Vj (total at d/2 away from equivalent square) = [3.36 ksf - (1.4/1.2)(0.73 ksf)][391.1 ft? - (16.12 ft + 1.16 ft)"] = (2.51 ksf\(92.5 fi?) = 232 kip by =4(16.12 + 1.16 A) = 69.1 0 va = Vui(db.) = (232 kip)(1,000 Ib/kip) /[(13.875 inches)(69.1 )(12 inches/ft)] =20 psi Page 30 of 31 Process Industry Practices ‘TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP STE03350 December 2008 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide Ve (allowable) = the smaller of ACI 318-05, Equation 11-34 or 11-35 Ve (allowable) = 6 (tsd/by + 2)(f"6)!? (ACI 318-05, Equation 11-34) = 0.75[(40)(1.16 f)/(69.1 ft) + 2}(4,000 psi"? = 127 psi > 20 psi OK. Ve (allowable) = 6 (4)(f".)"? (ACI 318-05, Equation 11-35) = 0.75(4)(4,000 psi)!” = 190 psi > 20 psi OK. Top Reinforcement Check to see if concrete can take weight of concrete plus soil above footing without top reinforcement. Use load factor of 1.4. My = (1.4/1.2)(0.73 ksf)(2.81 £2)°/2 = 3.36 kip-ft = 3,360 inch-Ib/inch £7, = 56(f")"? = 5(0.55)(4,000 psi)!? = 173.9 psi (Equation 16, this Practice) tuega = te + 2 inches =(6Mu/ f",)"? +2 inches = [6(3,360 inch-Ib/inch)/(173.9 psi)]"” + 2 inches = 128 inches < 18 inches (Equations 17a and 18, this Practice) Wind loads (rather than earthquake) govern footing design, Therefore, no top reinforcement is required Process Industry Practices Page 31 of 31

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