Test Unit 3

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Listening Grammar

10UT You will hear îve people

tallking about different ways of playing
Choose the correct words.
Nelie has always heen changing /'s 2lweys
computer games. Complete the opinion chnging TV channels. It really bothers me!

phrases (1-5)for each speaker with I's raining /been raíning all zorning. I wonder
one Word. when it's going to stop.
1Im ut iat yuu always ieed iwu 3 Ray wasn't working / hasn't been working
SCreens when saw him this morming.

2 i reaiiy ií peopie hink aboui the 4 They've been discussing been discussing /à
price of the games ... the problem for some timewhen Fiona came up
3I to think that the simphcity of win a soiuion
those original consoles 5 According to the government, the economy
4 I'm not particularly on him doing improves / is improving at the moment.

5 Ican't why you would want to do

Put the verbs into the corTect continuous
/5 tensesto complete the sentences.

2) UT Track3 Listen again and foreach

speaker,choose from the list (A-H) what

She (chat) on the
phone for at least half an hour.She needs to stop
talking and get on with her homework!
each speaker says. There are three extra (try) to put up a
shelf when he feli off theladder.
letters you do not need.
AICould pley it different people.
3 We (notlook)for a new
computer but it was on offer so we bought it.
B I'd like to get this type of game in the future.
C Idon't understand why people like these games.
(cook)all afternoon? Something smells
D The original computer games were really boring. wOndcrfal!
E The games were far simpler in those days. 5 They (still /sleep)
F Ioly used my deviceto watch flms. when Iarrived. They haint hear the aiarrm
GThis is much better than playing games on a

H I ffnd it hard not to play it sometimes.

Speaker 1:
Spcaker 2.
5 Write the comparative or superlative form
of the ajectives given. Add any other
words you need.
Speaker 3: 1 This new armchair is much
(comfortable) than our old one.
Speaker 4:
2 I can't believe he said that.
Speaker 5:
It's (slly) thing he's
ever said.
3 My dad bought a second-hand carbecause it
wasn't as (expensive)a
new one.

We used to go to that café all the time but we

go there (frequentlv)

5 The hetter you eat
(healthy) you will be.
as the ones your smartphone takes. The only
6 Choose the correct alternatives.
prubletn ls that the AirSelfie can't for y
TheArSeine isa tiny tlying camera which is (4) longest/ longer than three minutes
(1) even as smaller than your hand.When
However, you can rechargeit quicly in its
you' re ready lo use it, you press a button on your special casc. Similar flying camncras are availablc
phone and launchesitself into the air. wont on the m arketbt the AirSelfie is prohahly the

Ay (2) as high /higher than 20 metres but that

(5) most / more convenientdue its
small size
shold be high enough to take some interesting
and the fact that it is easy to use.
photos. IL has a high-denniúon camera,which
means the pictures are just as (3) good/ better


Medical Innovations
There have been some amazing aivancesin healthcare and medicine in recent years. We've asked
students toteil usaboutthe innovations which they think are going to change the future of medicine.
A Aminah
We often use conputersand videos to learn more emergency proceduresand
aboutthe body and practise
and changed the
operations. Recently, we've started using VR-virtual reality- headsets as well
it's completely

an operating room. You can move around the room, check out
experience. It makes you feel fike you're actually in

notes and choose the medical instruments that you're going to use. The bodies that we waork on are
the medical
also really convincing, unlike the plastic dummies that we sometimes work with. The only problem is that it's so
reaistic that you worryabout what will nappen if you do somethingwrong. Once you getover that fear, thougn,you
can keep practising aprocedureuntil you feel completely comfortable with it. Virtual reality is already revolutionising
medicai training and it wiialso change the way Goctors prepare for operations, incraasing the chances of success
for.medical procedures.
B Hector
Although study medicine, I've always so one area of innovation that find really
been interested in fashion I
interesting is wearable technology. Although smart glasses and watches have been around
wearable devices like

for a while now, the most recent innovations are clothes which have microconmputers built into them. Some brands

arecurrently working on a project to create textiles which can communicate with other devices like smartphones
and computers.This means that you can call someone or get directions just by touching a specific part of your
dothing. What'sreally exciting aboutths for me, though, is that patients may soon be wearing speciat clothes in
the operating theatre which monitor body functions like breathing or heart rate.This means that they won't need to
be connecied lo iols of machineslike iney are now, so Lhe operaiing iheaire wii be much easier io work in.
C Chuntao
I'm a radiology student, which means that in the future I'll specialise in using medical equipment like xrays to
diagnose illnesses.Some of this technology is actually quite old noW- ays were discovered in the nineteenth

century- butthey have always depended on radiologists to interpret the information. This can invove carefully
studying lots of medical information in order to make a diagnosis. However,it looks like recent technological
advances may change all that. For example, IBM have been working on a project using supercomputersto figure
out medical problems. Rather than radiologistshaving to analyse all the information, these supercomputerscan do
the job for them,saving an awtul lot of time. You might think that's bad news for someone like but it doesn't me
necessarily mean the end of radiologists. Instead, we'lbe able to spend more time dealing with serious ittnesses
and injuries.
D Martina

An aspect ofhealth that particularly interests me is diet and nutrition. I strongly believe that the key to good health

1s heathy eating and there are some exciting innovations in that area, such as food scanners. They've been around
tor afew years now but they've only just been made avalable to the general public in the last year or two. Food
scanners are basicaly smallsensors which you can use to scan your food for important nutritional information, You
just needto connect the device to your smartphoneto find out how much fat or sugar your food contains, aswell

s the number calories. In my opinion, this could really help promotethe prevention of lnesses. Another thing
of I

eabout them is that they re not limited to telling you about the properties of your food becauseyou can also use
them to find out how he althy VOur plants are or measure how dean the water is.
7 Readthe
aretrue (T)or
text and deide
false (T).
if the sentences 10 Complete the sentenceswith the
form of thewords in the box.

1 Aminah iscusses how she fecls aboutusing

comc onjcomcup wituj figurc out
VIruai reaity
look into |plug in
2 Hector helieves that there are some 1 We didn't knov what to get Shaun for his

hsadvantages to using wearable technologv birthday until Eileen

T/P an idea.
2 Icuuldu't urdestad wtiy the radiu didn't wurk.
3 Chuntuu thinks supervumputers might smcun the
end of her prufession. Then I realised that it wasn't
My new piant very weii.i's
T/E 3 iS

grown three centimetres in the last few days

4 Martina mentions when foodscanners first
4 We've had some problems with the
became puhiciy available.
plumber is it
heating but the
T/F how to download
5 Ican't

J4 these photos. Do you have any ideas?

8 Read the text again.For each question,

choose from the people (A-D).The people
11 Choose the correct words.
may be chosen more than once. time/ top priority you took your
1 I think it's higbh

Which person studies a little more serivusly.

suys tlis iumvatiunis tle result
2 You need a high-powered /top speed
betweentwo companies?(1)
collaboration microscope in order to see some insects clearty.
pauenis wiil De more comíortabie because
ninks 3 He said he was on a top secret / top award
of this innovation? (2) mission to save the world. I didn't believe him of
says this innovatnon was only used coursc!
professionals until recently? (3)
4 I've got a new high priority/high-deffnidon
will be able to spend their time
more usefully monitor for my computer: The picture is fantastic
because of this innovation? (4)
5 Thc govcrnmcntis hoping to buiid a ncw top
thinks this innovation provides a more hclicvablc speed/ high speed rail connection.
experience for students? (5)
believes this innovation may help people lead
hcalthicr lives? (6)

6 12 Choose the correct words (a, b or c) to

compiete the texL.

My brother works in architecture and at the

moment he's (1) out research into passive
Vocabulary houses. According to him. a passive house is one

9 Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the words in the box.
which uses very litle energy apart from natural
sources like the sun to warm it or the wind

for designers is lo reduce

cooi it. AÂ top (2)
not easy to
the amount of energy wasted. This is
appliance discover igenerate
do, so hey (3) models and i's my broher's
manufacture| tool He also spends
job to test them in a laboratory
his ime visiling jassive lhouses
and he recenlly
i Sharpe's have been bicycies for had won a
morc than cighty ycars.
saw one in the Netherlands his
for architecture. His aim is to finish
2 My mun says that the dishwasher is her and then start (5)

favourite household degree next year

own passÍve hottNe projects
3 Isaac Newton's law of gravity is one of the c) plugging
1 a)figuring b) carrying
greatest ever made. c) pnoriry
4 I can't open my smartphonewithout 2 a) speed b) secret
a c) control
special 3 a) Teate b) carry

5 We stull aren' 4 a) top speed b) top award

c) high powered
cnough energyfrum developing )
renewable sources 5 a) doing b) driviIg
13 Look atthe exam task and a student'sanswer. Choose the correct words from the box to complete
the text. There are two extra words which you do not need to use.

These phoios shoW people studying Cunpaie the pivius alud say Low üie peupie iuigit be feelig.

{ |
as far however|less more than whereas
In thefrstphoto the girl is sitting at a computer, (1) the girl in the second photo is in a library.
They both seemnto be studying somethingso they might be preparing for an exam.
There are
(2) more books in the second photographbut the girl seems happy.(3) the girl in
the first photo looks (4) reiaxed than the giri in the second photo.
think she might be feeiing

(5) stressed out because she can't find the information she needs.

14 These photos show people using smartphones. Compare

the photos and say what you think the
peopie might be feeling. Write fve sentences.

Rermetnber to.

compare he photosbut o not desnbe them in

find two or three
similaritiesor differences
between them
• make sureyou answer thequestion with the
3 UNIT 3TEST Standard B2

Use of English 16 Choose the correct word to filleach gap.

15 Write a form of the word in capitals in each Underfioor heating
gap to complete the text. When your house is feeling a littie cold, you

Chemistry sets probably just (1) on the centralheating

Buthave you ever wondered who invented ir?
Ifyou're wundering what tu get u
child for their next birthday. you
Although modern heaters bave been in
(2) since the nineteenth century their
mightbc considcring getting
origns can be traced back to the anient Greeks.
thcm a chemistry sct. Thcy'rc thc
They ffrst (3) up with the idea of heating
perfect gift forthe future
systems which went under the fîoors of their
(1) Most good scts SCIENCE a more
inchudeeverything you need buildings. The Romans then (4)
advanced type of heating called a hypocaust.
make sume exciting
The flvor of the building wuuid be raised on
(2) such asmaking DISCOVER bricks to (3) warm air to low under it.
rystals or testing foud.
After the collapse of the Roman Empire, central
(3) thev arc also FORTUNE heating disappeared formore than a thousand
safe. so there's no danger of
having an acident. In the past.
however, chemistry sets were not 1 a) take b) heat
quite as safc and they often c) turn d) start
induded chemicals which are 2 a) manufacture b) production
now considered extremely c) sale d)gencration
dangerous.Children couid 3 a) came b) decided
certainly be (4) with CREATE c) thought d) igured
them but there was aiways thc 4 a) calculated b) drove
chance that something might go c) looked d) developed
WIOng. Fur exampie,
(5) mixing together SIMPLE 5 a) allow b) prohibit
c) make
sOme of the ingredientscvuld d) able
Tcate substanccswith a scrious
hcalth risk. Thcsc arcnot things /5
you would want your little
brotheror sister playing with.
3 UNIT 3 TEST Standard B2

17 Complete the recommendations (1-5)with one word from the box. Then match them to the
inventions (a-e).

find ideal recommend| suitable would

1 This machine is forpeople who want to grow beautiful plants but never have any successin the
2 I'm happy to this device for any children who are interested in robotics.

3I recommend it forbusy people who want all the informationfrom their smartphone on their
4 This device is for anyone with a computer, although it works best if you have a high-definition

5 People who like tu print off their own photos will this really useful.

a) smartwatch
b) webcam
)mhot tny

d) instantprinter
e) computerised plant pot

18Look at the writing task beiow. Writegadget.

two paragraphs deseribing the best features of the device
and saying why you recommend this

Gadget of the year

We would like to know your reconmendations gadget of the year! Write a review of a gadget
for the
about the device.
or device you'vebought or used this year, Your review should include informatton
its Seatres, and other relevant information. Why is il the best gadget his year?

The best review will win the latest tablet!

Remcmbcr to:

write two paragraphs

describe the best features of the device, giving details and saying why it's useful

say why you recommend thisdevice and who you recommend

it for

check your spelling and grammar

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