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BillFord The executive chairof FordMotor Co. on

leadership, navigating EVpolitics,and what acentury-old
train statÉon says about the future ofDetroit
Michigan Central Station just re and ourselves have to deal with,
opened after more than 30 years sometimes lead us to take decisions
of disuse. Ford led its transforma You come from that short term may not look like the
tion into what's meant to become most wonderful, but long term they
amultiuse "innovation hub." Why a long line always work out. Look, 120 years
did you get involved in the proj
ect? I remember the train station
of executives. later, we're still here, we're growing,
and we've been adding jobs.
as m
as a young boy and. as my life pro
gressed, it just being a wreck-and
What have you
it was often the visual that accompa
learned about Where do you see electric vehicles
in Ford's future, and how are you
nied a national story about the decay
of Detroit. I hated that. I always leadership
from them?
thinking about the competitive
landscape? One thing I've learned
thought, if I'm ever able to think of in my career is, we can know direc
a reason to take the station over and tionally where things are going,
revitalize it, I would love to. One day we can never know timelines. Our
I was driving by and I said, "What if research shows the people who have
we could reimagine Michigan Cen bought EVs, they're heavily inten
tral as the place where people come tional to buy another EV. The charg
together to make the Motor City the
Motor City again, where the future
You only need a couple ing infrastructure certainly I
things to be a really good get better, and the price to ecus
mobility is worked on?" leader. You need to have a tomer has to come down dramati
very strong set of values cally. But I think both of those things
What do you think this will mean and lve those values, and will happen. We've just got choice
for Detroit? Prior to the '67 riots, you have to be authentic.
And admt your mistakos
for everybody. We're the No. 2seller
everything I did was in the city-my and learn from them.
in the U.s. ofEVs. If you want hy
pediatrician, my dentist. Then the brids, that may be a wonderful tran
riots happened and you have many sitional technology to get you ulti
years of not only white flight, but mately to full EV, and if you want an
frankly, white vs. Black, suburb vs. ICE (internal combustion engine]
city. There was no collaboration. The vehicle, we've got those too.
city was shrinking. This last census,
we're growing again, which is awe How have you handled political
some. I think there's been so much discussions about EVs?That we
positive energy in Detroit in the last have something for everybody allows
six or seven years. the temperature to come down in
those conversations and then allows
CEO Jim Farley recently said after a more thoughtful discussion about,
negotiations with the UAW, Ford Where should we go as an industry,
would be rethinking where it what does it take to get there? What
builds some vehicles. What does kind of technology is needed? Do we
that mean for Ford's commitment have the right American supply base
to Detroit? Our commitment to De to deliver that technology?
troit has never wavered, andit won't.
I've always believed that a company What's your outlook for the U.Ss.
that isn't making people's lives bet economy?I think everybody's crys
ter shouldn't exist. And part of that tal balls are necessarily cloudy. Our
is taking care of the communities in demand is still pretty strong right
which you operate. I've got a tremen now, but we're aware that credit
dous relationship with our union card delinquencies are rising. There's
employees. But the business reali some things we're looking very
ties, which both the UAW leadership closely at. -AYESHA JAVED
64 TIME Tune 24, 2024


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