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6/4/24, 1:52 PM MID-TERM-PPNC - Midterm of research method

1. First Vietnamese journal indexed in Scopus?

Journal of Asian Business and Economics Studies (JABES) (UEH)

2. What journal was published first? Journal Asian (UEH)

3. Top 2 peer review: UEH (Asian) và NEU (JED)

4. Three key terms of soft science. (học từng chữ) “Theory - Data - Empirical”

5. Archaeology: social science → học social/natural research

6. Nigeria research: 1967

7. Definition of patchwork plagiarism.

The paraphrase uses the same order and sentence structure of the original piece, simply
replacing the author’s words with synonyms. This is known as patchwork plagiarism.

8. Self-plagiarism.
Auto or self-plagiarising, that is submitting work that you have already submitted (either
in part or fully) for another assessment. However, it is usually acceptable to cite earlier
work you have had published.

9. Phân biệt applied research và basic research (lý thuyết bảng)

Aspect Basic Applied

Primary Audiences Scientific community (other Practitioners, participants, or

researchers) supervisors (non researchers)

Evaluators Research peers Practitioners, supervisors

Autonomy of High Low - Moderate


Research rigor Very high Varies, moderate

Highest priority Verified truth Relevance

Purpose Create new knowledge Resolve a practical problem

Success indicated by Publication and impact on Direct application to address a

knowledge/scientists specific concern/problem

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10. Phân biệt Research question & objective (trong Write a Research proposal)
Research question: aim, goal - câu hỏi lớn nhất về mục đích research.
Research objective: cách thức - các câu hỏi nhỏ, trả lời từng bước để giải quyết vấn đề của

11. Phân loại Research theo single và multiple time (cho VD)
- Cross-sectional research: Any research that examines information on many cases
at one point in time.

- Longitudinal research: Any research that examines information from many units or
cases across more than one point in time: time-series, panel, cohort.

12. VD về research ở Africa → time-series

13. Research: cardiovascular jogger → cohort

14. Research: The same people → panel

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15. Research: công ty nước ngọt → case study

16. Scientific community là audience của applied hay basic research: Basic

17. Nếu search từ cancer hoặc cancerous thì nhập như thế nào?
A. cance* B.cancer* → Cancer*

18. Nếu muốn search thông tin về ground and air transportations nhưng không muốn
search về water transportation thì tìm như thế nào?
→ (Planes OR Trains OR Automobiles) NOT Boats

19. Nếu search word variations thì dùng truncation, wildcard hay gì… => truncation

20. Định nghĩa explanatory, descriptive, exploratory research?

Exploratory research: Research whose primary purpose is to examine a little understood
issue or phenomenon and to develop preliminary ideas about it and move toward refined
research questions.
Descriptive research: to “paint a picture” using words or numbers and to present a
profile, a classification of types, or an outline of steps to answer questions such as who,
when, where, and how.
Explanatory research: Research whose primary purpose is to explain why events occur
and to build, elaborate, extend, or test theory.

21. What is the format of a literature review?

Introduction - Body of review - Conclusion

22. What is the name of FTU Journal?

Journal of International Economics and Management

23. Điểm của journal 3 trường?

(UEH: 1.5, FTU2: 1, NEU: 1.25)

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25. Definition quantitative & qualitative research

▪ Quantitative data ▪ Qualitative data

– Experiments; – Field research (ethnography, participant
– Survey; observation, depth interviewing);
– Non Reactive. – Historical-comparative research.

26. Trường hợp không dùng quotation marks nhưng vẫn không tính là plagiarism
You don’t need an in-text citation or a page number from the source:
- If you use a piece of information that is considered common knowledge.
- If you use a specialized word or phrase that is standard in your field even if the
source uses it.

27. Học kỹ Classification Research và Plagiarism

→ Extra:
- Chapter SS1: Slide 12,13,14; slide 20-32, 35, 37, 39, 40 (tình huống)
- SS2: 6,7,15 (trang)
- SS3: 13,14 (Slide)
28. Definition of Plagiarism: deliberate or indeliberate misrepresentation of someone’s work
as our own

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