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Here are the answers to your questions:
Question 3 - Group 3 Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks and methods
are used to develop and manage an organization's enterprise architecture.
Enterprise architecture is a comprehensive framework that describes an
organization's structure, processes, and information systems. Some of the
common EA frameworks include The Open Group Architecture Framework
(TOGAF) and Zachman Framework. TOGAF is a comprehensive framework that
provides a detailed methodology for developing and managing enterprise
architecture, while Zachman Framework is a matrix-based framework that
provides a structured approach to developing and managing enterprise
architecture. Enterprise Architecture Modeling is the process of creating a
visual representation of an organization's enterprise architecture. EA Goals,
Requirements, Constraints, and Principles are used to guide the development
and management of an organization's enterprise architecture. EA
Stakeholders, Drivers, and Assessment are used to identify the stakeholders
involved in the development and management of an organization's enterprise
architecture, the drivers behind the development of the architecture, and the
assessment criteria used to evaluate the effectiveness of the architecture. EA
maturity models are used to assess an organization's maturity in terms of its
enterprise architecture capabilities 1.
Question 6 - Group 6 ArchiMate is a modeling language that is used to
describe an organization's enterprise architecture. It provides a set of graphical
notations that can be used to create visual representations of an
organization's architecture. The modeling process involves identifying the
components of the architecture, defining the relationships between the
components, and creating a visual representation of the architecture.
Viewpoints and Visualization are used to create different views of an
organization's enterprise architecture that are tailored to the needs of
different stakeholders. Functional analysis of EA is a technique that is used to
identify the functions that an organization's architecture must perform to meet
its business objectives. It involves breaking down the architecture into its
constituent parts and analyzing each part to determine its function and how it
contributes to the overall architecture 1.
Question 1 - Group 1 IT Governance is the process of managing an
organization's IT systems to ensure that they are aligned with the
organization's business objectives. IT Governance plays an important role in
enterprise architecture by providing a framework for managing the
development and implementation of the architecture. Infrastructure
Architecture is the process of designing and implementing the infrastructure
that supports an organization's IT systems. Business System Architecture is the
process of designing and implementing the systems that support an
organization's business processes 1.
Question 4 - Group 4 Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a
graphical notation that is used to represent business processes. Sparx Systems
is a software development company that provides a suite of tools for
modeling and designing software systems. BPMN in Sparx System is a tool
that allows users to create visual representations of business processes using
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BPMN notation. BPMN vs. ArchiMate 2.0: While BPMN is used to model
business processes, ArchiMate is used to model enterprise architecture.
ArchiMate provides a set of graphical notations that can be used to create
visual representations of an organization's architecture 1.
Question 7 - Group 7 EA analysis techniques are used to analyze and evaluate
the current state of an organization's architecture and identify areas for
improvement. Functional analysis of an EA is a technique that is used to
identify the functions that an organization's architecture must perform to meet
its business objectives. It involves breaking down the architecture into its
constituent parts and analyzing each part to determine its function and how it
contributes to the overall architecture 1.
Question 5 - Group 5 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural
style that is used to design and develop software systems. It is based on the
concept of services, which are self-contained, modular components that can
be combined to create complex systems. The conceptual model of a SOA
architecture consists of three layers: the service layer, the orchestration layer,
and the presentation layer. SOA and Universal Description, Discovery, and
Integration (UDDI) are used together to provide a standard way of publishing
and discovering services on the web. Modeling and Architecture with BPMN:
While BPMN is used to model business processes, it can also be used to model
the architecture of a software system 1.
Question 2 - Group 6 Enterprise Architecture Maturity capability model is a
framework that is used to assess an organization's maturity in terms of its
enterprise architecture capabilities. The model consists of five levels of
maturity, ranging from level 1 (initial) to level 5 (optimized). At level 1, the
organization has an ad-hoc approach to enterprise architecture, while at level
5, the organization has a fully optimized and integrated approach to
enterprise architecture. ArchiMate is a modeling language that is used to
describe an organization's enterprise architecture. It provides a set of graphical
notations that can be used to create visual representations of an
organization's architecture. The modeling process involves identifying the
components of the architecture, defining the relationships between the
components, and

1. What is an Enterprise Architecture Framework? (Types, Methods, Benefits)
2. The Top Enterprise Architecture Frameworks & Tools for 2021
3. Types of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks: ArchiMate, TOGAF, DoDAF ...
4. Enterprise Architecture Frameworks - A Comprehensive Overview
5. Enterprise Architecture Framework in a Nutshell - Visual Paradigm

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