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1. **What is the primary purpose of the Data Link Layer?**

- A. To route packets across the internet
- B. To provide error detection and correction
- C. To establish, maintain, and terminate connections
- D. To manage hardware addresses and control access to the physical medium
2. **Which topology represents a network where each device is connected to a central hub?**
- A. Bus
- B. Star
- C. Ring
- D. Mesh
3. **What does a Data Link Frame typically include?**
- A. IP address and subnet mask
- B. MAC address, payload, and frame check sequence
- C. Domain name and TTL
- D. Network address and port number
4. **What is an Ethernet Frame?**
- A. A set of protocols for transferring files
- B. A data packet formatted for transmission on Ethernet networks
- C. A mechanism for routing data on the internet
- D. A physical connection between devices
5. **What does an Ethernet MAC Address represent?**
- A. A unique identifier assigned to a network interface
- B. An IP address assigned to a device
- C. A type of data encryption
- D. A protocol for network management
6. **What is stored in a MAC Address Table?**
- A. IP addresses of all connected devices
- B. MAC addresses and corresponding port numbers
- C. DNS records and their TTL values
- D. Routing paths for data packets
7. **What factors determine switch speeds and forwarding methods?**
- A. Protocol type and encryption level
- B. Hardware capabilities and network load
- C. Operating system and firmware version
- D. User preferences and device settings
8. **What is a key characteristic of the Network Layer?**
- A. Manages point-to-point connections
- B. Routes data packets between different networks
- C. Provides end-to-end communication
- D. Ensures data integrity
9. **What information does an IPv4 Packet contain?**
- A. Source and destination IP addresses, TTL, and payload
- B. MAC address, payload, and frame check sequence
- C. Domain name, TTL, and IP address
- D. Protocol type, encryption key, and payload
10. **How does a host route data?**
- A. Based on MAC addresses
- B. Using a routing table
- C. By broadcasting to all devices
- D. Through DNS queries
11. **What is the purpose of Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?**
- A. To translate IP addresses to MAC addresses
- B. To encrypt data packets
- C. To manage domain names
- D. To establish secure connections
12. **What does Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) do in IPv6?**
- A. Discovers MAC addresses
- B. Discovers routers and other devices on the network
- C. Encrypts data packets
- D. Assigns IP addresses
13. **What is the first step in configuring a new router?**
- A. Setting up firewall rules
- B. Configuring initial router settings
- C. Updating firmware
- D. Creating user accounts
14. **What must be configured on router interfaces for proper operation?**
- A. IP address and subnet mask
- B. MAC address and hostname
- C. Encryption type and key
- D. DNS server and domain name
15. **What is the role of the default gateway in a network?**
- A. To act as a DNS server
- B. To forward traffic to other networks
- C. To encrypt data transmissions
- D. To assign IP addresses to devices
16. **What is an IPv4 Unicast address used for?**
- A. Sending data to all devices on a network
- B. Sending data to a specific single recipient
- C. Sending data to multiple recipients
- D. Broadcasting to all networks
17. **What are the three types of IPv4 addresses?**
- A. Public, private, and dynamic
- B. Unicast, broadcast, and multicast
- C. Static, dynamic, and reserved
- D. Domain, subdomain, and IP
18. **What is the purpose of network segmentation?**
- A. To reduce network traffic and improve performance
- B. To increase network security through isolation
- C. To simplify network management
- D. All of the above
19. **What does subnetting an IPv4 address involve?**
- A. Dividing an IP address into multiple smaller networks
- B. Combining multiple IP addresses into a larger network
- C. Encrypting IP addresses
- D. Assigning IP addresses to devices
20. **What is Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM)?**
- A. Using different subnet masks within the same network
- B. Assigning a single subnet mask to all devices
- C. Encrypting subnet masks for security
- D. Simplifying network segmentation


1. DNS SERVER: name:

domain name:
User setup:
 user1: yourname, pass: 123
 user2: yourname1, pass:123

 Fpt Tphcm -> Yellow
 Information
 Student Code: Yourname

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