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Quadratics Questions


where p and q are integers.

(a) Find the value of p and the value of q.

(b) Calculate the discriminant of 4x − 5 − x2
(c) On the axes on page 17, sketch the curve with equation y = 4x − 5 − x showing clearly the

coordinates of any points where the curve crosses the coordinate axes.

(Total 8 marks)

where k is a real constant.

(a) Find the discriminant of f(x) in terms of k.

(b) Show that the discriminant of f(x) can be expressed in the form (k + a)2 + b, where a and b are
integers to be found.
(Total 4 marks)

Given that

f(x) = 2x2 + 8x + 3

(a) find the value of the discriminant of f(x).

(b) Express f(x) in the form p(x + q)2 + r where p, q and r are integers to be found.
The line y = 4x + c, where c is a constant, is a tangent to the curve with equation y = f(x).

(c) Calculate the value of c.


(Total 10 marks)

Figure 1

Figure 1 is a graph showing the trajectory of a rugby ball.

The height of the ball above the ground, H metres, has been plotted against the horizontal distance, x
metres, measured from the point where the ball was kicked.

The ball travels in a vertical plane.

The ball reaches a maximum height of 12 metres and hits the ground at a point 40 metres from where it
was kicked.

(a) Find a quadratic equation linking H with x that models this situation.
The ball passes over the horizontal bar of a set of rugby posts that is perpendicular to the path of the ball.
The bar is 3 metres above the ground.

(b) Use your equation to find the greatest horizontal distance of the bar from O.
(c) Give one limitation of the model.

(Total for question = 7 marks)


(a) Given y = 2x, show that

22x+1 − 17(2x) + 8 = 0
can be written in the form
2y2 − 17y + 8 = 0
(b) Hence solve

22x+1 − 17(2x) + 8 = 0

(Total for question = 6 marks)


(i) Show that x2 – 8x + 17 > 0 for all real values of x

(ii) "If I add 3 to a number and square the sum, the result is greater than the square of the original
State, giving a reason, if the above statement is always true, sometimes true or never true.

(Total for question = 5 marks)


A company makes a particular type of children's toy.

The annual profit made by the company is modelled by the equation

P = 100 – 6.25(x – 9)2

where P is the profit measured in thousands of pounds and x is the selling price of the toy in pounds.

A sketch of P against x is shown in Figure 1.

Using the model,

(a) explain why £15 is not a sensible selling price for the toy.
Give that the company made an annual profit of more than £80 000

(b) find, according to the model, the least possible selling price for the toy.
The company wishes to maximise its annual profit.

State, according to the model,

(c) (i) the maximum possible annual profit,

(ii) the selling price of the toy that maximises the annual profit.

(Total for question = 7 marks)

Examiner's Report

This question was poorly answered with about 10% of the candidature gaining all 8 marks.

In part (a), the −x2 term and the order of the terms in 4x − 5 − x2 created problems for the majority of
candidates. The most popular (and most successful) method was to complete the square. A large number
of candidates struggled to deal with the −x2 term with bracketing errors leading to incorrect answers such
as − (x + 2)2 − 9 or − (x − 2)2 − 9. A successful strategy for some candidates involved negating the
quadratic to get x2 − 4x + 5 which was usually manipulated correctly to (x − 2)2 + 1. Whilst a good
number negated this correctly to −(x − 2)2 − 1, some candidates wrote down incorrect results such
as −(x + 2)2 − 1 or
−(x − 2)2 + 1. Whilst a number of candidates stopped after multiplying out q − (x − p)2, those who
attempted to use the method of equating coefficients were less successful.

In part (b), most candidates wrote down b2 − 4ac for the discriminant and the majority achieved the
correct answer of −4, although some incorrectly evaluated 42 − 4(−1)(−5) as 36. The most common
error was for candidates to substitute the incorrect values of a = 4, b = 5 and c = −1 in b2 − 4ac. Those
candidates who applied the quadratic formula gained no credit unless they could identify the discriminant
part of the formula.

In part (c), a majority of candidates were able to draw the correct shape of the graph and a number
correctly identified the y-intercept as −5. Only a small minority were able to correctly position the
maximum turning point in the fourth quadrant and some labelled it as (2, −1). A number of correct
sketches followed from either candidates using differentiation or from candidates plotting points from a
table of values. A number of candidates after correctly identifying the discriminant as −4, (including some
who stated "that this meant no roots") could not relate this information to their sketch with some drawing
graphs crossing the x-axis at either one or two points. Common errors included drawing graphs of cubics
or positive quadratics, drawing negative quadratics with a maximum at (5, 0) or with a maximum at (0,


Candidates were required to give (k + 3)2 − 4k as their answer to part (a). Any x terms included resulted
in zero marks. Some candidates tried to solve (k + 3)2 − 4k = 0 and this was also not given any credit in
this part.

Most candidates managed to complete the square correctly in part (b) and those starting with k2 + 2k +
9 usually arrived at the correct answer for this part. However, several left their solution as (k + 3)2 −
4k thus gaining no credit.


In question (a) the discriminant was found correctly by most students. There were some arithmetic errors,
and a few included a square root with the b2 − 4ac or used the whole quadratic formula. A few confused
discriminant with derivative and differentiated.

Question (b) proved a significantly tougher challenge and although a good percentage of students
achieved full marks, there were frequent errors. Most students seemed to know that completing the
square was required, however many struggled to deal with the coefficient of x2 not being unity. Bracketing
errors were common and a large minority could not even get as far as 2(x + 2)2 + k.

Question (c) was again done with varying success. Most students opted to either use differentiation or set
2x2 + 8x + 3 = 4x + c. Those students who used differentiation were more likely to achieve a full solution
that was fully correct though there were many who did not realise that they needed to set the gradient of
the curve equal to the gradient of the line. Commonly it was equated either to zero or the constant in the
gradient function was erroneously believed to be the required value of c. Those who set 2x2 + 8x + 3 = 4x
+ c fared less well, with many students not knowing what to do after they had rearranged their equation to
collect together the x terms.


This question discriminated well between the average and more able students. There was a significant
minority of students, however, that made no creditable progress.

In part (a), a minority of students struggled to write down a suitable form of the quadratic model. Some
students, who tried to model the height of the rugby ball as a negative quadratic cutting the x-axis at x = 0
and x = 40, wrote down either H = −x(x − 40) or H = x(40 − x), but struggled, due to the lack of a constant,
to fit the condition (20, 12) to their model. Those who wrote H = Ax(40 − x) usually applied (20, 12) to their
model to give the correct . Other students who adopted a model of the form H = ax2 + bx + c
were usually successful in using the conditions (0, 0), (40, 0) and (20, 12) to give the correct H = −0.03x2
+ 1.2x. Only a few students used the model H = 12 − λ(x − 20)2 with condition (40, 0) to find a correct

. A few other elaborate methods were seen, including one where (40, 0) and ,
were applied to H = ax2 + bx, which usually resulted in a correct H = −0.03x2 + 1.2x.

In part (b), many students substituted H = 3 into their quadratic model and most applied a correct method
for solving their resulting 3-term quadratic equation or their quadratic equation of the form (x − 20)2 = k, k
≠ 0. Many students found the largest solution in the range (0, 40) and gave their answer, usually to 3
significant figures, in metres.

Students gave a variety of acceptable limitations for the model in part (c) with many stating that 'the model
assumes that there is no wind or air resistance acting on the ball'. No credit was given for answers that
discussed what might have happened to the rugby ball after it had hit the ground.


(a) Many students clearly knew the rules being tested here (addition and power law of indices) but applied
them in combination without demonstrating what was required in this show that question. Some students
simply stated 22x+1 = 2(2x)2 and had effectively just written down the answer with insufficient explanation.
Others just stated that 22x = y2 without explicitly stating the power rule. The best attempts had two explicit
statements for the power law and addition law or used reasoning such as 22x+1 = 2x × 2x × 21 = 2 × y × y =

(b) Most students achieved the two correct values of y from the quadratic in y but many of these then
stopped and did not go on to evaluate x. Most used the method of inspection of powers of 2 to find x
although a few students resorted to the use of logs with varying degrees of success. Some students were
unable to solve 2x = 1⁄2 or stated that there were no solutions to this equation.

Most students gained marks in at least one part of this question. However, the rigorous approach required
to achieve full marks was generally lacking.

In part (i), most attempted to complete the square but a common error was to state that a square number
must be positive, with no reference to the possibility of it being zero. Those who found the discriminant
rarely scored more than the first mark as they did not realise the need to consider the shape of the curve.
A small number attempted differentiation and whilst they stated (4,1) was a minimum it was very unusual
to have this confirmed (e.g. using the second derivative). It was rare to see a fully graphical approach but
those who tried usually gained two marks for a correct sketch with the correct minimum shown.

A few students tried to give an explanation in words or used a few numerical examples.

In part (ii), most students used a numerical approach and the majority concluded that the statement is
'sometimes true'. It was common, however, to show working for a negative value only, for which the
statement is not true. Some attempted a true and a false value, as required, but failed to conclude that the
statement is 'sometimes true'. Many students unsuccessfully tried to write general statements referring to
positive and negative values being used, but only scored marks if they produced a counter-example.

Of those who attempted an algebraic approach, many reached 6x + 9 > 0 but tended to stop there and did
not gain the final mark for a correct conclusion.


Success on this question was partially determined by students realising that P was measured in
thousands of pounds. Additionally, students should be aware that units are necessary in modelling
questions and in particular the answer to (c)(i) is £100 000 and not 100, £100 or 100 000 as commonly

(a) Most students gained at least one mark on this part. The easiest method is to substitute x = 15 into the
given equation and explain that it isn't a sensible selling price as the company would be making a loss of
£125 000. The most common errors in this part were:
(1) substituting in P = 0 and finding x,
(2) stating that the company would not make any money or "may/could" make a loss.

(b) Many students attempted this part. The most common error was to use 80,000 rather than 80. This
error resulted in a score of 000. Students who did use 80 usually attempted to solve the quadratic, but
many by expanding and factorising rather than by using the form given. Some students only found one
solution, rather than the two required. Very few students gained the final accuracy mark, with most
students incorrectly stating £7.21 as the final value, not taking into account the need to round up. A small
number of students used a trial and improvement method, which was often more successful in achieving
the correct answer. Others used their graphical calculators to gain the correct answer with limited

(c) Most students attempted this part but were unable to use the given equation to just state the answers.
Some students used differentiation to find the maximum. Common errors were omitting units, giving the
answers in the wrong order (with no labelling) and giving the answer for the maximum profit as £100
instead of £100,000.
Mark Scheme

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