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Phrasal verbs - TAKE

1 Write the phrasal verbs in the box under the correct definitions.

take to/ take out on/ take on / take in / take through / take after/ take over/ take up/ take

consider, view understand, start doing gain control of sth

learn a new activity

1_______________ 2_____________________ 3____________________ 4_______________

resemble a parent; begin to like sb blame sb explain employ

similar to or smth for everything or hire

5_________________ 6_______________ 7______________ 8_______________ 9_____________

2 Match the beginnings (1-9) with the endings (A-I).

1) Mary has taken A) to his brother Nick.

2) Your daughter doesn’t take B) out on me.
3) I like Tom but I don’t really take C) for an Englishman.
4) Before you begin to work, I’ll take you D) on extra workers to pick fruit.
5) In summer, many farmers take E) after you at all.
6) Alan will take F) in everything that’s in a text.
7) When the teacher reads quickly Ann can’t take G) up a job as a teacher.
8) I know you’ve had a bad day – but there’s no H) through what has to be done.
need to take it
I) over as managing director when Bill
9) We’re sure that our neighbour will take you retires.

3 Replace the words in italics in 1-9 with a phrasal verb with TAKE in the correct

1 Jane’s parents have decided they don’t like her new boyfriend. __________________________
2 Our firm will be employing new staff next month.___________________________________
3 Jack has started his judo lessons.______________________________________________
4 It wasn’t Adam’s fault we lost the match, so don’t blame him for it.________________________
5 Mrs. Brown explained to us all about the test. _________________________________________
6 They say that John resembles his father. He looks a lot like him.__________________________
7 Mr. Smith gained control of the family business when his elder brother died.__________________
8 Don’t consider Mark a fool; he is actually an intelligent young man._______________________
9 The professor spoke so quickly that Sam couldn’t understand what he said._________________
Exercise 1

1 take for 2 take in 3 take up 4 take over 5 take after 6 take to 7 take out on
8 take through 9 take on

Exercise 2

1 G 2E 3A 4H 5D 6I 7F 8B 9C

Exercise 3

1 Jane’s parents haven’t taken to her new boyfriend.

2 Our firm will be taking on new staff next month.
3 Jack has taken up his judo lessons.
4 It wasn’t Adam’s fault we lost the match, so don’t take it out on him.
5 Mrs. Brown took us through the test.
6 They say that John takes after his father. He looks a lot like him.
7 Mr. Smith took over the family business when his elder brother died.
8 Don’t take Mark for a fool; he is actually an intelligent young man.
9 The professor spoke so quickly that Sam couldn’t take in what he said.

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