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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 1 / 3

ENGLISH ชุด ที่ 1 Difficulty Level 1 (ง่าย) 01

Section III: Writing Skill
Part II: Paragraph Organization (Items 1-5)
Directions: Rearrange the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

A: On the other hand, eating junk foods can lead to poor concentration.
B: Foods such as walnuts, berries, tuna, and green veggies can boost concentration levels.
C: It can lead to swelling in the part of the brain that has a major role in memory.
D: This is particularly important for young minds who are doing lots of schoolwork.

1) C-D-B-A 2) C-B-A-D
3) B-A-B-C 4) B-D-A-C

A: Nonetheless, there are various possibilities for accidents and breakdowns to occur.
B: It is considered one of the safest forms of travel.
C: Rail transport is a rapid, energy-efficient, but capital-intensive means of land transport.
D: Accidents vary from derailments to head-on collisions with other trains or with road vehicles
at level crossings.

1) D-C-B-A 2) C-B-A-D
3) D-B-C-A 4) C-A-B-D

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EXAM1 2 / 3 UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization

01 ชุด ที่ 1 Difficulty Level 1 (ง่าย) ENGLISH

A: This event takes place in June and involves a ceremonial rice planting ritual at shrines.
B: Otaue Matsuri is an annual festival in Japan that celebrates the planting of rice crops.
C: This not only celebrates the agricultural heritage of Japan but also fosters a sense of
community and gratitude for nature's abundance.
D: Locals gather at shrines, dressed in traditional attire, to participate in the ritualistic planting of
rice seedlings.

1) C-B-D-A 2) A-C-B-D
3) D-B-A-C 4) B-A-D-C

A: IF or intermittent fasting becomes one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends.
B: Some research suggests that it may have benefits beyond weight loss, like improved brain
and heart health.
C: It is an eating pattern where people limit their food consumption to certain hours of the day.
D: People are using it to lose weight, improve their health, and simplify their lifestyles.
1) B-D-A-C 2) D-B-A-C
3) A-C-D-B 4) C-B-A-D

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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 3 / 3

ENGLISH ชุด ที่ 1 Difficulty Level 1 (ง่าย) 01

A: They often involve extreme behaviors such as restrictive eating or binge eating.
B: With proper therapy and treatment, individuals can overcome their eating disorders and
regain a healthy relationship with food and their bodies.
C: Eating disorders are complex mental health disorders that disrupt individuals’ relationships
with food and their bodies.
D: These disorders can have severe physical and emotional consequences.

1) C-A-D-B 2) D-A-C-B
3) A-B-C-D 4) B-D-C-A

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12/06/2024, 03:00 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 1 Difficulty Level : 1 (ง่าย) | MonkeyEveryday

ชุดที่ 1 Difficulty Level : 1

UpScore A-Level English เรียงประโยคเป็น
ย่อหน้า (Paragraph organization)

คะแนนที่ได้ 0/5

เวลาที่ใช้ /20 น.

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ภาพรวม เฉลยละเอียด ดูวิดีโอทบทวน (0)


การตั้งค่า ล้างการตั้งค่า

ข้อที่แสดง : แสดงทุกข้อ เฉพาะข้อที่ผิด

ตอนที่แสดง : แสดงทุกตอน

A-LEVEL Part 3: Writing Skill (ข้อ 1-5)

เฉลย : D คำตอบของฉัน : -


ทบทวน : คะแนนที่จะได้เพิ่มขึ้น :
0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 1/3
12/06/2024, 03:00 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 1 Difficulty Level : 1 (ง่าย) | MonkeyEveryday

เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : D คำตอบของฉัน : -



ทบทวน : คะแนนที่จะได้เพิ่มขึ้น :
เฉลย : C คำตอบของฉัน : -
0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 2/3
12/06/2024, 03:00 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 1 Difficulty Level : 1 (ง่าย) | MonkeyEveryday



เฉลย : A คำตอบของฉัน : -



บริษัท มังกี้เอเวอรี่เดย์ จํากัด

5 ซอยลาดพร้าว 101 ซอย 45 แขวงคลองจั่น เขตบางกะปิ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10240
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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 1 / 3

ENGLISH ชุด ที่ 2 Difficulty Level 2 (ปานกลาง) 02

Section III: Writing Skill
Part II: Paragraph Organization (Items 1-5)
Directions: Rearrange the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

A: There is also a strain on the resources required to produce beef.
B: One of them is that the environmental impact is massive, accounting for around 14.5 per cent
of all carbon emissions.
C: For example, an estimated 25 kg of dry feed is needed to make a kilogram of meat from a cow.
D: Advocates for lab-grown meat point to three key problems around animal agriculture, as it
stands, that need fixing.

1) A-C-D-B 2) D-B-A-C
3) D-A-C-B 4) B-D-C-A

A: However, they assumed that it was a volcanic complex made up of multiple volcanoes that
had merged together.
B: It was not until seismic data revealed that its many lava flows emerged from a single vent.
C: Scientists knew that Tamu Massif was a volcanic mountain.
D: The geochemical analysis revealed that these lava flows had similar compositions and were
approximately the same age.

1) B-A-D-C 2) B-D-B-A
3) C-A-B-D 4) C-B-D-A

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EXAM1 2 / 3 UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization

02 ชุด ที่ 2 Difficulty Level 2 (ปานกลาง) ENGLISH

A: At Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, a trial is investigating the potential of AI to support radiologists in
the evaluation of thousands of mammograms.
B: In accordance with data from the NHS, these mammograms are credited with saving roughly
1,300 lives each year in the UK.
C: These mammograms, which utilize low-level X-rays, are employed in breast cancer screenings
and identify changes that may be invisible to the naked eye or touch.
D: It becomes increasingly apparent that this technology will remain instrumental in enabling
doctors to save lives.

1) A-C-B-D 2) B-C-D-A
3) D-C-A-B 4) C-B-D-A

A: Within a year, doctors in Europe and the United States were using X-rays to locate gun
shots, bone fractures, kidney stones and swallowed objects.
B: Roentgen quickly found that X-rays would pass through human tissue too, rendering the
bones and tissue beneath visible.
C: Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895 accidentally while testing whether cathode
rays could pass through glass.
D: Through experimentation, he found that the mysterious light would pass through most
substances but leave shadows of solid objects.
1) B-C-D-A 2) C-B-A-D
3) B-A-D-C 4) C-D-B-A

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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 3 / 3

ENGLISH ชุด ที่ 2 Difficulty Level 2 (ปานกลาง) 02

A: According to the IAU, Pluto is technically a dwarf planet as it has not cleared its neighboring
region of other objects.
B: When your parents were kids, Pluto was actually considered a planet.
C: Later, a group of scientists voted to make the definition of planets more specific, and Pluto no
longer made the cut.
D: This means that it still has lots of asteroids and space rocks along its orbit, unlike larger planets
that have absorbed them gradually over time.

1) B-C-A-D 2) A-D-C-B
3) B-D-A-C 4) A-B-C-D

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12/06/2024, 03:00 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 2 Difficulty Level : 2 (กลาง) | MonkeyEveryday

ชุดที่ 2 Difficulty Level : 2

UpScore A-Level English เรียงประโยคเป็น
ย่อหน้า (Paragraph organization)

คะแนนที่ได้ 0/5

เวลาที่ใช้ /20 น.

ตลาดคอร์สสด online และ on-site รวมติวเตอร์ชื่อดัง

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ภาพรวม เฉลยละเอียด ดูวิดีโอทบทวน (0)


การตั้งค่า ล้างการตั้งค่า

ข้อที่แสดง : แสดงทุกข้อ เฉพาะข้อที่ผิด

ตอนที่แสดง : แสดงทุกตอน

A-LEVEL Part 3: Writing Skill (ข้อ 1-5)

เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : C คำตอบของฉัน : -



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0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 1/2
12/06/2024, 03:00 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 2 Difficulty Level : 2 (กลาง) | MonkeyEveryday

เฉลย : A คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : D คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : A คำตอบของฉัน : -



บริษัท มังกี้เอเวอรี่เดย์ จํากัด

5 ซอยลาดพร้าว 101 ซอย 45 แขวงคลองจั่น เขตบางกะปิ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10240
099 035 4141

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0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 2/2
UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 1 / 3

ENGLISH ชุด ที่ 3 Difficulty Level 3 (ยาก) 03

Section III: Writing Skill
Part II: Paragraph Organization (Items 1-5)
Directions: Rearrange the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

A: Women such as Mott and Stanton joined the antislavery forces, and agreed that the rights of
women, as well as those of slaves, needed redress.
B: From the founding of the United States, women were almost universally excluded from voting.
C: Then, the movement for woman suffrage started in the early 19th century during the agitation
against slavery.
D: Only when they began to chafe at this restriction was their exclusion made explicit.

1) A-D-B-C 2) B-D-C-A
3) A-B-D-C 4) B-A-D-C

A: As infants, we start with a preference for sweet flavors and gradually expand our palate.
B: Taste buds become more refined over time, allowing us to savor a wide range of tastes –
salty, sour, bitter, and umami.
C: Taste bud development begins early in life, shaping our culinary preferences.
D: Cultural influences and exposure to diverse cuisines further contribute to the development of
our taste buds.

1) D-A-C-B 2) C-D-B-A
3) D-C-B-A 4) C-A-B-D

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EXAM1 2 / 3 UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization

03 ชุด ที่ 3 Difficulty Level 3 (ยาก) ENGLISH

A: Charles Darwin considered the volume a short abstract of the ideas he'd been developing
about evolution by natural selection for decades.
B: The first printing of Charles Darwin's book, On the Origin of Species, sold out in a matter of
C: These pieces of evidence had been collected on the Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his
subsequent findings from research, correspondence, and experimentation.
D: The book presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent
through a branching pattern of evolution.

1) B-A-D-C 2) B-C-D-A
3) A-C-B-D 4) A-D-B-C

A: The newest study in 2022 in the Annals of Internal Medicine analyzed coffee consumption
habits of more than 170,000 people in the UK.
B: A study published in 2015 discovered those who drank 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were
15% less likely to die from all causes of mortality including suicide.
C: Researchers found that those who drank between 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day were
16% to 21% less likely to die from all-cause mortality than non-coffee drinkers.
D: But this is not the first study to look at the reduction in mortality from daily coffee use.
1) B-D-A-C 2) A-C-D-B
3) B-C-D-A 4) A-B-C-D

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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 3 / 3

ENGLISH ชุด ที่ 3 Difficulty Level 3 (ยาก) 03

A: Mount Fuji, with its graceful conical form, has become famous throughout the world and
is considered the sacred symbol of Japan.
B: Perhaps most famously, in the series of woodblock prints titled Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji by
Hokusai, which were originally published between 1826 and 1833.
C: The image of Mount Fuji has been reproduced countless times in Japanese art.
D: Among Japanese, there is a sense of personal identification with the mountain, and
each summer thousands of Japanese climb to the shrine on its peak.

1) B-C-D-A 2) C-D-B-A
3) A-D-C-B 4) D-B-C-A

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12/06/2024, 03:01 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 3 Difficulty Level : 3 (ยาก) | MonkeyEveryday

ชุดที่ 3 Difficulty Level : 3

UpScore A-Level English เรียงประโยคเป็น
ย่อหน้า (Paragraph organization)

คะแนนที่ได้ 0/5

เวลาที่ใช้ /25 น.

ตลาดคอร์สสด online และ on-site รวมติวเตอร์ชื่อดัง

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ภาพรวม เฉลยละเอียด ดูวิดีโอทบทวน (0)


การตั้งค่า ล้างการตั้งค่า

ข้อที่แสดง : แสดงทุกข้อ เฉพาะข้อที่ผิด

ตอนที่แสดง : แสดงทุกตอน

A-LEVEL Part 3: Writing Skill (ข้อ 1-5)

เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : D คำตอบของฉัน : -



ทบทวน : คะแนนที่จะได้เพิ่มขึ้น :
0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 1/2
12/06/2024, 03:01 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 3 Difficulty Level : 3 (ยาก) | MonkeyEveryday

เฉลย : A คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : C คำตอบของฉัน : -



บริษัท มังกี้เอเวอรี่เดย์ จํากัด

5 ซอยลาดพร้าว 101 ซอย 45 แขวงคลองจั่น เขตบางกะปิ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10240
099 035 4141

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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 1 / 3

ENGLISH ชุ ด ที่ 4 ข้ อสอบเสมือนจริ ง A-Level Eng 04

Section III: Writing Skill
Part II: Paragraph Organization (Items 1-5)
Directions: Rearrange the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.

A: Visitors are required to wear a life jacket before swimming in the lagoon.
B: The park is among the top-earning national parks, generating about 60 million baht.
C: It covers an area of 550 km2 and is a popular attraction in the province due to its easy access
to the scenic Erawan Waterfalls.
D: The falls have seven levels, each of which has a natural pond where visitors can have a dip.
E: Erawan National Park is located in Sri Sawat district in Kanchanaburi.

1) E-A-C-B-D 2) E-B-C-D-A
3) B-E-D-C-A 4) B-D-E-A-C

A: Some of the root causes of poverty, such as economic inequality and discrimination, are
deeply ingrained in society.
B: This requires a multifaceted approach that involves cooperation and collaboration among
governments, organizations, and individuals.
C: Poverty is a complex social issue that affects millions of people worldwide.
D: To effectively address the issue, it is essential to understand its underlying causes and
implement policies that promote economic growth and social justice.
E: It is often defined as a lack of access to basic necessities, such as food, shelter, and

1) A-E-C-D-B 2) A-D-B-C-E
3) C-E-A-D-B 4) C-B-A-E-D

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EXAM1 2 / 3 UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization

04 ชุ ด ที่ 4 ข้อสอบเสมือนจริง A-Level Eng ENGLISH

A: Unlike plants, mushrooms do not have leaves, stems, or roots, but instead consist of a cap, a
stalk, and a network of thread-like structures called mycelium.
B: Whether you are foraging for wild mushrooms or cultivating them in your own garden, there is
always more to learn about these fascinating organisms.
C: This is responsible for breaking down dead organic matter and recycling nutrients in the soil.
D: Mushrooms have also been used for centuries in various cultures for their medicinal and
culinary properties.
E: Mushrooms are fungi, meaning that they belong to a separate kingdom of life from plants and

1) B-E-D-C-A 2) B-C-D-A-E
3) E-D-B-D-A 4) E-A-C-D-B

A: On election day, citizens cast their ballots, and the winners are determined.
B: Candidates compete for support, making speeches and holding rallies to win votes.
C: Elections can have significant consequences, affecting government policies and resource
D: Elections are a vital part of democratic societies, allowing citizens to choose their leaders
and shape their communities.
E: However, they can also be a source of controversy and conflict, especially when accusations
of fraud or voter suppression arise.

1) D-E-C-A-B 2) D-B-A-C-E
3) C-B-D-A-E 4) C-B-A-E-D

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UpScore A-Level (Eng) > Paragraph Organization EXAM1 3 / 3

ENGLISH ชุ ด ที่ 4 ข้ อสอบเสมือนจริ ง A-Level Eng 04

A: The history of science is essential for understanding how scientific thought has progressed and
how it contributes to our understanding of the world.
B: By studying the ideas of past scientists, we can gain insights into the scientific method and its
C: The history of science is the study of how scientific knowledge has developed over time.
D: In this way, we can appreciate the significant contributions of pioneers such as Newton, Galileo,
and Darwin.
E: It includes fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy.

1) C-B-A-E-D 2) C-E-B-D-A
3) A-C-D-B-E 4) A-D-C-E-B

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12/06/2024, 03:01 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 4 โจทย์แนวข้อสอบ A-Level Eng | MonkeyEveryday

ชุดที่ 4 โจทย์แนวข้อสอบ A-
Level Eng
UpScore A-Level English เรียงประโยคเป็น
ย่อหน้า (Paragraph organization)

คะแนนที่ได้ 0/5

เวลาที่ใช้ /25 น.

ตลาดคอร์สสด online และ on-site รวมติวเตอร์ชื่อดัง

พร้อมชุดเก็งข้อสอบและหนังสือสอบเข้า ม.1/ ม.4/ เตรียมอุดม/ มหา’ลัย

ภาพรวม เฉลยละเอียด ดูวิดีโอทบทวน (0)


การตั้งค่า ล้างการตั้งค่า

ข้อที่แสดง : แสดงทุกข้อ เฉพาะข้อที่ผิด

ตอนที่แสดง : แสดงทุกตอน

A-LEVEL Part 3: Writing Skill (ข้อ 1-5)

เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : C คำตอบของฉัน : -



ทบทวน : คะแนนที่จะได้เพิ่มขึ้น :
0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 1/2
12/06/2024, 03:01 Exam Result - ชุดที่ 4 โจทย์แนวข้อสอบ A-Level Eng | MonkeyEveryday

เฉลย : D คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



เฉลย : B คำตอบของฉัน : -



บริษัท มังกี้เอเวอรี่เดย์ จํากัด

5 ซอยลาดพร้าว 101 ซอย 45 แขวงคลองจั่น เขตบางกะปิ กรุงเทพมหานคร 10240
099 035 4141

เงื่อนไขการใช้บริการ | นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว | เงื่อนไขการชำระเงินและการส่งเสริมการขาย

Copyright © 2024 Monkey Everyday Co., Ltd. All rights reserved

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0 ข้อ 0 คะแนน 2/2

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