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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Fostering harmonious relationships and promoting social interaction between
Muslims and Christians is a significant topic that holds great importance. Different
cultural and religious origins depend significantly on trust which can build strong
connections and promote understanding between people and communities. Muslims
and Christians interact with one another on a variety of levels, including interpersonal
relationships and community involvement. These religious groups can be influenced
by various factors such as historical events, socio-political dynamics, and individual
experiences. However, different cultures can greatly differ when it comes to the level
of trust. More research is required to improve our understanding of the foundations
that affect intercultural trust between Muslims and Christians as well as identify
strategies for promoting harmony between these two groups.
Cultural mistrust is one of the problems in diversified communities composed
of groups or communities of divergent traditions, beliefs, and ethnic origins. This kind
of diversified condition would produce negative responses similar to prejudices,
stereotyping, box-sways, and impulses due to a certain claim of other groups
claiming that they're superior to other societies.
In the diverse city of Cotabato, where Muslims and Christians are present,
Cotabato City, located in the central part of Mindanao, is a melting pot of different
traditions, beliefs, races, and political positions. The city is dominated by Muslims,
although, it also has a huge number of Christians. Islam reached Mindanao in the
14th century before the Roman Catholicism of the Spanish pioneers. The two largest
religious groups ’ concurrence makes the terrain for inter-faith relations unique
( 2023, December 14). Despite being a diverse city with a significant population of
Christians and Muslims, there is a limited understanding of the situations of trust
between these two groups and how they interact with each other in social and
cultural contexts. The researcher believed the need to pursue this study to further
understand the level of trust, perceptions, and factors that influence trust between
Muslims and Christians in Cotabato City.

Statement of the Problem
The study seeks to determine the intercultural trust among Muslims and
Christians in Cotabato City. Specifically, it sought to answer the central problem:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
 Sex;
 Age;
 Educational Attainment; and
 Years of residency in Cotabato City.
2. How do the respondents define trust?
3. What is the level of trust between Christians and Muslims?
4. How is the relationship between Muslims and Christians?
5. What factors contribute to the full trust of Muslims and Christians?

Significance of the Study

Studying the intercultural trust between Muslims and Christians in Cotabato
City holds significance for several reasons:
First, Muslims understand the cultural backgrounds of Christians in the
Second, Christians strengthen the social ties and cooperation with their
Muslim neighbors.
Lastly, the results of this study guide the LGU officials in creating initiatives
and programs that support social integration within the two groups.

Scope and Limitation

The study focused only on the intercultural trust between Muslims and
Christians in the barangay where these two groups are located in Cotabato City. The
respondents of the study were residents of the mixed barangay who resided for a
minimum of 10 years.

Definition of Terms
For clarification, the important terms used in this study have been
operationally defined.
Christian refers to an individual who follows the doctrine of Christianity either
Protestant, Jehova, or other sect. they are also known as Christian settlers who
came to Mindanao since the time of immemorial.
Muslim refers to an individual who follows the teachings of Islam. Sometimes
they are called a Bangsamoro people because they are the natives of Mindanao.
Intercultural Trust is a reciprocal trust of both Muslims and Christians.
Trust refers to someone who can rely on and depend on in times of need.
Level of trust is a degree of trust which can measure trustworthiness and

Chapter II


This chapter presents a summary of related readings and studies found most

relevant to the present study.

Jack Gibb’s Theory of Trust Formation and Group Development

According to Gibb's Theory of Group Development examining how groups
work together. His premise is: that as trust increases, defensive and unproductive
behavior decreases. The greater the degree of trust, the easier it is for people to
shed roles and give up postures that inhibit the flow of vital information. As trust
increases, people are free to offer opinions, critiques, and praise.

Putman’s Social Capital Theory

Putnam's theory of social capital (2000), is based on the idea that long-term
relationships and trust among individuals and organizations contribute to the overall
cohesion and success of a society.

Factors influencing trust

According to Hofstede and Hofstede (2005), in an intercultural relationship,
some factors may influence the development of trust like having the same -cultural
values that shape people's beliefs and attitudes which results in judging others as
trustworthy or untrustworthy.

Understanding Mindanao Conflict

As quoted in the book of Diaz (2003), When Muslims and Christians live as
close neighbors or associates in offices, schools, and civic clubs, they respect and
trust each other.

Young Christians participated in Muslim Iftar at Cotabato City

The Iftar event is an illustration of interfaith cooperation under the Young
Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative( YSEALI) which aims to promote and develop
community service and communal engagement among the youth at Notre Dame

University in Cotabato City. Many young Muslims have interactions with Christian
seminaries and some form close bonds with Christian friends. Interfaith marriages,
often between Muslim men and Christian women, are not rare. Additionally, many
young Muslims participate, to some extent, in the celebrations of Christian holidays
such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, and Saint Valentine's Day (Cabrera, 2016).

Muslim Rulers and Rebels

The city of Cotabato is known for its ability to maintain peaceful relations
between Muslims and Christians, as evidenced by historical records. Despite violent
conflicts in the region, the city has experienced minimal clashes between the two
groups. Over the past thirty years, Christians have supported Muslim politicians for
city services, while Muslims have also backed Christian candidates. Despite this
harmony, Muslims are concerned that Christians hold more economic and political
power, giving them an advantage in advancing their interests in the city. (Muslim
Rulers and Rebels, n.d.)

Culture of Peace 2 – Inter-religious dialogue

The scholars within the network of Notre Dame seminaries in Maguindanao,
Sultan Kudarat, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi are examples of interfaith collaboration. These
seminaries consist of Catholic, Muslim, and non-Catholic Christian scholars,
demonstrating how interfaith cooperation can thrive in an academic setting. These
groups of seminaries have their group studies, socialize with each other, and build
strong relationships (Quevedo, 2023).

Theoretical Lens
The study is anchored through the lens of Social Identity Theory which was
developed by Henri Tajfel and John Turner. This theoretical perspective suggests
that people classify others into social groups which influences their perceptions,
actions, and attitudes. Shaping individual relationships and associations between
different groups stresses the importance of group identity and social categorization.
The study of how individuals from different religious groups define trust within their
communities can be linked to this theory by way of a question as to how respondents
define trust. Another is in the level of trust, how group identities shape perceptions of
trust between Christians and Muslims which results in in-group favoritism or out-
group derogation that may impact their level of trust. Furthermore, in terms of the

relationship between Muslims and Christians considering how groups perceive
similarities and differences influences their interactions and relationships. In the last
question what are the factors that contribute to the full trust of the respondents, by
this theoretical lens we can examine how shared identities, common goals and
positive intergroup experiences contribute to building trust between Muslims and
Christians in Cotabato City.

Conceptual Frameworks

Figure 1 below portrays the conceptual framework of the study.

Dependent variable Independent variables

 Profile of the respondents

 Definition of trust
Level of Trust among
 Relationships between
Christians and
Christians and Muslims
 Factors contributing to the
full trust

The schematic diagram shows the level of trust is the dependent variable
which is the outcome or result that is being observed and measured. On the other
hand, the independent variables are first, the profile of the respondents which
includes their sex, age, educational attainment, and years of residency. Second, the
meaning of trust is based on the respondents' shared values, past experiences,
mutual respect., understanding, and communication. Third, the relationships between
Christians and Muslims in terms of social interactions, historical events, conflicting
beliefs, and stereotypes can influence the level of trust between the two groups.
Finally, factors that contribute to the full trust of the respondents such as consistency
in words and actions, honesty and transparency, reliability and dependability, mutual
respect and understanding, shared values, and beliefs, positive past experiences,
effective communication, and active listening can contribute to the full trust of the two
groups are the factors that are being manipulated or controlled to see how they affect
the dependent variable.



This chapter covers the research design, locale of the study, respondents,
data gathering procedure, sampling techniques, and research instruments.

Research Design
This study employed a mixed-method approach (both quantitative and
qualitative research methods). Surveys were used to collect quantitative data on the
demographic profile of the respondents, the level of trust between Christians and
Muslims, and the factors that contribute to the full trust of Muslims and Christians.
Also, the researcher conducted an in-depth key Informant Interview.

Location and Duration of the Study

The study was conducted in the selected barangays in Cotabato City,
covering the Mother Barangay Bagua, Rosary Heights VI, Poblacion IV, Rosary
Heights III, and Bagua III.

Figure 1
Map showing the barangays of Cotabato City

Note: Map generated from Google Map
Respondents of the Study and Sampling Procedure
The respondents of the study were Muslim and Christian residents of the
following barangay in Cotabato City namely: Mother Barangay Bagua, Rosary
Heights III, Rosary Heights VI, Bagua III, and Poblacion IV. The study utilized quota
and snowball sampling techniques. Snowball techniques were used in selecting the
Muslim and Christian respondents in each barangay There were one hundred
respondents in this study comprised of fifty Christians and fifty Muslims. The key
informants were the council of elders or former or current barangay officials who
resided in Cotabato for more than ten years and are knowledgeable about the history
of Cotabato City.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the actual conduct of the study, the researcher sent or delivered a
letter of permission to the Barangay Chairman of the identified barangays stating the
reasons for the conduct of the study. When permission was granted, the researcher
undertook preliminary visits to the identified barangays to familiarize herself with the
place and gather preliminary information about the place and the people. The
researcher deployed different research techniques in gathering data such as in-depth
key informant interviews, and surveys using guide questionnaires. Key informant
interview was used to reinforce previous data gathered during the interviews.

Research Instrument
The instruments of the study were a survey questionnaire, interview on the
respondents and a key informant interview. The questionnaire has five parts: Part I –
the profile of the respondents, Part II – defining trust, Part III – level of trust, Part IV –
the relationship between Muslims and Christians, and Part V – factors influencing the
full trust.
To validate the results of the survey questionnaires key informants were
interviewed to make the study more reliable. The key informant interviews were
selected council of elders or former or current barangay officials who resided for
more than ten years and who are knowledgeable about the history of the place.

Data Analysis

The researcher used frequency, percentage, and a 5-point Likert scale for
parts I, III, and V. On the other hand, a thematic analysis was employed to analyze
parts II and IV of the study.
Ethical Considerations
The researcher ensures the protection and confidentiality of the respondent’s
personal information. This would involve obtaining informed consent from the
respondents before they agree to take part in the research, explaining the purpose of
the study, and ensuring that their identities are not disclosed without their
permission. The researcher asked permission from the respondents to take photos
during the interview.

Trustworthiness of the Study

This study is credible in a way that the researcher chose Cotabato City as the
setting of the study because of the presence of Christians and Muslims in the place.
The researcher used quota and snowball sampling techniques which can be efficient
ways to recruit participants for the study. The survey questionnaire, interview with the
respondents, and key informants as used as research instruments can help
triangulate and validate the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher used
frequency, percentage, 5-point Likert scale, and thematic analysis to make it easier
to analyze the results. By using these techniques, the researcher can ensure a wide
range of views and experiences within a targeted population.
The transferability of this study, by choosing Cotabato City as the setting of
the study which has a diverse population of Muslims and Christians, the findings can
potentially apply to other similar settings with similar contexts.
In this study, by providing clarity and transparency on the documentation of
the research process the researcher can increase the dependability of the study’s

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the results of the data gathered from the study. It
includes the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered on the intercultural trust
between Christians and Muslims in Cotabato City.

Results and Discussion for Statement of the Problem 1

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents
Sex Frequency Percent (%)
Male 34 34%
Female 66 66%
Total 100 100%

Age Frequency Percent (%)

20-30 years old 19 19%
31-40 years old 31 31%
41-50 years old 27 27%
51-60 years old 16 16%
61-70 years old 7 7%
Mean: 41 years old 100 100%

Educational Attainment Frequency Percent(%)

Elementary Undergraduate 0 0%
Elementary Graduate 11 11%
High School Undergraduate 15 15%
High School Graduate 30 30%
College Undergraduate 19 19%
College Graduate 24 24%
Post Graduate 1 1%
Total 100 100%

Years of residency Frequency Percent(%)

10 -20 years 64 64%
21- 30 years 25 25%
31- 40 years 10 10%
41-50 years 1 1%
Mean:17 years 100 100%

The table shows the demographic data of the participants: Thirty- three
representing (33%) of the respondents were Male, and sixty-six representing (66%)
were Female. The \majority of the respondents (58%) of the total falls within the age
ranges 31-40 and 41-50. The mean age of the group is 41 years old. The majority
were high school graduates at 30% of the total followed by college graduates at 24%.
Most respondents have lived for 10-20 years with 64% of the total. The mean number
of years of residency is 17.

Results and Discussion for Statement of Problem 2

Table 2. Trust as defined by the respondents
Line Significant Formulated Clustered Cod
No. statement meanings theme e
1 “Ang pagsalig usa Trust is someone who P3
ka tawo nga can depend on them
makasalig sa in times of need.
panahon sa

2 “Tao na pwede Someone whom you P9

mong malapitan sa can seek help at the
oras ng time you need it.
hindi ka
pababayaan sa
hirap o ginhawa.”
3 “Trust is someone Trust is someone who P8
who is reliable and will support you Reliability
dependable hindi without asking in and Support
humihingi ng return.
4 “Taong maasahan Someone who can P12
mo sa oras ng depend on them in
pangangailangan.” times of need.
5 “Makaprovide ng Someone who can P19
support sa oras ng provide support in
pangangailangan.” times of need.
6 “Usa ka tawo nga Someone who can P41
makasalig ka.” count and lean on.

7 “Taong Someone you can P20

masasandalan mo count on and feel

at secure ka sa secure.
lahat ng bagay.”
8 “Salig para sa laki Trust for me is R1
na katabangan someone who can
endu gasuportahan help and support you
ka nin sa in any problem.
9 “Someone who can Someone who can R3
rely on sa anumang rely on times of need.
10 “Taw a maubay A person who can R7
nengka entuba I count on that is trust
salig para sa laki.” for me.
11 “Trust is reliable Trust is relied in R8
and dependable.” various
12 “Tao na pwede Someone you can turn R9
mong malapitan sa to in times of need.
oras ng
13 “Pwede mong Someone you can R13
pagsabihan ng share your secrets.
sikreto iyon ang
ibig sabihin ng trust
sa akin.”
14 “Tiwala para sa Someone you can R16
akin pwede mong share your secrets.
pagsabihan ng
15 “May malalapitan You can turn to in R17
ka sa oras ng times of need.
16 “Malalapitan mo in Someone you can turn R25
times of need.” to in times of need.
17 “Taong Someone who can R31
masasandalan mo lean on times of
sa kalungkutan.” sadness.
18 “Salig sa laki a Someone you can R32
gaubay nengka sa approach at any time.
uras a kasengitan.”
19 “Someone who can Someone supportive R41
rely on and depend in times of need.
20 “Someone who can Supporting both R43
share your ups and successes and
downs.” challenges.
21 “May confidence ka A person who is P18
mag open ng confident to open
problema sa iba problems.
iyon ang trust para
sa akin.”
22 “Ang pagsalig sa A person you can P40
akoa ay tao nga share your secrets.
masultihan nimo sa

imoang problema.”
23 “Kung komportable A person who is P47
ka nga ipaambit comfortable to share
ang imong mga secrets with others.
sekreto sa uban.”

24 “Willing to open up A person who is willing P1

to someone na to open problems Openness
hindi ka nahihiya.” without feeling and sharing
25 “Welcome sa balay A person who is free P11
ninyo unsa may to enter to your house
oras.” anytime you want.
26 “Taong A person whom you P14
mapagsasabihan can open your secrets.
mo ng sikreto.”
27 “Salig katong A person who has a P17
kabalo nga positive connection
magshare.” with others.
28 “Trust is someone Someone who is P22
will tell me sharing information.
29 “Mobati nga A person who is P23
gawasnon sa pag- comfortable to share
abli sa usa ka secrets with others.

30 “Isang tao na A person who is P30

kumportable kang comfortable to share
magsabi ng with others.
saloobin mo sa
31 “Taong A generous person. P36
mapagbigay sa
32 “Naghatag ug A person who shares P43
maayong mga advices.
sa iyang kauban.”
33 “May magandang Someone who has P50
samahan sa isang good companionship
grupo.” with others.
34 “Komportable nga Comfortable to open P42
makig-istorya up to his neighbors.
sa silingan niya.”
35 “Salig man gud Someone who has P46
kanang tao nga good companionship
kahibalo sa with others.
paghatag ug
36 “Pwede mong A person who is P24
ishare ang secrets comfortable to share
o happiness mo sa secrets and happiness
isang tao.” with others.

37 “Someone whom A person whom you P28
you share your can open your secrets.
38 “Someone who is Someone consistent in P10
showing their actions.
consistency in
39 “A person know Someone gives value P38
how to value to others.
someone or
40 “Taong may Someone show P21
respeto sa respect to individual
pagkakaiba ng tao.” differences.
41 “Having complete Someone who is P7
confidence to believing other's
someone that is integrity.
trust for me.”
42 “Usa ka tawo nga Someone who shows P39
naghatag kanimo respect.
ug respeto kato
ang salig.”

43 “Hindi ka kayang Someone who won’t Integrity and P35

lokohin at betray you. Respect
44 “Isang taong Someone who is P37
responsable sa responsible in his
gawa nya.” action.
45 “Trust is something Something that is P44
that is earned, shared and respected
shared, and
46 “Someone who is Someone who is P48
telling the truth.” honest.
47 “Taong may Someone who shows P49
integrity, and integrity and respect
respect sa kapwa for others.
48 “Tao na may A person who upholds P2
paninindigan.” their principles.
49 “Tao na may A person who upholds P4
paninindigan.” their principles.
50 “Hindi ka Someone who won’t P5
nagdududa sa betray you.
kasama mo kasi
alam mong hindi ka
51 “Tao na may A person who has a P6
magandang ugali at good manner and is
honest.” honest.
52 “Laing tawo ang A person who upholds P13
mobuhat sa their principles.

53 “May mabuting A person with good P15
intensyon sa intention to others.
kapwa, hindi
54 “Taong may isang A person who keeps P16
salita, walang their words, without
tinatago na sikreto.” hiding secrets.
55 “Pagsalig kanang A person who upholds P25
tao nga matinuoron their principles and is
ug mapugsanon.” honest.

56 “Taong ginagawa A person who did what P26

ang tama.” is right.
57 “Usa ka tawo nga Someone loyal. P34
loyal kanimo.”

58 “Taong marunong A person who keeps P45

tumupad sa usapan their words, without
may isang salita hiding secrets.
59 “Taong marespeto.” A respectful person. P31
60 “Respect sa kapwa A person who is P29
katulad ng respectful of others
paniniwala nya sa and to God.
61 “Taong may isang A person who keeps P32
salita.” their words.
62 “Tao na may a person who upholds R2
paninindigan.” their principles.
63 “Another person Showing R6
will do what is accountability.
64 “Taong may isang A person who keeps R11
salita.” their promises.
65 “Someone with Willing to believe in R4
good intentions.” their good intentions.
66 “Someone you can Someone who won’t R23
rely on na hindi ka betray you.
67 “Someone with Someone who acts R27
consistent actions consistently.
hindi sa pula sa
68 “Establishing a Creating a feeling of R29
sense of security.” safety.
69 “Trust is full of Trust possessing R34
integrity .” moral principles
70 “Honest sa lahat ng Being honest all the R36
bagay.” time.
71 “Hindi kayang Incapable of deceiving R39
magloko ng tao.” others.
72 “May word of Actions with dignity R40
wisdom or honor.” and respect.

73 “Something that is Built on mutual effort, R44
earned, shared, shared experience,
and respected.” respect.
74 “When you are Respect your privacy R47
comfortable to and keep your secrets.
share your
75 “Shows integrity, Treating others with R49
and respect.” dignity.
76 “Matapat na Honest and respectful R22
pakikisama sa with others.
kapwa mo.”
77 “Something that Something that R30
acts responsible behaves responsibly.
and dependable
78 “May mabuting pag With good manners. R20
79 “Hindi ka kayang Someone who does R18
idiscriminate.” not judge others.
80 “Tao na may Willing to believe in R21
magandang ugali at their good intentions.
81 “Showing Committed to work R10
consistency in and deeds.
82 “Personal bond Willing to help without R46
who shared expecting in return.
83 “Marunong Who can keep R33
magkeep ng secrets.
84 “Siguro ang tiwala Keeping promises. R35
ay iyong ginagawa
yun pangako.”
85 “Taong marespeto A person who is R38
sa kapitbahay.” respectful to his
86 “Knows how to give Consistent in fulfilling R42
and take.” commitment.
87 “Builds commitment Knows reciprocity. R45
to someone.”
88 “Someone who is Strong dedication and R48
telling the truth.” loyalty.
89 “Tao na may A person with good R5
magandang ugali at manners and honest.
90 “Trust ay isang tao Trust is someone Empathy and R19
na marunong shows empathy. positive
makiramay sa interactions
kasama nya.”
91 “A person with Someone who is R15
genuine care for sincere or concern to

someone” others.
92 “A person who Willing to listen to R28
provides a listening others without
ear and judgment.
93 “Something that Someone with mutual R50
has positive understanding.
94 “Salaki na salig Trust means someone R12
manan nin na who can understand
gasabutan na isa I others.
mangiginawa na
95 “May mutual Someone with mutual R24
understanding sa understanding.
bawat isa.”
96 “Ang mga tawo nga Someone who is P27
nagsulti sa telling the truth.
kamatuoran tungod
97 sa sugo sa Dios.” Someone who is God- Faith and P33
“Pagbaton ug fearing. Truthfulness
pagtuo ug pagsalig
sa giya sa Diyos.”

98 “Adin gilik nin sa Trust is someone who R14

Allah na entuba a has fear to Allah/God.
taw a gasaligan.”
99 “Taong Sincere at A sincere person and R37
may takot sa Allah with fear of Allah.
100 “Ang tiwala sa tao R26
ay katulad ng A person who fears
pagtitiwala mo sa Allah will not do
Allah kasi ang anything that would
taong may takot sa harm them.
Allah hindi gagawa
ng ikakasama nya.”

The table shows significant statements regarding trust provided by the

respondents, along with the formulated meanings, clustered themes, and
corresponding codes.

Trust as Reliance and Support

Based on the results of the findings as revealed in the interpretation of the
formulated meanings, the first clustered group of respondents defined trust as
reliance and support. This means that a person is someone you can lean on and
share your secrets, and any time you can approach for help or comfort. They are also

reliable and supportive without expecting in return. In times of happiness and
sadness, they can be relied on.

Trust as Openness and Sharing

The second group defined trust as openness and sharing. This means that a
person can share thoughts, feelings, and open information without hesitation of
judgment and betrayal.

Trust as Integrity and Respect

The third clustered group defined trust as integrity and respect, which means
they keep their promises, build trust in their actions, uphold their principles, and treat
others with honesty and dignity.

Trust as Empathy and Positive Interactions

Only Muslim respondents say that trust is someone who shows empathy
towards others and fosters positive relationships based on mutual understanding.

Trust as Faith and Truthfulness

The last group stated that trust is someone who demonstrates a deep sense
of fear towards God as a fundamental aspect of one’s belief and actions.

Several academic definitions of trust were highlighted. It includes perceived

benefits and risks, uncertainty, credibility, and vulnerability. In addition, trust was
defined as your willingness to embrace the advice of a group of strangers because
you believe they, know the truth, will tell you the truth as they know it; and have your
best interest at heart, all of which depend on, who you are, who they are, and what
you're talking about. (Medicine et al., 2015)

Results and Discussion for Statement of the Problem 3

The distribution of the responses of the respondents on the level of trust

between Christians and Muslims in Cotabato City.

Likert Description Likert Scale Interval

Strongly disagree/No trust 1 1.00-1.80
Disagree/low trust 2 1.81-2.60
Neutral/moderate trust 3 2.61-3.40
Agree/High Trust 4 3.41-4.20
Strongly agree/Complete 5 4.21-5.00

Table 3. 1. Level of Trust of the Christian Respondents

Statement Mean Verbal
I trust my Muslim neighbors to fulfill their 3.46 Agree/High Trust
I believe my Muslim neighbors have the best 3.76 Agree/High Trust
interests at heart.
I feel comfortable sharing personal information 3.06 Neutral/moderate
with my Muslim neighbors. trust
I have confidence in the Muslim neighbors’ 3.46 Agree/High Trust
abilities and expertise.
I believe my Muslim neighbors are honest and 3.54 Agree/High Trust
transparent in their actions.
I am comfortable relying on my Muslim 3.6 Agree/High Trust
neighbors for support or assistance.
I believe my Muslim neighbors are respectful 4.14 Agree/High Trust
and understanding.
I believe my Christian neighbors are trustworthy 3.82 Agree/High Trust

The table showed that the highest mean score of 4. 14 indicating a high level
of trust is for the statement “I believe my Muslim neighbors are respectful and
understanding” and the lowest mean score of 3.06 suggesting a neutral or moderate
level of trust in sharing personal information with Muslim neighbors among Christian
respondents. Overall, the mean score for all statements combined is 3.60,

representing the category of “Agree/High level of Trust” indicating the overall positive
level of trust towards Muslim neighbors. This showed that Christian respondents
generally have a positive perception and high level of trust towards their Muslim
neighbors, particularly in terms of respect and understanding, while feeling slightly
less comfortable sharing personal information with them.

Table 3.2. Level of Trust of Muslim Respondents

Statement Mean Interpretation
I trust my Christian neighbors to fulfill their Agree/High Trust
commitments. 3.6
I believe my Christian neighbors have the best Agree/High Trust
interests at heart. 3.66
I feel comfortable sharing personal information with Neutral/moderate
my Christian neighbors. 2.86 trust
I have confidence in my Christian neighbors’ abilities Neutral/moderate
and expertise. 3.32 trust
I believe my Christian neighbors are honest and Agree/High Trust
transparent in their actions. 3.42

I am comfortable relying on my Christian neighbors

for support or assistance.
3.18 trust
I believe my Christian neighbors are respectful and
4.56 Trust
I believe my Christian neighbors are trustworthy 3.92 Agree/High Trust

The table presented that the highest mean score of 4.56 indicating a very
high level is for the statement “I believe my Christian neighbors are respectful and
understanding” while 2.86 is the lowest mean score for the statement “I feel

comfortable sharing personal information with my Christian neighbors” suggesting a
lower level of trust. Overall, 3.56 is the mean score indicating a high level of trust.
Overall, the mean score for all statements is 3.56, under the category of
"Agree/High Trust," which indicates an overall positive level of trust towards Christian
neighbors among Muslim respondents in terms of respect and understanding, while
feeling less comfortable sharing personal information with them.
According to Gibb's Theory of Group Development examining how groups
work together. His premise is quite simple: as trust increases, defensive and
unproductive behavior decreases. The greater the degree of trust, the easier it is for
people to shed roles and give up postures that inhibit the flow of vital information. As
trust increases, people are free to offer opinions, critiques, and praise. Ironically, few
work groups ever address the issue of trust in any direct way and are condemned to
hours of frustrating and non-productive meetings. His theory examines how trust is
formed, how it can be broken, and the impact it has on relationships and interactions.
Trust is typically built through consistent and reliable behavior, effective
communication, and the perception of shared values and intentions

Results and Discussion for Statement of the Problem 4

Table 4. Relationship of Christians and Muslims in Cotabato City
Line Significant statement Formulated Clustered theme Code
No. meanings
1 “Dati hindi masyado ako Christians had P3
nakikipagusap sa kanila an initial
naninibago ako dahil ang discomfort and
mga sabi sa akin ng mga uncertainty
kakilala ko na taliwas sa about their
paniniwala ko ang Muslim
paniniwala nila pero hindi neighbors but
nagtagal unti ko din na later transformed Transformation
iintindihan ang kanilang into a level of and
paniniwala lalo pa na tolerance and understanding
Muslim ang napangasawa respect. through personal
ko.” connection and
2 “Nothing to worry about my Nothing to worry experiences P31
Muslim neighbor kasi I do bout my Muslim
have Muslim cousins so neighbor
we respect religious because I have
observances of both my cousins, we
religions.” respect religious
observances of
both religion.
3 “Mas lalo kong I deepened my P8
naiintindihan ang kultura cultural
ng mga Muslim nong understanding

nakaasawa ang mga anak through personal
ko ng Muslim. Marunong experiences,
silang mag give and take such as children
at marespeto kahit na marrying
dating kristiyano ang mga Muslims, and the
anak ko. May mga importance of
kaugalian sila na hindi ko compromise,
maintindihan katulad ng respect, and
pagsuot ng hijab at hindi communication
pagkain ng buong araw in bridging
mas nauunawaan ko dahil cultural
pinapaintindi ng mga in differences.
laws ko ano ang dahilan ng
mga iyon.”
4 “Binibigyang halaga namin Christian P20
ang bawat isa dahil sa highlights the
magkakamaganak din ang importance of
mga lolo namin. Kung may valuing each
gulo o may hindi other within the
pagkakaunawaan family circle, by
hinahayaan naming na ang resolving
mga nakakatanda ang conflicts and
umaayos.” misunderstandin
gs through the
guidance of
5 “Dati akong kristyano na The challenges R3
nakapagasawa ng Muslim and eventual
na ngayon balik Islam, sa acceptance
una napakahirap para sa faced by an
akin pakisamahan ang individual who
mga muslim dahil transitioned from
naninibago ako sa Christianity to
kaugalian nila malayo sa Islam through
nakasanayan ko. marriage
Napakachallenging part sa struggled with
akin kapag magfasting na adapting to
dahil hindi ako sanay sa Muslim customs,
madaling araw gigising at but in time
kakain, pag pray ng five embraced and
times sa isang araw at yun learned to
babasahin mong Arabic understand the
during prayer pero hindi traditions of their
nagtagal nakasanayan ko spouse's faith.
na din. Acceptance lang
talaga ang kailangan at
matututunan mo din ang
kaugalian nila.”
6 “Dito sa bahay namin Initial difficulties R8
dalawang pamilya ang experienced by
naninirahan, kami na two families
muslim at mga bayaw kung living together
kristiyano, hindi naging due to confusion
Madali sa una dahil nalillito among the

ang mga anak ko pero children, which
hindi nagtagal naintindihan were overcome
din ng bawat isa. Respeto through mutual
lang talaga kasi kung may understanding
respeto kahit iba kayo ng and respect.
paniniwala mauunawaan
mo sila.”
7 “We are close kahit na Close R35
magkaiba kami ng religion. relationships and
Sa tagal na siguro ng strong bonds
pagsasama bilang formed despite
magkapitbahay kaya different
masasabi kong close kami. religious
Nung hindi pa naasawa ni differences.
papa si mama kristiyano si
mama. Karamihan ng
kapitbahay namin na
kristiyano kamaganak ni
mama. Si mama dating
katoliko pinapaintindi nya
sa amin yun practices
meron ang mga kristyano.”
8 “Wala masyadong Christian had Respect and P21
interaction with them kasi I limited understanding
have may work outside the interaction due beyond religious
city but wala namang to work differences
problema kasi here in our commitments
barangay we show respect despite religious
sa isat isa kahit we are differences
different in terms of mutual respect is
religion.” upheld.
9 “We give the same Equal treatment P41
treatment to them, mga towards
respetadong tao. religion is neighbor’s
not a barrier to unity and despite of
friendship.” religious
10 “Marespeto sila sa Muslim P16
kapitbahay Hindi showcase a
nakikialam sa buhay ng sense of mutual
may buhay.” respect and
privacy in the
11 “Masasabi kong marespeto The respect R6
sila lalo na kapag araw ng shown by others,
pagsamba namin tuwing particularly
Friday walang ingay sa during their
lugar namin.” Friday worship.
12 “Although we are different Appreciates R10
in terms of beliefs, I respect shown
appreciate my Christian by their Christian
neighbors because they neighbors,
know how to show respect especially during
to us, especially during the Ramadan.

month of Ramadhan.”
13 “Marespeto lalo pa na alam The neighbors R13
nila na muslim kami kasi preventing any
dito may nagpapabenta sa discomfort or
unahan namin ng bawal sa offense.
amin, hindi nila hinahayaan
na maamoy namin ang
pinapabenta nila.”
14 “Our house is beside the Despite the loud R20
chapel and every Sunday Sunday worship
nagsisimba sila na halos services at the
magigising ka sa lakas ng nearby chapel,
pagsasamba nila pero both
hindi yun nagiging dahilan communities
ng hindi pagkakaunawaan show respect for
dahil kapag kami naman each other's
ang nagpipray makikita mo prayer practices,
kung paano sila rumespeto fostering
sa amin.” understanding
and harmony.
“Namumuhay naman kami We avoid things R23
15 dito na may respeto sa isat when we know
isa kapag alam namin na that is forbidden
hindi pwede o bawal para for others.
sa iba iniiwasan namin
16 “Sa likod ng bahay namin There is a R38
dito sa Fatima may chapel, chapel behind
wala naman akong our house, I see
nakikitang masama dahil nothing wrong
mas nauna sila dito kaysa with my
sa akin kaya dapat ko iyon Christian
intindihin. Ang mahalaga neighbors, I
naniniwala ako na iisa ang should
Panginoon.” understand that.
What is
important there
is only one God.

17 “Marespeto at mapagbigay My Christian R41

ang mga kapitbahay kong neighbors are
Christian.” respectful and
18 “Mapagbigay sila lalo na They are Interfaith R11
kung may handaan sa generous, they neighborly and
kanila. Iniimbita kami lagi.” invited us when solidarity
there is a feast.
19 “Kanya kanya man dito sa Despite we have R1
amin pero may respeto at differences, we
mga concern din sa isat isa respect ad show
lalo na sa oras ng sakuna.” concern to each
other especially
in times of

20 “Maayos naman kami ng Maintains good P2
mga kapitbahay kong relationship and
muslim, may pagkakataon often seeking for
na kapag may problema help with their
sila pa ang una kong Muslim
nalalapitan. Pero huwag neighbors.Dont
mong sagarin ang test the patience
pasensya nila dahil iba sila of a Muslim as
kung magalit.” they have
different way of
expressing their
21 “Masaya dahil welcome The hospitable P14
kaming manood sa bahay nature of the
nila ng palabas sa TV, Muslim
nakakautang kami sa neighbors,
tindahan kahit na hindi nurturing a
namin sila kaano ano.” sense of
within the

22 “We help each other in The importance P46

times of need, maniwala of neighborly
man ako sa kasabihan na bonds and
kapitbahay mo anng unang solidarity in
tutulong sayo.” times of need,
promoting a
culture of
cooperation and
reliance within
the community.
23 “At first may takot dahil sa The negative P49
mga naririnig ko before sa perceptions of
mga kamaganak ko na the Christian
huwag basta magtiwala sa relatives
muslim kasi sila ang unang portraying
nanggugulo pero hindi Muslim as
naman pala totoo. troublemakers
Napakalaki ng naitulong ng however, the
kapitbahay kong muslim invaluable
dahil hirap kami sa buhay assistance and
hindi sa lahat ng oras may kindness
kita minsan nakakahiram received from
ako ng pera ng walang Muslim
interest.” neighbors,
emphasizing the
importance of
looking beyond
24 “They are kind and Show kindness R25
marunong makisama lalo and willingness
na kapag sa oras ng to help
sakuna katulad noong neighbors in

bumaha dito sa amin wala times of disaster
kaming kamaganak dito sa even without
purok bagong silang hindi blood relations.
sukat akalain ng pamilya
ko na kahit nabahaan din
sila hindi sila nagdalawang
isip na tulungan kami.
Naiyak na lang ako dahil
hinndi ko ito kadugo pero
handang tumulong ng
walang kapalit.”
25 “As a teacher sa Brgy. Regardless of R40
Guiawa, Northern religious
Kabuntalan, lagi ako wala differences, it
sa bahay, noong bago pa shows support
kami dito sa tinitirhan and protection
namin may doubt ako na on each
what if pasukin at neighbors.
pagnakawan kami dahil
iilan pa lang ang muslim na
nakatira dito pero ang
pagdududa na iyon ay
napalitan ng tiwala dahil
ngayon iniiwan ko lang ang
susi sa kapitbahay namin
na kristiyano. When we're
not home, we can always
rely on our neighbors to
monitor our property and
let us know about any
strange activity. Panatag
ako kahit wala ako sa
26 “Minsan mahiya man ako Feel hesitant to Social Barriers P12
makipagusap sa mga engage in and Interpersonal
muslim ko na kapitbahay conversations dynamics
dahil professional sila na with their Muslim
ako nagatinda ng isda. neighbors.
Pinipili ko lang yun
kinakausap ko kasi minsan
yun professional hindi ako
makasabay sa usapan nila
mahiya din ako.”
27 “Minsan nahihiya kami A feeling of P42
makipagusap dahil mga shyness desire
professional sila at respeto to maintain a
na lang talaga lalo na respectful
kapag may mga okasyon distance,
sila.” particularly in
formal events.
28 “Nahihiya sa kanila dahil Difference in P27
karamihan sa kanila may terms of
mga kaya sa buhay.” socioeconomic
leading to

29 “Wala ako gaanong Simple greetings R33
interaction sa kanila kasi of hi and hello
nahihiya ako dahil mga then I don’t have
professional itong sa tabi much interaction
namin may pinagaralan pa. because I feel
Hanggang hi and hello shy, they are
Maam and Sir lang.” professionals.
30 “Magpansinan din kung sense of hesitant P39
makasalubong natin sa and inferiority
labasan pero bihira lang due to social
kay mahiya din tayo status.
minsan mga professional
man sila kesa sa atin ba.”
31 “ Walang gulo dahil kilala Living over the Building Strong P22
na namin ang bawat isa, years lead to Interpersonal
sa tagal ba naman ng mutual Connections
pagtira namin dito simula understanding through Cultural
pa ng isinilang ako and familiarity. Understanding
nakamulatan ko na ang
mga Muslim. May mga
anak na rin akong
nakapangawa ng Muslim.
Unti nti ko na rin
nauunawaan ang kanilang
32 “Sa lugar namin Frequent P1
magkakatabi ang bahay, conversation
bakod lang ang pagitan. and interaction
Halos araw –araw sila ang lead to
kausap ko dahil nasa harmonious and
bahay lang lagi ako friendly
nagbabantay ng mga anak. relationship.
Maganda ang relasyon ko
sa mga kapitbahay kong
muslim, akakalain mong
kabisado ko na ang
kanilang salita hanggang
sa paguusap
nagmamaguindanaon na
ako. May mga anak na din
ako na inembrace ang
33 “Dati hindi masyado ako Embracing P3
nakikipagusap sa kanila cultural
naninibago ako dahil ang differences
mga sabi sa akin ng mga leading to a
kakilala ko na taliwas sa deeper
paniniwala ko ang appreciation and
paniniwala nila pero hindi respect for
nagtagal unti ko din na diverse beliefs
iintindihan ang kanilang and practices.
paniniwala lalo pa na
muslim ang napangasawa

34 “Kasundo ko sila kasi dati I get along with R14
ng magkakaibigan ang them because
mga magulang namin our parents were
hanggang sa mga anak friends and now
namin. Walang gulo dahil our children. We
alam namin ang bawat know how to set
limitasyon ng bawat isa.” our limitations.
35 “Karamihan sa kaibigan ko Most of my R28
Christian sila yun friends are
pinagsasabihan ko ng Christians and I
sikreto kasi Madali nila confide them my
akong naiintindihan walang secrets and
bahid na judgement sa easily inderstand
pagkatao ko.” and never judge
my personality.
36 “Matulungin sila lalo na Offer support Community P40
kapag may emergency dito and assistance Solidarity and
sa lugar namin may within the Mutual Support
namatay may bigay din sila community in
ng abuloy sa namatayan at times of grieving
makiramay sa namatayan.” family by offering
and expressing

37 “Pinakanagustuhan ko sa One time, when R31

kanila matulungin sila there was a fire
minsan kasi nong they let us stay
nagkasunog dito wala in their house
kaming naisalba sa gamit even though we
namin wala kaming are not related to
matulugan pero pinatuloy them. I like
nila kami sa bahay nila them, they are
kahit na hindi namin sila helpful.
kamag anak.”
38 “Nagtutulungan dito sa Maintaining P19
amin sa paglinis ng paligid cleanliness of
kasi minsan na kaming the surroundings
binaha at ayaw na naming through
maulit dahil kami rin ang camaraderie.
39 “Nagtutulungan dito ang People in this R50
bawat isa kasi naniniwala community help
kami na iisa lang each other,
Panginoon at walang because we
gagawa ng masama believe that
magiging mapayapa at there is one
tahimik ang pamumuhay.” God.

40 “Matulingin sila dahil may Helping others P30

pagkakataon na without
nagkasunog dito sa amin hesitation.

walang alinlangan
tumulong sila pati mga
kamaganak nil ana
maghakot ng gamit.”
41 “Mabuti naman kapag may When there is an R48
emergency wala pang emergency, in
isang minuto nandyan sila less than a
para tumulong. Kapag may minute they are
binibigay mula sa there to
barangay hindi nila help.When the
kinakalimutan na isali barangay
kami.” provide
smething they
never forget to
include us.
42 “Maganda ang samahan There is unity P33
kahit na hindi kami and cooperation
magkakaano ano at kahit despite of
iba kami ng panniniwala differences.
nagkakaisa kami dito at
43 “Nakikisama sila lalo na Show P13
kapag fiesta dito sa willingness to
Manday, dito kasi sa purok cooperate and
naming tuwing fiesta share generous
nagpapalaro kami sa mga financial
bata at ang ginagawa contributions.
namin humihingi kami ng
kaunting donasyon sa mga
bahay-bahay at iyon ang
ginagamit namin sa prizes,
pagkain ng mga bata.
Hindi sila nagdadalawang
isip na magabot ng pera sa
amin at iyon ang na
appreciate namin sa kanila
dahil naiintindihan nila
44 “Ang lugar namin halo halo We live in a R2
na ang nakatira may place where a
Muslim, Christian at Bajao mixture of
pero ganoon pa man wala residents
akong nararamdamang including
takot dahil sanay na kami Muslim,
sa bawat isa. Kapag may Christians, and
programa ang barangay Bajao people,
asahan mo lahat nakikisali but despite this
lalo na kapag ito ay diversity, I do not
makakabuti sa aming fear, we are
lugar.” accustomed to
each other. You
can expect that
everyone to

whenever there
is an activity or
program in our
45 “Marunong makisama kahit Muslim P23
na minsan nadadaanan neighbors
kami na nagiinuman lalo respect and
na kapag fiesta sa amin understand the
naiintindihan nila kami.” customs and
practices of the
46 “Sa tagal ko dito sa lugar Having various P49
namin at nagkaroon ng ibat kind o Christian
ibang klase ng christian na neighbors, I
kapitbahay wala ako cannot describe
madescribe na masama sa anything
kanila kasi marunong negative about
silang makisama. them, they know
Naiintindihan nila yun mga how to get
paniniwala meron ako at along. They
nirerespeto nila ito. understand my
Napakasarap sa beliefs and
pakiramdam na respect them
nauunawaan ka ng and it feels great
kapitbahay mo kahit na to understood by
alam mo na magkaiba others.
kayo ng paniniwala.”
47 “Okay naman naiintindihan Muslim display P37
nila kami lalo na kapag tolerance and do
may mga okasyon ang not become
mga kristiyano katulad ng agitated and
fiesta at Christmas and have a good
new year hindi sila understanding of
nagagalit sa amin kung the Christians
maingay kami.” customs and
48 “Hindi mahirap There is a P47
pakisamahan kaya cooperation with
masasabi kong healthy each other and
and peaceful ang easy to get
environment namin may along with
pakikisama sa bawat isa.” Muslim
49 “Mabuti man kasi itong Like me, R4
mga kristiyano na Christian
kapitbahay ko umiiwas din neighbors avoid
sa gulo gusto lang din nila trouble and like
katulad ko na tahimik na a peaceful life.
50 “Marunong silang Christian R16
makiramay lalo na kapag neighbors know
may namatay. Hindi mo how to
makikita na iba sila dahil sympathize
marunong sila when someone

makisimpatya.” dies.
51 “Marunong silang Christian R47
makiramay lalo na kapag neighbors know
may namatayan hanggang how to
sa pag libing andun sila. sympathize
Yan ang hindi mawawala when someone
sa mga kristiyano.” dies until the
52 “Nagtutulungan ang mga Muslims and R32
tao dito lalo na kapag may Christians help
sakuna lalo pa noong each other in
nagkaroon ng sunog sa times of need.
may night market, Christians are
karamihan na nakatira sa sincere to help.
night market mga muslim
wala akong masabi sa
pagtulong ng mga
Christian dito sa amin dahil
makikita mo sa kanila yun
sincerity ng pagtulong.”
53 “They are open- minded Christian R34
person kasi hindi issue sa neighbors are
amin dito ang religion open-minded
Kapag nagpapray kami people, religion
they give respect and is not an issue.
same way too. Tulong They give
tulong kami sa respect to each
pagpapaganda ng lugar other. Both work
namin kasi naniniwala together
kami na ang makikinabang believing that
ay ang mga anak namin.” their children
can benefit to
the community.
54 “Maappreciate ko sa kanila I appreciate my R42
na tuwing Ramadhan hindi Christian
sila nag iingay lalo pa kung neighbors
tumatawag ng Bang sa during
masjid. Pinapatay nila ang Ramadhan, they
pinapatugtog nila.” turn off what
they are playing
during prayer
time at the
55 “Wala ako problema sa I don’t have R45
mga kapitbahay ko problems with
marunong silang my Christian
makisama at mapagbigay.” neighbors, they
know how to get
along and they
are generous.
56 “Napakaconcern ng mga Christian R46
kapitbahay kong Christian neighbors are
dahil hindi nila kami concerned on
nakakalimutan kapag may their Muslim

binibigay na tulong mula sa neighbors. They
barangay. Sinasali nila don’t forget their
kami kung sila ang unang Muslim
nakakaalam na may neighbors to
ibibigay na tulong. include when
Ramdam din nila yun hirap giving
ng buhay namin.” assistance from
ans understand
the hardship of
57 “Sa tagal ko dito sa lugar Having different R49
namin at nagkaroon ng ibat Christian
ibang klase ng christian na neighbors, I
kapitbahay wala ako cannot say
madescribe na masama sa negative
kanila kasi marunong comments to
silang makisama. them. They
Naiintindihan nila yun mga understand and
paniniwala meron ako at respect my
nirerespeto nila ito. beliefs.
Napakasarap sa
pakiramdam na
nauunawaan ka ng
kapitbahay mo kahit na
alam mo na magkaiba
kayo ng paniniwala.”
58 “Mas gusto ko pa na Christian prefers Interfaith P18
maging kapitbahay ang having Muslim Respect and
Muslim dahil mas madali neighbors Understanding
silang makaunawa at because they
marunong rumespeto at are respectful
hindi nakikialam sa buhay and do not
ng iba.” meddle others’
59 “Sa gilid ng simbahan Muslim P28
namin may mga muslim na neighbors
nakatira, wala man silang showed
reklamo sa tuwing may understanding
simba o fiesta dahil mga and acceptance
teachers sila at kami na on the customs
lang nahihiya dahil naiisip and practices of
namin na masamok na sila Christians
sa ingay.”
60 “Okay naman wala Muslim P37
gaanong problema dito sa understand and
amin hindi nagiging issue respect each
ang religion kasi limitation
naiintindihan ng bawat isa
ang limitasyon ng kada isa
at nirerespeto ito ng bawat
61 “Walang pakialamanan ng Both Christian R19

buhay basta manirahan ka and Muslims
lang ng tama at walang mind their own
naaagrabyado kahit iba business.
man kami ng estado okay
62 “Okay man, dito sa lugar Both Christian R36
namin iba iba man kami and Muslim
ang importante understand each
nagkakaintindihan.” other.
63 “Marunong silang humingi Christian R37
ng sorry kapag makagawa neighbors knows
sila ng ingay katulad ng how to apologize
may kasiyahan sa bahay when they
nila kung gabi.” disturb their
64 “Maganda ang samahan Both Christian R39
namin dito wala naman and Muslim has
may gusto ng magulong a smooth
lugar, tulad nila hangad ko relationship.
rin na tahimik at peaceful
yun titirhan ko.”
65 “Mapagbigay sila dahil Muslims are Community P15
kapag may kanduli willing to share Generosity and
iniimbitahan kami. May what they have Inclusivity
tulong mula sa BARMM with others
makatanggap din kami.”
66 “Mapagbigay sila lalo pa Muslim P45
kung Ramadhan na nila neighbors are
dahil malapit kami sa generous during
masjid tuwing sasapit ang Ramadhan, they
Iftar pati kaming mga share foods.
kristiyano nabibigyan ng
pagkain mula sa masjid at
masaya kami dahil
masasarap ang binibigay
sa amin.”
67 “We give and take talaga. Both Christian P25
Just like what we did with and Muslim has
our Christian brothers and give and take
sisters.” relationship.
68 “Mabuti naman we share Muslims share P35
foods kung may occasion food and they
sa amin iniinvite naming treat Christian
sila and ganun din sila sa neighbors like a
amin. Sa tagal na ng family.
pagiging magkapitbahay
hindi na sila iba sa amin.”
69 “Mabubuti sila sa Muslims invited P28
kapitbahay nila dahil kapag Christians when
may okasyon sa kanila there is occasion
iniimbitahan nila kami lalo like Ramadhan.
na kapag Ramadhan.”
70 “Masaya naman dito sa Christian R18

amin dahil kilala na namin neighbors are
ang bawat kapitbahay, kind, invite
ugali nila nagbibigayan Muslim
kapag merong salo-salo.” neighbors to
their parties.
71 “Wala akong masabing Muslims R22
masama sa mga appreciated their
kapitbahay kong Christian Christian
dahil napakamabuti nila sa neighbors who
amin, binibigyan kami ng are kind, they
ulam, iniimbitahan kapag gave food, and
may handaan sa kanila at willing to help.
kapag may emergency
handa silang tumulong.”
72 “Mabuti ang pakikitungo Christian treated R26
nila sa amin mapagbigay well their Muslim
at may concern sa neiighbors, are
kapitbahay lalo na kapag generous, and
may okasyon sa bahay nila show concern
magpapaalam ng konteng for their
inuman kaya naiintindihan neighbors.
naming sila.”
73 “Masaya kami dito sa Both Christian R30
purok namin hindi mo and Muslim
makikita ang kanya kanya. neighbors has a
Kapag may handaan sense of
nagbibigayan. Kapag community.
Fiesta nila binibigyan kami They share
ng pagkain at sinisigurado foods during
nila na hindi haram ang gatherings, they
maibigay nil ana pagkain see to it that the
sa amin. Kapag food is not
magsambayang every against on our
Friday wala kang maririnig belief. They
na nagpapatugtog ng show respect
karaoke nila. Napakalapit during prayer
ng masjid sa bahay nila times.
pero andun ang respeto ng
mga Christian.”
74 “Madami akong kaibigan Muslim neighbor R44
na Christian open ako sa have many
bahay nila. Kapag may Christian friends
salo salo orccasion invited who are not
talaga ako. Sila yun mas judgemental.
nasasabihan ko ng
problema ko sa pag-ibig
man o sa pamilya kasi
hindi ko nakikita na
judgmental sila.”
75 “Madalas lang Occasional Respectful P32
magpansinan kasi may conversation Coexistence and
mga trabaho ang bawat isa due to work. Understanding
pero ganun man okay
naman hindi sila

nakakagulo sa lugar
76 “Lagi naman ako sa Occasional P25
trabaho sa buong araw conversation
minsanan lang din kami due to work.
magkaroon ng paguusap
dahil nagtatrabaho din
77 “We love our Muslim Value the love P35
neighbors kasi we grown and care we
up here, they are my good have for each
friends. They treated us other.
like brothers and sisters
and same with them.”
78 “Bihira lang kung Occasional P6
makausap ko sila kasi conversation
nakabakod itong bahay due to work at
namin. Mas nakafocus ako home.
sa trabaho sa bahay pero
okay man din ang relasyon
namin sa kanila.”
79 “Batian lang kapag Limited P7
nagkasalubong sa daan conversation
pag nagkasabay sa labas with each other.
ng sasakyan hi hello po
yun lang.”
80 “Nagkakaintindihan kami We understand P27
dito sa barangay namin. each other and
Walang pakialamanan mind our own
dahil may kanya kanya business.
tayong buhay.”
81 “Peaceful naman dito sa Both live P37
barangay namin peacefully and
magkaintindihan ang tao understand each
dito.” other.
82 “Okay lang man madalas Limited P8
sa tindahan kung may conversation
bibilhin nagakamustahan. with Muslim
Madaliang paguusap lang neighbors due to
kay hindi rin ako msyadong language barrier.
lumalabas ng bahay kay
mahiya din tayo minsan sa
kanila kay hindi ako
gaanong marunong
magsalita ng tagalog kay
Cebuano ang ginagamit
namin sa bahay.”
83 “Minsanan lang Limited P49
nagkakausap dahil busy sa conversation,
trabaho sa palengke.Wala Muslim
naman problema sa mga neighbors can
kapitbahay kong Muslim understand
makaintindi man sila.” easily.
84 “Hindi ko gaanong Muslim doesn't R9

nakakahalubilo itong mga interact much
kapitbahay ko dahil sa with their
Monday to Friday nasa neighbors
trabaho ako siguro kapag because they
nagkakasalubong sa daan are always at
magpapansinan tulad ng work from
pagtaas ng kamay or hi Monday to
and hello pero yun matagal Friday. They
na paguusap walang may exchange
ganoon.” greetings when
they cross paths
on the street, but
they don't have
with them.
85 “Hindi ko sila gaanong Muslim often talk R12
nakakausap dahil lagi ako to their Christian
nasa trabaho pero maayos neighbors
naman ang samahan dito because they
sa barangay namin kahit are always at
iba iba ang nakatira dito.” work but they
have good
relationship in
their community.
86 “Bihira lang kung Muslim rarely R24
makipagusap sa kanila talks to their
hindi naman ako Christian
tumatambay sa labasan neighbors. They
kung bibili lang sa tindahan interact when
or maghatid ng anak sa they need to buy
school nakakasalamuha ko something from
sila.” the store or drop
off their child at
87 “Pansinan din kung may Don’t ignore R29
time pangit naman na your neighbor,
kapitbahay mo hindi mo na as they are the
papansinin dahil maniwala first ones who
ako na dapat maganda can help you in
ang relasyon mo sa times of need.
kapitbahay dahil sa oras
ng pangangailangan sila
ang unang makakatulong
sa iyo.”
88 “Madalas lang kung We often talk, R43
magusap usap lalo na sometimes
kung may meeting sa brgy. during meeting
Namin regarding sa 4ps.” regarding 4Ps.
89 “Wala akong masabi sa Good things to Neighborly P16
mga kapitbahay kong say about Bonds and
muslim para ko na silang Muslim Mutual Respect
kapatid dahil sa tagal ng neighbors,
pinagsamahan ng pamilya grown to each

namin, kilala na naming other as family.
ang bawat isa.”
90 “Mababait sila dahil una Muslim P43
may pinagaralan silang neighbors are
tao, mapagbigay sa kapwa kind, families
at nakasanayan na ng have become
pamilya namin dahil sa accustomed to
matagal na pagiging each other due
magkapitbahay.” to long-standing
relationship as
91 “Sa tinagal namin Muslim P44
nanirahan dito sa Cotabato neighbors are no
parang masabi mo na din different from us
na hindi na iba ang mga Christians.
Muslim sa amin. Dati sila Sharing of
ang kasama naming practices in the
maligo ng ilog ngayon mga community.
anak naman namin ang
gumagawa nun.”
92 “Sa 20 years na pagtira ko Muslims are P50
sa barangay namin wala religious people
akong nakaaway na who strive to
muslim dahil mga religious avoid disputes.
sila umiiwas sa gulo.”
93 “Napakawelcome nila lalo Both Muslim and R17
na sa amin, dito kasi sa Christian treated
purok manuel turingan each other like a
namin dito magkakaibigan family.
dahil sa tagal na naming
nakatira dito.”
94 “Hindi ako nakikipagusap I don’t engage in Fear and P8
sa mga kapitbahay naming conversation Intimidation
Muslim umiiwas ako sa with my Muslim
gulo. Mahirap pa naman neighbors to
sila kausap hindi avoid conflict, I
magpatalo. Hindi naman find it difficult to
lahat yun iba walang communicate
pakialam sa kalinisan dito because they
sa lugar namin. are stubborn.
Pinapabayaan ang kalat Some of them
kaya minsan isa yan sa do not care
kinaiinisan ko sa kanila.” about
95 “Minsan natatakot sa mga Scared of P10
Muslim dahil kapag may Muslim
gulo at sangkot sila neighbors due to
nagbabanta sila at troublemaker,
nagdadala pa ng mga make threats
kamag anak na taga ibang and bring
lugar para manakot. relatives from
Sasabihin na madami other places to
silang makakalaban mo intimidate.
kapag kinalaban mo

sila.Minsan ko na kasi
itong nakitang sitwasyon
sa mga kamaganak kong
Christian din.”
96 “As a Muslim, I am more As a Muslim, I R5
comfortable socializing am more
with my Christian friends in comfortable
our community rather than socializing with
my Muslim friends kasi my Christian
strict and parents nila than friends in our
with my Christian friends.” community
rather than my
Muslim friends
because they
have strict
parents than
with my
Christian friends.
97 “Iniiwasan ko sila dahil I can still R7
hindi pa rin mawala ang remember the
alaala ko noong 1972 time during
nagkaMartial Law, Martial Law in
madaming Moro ang 1972 when
sinaktan, namatay, palipat many Moros
lipat ng tirahan. Kami na were killed, hurt
taga Kampo Muslim and displaced.
pinaghihinalaan na We were
masasama ng mga suspected by
Kristiyanong sunndalo. Christian
Naranasan ko ang soldiers as bein
matadyakan kaya sinasabi evil. I
ko sa mga anak ko wag experienced
magtiwala sa mga being kicked, so
kristiyano.” I tell to my
children not to
trust Christians

98 “We don’t socialize with Muslims don’t R15

our Christian neighbors socialize with
specially men because their Christian
according to the concept of neighbors
Islam, it is prohibited to a specially men,
woman to accompany men due to Islamic
kapag hindi mo asawa.” beliefs that
prohibit women
from men who
are not their
99 “Karamihan dito na Muslims avoid R21
Christian pakialamera lalo conversation
na kapag may away sa with Christian
pamilya talagang aalamin neighbors, who
nila kung anu ang nangyari perceive as nosy
tapos paguusapan ka nila when there are

kaya hindi ako family conflicts
nakikipagusap sa kanila. as they tend to
Ang sabi ng Lolo ko nung inquire and
panahon ng Martial law gossip about
pinahirapan sila ng mga them. According
Kristiyanong sundalo, to my
sinasaktan sila tulad ng grandfather,
sinusuntok, binabatukan during Martial
kaya dati nagpapanggap law, they were
sila na Christian para hindi oppressedby
sila saktan.Kaya hindi na Christian
gaano kaming nagtitiwala soldiers, who
sa kanila.” hurt them by
punching and
slapping them.
They used to
pretend to be
Christians so
they wouldn’t get
hurt. That is why
we don’t trust
1OO “Hindi maiwasan na Muslims R27
minsan naiinis tayo sa sometimes feel
ating kapitbahay na annoyed with
Christian lalo na dito sa Christian
purok namin na neighbors who
magkakatabi ang bahay drink alcohol
dahil may mga ginagawa which results to
sila na hindi naayon sa disruptive
aming nakaugalian katulad behavior like
ng pagiinom ng alak na shouting,
minsan iyon ang sanhi ng causing
gulo dahil kapag nalasing disturbances
sila nagsisisigaw, during midday.
nakakapirwisyo lalo na sa

The table above reveals that from initial discomfort and uncertainty of the
Christians and Muslims transformed into acceptance of cultural differences. Through
willingness to learn and adapt, cultural experiences such as seeing children marrying
Muslims or Christians and personal connections like cousins lead to a harmonious
relationship. Despite the limited interaction with each other due to work
commitments, the Christian and Muslim neighbors uphold equal treatment towards
each other regardless of religious differences. Both maintain a good relationship with
each other, Christians acknowledge the importance of not testing the patience of a
Muslim neighbor due to their different way of expressing their anger. Some of the
respondents said that there are social barriers in conversation due to feelings of
shyness and socioeconomic status that may lead to feelings of inferiority and

hesitation in interacting with neighbors. On the other hand, both Christians and
Muslims come together to offer a helping hand without hesitation, cooperation in
times of need such as maintaining cleanliness and grieving, and acts of sharing
demonstrated by Muslims towards their Christian neighbors particularly during
occasions like Ramadhan while in Christians during Christmas and New Year.
However, despite this, various statements revolve around the two groups facing
issues such as avoidance of conflict, discomfort in socializing, differences in cultural
practices leading to misunderstanding, and the impact of disruptive behaviors on
relationships resulting in social distancing, fear and frustration among the groups.
This was confirmed by the key informants, Christians and Muslims are said to
come together and help one another at difficult times, such as natural disasters, or
family problems. Generally, there is a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration even
though there are occasional cases of feeling inferior or hesitant to interact with each
other due to perceived differences in terms of education or status of living. Interaction
and communication may be limited in some barangays due to work schedules or
gated residences, while in certain barangays where houses are close to one another,
allowing for free dialogue between the Christian and Muslim neighbors.
As quoted in the book of Diaz,(2003) when Muslims and Christians live as
close neighbors, they respect and trust each other. This is the reality at the inter-
personal level. Respect, cooperation, and sharing are emphasized as important
aspects of the relationship between Christians and Muslims.
There is proof of mutual participation in each other's religious celebrations
where Muslims join Christians in celebrating Christmas or New Year or Christians
attending Muslim gatherings like Kanduli or during Eid Ul Fitr and Eid Ul Adha
(Islamic Festivities). In times of mourning, sympathy and support are also extended
between the two groups. Intermarriage or mixed marriage is acknowledged as
another factor that contributes to the good relationship between Christians and
Muslims. The sharing of customs, values, and beliefs is made possible by the
existence of mixed marriages between Christians and Muslims. The link between the
two groups is strengthened by this intermarriage, which helps to foster a better
appreciation and understanding of one another's cultures. Then, In Cotabato City, the
local government made sure that a group of leaders from various religious groups
and sectors in the city came together to form the Cotabato City Inter-Faith Council of
Leaders. Its goal is to provide the city government with assistance during decision-
making. To further lessen misunderstandings and prejudices, the council also hosts
interfaith discussions, workshops, and seminars based on the information revealed
by the key informants.

Results and Discussion for Statement of the Problem 5
Table 5. Factors that contribute to the full trust of Muslim and Christian
Consistency in words and actions 75 32.96%
Honesty and transparency 91 40.01%
Reliability and dependability 64 28.15%
Mutual respect and understanding 100 43.96%
Shared values and beliefs 36 15.83%
Positive past experiences 60 26.36%
Effective communication and active
listening 24 10.55%
Other (please specify): empathy 5 2.19%

The table shows the factors that contribute to the full trust among Christians
and Muslims in Cotabato City, it reveals that mutual respect and understanding
(43.96%) is the most valued factor in building full trust between the two groups. One
unique aspect revealed in the data is the factor of empathy, which is specified
separately from the other factors. Though empathy may not have the highest
percentage with other factors, its inclusion as a distinct category suggests its
significance in building trust between the two groups.

Chapter V


This chapter presents generalizations and recommendations of the study.

Different forms of trust represent different aspects of human relationships and
human interactions. It can be generalized that trust among Christians and Muslims in
Cotabato City encompasses aspects, first, reliance and support where they can lean
on each other without asking anything in return. Second, sharing and openness allow
open thoughts and feelings without worrying about criticism and betrayal. Third,
associated with integrity and respect keeping promises, treating others with dignity,
and upholding principles. Then for some, trust is rooted in empathy and positive
interactions. Lastly, trust can be connected to faith and truthfulness where there is a
deep sense of fear in God as a fundamental aspect of one’s beliefs and actions.
The study reveals, that both Christian and Muslim respondents in Cotabato
City show a positive perception and a high level of trust with both groups in terms of
mutual respect and understanding. However, both groups have a slight hesitation in
sharing personal information with their neighbors indicating a lower trust in this
The study reveals that from the initial discomfort and uncertainty among
Christians and Muslims into acceptance of cultural differences. Despite the limited
interaction with each other due to work commitments, both groups uphold equal
treatment towards each other regardless of religious differences. However, despite
this, various statements revolve around the two groups facing issues that include
social barriers, feelings of inferiority in terms of socioeconomic status, and
misunderstandings based on cultural differences can still create tension leading to

misunderstanding, and the impact of disruptive behaviors on relationships resulting in
social distancing, fear, and frustration among the groups. Despite this, both groups
cooperate in times of need.
For the respondents, the most contributing factors are mutual respect and
understanding. Furthermore, the inclusion of empathy as a separate factor
emphasizes its importance in fostering trust together with other key factors in
promoting intergroup relations.

To build a strong relationship and understanding, the local official leaders
should implement programs and initiatives like interfaith dialogues, cultural exchange
programs, and community events to encourage opportunities between Christians and
Muslims in Cotabato City to interact and engage with each other to address social
barriers, feelings of inferiority, and misunderstanding to reduce tension and promote
cultural sensitivity and mutual respect among the two groups. Muslims and Christians
in the community, extend their understanding and trust toward their neighbors. It is
also recommended to conduct future research on the factors that contribute to
building trust between Christians and Muslims in Cotabato City.


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