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Asgumeut 1

Sulmited o M. Tauuamua 0el

Sulsritedby htya Jaiuu
Dake SauuQu 1 2021

1. ue shor wotu o
KinsissKinzsiaportrays MOOds ud eusahous throgh
body uouenedts 1t _tourisA Hu mdRut
otso_aud h lheod boo oATus
Qud aPpELaMMLelhu tguivalut populau
uluu tekua i bodyuquage Kiuesics
is ftu igorlaut put ou-Veubal
LQA uAuuitahou.

b Bauuu h lmumunicahiou i It basically uyu n e

probluu hat QuAe_at ueuy Athye u
LMAMUiahuproULaud JM t poteuhal to
reake 'mi Luudeistau.ding Ad LouuLou0
bankiuh ouunauuiahon cau be slnsaiMed as
Lauguage baukies Lauguage i u ADAt_Amly
euiploiyed Book _puAuaiLahou 1t iL oue H
aiu bauutu t Liuuit terhivg_puAuwcahou
Meue a ASeuanhe bauhis utlh doe_ual lit_wu
LOAALUu Cale elehelu=hyN aulike wauped
aLsuushipus deuntahuu aud Lounetahoc Tthuital
augouk Bad eapreAi OId wit dilkenuslueau ngs.
udaulby trauulanou

Ysqduolonital Bauuius Thue a aho kuawu a

dAoh&u BouuLOHA meae
t atake ind botuH Leudeis_aud tu Hecevek
MeSe_Llide augpA, latk atltuho, Distrusl,
IthAeut latk _uupaths aud depresaiou
Phusical bauuieus lay_aue tu MDLt elsious bakuit
echveLuAnidhhiou Tayaude bausutu Like
Ai_loted doorL.4aulk tuuplaueut ustd 4for
LGuLuuraho t

Atihudiual Baxuiuu Soue people au iutroveut aud uot

VEUy_iDual,u tu otheu: laud jue uke fo be
ol Soune eeople a atihude_Asuu ke lue
eg0 0ud IALQULIdeuahe_belaaviousL AL lhese fing hu
5aukieuo euhve Louuu tahou

LultmalBauuituAi Di{uut wltuue laauue a diteutut

mueaing&LVELal baul_Values a douehyBut
LEuuehuu Hu betouueL_0 baui ia t_LAuLuuaho

Orgauisahoual bauuiua: 1laede bau4leu a _uelakd o

dugasmisahoual srutuue authorit_puelahonauups
2.Disus itp 1a 1 golsen prinuiplu LRuuumicahiou

u priupls 4COuAmuuiLahieu 0
1 Clean u musage Ahould be alean aud esily
Ludeutamdalde d tu Meu iu a puupose
CCLumulicahou slhould be tleau_b eudeu theu 0uly
i MELLIL wlt be uue alout it. age houle
BLApLMasisgBu O ugle g0al at a huue oud ahall_not
LOUe AweLa_1dea iaALugle AulMLe.

2 LorYed: _eMage alhould be torret ie a wrfec

Laugunge gluou!dbo used aud ku Audeu_uLLst usuue

MAeAage Auould be eMau_awd wel haked. 1t_has&a

iwgaut ou ius MeceLveu aud iucreaseS JeudeuA

Luuglute i 1 uALLAage Bhbudd be Qupleto ._jEuAut

intlude all ttu ue M vaul M{ouaQhou ue9Lured b
t iteuded audiute. 1uu _Loiuplete iukoruahou give
AoeA o all tu auuhouu _tu LLeveuoud
iv betteudecuAiou wakug. b tu neupuct.
eucrefe i u Couumuwtahou shoukd be coucrefe
whih ueaus t_wsiagelould be deau aud
gauhulauly Audh that no uoou or uibinteupre tahioru
i let. AL thu JoctAaud guu ould_be
che oy MeuhQuBd ina uliige Lo _as fo_2ubstautolo
to oliateve ty undu ibamg.
5 Louise ue ueLsage uould be Precise
recike Aud
H (oj UI Aeude lnould _aUpid tu Legths
utLesQAud y_b_Lowey-the Aubieit uiatd4_ju
tlu leasE poLsible oords u short Qud b r t
MeSAag2e InDre ureheunlive auudlnelps in
LARtaiug- t MELLLVELB atdeui ou.
6 Cusideuahou u udeu wust take inlo LOMsdunahou
Hu ALLeLvus opiuus
kuOuledge-umdket balkgLond
ordeu n luae au lechue BuuwLahai.
u ordey o_LAuAuucahe euodeu unust uelahe
totluo tauget ueupiut audhe MUOLVed.
1 Lowute.ous E Iuplie tuat tius budu u t take
iuo oaLideLahous botu l'4Leleugs and vieegonns
t ueLeiveLula Haat_tu uesdage_ls Rosi hve
oud LotuAedat tl audeuco tMesAageéhould uot
be binsed auud uuat iaclucle tiue teums_tlaat_Auow
tleAeApect kor 1u Hecip u.

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