Assess Market Opportunities Activities

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1. Read Information Sheet No. 1.1-1 on Identify buyers in the local market following industry
2. Answer the Self-check 1.1-1
3. Read Information Sheet No. 1.1-2 on Procedures in conducting informal interview
4. Answer the Self-check 1.1-1
5. Perform Task Sheet 1.1-1 on Interview buyers
6. Read Information Sheet No. 1.1-3 on Select buyers based on the result of the interview
7. Answer the Self-Check 1.1-3
8. Read Information Sheet No. 1.2-1 on Determine flow of produce from farm to the selected buyer
based on the established industry practice.
9. Answer the Self-check 1.2-1
10. Read Information Sheet No. 1.2-2 on Identify value adding activities based on requirements of
selected buyer’s requirements
11. Answer the Self-check 1.2-2
12. Read Information Sheet No. 1.2-3 on Compute comparative prices and costs of value adding
activities based on industry practice
13. Answer the Self-Check 1.2-3
14. Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-1 on Prepare Marketing objective
15. Answer the Self-check 1.3-1
16. Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-2 on Establish steps in the delivery of the product to
selected buyer
17. Answer the Self-check 1.3-2
18. Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-3 on Estimate target sales, costs and marketing profit
19. Answer the Self-Check 1.3-3
20. Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-4 on Formulate contingency plan
21. Answer the Self-Check 1.3-4
22. Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-5 on Compile details of marketing plan
23. Answer the Self-Check 1.3-5


1. Read Information Sheet No. 2.1-1 on Monitored farm production performance according to
industry standard
2. Answer the Self-check 2.1-1
3. Read Information Sheet No. 2.1-2 on Gather information and feedback following industry
4. Answer the Self-check 2.1-2
5. Read Information Sheet No. 2.1-3 on Practice record keeping following workplace procedures
6. Answer the Self-check 2.1-3
7. Read Information Sheet No. 2.1-4 on Use farm records according to industry procedures
8. Answer the Self-Check 2.1-4
9. Read Information Sheet No. 2.1-5 on Select improvements based on the result of the review
10. Answer the Self-Check 2.1-5
11. Read Information Sheet No. 2.2-1 on Identify farm production requirements base on market
12. Answer the Self-check 2.2-1
13. Read Information Sheet No. 2.2-2 on Determine farm production activities and cost based on
accepted farming practices
14. Answer the Self-check 2.2-2
15. Read Information Sheet No. 2.2-3 on Compute volume of harvest according to actual
production capacity
16. Answer the Self-check 2.2-3
17. Read Information Sheet No. 2.2-4 on Select alternative farm products based on market
18. Answer the Self-check 2.2-4
19. Read Information Sheet No. 2.2-5 on Formulate contingency plan based on farm
production risks
20. Answer the Self-Check 2.2-5
21. Read Information Sheet No. 2.2-6 on Select suppliers and providers based on
22. Answer the Self-Check 2.2-6
23. Read Information Sheet No. 2.3-1 on Adjust farm production activities and costing based
on the result of review
24. Answer the Self-check 2.3-1
25. Read Information Sheet No. 2.3-2 on Apply selected improvements based on the result of
26. Answer the Self-check 2.3-2
27. Read Information Sheet No. 2.3-3 on Adjust projected volume target volume based on the
result of review
28. Answer the Self-check 2.3-3
29. Read Information Sheet No. 2.3-4 on Apply corrective measures base on the result of
30. Answer the Self-check 2.3-4


1. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-1 on Compute farm cost based on farm activities
2. Answer the Self-check 3.1-1
3. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-2 on Identify financial services providers based on requirement
4. Answer the Self-check 3.1-2
5. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-3 on Select sources of financial services based on the
6. Answer the Self-check 3.1-3
7. Read Information Sheet No. 3.1-4 on Compiled details of budget plan
8. Answer the Self-Check 3.1-4
9. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-1 on Comply membership requirements in an organization based
on standard procedure
10. Answer the Self-check 3.2-1
11. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-2 on Submit loan application documents and
requirements based on industry procedures
12. Answer the Self-check 3.2-2
13. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-3 on Avail financing based on farm plan schedule
14. Answer the Self-check 3.2-3
15. Read Information Sheet No. 3.2-4 on Settle financial obligation based on budget
16. Answer the Self-Check 3.2-4
17. Read Information Sheet No. 3.3-1 on Practice savings following budget plan
18. Answer the Self-check 3.3-1
19. Read Information Sheet No. 3.3-2 on Acquire assets
20. Answer the Self-check 3.3-2
21. Read Information Sheet No. 3.3-3 on Fund farm expansion and diversification following
budget plan
22. Answer the Self-check 3.3-3


1. Read Information Sheet No. 4.1-1 on Determine major buyers and trading centers of the produce
according to industry practice
2. Answer the Self-check 4.1-1
3. Read Information Sheet No. 4.1-2 on Gather information on price following standard procedure
4. Answer the Self-check 4.1-2
5. Read Information Sheet No. 4.1-3 Record price information following industry standard
6. Answer the Self-check 4.1-3
7. Read Information Sheet No. 4.2-1 on Use collected information in strategizing to optimize sales
and profit according to standard marketing procedure
8. Answer the Self-check 4.2-1
9. Read Information Sheet No. 4.2-2 on Apply value adding activities to increase sales and profit
based on market plan
10. Answer the Self-check 4.2-2
11. Read Information Sheet No. 4.2-3 Identify services of business development services (BDS)
providers based on industry practices
12. Answer the Self-check 4.2-3
13. Read Information Sheet No. 4.2-4 Do consolidation of produce and group marketing
following industry practices
14. Answer the Self-check 4.2-4
15. Read Information Sheet No. 4.3-1 on Perform negotiation with buyers and business
development service providers according to industry practice
16. Answer the Self-check 4.3-1
17. Read Information Sheet No. 4.3-2 on Establish sales terms and condition and agreed
following marketing practices
18. Answer the Self-check 4.3-2
19. Read Information Sheet No. 4.3-3 Prepare produce for selling according to marketing
20. Answer the Self-check 4.3-3
21. Read Information Sheet No. 4.3-4 Deliver produce to buyers based on agreement
22. Answer the Self-check 4.3-4
23. Read Information Sheet No. 4.3-5 Assess marketing operation based on marketing
24. Answer the Self-check 4.3-5
25. Read Information Sheet No. 4.3-6 Record details of marketing transaction and keep as
reference following industry practice
26. Answer the Self-check 4.3-6

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