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Before an Earthquake:
1. Create an Emergency Plan
a. Develop an emergency plan that includes communication strategies and meeting
b. Identify safe zones in and around your home, workplace, and any other places
you frequent.
2. Prepare your Go-bags
a. Consider having a go-bag ready with necessary items for a quick evacuation.
b. Make sure you have an emergency kit with essential supplies, including water,
non-perishable food, a flashlight, first aid supplies, and important documents.
3. Secure Heavy Furniture and Objects
a. Anchor heavy furniture, appliances, and other objects to prevent them from falling
during the shaking.

During an Earthquake:
1. Drop, Cover, and Hold
a. Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until
the shaking stops.
2. If Indoors
a. If you are indoors, stay there. Do not run outside during the shaking, as falling
debris poses a significant risk.
b. Avoid standing near windows, glass, and heavy objects that could shatter or fall.
3. If Outside
a. Move to an open area away from buildings, streetlights, utility wires, and trees.
4. If Driving
a. Pull over to a safe location away from overpasses, bridges, and tall structures.
Stay inside the vehicle until the shaking stops.

After an Earthquake:
1. Check for Injuries
a. Assess yourself and others for injuries and administer first aid as necessary.
2. Be Cautious of Aftershocks
a. Aftershocks may follow the main earthquake. Be prepared for additional shaking
and take appropriate precautions.
3. Inspect Your Surroundings
a. Check for hazards such as gas leaks, damaged electrical wires, and structural
damage. Evacuate the building if it is unsafe.
b. Take photos or videos of damage for insurance purposes if it is safe to do so.
4. Listen to Emergency Broadcasts
a. Tune in to a battery-operated or emergency radio for updates and instructions
from local authorities.
b. If instructed to evacuate, do so promptly and follow designated routes.
5. Communicate and Reconnect
a. Use text messages or social media to communicate, as voice networks may be
overwhelmed. Reconnect with family members and friends.

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