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Level : Junior High School

Subject : English

Class/semester : VII/2

Language Skill/Component : Writing

Genre : Descriptive Text

Theme : Person

Topic : Describing person

Time : 2x40 minutes

I. Standard Competence


12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek

sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


II. Basic Competence

12.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sangat sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.

III. Indicators

1. Completing the missing words in descriptive text.

2. Arranging a text about describing person.

3. Writing a text about describing person.

IV. Learning Objective

1. Students are able to mention human body part.

2. Students are able to complete the missing words in descriptive text.

3. Students are able to arrange the jumble sentences to make a good descriptive


4. Students are able to write a text about describing person.

V. Learning Materials

1. Explanation about human body part.

2. A task about complete the missing words in descriptive text.

3. A task about arrange the jumble sentences to make good descriptive text.

4. A task about write simple descriptive text based on person that students like.

VI. Approach and Method

Approach : Cooperative Language Learning

Method : Discussion

VII. Teaching Learning Activities

No. Teacher Activities Students Activities Technique Media Time

1. Set Induction 10’

1. Greeting, praying Responding and Question and

and checking the greeting Answer

students’ attendance

2. Giving leading

question. Answer the questions Question and

3. Stating learning Paying attention Answer


2. Main activities Paying attention 65’

1. Introducing some

vocabularies to

describe a person to


2. Asking the Working with partner

students to find their


3. Asking the Doing exercise I in

students to do task 1 group

in group.

4. Discussing the Discussing the

answer together answer together with

with the class. the class.

5. Asking the Doing exercise II

students to do task 2 individually


6. Asking the

students to submit Submitting the

their work worksheet

3. Closure 5’

1. Summarizing and Summarizing the Question and

giving conclusion materials given Answer

about the materials


2. Greeting and

praying Greeting

VIII. Media and Sources

Media : real things, whiteboard, and board marker

Sources :

Look at the pictures carefully!

1. Do you know who they are? (showing the picture of Sule and Andre)

2. Do they have short hair?

3. What are the colors of their hair?

4. How about their face?

5. How about their nose?


Physical Apperance is the characteristics of someone that is looked from outside.

Introducing vocabularies:








a. Hair


- Straight hair

- Wavy hair

- Curly hair

* Hair-cut

- Spike

- Ponytail


- Bald Hair

- Thick

Blonde, black, dark, brown, white, gray, red

b. Face




c. Eyes

*Type : Slanting , Big round

*Color : green, blue, brown , gray, black

d. Skin

Tanned, silky, baby-soft, glowing, dry, rough, dark-skinned

e. Nose : flat, pointed

f. Mouth : wide, thin lips, full lips

g. Chin : pointed, firm, weak

h. Height and Build

- Tall

- Short

- Stout.

- Slim (positive)

- Fat (negative)

- Overweight (neutral)


- Well-built

- Stocky

i. Ears : big, small

j. Age : young, middle aged, elderly, old

This is Andre Taulani. He is a singer and comedian. He is a handsome man. He has a short

and straight hair. The color of his hair is black. He also has a sharp nose. Andre wears


- Task I ( Pair Work)

Match the word with the appropriate meaning correctly in pairs!

a. Shoulder j. To

b. Chest e

c. Wri

st Lidah

d. To · Jari kaki

ngue · Dada

e. Be · Punggung

ard · Bahu

f. M · Janggut

ousta · Pergelanga

che n tangan

g. Hi · Pinggul

p · Pergelanga

h. An n kaki

kle · Kumis

i. Ba · Gigi


- Task II (group work)

Fill the blanks with the appropriate words in the box correctly!

Wavy slim bald fair moustache chubby

1. The man is ___________. He doesn’t have much hair.

2. Almost all girls want to have ____________ body.

3. My father grows a ____________ above his upper lip. He is very proud of it.

4. My little brother is cute and ____________. Everyone wants to touch him.

5. The actress has _____________ complexion and ___________ hair

- Task III (group work)

Arrange the sentences below into a good descriptive text.

1. His skin is light brown.

2. He has a flat nose.

3. He has a long hair and the color of his hair is blonde.

4. He does not wear glasses.

5. Sule is a male and he is a comedian.

- Task IV (Individual Task)

Write simple descriptive text about one of your family member.


- Product evaluation

- Writing test

Write simple descriptive text about person that students like.

- Process EvaluatioN

a. Pedoman Penilaian:

1. Untuk Task 1

Jumlah nilai maksimal: 10 x 3 = 30

2. Untuk Task 2

Jumlah nilai maksimal: 5 x 4 = 20

3. Untuk Task 3

b. Rubrik Penilaian:

No. Uraian Skor

1 Struktur bahasa benar, ciri-ciri bahasa 50

benar, struktur kalimat benar

2 Struktur bahasa salah, ciri-ciri bahasa 48

benar, struktur kalimat benar

3 Struktur bahasa Salah, ciri-ciri bahasa 45

salah, struktur kalimat benar

4 Struktur bahasa salah, ciri-ciri bahasa 41

salah, struktur kalimat salah

Total nilai: Task I + Task II + Task III = 100



a. Shoulder h. An

b. Chest kle

c. Wrist i. Ba

d. Ton ck

gue j. To

e. Bea e


f. M · Lidah

ousta · Jari kaki

che · Dada

g. Hi · Punggung

p · Bahu
· Janggut/ · Pergelanga

jenggot n kaki

· Pergelanga · Kumis

n tangan · Gigi

· Pinggul


1. Bald

2. Slim

3. Moustache

4. Chubby

5. Fair and wavy hair


Sule is a male and he is a comedian. He has a long hair and the color of his hair is

blonde. He does not wear glasses. He has a flat nose. His skin is dark brown.


1. This is Jessica Iskandar. She has long hair and the color of her hair is black. Her

hair is curly, she is tall. She has sharp nose. Her face is oval. She does not have a

big round eyes, her eyes is slanting.

2. This is Barrack Obama. He has dark skin, his hair is bald. He has sharp nose.

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