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● Observa el título y las imágenes del texto. ¿De qué crees que se trata?

● Lee el texto.
3. Read the statements and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).
● Lee los enunciados y decide si son verdaderos (T) o falsos (F).
1. Chile is a narrow and short country. (T) (F)

2. Chile is divided into north, central and south. (T) (F)

3. Most seasons in the north are windy and rainy. (T) (F)

4. Central Chile is rainy. (T) (F)

5. It is very hot in the south part of Chile. (T) (F)

4. Read the text again and complete the chart with the missing information.
● Lee el texto nuevamente y completa el cuadro con la información que falta.
North Central South

Weather and seasons Dry, sunny, and hot. Cold and rainy.
Summer is hot
Winter is cold with
temperatures below

Temperature 14ºC -----

Place that you can Santiago


“What’s the weather like?”
1. Observe the weather report for different cities in Chile. Then, answer the
questions. Follow the example.
● Observa el reporte del clima para diferentes ciudades en Chile. Luego contesta
las preguntas. Sigue el ejemplo.

● Remember the vocabulary from Class 1 of this unit:

Sunny Windy Cloudy Rainy

● Consider the following range of temperatures.

Example: What’s the weather like in Arica?

The weather is sunny and hot in Arica.

1. What’s the weather like in Iquique? ______________________________
2. What’s the weather like in Copiapó? _____________________________
3. What’s the weather like in Valparaíso? ____________________________
4. What’s the weather like in Talca? ________________________________
5. What’s the weather like in Concepción? ___________________________
6. What’s the weather like in Osorno? ______________________________
7. What’s the weather like in Coyhaique? ____________________________
8. What’s the weather like in Punta Arenas? __________________________

2. Classify the cities of Chile, presented in the previous activity, according to

their weather.
● Clasifica las ciudades de Chile, presentadas en la actividad anterior, de acuerdo
al clima.

Sunny cities Windy cities Cloudy cities Rainy cities

1. Arica

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