Muscular System Handout Part 1

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Chapter 4 .

1: Muscular Tissues

I. Introduction Sarcolemma: muscle fiber’s plasma membrane Troponin Regulatory protein that is a
Motion- results from alternating contraction and relaxation of surrounding the sarcoplasm. component of thin filament;
muscles. Myofibrils: contractile elements of skeletal muscle. when calcium ions (Ca2) bind to
The prime function of muscle is changing chemical energy troponin, it changes shape.
Skeletal Muscle Fiber Proteins
into mechanical energy to perform work
Structural Proteins Proteins that keep thick and thin
Contractile Proteins Proteins that generate force
II. Muscular Tissues filaments of myofibrils in proper
during muscle contractions
Properties of Muscular Tissues alignment, give myofibrils
1. Electrical excitability: property of responding to stimuli Myosin Contractile protein that makes elasticity and extensibility, and
by producing action potentials up thick filament link myofibrils to the sarcolemma
2. Contractility: ability to generate tension to do work Binds to myosin binding sites on and extracellular matrix.
3. Extensibility: ability to be extended or stretched actin molecules of thin filament
Titin Structural protein that connects Z
4. Elasticity: ability to return to original shape after during muscle contraction.
disc to M line of sarcomere
contraction or extension.
Actin Contractile protein that is the
Skeletal Muscle Tissue Alpha-Actinin Structural protein of Z discs that
main component of thin
- primarily attached to the bones, striated, and voluntary. attaches to actin molecules of
filament; each actin molecule
- well supplied with nerves and blood vessels. thin filaments and to titin
has a myosin-binding site where
Fascia: lines the body wall and limbs that surround and molecules
myosin head of thick filament
support muscles, allows free movement of muscles,
binds during muscle contraction. Myomesin Structural protein that forms M
carries nerves and blood vessels, and fills space
between muscles. line of sarcomere; binds to titin
Regulatory proteins Proteins that help switch the
Tendons: rope-like extensions of connective tissue molecules and connects
muscle contraction process on
beyond muscle fibers that attach the muscle to bone or adjacent thick fi laments to one
and off.
other muscle. another
Aponeurosis: wide and flat extensions of connective Tropomysin Regulatory protein that is a
Nebulin Structural protein that wraps
tissue beyond muscle fibers that attach the muscle to component of thin filament;
around entire length of each thin
bone or to other muscles. when a skeletal muscle fiber is
Somatic motor neurons: provide the nerve impulses that relaxed, tropomyosin covers
stimulate skeletal muscle to contract. myosin binding sites on actin Dystrophin Structural protein that links thin fi
Satellite cells: myoblasts that persist after birth. molecules. laments of sarcomere to integral
membrane proteins in - Cardiac muscle fibers have the same arrangement of - As the thin filaments slide inward, the Z discs come closer
sarcolemma. actin and myosin and the same bands, zones, and Z together, and the sarcomere shortens.
discs as skeletal muscle fibers. CONTRACTION CYCLE
- The fibers connect to one another through intercalated - repeating sequence of events that causes sliding of the
Sarcoplasmic reticulum: surrounds each myofibril. discs, which contain both desmosomes and gap filaments
Sarcomeres: thick and thin filaments within the myofibril junctions. - An increase in Ca2 concentration in the cytosol starts
arranged in compartments. The thick and thin filaments - Cardiac muscle tissue remains contracted 10 to 15 times filament sliding; a decrease turns off the sliding process.
produce striations. longer than skeletal muscle tissue due to prolonged
delivery of Ca into the sarcoplasm. Acetylcholine released at the neuromuscular junction
- Cardiac muscle tissue contracts when stimulated by its triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to
Component Description own auto rhythmic fibers. Due to its continuous, rhythmic muscle contraction.
activity, cardiac muscle depends greatly on aerobic 1. Nerve impulse arrives at axon terminal of motor neuron and
Z discs Narrow, plate-shaped regions of dense respiration to generate ATP triggers release of acetylcholine (ACh).
material separate one sarcomere from Smooth Muscle Tissue 2. ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft, binds to its receptors in the
the next - located primarily in internal organs; non-striated, and motor end plate, and triggers a muscle action potential (AP).
involuntary. 3. Acetylcholinesterase in synaptic cleft destroys ACh so
A band Dark, middle part of the sarcomere
- Smooth muscle fibers contain intermediate filaments another muscle action potential does not arise unless more
extends the entire length of thick
and dense bodies; the function of dense bodies is similar ACh is released from motor neuron.
filaments and includes those parts of
to that of the Z discs in striated muscle. 4. Muscle AP traveling along transverse tubule opens Ca2+
thin filaments that overlap thick
- The duration of contraction and relaxation of smooth release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
muscle is longer than in skeletal muscle since it takes membrane, which allows calcium ions to flood into the
I band Lighter, less dense area of sarcomere longer for Ca to reach the filaments. sarcoplasm.
that contains the remainder of thin - Smooth muscle fibers contract in response to nerve 5. Ca binds to troponin on the thin filament, exposing the
filaments but no thick filaments. impulses, hormones, and local factors. binding sites for myosin.
A Z disc passes through the center of - Smooth muscle fibers can stretch considerably and still 6. Contraction: power strokes use ATP; myosin heads bind to
each I band. maintain their contractile function. actin, swivel, and release; thin filaments are pulled toward
Visceral smooth muscle: found in the walls of hollow center of sarcomere.
H zone Narrow region in the center of each A viscera and of small blood vessels. Many fibers form a 7. Ca release channels in SR close and active transport pumps
band contains thick filaments but no network that contracts in unison. use ATP to restore low level of Ca2+ in sarcoplasm.
thin filaments. Multiunit smooth muscle: found in large blood vessels, 8. Troponin–tropomyosin complex slides back into position
large airways to the lungs, arrector pili muscles, and the where it blocks the myosin binding sites on actin.
M line Region in the center of H zone that
eye, where it adjusts pupil diameter and lens focus. The 9. Muscle relaxation.
contains proteins that hold thick fi
fibers operate independently rather than in unison.
laments together at the center of the
IV. Muscle Metabolism
III. Contraction and Relaxation of Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Muscle fibers have three sources for ATP production:
Muscle contraction
creatine, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic respiration.
- It occurs because cross-bridges attach to and “walk”
Cardiac Muscle Tissue along the thin filaments at both ends of a sarcomere, CREATINE
- forms the wall of the heart, striated, and involuntary progressively pulling the thin filaments toward the center
of a sarcomere.
- Creatine kinase catalyzes the transfer of a high-energy Muscle tone: continuous involuntary activation of a small medication for pain, and a low-dose antidepressant to
phosphate group from creatine phosphate to ADP to number of motor unit. It is essential for maintaining posture. help improve sleep
form new ATP molecules. 2. Muscular hypertrophy
Concentric isotonic contractions: the muscle shortens to
- Creatine phosphate and ATP provide enough energy for - muscle growth that occurs after birth occurs by
produce movement and to reduce the angle at a joint.
muscles to contract maximally for about 15 seconds. enlargement of existing muscle fibers.
Eccentric isotonic contraction: muscle lengthens. - It is due to increased production of myofibrils,
mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and other
Isotonic contractions: tension is generated without muscle organelles. It results from very forceful, repetitive
- It can provide enough energy for 2 minutes of maximal
changing its length, are important because they stabilize muscular activity, such as strength training
muscle activity.
some joints as others are moved. 3. Muscular fibrosis
- Glucose is converted to pyruvic acid in the reactions of
glycolysis, which yield two ATPs without using oxygen. - The replacement of muscle fibers by fibrous scar tissue
VI. Regeneration and Aging of Muscular Tissues
due to muscle damage or degeneration.
AEROBIC RESPIRATION Regeneration 4. Muscular atrophy
- decrease in size of individual muscle fibers as a result of
- Muscular activity that occurs over a prolonged time - Skeletal muscle fibers cannot divide and have limited
progressive loss of myofibrils.
depends on mitochondrial reactions that require oxygen powers of regeneration
- Disuse atrophy: atrophy that occurs because muscles
to produce ATP. - Cardiac muscle fibers can regenerate under limited
are not used. The flow of nerve impulses to inactive
Muscular fatigue: inability of a muscle to contract forcefully skeletal muscle is greatly reduced, but the condition is
- Smooth muscle fibers have the best capacity for division
after prolonged activity. reversible.
and regeneration
- Denervation atrophy: atrophy that occurs if nerve supply
Recovery oxygen uptake: Elevated oxygen use after
Aging is disrupted or cut and is irreversibly replaced by fibrous
connective tissue.
- With aging, there is a slow, progressive loss of skeletal 5. Rigor mortis
muscle mass, which is replaced by fibrous connective - The muscles are in a state of rigidity which it cannot
V. Control of Muscle Tension tissue and fat. contract or stretch due to calcium ion leaking out of the
- Aging also results in a decrease in muscle strength, sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm and allows
Motor unit: composed of a motor neuron and muscle fibers it
slower muscle reflexes, and loss of flexibility. myosin heads to bind to actin.
- It lasts 3-4 hours after death and lasts about 48 hours.
Recruitment: process of increasing the number of active 6. Hypotonia
motor units. VII. Clinical Connections - decreased or lost muscle tone.
1. Fibromyalgia - Flaccid paralysis: characterized by loss of muscle tone,
Twitch contraction: brief contraction of all muscle fibers in a loss or reduction of tendon reflexes, and atrophy and
- a chronic, painful, nonarticular rheumatic disorder that
motor unit in response to a single action potential. degeneration of muscles.
affects the fibrous connective tissue components of
muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 7. Hypertonia
Unfused tetanus: produced by repeated stimuli; incomplete,
- A striking sign is pain that results from gentle pressure at - increased muscle tone
a sustained muscle contraction with partial relaxation
specific “tender points.” Even without pressure, there is - Spasticity: characterized by increased muscle tone
between stimuli.
pain, tenderness, and stiffness of muscles, tendons, and (stiffness) associated with an increase in tendon reflexes
Fused tetanus: produced by rapidly repeating stimuli; surrounding soft tissues and pathological reflexes.
complete, a sustained contraction without partial relaxation - Treatment consists of stress reduction, regular exercise, - Rigidity: increased muscle tone in which reflexes are not
between stimuli. application of heat, gentle massage, physical therapy, affected.
8. Myasthenia gravis position for prolonged periods, and low blood levels of
- An autoimmune disease that causes chronic, electrolytes, such as potassium
progressive damage of the neuromuscular junction. 12. Tic
- The immune system inappropriately produces antibodies - A spasmodic twitching made involuntarily by muscles
that bind to and block some ACh receptors, thereby that are ordinarily under voluntary control.
decreasing the number of functional ACh receptors at 13. Tremor
the motor end plates of skeletal muscle. - A rhythmic, involuntary, purposeless contraction that
- As the disease progresses, more ACh receptors are lost. produces a quivering or shaking movement
Thus, muscles become increasingly weaker, fatigue 14. Fasciculation
more easily, and may eventually cease to function. - An involuntary, brief twitch of an entire motor unit that is
- Initial symptoms include weakness of the eye muscles, visible under the skin
which may produce double vision, and weakness of the - It occurs irregularly and is not associated with the
throat muscles which may produce difficulty in movement of the affected muscle.
swallowing. Later, the person has difficulty chewing and 15. Fibrillation
talking. Eventually, the muscles of the limbs may - A spontaneous contraction of a single muscle fiber that
become involved. Death may result from paralysis of the is not visible under the skin but can be recorded by
respiratory muscles, but often the disorder does not electromyography.
progress to that stage. - Fibrillations may signal destruction of motor neurons.
- Pyrodostigmine (Mestinon): 1st line of treatment and act
as inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, raising the level of
ACh that is available to bind with still-functional
- Prednisone: steroid drug that reduced antibody levels
- Plasmapheresis: a procedure that removes the
antibodies from the blood
9. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
- commonly occurs in males given that the mutated gene
is on the X chromosome
- The gene that codes for the protein dystrophin is
mutated, so little or no dystrophin is present in the
sarcolemma. Without the reinforcing effect of
dystrophin, the sarcolemma tears easily during muscle
contraction, causing muscle fibers to rupture and die.
10. Spasm
- a sudden involuntary contraction of a single muscle in a
large group of muscles.
11. Cramp
- painful spasmodic contraction
- It may be caused by inadequate blood flow to muscles,
overuse of a muscle, dehydration, injury, holding a

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