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Home Quiz 1
Total Marks: 15
Deadline: 30 January (During Class Time)

Note: Hardcopies should be submitted, softcopies not allowed. Deadline is fixed. It will not
be extended. There will be no make up of take home quizzes.


Answer all the questions below.

Q1 [2 marks]: For attending an online lab class you have set an alarm by using the system
default clock 10 minutes before the start time of the class. When the alarm turned on, you turned
the alarm off and then joined the class using the zoom software. After joining class you are using
notepad++ for taking notes. When the faculty provided some lab tasks to be done during the
class you have executed vscode in order to do those tasks. Specify what types of softwares you
have used here. Relate them with proper logic.

Q2 [1.5 marks]: Briefly explain about system call interface and its necessity.

Q3 [2 marks]: Explain logically how main memory has random access?

Q4 [1.5 marks]: Explain how modern OS are interrupt driven?

Q5 [3 marks]: In the online advising students can post their advising requests to the text channel
of their designated advisor. An adviser processes requests according to the first come first serve
order. But the scenario gets tough when a huge number of requests get posted in the channel. It
becomes very difficult to track and process every request properly then. To resist the issue,
request limitation has been set for each student in the channel. A student can post a request once
in 60 minutes on the channel. Which means if a student posts a request he/she can post again
after 60 minutes. Which makes the procedure of processing requests convenient enough to
advisors. Logically explain which functions from operating systems structure have similarities
with the above scenario?

Q6 [2.5 marks]: Differentiate between single processor and clustered systems.

Q7 [2.5 marks]: Differentiate between layered and microkernel structures.

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