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Interleukin-10 and the immune response against cancer:

a counterpoint
Simone Mocellin,*,1 Francesco M. Marincola,† and Howard A. Young‡
*Department of Oncological & Surgical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy; †Immunogenetics Laboratory,
Department of Transfusion Medicine, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland;
and ‡Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
Frederick, Maryland

Abstract: Although interleukin-10 (IL-10) is in some preclinical models [14, 15]. Nevertheless, the most
commonly regarded as an anti-inflammatory, im- controversial topic is the effect of this cytokine on the immune
munosuppressive cytokine that favors tumor es- response against cancer. As a result of its ability to inhibit
cape from immune surveillance, a wealth of evi- several key phenomena underlying an adaptive immune re-
dence is accumulating that IL-10 also possesses sponse, several authors sustain the teleological hypothesis that
some immunostimulating properties. In fact, IL-10 IL-10 is an immunosuppressive molecule secreted by tumors
has the pleiotropic ability of influencing positively (or tumor-infiltrating immune cells) to allow malignant cells to
and negatively the function of innate and adaptive escape from immune surveillance [16 –18]. By contrast, other
immunity in different experimental models, which preclinical and clinical models suggest that IL-10 might favor
makes it questionable to merely categorize this immune-mediated rejection of cancer. As an effective antican-
cytokine as a target of anti-immune escape thera- cer immune response is determined by a dynamic sequence of
peutic strategies or rather, as an immunological coordinated events, including the timely intervention of innate
adjuvant in the fight against cancer. Here, we re- and adaptive immunity cell mediators, the role of IL-10 should
view available data about the immunostimulating not be inferred from its effects on single immune cell types or
anticancer properties of IL-10, and in particular, biological phenomena but rather considered within the frame of
we focus on the hypothesis that in contrast to what a highly complex and still incompletely elucidated biological
occurs in secondary lymphoid organs, IL-10 over- puzzle.
expression within the tumor microenvironment In this review, we summarize the available data about the
may catalyze cancer immune rejection. J. Leukoc. relationship between IL-10 and anticancer immunity and hy-
Biol. 78: 1043–1051; 2005. pothesize that under some circumstances, this cytokine may
support an effective immune attack against malignant cells in
Key Words: tumor-infiltrating macrophages 䡠 natural killer cell vivo, which questions the common belief that IL-10 only be-
䡠 tumor-associated antigen 䡠 tumor immunology 䡠 cytokine haves as an immunosuppressive factor promoting tumor im-
mune escape.

Although the relationship between interleukin-10 (IL-10) and
cancer has been studied extensively, the ultimate role of IL-10 A body of evidence has accumulated that IL-10 can have
in tumor biology remains enigmatic. The significance of IL-10 pleiotropic effects on adaptive and innate immunity cell me-
production within the tumor microenvironment, which can be diators. Although several studies (particularly in vitro) show
sustained by malignant cells and tumor-infiltrating macro- that IL-10 can actively mediate immune suppression, other
phages (TIM) and lymphocytes [including natural killer (NK) experimental models lead to quite opposite conclusions [19].
and T cells], is debated [1, 2]. IL-10 can favor tumor growth in
Helper and cytotoxic T cells
vitro by stimulating cell proliferation and inhibiting cell apo-
ptosis [3, 4]. High systemic levels of IL-10 correlate with poor Because of its ability to reduce the production of IL-2 and
survival of some cancer patients [5– 8]: however, this might interferon- ␥ (IFN-␥) by murine and human T helper cell type
reflect just the bulk of disease, and also, no correlation is 1 (Th1) lymphocytes, IL-10 was initially named a cytokine-
reported [9, 10]. Moreover, opposite findings (higher IL-
103better survival) are observed when the cytokine levels are
assessed in tumor samples [11], and results from studies cor- 1
relating IL-10 polymorphism and cancer risk/prognosis are Correspondence: Department of Oncological & Surgical Sciences, Univer-
sity of Padova, Via Giustiniani, 2, 35128 Padova, Italy. E-mail: mocellins
controversial [6, 12, 13]. IL-10 can also inhibit tumor-induced
angiogenesis and enhance the production of tumor-toxic mol- Received July 4, 2005; revised August 3, 2005; accepted August 8, 2005;
ecules [e.g., nitric oxide (NO)], which leads to tumor regression doi: 10.1189/jlb.0705358.

0741-5400/05/0078-1043 © Society for Leukocyte Biology Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 78, November 2005 1043
synthesis inhibitory factor [20]. This, together with the IL-10 Treg cells
property of stimulating B cell function, led to the classification
of IL-10 among Th2 cytokines with the physiological role to CD4⫹ Treg cell subsets are major mediators of peripheral
terminate T cell-mediated immunity and start a humoral im- immune tolerance through the regulation of Th1 and Th2
mune response [21]. More recent studies have clarified that the immune responses [41]. Treg cells contribute to the induction
IL-10 immunosuppressive activity on T cells is mainly indirect of peripheral tolerance via expression of inhibitory cell-surface
and is mediated by other two-immune cell types [dendritic molecules (CD4⫹/CD25⫹ T cells) or the production of immu-
cells (DC) and T regulatory (Treg) cells], as discussed below. It noregulatory cytokines, such as IL-10 and transforming growth
is interesting that whereas naive CD4⫹ T cells are targeted by factor-␤ {TGF-␤; type-1 Treg (Tr1) cells [42]}. Treg popula-
IL-10 (likely through the inhibition of the CD28 signaling tions can be classified into naturally occurring Foxp3⫹/CD4⫹/
CD25⫹ Treg subset (CD4⫹CD25⫹ Treg) and antigen-driven
pathway), activated and memory T cells seem to be rather
Treg producing IL-10 (IL-10-Treg) and TGF-␤ (TGF-␤-Treg),
refractory toward this cytokine, which might be related to the
which have been isolated under particular regimens of anti-
down-regulation of IL-10 receptor (IL-10R) on T cell activation
genic stimulation in vitro and in vivo [43]. The production and
[14, 22]. Furthermore, IL-10, which does not exert a direct
action of these two cytokines are inter-related and likely in-
inhibitory effect on antigen-experienced CD8⫹ cytotoxic T
volve a positive feed-back loop, in which IL-10 enhances the
cells (CTL), under certain conditions, can even increase their
expression of TGF-␤ and vice versa. In fact, IL-10 enhances
cytotoxic activity and/or proliferation rate [14, 20, 23–26].
the production of TGF-␤ and also controls the ability of target
cells to respond to TGF-␤. This involves the IL-10-mediated
restoration of the expression of TGF-␤ receptor 2 on recently
IL-10 can impair tumor-associated antigen (TAA) cross-pre- activated T cells, which usually down-regulate this receptor
sentation by DC, thus potentially preventing T cells from and become insensitive to the inhibitory effects of TGF-␤ [44].
mounting an effective immune response against malignant cells Conversely, TGF-␤ can promote the production of IL-10. These
[17]. IL-10 hinders the antigen-presenting properties of DC by two cytokines likely mediate Tr1 cell physiological function of
reducing their expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) suppressing pathological immune responses (e.g. allergy, au-
class II molecules, intercellular adhesion molecules (e.g., toimmune disease), although Treg cells can also be involved in
ICAM-1), costimulatory molecules (i.e., CD80/B7-1 and CD86/ the pathogenesis of certain diseases, as they can dampen the
B7.2), and Th1 cytokines (e.g. IL-12), which correlate with its reaction of the immune system to danger signals. It has been
ability to impair primary, alloantigen-specific T cell responses proposed that IL-10 not only mediates Treg cell immunosup-
pressive activity but also plays a direct role in their genesis
[14, 20]. Of note, as HLA class I expression on the surface of
[42]. In particular, the differentiation of Tr1 cells is likely
DC is not down-regulated by IL-10 [27], cross-priming of CTL
controlled by a subset of DC, which produces IL-10 and
might not be as much affected by this cytokine as is that of
expresses tolerogenic molecules (e.g., B7H1) [45– 47]. Regard-
CD4⫹ T cells [20]. These observations have been extended to
ing cancer, IL-10 expression at early tumor sites promotes the
different experimental models and have shown that IL-10-
generation and activation of TGF-␤-Treg, which in turn, leads
conditioned DC can induce a state of anergy in alloantigen- or
to the systemic suppression of antitumor immunity in mice
peptide-activated T cells [28 –30]. Like lymphocytes, DC can-
[48]; moreover, the presence of Treg cells has been linked
not only be a target for but also a source of IL-10 [31]: As
recently to a worse prognosis in a large series of patients with
discussed below, it has been proposed that IL-10-producing
ovarian carcinoma [49].
DC may be involved in the generation of Treg cells with defined Despite the above considerations, the ultimate effect of
immunosuppressive functions. Although inhibition of DC-me- IL-10 on the immunosuppressive activity of Treg cells in vivo
diated antigen presentation is a well-documented result of might not be as univocal as expected. Recent evidence sug-
IL-10 administration, this cytokine also promotes antigen up- gests that Treg cells are naturally resistant to TCR cross-
take by DC [27, 32, 33] and inhibits their migration [34, 35]. linking-induced apoptosis; however, administration of exoge-
Moreover, although IL-10 reduces the ability of murine DC to nous IL-10 makes these T cells sensitive to apoptosis by
respond to Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands [31], in human up-regulation of membrane-bound tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
monocyte lineage cells, it increases the expression of TLR [36, and abolishes their suppressive function [50]. Accordingly, the
37], which might sensitize these cells to “danger” signal me- stimulatory effect of IL-10 on the generation/immunosuppres-
diators [e.g., heat-shock proteins (hsp), double-stranded DNA, sive function of Treg cells might be counterbalanced by its
TLR ligands] released in damaged tissues, including the tumor inhibitory effect on their survival. In addition, despite the
microenvironment [38, 39]. Taken together, these consider- postulated role of Treg cells/IL-10 in shutting down the im-
ations support the hypothesis that IL-10 might play an impor- mune response against established cancers, there is evidence
tant role in an early phase of DC activity [27], when immature that Treg cells can prevent the development of tumors, espe-
DC must accumulate in the relevant arena (e.g., tumor micro- cially through the production of IL-10. In fact, in animal
environment), where they are loaded with antigens shed from models of chronic inflammation, which represents a major risk
damaged tissues (e.g., TAA) and initiate the differentiation factor in the pathogenesis of several types of cancer [51], IL-10
process leading to the generation of fully active antigen-pre- produced by Treg cells inhibits the inflammatory response of
senting cells in secondary lymphoid organs (Fig. 1). the host, ultimately opposing tumor development [52].

1044 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 78, November 2005

Fig. 1. IL-10 and cancer. Besides its effects on angiogenesis and cell proliferation/apoptosis (left bottom), IL-10 can affect different aspects of anticancer
immunity. In secondary lymphoid organs, IL-10 inhibits the cross-presentation of TAA to T cells and favors the development of Treg cells with powerful
immunosuppressive functions. By contrast, high levels of IL-10 within the tumor microenvironment may favor immune-mediated tumor rejection by enhancing NK
cell activity (which in turn favors DC function) by increasing the TAA upload capability of DC and by enhancing cytotoxicity and migration of CTL. Overall, one
might hypothesize that IL-10 effects on the anticancer immune response can be different depending on the site of IL-10 production: In particular, although IL-10
overexpression within the tumor microenvironment might be beneficial for cancer immune rejection (increased innate immune response and likely primary immune
response), an IL-10-dominant cytokine profile in secondary lymphoid organs likely hinders the adaptive immune reaction toward TAA, thus compromising the
secondary immune response [40]. These considerations might have profound implications in the design of the next generation of anticancer immunotherapeutic
strategies. Solid lines, Molecular/cellular interactions; broken lines, cell migration; large arrows, secretory activity. ROS, Reactive oxygen species; PGE2:
prostaglandin E2; CDC, complement-dependent cytotoxicity; ADCC, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; STAT3, signal transducer and activator of
transcription 3; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; b-FGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; HTL, helper T cell; TCR, T cell
receptor; CTLA-4, CTL antigen-4; IgM/G, immunoglobulin M/G.

NK cells and macrophages [59], which reduces their sensitivity to CTL but increases that
to NK cell cytotoxicity [60].
Besides DC, other innate immunity cell mediators play a
These observations support the hypothesis that at an early
significant role in the determinism of an effective immune
stage of the immune response, IL-10 might induce lysis of
response. For instance, the early participation of NK cells in
diseased (e.g., malignant) cells by stimulating the innate arm of
the host reaction to pathogen/cancer invasion could influence
the subsequent development of an adaptive immune response, the immune system, which in turn, would lead to secondary,
perhaps providing cues to indicate a “nonself”/“dangerous” beneficial effects on the incoming adaptive immune response
encounter. Furthermore, an aberrant innate reaction to self- [56]. In fact, NK cell-mediated cytolysis of target cells would
tissue might promote an autoimmune disease, as demonstrated provide DC with adequate amounts of relevant antigens (e.g.,
by the fact that NK cells are required for the development of TAA), chemotactic peptides [61], and danger signal molecules,
experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice [53]. In which ultimately initialize the process of DC maturation [62,
addition to a direct cytotoxic effect toward malignant cells, NK 63]. Upon addition of a Th1 stimulus (e.g., IL-2, IL-12) in
cells efficiently collaborate with DC to mount an effective secondary lymphatic organs (e.g., lymph nodes), the balance
adaptive immune response toward different types of noxa pa- would then be shifted toward full maturation of DC, with
togena [54, 55], including cancer [56]. consequent production of costimulatory molecules and cyto-
Although IL-10 inhibits IFN-␥ and TNF production by NK kines with proliferative/activating effects on naı̈ve T cells
cells in vitro [20], it also promotes NK cell cytotoxicity in (Fig. 1).
preclinical models [57, 58]. Moreover, malignant cells exposed Unlike NK cells, other innate immunity mediators might
to IL-10 down-regulate HLA class I molecules on their surface hinder tumor immune rejection. For instance, ROS produced

Mocellin et al. IL-10 and anticancer immunity 1045

by TIM have been described to inhibit NK cell activity [64], the immunosuppressive effects of COX-2, overexpressed by
and the inhibition of ROS production by histamine adminis- some tumor cells, at least in part, depend on IL-10 up-regu-
tration improves the results of immunotherapy in patients with lation [85– 87]; nevertheless, opposite findings have been also
metastatic melanoma [65]. Other macrophage- or tumor-de- reported [88].
rived molecules such as NO and PGs (e.g., PGE2) are believed It is important that inhibition of IL-10 production by T cells
to inhibit innate and ultimately, adaptive immunity, thus fa- or malignant cells using low-dose cyclophosphamide [89], anti-
voring tumor escape from immune surveillance [66, 67]. As IL-10/IL-10R-blocking antibodies [84, 90], or anti-IL-10 an-
IL-10 can decrease the production of such immunosuppressive tisense oligonucleotides [91] improves cancer-specific immune
molecules [68 –73], a novel molecular mechanism underlying responses in some preclinical tumor models, which led the
the observed immunostimulating properties of this cytokine is authors to advocate the use of IL-10-neutralizing agents as
suggested. immunological adjuvants in the design of anticancer vaccines.



Several preclinical models support the hypothesis that IL-10 A large body of preclinical evidence is in contrast with the
might blunt the immune response against cancer. IL-10 can act above-mentioned reports. IL-10 has been associated with tu-
as a negative mediator in the cross-talk between innate and mor regression in different settings, although the molecular
adaptive antitumor immunity: For instance, investigators have mechanisms underlying this effect have not been well charac-
reported that TCR-␥␦-bearing T cells and TCR-␣␤ intermedi- terized yet (Table 1). Transfection of mouse carcinoma [92,
ate T cells suppress NK and NKT cells by elaborating IL-10 93] and melanoma [94] cell lines with IL-10 elicits loss of
and TGF-␤, which ultimately, leads to impaired activation of tumorigenicity and increases immunogenicity accompanied by
CTL, Th1 CD4⫹ T cells, and tumor immune privilege [74]. In a strong lymphocyte and antibody-dependent immune memory.
vitro, IL-10 pretreatment can convert different types of tumor Other investigators not only have reported that IL-10-secreting
cells (e.g., melanoma, lymphoma) to a CTL-resistant phenotype murine tumor cells can be highly immunogenic as compared
by decreasing the expression of HLA class I molecules on their with unmodified parental cells but also have shown that IL-10
surface [60, 75]. Similarly, IL-10 production by human basal does not inhibit IFN-␥ production by CD8⫹ cytotoxic T cells,
and squamous cell carcinoma prevents in vitro lysis of autol- opposite to what is observed with CD4⫹ Th1 cells [95]. Yet,
ogous malignant cells by tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes [76]. exogenous IL-10 administration can mediate regression of es-
This effect is likely mediated by reduced expression of the tablished melanoma and breast cancer metastases in various
so-called transporter associated with antigen processing-1 and preclinical in vivo models [96 –100]. It is noticeable that tumor
-2, which in vitro, leads to reduced translocation of peptides to rejection is inhibited by viral IL-10, and eukaryote cellular
the endoplasmic reticulum and therefore, in diminished HLA IL-10 (cIL-10) favors the eradication of cancer cells, confirm-
class I/peptide complex loading and cell-surface levels [60, ing that the double function of this cytokine can be split and
75]. Moreover, IL-10 expression by tumor cells has been linked to different domains of the molecule [101]. In particular,
associated with increased expression of the nonclassical HLA investigators have shown that a single amino acid substitution
class Ib molecule (HLA-G), which may inhibit the cytolytic can abrogate the ability of cIL-10 to mediate tumor regression
activity of NK cells and CTL [77]. [102].
In vitro, CD8⫹ T cells can be anergized toward melanoma- Using scid models, some authors have linked the IL-10
associated antigens when stimulated with IL-10-conditioned antitumor effect to enhanced NK cell activity [97, 99], and
DC [78], and DC, which infiltrate progressing melanoma me- others

have demonstrated that it depends on CD8⫹ [103] or
tastases in humans, are characterized by low expression of CD4 [104] T cell function. By positively affecting the antican-
CD86 and IL-12 but enhanced capacity to produce IL-10 [79]. cer function of innate and/or adaptive immunity mediators,
Yet, a Lewis lung carcinoma cell line grows more rapidly in a IL-10 might boost the immune reaction to malignant cells, at
transgenic mouse expressing IL-10 under control of an IL-2 least under some circumstances. It has been shown that ad-
promoter than in nontransgenic control mice [80], supposedly ministration of IL-10 before anticancer vaccination results in
by suppressing DC function [81]. Moreover, IL-10-producing immune suppression and tumor progression, in line with the
monocytes, which inhibit T cell proliferation, have been iso- well-known IL-10 inhibitory activity on DC-mediated antigen
lated from the ascites of patients with ovarian carcinoma [82]. presentation [103]. However, injection of IL-10 just after im-
CTLA-4 is critical in several experimental settings, where its munization significantly enhances antitumor immunity and
blockade promotes antitumor immunity [83]. In a mouse model vaccine efficacy. In addition, the number of antigen-specific
of plasmacytoma, it has been demonstrated that a large part of CTLs is higher in animals treated with vaccine/IL-10 rather
the immunosuppressive effects of CTLA-4 can be attributed to than in those with vaccine alone, which led investigators to
IL-10: In fact, inhibition of IFN-␥ secretion induced by suggest that IL-10 might act as an immunological adjuvant
CTLA-4 is blocked using an anti-IL-10 antibody, and in vivo maintaining the number of antigen-experienced CTL during
treatments with anti-CTLA-4 and anti-IL-10 antibody are vaccine-induced tumor rejection.
equally effective in inducing tumor responses without any Literature reports on in vivo findings in humans are scarce.
addictive effect [84]. Other investigators have also shown that Investigators have described the cytokine profile of lympho-

1046 Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 78, November 2005

TABLE 1. Immune-Related Molecules Modulated by IL-10 at Gene and/or Protein Level and Their Potential Role
in IL-10-Mediated Immunostimulation

Molecular target Target function Immunological effect

1 TIA-1 1 NK cell cytotoxicity 1 NK cell antitumor activity

1 cathepsin
1 granzyme-A 1 CTL and NK cell cytotoxicity 1 NK cells and CTL antitumor activity
1 CXCL7 1 leukocyte chemotaxis & migration 1 tumor infiltration by leukocytes
1 CCL6
1 CCL3
1 HSP70 1 dendritic cell activity 1 TAA upload
1 CD30 ligand 1 lymphocyte survival 1 lymphocyte antitumor activity
2 HLA class I 1 sensitivity to NK cell activity 1 NK cell antitumor activity
2 JNK 1 ROS production 2 immunosuppression mediated by ROS, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins
2 SOCS3 1 nitric oxide synthase expression
2 COX 1 prostaglandin synthesis

TIA-1, Cytotoxic granule-associated protein; CXCL7, CXC chemokine ligand 7; CCL6, CC chemokine ligand 6; MIP1␣, macrophage-inflammatory protein-1␣;
FPR, formyl-peptide receptor; PAFR, platelet-activating factor; FLIP, Fas-associated death domain-like IL-1␤-converting enzyme (caspase-8) inhibitory protein;
JNK, c-Jun-activated protein kinase; SOCS3, suppressor of cytokine signaling-3.

cytes harvested from the lymph nodes draining the vaccination duction/administration, solid/hematological malignancies)
site of patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with irradiated used to address the issue of the ultimate role of IL-10 in tumor
autologous tumor cells: In these lymphocytes, the IFN-␥/IL-10 immunology are likely responsible for the controversial find-
ratio was higher in responding rather than in nonresponding ings reported in the literature and summarized above. The
patients [105]. By contrast, tumor regression following active, difficulty of interpreting experimental data is well illustrated in
specific immunotherapy with an allogeneic antimelanoma vac- experiments, where tumors have been transplanted in trans-
cine preparation is associated with high IL-10 production by genic mice in which DC overproduce IL-10: Although the
peripheral blood mononuclear cells [106]. In patients under- tumors initially grow faster than in control mice, eventually
going vaccination with TAA-derived peptides plus IL-2, we they are rejected [109]. Moreover, in contrast to results from
have analyzed the immune-related gene profile of in-transit preclinical models, intravenous administration of recombinant
melanoma metastases [58, 107]. In pretreatment samples, IL-10 to humans produces proinflammatory effects by enhanc-
IL-10 results overexpressed in responding versus progressing ing release of IFN-␥, IFN-inducible protein 10, TNF, and IL-1
lesions. A follow-up study about an independent patient pop- and appears to induce activation of CTL and NK cells, as
ulation has confirmed this finding by identifying a positive reflected by increased plasma levels of granzyme-B [110, 111].
correlation between clinical regression and IL-10 protein lev-
Finally, the task of classifying IL-10 as an immunosuppressive
els in tumor cells from samples obtained before therapy [1].
or an immunostimulating cytokine is particularly challenging,
Consequently, one might speculate that the presence of high in
taking into consideration that in vivo, this molecule can influ-
situ levels of IL-10 might precondition the tumor microenvi-
ence cancer growth/progression by affecting nonimmune-re-
ronment to the anticancer effects of systemic vaccination. As
lated phenomena, such as angiogenesis and malignant cell
TIA-1, a gene encoding a cytotoxicity-related protein, is also
proliferation/apoptosis [2]. This is why even IL-10 knockout
overexpressed in responding metastases, and IL-10 increases
TIA-1 expression specifically by NK cells, these findings sup- models have yielded opposite results, depending on the exper-
port the hypothesis that IL-10 might exert a permissive activity imental settings: For instance, in IL-10-deficient mice, B cell
on vaccine-induced adaptive immunity by increasing NK cell tumors (which are highly sensitive to the proliferative effect of
antitumor function [108] (Fig. 1). IL-10) grow more slowly [112], whereas inflammation-based
bowel cancerogenesis (which is hindered by IL-10) is reduced
significantly [113]. In addition, when the antitumor immune
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS response of IL-10⫺/⫺ tumor-bearing animals was investi-
gated, conflicting findings have been reported [104, 114].
Although several tumor immunologists continue to consider Although no definitive conclusion can be drawn currently as
IL-10 an immunosuppressive cytokine tout court, the complex to whether IL-10 should be considered a potential immunolog-
relationship between this molecule and cancer is still incom- ical adjuvant or rather, a mediator of tumor immune escape,
pletely elucidated. The intrinsically pleiotropic biological ac- available data appear to tip the balance toward the hypothesis
tivity of IL-10 and the variability of cancer models (e.g., that IL-10 might contribute to the immune-mediated rejection
human/animal, in vitro/in vivo, systemic/local IL-10 overpro- of cancer, at least under some circumstances.

Mocellin et al. IL-10 and anticancer immunity 1047

The occurrence of mixed responses (regressing lesions con- erates the onset of diabetes in mice, which strengthens the idea
comitant with stable/progressing lesions) in the same patient that local overexpression of IL-10 might contribute to break the
following different types of immunotherapeutic manipulation physiological immune tolerance to self-antigens (including
and independently of a detectable tumor-specific immune re- TAA), ultimately leading to the destruction of the target tissue.
sponse in the peripheral blood [108, 115, 116] shows that a Overall, if this hypothesis were validated by further evi-
conducive microenvironment is necessary for cancer immune dence (particularly in humans), a new avenue in the design of
rejection to take place. In our above-mentioned experience T cell-directed anticancer vaccines would be opened, in which
with vaccination of patients with metastatic melanoma, it was a timely and effective stimulation of innate and adaptive im-
evident that in situ IL-10 overexpression could not determine mune response might be achieved by increasing IL-10 levels
cancer regression by itself, as the tumor was progressing before within the tumor microenvironment. To this aim, the model of
vaccination [115]. Nevertheless, IL-10 might catalyze a suc- limb-sited tumors (e.g., in transit melanoma metastases, limb
cessful immune reaction to the therapeutic vaccination by soft-tissue sarcomas) appears to be particularly suitable for
three main mechanisms: i) IL-10 can stimulate the anticancer human experimentation, as it allows for the administration of
activity of intratumoral innate immune effectors, such as NK IL-10 or IL-10 vectors (e.g., IL-10-coding viruses or plasmids)
cells, which in turn might positively affect the adaptive im- by means of isolated limb perfusion [131], which would enable
mune response by favoring the activity of DC. Then, systemic investigators to test the immunomodulatory activity of the
immunization (i.e., anticancer vaccination), which mainly acts cytokine without incurring its potential systemic toxicity.
in the secondary lymphoid organs (e.g., lymph nodes), would
increase the frequency of tumor-specific T cells up to the
therapeutically critical number. Furthermore, there is a need ACKNOWLEDGMENT
for a continuous supply of TAA to secondary lymphatic organs
to maintain an effective adaptive immune response [117], and
Apologies are made to those authors whose work on IL-10 has
IL-10 could increase such TAA availability by stimulating NK
not been cited as a result of length considerations.
cell-mediated tumor cytolysis. ii) High levels of intratumoral
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arena. In fact, leukocyte recruitment is enhanced by IL-10 via
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