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1.What are the type of agents in artificial intelligent?

● Simple Reflex Agent

● Model-based reflex agent

● Goal-based agents

● Utility-based agent

● Learning agent

2.various Application of AI?

AI has numerous applications across various industries, here are a couple of examples:

● Healthcare: AI helps in medical image analysis, personalized treatment plans,

predictive analytics, and robotic surgeries, improving diagnosis accuracy and patient

● Finance: AI is used for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, credit scoring, and
customer service chatbots, aiding in better decision-making and operational

3.State the Benefits of AI?

● Solving Complex Problems
● Saving Time
● Minimizing error
● Reducing human error
● Full time Availability

4.define problem solving Agent?

Problem-solving agents in artificial intelligence (AI) are entities that are designed to solve
complex problems by making decisions and taking actions based on available information.
These agents operate in an environment and use various problem-solving techniques to
achieve specific goals or objectives.

5.State in which basis search algorithm is chosen?

Search algorithms are typically chosen based on their efficiency, suitability for the
problem at hand, and the resources available. Common criteria for choosing a search
algorithm include completeness, optimality, time complexity, space complexity, heuristics,
scalability, and implementation complexity.

6.How will you measure the performance of problem solving Agents?

● Completeness: Is the algorithm guaranteed to find a solution when there is one?

● Optimality: Does the strategy find the optimal solution?

● Time complexity: How long does it take to find a solution?

● Space complexity: How much memory is needed to perform the search?

7.What are the application of BFS?

● BFS can be used to find the shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted

● BFS is often used to solve maze problems, where each cell in the maze is considered
a node and the algorithm finds the shortest path from the start to the exit.

● BFS is used in robotics for path planning, especially in environments with obstacles.
By treating the environment as a graph, BFS can find a collision-free path for a robot
to navigate from its current position to a target position.
8.Define Depth Limited Search?

Depth-Limited Search (DLS) is a variant of Depth-First Search (DFS) that sets a maximum
depth to limit how far the search can go. It's particularly useful for search algorithms dealing
with large or infinite-depth search spaces, preventing the search from going too deep and
consuming excessive resources or time.

9.Evaluate the problem solving agents using Depth first search algorithm?

Depth-First Search (DFS) is a simple algorithm used by problem-solving agents. Its

evaluation can be summarized as follows:

● Completeness: DFS is not complete for problems with infinite depths or cycles in the
search space.

● Optimality: It does not guarantee finding the optimal solution; it may find a solution
quickly but not necessarily the best one.

10.List some uninformed search techniques?

● Breadth-first Search

● Depth-first Search

● Depth-limited Search

● Iterative deepening depth-first search

● Uniform cost search

● Bidirectional Search

11.How will you specify the task environment for an agent taxi?

For a taxi agent, the task environment can be summarized as follows:

● Percepts: Current location, surrounding traffic conditions, availability of passengers,

time of day/weather.
● Actions: Move to a location, pick up passengers, drop off passengers, wait, follow
traffic rules.

● Performance Measure: Total profit earned, successful pickups/drop-offs, efficiency in

reaching destinations, customer satisfaction.

● Environment: Road network, other vehicles, passengers, taxi stands/pickup points.

● Actuators: Vehicle controls, door operations, passenger information displays,

interaction with dispatch systems/apps.

12.Compare the time complexity and space complexity of an uninformed search algorithm?

Depth first search:

● Time complexityO(b)
● Space complexity:O(bm)

Breadth first search:

● Time complexity:O(bd)
● Space complexity:0(bd)

13.State the risk in involves in AI?

● AI systems can inherit biases from data,leading to discriminatory outcomes.

● Processing personal data in AI can lead to privacy breaches and unauthorized

● AI systems can be vulnerable to attracts like adversarial examples and data poisoning

● Some AI models are opaque ,making it hard to understand their decisions.

14.Define the structure of intelligent agents?

To understand the structure of Intelligent Agents, we should be familiar with Architecture

and Agent programs. Architecture is the machinery that the agent executes on. It is a device
with sensors and actuators, for example, a robotic car, a camera, and a PC. An agent
program is an implementation of an agent function. An agent function is a map from the
percept sequence(history of all that an agent has perceived to date) to an action.

15.what is uniform cost search?

Uniform-Cost Search is a variation of Dijikstra’s algorithm. It is used to find the minimum

path from the source node to the destination node around a directed weighted graph. This
searching algorithm uses a brute force approach, visits all the nodes based on their current
weight, and finds the path having minimum cost by repeatedly checking all the possible


1.discuss in detail about the Foundation of AI?

Artificial Intelligence has become a buzzword in the technological world, with the potential

to transform the way we live and work. The foundation of AI lies in the Base i, which refers

to the fundamental building blocks that make up the technology. These building blocks

include machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, among

others. Together, these components form the backbone of AI, allowing machines to learn,

adapt, and improve over time.

The foundations of AI (Artificial Intelligence) encompass a range of concepts and principles

that form the basis for the development and understanding of intelligent systems. Here are

some key foundations of AI:

● Machine Learning: This is a subset of AI that focuses on algorithms and statistical

models that allow computers to improve their performance on a task through
experience. Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning
are the main categories.

● Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP deals with the interaction between
computers and humans using natural language. It involves tasks like speech
recognition, language translation, sentiment analysis, and text generation.

● Computer Vision: This field involves enabling computers to interpret and understand
the visual world. It includes tasks such as image recognition, object detection, image
segmentation, and scene understanding.

● Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: AI systems need to represent knowledge

in a form that is usable for problem-solving and decision-making. This includes
ontologies, semantic networks, and logical reasoning.

● Robotics: Robotics combines AI with mechanical engineering to create intelligent

machines capable of performing physical tasks. It involves areas such as motion
planning, manipulation, perception, and human-robot interaction.

● Expert Systems: These are AI systems that mimic the decision-making abilities of a
human expert in a specific domain. They use rules and knowledge bases to provide
solutions to complex problems.

● Search and Optimization: AI algorithms often involve searching through large spaces
of possibilities to find optimal solutions. Techniques like depth-first search, breadth-
first search, genetic algorithms, and simulated annealing are used for optimization.

● Neural Networks: Inspired by the structure of the human brain, neural networks are a
fundamental component of modern AI, especially in deep learning. They consist of
interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers, and they excel at tasks like
pattern recognition and feature extraction.
● Ethics and Bias: As AI becomes more pervasive, ethical considerations regarding
fairness, transparency, privacy, and accountability are crucial. Addressing biases in
data and algorithms is also a significant part of AI ethics.

● Cognitive Modeling: This area involves creating computational models of human

cognition and behavior to understand how humans think and learn, which can inform
the development of AI systems.

2.Explain in detail about the different type of task environment?

An environment in artificial intelligence is the surrounding of the agent. The agent takes
input from the environment through sensors and delivers the output to the environment
through actuators. There are several types of environments:

● Fully Observable vs Partially Observable

● Deterministic vs Stochastic
● Competitive vs Collaborative
● Single-agent vs Multi-agent
● Static vs Dynamic
● Discrete vs Continuous
● Episodic vs Sequential
● Known vs Unknown
1.Fully Observable vs Partially Observable

● When an agent sensor is capable to sense or access the complete state of an agent
at each point in time, it is said to be a fully observable environment.A task
environment is fully observable if the sensors detect all aspects that are relevant to
the choice of action;relevance ,in turn,depends on the performance
measure .sometimes environment might be partially observable due to the noisy
and inaccurate sensor.
● Maintaining a fully observable environment is easy as there is no need to keep
track of the history of the surrounding.
● An environment is called unobservable when the agent has no sensors in all
● Examples:
● Chess – the board is fully observable, and so are the opponent’s
● Driving – the environment is partially observable because what’s
around the corner is not known.

2. Deterministic vs Stochastic

● When a uniqueness in the agent’s current state completely determines the next
state of the agent, the environment is said to be deterministic.
● The stochastic environment is random in nature which is not unique and cannot be
completely determined by the agent.
● Non Deterministic environment is one which actions are
● Examples:
● Chess – there would be only a few possible moves for a coin at the
current state and these moves can be determined.
● Self-Driving Cars- the actions of a self-driving car are not unique, it
varies time to time.

3. Competitive vs Collaborative

An agent is said to be in a competitive environment when it competes against another

agent to optimize the output.

● The game of chess is competitive as the agents compete with each other to win the
game which is the output.
● An agent is said to be in a collaborative environment when multiple agents
cooperate to produce the desired output.
● When multiple self-driving cars are found on the roads, they cooperate with each
other to avoid collisions and reach their destination which is the output desired.

4. Single-agent vs Multi-agent

● An environment consisting of only one agent is said to be a single-agent

● A person left alone in a maze is an example of the single-agent system.
● An environment involving more than one agent is a multi-agent environment.
● The game of football is multi-agent as it involves 11 players in each team.

5. Dynamic vs Static
● An environment that keeps constantly changing itself when the agent is up with
some action is said to be dynamic.
● A roller coaster ride is dynamic as it is set in motion and the environment keeps
changing every instant.
● An idle environment with no change in its state is called a static environment.
● An empty house is static as there’s no change in the surroundings when an agent

.6. Discrete vs Continuous

● If an environment consists of a finite number of actions that can be deliberated

in the environment to obtain the output, it is said to be a discrete environment.
● The game of chess is discrete as it has only a finite number of moves. The
number of moves might vary with every game, but still, it’s finite.
● The environment in which the actions are performed cannot be numbered i.e. is
not discrete, is said to be continuous.
● Self-driving cars are an example of continuous environments as their actions
are driving, parking, etc. which cannot be numbered.

7.Episodic vs Sequential

● In an Episodic task environment, each of the agent’s actions is divided into

atomic incidents or episodes. There is no dependency between current and
previous incidents. In each incident, an agent receives input from the environment
and then performs the corresponding action.
● Example: Consider an example of Pick and Place robot, which is used to detect
defective parts from the conveyor belts. Here, every time robot(agent) will make
the decision on the current part i.e. there is no dependency between current and
previous decisions.
● In a Sequential environment, the previous decisions can affect all future
decisions. The next action of the agent depends on what action he has taken
previously and what action he is supposed to take in the future.
● Example:

Checkers- Where the previous move can affect all the following moves

8. Known vs Unknown :

In a known environment, the output for all probable actions is given. Obviously, in
case of unknown environment, for an agent to make a decision, it has to gain knowledge
about how the environment works.


Uninformed search, also known as blind search, is a search algorithm that explores a problem
space without any specific knowledge or information about the problem other than the initial
state and the possible actions to take. It lacks domain-specific heuristics or prior knowledge
about the problem. Uninformed search algorithms, such as breadth-first search and depth-first
search, systematically explore the search space by applying predefined rules to generate
successor states until a goal state is found or the search is exhausted. These algorithms are
typically less efficient than informed search algorithms but can be useful in certain scenarios
or as a basis for more advanced search techniques.

Types of Uninformed Search Algorithms

The different types of uninformed search algorithms used in AI are as follows

● Depth First Search

● Breadth-First Search

● Depth Limited Search

● Uniform Cost Search

● Iterative Deepening Depth First Search

● Bidirectional Search (if applicable)

Depth First Search (DFS)

It is a search algorithm where the search tree will be traversed from the root node. It will be

traversing, searching for a key at the leaf of a particular branch. If the key is not found, the

searcher retraces its steps back (backtracking) to the point from where the other branch was

left unexplored, and the same procedure is repeated for that other branch.

The above image clearly explains the DFS Algorithm. First, the search technique starts from

the root node A and then goes to the branch where node B is present (lexicographical order).

Then it goes to node D because of DFS, and from D, there is only one node to traverse, i.e.,
node H. But after node H does not have any child nodes, we retrace the path in which we

traversed earlier and again reach node B, but this time, we traverse through in the untraced

path a traverse through node E. There are two branches at node E, but let’s traverse node I

(lexicographical order) and then retrace the path as we have no further number of nodes after

E to traverse. Then we traverse node J as it is the untraced branch and then again find we are

at the end and retrace the path and reach node B and then we will traverse the untraced

branch, i.e., through node C, and repeat the same process. This is called the DFS Algorithm.

Breadth-First Search (BFS):

This is another graph search algorithm in AI that traverses breadthwise to search for the goal

in a tree. It begins searching from the root node and expands the successor node before

expanding further along breadthwise and traversing those nodes rather than searching depth-

The above figure is an example of a BFS Algorithm. It starts from the root node A and then

traverses node B. Till this step, it is the same as DFS. But here, instead of expanding the

children of B as in the case of DFS, we expand the other child of A, i.e., node C because of

BFS, and then move to the next level and traverse from D to G and then from H to K in this

typical example. To traverse here, we have only taken into consideration the lexicographical

order. This is how the BFS Algorithm is implemented.

Uniform Cost Search Algorithm (UCS)

Uniform Cost Search (UCS) is a graph traversal and search algorithm used in the field of

artificial intelligence and computer science. UCS is an informed search algorithm that

explores a graph by gradually expanding nodes starting from the initial node and moving

towards the goal node while considering the cost associated with each edge or step.

This algorithm is mainly used when the step costs are not the same, but we need the optimal

solution to the goal state. In such cases, we use Uniform Cost Search to find the goal and the

path, including the cumulative cost to expand each node from the root node to the goal node.

It does not go depth or breadth. It searches for the next node with the lowest cost, and in the

case of the same path cost, let’s consider lexicographical order in our case.
In the above figure, consider S to be the start node and G to be the goal state. From node S

we look for a node to expand, and we have nodes A and G, but since it’s a uniform cost

search, it’s expanding the node with the lowest step cost, so node A becomes the successor

rather than our required goal node G. From A we look at its children nodes B and C. Since C

has the lowest step cost, it traverses through node C. Then we look at the successors of C, i.e.,

D and G. Since the cost to D is low, we expand along with node D. Since D has only one

child G which is our required goal state we finally reach the goal state D by implementing

UFS Algorithm. If we have traversed this way, definitely our total path cost from S to G is

just 6 even after traversing through many nodes rather than going to G directly where the cost

is 12 and 6<<12(in terms of step cost). But this may not work with all cases.

Depth Limited Search (DLS)

DLS is an uninformed search algorithm. This is similar to DFS but differs only in a few

ways. The sad failure of DFS is alleviated by supplying a depth-first search with a

predetermined depth limit. That is, nodes at depth are treated as if they have no successors.

This approach is called a depth-limited search. The depth limit solves the infinite-path
problem. Depth-limited search can be halted in two cases:

1. Standard Failure Value (SFV): The SFV tells that there is no solution to the problem.

2. Cutoff Failure Value (CFV): The Cutoff Failure Value tells that there is no solution

within the given depth limit.

The above figure illustrates the implementation of the DLS algorithm. Node A is at Limit =

0, followed by nodes B, C, D, and E at Limit = 1 and nodes F, G, and H at Limit = 2. Our

start state is considered to be node A, and our goal state is node H. To reach node H, we

apply DLS. So in the first case, let’s set our limit to 0 and search for the goal.

Since limit 0, the algorithm will assume that there are no children after limit 0 even if nodes

exist further. Now, if we implement it, we will traverse only node A as there is only one node

in limit 0, which is basically our goal state. If we use SFV, it says there is no solution to the

problem at limit 0, whereas LCV says there is no solution for the problem until the set depth

limit. Since we could not find the goal, let’s increase our limit to 1 and apply DFS till limit 1,

even though there are further nodes after limit 1. But those nodes aren’t expanded as we have

set our limit as 1.

Hence nodes A, followed by B, C, D, and E, are expanded in the mentioned order. As in our

first case, if we use SFV, it says there is no solution to the problem at limit 1, whereas LCV

says there is no solution for the problem until the set depth limit 1. Hence we again increase

our limit from 1 to 2 in the notion to find the goal.

Till limit 2, DFS will be implemented from our start node A and its children B, C, D, and E.

Then from E, it moves to F, similarly backtracks the path, and explores the unexplored

branch where node G is present. It then retraces the path and explores the child of C, i.e.,

node H, and then we finally reach our goal by applying DLS Algorithm. Suppose we have

further successors of node F but only the nodes till limit 2 will be explored as we have limited

the depth and have reached the goal state.

This image explains the DLS implementation and could be referred to for better


Depth-limited search can be terminated with two Conditions of failure:

1. Standard Failure: it indicates that the problem does not have any solutions.

2. Cutoff Failure Value: It defines no solution for the problem within a given depth


Iterative Deepening Depth First Search (IDDFS)

It is a search algorithm that uses the combined power of the BFS and DFS algorithms. It is

iterative in nature. It searches for the best depth in each iteration. It performs the Algorithm

until it reaches the goal node. The algorithm is set to search until a certain depth and the

depth keeps increasing at every iteration until it reaches the goal state.

In the above figure, let’s consider the goal node to be G and the start state to be A. We

perform our IDDFS from node A. In the first iteration, it traverses only node A at level 0.

Since the goal is not reached, we expand our nodes, go to the next level, i.e., 1 and move to

the next iteration. Then in the next iteration, we traverse the node A, B, and C. Even in this

iteration, our goal state is not reached, so we expand the node to the next level, i.e., 2, and the

nodes are traversed from the start node or the previous iteration and expand the nodes A, B,

C, and D, E, F, G. Even though the goal node is traversed, we go through for the next
iteration, and the remaining nodes A, B, D, H, I, E, C, F, K, and G(BFS & DFS) too are

explored, and we find the goal state in this iteration. This is the implementation of the IDDFS


Bidirectional Search (BS)

Before moving into bidirectional search, let’s first understand a few terms.

Forward Search: Looking in front of the end from the start.

Backward Search: Looking from end to the start backward.

So Bidirectional Search, as the name suggests, is a combination of forwarding and backward

search. Basically, if the average branching factor going out of node / fan-out, if fan-out is

less, prefer forward search. Else if the average branching factor going into a node/fan-in is

less (i.e., fan-out is more), prefer backward search. We must traverse the tree from the start
node and the goal node, and wherever they meet, the path from the start node to the goal

through the intersection is the optimal solution. The BS Algorithm is applicable when

generating predecessors is easy in both forward and backward directions, and there exist only

1 or fewer goal states.

This figure provides a clear-cut idea of how BS is executed. We have node 1 as the start/root

node and node 16 as the goal node. The algorithm divides the search tree into two sub-trees.

So from the start of node 1, we do a forward search, and at the same time, we do a backward

search from goal node 16. The forward search traverses nodes 1, 4, 8, and 9, whereas the

backward search traverses through nodes 16, 12, 10, and 9. We see that both forward and

backward search meets at node 9, called the intersection node. So the total path traced by

forwarding search and the path traced by backward search is the optimal solution. This is how

the BS Algorithm is implemented.

4 Give an example of a problem for which breadth first search would work better than

depth first search?.

Let's consider a scenario where Breadth-First Search (BFS) would be more suitable than

Depth-First Search (DFS): finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph.

Imagine you have a simple graph representing a map of cities connected by roads, where each

edge between cities has the same weight (indicating equal distance or travel time). You want

to find the shortest path from a starting city to a destination city.

Here's how BFS can be advantageous in this scenario:

Graph Structure: The graph represents a network of cities connected by roads, with equal

weights on all edges. It does not have a significant depth or branching factor.

Shortest Path Requirement: You specifically need to find the shortest path from the

starting city to the destination city, without considering other paths or exploring

deeper branches.

Memory Efficiency: BFS explores nodes level by level, ensuring that it always finds the

shortest path first. It may use more memory than DFS due to the need to store all

nodes at the current level, but in this scenario, the memory usage is not a critical


Shortest Path Guarantee: BFS guarantees that the first instance the destination city is

reached, it will be via the shortest path.

Here's a simplified example to illustrate BFS finding the shortest path in a graph:

● Graph:

A -- B -- C

| | |

D -- E -- F

| | |
G -- H -- I

● Starting Point: A
● Destination: F

Applying BFS, the algorithm would explore the graph level by level:

Start at A.

Explore neighbors of A (B, D).

Explore neighbors of B (C, E).

Explore neighbors of D (E, G).

Explore neighbors of C (F).

The shortest path from A to F is found: A -> B -> C -> F.

In this scenario, BFS ensures that the shortest path is found by systematically exploring nodes

in order of their distance from the starting point. This approach guarantees optimality in

finding the shortest path, making BFS better suited than DFS when the goal is to find the

shortest path in an unweighted graph.

let's apply Depth-First Search (DFS) to the same graph used in the previous example and

demonstrate its behavior. We'll start at node A and aim to reach node

Here's how DFS would explore this graph:

Start at A: Mark A as visited and explore one of its neighbors (e.g., B).

Explore B: Mark B as visited and explore one of its neighbors (e.g., C).

Explore C: Mark C as visited and realize there are no unvisited neighbors left.

Backtrack to B: Since there are no other unvisited neighbors of B, backtrack to A.

Explore D: Mark D as visited and explore one of its neighbors (e.g., E).
Explore E: Mark E as visited and explore one of its neighbors (e.g., F).

Explore F: Mark F as visited and realize there are no unvisited neighbors left.

Backtrack to E: Since there are no other unvisited neighbors of E, backtrack to D.

Backtrack to A: Since all neighbors of A are visited, backtrack to the previous node (there

are no more unvisited neighbors of the previous nodes, so we continue backtracking).

Backtrack to B: Since all neighbors of B are visited, backtrack to the previous node.

Backtrack to A: Continue backtracking until all nodes are visited.

The sequence of node visits using DFS would be: A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F -> H -> G -> I.

Now, let's analyze why DFS may not be suitable for finding the shortest path in an

unweighted graph like this:

Depth-First Nature: DFS prioritizes going as deep as possible along a branch before

backtracking. In this graph, DFS goes from A to B to C without considering the

shortest path that could be directly from A to C.

No Shortest Path Guarantee: DFS does not guarantee finding the shortest path. Depending

on the order of exploration, DFS may find longer paths before finding the shortest


In contrast, Breadth-First Search (BFS) guarantees finding the shortest path in an unweighted

graph because it explores nodes level by level, ensuring that shorter paths are discovered

before longer ones.

5.How a problem is formally defined?list down the component of it

A problem can be defined formally by four components.

1) Initial state that the agent starts in

For example –

Consider a agent program Indian Traveller developed for travelling from Pune to Chennai
travelling through different states. The initial state for this agent can be described as In
2) A description of the possible actions available to the agent

The most common formulation uses a successor funtion. Given a perticular state x,
SUCCESSOR Function (X) returns a set of <action, successor>, ordered pairs, where each
action is one of the legal actions in state x and each successor is a state that can be reached
from x by applying the action.

For example:

From the state In (Pune), the successor function for Indian Traveller problem wouldreturn.

< Go (Mumbai), In (Mumbai) >

< Go (AhemdNagar), In (AhemdNagar)>

< Go (Solapur), In (Solapur)>

< Go (Satara), In (Satara)>

Together, the initial state and successor function implicitly define the state space of the
problem - which is the set of all states reachable from the initial state.

The state space forms a graph in which the nodes are states and the arcs between nodes are

A path is the state space is a sequence of states connected by a sequence of actions.

3) The goal test, which determines whether a given state is goal (final) state. In some
problems we can explicitely specify a set of goals. If a particular state is reached we can
check it with set of goals and if a match is found success can be announced.

For example:

In Indian Traveller problem the goal is to reach chennai i.e. it is a singleton set {In

In certain types of problems we can not specify goals explicitly. Instead, goal is specified by
an abstract property rather than an explicitly enumerated set of states.

For example:

In chess, the goal is to reach a state called "Checkmate" where the opponent's king is under
attack and can not escape. This "Checkmate" situation can be represented using various state

4) A path cost function that assigns a numeric cost (value) to each path. The problem-solving
agent is expected to choose a cost-function that reflects its own performance measure.

For Indian-Traveller agent we can have time requireded as cost for path-cost function. It
should consider length of each road being travelled.

In general step-cost of taking action 'a' to go from state x to state c (x, a, y).

The above four elements define a problem and can be put together in single data structure
which can be given as input to a problem-solving algorithm.

A solution to the problem is a path from the initial state to a goal state.

We can measure quality of solution by the path cost function. We can have multiple solutions
to the problem. The optimal solution will be the one with lowest path cost among all the

6.Explain the following uninformed search strategies

1. Depth first search

2. Depth limited search

Depth First Search (DFS)

It is a search algorithm where the search tree will be traversed from the root node. It will be

traversing, searching for a key at the leaf of a particular branch. If the key is not found, the

searcher retraces its steps back (backtracking) to the point from where the other branch was

left unexplored, and the same procedure is repeated for that other branch.
The above image clearly explains the DFS Algorithm. First, the search technique starts from

the root node A and then goes to the branch where node B is present (lexicographical order).

Then it goes to node D because of DFS, and from D, there is only one node to traverse, i.e.,

node H. But after node H does not have any child nodes, we retrace the path in which we

traversed earlier and again reach node B, but this time, we traverse through in the untraced

path a traverse through node E. There are two branches at node E, but let’s traverse node I

(lexicographical order) and then retrace the path as we have no further number of nodes after

E to traverse. Then we traverse node J as it is the untraced branch and then again find we are

at the end and retrace the path and reach node B and then we will traverse the untraced

branch, i.e., through node C, and repeat the same process. This is called the DFS Algorithm.


● DFS requires very less memory as it only needs to store a stack of the nodes on the
path from root node to the current node.
● It takes less time to reach to the goal node than BFS algorithm (if it traverses in the
right path).


● There is the possibility that many states keep re-occurring, and there is no guarantee
of finding the solution.

● DFS algorithm goes for deep down searching and sometime it may go to the infinite


It occupies a lot of memory space and time to execute when the solution is at the bottom or

end of the tree and is implemented using the LIFO Stack data structure[DS].

● Complete: No

● Time Complexity: O(bm)

● Space complexity: O(bm)

● Optimal: Yes

Depth Limited Search (DLS)

DLS is an uninformed search algorithm. This is similar to DFS but differs only in a few

ways. The sad failure of DFS is alleviated by supplying a depth-first search with a
predetermined depth limit. That is, nodes at depth are treated as if they have no successors.

This approach is called a depth-limited search. The depth limit solves the infinite-path

problem. Depth-limited search can be halted in two cases:

3. Standard Failure Value (SFV): The SFV tells that there is no solution to the problem.

4. Cutoff Failure Value (CFV): The Cutoff Failure Value tells that there is no solution

within the given depth limit.

The above figure illustrates the implementation of the DLS algorithm. Node A is at Limit =

0, followed by nodes B, C, D, and E at Limit = 1 and nodes F, G, and H at Limit = 2. Our

start state is considered to be node A, and our goal state is node H. To reach node H, we

apply DLS. So in the first case, let’s set our limit to 0 and search for the goal.

Since limit 0, the algorithm will assume that there are no children after limit 0 even if nodes

exist further. Now, if we implement it, we will traverse only node A as there is only one node

in limit 0, which is basically our goal state. If we use SFV, it says there is no solution to the

problem at limit 0, whereas LCV says there is no solution for the problem until the set depth

limit. Since we could not find the goal, let’s increase our limit to 1 and apply DFS till limit 1,
even though there are further nodes after limit 1. But those nodes aren’t expanded as we have

set our limit as 1.

Hence nodes A, followed by B, C, D, and E, are expanded in the mentioned order. As in our

first case, if we use SFV, it says there is no solution to the problem at limit 1, whereas LCV

says there is no solution for the problem until the set depth limit 1. Hence we again increase

our limit from 1 to 2 in the notion to find the goal.

Till limit 2, DFS will be implemented from our start node A and its children B, C, D, and E.

Then from E, it moves to F, similarly backtracks the path, and explores the unexplored

branch where node G is present. It then retraces the path and explores the child of C, i.e.,

node H, and then we finally reach our goal by applying DLS Algorithm. Suppose we have

further successors of node F but only the nodes till limit 2 will be explored as we have limited

the depth and have reached the goal state.

This image explains the DLS implementation and could be referred to for better

Depth-limited search can be terminated with two Conditions of failure:

3. Standard Failure: it indicates that the problem does not have any solutions.

4. Cutoff Failure Value: It defines no solution for the problem within a given depth limit


● Depth-limited search is Memory efficient.


● The DLS has disadvantages of completeness and is not optimal if it has more than one

goal state.


● Complete: Complete (if solution > depth-limit)

● Time Complexity: O(bl) where, l -> depth-limit

● Space complexity: O(bl)

● Optimal: Yes (only if l > d)


1.Explain detail about the history of AI?

History of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence is not a new word and not a new technology for researchers. This

technology is much older than you would imagine. Even there are the myths of Mechanical

men in Ancient Greek and Egyptian Myths. Following are some milestones in the history of

AI which defines the journey from the AI generation to till date development.

● Year 1943: The first work which is now recognized as AI was done by Warren
McCulloch and Walter pits in 1943. They proposed a model of artificial neurons.

● Year 1949: Donald Hebb demonstrated an updating rule for modifying the
connection strength between neurons. His rule is now called Hebbian learning.

● Year 1950: The Alan Turing who was an English mathematician and pioneered
Machine learning in 1950. Alan Turing publishes "Computing Machinery and
Intelligence" in which he proposed a test. The test can check the machine's ability to
exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to human intelligence, called a Turing test.

● Year 1952: A computer scientist named Arthur samuel developed a program to play
checkers, which is the first to ever learn the game independently.

● Year 1955: John mcaruthy held a workshop at Dartmouth on “artificial intelligence”

which is the first use of the word, and how it came into popular usage.

● Year 1955: An Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon created the "first artificial
intelligence program"Which was named as "Logic Theorist". This program had
proved 38 of 52 Mathematics theorems, and find new and more elegant proofs for
some theorems.

● Year 1956: The word "Artificial Intelligence" first adopted by American Computer
scientist John McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference. For the first time, AI coined as
an academic field.At that time high-level computer languages such as FORTRAN,
LISP, or COBOL were invented. And the enthusiasm for AI was very high at that

● Year 1958: John McCarthy created LISP (acronym for List Processing), the first
programming language for AI research, which is still in popular use to this day.

● Year 1959:Arthur samuel created trem machine learning when doing a speech about
teaching machines to play chess better than the humans who programmed them.

● Year 1961: The first industrial robot unimate started working on an assembly line at
General Motors in New Jersey, tasked with transporting die casings and welding parts
on cars (which was deemed too dangerous for humans).

● Year 1965: Edward Feigenbaum and Joshua Lederberg created the first expert system
which was a form of AI programmed to replicate the thinking and decision-making
abilities of human experts.

● Year 1966: The researchers emphasized developing algorithms which can solve
mathematical problems. Joseph Weizenbaum created the first chatbot in 1966, which
was named as ELIZA.

● Year 1972: The first intelligent humanoid robot was built in Japan which was named
as WABOT-1.

● Year 1973: An applied mathematician named james light hill gave a report to the
British Science Council, underlining that strides were not as impressive as those that
had been promised by scientists, which led to much-reduced support and funding for
AI research from the British government.

● Year 1979: James L. Adams created The sanford cart in 1961, which became one of
the first examples of an autonomous vehicle. In ‘79, it successfully navigated a room
full of chairs without human interference.

● Year 1979: The American Association of Artificial Intelligence which is now known
as the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) was

● The duration between years 1974 to 1980 was the first AI winter duration. AI winter
refers to the time period where computer scientist dealt with a severe shortage of
funding from government for AI researches.
● During AI winters, an interest of publicity on artificial intelligence was decreased.

● The duration between the years 1987 to 1993 was the second AI Winter duration.

● Again Investors and government stopped in funding for AI research as due to high
cost but not efficient result. The expert system such as XCON was very cost effective.

● Year 1997: In the year 1997, IBM Deep Blue beats world chess champion, Gary
Kasparov, and became the first computer to beat a world chess champion.

● Year 1997: Windows released a speech recognition software (developed by Dragon


● Year 2000: Professor Cynthia Breazeal developed the first robot that could simulate
human emotions with its face,which included eyes, eyebrows, ears, and a mouth. It
was called Kismet.

● Year 2002: for the first time, AI entered the home in the form of Roomba, a vacuum

● Year 2003: Nasa landed two rovers onto Mars (Spirit and Opportunity) and they
navigated the surface of the planet without human intervention.

● Year 2006: AI came in the Business world till the year 2006. Companies like
Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix also started using AI.

● Year 2010: Microsoft launched the Xbox 360 Kinect, the first gaming hardware
designed to track body movement and translate it into gaming directions.

● Year 2011: An NLP computer programmed to answer questions named Watson

(created by IBM) won Jeopardy against two former champions in a televised game.

● Year 2011: In the year 2011, IBM's Watson won jeopardy, a quiz show, where it had
to solve the complex questions as well as riddles. Watson had proved that it could
understand natural language and can solve tricky questions quickly.

● Year 2012: Google has launched an Android app feature "Google now", which was
able to provide information to the user as a prediction.

● Year 2014: In the year 2014, Chatbot "Eugene Goostman" won a competition in the
infamous "Turing test."

● Year 2018: The "Project Debater" from IBM debated on complex topics with two
master debaters and also performed extremely well.
● Google has demonstrated an AI program "Duplex" which was a virtual assistant and
which had taken hairdresser appointment on call, and lady on other side didn't notice
that she was talking with the machine.

● 2020: OpenAI started beta testing GPT-3, a model that uses Deep Learning to create
code, poetry, and other such language and writing tasks. While not the first of its kind,
it is the first that creates content almost indistinguishable from those created by

● 2021: OpenAI developed DALL-E, which can process and understand images enough
to produce accurate captions, moving AI one step closer to understanding the visual

2.With relevant examples,discuss about the agent types and their PEASD Description
according to their uses

Simple Reflex Agents

1. This is a simple type of agent which works on the basis of current percept and not
based on the rest of the percepts history.

2. The agent function, in this case, is based on condition-action rule where the condition
or the state is mapped to the action such that action is taken only when condition is
true or else it is not.

3. If the environment associated with this agent is fully observable, only then is the
agent function successful, if it is partially observable, in that case the agent function
enters into infinite loops that can be escaped only on randomization of its actions.

4. The problems associated with this type include very limited intelligence, No
knowledge of non-perceptual parts of the state, huge size for generation and storage
and inability to adapt to changes in the environment.

5. Example: A thermostat in a heating system.

Model-Based Agents
1. Model-based agent utilizes the condition-action rule, where it works by finding a rule
that will allow the condition, which is based on the current situation, to be satisfied.

2. Irrespective of the first type, it can handle partially observable environments by

tracking the situation and using a particular model related to the world.

3. It consists of two important factors, which are Model and Internal State.

4. Model provides knowledge and understanding of the process of occurrence of

different things in the surroundings such that the current situation can be studied and a
condition can be created. Actions are performed by the agent based on this model.

5. Internal State uses the perceptual history to represent a current percept. The agent
keeps a track of this internal state and is adjusted by each of the percepts. The current
internal state is stored by the agent inside it to maintain a kind of structure that can
describe the unseen world.

6. The state of the agent can be updated by gaining information about how the world
evolves and how the agent's action affects the world.

7. Example: A vacuum cleaner that uses sensors to detect dirt and obstacles and moves
and cleans based on a model.

Goal-Based Agents
1. This type takes decisions on the basis of its goal or desirable situations so that it can
choose such an action that can achieve the goal required.

2. It is an improvement over model based agent where information about the goal is also
included. This is because it is not always sufficient to know just about the current
state, knowledge of the goal is a more beneficial approach.

3. The aim is to reduce the distance between action and the goal so that the best possible
way can be chosen from multiple possibilities. Once the best way is found, the
decision is represented explicitly which makes the agent more flexible.

4. It carries out considerations of different situations called searching and planning by

considering long sequence of possible actions for confirming its ability to achieve the
goal. This makes the agent proactive.

5. It can easily change its behavior if required.

6. Example: A chess-playing AI whose goal is winning the game.

Utility-Based Agents

1. Utility agent have their end uses as their building blocks and is used when best action
and decision needs to be taken from multiple alternatives.
2. It is an improvement over goal based agent as it not only involves the goal but also
the way the goal can be achieved such that the goal can be achieved in a quicker,
safer, cheaper way.
3. The extra component of utility or method to achieve a goal provides a measure of
success at a particular state that makes the utility agent different.
4. It takes the agent happiness into account and gives an idea of how happy the agent is
because of the utility and hence, the action with maximum utility is considered. This
associated degree of happiness can be calculated by mapping a state onto a real
5. Mapping of a state onto a real number with the help of utility function gives the
efficiency of an action to achieve the goal.
6. Example: A delivery drone that delivers packages to customers efficiently while
optimizing factors like delivery time, energy consumption, and customer satisfied

Learning Agents

1. Learning agent, as the name suggests, has the capability to learn from past
experiences and takes actions or decisions based on learning capabilities. Example: A
spam filter that learns from user feedback.
2. It gains basic knowledge from past and uses that learning to act and adapt
3. It comprises of four conceptual components, which are given as follows:
● Learning element: It makes improvements by learning from the environment.
● Critic: Critic provides feedback to the learning agent giving the performance measure
of the agent with respect to the fixed performance standard.
● Performance element: It selects the external action.
● Problem generator: This suggests actions that lead to new and informative

PEAS stands for performance measure, environment, actuators, and sensors. PEAS defines
AI models and helps determine the task environment for an intelligent agent.

Performance measure: It defines the success of an agent. It evaluates the criteria that
determines whether the system performs well.

Environment: It refers to the external context in which an AI system operates. It

encapsulates the physical and virtual surroundings, including other agents, objects, and

Actuators: They are responsible for executing actions based on the decisions made. They
interact with the environment to bring about desired changes.

Sensors: An agent observes and perceives its environment through sensors. Sensors provide
input data to the system, enabling it to make informed decisions.


Agent Performance Environment Actuators Sensors


Vacuum Cleanliness, Room, table, Wheels, brushes Camera,

cleaner security, battery carpet, floors sensors

Chatbot system Helpful responses, Messaging Sender NLP

accurate responses platform, mechanism, algorithms
internet, website typer

Autonomous Efficient Roads, traffic, Brake, Cameras,

vehicle navigation, safety, pedestrians, accelerator, steer, GPS,
time, comfort road signs horn speedometer

Hospital Patient's health, cost Doctors, Prescription, Symptoms

patients, nurses, diagnosis, tests,
staff treatment

3.Explain in detail with example dijkstra’s algorithm?

Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to find the shortest path between the two mentioned vertices of a
graph by applying the greedy algorithm as the basis of principle.For Example: Used to find
the shortest between the destination to visit from your current location on a Google map.Now
let’s look into the working principle of Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Principle of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

To find the shortest path between two given vertices of a graph, we will follow the following
mentioned steps of the algorithm/approach, which are:

if dist(u) + len(u,v) < dist(v)

dist(v) = dist(u) + len(u,v)


dist(u) = Source Node

dist(v) = Destination Node

Note: By default, the source node's immediate and non-immediate distance to the other nodes
in the graph is “∞ (Infinite).”

For Example: Find the shortest path for the given graph.
1. We will find the shortest path from node A to the other nodes in the graph, assuming that
node A is the source.

2. For node B, apply the above-discussed algorithm, then on applying values:

if 0 + 20 < ∞


Node A to Node B = 20

3. For node C, on applying the approach from node A, we have:

if 0 + 50 < ∞


Node A to Node B = 50

4. For node C, from node B, on applying the algorithm, we have:

if 20 + 10 < ∞


Node B to Node C = 30

5. By the value obtained from step 3, we change the shortest distance between node A to
Node C to 30 from the previous distance of 50.

Let’s apply Dijkstra’s Algorithm for the graph given below, and find the shortest path from
node A to node C:


1. All the distances from node A to the rest of the nodes is ∞.

2. Calculating the distance between node A and the immediate nodes (node B & node D):

For node B,

Node A to Node B = 3

For node D,

Node A to Node D = 8

3. Choose the node with the shortest distance to be the current node from unvisited nodes,
i.e., node B. Calculating the distance between node B and the immediate nodes:
For node E,

Node B to Node D = 3+5 = 8

For node E,

Node B to Node E = 3+6 = 9

4. Choose the node with the shortest distance to be the current node from unvisited nodes,
i.e., node D. Calculating the distance between node D and the immediate nodes:

For node E,

Node D to Node E = 8+3 = 11 ( [9 < 11] > TRUE: So, No Change)

For node F,

Node D to Node F = 8+2 = 10

5. Choose the node with the shortest distance to be the current node from unvisited nodes,
i.e., node E. Calculating the distance between node E and the immediate nodes:

For node C,

Node E to Node C = 9+9 = 18

For node F,

Node E to Node F = 9+1 = 10

6. Choose the node with the shortest distance to be the current node from unvisited nodes,
i.e., node F. Calculating the distance between node F and the immediate nodes:

For node C,

Node F to Node C = 10+3 = 13 ([18 < 13] FALSE: So, Change the previous value)

So, after performing all the steps, we have the shortest path from node A to node C, i.e., a
value of 13 units.

4.Define the following problems .what type of control strategy is used in the following

1. 1.tower of hanoi

2. 2.crypto-arthimetic

Tower of Hanoi Problem:

● Definition: The Tower of Hanoi problem is a classic mathematical puzzle that

involves three rods and a number of disks of different sizes. The objective is to move
the entire stack of disks from one rod to another, following three simple rules: (1)
Only one disk can be moved at a time. (2) Each move consists of taking the top disk
from one stack and placing it onto another stack. (3) No disk may be placed on top of
a smaller disk. The problem starts with all disks on one rod in ascending order of size,
with the largest disk at the bottom.

Control Strategy (Recursive Algorithm):

● The Tower of Hanoi problem is most commonly solved using a recursive algorithm
based on the divide-and-conquer strategy.

● The algorithm follows these steps:

If there is only one disk to move, move it directly to the target rod.

If there are more than one disk, recursively move the top
n−1 disks from the source rod to an auxiliary rod using the target rod as a
temporary holding area.

Move the largest disk from the source rod to the target rod.

Recursively move the

n−1 disks from the auxiliary rod to the target rod using the source rod as a
temporary holding area.

● This recursive approach efficiently solves the Tower of Hanoi problem for any
number of disks in2^n−1 moves ,where n is the number of disc

Cryptarithmetic Problem:


Crypto arithmetic, also known as alphametics or verbal arithmetic, is a type of

mathematical puzzle where letters represent digits, and the goal is to find the
correct digit-to-letter mapping that satisfies a given arithmetic equation. The
letters used are usually distinct, and each letter represents a single digit from 0
to 9.

Control Strategy (Brute-Force Search with Constraints):

Solving cryptoarithmetic problems typically involves a brute-force search

combined with constraint satisfaction techniques.

The strategy includes these steps:

● Generate all possible digit permutations (0-9) for the letters in

the equation, ensuring that each letter represents a unique digit.

● Check each permutation to see if it satisfies the equation.

● If a permutation satisfies the equation without violating any

constraints (such as repeating digits), it is a potential solution.

● Continue searching through permutations until a valid solution

is found or all possibilities are exhausted.

■ Techniques like backtracking can be used to prune branches of the

search tree that are known to lead to invalid solutions, improving

■ Additionally, optimization techniques such as intelligent variable

ordering and constraint propagation can further reduce the search space
and speed up the solution process.

These detailed explanations should give you a comprehensive understanding of the control
strategies used for solving the Tower of Hanoi problem and cryptoarithmetic puzzles.
1. What is informed search? CO K1
An "informed search" refers to a category of search algorithms 2
that use specific knowledge about the problem domain to find
solutions more efficiently. This is contrasted with "uninformed
search" algorithms, which do not have any additional information
about the state space or the goal beyond the problem definition.
Informed search algorithms leverage heuristics to guide the search
towards goal states, potentially reducing the number of states they
have to explore compared to an uninformed search
Why does one go for heuristics search? CO K2
2. Practicality
Trade off between
Differentiate Blind Search and Heuristic Search? CO K2
Blind search, also known as uninformed search, does not use any 2
additional information about the problem other than the problem's
structure itself. It systematically explores the search space without
any guidance on which direction might lead to a solution.
Heuristic search, or informed search, uses additional information
about the problem (usually in the form of a heuristic function) to
make estimates about the benefit of following each path. It uses
this information to guide the search more intelligently towards the

What is CSP? CO K1
In the context of machine learning and artificial intelligence, CSP 2
stands for Constraint Satisfaction Problem. A Constraint
Satisfaction Problem is a mathematical question defined by a set
4. of objects whose state must satisfy a number of constraints or
limitations. CSPs are a type of problem frequently encountered in
fields such as AI, computer science, and operations research,
where the goal is to find a configuration of variables that meets all
the given constraints.
State Game theory. CO K1
Game theory is a mathematical framework designed for analyzing 2
situations in which players make decisions that are
interdependent. This interdependence causes each participant to
consider the other participants' decisions or strategies when
formulating their own strategy. Originally developed as a tool for
understanding economic behavior, game theory is now used in
various fields, including psychology, biology, politics, and
computer science, to study competitive situations where the
outcome for each participant depends on the actions of others.
6. What is perfect information and imperfect information? CO K1
A game of perfect information is one in which all players have 2
complete knowledge about the game's state and the history of play
at all times. This means that every decision in the game is made
with full knowledge of all the events that have previously
occurred. There are no hidden cards, secret moves, or private
information. Each player, when making a decision, knows the full
history of actions that have led to that point.

In contrast, a game of imperfect information is one in which some

aspects of the game state are hidden from some of the players.
This can involve hidden cards, private knowledge that one player
has and others do not, or any uncertainty about the game state that
is not universally known
Define Zero-Sum Game. CO K1
A zero-sum game is a concept from game theory in which the 2
total benefit or utility available to all players in the game is
7. constant; the gain of one player directly corresponds to the loss of
another player. In other words, the sum of gains and losses across
all players is zero for any combination of strategies they may
How will you formulate the problem for Tic-Tac-Toe CO K1
game? 2
Formulating the problem of Tic-Tac-Toe as a game theory
problem involves defining its components in a structured way that
fits into the framework of a strategic game. Tic-Tac-Toe is a two-
player, zero-sum, finite deterministic game of perfect information,
where players take turns marking spaces in a 3x3 grid, aiming to
place three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal
8. row. Here’s how to structure this game formally:

There are two players in Tic-Tac-Toe:

1. Player X
2. Player O

9. What is one-move Deep in optimal decision in Game? CO K2

The term "one-move deep" in the context of making an optimal 2
decision in a game refers to evaluating the immediate
consequences of all possible actions from the current state without
considering the subsequent moves and their ramifications. This
strategy involves looking only at the direct outcomes of one's next
move, essentially examining what happens next if a particular
move is made now.

How One-Move Deep Analysis Works:

1. Enumerate Possibilities: List all possible moves that can
be made from the current game state.
2. Evaluate Outcomes: For each possible move, evaluate the
immediate outcome or payoff. This evaluation is typically
based on a scoring function or a set of criteria that assesses
how favorable or unfavorable the resulting position would
3. Choose the Best Option: Select the move that yields the
best immediate outcome according to the evaluation. This
"best" might be defined in terms of maximizing gain,
minimizing loss, or achieving a strategic advantage.

State the condition for a node to be pruned within a tree CO K2

using Alpha-Beta Pruning? 2
Alpha-Beta Pruning is an optimization technique for the minimax
algorithm that reduces the number of nodes evaluated in the
search tree of a two-player game. This technique effectively
"prunes" the branches of the tree that cannot possibly affect the
final decision, thereby speeding up the search process

10. Conditions for Pruning a Node:

To determine whether a node can be pruned, we rely on two

1. Alpha (α): The best value that the maximizer currently can
guarantee at that level or above.
2. Beta (β): The best value that the minimizer currently can
guarantee at that level or above.

What is Adversarial Game Search? Give an example. CO K2

Adversarial game search refers to a class of algorithms used in 2
game theory to determine optimal strategies in games involving
two or more opposing players. These searches typically apply to
11. games where players have conflicting interests and the outcome
for one player's success is detrimentally linked to the other
player's failure. The term "adversarial" highlights the competitive
nature of these games, where players act as adversaries to each
Define alpha cutoff. CO K1
An alpha cutoff happens during the alpha-beta pruning process 2
when the minimizer player (Beta player) has a choice that leads to
a game state with a utility value less than or equal to the best
12. option already found by the maximizer player (Alpha player).
This cutoff prevents further exploration of other branches at the
current node because the maximizer already has a better or equal
value guaranteed, making further exploration unnecessary from
the maximizer’s perspective.
13. Define Beta- cutoff. CO K1
A beta cutoff occurs when the evaluation of a node, from the 2
perspective of the maximizer, produces a value that is higher than
the current beta (β) value of the minimizer. Beta represents the
best score the minimizing player can secure based on previous
game tree exploration. When the potential outcome at a node
surpasses this beta value, the branch can be pruned, as the
minimizer will reject this route in favor of alternatives that
promise a lesser loss.
Define Stochastic games. CO K1
Stochastic games are a class of games in game theory where the 2
outcome of each move by a player is determined not solely by the
players' actions but also by elements of chance. These games
14. incorporate random events or probabilities that affect the game's
dynamics and the strategies that players must develop. Stochastic
games can be thought of as extending classical game theory,
which typically assumes deterministic outcomes, to include
scenarios where outcomes depend on probabilistic events.
15. List the basic steps in backtracking search. CO K1
1. Choose a Variable
Start by selecting a variable that hasn't been assigned yet. The
choice of variable can follow a specific strategy such as:

● Minimum Remaining Values (MRV): Choose the variable

with the fewest "legal" values left.
● Degree Heuristic: Choose the variable that is involved in
the largest number of constraints on other unassigned

2. Choose a Value
Once a variable is selected, choose a value for that variable from
its domain. The order of value selection can also be optimized
through heuristics such as Least Constraining Value, which
prefers the value that rules out the fewest choices for the
neighboring variables in the constraint graph.

3. Apply Constraints
Apply constraints to the current assignment to filter the domains
of the remaining variables. This could involve:

● Forward Checking: As soon as a variable

● X is assigned, look ahead to all variables connected to
● X by constraints and eliminate inconsistent values from
their domains.
● Arc Consistency: This goes further by maintaining arc
consistency every time a variable is assigned a value. The
algorithm checks that every arc is consistent, meaning for
every value of one variable, there is some allowed
corresponding value in the connected variable.

4. Check for Failure

After assigning a value to a variable, check if this leads to any
contradictions such as the elimination of all possible values for
any of the remaining variables (i.e., some variable has an empty
domain). If a contradiction is found:

● Backtrack: Abandon the current assignment, return to the

previous variable, and try a different value. This involves
undoing any changes made to the state of the problem due
to the last assignment.

5. Recursive Call
If the current assignment does not lead to a contradiction:

● Recursive Call: Move to the next variable and attempt to

assign it a value using the same process.

6. Solution Check
If all variables are successfully assigned without contradictions:

● Complete Solution: A solution to the problem is found.

Return this solution.
● If all values of the current variable lead to failure,
backtrack to the previous variable and try a different value

7. Exit Condition
The process terminates when:

● A solution is found, or
● All possibilities are exhausted, indicating that no solution
1. Explain A* Search with an example.(13) CO2 K2
A* Search is a popular and powerful pathfinding and graph
traversal algorithm that efficiently finds the shortest path from a
start node to a target node while trying to minimize the total cost
(distance, time, etc.). It combines features of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
(which finds the shortest path) and Greedy Best-First-Search
(which is faster but less accurate) by using heuristics to estimate
the cost of the cheapest path from each node to the destination.

How A* Search Works:

A uses the following formula to calculate the cost f(n) of node


● g(n): the cost of the path from the start node to n.

● h(n): the heuristic estimate of the cost from n to the target.
This heuristic is problem-specific. For the algorithm to
guarantee finding the shortest path, the heuristic must be
admissible, meaning it never overestimates the actual cost
to get to the nearest goal node.

Steps of the A Algorithm:*

1. Initialize: Start with only the initial node. This node's g(n)
is zero because it's the starting point. h(n) is calculated
using the heuristic.
2. Open Set: This is a priority queue that stores all the nodes
to be explored. Nodes are sorted by their f(n) values.
3. Closed Set: A set of nodes already explored.
4. Loop:
● Choose the node with the lowest f(n) value from
the open set. This is the most promising next step.
● If this node is the target node, reconstruct the path
from start to finish.
● For each neighbor of this node:
● If the neighbor is in the closed set, skip it.
● Calculate g(n) for the neighbor. If it's not
already in the open set, or if the new g(n)
is lower than previously recorded, update
the neighbor’s g(n).
● Update the neighbor's f(n) and add it to
the open set.
● Move the current node to the closed set and repeat.
5. Completion: The loop continues until the open set is
empty (meaning no path was found) or the target node is
dequeued from the open set (path found).

Example: Finding a Path on a Grid

Imagine a grid where each cell is a node, and you can move up,
down, left, or right to adjacent cells. Some cells might be blocked,
representing obstacles. You start in one corner of the grid and
want to get to the opposite corner.

Heuristic (h(n)): A common heuristic in grid-based pathfinding is

the Manhattan Distance, calculated as the sum of the absolute
differences in the horizontal and the vertical coordinates. For a
grid where you move only up, down, left, and right, this provides
an admissible heuristic.

● Start Node: (0,0)

● Goal Node: (4,4)
● Blocked Nodes: (2,2), (2,3), (2,1)

Starting from (0,0), the algorithm explores paths using the sum of
the actual distance traveled from the start and the Manhattan
distance to the goal. It will efficiently navigate around blocks by
dynamically updating paths based on the lowest f(n) values until
it reaches (4,4).

A* is particularly useful in games and robotics where finding the

most efficient route between two points is crucial. It is efficient
and guarantees the shortest path as long as the heuristic used is

2. Explain Greedy Best First search algorithm with an CO2 K2

The Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS) algorithm is a search
algorithm that finds a path from the start node to a target node in a
graph. It uses a heuristic to estimate the cost from each node to the
target node, and it uses this heuristic to prioritize which node to
explore next. GBFS is greedy because it always tries to expand
the node that appears to be closest to the target, based on the
heuristic estimate.
Here's how the algorithm works step-by-step:

1. Initialization: Place the starting node in a priority queue

(often implemented as a min-heap based on the heuristic
2. Exploration: Remove the node with the lowest heuristic
value (estimated cost to target) from the priority queue.
3. Goal Check: If this node is the target node, the path has
been found, and the search terminates.
4. Expansion: Otherwise, expand this node (i.e., look at its
successors or children).
5. Heuristic Calculation: For each child, calculate the
heuristic value that estimates the cost from the child to the
6. Queue Update: Add each child to the priority queue with
the priority being their heuristic value.
7. Repetition: Repeat this process from step 2 until the
priority queue is empty (which means there is no path) or
the target is found.

Consider a simplified map where cities are nodes and roads are
edges connecting these nodes. The goal is to find a route from city
A to city D. The heuristic used is the straight-line distance from
each city to city D (the target).

Steps in Greedy Best-First Search:

1. Start at A (heuristic = 70). Add A to the priority queue.

2. Pop A (lowest heuristic among nodes in the queue). Check
successors (B and C).
3. Calculate heuristics for B and C and add them to the
● B (heuristic = 40)
● C (heuristic = 20)
4. Priority queue: C, B.
5. Pop C (lowest heuristic). Check successors (A and D).
6. Calculate heuristics:
● A is already visited.
● D (heuristic = 0)
7. Priority queue: D, B.
8. Pop D (lowest heuristic). It's the target, so stop here.
Result: The path found by Greedy Best-First Search is A -> C ->

This example illustrates the basic function of GBFS: it moves in

the direction that seems closest to the goal according to the
heuristic. However, note that Greedy Best-First Search does not
always find the shortest path; its efficiency and accuracy depend
heavily on the quality of the heuristic used. In more complex
graphs, the algorithm may bypass shorter paths because it doesn't
consider the total cost from the start node, only the estimated cost
to the goal.

3. Solve the following Crypt arithmetic problem using CO2 K3

constraints satisfaction search procedure. (13)

The crypt arithmetic problem provided requires solving for a

unique assignment of digits to letters so that the addition of the
two words ("CROSS" and "ROADS") results in the word
"DANGER", adhering to the typical arithmetic rules. Each letter
represents a unique digit from 0 to 9. Here’s a step-by-step
approach to solving this using Constraint Satisfaction Problem
(CSP) techniques:

1. Define Variables
Each letter (C, R, O, S, A, D, N, G, E) represents a distinct digit

2. Define Domain
Each variable (letter) can take a value between 0 and 9. However,
the leading digits (C, D) cannot be zero because they are at the
start of the number representation.

3. Define Constraints
● Each letter must represent a different digit.
● The sum "CROSS" + "ROADS" must equal "DANGER"
when the letters are replaced with their corresponding digit
4. Set up the problem:
To solve the problem, we can express it as:

● C, R, O, S, A, D, N, G, E ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
● C ≠ 0, D ≠ 0 (since they are the most significant digits in
their respective numbers)
● All digits are unique.

5. Mathematical Representation:
Let's set up the equation for the puzzle:

We convert these words into numerical equations based on their

place values:

● CROSS = 10000*C + 1000*R + 100*O + 10*S + S

● ROADS = 10000*R + 1000*O + 100*A + 10*D + S
● DANGER = 100000*D + 10000*A + 1000*N + 100*G +
10*E + R

6. Constraint Satisfaction:
The solution requires finding values for C, R, O, S, A, D, N, G, E
that satisfy all equations and constraints. This involves checking
combinations and ensuring all constraints are met.

7. Solve:
This problem can be solved via a constraint satisfaction algorithm,
such as backtracking with forward checking. Each step involves:

● Assigning a digit to a letter,

● Ensuring no conflicts (no two letters share the same digit),
● Calculating the sum to check if it matches the required

4. Explain alpha-beta pruning algorithm and the Minmax CO2 K3

game playing algorithm with example?(13)
The Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithms are
fundamental to game theory and artificial intelligence, particularly
in the context of two-player, zero-sum games where one player’s
gain is another’s loss. Both algorithms help to decide the best
move for a player assuming that the opponent also plays

Minimax Algorithm
The Minimax algorithm aims to minimize the possible loss for a
worst-case scenario. When applied to games like chess, tic-tac-
toe, etc., the algorithm considers all possible moves, simulates
them on the game board, and returns the best move the player can
make. Here's how it works:

1. Tree Structure: Each node in the tree represents a game

state, and each branch represents a possible move leading
to the next state.
2. Terminal States: The leaves of the tree are terminal states
where the game ends. Each terminal state has a value
associated with it indicating a win, loss, or draw.
3. Minimizing and Maximizing Layers: The players are
divided into the maximizer and the minimizer. The
maximizer tries to get the highest score possible, while the
minimizer does the opposite.
4. Recursive Search: Starting from the current game state, the
algorithm recursively calculates the minimax value of all
possible moves, alternating between minimizing and
maximizing layers.
5. Decision: The algorithm returns the move with the optimal
value for the current player.

Example: Tic-Tac-Toe
● Imagine a simple scenario in tic-tac-toe where you (X)
have two possible moves. One move leads to an immediate
win, and the other move continues the game without a
clear path to victory.
● The Minimax algorithm evaluates the immediate win as a
higher value (+1) and the other path as less favorable (0 or
negative, depending on the likelihood of eventually
losing). Thus, it chooses the immediate win.

Alpha-Beta Pruning
Alpha-Beta Pruning is an optimization technique for the Minimax
algorithm. It reduces the number of nodes evaluated in the search
tree by pruning branches that cannot possibly influence the final
decision. It uses two values, alpha and beta:

● Alpha: The best already explored option along the path to

the root for the maximizer.
● Beta: The best already explored option along the path to
the root for the minimizer.

Whenever the maximum value a maximizer is sure to get (alpha)

becomes greater than the minimum value the minimizer is ensured
to achieve (beta), further exploration of that branch is useless, as
the minimizer would avoid it. Thus, those branches are pruned.

Example: A simple game tree

1. Suppose you are at a point in the game where you can
choose between two paths: Left (L) and Right (R).
2. The left path itself branches into two options at the next
level, each with terminal values 3 and 5.
3. The right path also branches out with values 2 and 9.Using
Minimax without pruning, you would examine all these
values. But with Alpha-Beta Pruning:
● After exploring the Left path and seeing the values
3 and 5, you set alpha to 5 (since the maximizer
will choose 5 over 3).
● Exploring the Right path starts with the value 2.
Since 2 is less than 5 (alpha), you can prune the
remainder of the Right path because the minimizer
will never allow the game to go down a path that
could yield a value greater than 5 (which the
maximizer can already achieve on the Left path).

This pruning significantly cuts down the computation time,

especially in games with large trees like chess.

Together, these algorithms help in efficiently determining the best

possible moves in various games and puzzles, optimizing
computational resources while ensuring optimal gameplay.

State the constraint satisfaction problem. Outline local CO2 K3

search for a constraint satisfaction problem with an
5. A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a mathematical
problem defined by a set of objects whose state must satisfy a
number of constraints or limitations. CSPs are commonly
encountered in many domains of computer science, such as
artificial intelligence, computer vision, and scheduling.
Components of a CSP
A CSP consists of:

1. Variables, X: A set of variables {X_1, X_2, ..., X_n}.

2. Domains, D: Each variable
3. X
4. i
6. has a domain
7. D
8. i
10. which is a set of possible values that the variable can
11. Constraints, C: A set of constraints specifying allowable
combinations of values for subsets of variables.

CSPs Aim
The goal of a CSP is to find a value for each variable from its
domain such that all constraints are satisfied. If no assignment
satisfies all constraints, the problem is deemed unsolvable.

Local Search for CSPs

Local search is a heuristic method for solving CSPs that starts
with an arbitrary complete assignment and iteratively improves
this assignment to reduce the number of constraint violations.

Key Features of Local Search for CSPs:

● Initial Solution: Starts with a complete, although possibly

infeasible, assignment (all variables are assigned values,
but some constraints may be violated).
● Neighbor Solutions: Moves to neighboring solutions by
changing the value of one or more variables.
● Objective Function: Typically seeks to minimize the
number of violated constraints.

Example of Local Search: Min-Conflicts

Algorithm for Sudoku
Sudoku can be viewed as a CSP where:

● Variables: Each cell in the grid.

● Domains: Each cell can contain numbers 1 to 9.
● Constraints: Each number must appear exactly once in
each row, each column, and each of the 3x3 subgrids.

Steps to Solve Sudoku Using Min-Conflicts Local Search:

1. Initial Assignment: Start by randomly filling the grid with
numbers 1 to 9 ensuring that numbers do not repeat in any
row, column, or subgrid, but without concern for the
puzzle's initial clues.
2. Evaluate Conflicts: Identify cells that violate the
3. Local Search Adjustments:
● Select a conflicting cell.
● Change the number in this cell to minimize the
number of conflicts in its row, column, and
4. Iteration: Repeat the evaluation and adjustment steps until
no conflicts remain or until a specified number of
iterations is reached.

6. Explain in detail formal representation of a game as a CO2 K2

A formal representation of a game as a problem is crucial

in artificial intelligence and game theory for designing

algorithms that can solve or play games effectively.

Games in this context are typically modeled as strategic,

rule-based interactions between players who make

decisions to achieve certain outcomes. To formalize a

game as a problem, it's structured as follows:

1. Players
The game involves a set of players, typically denoted as

P={1,2,…,n}. Each player can be a human or a computer.

In two-player games, players are often referred to as

"Maximizer" and "Minimizer," reflecting their opposing


2. Initial State
The game begins from an initial state. This is the

configuration of the game before any moves have been

made. In chess, for example, the initial state is the

standard chessboard setup with all pieces in their starting


3. States
The state space of the game includes all possible

configurations of the game at any point. For instance, in

the game of checkers, a state would be a particular

arrangement of all checkers pieces on the board.

4. Actions
For each state, there are actions available to the players.

The set of actions available from a given state depends on

the rules of the game and whose turn it is to move.

Actions in games like chess include moves like pawn to

E4, knight to F3, etc.

5. Transition Model
This defines what the next state of the game will be, given
a current state and an action by a player. In deterministic
games, the transition model is a function

Result(s,a) that returns the new state after action

a is taken in state s.

6. Terminal States
These are the states where the game ends. In many

games, these states are when a win, loss, or draw has

been determined. For example, in tic-tac-toe, any state

where one player has three of their marks in a row, or all

cells are filled, is a terminal state.

7. Utility Function
Also known as the payoff or objective function, it assigns

a numerical value to terminal states, representing the

outcome of the game from a player's perspective. In zero-

sum games, the utility values for each player are exact

opposites. In chess, the outcome might be +1 for a win, 0

for a draw, and -1 for a loss.

8. Player Function
This function specifies which player's turn it is to move in
a given state. It can be represented as a function


Player(s) that returns the player who has the move in



Example: Chess
● Players: Two players (White and Black).
● Initial State: Standard board setup with pieces in
initial positions.
● States: Any valid arrangement of pieces on the
● Actions: Any legal move according to the rules of
● Transition Model: Given a board state and a
player's move, it defines the new board
● Terminal States: States where the game is in
checkmate, stalemate, or agreed draw.
● Utility Function: +1 for a win, 0 for a draw, -1 for a
loss (from the perspective of one player).
● Player Function: Alternates between White and
Black depending on the turn.

This formal representation enables the use of algorithms

like Minimax, Alpha-Beta Pruning, and more

sophisticated machine learning-based methods to

simulate, analyze, and predict outcomes in games. It also

helps in creating agents that can play the games

autonomously, using strategies derived from the game's

formal structure.

Part - C
Q.N CO’s Bloom’s
Questions Level

1. Explain the algorithm for steepest hill climbing. (14) CO2 K2

Steepest Hill Climbing, also known as Steepest Ascent Hill

Climbing or Greedy Local Search, is a variation of the basic

hill climbing algorithm used for mathematical optimization

problems within the field of Artificial Intelligence. This

algorithm is particularly useful for finding local maxima in a

landscape with multiple peaks and valleys. It operates by

making the "steepest" ascent on the search landscape, based

on the current state, to find the optimal solution.

Algorithm Description
The steepest hill climbing algorithm iteratively explores the

search space by moving from the current state to the

neighboring state that offers the most significant increase in

the value of the objective function. This process continues

until no neighbor has a higher value than the current state,

indicating that a local maximum has been reached.

Steps of the Algorithm

Here's how the steepest hill climbing algorithm typically

1. Initialize: Start with an initial solution (state).

2. Loop until termination:
● Generate Neighbors: Determine all
neighboring states of the current state.
Neighbors are usually defined by small
changes or variations in the current state.
● Evaluate Neighbors: Calculate the value of the
objective function for each neighboring state.
● Best Neighbor: Select the neighbor with the
highest value of the objective function.
● Compare with Current State:
● If the best neighbor has a higher value
than the current state, move to this
neighbor (this becomes the new current
● If no neighbor has a higher value than
the current state, terminate the search.
The current state is considered a local
3. Output the result: The state where the algorithm
terminates is the local optimum according to the
steepest ascent hill climbing strategy.

Example: Numeric Optimization

Suppose we want to maximize the function


+4x. Let's use steepest hill climbing to find the maximum


● Initial State: Start at

● x=0.
● Neighbor Definition: Consider moves that increase or
● x by 1.
● Iterations:
● At
● x=0, neighbors are
● x=−1 and
● x=1.
● f(−1)=−5 and
● f(1)=3. The best move is to
● x=1.
● At
● x=1, neighbors are
● x=0 and
● x=2.
● f(0)=0 and
● f(2)=4. The best move is to
● x=2.
● At
● x=2, neighbors are
● x=1 and
● x=3.
● f(1)=3 and
● f(3)=3. The best move is to
● x=3 (though no increase, just for
● At
● x=3, neighbors are
● x=2 and
● x=4.
● f(2)=4 and
● f(4)=0. No improvement, so stop.
● Result: The algorithm stops at
● x=3 as no neighboring value provides a better result
● f(3)=3.

● Local vs. Global Maximum: Steepest Hill Climbing
can get stuck at local maxima or plateaus and may not
find the global maximum.
● Step Size and Neighbors: The definition of neighbors
(step size, direction) significantly impacts the
efficiency and outcome of the algorithm.
● Restart Strategies: To overcome local maxima, a
common strategy is to restart the algorithm from
different initial states (Random-restart hill climbing).

Steepest hill climbing is conceptually simple and easy to

implement but should be used with considerations of its

limitations, particularly in complex or highly irregular


2. Explain A* algorithm with a suitable example. State the limitations CO2 K2

in the algorithm? (14)
The A* (A-star) algorithm is a popular and powerful search
algorithm used for finding the shortest path from a start node to a
goal node in a graph. It efficiently traverses a graph in order to find
the minimum cost path. This algorithm is often used in the fields of
computer science and operations research for route optimization,
game navigation, and many other path-finding contexts.

How A* Algorithm Works

A* combines features of Uniform Cost Search and Greedy Best
First Search, using both the actual cost to reach the node and an
estimated cost from the node to the goal. This combination helps
A* efficiently find the shortest path. The steps are:

1. Initialization: Start with the open list containing only the

start node (initial state) and the closed list being empty.
2. Node Processing:
● Choose the node from the open list with the lowest
● f(n)=g(n)+h(n), where:
● g(n) is the cost from the start node to node
● n.
● h(n) is a heuristic function that estimates
the cost from node
● n to the goal. This heuristic is problem-
3. Goal Check: If the chosen node is the goal, then the path is
constructed back to the start node and returned.
4. Neighbor Expansion: Otherwise, for each neighbor of this
● Calculate
● g(n) and
● f(n).
● If the neighbor is not in the open list, add it. If it's
already in the open list with a higher
● f(n), update it with the lower

● f(n).
5. Repetition: Move the chosen node to the closed list and
repeat the process from step 2.
6. Completion: This continues until the goal is found or the
open list is empty (no path).

3. Explain backtracking Search for CSP (14) CO2 K2

● S = Start, G = Goal, O = Obstacle, and numbers
indicate regular cells costing '1' movement point each.
● Heuristic (h) used: Manhattan distance (sum of the
absolute differences of their Cartesian coordinates).

Pathfinding using A*:

1. Start at S with
2. f(S)=g(S)+h(S)=0+3=3 (Manhattan distance from S to
3. Explore neighbors (down and right from S). Calculate
f for each:
● Down to [1]:
● g=1,
● ℎ=3
● h=3, so
● f=4.
● Right to [1]:
● g=1,
● ℎ=2
● h=2, so
● f=3.
4. Select the cell with the lowest f (right from S), and
5. Keep expanding until reaching G, always selecting
the node with the lowest f value from the open list.
Path Found: S -> Right [1] -> Right [1] -> Down to G.

Limitations of A* Algorithm
● Heuristic Dependent: The performance and efficiency
of A* depend significantly on the heuristic used. A
poorly chosen heuristic may lead to inefficient
pathfinding and longer processing times.
● Memory Consumption: A* keeps all generated nodes
in memory (in the open or closed list), which can
become a problem in large graphs or complex
environments, potentially leading to high memory
● Admissibility and Consistency: The heuristic needs to
be admissible (never overestimates the true cost) and
consistent (the estimated cost from any node n to a
node p via any successor q is not less than the
estimated cost from n to p) for A* to guarantee the
shortest path. Crafting such heuristics can be non-
● Optimality vs. Efficiency: While A* is optimal when
the heuristic is admissible, its runtime can still be
slow for very large graphs because it potentially
needs to explore many nodes.

A* remains a go-to algorithm for pathfinding in controlled

environments, but these limitations need to be considered,

especially when dealing with large-scale or real-time

processing scenarios.

4. Explain Adversarial Game Search and Optimal decisions in game CO2 K2

Adversarial game search refers to a class of algorithms designed
for situations in game theory where players compete against each
other, and the outcome for one player is directly opposed by the
outcome for the other. This is typical in two-player, zero-sum
games where one player's gain is another player's loss. The central
aim in adversarial game search is to find the optimal decisions for
players assuming both are playing optimally.

Key Concepts in Adversarial Game Search

1. Minimax Principle: This is the foundational concept in
adversarial search. It operates under the assumption that
players alternate turns, with one player (maximizer) trying
to maximize their score and the other (minimizer) trying to
minimize it. The minimax algorithm searches the game tree
by considering all possible moves of both players and
evaluating the game states using a utility function when a
terminal state (end of the game) is reached. Each player
chooses moves that optimize their minimum or maximum
payoff, assuming optimal play from the opponent.
2. Alpha-Beta Pruning: An enhancement of the minimax
algorithm, alpha-beta pruning reduces the number of nodes
evaluated in the search tree by eliminating branches that
cannot possibly affect the final decision. This pruning is
done by maintaining two values, alpha and beta:
● Alpha is the best value that the maximizer can
guarantee at that level or above.
Beta is the best value that the minimizer can guarantee at that level
or above.
● If the alpha value of the maximizer exceeds the beta
value of the minimizer at any point, further
exploration of that branch is unnecessary (pruned)
since the opponent would avoid that branch.
3. Evaluation Functions: Since it's impractical to search the
entire game tree in complex games (like chess or Go) until
terminal states, evaluation functions are used to estimate
the desirability of a game position. These functions are
typically heuristic, designed to assess game positions that
are not end states.

Optimal Decisions in Games

Optimal decisions in adversarial games are those that lead to
outcomes that are the best possible under worst-case scenarios
(assuming rational and optimal play by the opponent). The process

● Search: Exploring the game tree to a certain depth using the

game rules.
● Evaluation: Applying the evaluation function to the
positions at the terminal nodes of the search.
● Backpropagation: Using the minimax principle (or variants
like alpha-beta pruning) to propagate the values back up the
tree, thereby determining the best possible move from the
current state.

What is Machine learning? C K
Machine Learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that O 1
develops algorithms by learning the hidden patterns of the 3
datasets used it to make predictions on new similar type data,
without being explicitly programmed for each task.

Why overfitting happens? C K

Overfitting occurs when a machine learning model becomes 3
too complex and learns the noise and random fluctuations in
the training data instead of the true underlying patterns. This
leads to a model that performs very well on the training data
but poorly on new, unseen data.
What is crossvalidation? C K
Cross-validation is a technique used to evaluate how well a 3
machine learning model will generalize to new, unseen data. It

Dividing Data: Splitting the dataset into multiple folds (e.g., 5
or 10).
Rotating Roles: Training the model on a subset of the folds and
using the remaining fold for testing. This process is repeated
until each fold has served as a testing set.
What is ‘Training set’ and ‘Test set’? C K
Training Set: The data used to train a machine learning model, 3
allowing it to learn patterns.

Test Set: Data held back to evaluate the trained model's

performance on unseen data, preventing overfitting.
5. What is the difference between artificial learning and C K
machine learning? 3
Artificial Intelligence (AI): The broader field focused on
enabling machines to mimic intelligent human behavior. This
includes tasks like reasoning, problem-solving, and learning.

Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI that focuses on

algorithms that enable machines to learn from data without
explicit programming. ML models identify patterns in data and
improve their predictions or decisions over time e.g.,image
What is the main key difference between supervised and C K
unsupervised machine learning? 3
Supervised Learning: Uses labeled data (input with known
outputs) to learn a mapping between them.
Unsupervised Learning: Works with unlabeled data to
discover hidden patterns or structures.
What is a Linear Regression? C K1
Linear regression is a type of supervised machine 3
7. learning algorithm that computes the linear relationship
between the dependent variable and one or more independent
features by fitting a linear equation to observed data.
What is classification? C K1
Machine Learning classification is a type of supervised 3
learning technique where an algorithm is trained on a labelled
dataset to predict the class or category of new, unseen data.
Difference between Regression and Classification. C
O K1
Feature Regression Classification 3
Output Continuous numerical value Discrete category or label (e.g.,
Type (e.g., price, temperature) "spam" or "not spam", "cat" or "dog")
Assign data points to specific
Goal Predict a continuous quantity categories
Predicting house prices, Identifying spam emails, classifying
Examples stock market trends images, diagnosing diseases

Differentiate overfitting and underfitting. C K1

Feature Overfitting Underfitting 3
Complexity Too complex Too simple
Learns training data too well, Fails to capture the
including noise and random underlying pattern in the
Focus fluctuations. data.
10. Performance
on Training
Data Excellent (often near perfect) Poor
on New Data Poor (does not generalize well) Poor
A straight line trying to fit
A decision tree that splits on every a complex, curved
Example single data point. pattern.
State Bias and Variance with an example. C K1
Bias 3
Error caused by overly simple assumptions in a model, leading
to underfitting.For example, Imagine trying to predict house
prices based only on the number of bedrooms. This ignores
other important factors (square footage, location, etc.) leading
to consistently inaccurate predictions.
Error caused by a model that is overly sensitive to small
changes in the training data, leading to overfitting. For
example, A complex model that creates a different decision
boundary for each slight variation in the house price data. It
fits the training data perfectly, but performs poorly on new
What are types of classification models? C K1
1. Logistic Regression: Predicts the probability of a data 3
point belonging to a class. Simple but often effective for
linear relationships.
2. Decision Trees: Creates a tree-like structure of decisions
based on features, leading to class predictions. Easy to
3. Support Vector Machines (SVMs): Finds the best
hyperplane that separates different classes in the data.
Works well for high-dimensional data.
4. Naive Bayes: Based on probability, works particularly
well for text classification tasks.
5. Ensemble methods (Random Forest, Boosting):
Combine multiple weaker models to create a more
robust classifier.

13. Mention the types of logistic regression. C K2

1. Binary Logistic Regression: The most common type. 3
Used when the target variable has two possible
categories (e.g., "yes" or "no", "spam" or "not spam").
2. Multinomial Logistic Regression: Handles cases where
the target variable has three or more unordered
categories (e.g., classifying types of flowers: "rose", "lily",
3. Ordinal Logistic Regression: Used when the target
variable has three or more ordered categories (e.g.,
customer satisfaction: "low", "medium", "high").
State Hypothesis Space and Inductive Bias. C K2
Hypothesis Space (H)
The set of all possible hypotheses (potential models) that a
machine learning algorithm could consider to fit the data.
Inductive Bias
The set of assumptions a learning algorithm uses to select the
best hypothesis from the hypothesis space.
Define Bayes Theorem. C K2
Bayes theorem (also known as the Bayes Rule or Bayes Law) is
used to determine the conditional probability of event A when
event B has already occurred.
P(A|B) = P(B|A)P(A) / P(B)
P(A) and P(B) are the probabilities of events A and B
P(A|B) is the probability of event A when event B happens
P(B|A) is the probability of event B when A happens
1. Suppose a certain disease occurs in 1% of the population. C K3
You have a test for this disease, and the test is 95% accurate, 3
meaning that the probability of a positive test result given
that a person has the disease is 95%, and the probability of a
negative test result given that a person does not have the
disease is 95%. If a randomly selected person tests positive,
what is the probability that they actually have the disease?

P(Positive | Disease)= The probability of testing positive given the
person has the disease (95%).
P(Disease)= The probability a random person has the disease (1%)
To Find: P(Disease | Positive)= P(A|B)= The probability of having the
disease given a positive test.

Bayes' Theorem is the key to solving problems like this. It provides a

way to update our belief about an event (having the disease) given new
information (a positive test result). Here's a simplified form of the

P(A|B) = [P(B|A) * P(A)] / P(B)

P(A|B) is the probability of event A (having the disease) given that event
B (testing positive) has occurred.
P(B|A) is the probability of event B (testing positive) given that event A
(having the disease) is true.
P(A) is the prior probability of event A (having the disease).
P(B) is the probability of event B (testing positive).

P(Positive)= P(B)= The overall probability of testing positive. This

requires a bit more calculation:
Probability of positive test and having the disease
= (0.01) * (0.95) = 0.0095
Probability of positive test and not having the disease
= (0.99) * (0.05) = 0.0495
P(Positive)= P(B) = 0.0095 + 0.0495 = 0.059
Using Bayes Formula,
P(Disease | Positive)= P(A|B) = [P(B|A) * P(A)] / P(B)
= (0.95 * 0.01) / 0.059 = 0.161
Conclusion:Even though the test is 95% accurate, if a random person
tests positive, the probability they actually have the disease is only about
16.1%. This illustrates how the low prevalence of a disease can
dramatically affect the interpretation of a positive test result.

2. Suppose you want to predict whether it will rain tomorrow

based on certain weather conditions. You know that it rains
30% of the time in your city. Additionally, when it's cloudy, it
rains 50% of the time, but when it's not cloudy, it only rains
10% of the time. If the forecast predicts cloudy weather
tomorrow, what is the probability that it will rain?(13)

Overall probability of rain: 30% of the time, it rains in your city.
Probability of rain given cloudy skies: 50%
Probability of rain given clear skies: 10%
Forecast for tomorrow: Cloudy
To Find: P(Rain | Cloudy) = Probability of rain given it's cloudy.
Probability of cloudy weather: Let's assume the probability of
cloudy weather is 70%
Probability of NOT cloudy weather: This would be 100% - 70% =

Using Bayes' Theorem:

P(Rain | Cloudy) = (P(Cloudy | Rain) * P(Rain)) / P(Cloudy)

P(Cloudy | Rain) = Probability of cloudy skies given it's going to

rain (50%)=0.5
P(Rain) = Overall probability of rain (30%)=0.3
P(Cloudy) = Probability of cloudy skies (70%)=0.7

P(Rain | Cloudy) = (0.50 * 0.30) / 0.70 = 0.214

Result:If the forecast predicts cloudy weather tomorrow, there is

approximately a 21.4% chance that it will rain.

3. Discuss the following Machine Learning Models in detail. C K2

(13) 3
a. Supervised
b. Unsupervised
c. Semi supervised
d. Reinforcement

a) Supervised Learning

Basics: Think of it like learning with a teacher. Supervised

learning models are trained on a labelled dataset. This dataset
contains both input (features) and the corresponding correct
outputs (labels). The model aims to learn the relationship between
the input features and the output labels.
Goal: To predict outputs for unseen data accurately.
Common Algorithms:
Linear Regression (for predicting continuous values)
Logistic Regression (for classification - predicting categories)
Decision Trees
Random Forests
Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
Neural Networks
Example: Imagine training a model to predict housing prices.
You would provide data containing features like the size of a
house, the number of bedrooms, location, etc., along with the
known selling price of each house. After training, the model could
predict the price of a new house based on its features.
b) Unsupervised Learning

Basics: This is like learning by exploration without a teacher. In

unsupervised learning, the algorithm is given a dataset without
any corresponding labels. The model aims to find hidden
patterns, structures, or relationships within the data itself.
Goal: To uncover insights, group data points based on
similarities, or reduce the dimensionality of the data.
Common Algorithms:
K-Means Clustering (grouping data into clusters)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (for dimensionality
Hierarchical Clustering
Anomaly Detection
Example: Consider a customer segmentation task for a
marketing campaign. You have customer data, but no labels
indicating what groups they belong to. An unsupervised algorithm
can find clusters based on customers' purchase behaviour or

c) Semi-Supervised Learning

Basics: A clever hybrid! Semi-supervised learning sits between

supervised and unsupervised learning. It utilizes a dataset
containing a small amount of labelled data and a much larger
amount of unlabelled data.
Goal: To improve model performance by leveraging the patterns
present in the unlabelled data, particularly in cases where
labelled data is scarce or expensive to obtain.
Common Algorithms: Often based on extensions of supervised
or unsupervised techniques.
Example: Suppose we want to classify images, but labelling
thousands is costly. Semi-supervised learning can work as
Train a supervised model on the small labelled dataset.
Use the model to predict pseudo-labels for the unlabelled data.
Retrain on the combined (labelled + pseudo-labelled) dataset.
d) Reinforcement Learning

Basics: Focused heavily on learning by interacting with an

environment. It involves an agent that takes actions in an
environment and receives rewards or penalties based on those
actions. The agent learns through trial and error to maximize its
Goal: To optimize the agent's behaviour for long-term reward
Common Algorithms:
Deep Q-Networks (DQN)
Example: Training a game-playing AI like AlphaGo. The agent
plays the game (environment), actions are moves, and rewards
are based on winning or losing. Over time, the agent learns the
best actions to take in different game states to maximize its
chances of winning.

4. Explain Linear Regression and Logistic Regression in detail C K2

(13) 3

Linear Regression vs
Logistic Regression
Linear Regression and Logistic Regression are the two famous
Machine Learning Algorithms which come under supervised
learning technique. Since both the algorithms are of supervised in
nature hence these algorithms use labeled dataset to make the
predictions. But the main difference between them is how they are
being used. The Linear Regression is used for solving Regression
problems whereas Logistic Regression is used for solving the
Classification problems. The description of both the algorithms is
given below along with difference table.

Linear Regression:

o Linear Regression is one of the most simple Machine

learning algorithm that comes under Supervised Learning
technique and used for solving regression problems.
o It is used for predicting the continuous dependent variable
with the help of independent variables.
o The goal of the Linear regression is to find the best fit line
that can accurately predict the output for the continuous
dependent variable.
o If single independent variable is used for prediction then it
is called Simple Linear Regression and if there are more
than two independent variables then such regression is
called as Multiple Linear Regression.
o By finding the best fit line, algorithm establish the
relationship between dependent variable and independent
variable. And the relationship should be of linear nature.
o The output for Linear regression should only be the
continuous values such as price, age, salary, etc. The
relationship between the dependent variable and
independent variable can be shown in below image:

In above image the dependent variable is on Y-axis (salary) and

independent variable is on x-axis(experience). The regression line
can be written as:

y= a0+a1x+ε

Where, a0 and a1 are the coefficients and ε is the error term.

Logistic Regression:

o Logistic regression is one of the most popular Machine

learning algorithm that comes under Supervised Learning
o It can be used for Classification as well as for Regression
problems, but mainly used for Classification problems.
o Logistic regression is used to predict the categorical
dependent variable with the help of independent variables.
o The output of Logistic Regression problem can be only
between the 0 and 1.
o Logistic regression can be used where the probabilities
between two classes is required. Such as whether it will rain
today or not, either 0 or 1, true or false etc.
o Logistic regression is based on the concept of Maximum
Likelihood estimation. According to this estimation, the
observed data should be most probable.
o In logistic regression, we pass the weighted sum of inputs
through an activation function that can map values in
between 0 and 1. Such activation function is known
as sigmoid function and the curve obtained is called as
sigmoid curve or S-curve. Consider the below image:

o The equation for logistic regression is:


Sl.No. Linear Regression Logistic Regression

Linear Regression is a Logistic Regression is a

1. supervised regression supervised classification
model. model.

Equation of logistic
Equation of linear regression
regression: y(x) = e(a0 + a1x1 +
y = a0 + a1x1 + a2x2 + … a2x2 + … + aixi) / (1 +
+ aixi e(a0 + a1x1 + a2x2 + …
2. Here, + aixi))
y = response variable Here,
xi = ith predictor variable y = response variable
ai = average effect on y as xi = ith predictor variable
xi increases by 1 ai = average effect on y as
xi increases by 1

In Linear Regression, we In Logistic Regression,

3. predict the value by an we predict the value by 1
integer number. or 0.
Here activation function
is used to convert a linear
Here no activation function
4. regression equation to the
is used.
logistic regression

Here no threshold value is Here a threshold value is

needed. added.

Here we calculate Root

Here we use precision to
Mean Square Error(RMSE)
6. predict the next weight
to predict the next weight

Here the dependent

variable consists of only
two categories. Logistic
Here dependent variable
regression estimates the
should be numeric and the
7. odds outcome of the
response variable is
dependent variable given
continuous to value.
a set of quantitative or
categorical independent

It is based on the least It is based on maximum

square estimation. likelihood estimation.

Any change in the

coefficient leads to a
change in both the
Here when we plot the direction and the
training datasets, a straight steepness of the logistic
line can be drawn that function. It means
touches maximum plots. positive slopes result in
an S-shaped curve and
negative slopes result in a
Z-shaped curve.

Linear regression is used to Whereas logistic

estimate the dependent regression is used to
variable in case of a calculate the probability
change in independent of an event. For example,
variables. For example, classify if tissue is benign
predict the price of houses. or malignant.
Linear regression assumes Logistic regression
the normal or gaussian assumes the binomial
distribution of the distribution of the
dependent variable. dependent variable.

Applications of linear Applications of logistic

regression: regression:
 Financial risk  Medicine
12. assessment  Credit scoring
 Business  Hotel Booking
insights  Gaming
 Market analysis  Text editing

5. Consider the dataset given in table below representing the sales C K3

of a company over a span of five weeks.(13) 3
X(weeks) 1 2 3 4 5
Y(Sales in
1.2 1.8 2.6 3.2 3.8
Apply linear regression technique to predict the 7 th and 12th
week sales of a company.
6. Apply the logistic regression for the following dataset and C K3
compute the following.(13) 3
a. Calculate the probability of pass for the student who
studied 33hours.
b. Atleast how many hours student should study that makes
he will pass the course with the probability of more than
Assume the model suggested by the optimizer for odds of
passing the course is log(odds)=-64+2*hours.(13)
Hour Study Pass(1)/Fail(0)
29 0
15 0
33 1
28 1
39 1
Part - C
Q.No Questions CO’s Bloom’s
1. Assume a disease so rare that it is seen in only one CO3 K2
person out of every million. Assume also that we have
a test that is effective in that if a person has the
disease, there is a 99 percent chance that the test result
will be positive; however, the test is not perfect, and
there is a one in a thousand chance that the test result
will be positive on a healthy person. Assume that a
new patient arrives and the test result is positive.
What is the probability that the patient has the
disease (14)

Disease Prevalence: Only 1 out of 1,000,000 people have the
Test Accuracy (true positive): If someone has the disease,
there's a 99% chance the test will be positive.
Test Accuracy (false positive): If someone is healthy, there's
a 1 in 1,000 (0.1%) chance the test will be positive.
To Find: The probability of having the disease given a
positive test .

Using Bayes' Theorem

P(A|B) = (P(B|A) * P(A)) / P(B)
P(A|B) is the probability of having the disease given a
positive test .
P(B|A) the probability of a positive test given the person has
the disease.
P(A) the overall probability of having the disease.
P(B) the overall probability of a positive test.
P(disease | positive test)=?
P(positive test | disease)=0.99
P(disease)= 0.000001
P(positive test):
Probability of a positive test AND having the disease
= (0.99) * (0.000001) = 0.00000099.
Probability of a positive test AND not having the
= (0.001) * (0.999999) = 0.000999999.
Overall probability of a positive test= 0.00000099 +
0.000999999 = 0.001000989.
Plugging into Bayes' Theorem:
P(disease | positive test) = (0.99 * 0.000001) / 0.001000989 =

Conclusion: Even though the test result is positive, the

probability that the patient actually has the disease is still less
than 1% (approximately 0.0989%). This demonstrates the
importance of understanding false positives and their impact
on interpreting medical test results, especially when dealing
with rare diseases.

2. Explain the terms: Cross validation, Concept of CO3 K2

overfitting, under fitting(14)

 Purpose: Cross-validation is a technique used
to evaluate how well a machine learning model
generalizes to unseen data. It's essential for
reliable model selection and tuning
 How it Works:
1. Data Splitting: The dataset is divided into
multiple subsets called "folds" (e.g., 5
folds, 10 folds).
2. Iterative Training and Testing: For each
 The fold is held out as a test set.
 The model is trained on the
remaining folds.
 The model's performance is
evaluated on the held-out test fold.
3. Averaging Results: The performance
scores from each iteration are averaged
to get an overall estimate of the model's
generalization ability.
 Types: Common types of cross-validation
o k-fold Cross-Validation: Data is split into
'k' folds.
o Stratified k-fold Cross-Validation:
Ensures each fold has a similar
distribution of classes as the whole
dataset (helpful for imbalanced data).
o Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation: A
form of k-fold where each fold contains a
single data point.
 What it is: Overfitting occurs when a machine
learning model becomes too complex and
"memorizes" the training data along with its
noise and peculiarities. This leads to excellent
performance on the training set but poor
performance on new, unseen data.
 Signs of Overfitting:
o Large gap between training and
validation/test accuracy.
o The model performs exceptionally well on
training data but struggles with new
 How to Prevent Overfitting:
o Regularization: Techniques like L1
(Lasso) or L2 (Ridge) regularization add a
penalty term to the model's cost function
to discourage overly complex models.
o Early Stopping: Training is stopped
when performance on a validation set
starts to degrade.
o Simpler Models: Start with less complex
models and gradually increase complexity
if needed.
o More Data: If possible, collect more
training data.
o Cross-Validation: To reliably assess
model performance and choose
 What it is: Underfitting happens when a model
is too simple to capture the underlying patterns
in the data. This results in poor performance on
both the training set and unseen data.
 Signs of Underfitting:
o Poor accuracy on both training and
validation/test sets.
o The model fails to learn the complexity of
the data.
 How to Prevent Underfitting:
o Increase Model Complexity: Try models
with more features or layers.
o Train for Longer: Allow more training
time for the model to learn.
o Feature Engineering: Create more
informative features.

1) Define Neural Network in the context of artificial intelligence.

Ans: A neural network is a machine learning program that emulates the human
brain’s decision-making process. It consists of layers of artificial neurons,
including an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. These
interconnected nodes use weights and thresholds to process data, allowing
neural networks to classify and cluster information efficiently.
2) What is the purpose of an activation function in a neural network?
Ans: The activation function decides whether a neuron should be activated or
not by calculating the weighted sum and further adding bias to it. Its purpose is
to introduce non-linearity into the output of a neuron, allowing neural networks
to learn and perform more complex tasks.
3) Differentiate between a perceptron and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP).
 A perceptron is a single-layer neural network used for binary classification,
capable of learning linearly separable patterns. It consists of an input layer
connected directly to an output layer.
 In contrast, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) has multiple hidden layers
between the input and output layers. These additional layers allow it to learn
complex, non-linear relationships within the data.
4) State backpropagation in neural networks.
Ans: Backpropagation, also known as backward propagation of errors, is a
widely used method for calculating derivatives within deep feedforward neural
networks. It plays a crucial role in training these networks, such as stochastic
gradient descent, by determining how much each weight contributes to the
overall error or loss of the network’s predictions.
5) What is Decision tree?
Ans: A decision tree is a versatile supervised machine-learning algorithm used
for both classification and regression tasks. It constructs a flowchart-like tree
structure where each internal node represents a test on an attribute, branches
denote the outcomes of the test, and leaf nodes hold class labels.
6) What is pruning in decision tree and how is it done?
Ans: Decision tree pruning is a crucial technique in machine learning that
optimizes decision tree models by reducing overfitting and improving
generalization. It involves pre-pruning (early stopping) and post-pruning
(reducing nodes) to simplify the tree and enhance its ability to generalize to new
7) Describe the structure of a decision tree and its components.
Ans: A decision tree is a hierarchical model that represents decisions or
decisions based on certain conditions. It consists of three main components: root
node, internal nodes, and leaf nodes. The root node represents the initial
decision, internal nodes correspond to intermediate decisions based on features,
and leaf nodes indicate the final class labels or regression values.
8) What is the difference between Gini impurity and entropy as splitting
criteria in decision trees?
 Gini Impurity: It measures how heterogeneous or mixed a set is. The Gini
index ranges from 0 (maximum purity) to 0.5 (maximum impurity). A lower
Gini impurity indicates better separation of classes.
 Entropy: Derived from information theory, entropy quantifies the disorder
or uncertainty in a set. It ranges from 0 (maximum purity) to 1 (maximum
impurity). Lower entropy signifies better class separation.
9) Mention the classification algorithms.
 Logistic Regression: A binary classifier that predicts categorical outcomes
(e.g., Yes/No, Spam/Not Spam) based on input features.
 Support Vector Machine (SVM): Learns decision boundaries to separate
classes in both linear and non-linear scenarios.
 Decision Tree: Constructs a tree-like structure to make decisions based on
 Artificial Neural Network (ANN): A powerful model inspired by the
human brain, capable of handling complex relationships.
10) State the role of support vectors in SVM classification?
Ans: Support vectors play a crucial role in SVM classification. These data
points are closest to the hyperplane and significantly influence its position and
orientation. By maximizing the margin of the classifier using these support
vectors, we achieve better separation between classes. Removing support
vectors would alter the hyperplane’s position, emphasizing their importance in
building an effective SVM model.
11) What is Random Forest?
Ans: Random Forest is a powerful and versatile supervised machine learning
algorithm that grows and combines multiple decision trees to create a “forest.”
It can be used for both classification and regression problems. During training,
it constructs several decision trees, each using a random subset of the dataset
and features.
12) Why is random forest better than SVM?
Ans: Random Forest is advantageous when dealing with complex and high-
dimensional datasets, as it can handle feature interactions effectively.
Additionally, it provides robustness against overfitting, which can be a
challenge for SVMs, especially when the dataset is noisy or contains outliers.
13) State Rule based classification with an example.
Ans: Rule-based classifiers use a set of if-then rules to assign instances to
predefined classes. These rules are interpretable and often used for creating
descriptive models.
Suppose we’re classifying emails as either “Spam” or “Not Spam.” Our rules
could be:
Rule 1 (Keyword “Free”):
If an email contains the word “Free” then classify it as “Spam.”
Rule 2 (Exclamation Marks):
If an email has three or more exclamation marks, then classify it as “Spam.”
14) Define Naive Bayes classification in machine learning.
Ans: Naive Bayes Classifier is a probabilistic machine learning model based
on Bayes’ theorem. It assumes independence between features and calculates
the probability of a given input belonging to a particular class. Naive Bayes is
widely used in text classification, spam filtering, and recommendation systems.
15) Specify the limitations of Naive Bayes classifiers.
 Naive Bayes assumes that all features are independent of each other, which
is often unrealistic in practical applications.
 When encountering unseen features (i.e., features not present in the training
data) for a particular class, Naive Bayes may produce zero class

1) Explain the steps in back propagation algorithm. What is the
importance of it in designing the neural network?

Ans: The backpropagation algorithm stands as the cornerstone of neural

network training, providing a systematic approach to iteratively adjust network
weights, minimizing the error between predicted and actual outputs. This vital
process unfolds through several succinct steps, elucidating the network's

learning trajectory:
Forward Pass: During the initial forward pass, input data traverses through the
network, layer by layer, generating activations. Each neuron computes a
weighted sum of its inputs, applies an activation function, and forwards the
result to subsequent layers.
 Input Data: Start with input data (features).
 Weighted Sum and Activation: Compute the weighted sum of inputs for each
neuron, apply an activation function (e.g., sigmoid, ReLU), and propagate
the output forward through the layers.
 Output Prediction: Obtain the final prediction (output) of the network.
Error Calculation: After the forward pass, the network's output is juxtaposed
against actual target values to compute the error. This quantification typically
employs a loss function, such as mean squared error or cross-entropy loss,
providing a measure of the discrepancy between predicted and true values.
 Compare the predicted output with the actual target (ground truth) using a
loss function (e.g., mean squared error, cross-entropy).
 The goal is to minimize this loss.
Backward Pass (Backpropagation): The crux of the backpropagation
algorithm unfolds in the backward pass, where the error is retroactively
propagated through the network to compute weight gradients. Commencing
from the output layer, gradients of the loss function with respect to neuron
weights are computed, employing the chain rule of calculus.
 Gradient Descent: Calculate the gradient of the loss with respect to each
weight and bias.
 Chain Rule: Use the chain rule from calculus to compute gradients layer by
 Update Weights and Biases: Adjust weights and biases in the opposite
direction of the gradient to minimize the loss.
Weight Update: Post-gradients computation, weights are adjusted in the
opposite direction of the gradient to minimize error. This crucial adjustment
transpires through optimization algorithms like gradient descent, orchestrating
weight updates proportional to the negative gradient, hence refining network
parameters. It is expressed mathematically as,
∂ Loss ∂ Loss ∂ Output
= ⋅
∂ Weight ∂Output ∂ Weight
Iterative Training: The backpropagation cycle iterates through multiple
epochs, facilitating gradual refinement of network weights. Each iteration
encompasses a forward pass, error calculation, backward pass, and weight
update, iteratively honing the network's predictive prowess until convergence.
 Iterate through the entire dataset multiple times (epochs).
 In each epoch, update weights based on the average gradient across all
Importance in neural network design:
The pivotal role of the backpropagation algorithm in neural network design
emanates from its multifaceted contributions:
Learning Proficiency: Backpropagation empowers neural networks to discern
intricate patterns within data, iteratively adjusting weights to minimize error.
This dynamic learning capability enables networks to unravel complex
relationships and optimize predictive performance.
Architectural Flexibility: The algorithm's adaptability facilitates the training of
deep neural networks with multiple layers, fostering the extraction of
hierarchical features from raw input data. This architectural flexibility enables
neural networks to model intricate data relationships across diverse domains.
Generalization Efficacy: By mitigating overfitting, backpropagation promotes
model generalization, ensuring robust performance on unseen data.
Incorporation of regularization techniques within the backpropagation process
further enhances generalization capabilities, safeguarding against data
Computational Efficiency: Backpropagation's computational efficiency and
scalability render it conducive to training large-scale neural networks on
extensive datasets. Modern deep learning frameworks provide optimized
implementations of backpropagation algorithms, facilitating efficient training
and model deployment.

2) Explain the following,

(a) Neural Network
(b) Perceptron Network
(c) Adaline- Back propagation networks
(a) Neural Network: Neural networks represent a class of machine learning
models inspired by the structure and functionality of biological neural networks
found in the human brain. Comprising interconnected nodes, or neurons,
organized in layers, neural networks can discern complex patterns and
relationships within data, enabling a myriad of applications across diverse
At its core, a neural network consists of three primary layers:
 Input Layer: The input layer receives raw data and transmits it to
subsequent layers for processing. Each neuron in the input layer corresponds
to a feature or attribute of the input data.
 Hidden Layers: Situated between the input and output layers, hidden layers
perform computations on input data, extracting hierarchical features and
patterns. The number of hidden layers and neurons within each layer varies
based on the complexity of the problem being addressed.
 Output Layer: The output layer produces the final predictions or
classifications based on the processed input data. Each neuron in the output
layer corresponds to a distinct class or category in classification tasks, or a
numerical value in regression tasks.
Neural networks learn from data through a process known as training, wherein
model parameters, including weights and biases, are iteratively adjusted to
minimize the error between predicted and actual outputs. This learning process
is facilitated by optimization algorithms such as backpropagation, which
propagate errors backward through the network to update weights accordingly.
(b) Perceptron Network: The perceptron network stands as a foundational
building block of neural networks, embodying a simplified model of biological
neurons and serving as the precursor to more complex neural architectures.
Conceived by Frank Rosenblatt in the late 1950s, the perceptron network
comprises a single layer of neurons that can learn to classify input data into two
distinct categories.
Key characteristics of perceptron networks include:
Linear Decision Boundary: The perceptron network computes a weighted sum
of input features and applies a step function to determine the output class. This
process effectively delineates a linear decision boundary between classes,
enabling binary classification tasks.
Training Algorithm: The perceptron network learns from data using a simple
iterative algorithm known as the perceptron learning rule. This rule adjusts the
weights of connections between neurons based on misclassifications, gradually
refining the model's decision boundary until convergence is achieved.
Limitations: Despite its simplicity and effectiveness for linearly separable
datasets, perceptron networks have inherent limitations. They cannot learn
nonlinear decision boundaries or handle datasets that are not linearly separable,
restricting their applicability to certain types of problems.
While the perceptron network represents a rudimentary form of neural
computation, its conceptual framework laid the groundwork for more
sophisticated neural network architectures, such as multi-layer perceptron and
deep neural networks. By building upon the principles of perceptron networks,
modern neural networks can tackle a broader range of tasks and learn complex
patterns within data.
(c) Adaline-Back propagation Networks: Adaline-Backpropagation networks
amalgamate the adaptive linear neuron (Adaline) model with the
backpropagation algorithm, bridging the gap between linear and nonlinear
learning paradigms. Adaline networks leverage the Adaline model's ability to
learn linear decision boundaries while harnessing the backpropagation
algorithm's capacity to model nonlinear relationships within data. Adaline-
Backpropagation networks have found applications in various domains,
including pattern recognition, signal processing, and financial forecasting.
Key attributes of Adaline-Backpropagation networks include:
Adaptive Linear Neuron (Adaline): Adaline networks employ an adaptive
linear neuron model as their fundamental building block. Like perceptron
networks, Adaline neurons compute a weighted sum of input features but utilize
a linear activation function to produce continuous-valued outputs.
Backpropagation Algorithm: Adaline-Backpropagation networks incorporate
the backpropagation algorithm for training. This algorithm enables the iterative
adjustment of network weights based on error gradients, facilitating the learning
of complex, nonlinear relationships within data.
Hybrid Learning Paradigm: By combining the linear capabilities of Adaline
neurons with the nonlinear learning capacity of the backpropagation algorithm,
Adaline-Backpropagation networks offer a versatile learning framework. They
can model both linear and nonlinear relationships within data, making them
suitable for a wide range of regression and classification tasks.

3) Explain in detail about decision tree with an example.

a) Decision Trees: Decision trees represent a versatile and interpretable
machine learning model widely utilized for classification and regression
tasks. This intuitive algorithm partitions the feature space into regions,
guided by sequential decision rules, thereby facilitating the extraction of
actionable insights from complex datasets. Let's delve into the intricacies of
decision trees, elucidating their inner workings through a comprehensive
b) Decision Tree Structure: At its core, a decision tree comprises nodes,
edges, and leaves, forming a hierarchical structure resembling a tree. Each
internal node represents a decision based on a feature attribute, leading to
subsequent branches corresponding to possible feature values. Terminal
nodes, or leaves, encapsulate the final decision or prediction associated with
a particular class or value.
c) Decision Tree Construction: The construction of a decision tree involves
recursive partitioning of the feature space into homogeneous subsets, guided
by impurity measures such as Gini impurity or information gain. This
process iteratively selects optimal split points to maximize class purity or
minimize entropy within each subset, culminating in the formation of a
hierarchical decision structure.
The Gini Impurity formula is: 1 – p12 – p22, where p₁ and p₂ represent the
probabilities of the two classes in a binary classification problem.
The formula for Information Gain is:
Gain split =Entropy ( p )−∑ Entropy (i)
i=1 n
d) Decision Tree Training:
 Initially, the decision tree algorithm examines the entire dataset and
selects the feature that best separates the classes, minimizing impurity.
 For instance, the algorithm might find that petal length is the most
discriminative feature, leading to a split at a certain threshold value.
 Subsequently, the dataset is partitioned into subsets based on the selected
feature, and the process recurs for each subset until termination
conditions are met (e.g., maximum tree depth reached or minimum
samples per leaf).
e) Decision Tree Visualization: Once trained, decision trees can be visualized
to elucidate the decision-making process. Graphical representations reveal
the sequence of decision rules and resulting class predictions at each node,
providing a clear and interpretable depiction of the model's behaviour.
f) Decision Tree Prediction: During prediction, input samples traverse the
decision tree from the root node to leaf nodes, guided by decision rules based
on feature values. At each node, the algorithm evaluates the feature
condition and proceeds to the child node corresponding to the observed
feature value. The process repeats until a leaf node is reached, yielding the
predicted class label or regression value.
g) Importance and Applications: Decision trees offer several advantages,
including interpretability, ease of understanding, and robustness to outliers
and irrelevant features. They find applications across various domains,
including healthcare (disease diagnosis), finance (credit risk assessment),
and marketing (customer segmentation), where interpretable models are
essential for decision-making.
Example: Let’s consider a decision tree for deciding whether to play cricket or
not based on weather conditions. The decision is based on three factors:
Outlook, Humidity, and Wind. These conditions are represented as a flow chart
given below,


Overcast - Play Sunny Rainy

Humidity Wind

High – Do not play Normal – Play Strong – Do not Play

Weak – Play
The conditions are such from the decision tree;
 The game will be played if the outlook is Overcast, regardless of other
 If the outlook is Sunny and the humidity is Normal, the game will be
 If the outlook is Sunny and the humidity is High, the game will not be
 If the outlook is Rainy and the wind is Weak, the game will be played.
 If the outlook is Rainy and the wind is Strong, the game will not be

4) State SVM Algorithm in detail.

Ans: Support Vector Machine (SVM): Support Vector Machine (SVM)
stands as a powerful supervised learning algorithm used for classification,
regression, and outlier detection tasks. Renowned for its ability to delineate
decision boundaries with maximal margin separation, SVMs exhibit robust
performance in both linear and nonlinear data settings. Let's delve into the
intricacies of the SVM algorithm, elucidating its key components and
operational principles in detail:
Basic Concept: At its core, SVM aims to construct an optimal hyperplane in
the feature space that effectively separates instances belonging to different
classes. This hyperplane serves as the decision boundary, with a maximal
margin separating the nearest instances of each class, known as support vectors.
Linear SVM: In the case of linearly separable data, SVM seeks to find the
hyperplane with the largest margin, which is equidistant from the nearest data
points of each class. Mathematically, this translates to solving the optimization
Maximize 2/||w||
subject to the constraints:
yi (w⋅xi+ b) ≥1 for all i =1, 2, ..., n
where w represents the weights vector, b denotes the bias term, xi corresponds
to the feature vectors, and yi indicates the class labels.
Margin Maximization: The objective of SVM is to maximize the margin while
minimizing classification error. The margin is defined as the distance between
the hyperplane and the nearest data points of each class. By maximizing the
margin, SVM aims to achieve better generalization performance and robustness
to noise.
Nonlinear SVM: In scenarios where data is not linearly separable, SVM
employs kernel functions to map the input features into a higher-dimensional
space where separation becomes feasible. Common kernel functions include
linear, polynomial, radial basis function (RBF), and sigmoid kernels, each
tailored to specific data characteristics.
Support Vectors: Support vectors are the data points closest to the decision
boundary and play a pivotal role in defining the hyperplane. These instances
have a non-zero Lagrange multiplier (αi) in the optimization problem and
influence the position and orientation of the decision boundary.
Dual Optimization Problem: To solve the optimization problem efficiently,
SVM reformulates the primal problem into its dual form, resulting in a convex
quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem. This dual optimization
problem facilitates efficient computation and allows for the application of the
kernel trick to handle nonlinear separability.
Kernel Trick: The kernel trick enables SVM to implicitly map input data into a
higher-dimensional feature space without explicitly computing the transformed
features. This computational shortcut circumvents the need to store and
compute high-dimensional feature vectors, thereby enhancing computational
efficiency and scalability.
Importance and Applications: SVMs find widespread applications in various
domains, including image classification, text categorization, bioinformatics, and
finance. Their ability to handle high-dimensional data, robustness to overfitting,
and effectiveness in both linear and nonlinear scenarios make them
indispensable tools for pattern recognition and machine learning tasks.

5) Apply the Decision tree algorithm with Gini Index as the splitting
criterion to classify the dataset given below.
Ans: The given data set is given below,

To choose the criteria

for splitting the dataset,
we use Gini Index, and
Gini Information
Gain for each of the conditions.
1. Gini Impurity for the Entire Dataset:

First, calculate the Gini impurity for the entire dataset, which represents the
overall uncertainty about the "Decision" class (Yes/No for playing golf).

There are 9 positive examples (Yes) and 5 negative examples (No).

Gini impurity = 1 - (9/14)2 - (5/14)2 = 0.459

Information Gain = Gini Impurity (Entire Dataset) – Information Gain
2. Information Gain for Outlook:
Split the data based on Outlook (Sunny, Overcast, Rainy).
Sunny: (2 Yes, 3 No) - Gini impurity (Sunny) = 1 - (2/5)2 - (3/5)2 = 0.48
Overcast: (4 Yes, 0 No) - Gini impurity (Overcast) = 1 - (4/4)2 = 0
Rainy: (3 Yes, 2 No) - Gini impurity (Rainy) = 1 - (3/5)2 - (2/5)2 = 0.48
Now calculate the information gain for Outlook:
Information Gain (Outlook) = 0.459 - [(5/14) * 0.48 + (4/14) * 0 + (5/14) *
0.48] = 0.116

3. Information Gain for Temperature:

Split the data based on Temperature (Hot, Mild, Cool).
Hot: (2 Yes, 2 No) - Gini Impurity (Hot) = 1 – (2/4)2 – (2/4)2 = 0.5
Mild: (4 Yes, 2 No) - Gini Impurity (Mild) = 1 – (4/6)2 – (2/6)2 = 0.444
Cool: (3 Yes, 1 No) - Gini Impurity (Cool) = 1 – (3/4)2 – (1/4)2 = 0.375
Now calculate the information gain for Temperature:
Information Gain (Temperature) = 0.459 - [(4/14) * 0.5 + (6/14) * 0.444 +
(4/14) * 0.375] = 0.019

4. Information Gain for Humidity:

Split the data based on Humidity (High, Normal).
High: (3 Yes, 4 No) – Gini Impurity (High) = 1 – (3/7)2 – (4/7)2 = 0.49
Normal: (6 Yes, 1 No) - Gini Impurity (Normal) = 1 – (6/7)2 – (1/7)2 = 0.245
Now calculate the information gain for Temperature:
Information Gain (Temperature) = 0.459 - [(7/14) * 0.49 + (7/14) * 0.245] =

5. Information Gain for Wind:

 Split the data based on Wind (Weak, Strong).
 Weak: (6 Yes, 2 No) - Gini Impurity (Weak) = 1 – (6/8)2 – (2/8)2 = 0.375
 Strong: (3 Yes, 3 No) – Gini Impurity (Strong) = 1 – (3/6)2 – (3/6)2 = 0.5
 Now calculate the information gain for Temperature:
 Information Gain (Wind) = 0.459 - [(8/14) * 0.375 + (6/14) * 0.5] = 0.03

6. Choosing the Best Attribute:

 The decision tree starts by asking "Is Outlook Sunny?".
 If Sunny, we check the Humidity level. High or Normal Humidity leads
to "Play Golf".
 If not Sunny, we ask "Is Outlook Overcast?". Overcast means "Play
 If not Sunny or Overcast, it's Rainy. We then ask about Temperature (Hot,
Mild, or Cool).
 All temperature options in Rainy weather led to "Play Golf".
 Finally, within the Rainy and non-Sunny branch, we might ask "Is Wind
Weak?". The final decision is based on Wind (Weak or Strong) but is
simplified here as "Play Golf".
5) Apply Naïve Bayes classification for the given dataset and classify the
following instance decision.
Ans: Now for the dataset given below, let’s perform the Bayes theorem to
confirm if we can play the game today.

Today’s weather is
given as,

Outlook=Sunny, Temperature=cool, Humidity=high, Wind=Strong.

From the Bayes theorem, we have the probability, P(A∣B) = P(B∣A) P(A) / P(B)
where A and B are events and P(B) ≠ 0.
Now, with regards to our dataset, we can apply Bayes’ theorem in following
P(y∣X) = P(X∣y) P(y) / P(X)
where, y is class variable and X is a dependent feature vector (of size n) where:
X= (x1, x2, x3, …, xn)
Let, X = (Sunny, Cool, High, Strong) (condition for today)
Y = Yes/No (The probabilities found out of total Yes or No, with 9 yeses, and 5
Hence, for the corresponding conditions (Yes/No), we can apply the Bayes
 P (Yes | today) = P (Yes | Sunny) P (Yes | Cool) P (Yes | High) P (Yes |
Strong) P (Yes) / P (today)
∝ [(2/9) (3/9) (3/9) (3/9) (9/14)] ≈ 0.005291 (since the P (today)
is common for Yes and No, we neglect and give in terms of proportionality)
 P (No | today) = P (No | Sunny) P (No | Cool) P (No | High) P (No | Strong)
P (No) / P (today)
∝ [(3/5) (1/5) (4/5) (3/5) (5/14)] ≈ 0.020571
From the Bayes theorem, we must normalise the about values by,
P (Yes | today) + P (No | today) = 1
 P (Yes | today) = 0.005291 / (0.005291+0.020571) ≈ 0.204586
 P (No | today) = 0.020571 / (0.005291+0.020571) ≈ 0.795414
Thus, from the above estimated data, we can conclude that, P (No | today) > P
(Yes | today).
Hence, we cannot play the game today.

1) Draw the architecture of a single layer perceptron (SLP) and explain its
operation. Mention its advantages and disadvantages.

Architecture: A single layer perceptron (SLP) is the most basic unit of artificial
neural networks. Here's a breakdown of its architecture with an accompanying

Imagine a drawing with circles arranged in a line. On the left are a few blue
circles, each representing a single piece of information you feed the SLP. Maybe
you're trying to predict if an email is spam. The circles on the left might hold
information like the sender's address, keywords in the email, etc.
An arrow goes from each circle on the left to a
green circle in the middle. This green circle is
the single neuron in the SLP, like a tiny
processor. Each arrow has a different thickness,
showing how important that piece of
information is to the neuron's decision.
The neuron adds up all the information it
receives, considering how important each piece
is (based on the arrow thickness). Then, it
applies a special function to this sum, kind of
like a filter. Finally, it outputs a decision (like
spam or not spam) based on the filtered sum to the orange circles.

1. Input Layer: This layer consists of multiple circles, each representing a
single data point. The number of circles corresponds to the number of
features in your input data. For example, if you're predicting house prices,
your input features might be square footage, number of bedrooms, and
2. Weights: Each connection between an input node and the single neuron in
the middle layer has a weight associated with it. These weights are
visualized as arrows of varying thickness. A thicker arrow signifies a
stronger influence of that input on the neuron's output.
3. Neuron: The single neuron in the SLP acts as the processing unit. It receives
the data points from the input layer, multiplies them by their respective
weights, and sums them up.
4. Bias: A bias term is added to the weighted sum from the previous step. This
bias allows the neuron to shift the activation function and learn functions that
don't necessarily go through the origin (0,0) in the input space. It's depicted
as a small circle with a value beside it.
5. Activation Function: The combined sum from the weighted inputs and the
bias is then passed through an activation function. This function introduces
non-linearity into the model, allowing it to learn more complex patterns than
a simple linear model. Common activation functions include sigmoid, ReLU
(Rectified Linear Unit), and tanh (hyperbolic tangent).
6. Output Layer: The final output layer consists of a single circle representing
the final classification or prediction made by the SLP.

 Simple and Easy to Understand: Due to its single layer structure, the SLP

is a great introduction to how neural networks work. It's a fundamental

building block for more complex architectures.
 Fast and Efficient: With only one layer of computation, SLPs are

considerably faster to train which makes them suitable for real-time

applications where quick predictions are necessary.
 Interpretability: The weights learned by the SLP can provide insights into

the relationship between the input features and the output. By analysing the
weights, we can understand which features have a stronger influence on the
model's predictions.
 Limited Learning Capability: One of the biggest limitations of SLPs is
their inability to learn linearly inseparable data, which isn't always applicable
in real-world scenarios with complex relationships between data points.
 Not Suitable for Complex Problems: Due to the limitation above, they
might not be ideal for tasks like image recognition or natural language
 Limited Applications: Because of their limitations, SLPs have been largely
replaced by more powerful neural network architectures like multi-layer
perceptrons (MLPs) which can learn more complex patterns by stacking
multiple layers of neurons.

2) Explain the following terms: Entropy – Information gain - Gini

Ans: Entropy: Entropy serves as a pivotal concept in decision tree algorithms,
providing a quantitative measure of uncertainty or disorder within a dataset. In
the context of decision trees, entropy evaluates the impurity of a node by
examining the distribution of class labels among its instances. The entropy of a
dataset S is calculated using the formula:
H ( S )=−∑ p i log 2( p i)
i =1

Where pi represents the proportion of instances belonging to class i and n

denotes the number of distinct classes. This formula computes the entropy by
summing the product of each class probability and its logarithm base 2. Higher
entropy values indicate greater uncertainty and disorder, while lower values
signify more homogeneous and predictable datasets.
In decision tree algorithms, entropy plays a crucial role in guiding attribute
selection and node splitting. When constructing a decision tree, the goal is to
partition the dataset in a way that maximizes homogeneity within resulting
subsets. Entropy helps achieve this objective by quantifying the impurity of
potential splits. Specifically, decision tree algorithms aim to minimize entropy
at each node by selecting the attribute that maximally reduces uncertainty (i.e.,
maximizes information gain).
Information Gain: Information gain is a fundamental concept in decision tree
algorithms, representing the reduction in uncertainty achieved by splitting a
dataset based on a specific attribute. It measures the effectiveness of a split in
improving the homogeneity of resulting subsets and guiding the construction of
optimal decision boundaries. The information gain for a dataset S and attribute
A is calculated using the formula:
∣ Sv ∣
IG ( S , A )=H ( S )−∑ v ∈v H (Sv )

where H ( S ) denotes the entropy of the original dataset, V represents the distinct
values of attribute A, Sv represents the subset of S corresponding to value v of
attribute A, and |S| denotes the total number of instances in dataset S.
Information gain evaluates the reduction in entropy achieved by partitioning the
dataset based on attribute A, with higher values indicating more informative
attribute splits.
In decision tree algorithms, information gain serves as a guiding metric for
attribute selection and node splitting. Decision trees aim to maximize
information gain at each node by selecting the attribute that minimizes entropy
and maximizes homogeneity within resulting subsets. Attributes with higher
information gain are preferred for splitting, as they contribute more significantly
to reducing uncertainty and improving classification accuracy.
Gini Impurity: Gini impurity is a measure of node impurity commonly used in
decision tree algorithms, particularly in the CART (Classification and
Regression Trees) algorithm. It quantifies the probability of misclassifying an
instance randomly chosen from a dataset based on the distribution of class
labels. The Gini impurity for a dataset \(S\) is calculated using the formula:
G ( S )=1−∑ p 2i Where, pi represents the proportion of instances belonging to class

i and n signifies the number of distinct classes. Gini impurity evaluates the
impurity of a dataset by summing the squared probabilities of each class and
subtracting the result from 1. Higher Gini impurity values indicate greater
impurity and uncertainty, while lower values signify more homogeneous and
pure datasets.
In decision tree algorithms, Gini impurity serves as a criterion for node splitting
and attribute selection. Decision trees aim to minimize Gini impurity at each
node by selecting the attribute that maximally reduces impurity and improves
classification accuracy. Attributes with lower Gini impurity after splitting are
preferred, as they lead to more homogeneous subsets and better separation of

3) List the factors that affect the performance of multilayer feed-forward

neural network.
Ans: Factors Affecting the Performance of Multilayer Feed-forward Neural
Multilayer feed-forward neural networks, often referred to as simply "neural
networks," are powerful machine learning models capable of learning complex
patterns and relationships from data. However, their performance is influenced
by various factors that must be carefully considered and optimized to achieve
optimal results. Let's explore these factors in detail:
Network Architecture:
The architecture of a
neural network,
including the number of
layers, the number of
neurons in each layer,
and the connectivity
between layers,
significantly impacts its
performance. Deeper
networks with more
layers can capture increasingly complex relationships in the data but may suffer
from vanishing gradients or overfitting. Finding the right balance between depth
and width is crucial for achieving optimal performance.
Activation Functions: The choice of activation functions used in the hidden
and output layers of a neural network affects its capacity to model nonlinear
relationships in the data. Common activation functions such as sigmoid, tanh,
and ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) have different properties and may perform
differently depending on the nature of the problem. Choosing appropriate
activation functions and initializing their parameters correctly can improve the
convergence and performance of the network.
Weight Initialization: The initial values assigned to the weights of a neural
network play a crucial role in determining its performance during training.
Poorly initialized weights can lead to slow convergence, vanishing or exploding
gradients, and suboptimal solutions. Techniques such as Xavier initialization
and He initialization help ensure that weights are initialized in a way that
facilitates efficient training and prevents convergence issues.

Learning Rate and Optimization Algorithm: The learning rate and

optimization algorithm used during training significantly impact the
convergence speed and final performance of a neural network. Choosing an
appropriate learning rate is essential to prevent underfitting or overfitting of the
model. Additionally, selecting an optimization algorithm suited to the problem
at hand, such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Adam, or RMSprop, can
improve convergence efficiency and stability.
Regularization Techniques: To prevent overfitting and improve the
generalization ability of a neural network, various regularization techniques can
be employed. These include L1 and L2 regularization, dropout, batch
normalization, and early stopping. Each regularization technique imposes
constraints on the network's parameters or modifies the training procedure to
encourage simpler models that generalize better to unseen data.
Data Preprocessing: The quality and preprocessing of the input data
significantly impact the performance of a neural network. Proper data
preprocessing techniques such as normalization, scaling, feature engineering,
and handling missing values can improve the convergence speed and
generalization ability of the model. Additionally, techniques such as data
augmentation can help increase the diversity and size of the training dataset,
leading to better performance.
Hyperparameter Tuning: Neural networks contain numerous
hyperparameters, such as the learning rate, batch size, dropout rate, and
regularization strength, that must be carefully tuned to achieve optimal
performance. Hyperparameter tuning involves systematically searching the
hyperparameter space to find the combination that yields the best performance
on a validation dataset. Techniques such as grid search, random search, and
Bayesian optimization can be used for efficient hyperparameter tuning.
Computational Resources: The computational resources available for training
and inference, including CPU, GPU, and memory capacity, influence the
performance of neural networks. Larger and deeper networks require more
computational resources for training and inference, and the availability of
powerful hardware accelerators such as GPUs can significantly speed up the
training process. Additionally, distributed training techniques can be employed
to leverage multiple devices or machines for faster training.
Unit – V

Q.N CO’s Bloom’s

Questions Level
What is neural network ? CO 5
A neural network is a type of artificial intelligence model designed to
simulate the way human brains operate, albeit in a very simplified form.
It consists of interconnected units or nodes called "neurons", which
collectively can perform complex computations through their
connections. These networks are a fundamental component of deep
learning technology, allowing machines to make sense of, and learn
from, large sets of data
Is ChatGPT a neural network? CO 5
Yes, ChatGPT is based on a type of neural network called a
Transformer, which is particularly designed for processing sequences of
data, such as text
What is the Kohonen learning rule? CO 5
The Kohonen learning rule, also known as Kohonen's Self-Organizing
Map (SOM) algorithm, is named after its inventor, Teuvo Kohonen. It is
fundamentally different from other neural network algorithms as it is
3. designed for unsupervised learning and produces a low-dimensional
(typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input
space of the training samples. This makes it particularly useful for
visualization and exploration of high-dimensional data

What are the applications of PCA? CO 5

Data visualization
Feature Reduction
Noise Reduction
Exploratory data analysis
Signal Processing
Face Recognition
5. Difference between k- means and KNN. CO 5

● Type: Clustering algorithm.

● Goal: To partition a set of data points into K distinct non-
overlapping subgroups (clusters) where each data point belongs
to only one group. It tries to make the intra-cluster data points as
similar as possible while also keeping the clusters as different
(or as far apart) as possible.

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):

● Type: Supervised learning algorithm.

● Goal: To classify or predict the target label of a data point based
on the majority vote of its K nearest neighbors. It can also be
used for regression by taking the average or median of the K
nearest neighbors' values.

How does KNN work? CO 6

KNN works on a simple principle: objects that are similar are likely to
6. be related. Therefore, a data point can be classified by a majority vote of
its neighbors, with the data point being assigned to the class most
common among its K nearest neighbors.
Define Unsupervised learning. CO 5
Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning that involves
training a model on data without pre-existing labels. The goal is to
7. explore the structure of the data and identify patterns without the
guidance of an explicit output variable or a reward mechanism. This
approach contrasts with supervised learning, where models are trained
on labeled data.
Define PCA. CO 5
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses
an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly
8. correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated
variables called principal components. This technique is widely used in
data analysis and for making predictive models. It is commonly utilized
for dimensionality reduction while retaining as much of the variability
in the dataset as possible.
What is a neural network? CO 5
A neural network is a type of artificial intelligence model designed to
simulate the way human brains operate, albeit in a very simplified form.
9. It consists of interconnected units or nodes called "neurons", which
collectively can perform complex computations through their
connections. These networks are a fundamental component of deep
learning technology, allowing machines to make sense of, and learn
from, large sets of data.
Define fixed weight competitive nets. CO 6
Fixed weight competitive networks are a type of artificial neural
network in which the weights between nodes are set (fixed) and do not
10. change during the operation of the network, unlike the weights in
typical learning networks that are updated through training processes
such as backpropagation. In fixed weight networks, learning or
adaptation occurs through different mechanisms, often involving the
competition between neurons in the network.
11. Write a short note on Kohonen self organizing feature maps. CO 5
Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Maps (SOMs), also known as
Kohonen maps, are a type of artificial neural network introduced by
Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s. They belong to the category of
unsupervised learning, which means they learn to organize data without
external guidance on how the data should be classified. SOMs are
particularly well-known for their ability to project high-dimensional
data onto lower-dimensional spaces (typically two-dimensional), while
preserving the topological properties of the input data. This makes
SOMs extremely useful for visualization and exploration of complex
Define Clustering. CO 5
Clustering is a technique used in machine learning and statistical data
analysis that involves grouping a set of objects in such a way that
12. objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar to each
other than to those in other groups. It's a form of unsupervised learning
because the grouping is not based on annotated training data but on the
similarity of the items according to one or more features.
Mention the types of Clustering. CO 6
K-Means clustering
Hierarchical clustering
Mean shift clustering
Spectral clustering
Fuzzy c-means clustering
List few hierarchical clustering algorithms. CO 6
14. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
Define K- means algorithm. CO 6
The K-Means algorithm is a popular clustering technique used in data
analysis and machine learning to partition a dataset into K distinct, non-
15. overlapping clusters. It is a centroid-based algorithm, which means that
each cluster is associated with a centroid (the center of the cluster). The
goal of K-Means is to minimize the variance within each cluster, where
the variance is a measure of the spread of the data points within each
Part – B
1. Explain PCA with the help of an example.(13) CO 5
Hierarchical clustering is a popular method used in data

analysis to build a hierarchy of clusters, and it can be

categorized into two main types based on how the hierarchical

structure is formed: Agglomerative and Divisive. Here are a

few specific hierarchical clustering algorithms:

1. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

This is the most common type of hierarchical clustering used

to group objects in clusters based on their similarity. It’s a

bottom-up approach where each observation starts as its own

cluster, and pairs of clusters are merged as one moves up the

hierarchy. The process can be detailed through various linkage

methods, which define the metric used to measure the distance

between clusters:

● Single Linkage (Nearest Point Algorithm): In this

method, the distance between two clusters is defined as
the shortest distance between points in the two clusters.
It tends to produce long, "loose" clusters.
● Complete Linkage (Farthest Point Algorithm): Unlike
single linkage, the distance between two clusters is
determined by the greatest distance between any two
points in the clusters. This method tends to produce
more compact clusters.
● Average Linkage (Average Link Algorithm): This
method defines cluster distance as the average distance
between all pairs of points in the two clusters.
● Centroid Linkage (UPGMC - Unweighted Pair Group
Method with Centroid Mean): The distance between
two clusters is the distance between their centroids.
Note that centroids are recalculated at each iteration as
clusters are merged.
● Ward’s Method: Minimizes the total within-cluster
variance. At each step, the pair of clusters with
minimum between-cluster distance are merged.

2. Divisive Hierarchical Clustering

This is a less common approach and works in a top-down

manner. It starts with all observations in one cluster and

iteratively splits the most heterogeneous cluster into smaller

clusters. This process continues until each observation is in its

own cluster or until a termination condition is satisfied.

Divisive algorithms are typically more computationally

expensive and therefore less commonly used than

agglomerative algorithms. A standard algorithm used in

divisive clustering is:

● DIANA (Divisive Analysis Clustering): It involves

finding a cluster to split, choosing a point that is the
farthest from the cluster centroid, and then splitting the
cluster based on the furthest points. The rest of the data
points are assigned to one of the two new clusters
depending on which new centroid they are closest to.

These hierarchical clustering methods vary primarily in their

definition of inter-cluster distance (or similarity) and in their

merging or splitting strategy. The choice of method can

significantly affect the shape and composition of the clusters

produced, thus affecting the interpretation of the data.

Hierarchical clustering is particularly useful for exploratory

data analysis and for building taxonomies in various fields

such as biology (e.g., constructing phylogenetic trees), library

science, and information retrieval.

Define K-Means Algorithm

The K-Means algorithm is a popular clustering technique used

in data analysis and machine learning to partition a dataset

into K distinct, non-overlapping clusters. It is a centroid-based

algorithm, which means that each cluster is associated with a

centroid (the center of the cluster). The goal of K-Means is to

minimize the variance within each cluster, where the variance

is a measure of the spread of the data points within each


How K-Means Works

1. Initialization:

● Choose K points as the initial centroids from the dataset,

either randomly or based on some heuristic.

2. Assignment Step:

● Assign each data point to the closest cluster by

calculating the distance between each data point and
each centroid. The most common distance metric used is
the Euclidean distance.

3. Update Step:

● Recalculate the centroids of the clusters by taking the

mean of all data points that belong to each cluster.

4. Iteration:

● Repeat the Assignment step and Update step until the

centroids do not change significantly or the maximum
number of iterations is reached. This non-significant
change is determined by a convergence threshold,
meaning the centroids have stabilized.

Key Features of K-Means

Efficiency: The computational cost of K-Means is O(nkt),

where n is the number of data points, k is the number of

clusters, and t is the number of iterations. Usually, K-Means

converge quickly in practical settings.

Sensitivity to Initial Conditions: The initial placement of

centroids can affect the final output. Poor initialization can

lead to suboptimal clusterings. Techniques like K-Means++

have been developed to help in choosing initial centroids that

are likely to lead to better clusterings.

Sensitivity to Outliers: Since centroids are calculated as the

mean of the assigned points, outliers can skew the position of

centroids, potentially leading to less optimal clusterings.

Applicability: K-Means is best applied to datasets with a

spherical distribution of points and where the clusters have

roughly the same number of data points. It is not well-suited

for clusters of different sizes and densities, or non-spherical


Hard Clustering: In K-Means, each point belongs exclusively

to one cluster (hard assignment) as opposed to soft clustering,

where a point can belong to multiple clusters with different

degrees of membership.

Applications of K-Means
K-Means is used across many fields for various applications,

including but not limited to market segmentation, computer

vision for color quantization, clustering of documents in topic

extraction, and in many other areas where data needs to be

segmented into distinct groups.

Define PCA with help of an example

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical technique

used for dimensionality reduction while preserving as much

variability as possible. It's widely used across many fields for

various purposes, including enhancing visualizations,

improving machine learning model performance, and

compressing data. PCA achieves this by transforming a large

set of variables into a smaller one that still contains most of the

information in the large set. This is done by identifying

directions, called principal components, along which the

variation of the data is maximized.

How PCA Works

1. Standardization: The first step in PCA is usually to
standardize the data so that each feature contributes
equally. This involves subtracting the mean and
dividing by the standard deviation for each value of
each variable.
2. Covariance Matrix Computation: Calculate the
covariance matrix to understand how the variables in
the input data are varying from the mean with respect
to each other, or compute the correlation matrix if the
data has been standardized.
3. Compute Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: The
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix represent the
directions or principal components of the data, while
the eigenvalues represent their magnitude. In other
words, the eigenvectors point in the direction of the
largest variance of the data, and the eigenvalues define
the magnitude of this variance in those directions.
4. Sort Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Sort the eigenvalues
in descending order and choose the top k eigenvectors
that correspond to the top k eigenvalues to form a
matrix of vectors.
5. Transform the Original Dataset: Use the selected
eigenvectors to transform the original dataset into a new
dataset with reduced dimensions.

Example of PCA: Reducing Data from 3D to

Suppose you have a dataset with three features (dimensions),

and you want to reduce it to two dimensions for visualization


Original Data (3D):

● Feature 1: [1, 2, 3]
● Feature 2: [5, 6, 7]
● Feature 3: [9, 10, 11]

The data points might be measuring different attributes of an

experiment or a survey, for instance.


1. Standardize the data: Assume it's already standardized

for simplicity.
2. Compute the covariance matrix.
3. Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
covariance matrix.
4. Select the top two eigenvectors based on their
corresponding eigenvalues because we want to reduce
the dimensions from 3D to 2D.
5. Transform the original data using these two
eigenvectors. The result is a new dataset with two
Resulting Data (2D):

● New Feature 1: [2.2, 3.0, 3.8] (values made up for

illustrative purposes)
● New Feature 2: [4.9, 6.0, 7.1] (values made up for
illustrative purposes)

The transformed data now reflects the original data's structure

but in a reduced dimension, making it easier to analyze and

visualize. The two new features are linear combinations of the

original three features, capturing the most significant variance

and patterns from the original dataset with less information


● PCA assumes that the directions with the maximum
variance are the most important, which might not
always be the case.
● Linear transformations: PCA is not effective for
nonlinear relationships among data.

PCA is valuable for exploratory data analysis, predictive

modeling, and complex data visualization. It provides insights

into the data's underlying structure, often revealing patterns

that were not apparent initially.

2. Explain in detail the architecture, features, advantages and CO 5

disadvantages of Kohonen self organizing map with the help
of an example.(13)
A Kohonen Self-Organizing Map (SOM), also known as a Kohonen
map or simply SOM, is an unsupervised learning neural network
algorithm used for dimensionality reduction and visualization of high-
dimensional data. It is named after its inventor Teuvo Kohonen. The
SOM is a type of artificial neural network trained using competitive
learning techniques.


The architecture of a Kohonen SOM consists of a grid of nodes, often

arranged in a 2D lattice, where each node represents a prototype or
cluster center in the input space. The nodes are usually arranged in a
grid, but they can also be arranged in other topologies such as
hexagonal or circular. Each node is associated with a weight vector of
the same dimensionality as the input data.

Training Process:

The training process of a Kohonen SOM involves the following steps:

1. Initialization: Initialize the weight vectors of the nodes randomly

or using some other method.
2. Input Presentation: For each input vector in the training dataset,
find the node whose weight vector is most similar to the input
vector. This is usually done using a similarity metric such as
Euclidean distance.
3. Neighborhood Calculation: Update the weights of not just the
winning node, but also the nodes in its neighborhood. The
neighborhood typically starts large and decreases over time as
training progresses.
4. Weight Update: Adjust the weight vectors of the winning node
and its neighbors to make them more similar to the input vector.
The degree of adjustment depends on factors such as the
learning rate and the distance from the winning node.
5. Repeat: Repeat steps 2-4 for a fixed number of iterations or until


1. Dimensionality Reduction: SOMs can project high-dimensional

data onto a lower-dimensional grid, making it easier to visualize
and interpret.
2. Topology Preservation: SOMs preserve the topological
properties of the input space, meaning that neighboring nodes in
the grid represent similar regions of the input space.
3. Unsupervised Learning: SOMs do not require labeled data for
training, making them suitable for tasks where labeled data is
scarce or unavailable.
4. Clustering: SOMs can be used for clustering similar data points
together, as nodes with similar weight vectors tend to cluster
together in the grid.
5. Data Visualization: SOMs can be used to visualize complex,
high-dimensional data in a 2D or 3D space, enabling better
understanding of the underlying data distribution.


1. Versatility: SOMs can be applied to a wide range of data types,

including numerical, categorical, and mixed data.
2. Efficiency: SOMs are computationally efficient and can handle
large datasets with millions of data points.
3. Topology Preservation: SOMs preserve the topological
relationships between data points, making them useful for tasks
such as data visualization and exploratory data analysis.
4. Robustness to Noise: SOMs are robust to noise in the input data
and can still produce meaningful results even with noisy or
incomplete datasets.


1. Training Complexity: Tuning the parameters of a SOM, such as

the learning rate and neighborhood size, can be challenging and
may require some trial and error.
2. Initialization Sensitivity: The performance of a SOM can be
sensitive to the initial values of the weight vectors, and poor
initialization can lead to suboptimal results.
3. Grid Size Selection: Choosing the appropriate size and topology
of the grid can be difficult and may require some domain
knowledge or experimentation.
4. Interpretability: While SOMs provide a useful visualization of
high-dimensional data, interpreting the resulting map can be
subjective and may require additional analysis to extract
meaningful insights.

3. Explain in detail the 3 different types of neural networks.(13) CO 5

Neural networks come in various architectures, each designed

for specific tasks and structured differently based on the

connections between neurons. Here are explanations of three

different types of neural networks:

Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN):

1. Feedforward neural networks, also known as multilayer
perceptrons (MLPs), are one of the simplest and most
common types of neural networks. They consist of three
types of layers: input layer, hidden layers, and output
layer. Information flows in one direction, from the input
layer through the hidden layers to the output layer,
hence the name "feedforward."


● Input Layer: The input layer contains neurons

representing the input features of the data.
● Hidden Layers: These layers contain neurons that
transform the input data through weighted connections
and activation functions. Each neuron receives inputs
from the previous layer, applies weights to them, and
passes the result through an activation function to
produce an output.
● Output Layer: The output layer produces the final
predictions or classifications based on the transformed
input data.


● Versatility: FNNs can be applied to various tasks,

including classification, regression, and function
● Universal Approximators: With a sufficient number of
hidden neurons, FNNs can approximate any continuous
● Backpropagation: FNNs are trained using
backpropagation, a gradient-based optimization
algorithm that adjusts the weights of the connections to
minimize the error between predicted and actual


● Flexibility: FNNs can handle complex nonlinear

relationships in data.
● Scalability: FNNs can be scaled up to accommodate
large datasets and more complex architectures.
● Widely Used: FNNs are extensively used in various
fields, including image recognition, natural language
processing, and finance.


● Overfitting: FNNs are prone to overfitting, especially

when dealing with small datasets or complex
● Training Complexity: Training FNNs may require
tuning hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch
size, and number of hidden layers, which can be time-
● Interpretability: The inner workings of FNNs can be
difficult to interpret, making it challenging to
understand how they arrive at their predictions.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN):

2. Recurrent neural networks are designed to work with
sequential data by introducing loops within the network
architecture, allowing them to maintain a memory of
past inputs. This enables RNNs to capture temporal
dependencies in data.


● Recurrent Connections: RNNs have recurrent

connections that allow information to persist over time.
Each neuron in the hidden layer receives inputs not
only from the previous layer but also from its own
previous time step.
● Hidden Layers: Similar to FNNs, RNNs can have
multiple hidden layers, enabling them to learn complex
temporal patterns.
● Output Layer: The output layer produces predictions or
classifications based on the processed sequential data.

● Sequential Modeling: RNNs excel at tasks involving

sequential data, such as time series prediction, speech
recognition, and natural language processing.
● Variable Input Length: RNNs can handle input
sequences of varying lengths, making them suitable for
tasks where the length of the input varies, such as text
● Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent
Unit (GRU): To address the vanishing gradient problem
and better capture long-range dependencies, specialized
RNN architectures like LSTM and GRU have been


● Temporal Modeling: RNNs can model dependencies

across time steps, making them effective for tasks
involving time series data.
● Flexibility: RNNs can process input sequences of
arbitrary lengths, making them suitable for tasks with
variable-length inputs.
● Stateful Learning: RNNs maintain an internal state that
evolves over time, allowing them to remember past
inputs and make contextually informed predictions.


● Vanishing Gradient: RNNs can suffer from the

vanishing gradient problem, where gradients diminish
exponentially over time, making it difficult to learn
long-range dependencies.
● Computational Complexity: Training RNNs can be
computationally intensive, especially for long
sequences, due to the sequential nature of computation.
● Short-Term Memory: Standard RNN architectures may
struggle with capturing long-term dependencies in
sequences, leading to difficulties in modeling long-
range patterns.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN):

3. Convolutional neural networks are specialized for
processing grid-like data, such as images and audio
spectrograms, by leveraging convolutional layers that
apply filters to extract local patterns.


● Convolutional Layers: CNNs consist of convolutional

layers that apply filters (kernels) across input data to
extract features. These filters detect spatial patterns such
as edges, textures, and shapes.
● Pooling Layers: Pooling layers downsample the output
of convolutional layers, reducing the dimensionality of
feature maps while preserving important information.
Max pooling and average pooling are common pooling
● Fully Connected Layers: CNNs typically end with one
or more fully connected layers that flatten the output of
the convolutional layers and pass it through traditional
feedforward neural network layers for classification or


● Spatial Hierarchies: CNNs exploit spatial hierarchies in

data, learning low-level features like edges and textures
in early layers and high-level features like object parts
and shapes in deeper layers.
● Translation Invariance: CNNs are capable of learning
translation-invariant features, meaning they can
recognize patterns regardless of their location in the
input data.
● Parameter Sharing: CNNs share weights across different
spatial locations, reducing the number of parameters
compared to fully connected networks and enabling
efficient learning from large-scale datasets.


● Feature Learning: CNNs automatically learn

hierarchical representations of input data, making them
effective for tasks involving image recognition, object
detection, and image segmentation.
● Local Connectivity: CNNs exploit local connectivity by
focusing on local regions of input data, enabling them to
capture spatial relationships and reduce the
computational cost.
● Transfer Learning: Pre-trained CNN models trained on
large-scale datasets like ImageNet can be fine-tuned for
specific tasks with smaller datasets, saving time and
computational resources.


● Overfitting: CNNs can overfit to training data,

especially when dealing with small datasets or complex
architectures. Techniques such as dropout and
regularization can mitigate this issue.
● Data Augmentation: Training CNNs often requires
large amounts of labeled data, and data augmentation
techniques such as rotation, translation, and flipping are
often used to increase dataset size and improve
● Interpretability: Similar to other deep learning models,
interpreting the inner workings of CNNs can be
challenging, making it difficult to understand how they
arrive at their predictions.

Each type of neural network has its own strengths and

weaknesses, and the choice of architecture depends on the

specific requirements of the task at hand, such as the nature of

the input data, the complexity of the problem, and the

availability of labeled data.

4. Elaborate on Agglomerative hierarchical algorithms and Divisive CO 5

hierarchical algorithms.(13)

Hierarchical clustering is a method of clustering data points into a

hierarchy of nested clusters. Agglomerative and divisive clustering are
two approaches to hierarchical clustering, each with its own process for
forming clusters.

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering:

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering starts with each data point as a

single cluster and progressively merges clusters until only one cluster
remains. The process can be summarized as follows:

1. Initialization: Treat each data point as a singleton cluster,

resulting in as many clusters as there are data points.
2. Similarity Measurement: Compute the pairwise similarity (or
dissimilarity) between clusters. Various distance metrics, such as
Euclidean distance or cosine similarity, can be used to measure
the similarity between clusters.
3. Merge Clusters: Identify the two most similar clusters based on
the chosen similarity metric and merge them into a single
cluster. This process continues iteratively until all data points
belong to a single cluster.
4. Hierarchy Construction: As clusters are merged, a dendrogram
or tree-like structure is constructed to visualize the hierarchy of
clusters. The dendrogram shows the order in which clusters are
merged and the distance at which the merges occur.
5. Stopping Criterion: The merging process continues until a
stopping criterion is met, such as a specified number of clusters
or a threshold distance value.

Advantages of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering:

● Intuitive Visualization: Agglomerative clustering produces a

hierarchical dendrogram that visually represents the
relationships between clusters, making it easy to interpret and
● No Need for Prior Specification: Agglomerative clustering does
not require the number of clusters to be specified in advance, as
the hierarchy can be cut at any desired level.
● Flexibility in Distance Measures: Various distance measures can
be used to determine the similarity between clusters, allowing
for flexibility in handling different types of data.
Disadvantages of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering:

● Computational Complexity: Agglomerative clustering can be

computationally expensive, especially for large datasets, as it
requires computing pairwise distances between clusters at each
● Lack of Scalability: The memory and computational
requirements of agglomerative clustering increase with the
number of data points, limiting its scalability to very large
● Sensitivity to Initialization: The choice of initial clusters and the
linkage criteria (e.g., single linkage, complete linkage, average
linkage) can affect the final clustering result.

Divisive Hierarchical Clustering:

Divisive hierarchical clustering, also known as top-down clustering,

takes the opposite approach to agglomerative clustering by starting with
all data points in a single cluster and recursively partitioning them into
smaller clusters. The process can be summarized as follows:

1. Initialization: Start with all data points belonging to a single

cluster, representing the entire dataset.
2. Dissimilarity Measurement: Measure the dissimilarity (or
distance) between data points within the cluster. Various
distance metrics can be used, similar to agglomerative
3. Split Clusters: Identify the cluster that maximizes the
dissimilarity among its data points and split it into two smaller
clusters. This process continues recursively, dividing clusters
into smaller clusters until each data point is in its own singleton
4. Hierarchy Construction: As clusters are split, a dendrogram or
tree-like structure is constructed to visualize the hierarchy of
clusters. The dendrogram shows the order in which clusters are
split and the dissimilarity at which the splits occur.
5. Stopping Criterion: The splitting process continues until a
stopping criterion is met, such as a specified number of clusters
or a threshold dissimilarity value.

Advantages of Divisive Hierarchical Clustering:

● Bottom-Up Exploration: Divisive clustering provides a top-

down exploration of the data, allowing for a hierarchical
decomposition of clusters into increasingly smaller subclusters.
● Potential for Parallelization: Divisive clustering can be
parallelized, as each step involves splitting a single cluster into
smaller clusters, potentially speeding up the process for large
● Greater Control Over Cluster Structure: Divisive clustering
allows for greater control over the resulting cluster structure, as
the analyst can decide how and where to split clusters based on
domain knowledge and requirements.

Disadvantages of Divisive Hierarchical Clustering:

● Lack of Intuitive Visualization: Divisive clustering does not

produce a natural dendrogram like agglomerative clustering,
making it less intuitive to visualize and interpret the hierarchical
structure of clusters.
● Sensitivity to Initialization: The choice of initial cluster and the
splitting criteria can affect the final clustering result, potentially
leading to suboptimal cluster partitions.
● Difficulty in Determining Number of Clusters: Divisive
clustering requires specifying a stopping criterion to determine
when to stop splitting clusters, which can be challenging without
prior knowledge of the data structure.

In summary, agglomerative and divisive hierarchical clustering are two

approaches to hierarchical clustering, each with its own advantages and
disadvantages. Agglomerative clustering starts with individual data
points as clusters and merges them into larger clusters, while divisive
clustering starts with all data points in a single cluster and recursively
splits them into smaller clusters. The choice between these methods
depends on factors such as the nature of the data, the desired clustering
structure, and computational considerations.

5. Write an algorithm for K- means clustering with an example. CO 5

K-means clustering is a popular unsupervised machine learning
algorithm used for partitioning data into a specified number of clusters.
The algorithm aims to minimize the within-cluster variance, where each
data point is assigned to the cluster with the nearest mean, or centroid.
Here's how it works, illustrated with an example:

Step 1: Initialization

● Choose the number of clusters

● k that you want to partition your data into.
● Randomly initialize
● k centroids. These centroids can be randomly selected data
points from the dataset or generated randomly within the range
of the data.
Step 2: Assignment

● Assign each data point to the nearest centroid based on some

distance metric, commonly the Euclidean distance.
● The data points are now grouped into
● k clusters based on their nearest centroid.

Step 3: Update

● Calculate the mean of the data points within each cluster. This
means it becomes the new centroid for that cluster.
● Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence, i.e., until the centroids
no longer change significantly or until a maximum number of
iterations is reached.

Let's illustrate this process with a simple example:

Suppose we have a dataset of 2D points

Data points:
(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2), (8, 8), (9, 8), (8, 9), (9, 9)

We want to partition these points into

k=2 clusters using k-means clustering.

Step 1: Initialization

● Randomly initialize two centroids,

● C1
● and
● C2
● . Let's say we initialize them as follows:
● C1
● =(1,1)
● C2
● =(9,9)

Step 2: Assignment

● Calculate the Euclidean distance between each data point and

the centroids.
● Assign each data point to the cluster associated with the nearest

Cluster 1 (centered at (1, 1)): (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)

Cluster 2 (centered at (9, 9)): (8, 8), (9, 8), (8, 9), (9, 9)

Step 3: Update

● Calculate the mean of the data points in each cluster.

● Update the centroids to the new means

New centroid for Cluster 1: (1.8, 1.8)

New centroid for Cluster 2: (8.5, 8.5)

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until convergence. In subsequent iterations, the

data points are reassigned to clusters based on the updated centroids,
and the centroids are recalculated based on the new cluster assignments.
This process continues until the centroids no longer change significantly
or until a maximum number of iterations is reached.

After convergence, the algorithm outputs the final clusters and their

K-means clustering is an iterative algorithm that can efficiently partition

data into clusters, making it useful for various applications such as
customer segmentation, image compression, and anomaly detection.
However, it may converge to local optima and is sensitive to the initial
placement of centroids, so multiple initializations and careful evaluation
are often necessary to obtain robust results.

6. Explain in detail about the hierarchical clustering examples, CO 6

architecture and use cases.(13)
Hierarchical clustering is a type of unsupervised learning algorithm
used to group similar data points into clusters based on their proximity
to each other. Unlike other clustering algorithms, hierarchical clustering
creates a tree-like hierarchy of clusters, known as a dendrogram, which
illustrates the nested relationships between clusters. Here's an in-depth
explanation of hierarchical clustering, along with examples,
architecture, and use cases:

1. Examples of Hierarchical Clustering:

Let's consider a few examples to illustrate hierarchical clustering:

● Document Clustering: Suppose you have a collection of
documents and want to group them into clusters based on their
textual similarity. Hierarchical clustering can help identify topics
or themes within the documents by grouping together documents
with similar content.
● Gene Expression Analysis: In bioinformatics, hierarchical
clustering is used to analyze gene expression data from
microarray experiments. By clustering genes with similar
expression profiles across different conditions or samples,
researchers can identify genes with similar functions or
regulatory patterns.
● Market Segmentation: Hierarchical clustering can be used in
marketing to segment customers based on their purchasing
behavior or demographic characteristics. By clustering
customers with similar buying patterns, marketers can tailor
their strategies to different customer segments more effectively.
● Image Segmentation: In computer vision, hierarchical clustering
can be applied to segment images into regions with similar
visual properties, such as color, texture, or shape. This is useful
for tasks like object detection and image segmentation in
medical imaging or satellite imagery analysis.

2. Architecture of Hierarchical Clustering:

Hierarchical clustering can be broadly categorized into two types:

agglomerative and divisive clustering.

● Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering:

● Initialization: Start with each data point as a singleton
● Merge: Iteratively merge the most similar clusters based
on a chosen distance metric until all data points belong to
a single cluster.
● Hierarchy Construction: Construct a dendrogram to
visualize the hierarchical structure of clusters, showing
the order in which clusters are merged and the distance at
which merges occur.
● Divisive Hierarchical Clustering:
● Initialization: Start with all data points in a single cluster.
● Split: Recursively split the clusters into smaller clusters
until each data point is in its own singleton cluster.
● Hierarchy Construction: Construct a dendrogram to
visualize the hierarchical decomposition of clusters,
showing the order in which clusters are split and the
distance at which splits occur.

3. Use Cases of Hierarchical Clustering:

Hierarchical clustering has various use cases across different domains:

● Exploratory Data Analysis: Hierarchical clustering is often used

for exploratory data analysis to uncover hidden patterns or
structures in the data. By visualizing the dendrogram, analysts
can gain insights into the relationships between data points and
identify clusters of interest.
● Taxonomy Construction: Hierarchical clustering is used in
biology to construct taxonomies or phylogenetic trees based on
genetic or phenotypic similarities between species. This helps
organize and classify biological entities into hierarchical
● Anomaly Detection: Hierarchical clustering can be applied to
detect anomalies or outliers in datasets by identifying data points
that do not belong to any cluster or form singleton clusters. This
is useful for detecting unusual patterns in data that may indicate
fraudulent activities or errors.
● Recommendation Systems: In e-commerce and content
recommendation systems, hierarchical clustering can be used to
group similar products or content items together. By clustering
items based on user preferences or item features,
recommendation systems can provide personalized
recommendations to users.
● Spatial Data Analysis: Hierarchical clustering is used in
geography and geology to analyze spatial data, such as climate
patterns, land use, or geological formations. By clustering spatial
data points based on their proximity or similarity, researchers
can identify spatial patterns and trends.

In summary, hierarchical clustering is a versatile clustering algorithm

with applications in various fields such as biology, marketing, computer
vision, and spatial data analysis. Its ability to reveal the hierarchical
structure of data makes it a powerful tool for exploring relationships
between data points and uncovering hidden patterns in complex

Part- C
1. List the applications of clustering and identify advantages and CO6
disadvantages of clustering algorithm. (14)
Clustering is a fundamental technique in unsupervised learning
used to group similar data points together. It finds applications

across a wide range of domains due to its ability to uncover

patterns and structures within data. Here are some common

applications of clustering along with their advantages and


Applications of Clustering:

1. Customer Segmentation:
● Description: Grouping customers based on
similarities in purchasing behavior, demographics,
or preferences.
● Advantages: Helps businesses tailor marketing
strategies, personalized recommendations, and
improve customer engagement.
● Disadvantages: May result in oversimplified
customer segments, difficulty in interpreting
complex clusters, and challenges in integrating
segmented strategies across different departments.
2. Image Segmentation:
● Description: Partitioning images into meaningful
regions based on visual similarities such as color,
texture, or intensity.
● Advantages: Facilitates object detection, image
retrieval, and medical image analysis.
● Disadvantages: Sensitivity to noise and lighting
variations, challenges in accurately delineating
boundaries, and difficulty in handling large-scale
image datasets.
3. Anomaly Detection:
● Description: Identifying unusual or abnormal
patterns in data that deviate from expected
● Advantages: Helps detect fraud, network intrusions,
equipment failures, and other anomalies in various
● Disadvantages: Imbalanced datasets may lead to
biased models, difficulty in defining what
constitutes an anomaly, and challenges in
distinguishing anomalies from noise.
4. Document Clustering:
● Description: Organizing documents into clusters
based on similarities in content, topic, or sentiment.
● Advantages: Facilitates document categorization,
information retrieval, and content recommendation.
● Disadvantages: Challenges in handling large and
high-dimensional text data, difficulty in capturing
semantic meaning, and sensitivity to preprocessing
5. Genomic Clustering:
● Description: Grouping genes or DNA sequences
based on similarities in expression patterns,
sequence homology, or functional annotations.
● Advantages: Aids in gene function prediction,
comparative genomics, and understanding
biological pathways.
● Disadvantages: Complexity in analyzing high-
throughput genomic data, challenges in integrating
clustering results with other omics data, and
difficulty in interpreting biological significance.
6. Market Basket Analysis:
● Description: Identifying associations and patterns in
transactional data to understand co-occurring
purchases and customer preferences.
● Advantages: Supports product recommendation,
inventory management, and pricing optimization.
● Disadvantages: Scalability issues with large
transactional datasets, challenges in handling
sparse and high-dimensional data, and potential
privacy concerns.

Advantages of Clustering:

● Data Exploration: Clustering helps identify hidden

patterns, structures, and relationships within data, aiding
in exploratory data analysis.
● Feature Extraction: Clustering can be used to reduce the
dimensionality of data by grouping similar features
together, leading to more efficient representation and
● Decision Making: Clustering results provide insights that
inform decision-making processes, strategy formulation,
and resource allocation.
● Automation: Clustering algorithms can automate the
process of grouping data points, saving time and effort in
manual categorization.
● Versatility: Clustering is applicable to various types of
data and domains, making it a versatile technique in
machine learning and data mining.
Disadvantages of Clustering:

● Subjectivity: The choice of clustering algorithm, distance

metric, and number of clusters can influence the clustering
results and may require subjective decision-making.
● Sensitivity to Parameters: Clustering algorithms often
require tuning of hyperparameters, such as the number of
clusters or initialization method, which can impact the
quality of clustering.
● Scalability: Some clustering algorithms may not scale well
to large datasets due to computational complexity,
memory requirements, or convergence issues.
● Interpretability: Clustering results may be difficult to
interpret, especially in high-dimensional or complex
datasets, leading to challenges in understanding and
explaining the underlying structures.
● Evaluation: Assessing the quality and validity of
clustering results can be challenging, as there may not
always be clear ground truth labels or objective measures
of cluster quality.

In summary, while clustering offers numerous advantages in

uncovering patterns and insights from data, it also poses

challenges such as subjectivity, parameter sensitivity, scalability

issues, interpretability concerns, and evaluation difficulties.

Understanding these advantages and disadvantages is crucial for

effectively applying clustering techniques in real-world


2. Explain the stochastic optimization methods for weight CO5

determination. (14)
Stochastic optimization methods for weight determination are
algorithms used to adjust the weights of parameters in machine learning
models, particularly in the context of neural networks. These methods
optimize the model's performance by iteratively updating the weights
based on the gradients of a loss function. Unlike traditional gradient-
based optimization methods, stochastic optimization techniques use
random sampling or noise to approximate the gradients, making them
more suitable for large-scale datasets and non-convex optimization
problems. Here are explanations of some common stochastic
optimization methods for weight determination:

1. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD):

● Description: SGD is a foundational optimization
algorithm used to train machine learning models by
iteratively updating the weights in the direction of the
steepest gradient of the loss function.
● Procedure: At each iteration, SGD randomly selects a
mini-batch of training samples and computes the
gradients of the loss function with respect to the weights
using only those samples. It then updates the weights by
taking a step in the direction opposite to the gradient.
● Advantages: SGD is computationally efficient and
memory-friendly, making it suitable for large datasets. It
can escape local minima and saddle points in the
optimization landscape due to its stochastic nature.
● Disadvantages: SGD can be noisy and exhibit high
variance in convergence, leading to oscillations in the
optimization process. It may require careful tuning of
hyperparameters such as the learning rate and mini-batch
2. Mini-Batch Gradient Descent:
● Description: Mini-batch gradient descent is a variation of
SGD that computes the gradients and updates the weights
using mini-batches of training samples, rather than
individual samples or the entire dataset.
● Procedure: Mini-batch gradient descent strikes a balance
between the efficiency of SGD and the stability of batch
gradient descent. It randomly selects mini-batches of
fixed size from the training data and computes the
gradients based on these mini-batches.
● Advantages: Mini-batch gradient descent combines the
benefits of SGD (efficiency) and batch gradient descent
(stability). It provides a smoother convergence trajectory
and better generalization compared to SGD.
● Disadvantages: Mini-batch gradient descent requires
tuning additional hyperparameters such as the mini-batch
size, which can affect convergence speed and
optimization performance.
3. Stochastic Average Gradient (SAG):
● Description: SAG is an extension of SGD that maintains
a running average of the gradients computed at each
iteration, providing a more stable estimate of the true
● Procedure: SAG updates the weights by computing the
gradient of the loss function with respect to each training
sample and then averaging these gradients over time. It
uses the averaged gradient to update the weights in each
● Advantages: SAG reduces the variance of the gradient
estimates compared to SGD, leading to smoother
convergence and improved optimization performance. It
requires fewer iterations to converge to a solution.
● Disadvantages: SAG requires additional memory to store
the averaged gradients, which can be a limiting factor for
large-scale datasets with high-dimensional feature
4. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum:
● Description: SGD with momentum enhances the
convergence behavior of SGD by introducing a
momentum term that accelerates the update process in
directions with consistent gradients and dampens
oscillations in directions with high variance.
● Procedure: SGD with momentum maintains a moving
average of the gradients and updates the weights by
adding a fraction of the previous update direction to the
current update direction. This momentum term helps
smooth out updates and accelerate convergence.
● Advantages: SGD with momentum accelerates
convergence, reduces oscillations, and improves the
stability of the optimization process. It can escape
shallow local minima more efficiently than standard
● Disadvantages: SGD with momentum introduces an
additional hyperparameter (momentum coefficient) that
needs to be tuned. In some cases, momentum can lead to
overshooting or oscillations in the optimization
5. Adaptive Learning Rate Methods (e.g., Adagrad, RMSprop,
● Description: Adaptive learning rate methods adjust the
learning rate dynamically based on the history of
gradients observed during training. These methods aim to
overcome the limitations of fixed learning rates and
accelerate convergence.
● Procedure: Adaptive learning rate methods adapt the
learning rate for each weight parameter based on the
magnitude of its gradients. They scale the learning rate
inversely proportional to the square root of the sum of
squared gradients (Adagrad), the exponentially weighted
moving average of squared gradients (RMSprop), or both
● Advantages: Adaptive learning rate methods
automatically adjust the learning rate for each parameter,
leading to faster convergence and improved optimization
performance. They are less sensitive to the choice of
learning rate hyperparameters.
● Disadvantages: Adaptive learning rate methods introduce
additional hyperparameters (e.g., decay rates, epsilon
values) that need to be tuned. They may exhibit erratic
behavior or convergence issues for certain datasets or

Advantages of Stochastic Optimization Methods for Weight


● Efficiency: Stochastic optimization methods are

computationally efficient and memory-friendly, making
them suitable for large-scale datasets and high-
dimensional feature spaces.
● Convergence: Stochastic optimization methods can escape
local minima and saddle points in the optimization
landscape due to their stochastic nature, leading to
improved convergence behavior.
● Scalability: Stochastic optimization methods can handle
non-convex and high-dimensional optimization problems,
making them applicable to a wide range of machine
learning tasks.
● Flexibility: Stochastic optimization methods offer
flexibility in tuning hyperparameters such as the learning
rate, momentum coefficient, and mini-batch size, allowing
for customization based on the specific requirements of
the optimization problem.

Disadvantages of Stochastic Optimization Methods for Weight


● Variance: Stochastic optimization methods exhibit high

variance in convergence due to the random sampling of
data points or noise, leading to oscillations or erratic
behavior during optimization.
● Sensitivity to Hyperparameters: Stochastic optimization
methods require careful tuning of hyperparameters such
as the learning rate, momentum coefficient, and mini-
batch size, which can impact convergence speed and
optimization performance.
● Memory Requirements: Some stochastic optimization
methods, such as adaptive learning rate methods, may
require additional memory to store intermediate
quantities such as squared gradients or momentum terms,
limiting their scalability for very large datasets.
● Complexity: Stochastic optimization methods introduce
additional complexity in the optimization process,
particularly in terms of selecting the appropriate method,
tuning hyperparameters, and interpreting optimization

In summary, stochastic optimization methods for weight

determination offer several advantages such as efficiency,

convergence, scalability, and flexibility, but they also have

limitations such as variance, sensitivity to hyperparameters,

memory requirements, and complexity. Understanding these

advantages and disadvantages is essential for selecting and

effectively applying stochastic optimization methods in machine

learning and neural network training.

3. Draw the architecture of a Multilayer perceptron (MLP) and CO5

explain its operation. Mention its advantages and disadvantages
The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is a type of feedforward neural
network consisting of multiple layers of neurons, including input,
hidden, and output layers. Here's a description of the architecture of an
MLP and how it operates, followed by its advantages and

Architecture of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP):

An MLP typically consists of three types of layers:

1. Input Layer: The input layer contains neurons representing the

input features of the data. Each neuron corresponds to one input
feature, and the number of neurons in the input layer is equal to
the dimensionality of the input data.
2. Hidden Layers: The hidden layers are intermediate layers
between the input and output layers, where the actual
computation occurs. Each hidden layer contains multiple
neurons (also called units or nodes), and the number of hidden
layers and neurons per layer is determined by the architecture of
the network. Each neuron in a hidden layer receives inputs from
all neurons in the previous layer, applies weights to these inputs,
and passes the result through an activation function to produce
an output.
3. Output Layer: The output layer produces the final predictions or
classifications based on the transformed input data. The number
of neurons in the output layer depends on the nature of the task
(e.g., regression, binary classification, multiclass classification),
with one neuron for each possible output class or value.
Here's a simple illustration of the architecture of an MLP:

Input Layer: Hidden Layers: Output Layer:

[ Input Neuron 1 ] [ Hidden Neuron 1 ] [ Output Neuron 1 ]
[ Input Neuron 2 ] [ Hidden Neuron 2 ] [ Output Neuron 2 ]
. . .
. . .
. . .
[ Input Neuron N ] [ Hidden Neuron M ] [ Output Neuron K ]

Operation of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP):

The operation of an MLP involves the following steps:

1. Forward Propagation: During forward propagation, input data is

fed into the input layer, and the activations propagate forward
through the hidden layers to the output layer. Each neuron in the
hidden layers applies weights to the input data, combines them,
and passes the result through an activation function (e.g.,
sigmoid, ReLU) to produce an output. This process continues
layer by layer until the final output is obtained.
2. Prediction/Classification: Once the input data has propagated
through the network, the output layer produces the final
predictions or classifications based on the transformed input
data. For regression tasks, the output may represent continuous
values, while for classification tasks, the output may represent
probabilities or class labels.
3. Backpropagation: After obtaining the predictions, the network
calculates the error or loss between the predicted output and the
true target values using a loss function (e.g., mean squared error,
cross-entropy loss). Backpropagation is then used to update the
weights of the network in the opposite direction of the gradient
of the loss function, minimizing the error and optimizing the
network's performance. This process involves computing the
gradients of the loss function with respect to the weights using
the chain rule of calculus and adjusting the weights accordingly
using an optimization algorithm (e.g., gradient descent, Adam).

Advantages of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP):

● Nonlinearity: MLPs can learn complex nonlinear relationships in

data, making them suitable for a wide range of tasks, including
regression, classification, and function approximation.
● Universal Approximation: With a sufficient number of hidden
neurons, MLPs can approximate any continuous function,
providing a powerful function approximation framework.
● Feature Learning: MLPs automatically learn hierarchical
representations of input data through the hidden layers,
capturing abstract features and patterns in the data.
● Versatility: MLPs can be applied to various types of data and
tasks, including structured data, images, text, and time series,
making them versatile models in machine learning.

Disadvantages of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP):

● Overfitting: MLPs are prone to overfitting, especially when

dealing with high-dimensional data or complex architectures.
Regularization techniques such as dropout and L2 regularization
are often used to mitigate overfitting.
● Hyperparameter Tuning: MLPs require tuning hyperparameters
such as the number of hidden layers, number of neurons per
layer, learning rate, activation functions, and regularization
parameters, which can be time-consuming and computationally
● Local Minima: MLP training is susceptible to getting stuck in
local minima or saddle points in the optimization landscape,
especially for non-convex loss functions, which can hinder
convergence and degrade performance.
● Interpretability: The inner workings of MLPs can be difficult to
interpret, making it challenging to understand how they arrive at
their predictions and interpret the learned features, limiting their
interpretability in some applications.

In summary, MLPs are powerful neural network models capable of

learning complex patterns and relationships in data, but they require
careful parameter tuning and regularization to avoid overfitting and
achieve optimal performance. They are widely used in various fields
such as image recognition, natural language processing, and financial
forecasting due to their versatility and capability to handle diverse types
of data and tasks.

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