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Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Putri Regina Octaviana(043076123)

Export and Import in Indonesia

The activities of a country to bring in goods from abroad are called imports. Meanwhile, the
activity of selling goods abroad is called exporting. Exports and imports are forms of international
trade that are commonly carried out by every country. This is because export and import
activities have an important role and have an impact on a country's economy. Export activities
are usually carried out by a country if the country produces goods in large quantities and the
need for these goods has been met within the country. So, the excess goods are sent to other
countries to be sold.Meanwhile, importing is the activity of buying a product or item from
The purpose of exports and imports is to control domestic product prices. Increase company
profits through market expansion and to obtain better selling prices (profit optimization).
Growing domestic industry. Increase the country's foreign exchange. The purpose of export
activities is to increase company profits through market expansion and obtain better selling
prices to optimize profits. To open new markets abroad apart from the domestic or local market.
Meanwhile, the benefit of import activities itself is that it allows a country to obtain raw
materials, goods and services for products that are limited in quantity domestically or that cannot
be produced domestically. This indirectly supports the stability of the country.
Examples of export activities include Indonesia exporting palm oil, coffee and rubber to
various countries in the world, such as Malaysia, China, Japan, Germany, Canada and other
countries. Meanwhile, an example of import activity is Indonesia, which every year imports oil
from Middle Eastern countries.

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