TAT Processes List

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Series A Processes (Stiffness) Series B (Lability) Processes Series C (Conflict Avoidance) Processes E-Series Processes (Emergences

from Primary Processes)


A1-1 Description with attachment to B1-1 Focus on interpersonal CF-1 Focus on the Everyday, the Factual, E1-1 Manifest object scotomo
detail with or without justification relationships, dialogue the Doing – Reference to External E1-2 Perception of rare or bizarre
of interpretation B1-2 Introduction of characters not Reality details with or without arbitrary
A1-2 Details: temporal, spatial, quantified shown in the image CF-2 Circumstantial Affects – References justification
A1-3 Social, common sense and moral B1-3 Expression of affects to External Standards - the mention of details present
references - Affects of circumstance on the board,
A1-4 Literary, cultural references - References to external standards -Arbitrary justification

E1-3 Sensory Perceptions – False

A2-1 Recourse to the fictitious, to the B2 DRAMATIZATION IC-1 General tendency towards restriction
dream B2-1 Direct input into expression; (long latency and/or significant intra- E1-4 Perception of deteriorated
A2-2 Intellectualization Exclamations; Personal comments; narrative silences, need to ask objects or sick, malformed
A2-3 Denial Theatricality; Story with twists and turns questions, refusal tendency, refusal) characters
A2-4 Focus on intrapersonal conflict -Direct entry into the expression CI-2 Reasons for unspecified conflicts,
Going back and forth between impulse - Exclamations and comments trivialization, anonymity of characters E2 PROJECTION MASSIVENESS
expression and defense - Theatricality -Reasons for unspecified conflicts E2-1 Correspondence of theme to
Story with twists and turns -Trivialization stimulus, perseveration, off-
B2-2 Strong or exaggerated affects -Anonymity of characters image fabulation, hermetic
A3 - OBSESSIVE PROCEDURES B2-3 Contrasting representations and/or CI-3 Anxiety-provoking elements followed symbolism
A3-1 Doubt: verbal precautions, affects or preceded by stops in speech - Correspondence of the theme
hesitation between different Going back and forth between to the stimulus
interpretations, rehashing contradictory desires CN NARCISSISTIC INVESTMENT - Perseveration refers to the
A3-2 Cancellation -Contrasting representations and/or CN-1 Focus on the Subjective Experienced compulsion of repetition.
A3-3 Reaction formation affects – Personal References - Fabulation out of frame
A3-4 Isolation between representations -Going back and forth between -Emphasis on subjective experience - Abstraction and Hermetic
or between representation and contradictory desires -Personal references Symbolism
affect. Minimized affect B2-4 Representations of actions CN-2 Narcissistic details – Idealization of E2-2 Evocation of the wrong object,
- Abrupt change in the course of associated or not with emotional states of self/and/or object representation themes of persecution, arbitrary
history fear, catastrophe, vertigo (valence + or -) search for the intentionality of
- Character isolation CN-3 Tabulation – Title affect – the image and/or physiognomy
- Large or small details evoked Meaningful posture of affects or attitudes. Megalomaniac
and not integrated B3 HYSTERICAL PROCESSES -Tabulation idealization
- Minimized affect -Affect title -Evocation of the wrong object,

B3-1 Highlighting affects in the service of - Significant posture of affects themes of persecution
the repression of representations -Arbitrary search for the
B3-2 Eroticization of relationships, CN-4 Emphasis on limits and contours and intentionality of the image
transparent symbolism, narcissistic sensory qualities -Idealization of megalomaniac type
details with seduction value CN-5 Specular relations
-B3-3 Lability in identifications E2-3 Expressions of affects and/or
massive representations; Raw
CL BOUNDARY INSTABILITY expressions related to a sexual
CL-1 Porosity of boundaries (between or aggressive theme
narrator/subject of the story; between -Affects or massive representations
inside/outside...) -Raw expressions:
LC-2 Perceptual and/or sensory support
CL-3 Heterogeneity of modes of operation E3 DISORGANIZATION OF IDENTITY AND
(internal/external ;p OBJECTIVE LANDMARKS
erceptive/symbolic; E3-1 Confusion of identities:
concrete/abstract...) telescoping of roles
CL-4 Cleavage E3-2 Instability of objects
-Cleavage of the object E3-3 Temporal disorganization,
-Cleavage of the self spatial or logical causality
-Temporal and spatial
CM ANTI-DEPRESSANT PROCEDURES disorganization: this process is a
CM-1 Emphasis on the prop function of confusion between the various
the object (valence + or -) Call to the -Disorganization of logical
clinician causality: this process reveals
the lack of relevance
CM-2 Hyperinstability of identifications
CM-3 Pirouettes, twirls, winks, irony, E4-1 Syntax disorders, verbal cracks
humor E4-2 Indeterminacy, blurring of
E4-3 Short combinations
E4-4 Associations by contiguity, by

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